Scary Night (Shimasen)

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Urasaka little interaction in this story as well

A little bit about the story

Sakata and Senra were new transfer students. So as a class monitor, Urata Wataru along with his best friend, Shima lead those two and told them everything they need to know to survive in a new high school, and the two slowly become a best friend with Shima and Urata in a short amount of time. One day, there's a rumor started to spread out, told everyone that the old music classroom on the old block of the school was haunted.

Urata who's curious than ever asked Shima to join him. Despite the purple head was scare and anxious but he still accepts with the hope that the tanuki will buy him a new limited edition of a video game just as he promise to.


One day, when those precious boys as usual hanging on, at a school roof talked about a random trending song from Nico Nico Douga until the brunette brought out about the haunted music classroom.

"E-eh the haunted music classroom?", asked the redhead while fixed his sight on the short brunette.

"Exactly from what the student reported", Shima said, still chewing on his carrot bread.

"And Ura-San do you believe it?"

"Well at first I don't but it seems like there are a lot of students had seen these ghost things so it might be true"

"And you guys planning to go after this ghost?", Sakata said, curiosity growing inside of him.

"Yea yea that's what I told you a few minutes ago, idiot", the short brunette said annoyed enough as Sakata whisper the small 'sorry'.

"Hey Uratan chill, he's just asking, okay? you should look at him earlier when he's asked you those questions. Sakata pretty much looks like a small puppy.

"I'm not a puppy", he slightly pouted. Chewing harshly the poki stick of a nice chocolate flavor.

"Well tell that to your hair that definitely doesn't look like a puppy's ears"

"My hair is just like this! I'm not a puppy", the redhead pouted harder as Shima rolled his eyes and then his gazes landed on the blonde who's quiet than usual, His eyes were just lifeless and the pitch of dark color designed below his eyes area. Somehow a gloomy vibe hanging around him. Given them a sign that the blonde boy was in a bad mood or someone just shave his chest hair.

The purple head was about to have a small chatted with the blonde and asked him what up with his current life when Sakata once again asked them a question. "So can I and Senra join you guys as well?"



"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", the long confusing noises daring to escape from Senra's lips as the trio stared at him with bewilderment planted on each other faces.


"No, nevermind...Sorry", he's downcast.

Landed his emerald orbs back to the crimson orbs one, he asked while put his waist on his hip. "So are you sure you want to join us? will be pretty much spooky and don't complain to me back cuz I have warned you okay?"

Sakata hummed a loud 'yes' as a response, confirmed to him that he's ready both mentally and spiritually. "You will join me right Senra?"



"I need to go, bye guys"

"Eh?", before the redhead can say furthermore the blonde already waddled down the stairs, refused to hear any of it again.

"What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know he seems to be in a bad mood since this morning though"

The redhead still glued his eyes on the stair Senra just using earlier. Tried to ignore the wing bitterness of the glare the blonde gave him before went off and swallow a spoonful of rice into his belly instead but it stopped halfway. He put down his food and the box of empty poki and stand up.

"I will talk with Senra a bit"




"Senra", the redhead caught his arm while breathing heavily and labored maybe because he keeps running after the blonde who's wouldn't stop played what it seems like those tag games.

"What is it, Sakata"

"Why, why are you running away from everyone?"

Senra's tremble a bit upon the question, shifted uncontrollably and attempted to open a Sakata grip but it went wrong when the redhead gripped his other arm tightly"

"Sakata let me go"

"Tell me what's wrong first"

"Let me go-"

"What's wrong with you today Senra?", he repeated. The red sign popped on the side of his face showing that the redhead was needed an answer or else-



"Fine okay", Senra give up as he biting his lips hard enough, the blood dripped from the open wound.

"Oi Senra your lips-"

"I'm scared of the ghost Okay"


"That's why I mad at you for wanting for me to join for whatever you guys planned tonight"


"Don't just eh me! I know it's embarrassing", nervously Senra played with the underneath of his jacket.

Sakata said nothing, after a few moments of awkward silence. Senra felt that Sakata's hand started to loosen the grip on him.

"No, it's normal to feel scared but well I'm scared of the ghost too", the redhead confessed. The look in his crimson eyes changed to something like guilt as if he just caused such a horrible accident which he kinda did.

Senra looked at him doubtfully.

"Are you kidding me?", he hissed, the orbs studied the other as his glare deepened

The redhead shook his head a couple of times as the blonde heavily sighed.

"Then why?", Senra asked his eyebrows goes higher and higher when a heat rushed to the redhead's cheeks made his skin mixed with a pink color.


"I like Ura-San"


"That's why I decided to confess to him that night when I will be alone with him and it won't work if Shima is there as well. That's why I need you to..."

"To somehow make Shima away from Uratan so you can confess", Senra slightly in awe of how the redhead can now matching his cheek with his red color hair.


"You should just told me earlier"

"That's what I'm trying to do when you suddenly be mad"

"Sorry...but I'm willing to help you with it"

Sakata blooming out a bright smile."Really?"

"Yes anything for my dear friend", he happily exclaimed as both of the boys folded each other into a warm embrace.


"Seriously", Urata asked with a deep voice just like a sea itself. Folded his arm together and crossed his leg, he looked at Shima with a half-eyes just like a typical mom expression when their son just hands you a bad school report.

"Please", he begged.

"Please help me somehow to be alone with Senra tonight so I can, I can-"

"Confess to him?"


"Well I don't know you like him"

"Yes I like him since he introduces himself a few months ago, I can't take him off of my mind. I'm not expecting him to join but now he does so please-", he sobbed, hugged the male legs as he sniffles onto the Urata's pants.

"Gross yuck but sure why not"

"Eh really?", Shima's violet eyes sparkle like a star on those starry nights as Urata hummed, slightly felt lazy but still hummed.

"Now let go of me before I change my mind-bruh you and Senra are literally perfect for each other"




A few minutes before their mission. Senra brushes his hair make sure that he looks good enough as he packaged all the things in ready. What he means by ready was the 20 torch lights on his bag, obviously didn't want to be alone in a school with a none light source.

The blond boy was too scared but he needs to do this for his friend so with an uneasy feeling started to build up inside, he dashed his way to the school hoping that the other three was already by a school gate over there considering that they always won't come in time except for the short brunette sometimes.

"I just wish that I won't mess up a thing this time", with the small negative thought crawling and dancing wildly inside his brain, the boy faster his pace, spell out a mantra to help him out to overcome his fear factor.


"So guys, are you ready?", Shima asked, smiled brightly. With the both of torch lights resting well on his tight grip.

"Yes of course", Sakata happily exclaimed while senra along with a heavy sighed hummed tiredly, obviously shown them that he wasn't ready but still followed them inside nether less.

Urata was the one that leads the way. Since the music classroom was on the highest level and at the other block so it needed those four to walked a bit far from the actual school gate.

While they are still on the way there. Shima jokingly talked about the school story including the spooky one. Senra's just tremble but hide it inside of his oversized hoodie, breath in and out before he is too far ahead, and connected his fist into the older male's face for being spoil. The dog barked at who knows what when the starry night filled with the trillion of the sparkle stars plus the full moon, illuminated the school. The owl chirped mirrored the whole school with a spooky vibe.

"There's also a story about Misaki stair~it said that if-"

"Shima can you shut up please", Senra yelled, finally give up.

"Awww Senra is no fun", the older male whined as Senra rolled his eyes.

"Yes senra is right, we should lock our mouth or we will disturb them", Sakata said, the clear terrified look clear enough planted on his face.

"Them? Who? Do you mean the shadow behind you perhaps?"

Sakata screamed upon those words by Shima and hugged the tanuki from behind, buried his face onto the brunette neck as Urata is truly annoyance but still reassure the boy while stroking his hair.

"there's nothing behind you, everything is alright, I'm here for you", the gentle voice of the brunette made Sakata smile as he keeps drowning under the tanuki's affection and warm pats.

I love Ura-San huh...

"hahahahahahahhha I can't breath hahaha you guys needs to see his face earlier", Shima laughed, covered his mouth with his palm but still failed to stop as the whole area block echoed with his laugh.

"You shouldn't do that to Sakata", Senra crossed his arms together

"Okay okay but did you see his freaked out face I-"

"S h I m a"

"I'm sorry"

"Good", the blonde sighed as he fixed his gazed on Sakata who's in the Urata's arm far ahead from them, unconsciously made the blonde smile a little by their interaction.

I wish you the best Sakata, I know Urata will accept you...Everyone else does.

The blonde boy's brain then stopped functioning for a moment nor his heart when the older male blew on his bare neck and then kiss it, caught him off guard as everything seems to slow and paused around him.

"Sorry Senra"

He then ran off, ditch away from the blushed fox


"Here we go", the short brunette exclaimed once they foot connected on the same block as the music classroom. Urata cracked his knuckles.

"And the music classroom is-"

"On the highest level and at the most corner one"

"I see"

"So what are we have been waiting for, let's go", Shima said as he started to took his first pace.


The loud thump echoed just behind them as Senra jumped from his place. Realized that he's in the last place and the nearest one to the source of the noises as he ran to Shima and folded him into a hug.


Urata stared at the other members who're backward. He narrowed his eyes on them.
"You guys are a coward". Urata approached the source and stop in front of the art class as he slid the door open.

"Uwaaa Ura-San is so brave"

"Yea let's follow him, senra?"


They followed him and halted in front of the door as Urata fell silent and pointed to the inside of the classroom. The other boys are bewildered as they observed the place Urata pointed out. At first, it was just nothing than pitch black.

But from the blackness came noises no living thing could make. As they recognized there's the pearly white figure in the corner, stood still. The ghost was a white cloud-like figure and its four eyes and mouth were as black as the black hole in space. Soon the figure twisted its neck, the bone break sounded like the dry leaves in autumn. Smile widely at them from ear to ear.

"U-ur-a san"

"Do you guys see what I just see"

The boys' heartbeat disconnected and their reflexive consciously reacting to the most logical things to do-ran away.

Once the sound of a girl screaming emerged from the classroom. Senra adrenaline floods his system. He never saw a ghost before but now he just did as he guesses that his heart will explode anytime soon. His golden eyes are wide with fear and just by that, the boys split up into two groups.



"Yes, I'm here"

Said the older male. Senra and Shima currently with each other while Urata and Sakata split out from them. They were in the darkroom without any window for the natural light source nor the touch light as Senra stumble, stick out his hand, and search for the male presence from the blackness. How he wishes he didn't stupid enough to drop his bag full with a torchlight somewhere.

"Shima", the boy panicky, his voice started to break into the piece. He was scared, he can't breathe, he can't move his legs just if someone just grabbing it. The air started to thicken as he sniffles and the poured of tears drooling down. Backward until his back hit the wall, he falls to his knees and hug his knees together while buried his face in it, sobbed as everything in the dark seems to mimicked a creature he was scared of.

Shima catches the crying noises and he knew well who's the voice belongs to. Tried not to panic and scare the boy more. He activates his hearing sense as the guide to search for his certain friend. It brought him to the corner of the room as he downcast to where's Senra has been. He falls to his knees and hugged the boy into his arms.

Senra flinched upon the sudden touch as he screamed in panic. "Don't touch me. Please don't touch me. I'm sorry for disturbing you but please go away", he buried his face deeper.

"Hey, Senra. This is me Shima", the boy lowers his voice.


"Yes, yes this is Mashi", he folded him into a warm embrace. "I'm Mashi and I'm here to protect you, okay?", he hugged him tighter.

"Mashi-hic, where are you earlier-I'm scared", he snuggled into his neck and crawling his hand on the man's back. Harshly pulled his shirt. "Don't leave me alone"

"Shhhh, I'm sorry", he cut the cuddle and wiped Senra's tears away with his finger. Gently landed his palm on Senra's cheeks, he brought his forehead to him, connected it. Resting on each other forehead, shared the same warmth. "I won't leave you again, never dear", he softly said and pecked his lips into the younger lips. It was the short one but enough to make Senra smile.

"Thank you.....", his head against Shima's chest as the purple-haired boy wrapped his arm around him. The boys were cuddled into each other for the rest couple of minutes.

"Hey Mashi"

"Hum?", he stroking the strands of the boy's hair.

"I love you"

"and I love you more, Senra"


Two boys walked along the path, unlocking each other hand. "Do we really need to go", said the blonde, mesmerized by his spooky surrounding.

"Seems so, since Uratan just message me to meet them at the music classroom"

"Well I'm glad that they find each other but seriously. I mean we never expect that the art classroom earlier will have their own 'guardian' and now the music classroom that has been confirmed to have someone inhuman in it and yet we still need to go there", he grievance, frowned.

"Well that's our real objective for coming here tonight so why not? Besides, we still need to meet up with Uratan and Sakatan sooner or later", Shima sheepishly spoke.

"Well I just want to tell you that I have a bad feeling about this"

Senra ended his pouted section when they arrived right in front of the well-said classroom. The melody of the beautiful pianist was hanging on the air and went through their eardrums. The sounds of harmony key of pianist made them calming a bit but-the question is, who's behind the door? Who is the one that played such a harmonious chorus like this?

With the gulped, Shima slide opens the door revealed the short brunette and the redhead beside the huge black piano while the white-haired stranger played the piano in the middle of it... The albino's fingers crossed along with the White and black lines key before stiff halfway upon the purple-haired male and the blonde's presence.



The smile on each other faces, the reflection of gratitude for finally being able
to meet up again.

"Such a good thing you've found your friends back, Sakatan", said the albino, smile widely with the eyes shut.

"I know right, Mafudon!"


"Oh Shima and Senra, here is my new friend Mafumafu", Sakata exclaimed, put his hand on the albino's shoulder.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Mafumafu", the albino politely bowed, still didn't wipe away his smile.

"I'm Shima and this is-"

"Senra, I'm Senra", the blonde bowed as well.

"Well nice to meet you then-"

Sakata cut the purple-haired off. "Anyway Shima you know when the student reported that they have heard the piano played on its own at the night?"


"Well, actually the culprit is our Mafudon here", Sakata happily confessed, pushed Mafumafu forward as the albino sheepishly brought up his hands in defense.

"I'm so sorry for all the misunderstood I had done so far", he faking a laugh.

"So for all this time, it's just you? Played the piano for all night?", Senra titled his head, studied the albino and he stared deepened in remarkable.


"All night-", Shima trailed off after mumbled on his own before his expression changed into the anxious one as he gulped in concern.

"Then Mafumafu"

"Yes, Shima?"

"The purple-haired boy approached him and whispered to the albino ears. "Do you know about the ghost in the art classroom on the other block"

His voice was audible enough for all of them, everyone smile fell faster than the math grade, slowly rewrote into the panic one. Stunned and unable to speak.

"Shima, why do you remind me-", Urata was about to spoke when the albino yelled with a high-pitched note, threw himself in the middle of attention.

"Ouh that one!", he somehow happily said to them with the smile that never dropped.

"S-So you know them?", Urata started to freak out and lowkey surprise on how the albino still can be a carefree until his answer shocked themselves more than the report card they got later.

"She is one of my friends!"


"She is-"

"Your friend????"

"One of-"

"Yes I have a lot, Every room in this school where they have been living before this school open though. This school is their original house. I have been a best friend with all of them, see there's one of them at the door", the albino chirped and pointed at the door, showed them its place as he swinging his hand, screamed the 'hello' word.


"Ouh and they know about you guys will come here tonight so they say to me that they will meet all of you at 12:am", the albino smile grew wider.



"What time is it now?"



The End
wow, this one is seriously weird...thank you for reading!

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