Seven Days with you (Soramafu)

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Pairing: Soraru x Grim Reaper! Mafumafu
Fantasy AU

Ok, This isn't a fairytale au or the collab but I really want to publish this since I have written this in February and haven't gotten a chance to publish it yet so I'll do it now~ I hope you'll like it~

"So... you really don't want to do it?", the head of the Shinigami Realm asked a brunette who only nodded in response.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to do it as he is my best friend from the human world.

I'd hate to betray his trust.", he said as the other only sighed and nodded.

"You have been one of my best Shinigami's and were loyal for such a long time until now, Kashitaro. So if you really don't want to, I will just ask someone else then.

Just understand that this is an exception.", he said as the said brunette nodded as he kneeled down and put his hand on his chest.

"Thank you very much.", Kashitaro thanked him before he stood up and exited the room. The head of the Shinigami's only sighed before he called another Shinigami. A few moments later, he could hear someone knock as he told him to step inside. The door opened to reveal an albino walking in.

"Did you call me?", he asked as the old man nodded. "Yes. You see, there is someone who is close to his death so could you take care of him and watch over him until then?", he asked as the young Shinigami nodded.

"Y-yes. I don't have a human assigned to right now anyway, so I can do it.", he nodded as the man smiled fondly.

"That's good. Go to him right away then, Mafumafu.", he said as the albino nodded. "Where is the human and what is his name?", he asked as the man looked at the file before he answered. "It's a japanese boy this time.

Unfortunately for him, he is going to die next week. His name is Soraru.", the head of the Shinigami Realm answered as Mafumafu nodded. "I will be on my way then.", Mafumafu said and bowed before he exited the room.

Mafumafu headed to his room but because he didn't pay any attention to his surroundings, he bumped into someone as he muttered an apology. "It's fine. I'm sorry for not paying enough attention as well.", the male apologized and Mafumafu looked up to see that it was Kashitaro.

His friend, Amatsuki, always talked about him and how he wished he could meet him. It was a bit difficult for Amatsuki though as he was an angel and had to do his own duties as well.

And Kashitaro was busy as well so they couldn't really talk that often. "Ah, hello Kashitaro-san!", the younger male greeted as he bowed. "How are you?", the brunette asked.

"I'm doing fine. And if you are wondering how Amatsuki-kun is right now, he is probably searching for you because he had some free time.", Mafumafu explained as the older Shinigami only chuckled in slight amusement.

"Well, I'll go to him then. Are you free now? Do you want to come with me and search for him?", Kashitaro asked as the albino shook his head.

"I have to go and do some work right now. A human was assigned to me so I will return in a week.", Mafumafu explained as Kashitaro froze when he heard that. "That human... is he perhaps called Soraru?", Kashitaro asked as Mafumafu tilted his head confused.

"Yes? How did you know?", Mafumafu asked curiously as Kashitaro only shook his head. "No important reason. I will go now so good luck with your task.", Kashitaro told him as the younger male only nodded smiling.

"I will do my best! See you then!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he walked away. Kashitaro only watched how he walked away as his smile disappeared and a frown appeared instead.

"Your fate has been sealed, Soraru. I'm sorry for not being able to help you any further...", he apologized as he tried his best to hold his tears in.

In the meanwhile, Mafumafu took his scythe and a black cape before draping it over him and putting his hood over his head.

"Well, let's go then~", Mafumafu exclaimed before he summoned a portal and jumped in it, ready to see how this human would be like.


Soraru only sighed as he looked out of the window. It was another sunny day but he couldn't go out as he was told he had to rest.

That he had to stay here until he got better. Honestly, staying in this hospital for such a long time made him feel so bored.

The only time that made him happy was when his friends would visit him. Especially when his best friend Kashitaro Ito would come to visit him. But the brunette hadn't visited him in the last few days and he always had to stay in bed to get better. And he really had enough of it.

The door opened and Soraru merely glanced at the person before he saw that it was his friends who came to visit him. "Soraru-san, it's us again!", a red-haired male exclaimed who was accompanied by a short brunette and a blonde female.

Soraru only hummed in disinterest as the Christmas duo gasped in fake hurt. "How can you give us such a boring reaction?", Sakata asked as Soraru only rolled his eyes. He then gave the blonde girl a nod who returned that with a smile as she placed the basket of flowers next to his bed.

"How are you feeling, Soraru-san?", she asked as Soraru told her that he was fine. "I will feel better though when I finally get out of this place.", Soraru said and they all only nodded.

"The doctors said that you'd be allowed to go out for a bit next week so that's something nice, isn't it?", Lon announced as Soraru's mood lightened up slightly. "What really? Yes!"

"Anyways, Kashitaro said that he was going to be busy today as well and that he'd do his best to come by tomorrow.", Lon informed him as the ravenette only nodded in response.

They all joked around and talked a bit before it was finally afternoon and Sakata, Lon and Urata said their goodbyes before they left.

Soraru watched them leave before he sighed and laid back down.

He hated this hospital to the core and hated staying in this white room with nothing to do. The only positive thing he knew was the nice view outside from the window which was next to him.

He turned to look outside wondering if the cherry blossoms would bloom soon as he shut his book he was reading and looked out of the window.

But he widened his eyes when he saw a person sitting there on the edge of his window staring right into his eyes.

The wind was blowing as it threw the hood off the person revealing a white-haired male with shiny red eyes staring right into his blue ones.

In Soraru's eyes, he was beautiful even though he was holding a scythe right now. But Soraru snapped out of his thoughts as he tried put everything together from what was happening right now. He just couldn't put it together though as he decided to just ask the person.

"What are you doing there? Be careful not to fall.", Soraru warned him as the albino only widened his eyes in response. "You can see me?"


Mafumafu didn't expect this. The human he was assigned to looked so handsome and cool as he couldn't help but stare at him. But what he didn't expect at all was when he looked at him.

Mafumafu flinched but guessed that the ravenette was looking at the scenery outside. That was until he talked to him. "What are you doing there? Be careful not to fall.", Soraru warned him as the albino only widened his eyes in response.

"You can see me?", he asked surprised as the ravenette nodded. "Of course. I may be in hospital but I am not here because I'm blind or anything. Mind telling me what you are?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu fumbled with his words.

"E-eh? I-i'm a Shinigami...", Mafumafu answered as he tried to think of a way to explain this man sitting in front of him that he was going to take his soul after a week.

It seemed that he didn't have to worry about explaining things as the ravenette put everything together by himself from that sentence.

"I see... that makes sense. Hey, Shinigami.", Soraru called out to the albino who just flinched at being called before he looked at Soraru confused and was surprised by his next words.

"How long do I have?", Soraru asked. "Eh? U-um, what do you mean?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru rolled his eyes before changing his question.

"When will I die?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu finally understood and answered. "I-in about one week.", he responded as Soraru only hummed and stood up from his bed.

He took a bag he hid under the bed as he took some clothes out and took his things off. Mafumafu was flustered as he hid his face behind his hands. "W-what are you doing?!", Mafumafu asked screeching as Soraru slightly glared at him.

"I am getting out of this god damn hospital. While I'm changing, you can start explaining everything about me dying and such.

You would usually explain it to the humans whose souls you collect, wouldn't you?", Soraru asked as he took the shirt and put it on.

"B-but you're the first human who saw me!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Soraru stopped in his tracks and looked at the albino confused.

"Hah? Are you actually serious?", Soraru asked as the albino nodded. "I never met a human who could see me! So I am not used to it!", Mafumafu explained as Soraru only hummed before continuing with what he was doing.

"There's always a first. Just explain me how I will die, when I will die and such things.", Soraru said shrugging as the albino complied and answered. "W-well, I don't know how you'll die exactly but the headmaster said that you were going to die from your disease and that you'd die in exactly one week. And after that, I have to collect your soul.", Mafumafu answered as Soraru sighed.

"I knew that the hospital couldn't help me. I was stuck in here for almost two years after all.", Soraru muttered as he put his shoes on.

"Two years is a long time... W-where are you going, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as he quickly followed the other male who was exiting the room. He also noticed that the ravenette was now having brown hair so he must be wearing a wig.

"Out of here obviously... I am not wasting the last week of my life in the place I hate the most.", Soraru muttered as he opened the door and quickly walked outside.

"Hey you! Where are you going?", a doctor asked as Soraru froze before he turned around smiling as he scratched his cheek.

"Eh, I'm sorry~ I was visiting my friend and I didn't notice the time was passing by so fast! But don't worry, I'll be taking my leave now~", Soraru assured the doctor and Mafumafu was so surprised that the grumpy ravenette from before could actually act like that.

"Ah, is that so? Be careful on your way home then.", the doctor said and Soraru nodded before walking out of the hospital.

Once he got outside he ripped his wig off and threw it into the next trash can he found. "Let's go then.", Soraru said as he adjusted the backpack he had on his back. "Eh? Where are we going?", Mafumafu asked confused as Soraru walked ahead.

"I am going to places that I want to go before I die. And because you are my Shinigami you will accompany me until I die, won't you?", Soraru asked as he looked at his phone looking at a map. "Y-yes, but do you really want to go away without telling your friends goodbye?", Mafumafu asked as the ravenette stopped in his tracks for a while before he continued to walk.

"I would love to tell them goodbye but how should I explain to them that I am going to die in the next week because I saw the Shinigami in front of me? They will think that I am crazy for sure. And I don't want to spend the rest of my life in a mental hospital.", Soraru told the albino and the Shinigami nodded understanding it.

"I also wrote them a letter which explained them some things so they wouldn't think I was kidnapped or something.", Soraru explained.

"But Soraru-san, why would you want to go outside then? Wouldn't humans normally get really depressed and want to stay in the bed for the rest of their time before they die?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru hummed.

"I guess. But I don't want to waste my time, you know? There are still many things I wanted to do once I got out of the hospital. But if I am going to die anyway then I have to do all those things now. So I can leave this world without any regrets.", Soraru explained as Mafumafu nodded.

He was intrigued by this human who was so different unlike all the humans he met before. And he knew that he would never meet someone like Soraru again.

"But I guess it's nice to have some company before someone's death. I have some things I want to do but I wouldn't mind having someone around. So how about it? Do you want to spend this week with me?", Soraru asked as he looked at the albino who was walking beside him.

"You wouldn't mind having me around?", Mafumafu asked surprised as the ravenette shook his head. "If I minded, I wouldn't ask you, would I? So how about it?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu nodded smiling.

"Then I will gladly accompany you, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu exclaimed smiling brightly as the ravenette felt himself blushing slightly.

He coughed to get his composure back before he talked again. "Anyway, what's your name? You seem to know mine so wouldn't it be only fair for me to know yours as well?", Soraru asked as the albino nodded.

"My name is Mafumafu!", the Shinigami introduced himself as the ravenette nodded in response. The sun was slowly setting but Soraru didn't mind as he knew where they could stay for the night.

"That's a cute name. Well, let's spend a nice week together then, Mafumafu.", Soraru said as he turned towards the albino and Mafumafu blushed before he smiled at the other male.

"Yes! I'm looking forward to spend this week together with you! Let's make this week unforgettable for you, Soraru-san!"

To be continued

Yeah, there is going to be a Part 2 of this ww Anyways, I hope you guys liked this and see you guys in the next chapter! Sayonyara~!

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