20k Special: No Fluff no Life

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So... this book reached 20k! Probably because I just published too many chapters and not because of the fact that a large amount of people reading this www But thank you! I just wanted to say that I am very thankful for all of you guys reading my chapters! Thanks for keeping up with me for such a long time www sleepykuroX3 A fluff compilation in case you need one!

Anyways, for this 20k special I will do a fluff compilation of different ships because everyone is always writing angst and ahhhhhhh ww Anyways, I hope you enjoy! (><)

(Also I'm sorry if at the middle of the story things start to not make sense ww I felt a little light-headed but I really wanted to finish this chapter today so I did www)


Feeding each other (Human!Hanteru)
(This is from my Hanteru Oneshot ww)
"H-hanpen-kun, say ahhh~", Mafuteru said as the other male complied and opened his mouth before chewing it. "How does it taste?", the younger male asked nervously as the raven-haired male chewed for a bit before smiling softly.

"It tastes good... You are improving a lot, Teru-kun.", Hanpen replied as the albino smiled happily in response. "Thank you, H-hanpen-kun! That is because Hanpen-kun helped me to practice!", the younger male exclaimed as the older male patted the other's head causing the latter to blush before it turned into a happy smile as Mafuteru leaned in closer to the touch.

Both of them smiled at each other as you could practically see the love around them.

Meanwhile, a swordsman and a mage were standing there, both blushing as they looked at each other before averting their gaze.

They should have been used to this as Hanpen and Mafuteru both were like this with each other every time. But they still couldn't help but be surprised every time they saw this.

"Why can't we be like them as well? I'm jealous...."


How we first met (Urasaka)
"Ah, I'm late I'm late!", Urata heard someone saying as they rushed inside the train and sighed out in relief. "Safe!", he exclaimed as the other passengers looked at him weirdly as the redhead only quickly apologized before looking around for a free seat. He then noticed an unoccupied seat next to the brunet as he walked towards him.

"Is that seat still free? May I sit here?", Sakata asked as Urata only hummed and scooted aside for a bit. "Go ahead.", he said as the redhead muttered a small thanks before sitting down next to the brunet. Urata looked back down on his phone as he put his earplugs back in to listen to music and to mind his own business.

He flinched though when he suddenly felt some weight on his shoulders after a minute as he looked aside to see the other male sound asleep.

Urata really wanted to push the other male off and wake up him.

But when he saw the peaceful face of the redhead, he would feel bad to wake him up as he only shifted a bit before going back to listening to his music.

They stayed like that until the loudspeakers announced the name of the last station, waking the redhead up.

Sakata blinked a few times confused before his eyes batted open panicked.

He looked around to see that the train was almost empty besides some people, him and the brunet who he was sitting next to.

"You're finally awake. Let's get out of this train then.", the older male said as Sakata was confused but nodded as he followed the brunet outside. Sakata took some time to process what had happened before his face flared up and he bowed several times apologizing.

"I'm so sorry! You should have just left me there!", Sakata exclaimed as Urata shook his head.

"You would have fallen asleep on someone else after I would have left. And not everyone is a good person. Anyways, I'll go now so goodbye.", Urata said as he turned around to leave.

"W-wait! What's your name?", Sakata called after the other male who  stopped in his tracks and turned around. "Urata. My name is Urata.", Urata answered as the younger male gave him a smile. "Urata-san... I'm Sakata!", he introduced himself as the brunet nodded.

"Well, I have to go to my part time job now so goodbye.", he said as he turned around to go away. "I hope to see you around soon, Urata-san!", Sakata exclaimed and he saw Urata waving at him slightly while walking away as a smile settled on his face. Sakata hoped that he would be able to see Urata again soon.


Just friends? (Satomi x Colon)
"You're late! Next time I will go without you!", a blue-haired make exclaimed annoyed as a pink-haired male only chuckled in response.

"Sorry, sorry~ Did you miss me that much while waiting for me, Colon?", he asked as the younger male huffed.

"Gross! Also for your information, I am annoyed at you for making me waste my precious free time waiting for you!", Colon complained as he stomped his foot a few times.

"Well, I'm here now so let's go before you waste more of your precious free time.", Satomi said before they went to go shopping for some things before going to a cafe.

Talking about things with each other. Holding hands with each other to "not get lost". Sharing their drinks and food with each other.

They were doing things that just friends would do with each other, yes. Nothing more than that.

And having so much fun with each other, the day soon came to an end as Satomi walked Colon back home.

"Well, see you again!", Colon said as he opened the door and waved at the pink-haired male.

"Yeah, see you.", Satomi said smiling as the blue-haired male stepped inside the house and was about to close the door until the older male called out to him. "Ah, Colon wait.", he said as the blue-haired male opened the door again.

"What is it? You forgot something?", Colon asked as Satomi nodded. "Yeah, can you come over for a bit?", he asked as the younger male complied.

"What did you forget?", Colon asked as the older male pulled the younger male into a hug before giving the blue-haired male a quick peck on the kiss as Colon's face flared up immediately.

He was about to hit Satomi who only dodged and laughed. "Well, see you!", Satomi said and ran away before Colon could try to murder him.

"Gross! So gross! Don't ever talk to me again!", the younger male exclaimed as the older male only laughed from slightly far away.

"Yeah yeah! Bye~", he said before leaving. Colon only blushed as he walked back inside his house, slamming it close.

If anyone from Sutopuri would ask them what they were, they'd answer that they were just friends. That's the biggest and most obvious lie they could have told them.


Friendship (Mikoto, Loann & Galaxy-Nyan)
[Thank you for always making such beautiful art and fanfics~ I will someday make stories of others as well but you two were the first ones I thought of because we were the very first people who were together in a server and do fun things wwww]
"Galaxy-nyaaaaan~", a black-white-haired girl exclaimed as she ran up to a slightly shorter girl to give her a hug.

"Ah, Miko-chan! What is it?", the shorter girl asked. "There is this new cafe today! Let's go there together? Loann-chan also said he'd be there!", Mikoto exclaimed as Galaxy-Nyan nodded.

"Sure! Let's go together then!", she accepted which caused the other girl to smile happily. "Yay~ Let's go then!", she exclaimed as they both walked to a small cafe where a brown-haired male was waiting for them already.

"Yo! You guys are late!", he exclaimed as they both sat down. "We're sorry~ Cake will be my treat today!", Mikoto told them as they agreed.

Talking over some cake and tea or coffee, the three of them talked to each other.

Just a normal day together. Talking with each other. Laughing with one another.

These small moments of happiness were the things they were most thankful for.


Baumkuchen (Kashitsuki)
"Amatsuki-kun, do you know how to make Baumkuchen?", Kashitaro asked as the younger brunet perked you and looked at the older male in confusion. "Yes, I do more or less... Why are you suddenly asking, Kashitaro-san?", Amatsuki asked as he tilted his head.

"Well, to tell you the truth... my grandmother praised all of your pastries that you've made.

She especially loves Baumkuchen so I wanted to ask you to help me learn to make them so I can also make some for her.", Kashitaro explained as the younger brunet gave him a smile and nodded.

"Sure! Let's go to the kitchen and make some then!", Amatsuki exclaimed as he stood up with Kashitaro following him close after, chuckling in slight amusement.

They started making it with Kashitaro doing what the younger male instructed him to do. And soon, they finished, looking at their creation together.

"This looks good to me! Now we just have to put it into a box so you can give it to her!", Amatsuki said as he went to search a box as the older male stopped him though.

"How about we try some of it to see how it tastes?", Kashitaro suggested. It would be fine because after all, it was a roll so cutting some of it wouldn't be a problem. "Eh? Are you afraid that it doesn't taste good?", Amatsuki asked as the older male shook his head chuckling.

"Of course not. I am sure that it tastes great. But how about having some of it as a reward? I'm sure grandmother wouldn't mind it.", Kashitaro said as he went to get a knife while the brunet nodded.

"Well, if you insist...", the younger male said as the older male came back and cut off a piece of the Baumkuchen for them before taking a fork and holding a piece of cake up to the other male. "W-what are you doing?", Amatsuki asked flustered as the older male gave him a smile.

"I'm feeding you. Is something wrong with that?", he asked as Amatsuki blushed but didn't know what to say as he opened his mouth embarrassed before chewing on the cake, his face lightening up.

"Oh! It tastes better than I thought! Kashitaro-san, you should try it!", Amatsuki said as he was so eager to have the older brunet eat it that he picked up the fork and took some cake before shoving it into the older male's mouth who chewed it.

"What do you think about it? It's sweet, isn't it?", Amatsuki asked flashing the older male a bright smile. Seeing Amatsuki like this, made Kashitaro return the smile as he nodded in agreement.

"Yes. It's sweet."


Artist (Shimasen)
"Senra~ Stop drawing this plants and draw me instead~!", a purple-haired male said as he was sitting on the chair backwards now.

"Mashi, can you please stop asking that every time I draw something? Those plants won't stay here for long and I want to capture their beauty before they start to wilt.", Senra explained as he continued to draw the vase full of flowers in front of him.

"You rather want to draw these boring plants instead of me, your beautiful boyfriend?", Shima asked in a slight accusing tone as the younger male rolled his eyes.

"Stop making such a big deal out of this.", Senra said as he continued to make his sketch.

"My boyfriend prefers flowers over me. How could I not make a big deal out of this?

Does he even know that I love him so much and only want him to look at me?", Shima asked exasperated as Senra blushed.

"Stop saying such weird things. Of course I prefer you over flowers...", Senra told him as Shima smiled. "I know. I was just teasing you~", he said as the blond male groaned.

"Ugh, just let me finish drawing in peace and we can do something together alright?", Senra said as the older male nodded.

"Fine~ Just cause it's you~", he said as there was a silence with Shima only staring intently at Senra while the blond male felt the intense stare, making him shift slightly in discomfort.

Senra sometimes glanced at the older male who only sat there showing no expression as he only looked at Senra the whole time, not saying anything at all. Finally, Senra had enough as he dropped his materials and stood up with a blush before walking to the door to exit the room.

"Eh~ Where are you going, Senra~?", the older male asked as he followed the blond male grinning as he knew exactly what caused this.

"Don't pretend to have not done anything!", Senra exclaimed as he walked out of the room with Shima only laughing in amusement.

Before Senra could really get away though, Shima caught him in his arms as he looked at the other male. "I hate it when you stare at me for so long...", Senra muttered as Shima grinned at the other cheekily. "But you love me, don't you~?", Shima asked as Senra only looked away before sighing and nodding. "I guess I do...", he said.

"Great~ Now, if you can't focus anymore anyway, let's go on a date then~!", Shima exclaimed as Senra nodded before the older male took his hand to exit their house, looking forward to their date.


First kiss (Soramafu)
"Mafu, do you still remember our first kiss?", the raven-haired male asked all of a sudden as the albino choked on the tea he was drinking.

"W-w-w-why are you suddenly talking about this?", Mafumafu asked flustered as the older male only ignored him and continued talking.

"Your face was flushed and you were so cute trembling in my arms while closing your eyes. And—"

"Stop! Don't remind me about it again! That was so embarrassing!", the albino exclaimed embarrassed as he covered his face with both of his hands.

"But I was just describing on how you looked like.", Soraru said nonchalantly as if it wasn't any big deal at all.

"Maybe for you! For me it is really really embarrassing to remember so please stop!", Mafumafu pleaded as he tried to calm his blush down before putting his hands down.

The next moment when he opened his eyes, Soraru was standing in front of him as he put an arm around Mafumafu's waist and took the other hand to cup the albino's face.

"Do you want your first kiss of today?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu averted his eyes, his cheeks tainted in a light pink before he looked back at the ravenette again nodding shyly which made the raven-haired male smile.

Mafumafu and Soraru stared into each other's eyes for a good minute before Soraru leaned in, closing the gap between them.


Aaaand that was it www Thanks again for the 20k views! Ruyu-chan, go to sleep now please wwww I shall go to sleep soon too so Oyasuminyasai~!

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