No matter what you are Part 5 (Soramafu & Naruluz)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Nqrse x Luz

Monster AU
We are slowly reaching one hundred chapters in this book ww Soon it will reach that point huh ww Soon it's time... Well anyways, this is the last part of these short series~ Thank you very much for reading this in advance if you do read it!


Being in a contract with an incubus like Nqrse was exhausting. This is something Luz had learned after the first few days after they had made a contract.

The pink-haired male would always pull him along to go somewhere and stuck even closer to him than before.

He would ask the older male to accompany him to the city so often and gave him some blood in exchange.

Luz always tried to decline as he only needed a bit of blood to survive as he was half human as well. But Nqrse always insisted on giving him his blood, looking worried and always saying that the older male would die if he didn't get enough blood.

Honestly, Luz wanted to go back to just transferring the blood through his veins really. It's

not because he liked getting it transferred like that don't get him wrong. He hated it every time Kuro would come over to his room with the blood bags and needles in hands.

But he decided that he had to endure it as he didn't want to make a contract and wasn't allowed to drink people's blood. Not like he would want to anyway. After all, his mother had taught him to never force people to do anything they didn't want to.

In the end, the light-haired vampire didn't even understand himself for accepting the younger male's offer. After drinking Nqrse's blood for the first time, the light-haired male immediately regretted accepting his offer.

Because he hated himself for loving the taste of the pink-haired male's blood, remembering the painful sweetness which made him crave for more. And the worst part out of all of it...


"Alright... the contract is complete.", Luz informed the younger male who hummed in response. "Okay~ Do you wanna have some blood now?", Nqrse asked as the light-haired male looked at him surprised.

"Eh? Are you sure?", the older male asked him, looking at him unsure while the pink-haired male only chuckled as he nodded in response.

"Of course~! Why else would I have asked you?", Nqrse asked before he brushed his hair aside and shifted his uniform for a bit so that the older male could do it easier.

The light-haired vampire hesitated for a second before he nodded a bit. "A-alright... Thank you... Tell me if it hurts too much.", Luz told him as he approached the younger male, getting closer until he stood right on front of the pink-haired male.

"Got it!", Nqrse said as the light-haired male looked at the younger male unsure for one more second before slowly lowering his head, sinking his teeth into the pink-haired male's neck who flinched but didn't push him away.

In fact, the younger male only pulled him closer which surprised the taller male.

When Luz felt the blood rushing down his throat, he could feel his heart pounding faster as he suddenly felt the hunger which he had suppressed for all these years, come all at once.

He greedily drank the blood that was given to him, not stopping and not noticing how he lost all of his self control. Only when he felt the other male gasping for air as he called out the older male's name weakly.

"L-luz...", Nqrse said and as soon as he did, the light-haired male immediately snapped out of it as he pulled away taking a few steps back.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm sorry.", the light-haired male apologized as he wiped the blood away from his mouth. Nqrse only shook his head before reaching his arms out to the older male, making grabby hands as Luz only looked at him unsure.

"Are you sure, Nqrse-san? I almost hurt you, you know?", the light-haired male reminded him as the younger male only gave him a grin in response. "Don't worry about it! Losing this much blood wouldn't kill me!", Nqrse assured him as he still waited for the older male to come.

"Now come here and help me, will you? I said I wouldn't die but losing that much blood for the first time is still unusual~", Nqrse explained as the light-haired male only nodded quickly before carefully making his way to the other male as he kneeled down as the younger male was sitting on the ground as his legs had given out.

He carefully took the younger male into his arms to lift him up as he carried him over to his bed to place him down, deciding that it would only be fair for the pink-haired male to rest here while he would go somewhere else.

Nqrse only hummed contently as he was being lifted into the air, his arms automatically wrapping around the taller male's neck.

The pink-haired male felt secured and save even with what just happened. Unlike all the other men that Nqrse was with, Luz didn't show any trace of wanting his body and just wanting the pink-haired male for his own pleasure and lust.

That was one of the main reasons why the incubus had fallen in love with the light-haired male. Yes, you've heard right. He had fallen in love with the light-haired vampire.

For a long time already, did the pink-haired male long to get closer to the half vampire. But despite talking to Luz for years and trying to get closer to him, the light-haired male never completely opened up to him or anyone.

Nqrse had always been wondering why that was the case as Luz seemed to get along with everyone. So when the pink-haired male found out about Luz's secret, he felt special.

As if god told him to take this chance to finally become closer to the light-haired male. As if god chose him to be the one person who could be together with Luz.

And when he heard about the contract, he knew that he should take that chance.

"I will be taking my leave then. Please get some rest, Nqrse-san. I will go and bring you some food which will help you regain energy.", Luz said as he was about to pull away after gently setting the pink-haired male down.

But he couldn't as Nqrse's grip on him didn't loosen which resulted in the taller male hovering slightly over the pink-haired male.

"Nqrse-san?", Luz asked confused as the other male didn't say anything and only ran a hand through the taller male's hair. "I'm sorry if I made you worried. But I'm alright. So stay?", Nqrse asked as the older male didn't make any move on pulling away but didn't say anything else.

Usually, the men who were in this situation always took advantage of it when Nqrse was with them. But Luz didn't and wouldn't.

The light-haired male was carefully balancing his weight on both of his arms on each side of the pink-haired male's head to not crush him with his weight. "You must have been scared right?

Because unlike other races or people you have never taken anyone's life yet. But incubuses like me don't die that easily~ And you've made a contract with me so you are going to be stuck with me for a long time! Maybe until eternity~

Better be prepared~", Nqrse chirped as he loosened his grip just enough so they could look at each other if the older male pulled away.

Luz could only chuckle slightly upon hearing that. For some reason, being with the pink-haired male until eternity sounded tempting.

"That doesn't sound bad.", Luz said with a smile as the pink-haired male flashed him a bright smile in return. "Right~? So let's spend our time together with lots of fun until the very end~"


Thinking back of it the light-haired male sighed as he really wondered how this would go on. It had been some time already ever since they had made the contract.

And every time the light-haired male would need to drink Nqrse's blood, he always feared of hurting him. But even so, the pink-haired male was always there assuring him that he was fine and telling him that it was alright.

He felt grateful that his contract partner was someone as patient as the pink-haired male. "Luz~! Wanna go to the city today~?", a pink-haired male asked as he ran towards the older male, clinging onto his arm. Luz only smiled softly as he nodded, balancing them so they wouldn't fall.

"Sure. After classes?", he asked as the younger male grinned happily and nodded. "Yup~! There is that new shop that opened and I want to take a look at the dresses~", Nqrse explained.

"I see. I am sure that anything you wear will suit you.", Luz said as he gave the pink-haired male a smile who blushed upon hearing that.

He quickly calmed down though as he flipped his hair and grinned. "Of course~ It's me after all~", Nqrse chirped. They started talking about their daily things again, falling into a comfortable atmosphere. Nqrse smiled up at the light-haired male while telling him about his day excitedly.

Luz could only smile softly while listening to the younger male, being glad that there was one person he could fully be himself.

And while talking to the pink-haired male, Luz knew that despite all of his worries that he had every so often, meeting Nqrse was one of the greatest things he had experienced in his life.


"Soraru-san, look! That cute fluffy mofumofu is here too!", an albino exclaimed as he pointed at a small black creature whose blue eyes were gazing at them. "For the 100th time, it's called a cat, Mafumafu-san.", the older male said sighing as he pulled the younger male back by his hand so he wouldn't run off again.

The albino had walked off several times already because he had discovered the "cutest, fluffiest mofumofu" that he had ever seen.

And even when Soraru had corrected him about it several times, the younger male never seemed to really listen to him as he continued calling them mofumofus.

As promised, Soraru and Mafumafu had met up so they could walk through the city and so the albino could see what it was like there.

Unsurprisingly, the zombie was very excited as he basically ran around the whole time. And if not for Soraru having enough and taking him by the hand, the albino would have gotten lost for sure.

In the end, they walked around for hours, looking through the shops, eating in a small restaurant and of course, following around those "mofumofus" for the whole time.

"Lookie, Soraru-san! That mofumofu was looking at me for some time now! I think it wants us to follow it!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he started to run after it. Soraru only sighed and pulled him back again as he gave him a pointed look.

"You are not going to follow another cat again. We have been following them around for hours already.", the raven-haired male reminded him. It was something that he didn't want to tell the younger male yet but the ravenette had a slightly bad feeling that the albino had a cat allergy.

Soraru couldn't bring himself to tell the younger male that just yet though so he decided to just be careful and not let the albino get too close to them. But it was just so much more difficult if the albino ran after every cat that crossed their paths.

Deciding that he had enough today, the raven-haired male tugged the younger male again.

"Enough already about those cats. You can see them again later. You know what you can't see everyday? The full blood moon.", Soraru said as the albino looked at the older male confused as he tilted his head. "The full blood moon?", Mafumafu repeated.

"Yeah, it's an event which happens every hundred years. It's pretty popular among the citizens here. I thought someone who has probably never seen anything like a cat before might like this.", Soraru explained as the albino blushed upon hearing that as he smiled bashfully at the older male.

"I-I see! Let's go then!",  Mafumafu exclaimed as the raven-haired male nodded before going through the crowd which slowly got tighter the more they walked ahead. The young zombie just knew that he would get lost if it weren't for the fact that his hands were in Soraru's at the moment.

The albino wasn't used to having so many people around but even so, he didn't feel nervous at all because Soraru was there to guide him.

All that Mafumafu could focus on was the warmth of Soraru's hand which contrasted the coldness of his. And before he knew it, they had arrived at their destination already.

Soraru said that it was an event which was quite popular among the citizens. But Mafumafu couldn't help but wonder why there was almost no one here and just the two of them.

Upon seeing the albino's confused face, the raven-haired male decided to explain.

"This is a place that is pretty secluded in this city which is why almost no one ever finds this place. I hate crowds and I am pretty sure that you are not used to them so I brought us here so we can just watch the moon without any people making noises.", Soraru explained as the younger male hummed in understanding.

"I see! Soraru-san really thought this through!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the older male shrugged in response. "Not really.

Anyways, let's sit down. I'm tired from us walking around the whole time.", Soraru said as he sat down on the grass as the younger male laughed sheepishly in response before sitting down next to the raven-haired male.

"I couldn't help it! Those mofumofus looked so cute and fluffy and I just wanted to hug them!", the albino defended himself as the older male only rolled his eyes in response and was about to say something before he realized that it was almost time for the switch.

"Take a good look at the moon now. I think it will happen soon.", Soraru told him as the albino did as told and looked up smiling upon the sight of the shining white moon.

The two of them only sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, bathing in the moonlight as they enjoyed each other's company.

Neither of them said anything as they both only looked up at the moon, watching as the pure white moon slowly turned into a reddish color until it shone bright red just like blood.

Mafumafu could only widen his eyes as he looked at the moon in awe, feeling happy for he has seen a sight that he has never seen in his life before. "The moon is really beautiful...", Mafumafu said softly as he smiled contently.

"It is.", Soraru replied as a soft smile settled on his face as well. And when Mafumafu saw that his breath hitched as seeing the older male smile was rare. He could only hope that the raven-haired male wouldn't be able to see his blush as he looked back at the moon again.

Suddenly, he became more aware of the older male's presence. He noticed just how close they were sitting next to each other.

How their shoulders were touching because of how close they say. How they were somehow still holding hands up till this point.

And how the warmth in his chest area spread the more he spent time with the raven-haired male. It was at that moment when he realized that he had truly fallen in love with the older male.

And it was then, when he remembered his grandmothers warning that she had given him before he had left for Kurogasaki Academy.

Never fall in love. Under no circumstances should he ever fall in love.

A love between him and Soraru was impossible to begin with.

After all, he was a mere zombie of a low rank while Soraru stood on the highest rank as a merman.

Even so, he decided to cling onto the feeling of this bittersweet love even if it would eat him up from inside.

And as they were sitting next to each other under the full blood moon, holding hands... Mafumafu thought that for now... this was enough.

I'm sorry for ending this series at this point already ww But this was only supposed to be a short one anyway ww Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this small series of mine even if it was short and such ww Next chapter will be the 100th one so I am thinking of doing a fluff compilation for that ww Thank you for reading this and Oyasuminyasai~

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