The loneliness of the black wolf (SoraLon)

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Soraru x Lon

Once upon a time.....wait a minute

Hold on

Once upon a time is such a cliche way to start a story and yet here we go again...

That's all started when the red riding hood as usual started her routine by carrying on the basket of the cupcake, jumping around, and went all the way to the grandma's house.

It's all went as smoothly as she can ever wish for. No one disturbs her, no one....not even the black wolf.

But for the sake of the fairy tale story, one day she met the black wolf when she walked along the way in the thick forest. Hummed the short chores of the melody her mother used to sing to her every night. That's when her pace stopped as the beautiful lullaby hanging on the air and went through her eardrums. With the little curious splashed on her, she peeked behind the tree. Bewildered enough to know who's the beautiful voice belongs to.

That's the first time she locked her eyes with the raven hair wolf. The blue eyes look deeply into her own. The blue eyes that just like an ocean, full of life yet so lifeless.

At first, the wolf tried to run away from her but for the God's sake, this red riding hood had such an amazing reflex as she pulled the boy's arm and pinning him down, wanting him to stay.

The boy hoped to pry away from her but the reflection of kindness on her golden eyes made him stay....somehow.

"Aren't you scared of me?", asked the black wolf stiffly.

"Eh? Why should I ?"

"Eh...but I'm-"

"-inhuman?", she cut him off. "Well there's something wrong with your brain if you thought that I don't want to be your friend just because you're coming from a different species", she said with a voice softer than cotton despite her blade tongue.


"Hum, friend!"

"But I-"

"Moo", she pouted as she pulled the boy's cheeks harshly.

"We're friend", she declared.


"Yep friend from now on-um"


"Okay, we are a friend from now on, Soraru!", she confessed with a blooming smile, pulled the boy into a warm embrace.


Every day the girl will check on the boy, every day without quitting. She will come over and over again, ignoring all the hate words from the raven-haired.

"We're friends! And a friend will never leave each other side!", she said with such a proud face.

"Friend huh.....", the black wolf was on his world when Lon jumped out from behind his back made Soraru to jumped from his seat, the clear fear was planted all over his face as she laughed and laughed until she can felt a light pain in her belly system.

"Haha so funny, stupid human"

"I'm sorry, Soraru but your face earlier. I-I can't stand it. So silly", the girl started to rolling on the ground, smashed the ground while still laughed at the raven-haired wolf. Soraru rolled his eyes in indeed annoyance.


"Yes", the girl stopped and brought his basket in front of Soraru's face. He sniffles as the delicious aroma went through his sharp nose.

"Do you know what is inside of this basket~?", the girl grinning?

"Muffin-", he trailed off, downcast.

"E-eh? I didn't hear you well~", she teased.

"I said muffin, idiot", he said but still inaudible.

"Eh what is it? You don't know? Ah too bad, I guess I will eat all of this on my own", Lon buried her hands Inside of the basket. The aroma was still flowed on-air and more thickness by every second. Lon picked out one of the muffins and sniffle on it while making out a chewing noises.

"You want it, right? Now said the magic word, Soraru", she chuckled darkly as Soraru pouted, his eyes mirrored the uproar but even he was mad with this carefree human child, he can say no to a well-baked muffin.

So with a deep breath, he put down his ego for once, awkwardly played his strands side of his black hair, he said..." I want a muffin, please", he downcast evermore.

"Hmmm if you said more like you mean it and I will share this with you, S or a r u~", she said cheerfully, despite the evil chuckled hide underneath her tone.

"This child of-"

"What is it, my friend~"

Soraru heavily sighed before screamed, make sure that he raised his voice this time. "Can you kindly give me this nice muffin of yours, please?", he stuttered, the tint of a blush rising on his cheeks as Lon smile is satisfied.

She ruffled the boy's dark hair. "That's my boy", she proudly said while handed the male a few of her muffin. Soraru without waiting for much longer, chewing on the nice taste of the muffin.

Lon stands up, fixed her dress, and put back her red hoodie to cover her blond hair. The small piece of the muffin on Soraru's cheek as she gently rubbed it off. Soraru stunned but the girl gave him the blooming smile instead.

"Now then, Soraru. I need to go now, see you tomorrow!", she swings her hand in goodbye as Soraru automatically swings his own as well.

While watched the blond girl dashed away from afar, he planted a generous smile. As his eyes finally fill with such a bright rainbow color back, the colorful one just like the sky up there.

"Having a friend is not that bad after all huh...."


"I'm back", Lon chirped from outside the door, putted down her shoes on its place.

"Welcome back, sweetheart", her mom said.

Lon studied her mom a bit. She got this beautiful flawless Asian face, the round sandy eyes, and the thin body. Her straight long hair was caressed to be in a bun shape.

"Mom, do you try a new shampoo today? You smell so different?

"No, I don't, dear"

"Is it so hmm?", the girl studied her mother more before deciding to threw her gut feeling away. She's about to waddle up the stairs when her mother grabbed her arm.


"Lon....have you made a new friend recently"


"Are you sure?"


"Then have you meet the unusual creature recently"

"What are you talking about, mom?"

Her golden eyes are wide open before slowly lose her grip. "Sorry, dear. Go upstairs and go take a bath"

"Okay mom", she ran to her bedroom, losing herself from her mother's gazed.

She knows that she should be a good kid and not telling an untruth but she knows her mom quite well. That she....she will do anything she can to cut her bond with the raven-haired wolf. But Lon loves him. Lon loves Soraru, that's why she won't tell anyone about Soraru. So she can keep him safe. Protect him on her own...In that way, they can always be friends, forever.


It was the new cloudy day. The sun was in a good mood, it won't tell the rain to come over this time. The heat was perfect...the day was perfect for Lon to meet her dear friend.

"I'm going now, bye mom", she happily exclaimed before walked along the way to her usual path.

Her mom smile dropped afterwards and turned into the frowned one. "Lon, mom know that you have been hiding something from me-"

She took her dark cloth from her closet and cover her face with it. Slowly close the door, she's now following the red riding hood to find out what she've been hiding from her for all this time.

After the short walked, her mom noticed something inside the thick forest as she hiding behind one of the big trees.

Then come to her sight, the gazed of the black little wolf talked joyfully with her one and only daughter. The picture of her daughter interacts with a gross creature like Soraru enough to make her heart sink deep down into her stomach.

She refused to cry. Why? Why is her daughter doing this to her? With all of the fairy tales she keeps told her every night, why can she see it yet? That wolf is the bad creatures.

She can't take it anymore as she walked back home with a bitter broken heart. That's when her mind-told her something that will make everything turn out normal back. Yes, that is right, this is the only way to destroy that wolf without wounded her daughter's heart.

She hurried her paces to arrive back home. From Inside of the house, she trotted up the steps to the old dusty room that haven't been used for a time being. The wooden box on top of the table as she digging into it until her hand catches the stuff that she has been searching for—the poison.

This is not the normal poison but the poison that specializes to kill this gross creature called wolf. With the evil grin, she's ready to kill off that stupid wolf and wiped his existence from the world.

It's at midnight when Lon was drooling over her peaceful dream. Her mom was 100 percent ready to do something that will be the end of her daughter's happiness.

All of the perfect recipes for her muffins were now done and now the precise time to add a magic flavor–a couple of the small spoon of poison.

She put it well enough just what the label said. Thank goodness this one is only capable to kill the wolf and not affected to a human being so Lon will be safe even when she munched dozens of it.

"I'm sorry Lon but this is for your own good, my sweetheart".


"I will go now bye mom!", Lon hugged her mom before just like usual, start to do her typical routine.

Her mom fell silent. She shut her vision down and glued her hands together and put it near her chest. "May this work out", she prays with a dark chuckle. The reflection of pure hatred.


"Soraru", screamed the blond girl from afar. As the biggest Tsundere as he was. Soraru still defense his ego and refused to put a smile on his face despite being too happy over his crush presence.

"Oh Hey stupid human", he said, not even glance at her.

"Hey Soraru, how many times should I said to you to call me by my name, L O N", she pouted, puffed out her cheek as Soraru smile under his hand.


"Nah, stupid human suit you better"

"Owh is it so? Then no muffin for you today~", she sang harmoniously as she picked up the muffin and munched it, surprised a bit.

Eh, how weird....this muffin tastes different today...

"Oi", he snapped her out.

"You are daydreaming", he brought his forehead to the girl's forehead. "Are you perhaps catch a cold?", Soraru asked, the worry expanded on his face.

The heat rushed on her face as she stared at him meaningfully.

He just worries about me...

She lightly shook her head. "Don't worry I'm fine", she chuckled as Soraru secretly sighed in relief.

"Anyway", she chirped, brought her basket, and landed it on her lap. Soraru drooling off as Lon shared with him a few muffins just like always.

"This all for you Soraru"

He looked at her who's bloomed such a sweet smile as Soraru smile as well and without he even realized, Soraru hugged the girl in his arm.

Lon blushed at the fact that the tsun tsun wolf embraced him into his arm. "Thank you so much.....Lon", he hugged her tighter as Lon hugged him back, ruffled his cheek with Soraru's fluffy hair.

"You finally say out my name huh...You're welcome my friend".

She know she was late to her granma's house as she hurriedly ran out of the forest not before landed the small pecked of kiss on Soraru's cheek, she left him alone with a blushed all over his face.

Hurriedly left the boy.....

Without realizing that's going to be her last time to meet him...

His last goodbye to her...

She last kiss to him...

The last hug.....

And the last smile from the wolf...

Before everything turned out wrong...forever

"Bye Lon!", Soraru yelled as she replied with the same phrases. The smile still well hanging on his face.

"What I'm going to do if I never meet you one and only friend"

He bite the muffin and felt his body started to become warmer. Ditch the uneasy feeling away, he took another bite.

Third bites

Fourth bites

Five bites

Sixth bites

Until the poor wolf collapsed on the ground as he screamed in pain when the inside of his body burned. It felt so real. The fire on his stomach felt so real...seems so real every time the flame burned down every system on his body. He cried in pain.

The sad howl daring to escape from his burned throat. The called for her love one


He knew...he knew that he was going to die. With the last energy on his body, he moves himself beside the tree. The tree that Lon always plays with him every day. The tree is the place where he met her.

Soraru eyes darken his eyes like a fire in water. he can't felt anything from under his waist. With the last strength on his arm, he picked up the small sharp rock and crave on the tress body. Make sure his last message for his lover was clear as he blew the shattered wooden ashes away.

Soraru body was in the fire, his whole body was in a fire as he collapsed on the ground, all of his energy left him as he feels like his soul being sucking up from his body. With the teary eyes...he hummed the song, dreaming of the girl that changes his life forever. Dreaming of the girl that will miss him. Dreaming of the girl that he would never meet again. He shut down his vision and let the fire sucking his body. Until only a pool of water left....that used to be a body of the raven-haired wolf named Soraru.


Up until today, she will sing the same song over and over again. In the same place and at the same time. Lend her body against the tree, she gazed on the blue sky full with a cloud as a flock of birds passing by, migraine to the other place. The blue sky that full of living things...the blue sky... the sky


It've been a couple of years since Soraru missing. No one knows where did he go or why did he leave her just like that. From when she's still a little girl to herself now, a teenager. Time sure flew fast.

She continuously smiles before stand up. As usual, picked up a couple of muffins and put it beside the tree.

With the reflection of eyes that are about to shatter, she just keeps her smile. Take such a deep breath, she said...

"This muffin is for you, better finish it all, okay?"


The wind blew her red hood along with her blond hair as she fixed her hair back to normal. She looks back at the tree she treasures with all her heart. Look at it meaningfully. Softly rubbed the handwriting on the tree and kiss it. Put her forehead on the tree, imagine the hard wooden as Soraru's warm forehead.

"I will come back tomorrow, Soraru", she mumbled. Before dashed off, her eyes catch the last note from the raven-haired boy.

The mess handwriting on the tree, the last note from her dear friend to her. The note that said...

I love you, stupid human.

"And I love you too, you tsun tsun"


A/n: That's all~ thank you as always!

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