He's mine (Urasaka Side)

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Pairing: Urata x Sakata
Genre: Fluff
Requested by: sakataaa
High School AU

Ok, I said that requests were closed and this is a request and all but requests are still closed, I'm sorry www I just couldn't help but accept this request ww I was going to just work on something else but thanks to Riyu-chan's fanart of Urasaka I got the motivation to finish this Urasaka fanfic today~ Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy it! Sorry that it took so long!

"Urata-san... I don't get this question...", Sakata mumbled as the brunet sighed but nodded. "Alright, come here, I'll explain it again...", the older male said as the younger male came over and showed Urata the math problem.

"To solve this problem, you'll have to use this formula and then find x.", Urata said as the redhead sat there for a bit silently, the gears in his head working. "Why do I have to use this formula though?", Sakata asked confused as Urata was about to break his pencil.

But he stopped himself when he saw how the younger male was genuinely trying to understand it but just couldn't. So the older male merely sighed before he spoke in a calm tone, so that he wouldn't make the younger male feel guilty.

He swore to god that it was so much easier trying to help Senra and Shima. Why? Because he could shout at them all he wanted whenever they didn't get anything and not feel any remorse or guilt.

With Sakata though, he always felt like he just kicked a puppy whenever he'd make the younger male feel sad so he just couldn't do it. When Sakata first came to him to ask him for help for one of his upcoming exams, Urata wanted to decline.

And he did. But after the redhead pestering him and then even using his puppy eyes, the older male couldn't do anything else besides giving in.

Who even would be able to resist Sakata's puppy eyes and pleading face? Urata cursed himself for not being one of those people.

"I'll explain it to you again slowly so make sure to listen to me, alright?", Urata said as he scooted closer and took a pencil as he started to scribble down some formulas.

"You have to use this formula cause it's necessary to start the solution. And don't even start to ask me why. It's just a rule which you have to use for these types of problems.", Urata explained as Sakata only nodded and scribbled something down as well before he showed his solution to the older male who took a look at it before nodding.

"Yeah, this is a long way to solve this but it is more or less right. Good job.", Urata nodded satisfied as Sakata smiled happily. Urata was about to go to the next question until he noticed the expectant expression of the red-haired male.

"...What?", Urata asked, having a really bad feeling already. "W-well, I did a good job solving this question, right?", Sakata asked as he fumbled with his fingers as the brunet just sat there still waiting for the younger male to elaborate.

"So I thought that maybe I could get a small rewards?", Sakata asked as he looked at the older male who blushed slightly but nodded. "If this gets you to continue working... What do you want?", Urata asked as he had an idea on what it could be already. "Well... is it fine to ask you to... pat my head?", Sakata asked blushing.

"...Hah?", Urata asked clearly not expecting this. "Is that too much to ask?", Sakata asked as he stopped fumbling with his fingers to look at the older male worried. "Don't make it sound like you wanted something else!", Urata shouted in annoyance, embarrassment laced in it.

"Eh?! I-i'm sorry!", Sakata apologized looking down as Urata immediately felt guilty. There was a short silence as Sakata could hear some shuffling before he felt a hand on his head, patting it softly. He looked at the older male confused who coughed slightly embarrassed before he continued.

"T-there there... You did a good job...", Urata praised the younger male who looked surprised before he suddenly pulled the older male into a hug, burying his face into the other's shoulder as Urata could basically see the dog ears standing up and the tail wagging happily.

He only sighed in a fond manner as he continued to ruffle Sakata's hair softly. "I don't want to continue studying anymore... Can't we just stay like this until school starts again?", Sakata asked as Urata rolled his eyes at the younger male's request.

"Idiot, of course we can't. You have a test to pass or else you'll have to study again and bother me about you failing.", Urata argued as the younger male pulled away pouting.

"Do I have to~?", Sakata asked as he was about to use his puppy eyes again which was immediately stopped by the older male. "You're not getting out of this, idiot.", Urata said knocking on the back of the younger's head lightly.

Sakata only pulled away wanting to continue arguing. But before he could, the older male lifted his hand in a way to tell him to not even start again. So in the end, the red-haired male only sighed out in defeat and nodded as he turned back to his notes, pouting while doing all of that.

Urata groaned before he spoke up and Sakata assumed that he would tell the younger male to stop pouting and rather get to work. He was right. Yet he was still surprised.

"Ugh, stop looking all pouty just because you have to study. Let's make a deal, alright? You try your best and solve all of these questions. And for each correct answer, you'll get a reward similar to this.", Urata told him as Sakata widened his eyes surprised before a wide smile spread on his face.

"Alright! I'll do my best then!", Sakata exclaimed as he took the pencil in his hand and started to quickly write down some answers, looking all too motivated as Urata only sighed and leaned his head on his hand, watching the younger male.

"What an idiot...", Urata thought to himself. Even so, here he was, smiling to himself fondly while watching this idiot do his best to get some rewards from his boyfriend. Honestly, if Urata had to compare their relationship to something, it'd be something like the dog and his owner.

The redhead acted like a dog after all. Feeling happy whenever Urata came. Feeling sad whenever he had to go. Following the older male everywhere when they were in school and outside. Always working hard to get a reward.

Urata thought that this wasn't an adorable trait but a stupid one. He totally thought so. There was no way that Urata thought that Sakata was cute. What are you even talking about?

"Urata-san?", the redhead called out to him and he tilted his head confused as the older male snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Sakata.

"What is it?", Urata asked, pretending as if he has been watching the whole time and wasn't spacing out. "I finished the questions!", Sakata exclaimed happily and the brunet widened his eyes as he looked down on the problems to see that the younger male had filled in everything.

But he sighed when he looked at the answers to see all of them done quickly but wrong. "Oi, if you want any rewards then do them correctly and not wrong!", Urata scolded as he pinched the other male's cheek annoyed.

The younger male only whined as he tried to pull the older male's hand off. "Uwata-san, it huwts~", he whined as the brunet ignored that and merely continued. "Don't like what I'm doing? Make sure to answer the questions properly.", Urata merely told him and pinched Sakata's cheek for a bit longer before letting go.

"Just do those problems again. And this time, make sure to actually think of what you do.", Urata said as Sakata pouted but nodded before turning back to his math problems. While Sakata was doing them, Urata went back to his thoughts, sighing innerly at what kind of idiot his boyfriend was.

Seriously... wanting those rewards so badly... Sakata was truly just like a dog. An idiotic dog. Even his confession was so idiotic that Urata wondered why he even accepted.


"Urata-san! I passed the exams!", a redhead exclaimed happily as he ran up to a brunet who was just having a conversation with his classmate. The classmate only smiled because Sakata was pretty known in this class as the younger male always came by every so often.

"I'll be going then.", he said as Urata gave him an apologetic look. "Sorry, I'll give you my handout as quick as I can after this.", Urata apologized as the other male only laughed and waved it off.

"It's fine~ Please take your time.", he assured before going back into the classroom. Urata turned towards the redhead annoyed as the younger male ran up to him. "Oi, learn to wait when someone is having a conversation.", Urata told him as he crossed his arms.

The younger male only laughed sheepishly as he scratched his cheek.

"I'm sorry~ I wanted to wait and just be happy with Mafudon that we both passed but he already left as soon as he could to call Soraru-san...", Sakata whined as Urata only hummed.

"Oh, that possessive yandere, huh?", Urata thought to himself. Honestly, he didn't really get along with the raven-haired male but both of them made a silent oath to just not talk to each other unless it was necessary.

Sakata's next words snapped him out of his thoughts again as he looked at the younger male. "You said that I would get a prize for passing right? And since I passed...", Sakata trailed off as Urata understood and sighed.

"Fine. I don't really have anything prepared so tell me what you want. I'll get it for you as long as it doesn't cost too much and I can afford it.", Urata told him as the redhead smiled nodding.

"T-then... p-please go out with me!", Sakata exclaimed as the brunet looked at him surprised. "Huh?", Urata merely asked.

And because Sakata shouted, everyone in his class could also hear them.

This was honestly one of Urata's most embarrassing moments and he should have rejected Sakata as a joke just to give him a lesson.

But in the end, he just scolded the redhead for his behavior before accepting his confession.


"Urata-san, Urata-san! I finished all of the questions!", the red-haired male told him as the brunet's mind went back to the present and looked at the questions. "You better did them properly this time.", Urata told him as he looked at the problems to see that all of them were right.

More or less at least. "Huh... so you can do it if you actually sit and study properly.", Urata hummed in acknowledgement as the younger male smiled proudly. "I finished all of the questions!", Sakata repeated as the older male nodded.

"Yeah, congrats. You can take a small break for now then. You want something to eat and drink now?", Urata asked as he stood up, ready to get said things but was stopped by the other male slightly pulling on the end of his sleeve.

And even Urata couldn't help but admit that the younger male looked adorable when he turned back to look at him. "Th-there is no need for that... Can I just get...", Sakata started as Urata understood but didn't feel like doing what the redhead said so he decided to tease him.

"Get what~? I can't really give you anything if you don't tell me what you want~", Urata said and the younger male noticed this as his blush got darker and a pout showed on his face.

"M-my reward... I want it now.", Sakata told him as the brunet stayed silent for a bit before he opened his arms as the younger male understood and dived into the hug immediately. He looked at the brunet expectantly who understood and coughed embarrassed before doing it.

Urata leaned in as he showered the younger male with short kisses. Sakata only giggled happily as the older male did so making the brunet smile unconsciously as well.

This continued on for a while before Urata pulled away and just started to run a hand through the younger male's hair.

Sakata for once, didn't talk but just put his head on the other's chest as he was quietly listening to the calm and steady heartbeat of the brunet.

They stayed like this for some more before Urata was the first one to pull away, making the redhead wish for more.

"That's enough for now. Let's continue with studying for the next subject so you can pass.", Urata said making the younger male pout.

"Eh~ Isn't this enough for today? Can't we cuddle more?", Sakata asked as the older male shook his head. "You'll fail and whine and be even more annoying so no.", Urata declined as he pulled some new books out for the next subject as Sakata only gulped when he saw the large amount of things he still had to do. "Now start working.", Urata said as the younger male whined but nodded.

"F-fineeee~", the red-haired male gave in as he took the pencil and grudgingly started to read through the problems as he did his best to solve them. He then widened his eyes surprised though when he suddenly felt a hand being intertwined with his free hand laying under the table. He looked to the side to see the older male looking away.

"This is just to get you to stop whining... Don't get any wrong ideas.", Urata told him as Sakata blushed before he giggled and nodded. "Alright, I'll do my best to finish everything! But can I get some kind of good luck charm for this?", Sakata asked.

"Wha— You want more?!", Urata asked in disbelief. "Eh? Is that not allowed?", Sakata asked tilting his head and Urata was about to decline but realized that it'd be too much of a pain to try to argue.

So instead he just forcefully took the younger male by the collar before pulling him down and pressing his lips onto the younger male's gently.

Sakata was so surprised and didn't expect that, that his face exploded into a dark shade of red as he didn't know what to do. So in the end, he just sat there shocked, not doing anything at all until Urata pulled away. Urata noticed how the younger male didn't know what to say as a mischievous smile appeared on his face.

"Eh~ Is someone embarrassed of a small kiss?", Urata teased as the redhead's blush darkened even more if possible as he hid his face with the sleeve of the hand which wasn't holding Urata's right now. "Doing that all of a sudden is not fair, Urata-san...", Sakata mumbled as the brunet only shrugged.

"It wouldn't be fun to tell you beforehand. But now you have your good luck charm so go back to studying.", Urata told him as the younger male merely nodded before turning his attention back to studying. "Urata-san?", the younger male called out as the brunet sighed when he noticed how the attention of the redhead shifted away again.

"What is it now? If it's about not studying and stopping for today then I won't allow it. Why? Because—".

"Thanks for helping me. I love you, Urata-san.", Sakata told him as the older male immediately stopped talking as he sat there for a good minute, trying to comprehend what the younger male said before a small blush spread on his face.

"Idiot... always saying that at the weirdest times...", Urata accused. "But you still love me, don't you~?", Sakata asked giggling as the older male sighed. "Fortunately or Unfortunately, yes I do.", Urata said as the younger male gasped shocked. "What's with the unfortunately?!", the younger male asked.

"Even though I love you so much...", the redhead said as he slumped down in defeat which made the older male sigh once again.

He then lifted their intertwined hands as he placed a quick kiss on the younger male's hand which caused Sakata to turn red again. "Idiot. You know that I love you despite everything. Never forget that.", Urata told him as Sakata nodded happily. "Yes!", he exclaimed as the brunet nodded.

"Now go back to studying and don't waste any more time. We can cuddle all you want after you're finished.", Urata told him as the younger male nodded and started to work.

Sakata decided that he would do his best to study and pass the exam to make the older male proud of him. And if he was lucky, he would maybe even get a small reward again.


''Uwah, you actually failed the test, Mafudon?! Even I was able to pass it after Urata-san explained it to me.'', Sakata exclaimed surprised. The redhead was honestly surprised because the albino would always be able to pass the test whenever he studied with Soraru.

''And don't you usually always pass the test whenever you are studying with Soraru-san?'', Sakata asked as Mafumafu stayed silent.

''I couldn't study...'', Mafumafu muttered as Sakata tilted his head confused. ''Eh? But isn't Soraru-san usually totally strict with such things?'', Sakata asked confused and suddenly noticed something on the albino's neck.

''Mafudon... did some mosquitos attack you or something? Your neck is covered with marks.'', Sakata pointed out as the albino blushed brightly slapping his hand over his neck.

''This is all your fault... You are always scolding me for not wanting to study and when I want to, you suddenly attack me...

Now I have to retake the test but I need your help so I have to call you after this to study again.... Stupid, Soraru-san!'', the albino shouted and Sakata was about to say something but Mafumafu was faster as he rushed away already, probably going to complain to the ravenette about it.

Sakata decided to just let him be though because Soraru would probably be happier with just seeing the albino as he decided to go to Urata instead. "Urata-san! I passed the exam!", the redhead exclaimed while the brunet was talking with a classmate again.

After he apologized to his classmate who assured him that it was fine, he turned to Sakata annoyed as he crossed his arms. "You never learn, do you?", the brunet asked as the younger male quickly apologized before changing the topic again.

"But listen to this, Urata-san! I passed but Mafudon didn't! Which is really weird cause he studied with Soraru-san.", Sakata told him as the older male was slightly surprised.

"Wait, really? I thought that studying would be the one thing that guy would be good at.", Urata said as the younger male hummed in agreement. "And Mafudon was acting really weird too! I just feel bad for him... First not passing the exam and then getting bitten by so many mosquitoes too...", Sakata said sighing as the brunet perked up.

"Mosquitoes?", Urata repeated as the redhead nodded. "Yes, a lot of mosquito bites were scattered on Mafudon. Poor Mafudon...", Sakata mumbled as Urata hummed. "Sakata, I don't think that mosquitoes bit him.", Urata told him as Sakata tilted his head confused. "What else could it be?", Sakata asked as Urata smirked.

"I can show you. Want to know as a reward for passing the exams?", Urata asked with a mischievous smile on his face as Sakata nodded cheerfully, not understanding it.

"Alright, let's go to my house then. I'll just go get my bag.", Urata said as he went inside the classroom to take his things before they headed to the brunet's house where Urata showed him how Mafumafu got the "mosquito bites".

And on the next day, Mafumafu was the one being confused when he saw the redhead coming to school, blushing and covered in a lot of bandaids.

I tried my best but was this fluffy enough? www I hope you still liked it! For the people who want the No game no life AU chapter, I'm still working on it so I hope you'll wait for me~! Until then, Sayonyara!

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