Shots of Vinegar 😈

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Sometimes I wonder, why anyone would willing choose to read this story.
No.. No.. Don't get me wrong, I 100% appreciate you guys who are actually reading this disaster of a story, and I feel obligated to thank you for your patience.
Patience is a virtue... It's also something most of us, lack...which is closely followed by perseverance, which like patience, most of us lack..
No, no, don't get me wrong. I am not talking about you guys. You guys have a lot of patience and perseverance, why else would you stick with this crazy ass fic, when you could be reading something amazing and beautiful like The 2nd Chance by NatalieTaehyung

Don't worry, I have not written it. So I can assure you that it's freaking awesome.

Ah... I know what you are going to say. You will say that you have already read it. Well good for you then.
See, I told you you guys have patience and perseverance and awesome taste in fan fiction 👍😁

And now you guys are wondering why the heck am I talking about patience and perseverance. After all this is not spiritual book. And you are not wrong. This is definitely not a spiritual book.
In fact, I can not begin to stress how non spiritual this book is.

*Btw is non spiritual even a phrase?. If not, then it should be, right?*

Sorry, I got I just realized that this time the reason for me getting distracted was not YiBo and his glorious naked torso... Fuck... Now I am thinking about it.

Strike that. Apparently, YiBo continues to remain a major source of distraction in my life. I apologize.
But it's not my fault. If anyone is to blame, it's Yibo's parents, his makeup men, his physical trainers, his dietitian *insert all those who are responsible for the way he looks like sex on legs on a daily basis!*

So, as I mentioned before I got distracted, patience and perseverance are qualities, that one of our boys lacks, when it comes to matters of the heart.

That boy, is none other than a certain Xiao Zhan, who has once again found himself in a rather compromising situation.

After coming to a realization that he, a very straight man, may have feelings of non hetrosexual nature for his Co star, Zhan does what any confused bisexual man still trying to ignore that part of him what wants to do a man, would probably do.

He decides to ignore it, for the time being.

"Lan Zhan, we are getting late." He says, walking into the washroom to take care of certain hard situations.

You guys are thinking about hard situations down under right!
How dare you!!!
Come on guys, give my boy some credit, he wants to clear his head is all.

The other hard situation....yes, the one you guys thought as soon as I mentioned hard, had taken care of itself when he had realized that he might be gay for a certain BoDi.

You see, panic can do that.

Anyway, moving on.

Once, inside, Zhan decides to take a cold shower... you know, just in case.

Zhan taking a shower has got nothing to do with my two active brain cells wanting to... *cough*

In the meanwhile, YiBo gets dressed. Thankfully, Zhan comes out fully dressed.

Why thankfully you ask?
Because, if he would have come out in a state of undress it would just have led to more potentially awkward bromantic situations, and that would have effected the shooting schedule... Yes, in case my long winded way of writing has made you forget that this story is indeed about how The Untamed was filmed and not about our boys freaking out about or suppressing, their inner gayness...I mean their bromantic need for the other. *cough*

The two male leads make their way to the hall where everyone is already present. The two men, apologies for the delay and take their positions one top of the other... My apologies... I mean they take their position next to each other.

Once everyone is in place Yang Xia Jiejie announces, "From today we will start the physical training for men."

Everyone nods.

Jiejie continues, "The women will go through etiquette and diction training."

Then she looks behind, gesturing MXTX who is once again waiting in an inconspicuous location in the room, to address the crowd.

She smiles at the cast members and speaks politely, "I hope in the past few days, you have gotten used to calling each other by your character names. Now I would like to make a few changes." The young girl pauses before continuing, "A week from today, we will be going to the outdoors shooting locations, during which time, I would like everyone to spend their time with their sect members. Meaning, the Jiang clan cast members will stay in one dorm, the Jin clan will share a dorm etc."

With that said, she steals a look at her leading men, both of whom look like they have jumped in a pool of vinegar and consumed unhealthy amounts of the sour liquid.

She smiles and thinks, 'This is exactly what I was hoping to see.'

JieJie speaks, "I hope there is no confusion...of course, once again the women will all be clubed together."

The women, who had already become quite close to each other, welcome the announcement. Meanwhile, our boys try to school their features and try to look excited.

The training starts, and like the extremely professional boys that they absolutely are, Zhan and YiBo concentrate on the training.

As luck would have it, the trainer, a man with bulging biceps starts taking active interest in Zhan. Everyone, including Zhan, ignores it... well everyone except BoDi that is.

As the day goes by, it gets more and more difficult for him to ignore the way the trainer is touching Zhan's forearms, his neck, his hips, his waist... You get the point rt?

Well for the most part the trainer was not at fault. It was after all his job to fix everyone's posture and stance. And if he was getting a little more touchy than required, then can we really blame him!? I mean, have you seen how Fucking Hot Xiao Zhan is!?
And most importantly, Zhan was very comfortable with the touches so you see, it was YiBo's active imagination that was being very very... active.

And as is usually the case, when we don't pay attention to what we are doing, mistakes are bound to happen... And that is exactly what happened here as well.

With his concentration directed at Zhan, YiBo forgets his moves, and forgets to block the attack, and the wooden sword that was supposed to meet his sword...*I am talking about actual swords* lands on his shoulder instead, making him wince.

"Ah!" Yibo a totally manly way, and holds his shoulder.

As expected, the first one to run to his side is none other than Zhan.

"Yi.... Lan Zhan!" He says snaking his arm around Yibo's waist.. to support him obviously... Let it be said though, that YiBo's feet were absolutely fine and he definitely did not need Zhan's around his waist. Let it also be said that the said injured man was nonetheless very happy to be held so intimately by his crush... I mean BAE... I mean bro.

YiBo brain short circuits at the feel of Zhan's arm around himself, and he leans in closer.

"Wei Ying... " He whispers softly in Zhan's ears, "I am fine... " He makes sure that he sounds breathless. His voice under any other circumstance would be called a breathy moan...but fuck that, cause everything is fair, in love and war. YiBo being more of a proactive man, licks the shell of Zhan's ears, for good measure, and makes it look like an accident.

*not a typing error*
Zhan thinks, as shivers run down his spine.

Yang Xia Jiejie almost rushes towards the two, when a strong arm on her shoulder, stops her. It's MXTX.

"Let them be...actually, ask the to go to their room." MXTX suggests.

"Why?" Jiejie asks looking at the young girl questioningly.

"YiBo Laushi needs to be looked at by a doctor, and most of the fight sequences involve Yibo to fight alongside Zhan."

Jiejie wants to tell MXTX, that what the cast is going through is just basic training, they have not reached the sage where the two would be needed together but she holds her tongue when she sees a naughty smile playing on the young girl's lips.

"Fine." She nods at MXTX and goes to YiBo who is already surrounded by the cast and crew who are fussing about YiBo's injury.

"Enought." She says loudly. "Let me look at it." she adds, walking closer.

She finds Yibo leaning on Zhan's chest, clearly trying to play the hero.

"YiBo Laushi, can you move your arm?" She asks the young man and YiBo tries to move his arm.

His face contorts in pain, and he hisses.

"Okay...okay. Don't move it too much." She instructs and turns to the rest of the cast members, "Please go back to practicing the moves."

Then Jiejie, looks at Yibo and Zhan before instructing, "Zhan Laushi, will you be able to help Yibo Laushi to your dorm room?"

Zhan nods, "Sure ok."

"I will send the doctor ASAP. Please stay with him for the day." Yang Xia adds.

The men nod and leave for their room.

Once they reach, Zhan slowly lowers YiBo on his bed.

"I am sorry Wei Ying." YiBo mutters under his breath.

"Why are you apologizing to me?" Zhan asks, pouring a glass of water for YiBo.

"You are going to miss today's session because of me." The younger answers and pouts.


No.. No.. No, these are not random emojis. They are how Zhan's heart had reacted looking at YiBo pouting.
Now might I point out that at this point in time, Zhan was hundred percent sure that he was at least a little if not totally, gay for YiBo, who, the older thought was completely straight.
Afterall YiBo had not come out *pun intended* and told Zhan that he was indeed crushing on Zhan and wanted to be Lan Zhan and do him everyday *cough*

*Goes to look for cough drops*

Ok, let me just get it out there before I continue. Since The Untamed happened to me, everytime anyone says Everyday, my brain adds another Everyday to it and then convinently starts imagining not so innocent... completely non hetrosexual... Things... And then I thank God that I am not a man. Cause I would not want to encounter hard situations, without release, on a daily basis 🤷‍♀😈

Moving on.

"Lan Zhan, it's fine, I don't mind." Zhan says without looking at Yibo.

YiBo opens his mouth to say something, but there is a knock on the door and Zhan opens it, only, it's not the doctor as Zhan had expected, it's Lan XiChen.

"Zewu Jun." Wei Ying says, looking past the cinnamon roll, before adding, "Where is the doctor?"

"He is on his way," The cinnamon roll says and enters the room, his eyes glued on Yibo, "Wangji, what happened?"

Anger boils in Wei Ying's... I mean Xiao Zhan's heart, 'Mine!' his heart screams, and before Yibo can answer XiChen, Zhan holds the older Lan's wrist and stops him, "Zewu Jun, what are you doing here, you should be at practice."

Both XiChen and Zhan, miss the evil glint in Yibo's eyes and the naughty smirk on his face.

"I was late, I just wanted to know if he is alright, Wei Ying." Zewu Jun answers calmly.

"Wei Ying, my shoulder is hurting...can you please see what's taking the doctor so long?" YiBo requests.

"But you will... " Zhan starts to object, but Zewu Jun interrupts.

"Wei Ying, don't worry, your husband...I mean your friend, is in good hands." Zewu Jun removes his wrist from Zhan's grasp, and pats his shoulder, then adds, "Don't you trust take care of him?"

Zhan gulps. 'WTF am I doing? He is a co star and a friend.' The logical part of his brain supplies.

But almost at the same time the illogical, jealous part of his brain adds, 'No one else came to check on Yibo personally, then why did Hai kuan!?...Also, remember how friendly they were before...smiling and bumping fists with each other... No, you can't let them be alone.'

"No." Zhan says shaking his head, "I mean, Jiejie has asked me to be here.... Zewu Jun, I think you should leave... I don't want you to get in trouble with Jiejie." Zhan says, trying to sound reasonable.

Hai Kuan nods, and looks at Yibo, "Wangji, are you still up for it?" He asks, sounding hella cryptic.

'The fuck is he talking about?' Zhan wonders bitterly.

"Mn." YiBo nods, smiling sweetly.

Zhan drinks a few shots of the proverbial vinegar. Neat.

Hai Kuan returns the smile and leaves, but before Zhan closes the door on him he turns and says softly, completely in character, "I am hoping you will good care of Wangji."

Zhan feels a certain way about the sentence... It would be better to say that he has mixed feeling about it.

Closing the door, Zhan returns to YiBo's side, and sits next to him.
Yibo notices tears in Zhan's eyes and alarm bells go off in his brain. 'Did they switch!?' he wonders, and not a second later, Zhan cups Yibo's face, and pouts.

"Hanguang Jun, you should have been more careful." Zhan says, leaning in, and placing a gentle kiss on Yibo's lips.

*not a typing error*

YiBo thinks, closing his mouth shut, and widening his eyes.
FZhan, is not someone who YiBo wants to deal with, in his injured state.

{Note :- Sorry for the delayed update guys. I am focusing on The Lonely Bridge and my other two books at the moment.
I will try to update sooner.

Please Vote to show your support for this update if you have enjoyed it.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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