Seven Days with you Part 2 (Soramafu)

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Pairing: Soraru x Grim Reaper! Mafumafu
Fantasy AU
I know I said I was working on the No Game no Life AU ww I'm working on it www Just... I noticed that I already finished part 2 so here you go!

Day 1
"Soraru-san, where are we going?", Mafumafu asked confused as Soraru looked at his phone for a few more seconds before he continued walking. "We are going to someone who is kind of like a friend to me. He is nice enough so we can sleep one night at his place before going to the next place. I want to make a rough plan of where to go anyway.", Soraru explained as Mafumafu nodded.

They soon arrived at a house where Soraru knocked two times before the door opened revealing a light-haired male. The taller male was surprised as he looked at the ravenette confused.

"Soraru-san? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?", he asked as Soraru nodded. "Yeah, but some things happened so I'm out for a while.

Would you mind if I sleep over for this night, Luz?", Soraru asked as the light-haired male nodded before stepping aside to let the older male in. "This is a pleasant surprise though.", Luz said as he walked to the kitchen to make Soraru and himself some tea.

"Yeah, we haven't seen each other for a few months now I guess.", Soraru said as Luz came back with the tea handing some to Soraru. "Yes... And I am sorry for not visiting that often. I—".

"No, I get it. You were really busy. I can't expect you to come and visit so often when you have your own life as well. And it's not like I was completely alone anyway so it's fine.", Soraru assured the younger male who still looked guilty.

"Hey, don't look like that. I am here now, aren't I? And you are letting me stay over for tonight so I should be thankful.", Soraru said as he ruffled the other's hair. Luz only sat there as he let his hair be ruffled. "Now that you're out of the hospital, you can finally sing again, right? I can't wait to hear to you singing a song!", Luz exclaimed cheerfully as Soraru's expression darkened a bit and Mafumafu looked at the ravenette confused.

"...Sure. If my throat gets better by the end of this week, I will sing something for you.", Soraru told the other and Mafumafu knew that was going to be impossible because by that time, the ravenette would have passed away already. Luz didn't know that though as he only nodded happily.

"You must be tired then! We can sleep on my bed together!", Luz exclaimed and Mafumafu felt his heart clench a bit when he heard that. For some reason, he didn't like that idea at all.

Soraru didn't really seem to like that as well as he only sighed. "Luz, we talked about this before already. I won't sleep on a bed with you. Are you like this to everyone?", Soraru asked as Luz tilted his head.

"I mean, we are friends so it should be fine, right? I can sleep on the couch as well if—". "No, you are going to sleep in your bed and I will sleep on the couch. No arguments.", Soraru said and the tone in his voice made Luz know that the ravenette meant it as he just sighed.

"Fine... would you mind singing me a lullaby then? Or does your throat still hurt too much because you just got discharged?", Luz asked and Soraru was about to decline singing him something before Luz spoke up again.

"Because if so, I can wait until next week like you told me to! As long as I get to hear you sing again!", Luz exclaimed happily and Soraru stayed silent for a while before nodding. "Get in your bed. I will sing you one song.", Soraru said as Luz's face brightened up immediately.

He nodded as he walked to his bed and laid down and Soraru pulled a chair close to him. "So? Any song you want me to sing? Or should I choose something?", Soraru asked and Luz thought about it before smiling.

"Ah, can you sing The World inside a Marble? I heard you sang it when you were in hospital and I heard that it sounded really soothing and nice with the guitar! Yours is still standing there from last time! So that'd be a nice song.", Luz suggested as Soraru rolled his eyes amused.

"That's a really great suggestion you have.", Soraru said sarcastically as he still stood up and took the guitar. He then sat back down as he strummed it lightly before he started singing. (You can listen to it too. The video is above there~)

Mafumafu just stood there surprised at the soothing and smooth voice of the ravenette. His voice usually sounded so hoarse and deep and the albino found this voice to be really calming as he found himself tapping along to the rhythm.

He noticed how the light-haired male was smiling as well as he slowly closed his eyes. Soraru only continued singing and Mafumafu could see that the ravenette enjoyed singing. When Soraru ended the song, he continued to play some instrumental ending before he stopped.

Mafumafu still smiled because he did enjoy the other male's singing even though he heard it just now. And he could understand why Luz liked his singing so much. Mafumafu never listened to music in the Shinigami Realm and was always busy with collecting souls so this was the first time for him to listen to someone singing.

He noticed Soraru standing up and forgetting the guitar there as Mafumafu quickly took the guitar before following him outside. When he saw the ravenette sitting down he smiled as he approached the raven-haired male with the guitar.

"Soraru-san, you—". Mafumafu didn't get to finish his sentence as he saw the ravenette coughing violently as he immediately rushed to the older male's side and patted his back and only stopped after the ravenette calmed down.

"Soraru-san! Are you alright?!", Mafumafu asked as Soraru only nodded and went to the kitchen to get himself a glass of water. "I'm fine. It's just because of using my voice a bit too much...", Soraru muttered as he gulped all of the water down. "Eh? What do you mean?", Mafumafu asked as he followed Soraru back to the living room.

"My lung is slowly getting destroyed. Which is why I was in the hospital.", Soraru explained nonchalantly as he laid down on the coach. "And looks like it won't get any better because you are here.", Soraru said and Mafumafu looked down guiltily as he gripped his scythe tighter.

Soraru noticed this as he only sighed and put his hand on the other's head. "Calm down. I'm not accusing you or anything. It's not like it's your fault anyway. You're just doing your job.", Soraru said as Mafumafu touched the place the ravenette has previously patted him. It felt warm and it was prove that Soraru was still alive.

"Mafumafu was it... Can you transform into your human form tomorrow?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu tilted his head confused. "Transform? How would you know if I can actually do that?", Mafumafu asked.

"Well, Kashitaro can so I thought that you should be able to do so as well.", Soraru said as he trailed off but before he could continue talking he was interrupted by a high-pitched screech.

He immediately covered his ears as he only thanked god that no one besides Soraru could hear him right now. "What the hell are you—".

"How did you know that Kashitaro-san is a Shinigami?!", Mafumafu asked shocked as Soraru shrugged. "There were many signs that Kashitaro was strange. I never even thought about him being a Shinigami but after I met you I kinda made an assumption.", Soraru explained as Mafumafu tilted his head. "An assumption? Was he behaving so suspiciously?", Mafumafu asked.

"He wasn't.... But I found him to be suspicious. You know, Kashitaro was the only one out of all the people I knew who never told me that everything was going to be fine.

He never told me that I would be getting out of the hospital soon or that I would get better. Which would be ok if my condition was that bad.

But... even the doctors believed that I would get better. Which is why I thought that Kashitaro knew I was going to die. He... didn't visit me for a few days and surprise, you came.", Soraru explained as Mafumafu only sat beside him, impressed that the other male put everything together.

"Wow... you are really smart, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Soraru shook his head. "I just read too many fantasy and mystery books.", Soraru replied as he took a piece of paper and a pen. "Anyways, tomorrow we are leaving again so turn into a human when we do. I don't want to look insane talking to you.", Soraru reasoned as Mafumafu only nodded.

Soraru then closed his eyes as he muttered a good night before immediately falling asleep. Mafumafu only watched him as he kneeled down beside him. He stared at the other male for a while before he decided he would close his eyes for a bit as well.

Day 2
"Are you going to leave so soon without breakfast?", Luz asked as he stood at the doorway where Soraru stood as well. "Yeah, I don't really want to bother you anymore so I am going now. Thanks for letting me stay over.", Soraru thanked him as Luz smiled in return.

"Of course~ Ah, wait!", Luz told Soraru as he ran back inside the house before returning with a paper bag. "At least take some sandwiches with you!", Luz exclaimed as Soraru only glanced at the bag before sighing and taking it.

"Thanks. Have a nice day then. It was nice seeing you again.", Soraru said as Luz nodded and pulled the ravenette into a hug which surprised the older male. He didn't know what to do as he awkwardly hugged back and they stayed like this for a while before Soraru pulled away.

"Let's meet more often once you get discharged completely! I will visit you more often as well!", Luz exclaimed as Soraru stood there surprised before he nodded.

"Yeah... let's meet more often if I get discharged.", Soraru said as Luz hummed in satisfaction. They walked away from the house as you could still see the light-haired male waving at him. Mafumafu looked at Soraru as he frowned slightly. "Why did you say that to him when you know you is going to die?", Mafumafu asked.

"I never lied to him so it's fine, isn't it? If I ever get discharged I will hang out with him more often. Which won't happen because I won't get discharged. Also, either this or making him worry when I go. And I don't want him to worry about me.", Soraru explained.

"Anyways, turn into a human now so I won't look crazy talking to you.", Soraru said and Mafumafu hummed before some smoke appeared and in the next moment the white-haired male stood next to Soraru with his scythe and in normal clothes. Soraru only hummed before he walked ahead as the albino followed him. "Where are we going, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked curiously.

"We'll go to an art museum.", Soraru answered as Mafumafu looked at the other male in disbelief. "Museum? Why are you acting like an old man even though you are this young?!", Mafumafu asked as Soraru glared at him.

"Do you have a problem with me being cultivated? You are acting like a child for someone your age. How old are you anyway?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu answered that he was 16 when he died and that he lived a few decades after.

"Huh? You died?", Soraru asked confused as Mafumafu nodded.

"I... had some complicated situations in the past which took my life. But the people from the Shinigami Realm decided to take me in and since then, I finally had a place where I could feel at home! Shinigamis are originally humans who have died and if our master wants to, he can choose humans to make them Shinigamis as well.", Mafumafu explained and Soraru hummed before he noticed the museum in front of them.

"But at least you got a place you can call home now so that's good.... Anyway, let's go.", Soraru said as he walked ahead. Mafumafu only giggled as he followed the raven-haired male.


"Soraru-san! So you finally got discharged! And you even got a new friend!", a blonde walked up to them and Mafumafu tried his best to not embarrass himself by not knowing wether the person in front of him was a boy or a girl. Soraru noticed this as he started to introduce them to each other.

"This is Mafumafu. He is... my friend I've met a while ago in the hospital. Mafumafu, this is Kuro. She is one of my childhood friends from high school.", Soraru introduced them as Mafumafu nodded and greeted her.

"Nice to meet ya~ I'm working here part-time but Soraru-san is always the only one who visits most of the time~", Kuro chirped.

"You were gone for quite a while~ Better make it up to me and buy me some bubble tea sometime~", she said as Soraru rolled his eyes and karate chopped her head lightly making her giggle.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, do you mind if we spend the day here? It's been a long time after all.", Soraru said as Kuro nodded. "Sure~ Let's go get some bubble tea then! My shift will be over soon anyway so you can treat us to some~", Kuro said and Soraru only sighed before nodding.

"Yeah, sure. After your shift it is then.", Soraru said as Kuro cheered. "Heck yes! Aren't you glad that Soraru-san is treating us to some bubble tea as well, Mafu-kun?", Kuro asked as Mafumafu tilted his head before nodding.

"Yes... One question though. What is bubble tea?", Mafumafu asked as Kuro and Soraru were both surprised before it was Kuro who shouted out in shock. "Eh?! You don't know what it is?! Soraru-san, he doesn't know what bubble tea is!", Kuro exclaimed as Soraru hit her head.

"Quiet... it's not that big of a deal. And if he hasn't had it yet, he can try some today.", Sakata said. "Hm... I guess you're right~ Ah! Manager-san will see me slacking off! Gotta go! Well, See you guys later then!", Kuro said as she rushed away. Mafumafu and Soraru watched her walk away before the ravenette looked at Mafumafu.

"So what do you think of her?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu thought about it for a bit. "I like her! She seems like a person who enjoys life to her fullest!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the other male hummed in response. "I see... Well, let's go and look at some art before she is finished.", Soraru said and Mafumafu nodded before following him.


"Ittadakimasu!", Kuro exclaimed happily. "Ittadakimasu...", Soraru and Mafumafu repeated after her before Kuro started drinking it. Soraru also took a sip of his before he looked at Mafumafu who was staring at his own cup.

"Are you not going to drink it?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu looked up and smiled at the other male sheepishly. "Ah, yes! I will then...", Mafumafu said as he hesitantly took a sip as his eyes widened in surprise before it turned into a satisfied smile as he hummed happily with his eyes closed.

Soraru saw that as he was slightly surprised before he blushed and looked at Kuro who gave him a grin which annoyed him as he gave her a scowl.

"Shut up.", he mouthed at her as she only grinned and continued drinking her bubble tea.

The rest of the day, they all spend their time together with Kuro as she told them stories about what happened to her outside while Soraru told him about his time in the hospital.

And soon, their day came to an end as they bid farewell with Kuro.

"Well, it was nice spending some time with you again~ Let's do that soon again! You treating us to bubble tea that is~", Kuro joked and Soraru was about to say something before he was suddenly pulled down for a hug, surprising him.

"I knew that you could do it. Getting out of the hospital I mean. I'm really glad that everything is ok.", she muttered surprising him even more as he hugged back, hiding the pained smile he had.

"Thanks... I'm glad that you believed in me.", he said as they stayed like that for a few more seconds before she let go.

"Well, I gotta go now~! Let's hang out with each other sometime again too, Mafu-kun~", Kuro said giving Mafumafu a quick hug before waving at them and running off leaving Mafumafu and Soraru behind. "I really like Kuro-chan~ Can we spend some more time with her?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru shook his head.

"There are more places and people I want to see before I die. And... spending more time with her would make it worse for everyone.", Soraru explained as he walked ahead again confusing Mafumafu.

"Are we going back to Luz for the night?", the Shinigami asked as Soraru shook his head. "No... To a friend. And don't worry about anything. He has to pay me back a favor anyway.", Soraru said as Mafumafu wondered how many people Soraru even knew despite having to stay in the hospital for almost two years.

He didn't know anything about Soraru at all. But he decided that he would do his best to learn as much as he could about the raven-haired male in the remaining five days the two of them would spend together.

Is this going to have another part? Yes ww This is actually going to be a short series because I just can't do it in two chapters www It will probably have like seven chapters or something www I'll go to sleep now but I hope you guys enjoyed this! Oyasuminyasai~!

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