Naughty Naughty VERY NAUGHTY

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{Note :- No,  this is not a note for mature content... Unfortunately. But just FYI this chapter is crazy af... So please be prepared for the same...yes, it's going to be crazier than usual.}

Am I a little drunk while typing this chapter....maybe... maybe not. Am I allowed to drink?... I totally am allowed... Should I be writing when I am little drunk?... Well, we will know soon enough.. Lol.

By the way, you guys should totally check out BLACK , The YiZhan fic by eroticfictionauthor if you haven't done so already...It's fucking amazing is what it is. I can guarantee it. Afterall I have not written it... I wish I had... But I have not... I may or may not have read it before typing this chapter. And, NO, she has absolutely no idea that I am going to mention her name here.

My note to Luv
(it's a secret note so please refrain from reading it... Or not)

{Hey... Luv.. *that's what I call her... the author of Black* sorry that I tagged you.. I am not being gay rt now... I just love your book a lot... Not that there is anything wrong with being gay ❤}

It is said that within every person, there resides an angel and a demon. Of course, angel symbolises our good, *insert all the virtues you can think of* deeds and actions.... Demon on the other hand symbolises our dark side... the mischievous side...our naughty side.
And we all try to be angels most of the time... And most of the times we are perfectly good.... *cough*
But sometimes, somethings happen, that make us want to break our own rules and we do. We break our resolutions and we act on our wants... desires... needs.... *cough*
In any case, these deed, actions etc, my dear friends, we convinently blame on the demon in us. And it's correct to a certain extent, because if we don't, we will end up blaming ourselves and make ourselves miserable.
For example, I am on a diet, but there is a very naked... I mean completely exposed chocolate brownie right in front of me... calling to me... begging me to sink my teeth into it's deliciousness and savour it's flavor in my mouth... wanting more... as the bitter sweet flavor assaults my senses and I moan softly wanting more...
*Damn it I got distracted... Just FYI, I was only talking about the chocolate brownie... Not anything else.. I was not thinking about Wang YiBo at all...*Cough*

Now you guys are wondering why the hell am I going on about naughty and nice... it's not Christmas yet and neither am I Santa.
Trust me, you will know soon enough.

Let us start where we left off, that is our boys in an awkward situation.

Zhan's face and tone, turns serious. He tilts his head trying to make sense of what YiBo had just told him. "Yi....Lan Zhan, if it's not too much to ask....? Zhan trails off. 'I don't have the right. We are not that close.' The older man thinks regretfully.

YiBo smirks, "Wei Ying, you are not the kind to shy away from anything...are you?" The younger says, taking a step towards the older.

Zhan's gaze shifts to YiBo's glorious torso *Yes, that is my way of reminding you all the our boy Yibo is indeed shirtless!*
He gulps... he may or may not have salivated a little at the sight of a particularly beautiful piece of art work, that is Yibo's fabulous naked top half.
Zhan finds himself frozen on the spot.
No, it's not that there is glue on the floor and Zhan's feet are stuck.
It's YiBo's gaze, that has Xiao Zhan frozen on the spot. YiBo's gaze is smoldering as they fall on Xiao Zhan's bow shaped full lips.

'Is he looking at my lips.... Nope.. that's just crazy... I mean there is no way in hell that he is looking at....' It is at this moment that Zhan is reminded of the not so bromantic moment that the two had shared just a day prior in the restroom of a reputed restaurant.
He gulps. "Lan... Lan Zhan, it was nothing."

"Wei Ying, don't you want to know who has my heart?" YiBo says taking another step towards Zhan.

Zhan stutters, "L.. Lan Zhan, it's fine. I don't have the right."
Zhang immediately regrets his choice of words and looks away before continuing, "I mean... it's per....Oops! YiBo Laushi!" Zhan yelps as YiBo covers the distance between them and pulls Zhan in by his waist.

"Wei Ying... " YiBo seductively whispers into Xiao Zhan's ears, "you have a right to know everything." YiBo smirks again as Zhan's breath hitches. Zhan misses the younger man's mischievous smirk. All he can feel are strong bare arms wrapped around his waist and warm breath on his neck. The combination sends shivers down Xiao Zhan's spine. Zhan can't help but notice how hard YiBo is.

*guys I am talking about YiBo's six pack abs... Please pull your minds out of the dark place.... Damnit that sounded wrong... but you know what I mean*

A need to touch the hardness, over takes Zhan's senses *still talking about abs... cough* but since he is still under the illusion that he is straight, he crushes that thought... unfortunately.

But now, Zhan wants to know.. No, he needs to know who is the lucky man whose bed, his YiBo... I mean his bro YiBo, is warming!?

Zhan gathers his courage and looks into the younger man's eyes, "Then tell me who it is."

"Wei Ying... " YiBo almost moans at the intensity with which Xiao Zhan is looking at him. There is uncertainty... Yes.... But there is jealousy and possessiveness in the older man's eyes too. And YiBo loves it....he wants more. He cups Zhan's face and brings their faces closer
"This Lan Zhan," YiBo continues to whisper seductively while taking Zhan's hand and guiding it over his naked chest and torso, "And all of this, only belongs to Wei Ying."

Now you guys need to calm the fuck down ok. Breath... I told you how respiratory system works right...Yes, that one... Good.
So you guys are wondering whether YiBo has a death wish.
Simple, maybe he does or maybe he doesn't... I don't know.
*Yes I am aware that I am the one writing this story and I should know. But let's just say that I want to surprise*

Now you guys are probably cursing me because I am writing this update in a drunk state... But I can assure you that things will happen OK!

Moving on.

"What!?" Zhan exclaims at YiBo's confession. But as soon as Zhan opens his mouth YiBo gets completely immersed in his character and captures Wei Ying's... I mean Xiao Zhan's lips between his and pulls the older man closer.
Without wasting a single second, his tongue enters Zhan's mouth and tastes the sweetness of the pudding Zhan had had for breakfast.

"Amm! Ammmmm!" Zhan murmurs when he realizes what is happening. Which is give or take a few seconds.

And what was Zhan thinking in those few seconds?
Nothing, he was thinking absolutely nothing... He was definitely not thinking how Yibo's breath smells like mint and his lips are as soft as melting butter kept out in the afternoon sun... and his rock hard.... Body... gives a feeling of being in sandlewood forest! Nope. Not at all.

Any who, when Zhan comes back to his senses, he remembers that they are straight men damnit! Ok.. Maybe YiBo wasn't, but he, Xiao Zhan is! And how dare this junior assault him like this!? And this needs to stop! So want if it feels good af!?... Wait Xiao Zhan absolutely doesn't think that that feels good!

"Ammm!" Zhan murmurs against Yibo's mouth and YiBo breaks the kiss. But even before Zhan can feel relieved, YiBo's hand on Zhan's waist tightens and with the other he pulls at Zhan's collar and puts his mouth on the older's collar bone and sucks.

"Ah!" Zhan moans and subconsciously tilts his head giving YiBo complete access to his neck.

'Zhan ge, you like that, I see.' Yibo thinks, moving them towards the wall all the while sucking on the nape of Zhan's neck.
Zhan closes his eyes and his hands come up to rest on Yibo's shoulders...squeezing the hard muscles....*I am talking about hard shoulder muscles*.

A small gasp leaves Zhan's lips when his back hits the wall.
YiBo stops and looks at Zhan's flushed face."Wei Ying.... I want you." YiBo whispers, stepping between Zhan's legs and once again capturing his lips.
The murmurs of protest turn into hums and moans of wants. Zhan opens his mouth willingly, wanting YiBo to enter and take... take whatever he wants.

And YiBo does, he places light and rough kisses on Zhan's lips, cheeks and neck. His hand moves lower and cups Zhan's bottom. That drags a low deep growl from Zhan's chest.
YiBo stops and looks into Xiao Zhan's chocolate brown orbs, "You are so beautiful, my Wei Ying."

Zhan pants as he looks into YiBo's deep intense eyes... Eyes that are asking for permission to do more... Give more... And Zhan wants to take... Take more.... He doesn't understand how they ended up in this situation. He knows that there is something that he shouldn't be doing, but exactly what it is that he shouldn't be doing escapes him.

Just FYI, the thing that has escaped Zhan's mind is the fact that he is supposed to be straight..*lol*

Zhan really wants to say, 'Maybe we shouldn't be doing this.'
But that's not what he says. What he says...rather he moans is , "Lan Zhan....Fuck.!" and throws, his arms around Lan Zhan... I mean YiBo.

Why did he moan you ask?
Simple, YiBo in his excitement, may or may not have grazed his finger at a particularly sensitive area situated on the lower half of Zhan's body... Cough.

YiBo presses himself closer and buries his face in Wei Ying's... I mean Xiao Zhan's neck and starts leaving a trail of kisses...Zhan hums his approval...
Things start getting hard... really hard... Things start leaking.
*Damn it people! It's getting hard for them to control their emotions, and their feelings are leaking... Give my boys some credit!* ...*cough*

It is precisely at this moment that there is a rather loud knock on the door... It's Wen Ning. "Young Masters," he calls out, "Jiejie is calling for you."

As expected, the two bromantically involved bros (doing completely bromantic things, in their shared bed room...I mean shared room which just happens to have two single beds....) spring away from each other. Both are flushed and both are panting.
But the moment is broken... (Just like in my other book *The Lonely Bridge...cough*) by Wen Ning.

It's not Wen Ning's fault, not really. How was he to know that he is interrupting a very bromantic moment!!

When he doesn't get a response he shouts again, "Masters, I am leaving. Please come to the hall soon."
With that said, Wen Ning leaves like the innocent cinnamon roll that he is.

Zhan looks at Yibo with confusion and tension visible on his face and his posture. 'How can YiBo be so relaxed after what just happened?' Zhan wonders.

As soon as YiBo hears Wen Ning leave, he bursts out into his gremlin laugh.
"Zhan ge, why are you looking at me like that? We were method acting right? I mean, you took off your shirt and challenged me to prove that I can look like I am completely into you... I mean Wei Ying, right?"

Zhan looks more confused than before and hesitates, "But...I don't remember asking you to... "

YiBo looks and acts surprised, "Zhan ge! Are you telling me that you were not acting right now!?" YiBo steps closer once again and his voice deepens, "Zhan ge, are you telling me you were really liking what I was doing to you?"

"What!?... That's not... " Zhan starts, but is once again interrupted by Yibo.
"Zhan GE, do you like men... do you like m... "

"NO!" Zhan exclaims, "Of course not." He bites out and turns away, "I am not gay YiBo Laushi." he says in a small voice. 'What is wrong with me? I liked it... I did... I wanted...I still want... Am I gay?...but I have never felt like this before... Or am I just too involved in Wei Ying's character... So involved that I see him as mine...No... that's not it... I like him... But he is straight and he has someone.... someone he spent the night with... FUCK! Am I crushing on a man!????? Am I crush on my co star????? Am I crushing on a man who is taken and is my junior and my co- star!?'

When Zhan is debating with himself YiBo smiles...Yes, Zhan had told him that he was not gay, and Zhan had told him that he doesn't like him...but YiBo was more than sure that that was a lie. A lie, his Zhan ge was telling himself.

Yes, YiBo knows that what he had just said and done was wrong. He knows that he probably should not have done that... He knows that he had been Naughty... Very Naughty.
But as I said before, it was not him, it was the demon inside him, that had made him do it... YiBo is a human being after all.. so it is but natural that his demon shows itself.. sometimes.. This just happened to be one of those times.. *evil laughter*

Moreover, YiBo was sure that if not gay, Zhan was, at least a little bi. Bi for him. YiBo also now knew, that it was only going to take a little persistence and waiting, till Zhan would take him.... Or you know, be taken by him...because, Yibo is flexible that way... *it is exactly what you guys are thinking...COUGH*

Zhan turns to face the younger man and can't help but observe Yibo's sharp eyes, full lips, milky white skin and those deadly six pack abs... Zhan knows that he is starting... yet he can't help it, he can't bring himself to look away.
"Zhan ge...?" YiBo asks, fringing mock hesitation and bites his bottom lip.
*Yes, Yibo knows exactly what he his doing.*
Zhan's eyes fall on Yibo's lips and his eyes widen.

*not a typing error*
Zhan thinks as color rises to his cheeks and he comes to a stark realization, 'Damn it....I like him!!!!'

{Note :- First of, I am not drunk at the moment.. Lol. You can literally pin point the exact moment when I sobered up.. Yes, when Wen Ning knocks 😂

That's it for today's update.
Please guys Vote if you have enjoyed this update.

Because leaving a hand full of readers (you know who you guys are... I love you) not many seem to be interested in this crazy fic 😞

Hope you enjoyed this update.

Thank you for supporting Dusk and Dawn by voting for it in Atla Awards ❤
Though it's not going to win, but I am really touched at all the support it got 🤗

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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