A day of fluff {The End}

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And we've reached the 100th chapter of this book~ Yaaaaay! Thank you for everyone who has been reading until now! I'm really happy! Really, thank you ww

Just a small note that I will be ending this book after this chapter. Thank you very much if you've read up till this point. It's just that I have realized the more I wrote in here, the sloppier and the worse my chapters did actually get.

And I thought that if this continued on, I would end up writing crappy things which would be just a disgrace and would end up being a waste of time or disappointment for everyone of you guys and this book. So I decided to end it before it could come to that point. Anyways, let's make the last chapter of this book a nice one, alright~?

Did I get you?? wwwww Did I kind of make you think I'd stop writing? www I am sorry I joked around a bit ww

This book will end though that was the truth.

I will just make a new oneshot/series book because this is getting full and I did realize that the quality of my chapters sunk... So! New start, new beginning! Trying to write better this time so you guys can still enjoy reading my stories! I... hope that you will read it? ww Anyways, this time for real, hope you enjoy~


Waking up (Evesou)
The sun was shining lightly through the window as a mushroom-haired male stirred slightly before opening his eyes, blinking several times to completely wake up.

His eyes soon met a mop of blond hair as he smiled softly when he registered that it was his lover who was still asleep.

He gently brushed the younger male's bangs away to get a better look at his face.

Eve didn't want to wake the other male up yet so he decided to just lay still and take the time to analyze the blond male's facial expressions.

Sou looked peaceful unlike the times when he would just hide his face behind his hands so that the mushroom-haired male wouldn't be able to look at him anymore.

It was adorable but the older male did think it was a shame that Sou always had to hide his face.

But because he didn't want to embarrass his boyfriend any further, he always let him as he only laughed lightly before changing the topic so that his lover could feel relaxed again.

This is why the mushroom-haired male liked waking up before the younger male though. Because if he did, he could admire and look at the younger male all he wanted.

And every day, he was being reminded of how lucky he was to be able wake up next to Sou every morning. "Mn... Eve-san?", a soft voice called out to Eve as the older male gave him a soft smile in response before leaning in and pressing his lips onto the younger ones for a short second before pulling away again.

"Good Morning, Sou-kun.", the older male said as the blond male gave him a smile before snuggling closer to the older male, burying his face into Eve's chest. "Can we stay like this for a bit longer?", Sou asked quietly as Eve smiled and hummed in response.

And so, they laid in each other's arms, enjoying the comfort and warmth as they were grateful to have been able to wake up together this morning as well.

Daily morning routine (Kashitsuki)
The light scent of tea was filling the air as a brunet put his apron on before he started to chop the vegetables which he had washed a minute ago.

He was humming along to a soft tune as he was doing so, tapping his foot along to the rhythm.

Soon the door opened as another brunet stepped inside, smiling upon the sight of his lover making breakfast. "Good Morning, Amatsuki-kun.", the older male greeted him as the younger male perked up after hearing his name and turned around for a bit. "Good Morning, Kashitaro-san!

Why are you awake so early again? You went to sleep late because of some work, didn't you?", Amatsuki asked as he sounded as if he was about to scold the older male to get more rest.

Kashitaro only chuckled though before he answered the younger male.

"Yes but if I did, I wouldn't be able to eat your fresh breakfast together with you, would I?", he asked as the shorter brunet halted for a second before continuing, the older male noticing that his ears had turned red.

"S-stupid, Kashitaro-san... We could have eaten every other time together as well... Giving up sleep just for this...", Amatsuki mumbled as the older male only laughed lightly.

"I just want to spend more time with you. Is that bad?", Kashitaro asked as he walked up closer to the shorter male, hugging him from behind as he put his chin on top of the younger male's head. Amatsuki only looked down in an attempt to hide his blush as he continued breakfast despite that.

The two of them only enjoyed each other's company for a while without saying anything before the older male spoke up.

"Do you need help with anything?", Kashitaro asked as the shorter male thought about it for a second before answering. "Will you set the table for me then?", Amatsuki asked as the older male nodded before pulling away to do so.

"Amatsuki-kun, I have the day off today.", the older male said as the younger male was surprised to hear that as the taller male almost never had free time just like that.

"If I am correct, you have one today as well. Do you want to take that time and go out? The weather is beautiful today.", Kashitaro told him. Amatsuki smiled softly before he nodded in response. "That would sound great.", he agreed before they both fell into a comfortable silence again.

Spending time with each other was the most enjoyable for both of them after all.

Taking time (Naruluz)
A light-haired male was looking at his watch as he sighed and only leaned against the wall, wondering when his companion would show up.

He felt uncomfortable by the girls staring at him, having to tell them that he was waiting for someone. He was really wondering why they were trying to talk to him though.

There was really no reason to and the tall male could do nothing else but politely turn them down. Luz was waiting for some time already as he wondered if the pink-haired male would even show up or if he was wrong.

He checked his phone and no, he wasn't wrong about the date. It would have been today. Some girls had approached him yet again as he could only give them a smile and was about to say that he was waiting for someone.

But before he could though, someone had already acted faster as Luz felt two familiar arms clinging onto his arm as he gave the girls a disapproving look before smiling.

"Sorry~ But he was waiting for me~ We will be going now so have a nice day~", the pink-haired male chirped before yanking on the taller male's arm and pulling away.

"Seriously, Luz-chan, can you please not stand out so people will try to flirt with you again?", the younger male asked as he pouted.

"Flirt? They did nothing of the sort, Nqrse-san. And even if, I wouldn't have gone with any of them. I was waiting for you after all.", Luz assured him with a smile as the pink-haired male stopped pulling the older male with him and looked up at the light-haired male.

"...Really?", Nqrse asked.

Even when he acted confident the whole time, he knew that Luz was indeed handsome and could get almost any girl that he wanted as he had both the looks and character.

But even so, Luz chose him so it was his responsibility of staying with him, wasn't it?

"Of course. I mean, I have been waiting all this time, haven't I?", Luz asked with a smile. And he was right. The pink-haired male had come late for almost an hour where the light-haired male could have walked away with any girl he wanted.

And even then, the older male had rejected everyone and waited for the pink-haired male. "I'm sorry... I forgot to look at the time and was preparing myself for now.", Nqrse apologized as he looked down.

He wasn't usually one for apologies but he did feel bad for making Luz wait so long. Luz only chuckled though as he reached to take the pink-haired male's hand and intertwined it with his.

"It's fine. I should have texted you instead of just waiting.", the light-haired male assured him as the younger male was about to protest. But before he could, Luz had spoken up first again.

"You look beautiful today.", he said with a soft smile as the pink-haired male could only look at him, surprised to hear that.

"You used different makeup today and have a new dress, don't you? It suits you.", Luz said still smiling. Did that man even notice how much he was affecting Nqrse with those words.

No wonder how those girls were trying to talk to Luz all the time. For all he knew, Luz could have given them compliments without even noticing it. But even so, that was one of the reasons why the pink-haired male loved him.

And so, the pink-haired male tugged slightly onto Luz's hand. "Thanks! You also look great today! We are the hottest couple in this whole world!", Nqrse declared as the older male could only laugh hearing that. "I am sure we are if you are in, Nqrse-san.", Luz said chuckling.

And here he was, complimenting the pink-haired male again. Doing all of that unconsciously made it even worse for Nqrse.

But deep down, he knew that he was happy to hear the light-haired male agree with him. And he was happy to have fallen in love with Luz.

First Date (Urasaka)
"Ok, so let me get this straight.", a brunet started.

"You can't swim. And yet you still decided to suggest on going to the beach for our first date? Not just any beach but one where they are literally warning us to not go inside the water unless you can swim?", he asked as the younger male could only sit there laughing sheepishly before his head was whacked by the older male.

"I knew that you were an idiot but not to this extent! Give me a break already...", the older male said as he sighed. "I'm sorry, Urata-san! I will make sure to check it next time!", the redhead apologized as the older male only sighed.

"Who cares... Let's just go to the ice over there and buy some food. I was craving some shaved ice anyways.", Urata told him as he lifted their bags and walked ahead as the younger male nodded and quickly followed him.

They slowly reached the stand as the brunet told the younger male to wait for him before he went to buy them some shaved ice cream.

The redhead waited for the older male to come back who soon arrived with two cups of shaved ice cream, one with some red syrup and the other one with some green syrup as he handed the one with the red syrup over to the younger male before he picked up his spoon to eat his own.

He soon noticed how the redhead was staring at him though as he sighed, knowing why as he picked up his spoon and scooped some of his shaved ice before holding it towards the younger male who looked at him confused.

"Don't look so confused. You wanted to taste mine, didn't you?", Urata asked as the younger male giggled sheepishly but nodded. Sakata leaned closer as he opened his mouth soon feeling the sweet coldness, swooning as he put his hand on his cheek as he enjoyed the taste.

Urata only smiled slightly when he saw this kind of expression from his lover just from something as small as this. It was kind of endearing and cute.

Not like he would ever say that to the younger male though. Sakata was indeed an idiot for choosing this place for their first date.

But even so, Urata couldn't say that he hated it even when they could only do limited things.

It sounded sappy but he guessed that as long as he was with the redhead, it didn't matter where they were.

Sunset (Shimasen)
"Uwah, that was fun!", a purple-haired male exclaimed as a blond male laughed lightly and nodded in agreement. The two of them had met up to go on a date.

They had done a lot of things from eating breakfast together to going into the amusement park before they had now decided to go to the park as their last destination.

Shima and Senra were now sitting next to each other on a bench, hands intertwined as they enjoyed the fresh air. It was in the late evening already which was why they were the only ones who were currently there except for some people passing by and minding their own business.

The whole day, they were messing around and were having a lot of fun. Compared to when the two of them talked to each other as if there was no tomorrow, they were now only sitting in silence watching the sight in front of them.

The trees which were now illuminated by the light coming from the sun in the sky which was painted in the warm colors of orange and pink.

The small flower field just under it. The grand sun which would slowly sink down.

Shima shifted slightly as he took his jacket off and put it around the blond male who only smiled slight as he gripped the fabric of it before shuffling closer to the older male and lying his head onto the other's shoulder while the purple-haired male put an arm around the younger male.

Senra sighed out happily as he leaned in as close as possible while the older male smiled at that and responded by tightening his grip around the blond male. Basking in the warmth while being in each other's arms.

Watching the sunset after a long fun but tiring day.


There was nothing more they could wish for.

Shooting Stars (Soramafu)
"The moon is really beautiful tonight.", an albino said as the raven-haired male lifted his attention away from the sky to the younger male next to him. "And why are you suddenly saying such things?", the older male asked.

"I don't know!", he exclaimed before giggling for no reason as the older male sighed but smiled fondly. "You know what else is beautiful?", Soraru asked as the albino shook his head, waiting for the raven-haired male to answer.

"The stars in the sky.", the older male answered as Mafumafu nodded in agreement before the two of them looked back up at the sky above them.

"Soraru-san, don't you think the stars kind of look like they are dancing with each other?", Mafumafu asked as the other male merely raised a questioning eyebrow at that, waiting for the albino to elaborate.

"I mean, they are twinkling and such! They are going kira kira!", the albino exclaimed as he made opened and closed his eyes repeatedly at that making the raven-haired male laugh lightly.

"What even... that sounds weird.", Soraru said in between his laughter as the younger male joined in. After that, neither of them said anything anymore as they only laid on the soft grass next to each other, watching the stars above them, their hands intertwined with each other.

The stars above of them were shining ever so brightly. It was slowly getting cooler as Soraru decided that it was time to head back soon. The older male halted though and widened his eyes upon the scene unfolding in front of him. He could hear Mafumafu's breath hitching, being as surprised as him to see the star constellation changing.

"Wow... this is the first time I have seen this many shooting stars...", the albino said softly as the older male hummed in agreement. "Quick, Soraru-san! Let's make a wish!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Soraru nodded and made a wish.

And as quick as it came, the shooting stars disappeared, only leaving the full moon with the other stars. "What did you wish for, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked curiously.

"As much as I'd like to tell you, it won't come true if I did.", Soraru answered as the younger male pouted in response.

"Soraru-san won't get to know mine too then!", the albino said pouting which caused the raven-haired male to chuckled amused. "Eh...? I wanted to know but fair enough. Shall we head back now? It's getting late.", Soraru reminded him. "Can we stay just a bit longer?", Mafumafu asked.

And who was Soraru to decline? So the older male only nodded in response with a soft smile.

"If you want to then of course.", Soraru said before they looked back up to the night sky again, thinking back about their wishes that they had just made.

Despite them saying things about telling or keeping their wishes a secret, the both of them didn't really feel the need to ask for them.

After all they knew that both of them had asked for the same wish to come true.

And that was for the two of them being able to stay together from now on as well.

And that was the last chapter for this book~ Thank you very much for everyone who had been reading up till now! I hope you guys won't think of me moving to another book as too much troubles ww I would be very happy if I would see you in my other Utaite story book as well! It will be mostly like this one but I will try to use that as a way to improve myself! Thank you again for reading this book! I would be really happy if I could see you guys in my new book as well! Sayonyara!

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