No matter what you are Part 4 (Soramafu & Naruluz)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Nqrse x Luz

Monster AU
I just noticed that whenever I start a series, I have no plan on what to write and it just ends up the way it ends up www Anyways, I hope you enjoy this series cause it'll still go on for a little bit~ ww No proofreading as always and hope you enjoy~


School was surprisingly fun. That's something Mafumafu had learned ever since he had applied to Kurogasaki Academy.

Sure, there were some people who picked on the albino for his race but after the raven-haired male had talked to them, none of them ever made fun of the albino anymore.

And so, he was able to enjoy his school life in peace. He even found new friends.

For example, there was the redhead Sakata who was a werewolf. He and the ghost Urata seemed to have some sort of special relationship but neither of them ever said anything about it and just bickered a lot in front of him.

Even so, the three of them became close friends along with the class rep Amatsuki who was a warlock. Unlike Urata and Sakata, Amatsuki actually was officially together with the fox demon, Kashitaro. Everyone knew about it and as both of them were influential and popular, no one dared to even do anything bad to the albino as they knew that Mafumafu was their friend.

He also learned more about Luz and Nqrse who seemed really close to each other. More like, the pink-haired male used to follow the light-haired male everywhere but now it was basically the other way around.

Mafumafu didn't know why it suddenly changed but he decided not to pry as they weren't that close anyway.

It had been a few months already ever since Mafumafu had transferred into Kurogasaki Academy. And even though he was happy that he finally got more friends, he couldn't help but start feeling lonely when he noticed that the time that he spent with Soraru grew less and less.

No, that wasn't the case. They had never spend that much time together to begin with. Soraru was his supporter, helping him with classes and organizational things.

Other than that, the two of them usually didn't spend any time together anymore. The last time they did so, was when Mafumafu still hadn't befriended anyone in this school yet.

And despite being happy of becoming friends with such kind people, the albino couldn't help but miss the times when he hadn't befriended them yet. Because those were the times when he could still spend most of his days with the raven-haired mummy.

Even so, Mafumafu had decided that he would still enjoy their time together when they would just go to the library to study for their classes together.

The albino had a lot of things he wanted to learn and Soraru was there to explain the things to him that he didn't know.

Despite his seemingly cold attitude, the younger male had learned that the older male was actually just really awkward and actually kind.

Mafumafu had also learned that the other male was a bit of a tsundere which only showed once in a while but he found himself to be lucky to be one of the only ones who knew about it.

The time that the two of them had spent together... even if it was only short and they mostly only studied... The albino grew to love those times. But lately...

"Hey, Soraru-san! Do you have time to study together today?"

"Ah, sorry, Mafu. I have to go somewhere today."

"Soraru-san! Today at the usual study place?"

"Sorry, I gotta go. Sensei needs me for something."

"Soraru-san, today—"

"Sorry, Mafu, Eve needs me to help him out in the infirmary today."

This had continued on like for almost a whole month. And Mafumafu was slowly starting to wonder if Soraru wanted to avoid being with him. When that possibility crossed his mind, he immediately became gloomy.

The albino sighed as he put his head on the table, making the others look at him in confusion. "You alright, Mafudon?", Sakata asked tilting his head. "Of course he's not. We can clearly see that, can't we?", Urata said rolling his eyes as the redhead pouted in response.

"Well, I only wanted to ask him!", the red-haired male defended himself and before the two of them could start bickering again, Amatsuki luckily spoke up first. "What's wrong, Mafu-kun?

Is your assignment too difficult? Or is it because classes are hard to understand right now?", the brunet asked as the albino shook his head at both of those answers.

Nqrse who had been having a conversation with Luz overheard them as he gave the albino a mischievous grin before speaking up.

"Is it because you couldn't spend any quality time with your beloved Soraru today as well~?", Nqrse asked as the albino's face immediately turned red as soon as the pink-haired male said that.

"Th-that's not it!", Mafumafu exclaimed but the blush on his face showed that he was lying. "Oh, so it's Soraru-san. Is it this time of the month again?", Luz asked as the others looked at him confused. "Eh? What are you talking about? Is it something that mummies always do?", Sakata asked.

"I don't know but it's always around this time that Soraru-san just suddenly disappears for a few days. No one ever knows what he even is doing but no on dares to question it.", Luz explained as he continued eating. "Oh, this time again~

He's gonna come back even saltier than before~", Nqrse chirped before he started laughing while the others looked at him confused.

"Do you know what he is always doing when he disappears, Nqrse-san?", Mafumafu asked. "Yup~ We're childhood friends so of course I'd know~", the pink-haired male chirped.

"But I won't tell you~ Cause I promised him not to tell anyone and only a small amount of people actually know about this~", the incubus said. "Like who?", Amatsuki asked curiously.

"Well, besides me there are... Eve, Sou and Kashitaro. That's it!", Nqrse said after counting on his fingers who it was. "Wait... Kashitaro-san also knows?! I'll go ask him about it later! Ah! My committee is starting soon so see you guys!", Amatsuki told them as he stood up, picking up his tray before running out of the dining hall.

"I also have to go to my next class. See you guys later. Oh, and tell me what the hell that guy is always doing. Am curious as well.", Urata told them before he picked up his tray and stood up and left. There was a short silence before the redhead gasped standing up.

"Wait... I have the same class as Urata-san! Wah, I don't wanna get scolded!", the red-haired male whined before taking his tray and running as fast as he could. "Urata-san you meanie! Wait for me!", Sakata shouted as they could hear the brunet groaning in response from afar.

"Well... classes start soon for me and Nqrse too. So we'll be taking our leave if that's alright with you, Mafu-kun.", Luz said as the albino nodded. "Of course! Good luck with your classes then!", Mafumafu told them as they gave him a smile before standing up.

"Bye bye, Mafu-chan~ Hope you can get your beloved Soraru-san to spend more time with you~", Nqrse chirped as he winked at the albino who's face flared up upon hearing that.

Before he could deny anything though, the two of them had already walked away as the zombie could only sit there, trying to calm down.

He sat there for a few minutes, wondering where he should go after this. He had no classes for this week anymore as the teacher had to go out of town for some business. And ever since then, he never saw the raven-haired male again.

Sighing to himself, Mafumafu decided to just go to the library and lend some books so he could read them in his dorm. So after putting his tray away, he exited the dining hall and walked down the hallway, noting that it was completely empty as classes were in session right now and the other students were probably in their dorms or outside.

Walking down the hallways, the only thing the albino could hear were the sounds of his footsteps. It was so quiet, he would even be able to hear a needle falling. He had almost reached the library as he was about to enter when he suddenly heard some voices from the infirmary.

He was about to dismiss it until he recognized who the voices belonged to. "Damn it, Eve, can't you be more careful?", a familiar deep voice hissed. "It's just room temperature water, Soraru-san...", the other male said.

"Yeah but did you have to pour it on my head?", Soraru asked, clearly pissed of as the mushroom-haired male didn't seem to be fazed by it.

"I mean as long as you get it, it's all good, isn't it?", the mummy said as the raven-haired male only sighed. "I guess... let's just get this over with. I want to go back to sleep.", Soraru said as he yawned right after he said that.

"And I'm sure you want to sleep to. Next to your beloved Sou.", the raven-haired male said with his usual monotonous voice. But the albino could make out some hints of teasing behind it.

Either way, it must have affected the mushroom-haired male who started stuttering after hearing that. "Th-that's not true. Now please let's get this over with. I don't want my bandages to get wet.", Eve said sighing. "Do you think I want to? Don't you dare to take them off.", Soraru warned.

"Soraru-san, your bandages will get wet if I don't take them off. Also, you can't move at all so please just comply.", Eve said.

"Don't you dare to take them off! Oi!", the raven-haired male shouted, startling the albino so much that he accidentally tripped, his hand pushing the door handle down as he fell on the floor of the infirmary.

Both Eve and Soraru snapped their heads towards the door alarmingly as they soon spotted Mafumafu lying on the floor as Soraru wanted to hide himself before realizing that he couldn't move, cursing in his mind as he could only sit there still.

The albino winced slightly as he stood back up, realizing what just happened as he quickly bowed several times before lifting his head up to look at them, widening his eyes when he saw the raven-haired male.

The bandages covering his right eye had slipped off, revealing his face as the raven-haired male only looked at the albino in panic. "S-soraru-san? Your face...", the albino trailed off.

"Get out of here. Now.", the raven-haired male said but the younger male didn't listen to him as he only walked closer to Soraru, the older male not being able to get away.

Mafumafu got closer until he stood directly in front of the raven-haired male to make sure that he didn't see wrong. "Soraru-san... I thought you said you were a mummy.", Mafumafu merely said as the older male scoffed.

"Yeah. And?", Soraru asked, his voice sounding cold all of a sudden. It sounded just as distant like the first they've met. But this time, there was some hostility mixed in it, sounding as if he could kill someone if he wanted to. Even so, the albino didn't let that affect him as he knew that Soraru would never hurt anyone for no reason.

"Soraru-san, you said that you are a mummy right?", Mafumafu repeated his question. "Like I said, yeah. What about it?", Soraru asked. "Then...", the albino trailed off as he took the raven-haired male's face into his hands, looking down at the older male for once as he was standing.

"Mummies are supposed to have rotten flesh under their bandages... So why is it that your face still looks so handsome?", Mafumafu asked as the other male only looked at the albino without saying anything for a while.

"Do I look like I want to answer that?", Soraru asked back as the albino looked at Eve who gave him a closed-eyes smile. "Well, you see...", he started before the older male interrupted him with a glare. "Eve, don't you dare—"

"That's cause Soraru-san is no mummy, simple as that.", the mushroom-haired male finished his sentence. Soraru only groaned in annoyance once the other male said that as he could start feeling his limbs more or less again.

"Not a mummy? What is he then?", Mafumafu asked as the mummy only gave him a smile at that. "Well, this is as far as I can tell you.

The rest is up to you. Either you find out yourself or get Soraru-san to tell you.", Eve said as Soraru had already stood up already, finally being able to move again. The raven-haired male opened and closed his eyes a few times to test if he could move completely again before speaking up.

"Well, thanks for helping me, Eve. I'll be going back to my dorm.", Soraru said as he walked out of the infirmary, passing past the albino as quick as the wind. As soon as the younger male realized that Soraru was going to leave, he quickly turned around. "E-Eh? Ah, wait, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he rushed to the ravenette who ignored him.

"You're welcome, Soraru-san. And good luck to you, Mafumafu-san.", Eve told the albino who quickly thanked the other male before following the older male outside.

"Soraru-san, wait!", the albino exclaimed as the older male ignored him once again, walking straight through the hallway in a fast pace. "Soraru-san! So is it true that you're actually not a mummy?", Mafumafu asked as the older male flinched and stopped causing the albino to bump into his back, not expecting the other male to stop.

Soraru immediately turned around, glaring at the albino making him flinch. The older male didn't say anything as he only grabbed the younger male by his wrist and pulled him along with him, Mafumafu stumbling along with him.

But even with all that, the albino felt how the grip on his wrist was loose enough that he could slip out of he really wanted to.

The zombie decided that he would just follow the older male and see what the other male would do. Even when the raven-haired male clearly showed a cold and dangerous aura right now, the younger male couldn't help but still feel the warmth and kindness underneath it.

And so, he let himself get pulled into the raven-haired male's room as the door closed behind them as soon as they stepped into the dorm.

The albino's back was soon met with the soft sheets of the older male's back. And the raven-haired male's hands wrapped around his neck.

"You better not tell anyone about this or I will make sure that you can never talk again.", Soraru told the albino, his cold eyes staring down at the younger male. But even with that, Mafumafu couldn't feel any fear towards the older male as he put his right hand over Soraru's hands and used his other hand to reach up to the older male's face.

"Of course I won't. After all, Soraru-san had always been so kind to me and helped me out.", Mafumafu answered. "...What's wrong with you? You do realize that I could snap your neck right now if I wanted to, right?", Soraru asked.

"But you won't.", the albino said with determination, surprising the older male.

"You have the powers to make me do anything you want because of your rank. You could have ordered me to shut up or do whatever you wanted after I found out that you're a mummy. But you never did that even once.", Mafumafu said.

He noticed that the raven-haired male's bandages had been clumsily put back on his face as the albino tangled his fingers in them before gently tugging on them, resulting them to fall off, once again revealing the raven-haired male's flawless face.

"Even though you are standing in the highest rank as a merman.", the albino said as Soraru didn't say anything only staring down at the younger male. And as if the albino knew what the raven-haired male was asking, he started to explain.

"In the books I was reading, mermen and such needed to get sea water once in a while. And Naruse-san told me that you usually leave every month for unknown reasons. And when you talked with Eve, I overheard some things and just came to this conclusion.", Mafumafu explained.

"And you're no afraid that I might kill you right now?", Soraru asked, his expression not changing ever since the albino found him in the infirmary.

"Even if I tried, I couldn't. Because I want to trust my feelings and believe that you would never kill anyone for a reason like this.", the albino said determined as he stared right back into the older male's eyes.

There was a short silence before the raven-haired male sighed and pulled away, ruffling his hair in frustration. "Hah... and I hid it so well too for so many years. Can't believe someone who has only known me for a few months found out about this.", the older male said sighing again.

Feeling himself able to breath properly again, the albino slowly sat up.

"Well, the infirmary might not be the best place to hide your identity.", Mafumafu said. "Well yes but the students usually never go there.", Soraru argued as he sat down on the chair near the bed.

"Hah... anyways, do you swear to not tell anyone about my true identity?", Soraru asked. "Of course I won't. But why shouldn't I tell anyone? If people knew that you were in the highest rank, no one would say anything against you, right?", the albino asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"Mermen are seen as a threat for mermaids cause apparently they are even more beautiful than mermaids. So usually if mermaids see a mermen they want to kill them.

I'd rather not deal with girls trying to kill me for some crappy reason.", Soraru said as he adjusted his bandages so it would cover his right eye again.

"So to not have to deal with that I simply discovered myself as a mummy. Their rank is pretty much normal and no one really pays attention to them.", Soraru explained.

"Naruse knows cause he's my childhood friend, Kashitaro for the same reason and Eve and Sou know cause they are working in the infirmary and saw my files.", the raven-haired male said as he counted them on his fingers.

The older male looked up when he suddenly heard the other male giggle lightly, making him raise his eyebrow in confusion as if to ask him why he was laughing.

"Well, it's just... I realized that I was the first one to actually find out about your identity like this. I'm happy.", Mafumafu confessed as he scratched his cheek sheepishly.

"What... why would you even be happy about something like that... You're weird.", Soraru said but the albino only laughed lightly at that, knowing that the older male didn't mean any harm in that. "I guess I am... But is it weird that I want to learn more about Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked.

"Yes.", the raven-haired male immediately replied with a deadpanning face.

"I mean why would you want to learn about me? We barely see each other besides the classes we have together and to study. And you spend so much more time with Amatsuki and such. Just doesn't make sense in my eyes.", Soraru said.

"Because I admire you for your intelligence, kindness and courage Soraru-san! You are what I aspire to be and because we don't spend so much time together, I want to learn more about you!", Mafumafu exclaimed before he played with his fingers nervously.

"A-am I not allowed to?", he asked shyly as the older male didn't know why he suddenly felt the need to hug the younger male.

And he didn't know what got over him but the next thing he knew, the raven-haired had his hand on the albino's head before ruffling his hair and pushing it down so Mafumafu couldn't see his face.

"Idiot, if you wanted to know more about me, you could have just asked to hang out.", Soraru said as the albino looked up at the older male surprised, widening his eyes.

"Really?! You would think it's okay to hang out with me?", Mafumafu asked. "Well, I mean I have nothing much to hide from you anymore now that you know my secret. If you want to hang out, we can go out somewhere.", Soraru said yawning.

"You mean it?! Um... well, I always wanted to see how the city is like in here! So...", the albino trailed off as the older male only hummed in response.

"We can do that. There is a market that will open this Saturday so we can go then.", Soraru said as the younger male's eyes lightened up when hearing that. "Uwah, I can go to the city with Soraru-san?! I'm so happy, thank you very much!", the albino exclaimed before jumping towards Soraru.

"W-wait, don't do that.", Soraru told him but it was too late as Mafumafu had already thrown himself into the older male's arms who caught him just at the right time so they wouldn't fall down.

"Oi... be more careful... we could have fallen, you know?", Soraru said sighing as the younger male only giggled apologizing.

"But really... thank you very much. No one had ever done this for me before so I am really looking forward to it!", Mafumafu exclaimed flashing the older male a bright smile.

And for some reason, the raven-haired male could feel his face heating up after seeing that.

Before he could reply in any way though, the albino had already pulled away as he walked to the door. "Anyways, I will go back and won't bother you anymore because you probably want to rest, right? See you tomorrow, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu exclaimed, waving at him before rushing out of the room, leaving the raven-haired male behind.

It was quiet again and for the first time in his life, the raven-haired male wanted that silence to disappear.

He remembered the last words that the albino had said before leaving his dorm, saying that he would go because he didn't want to bother Soraru anymore.

And fortunately, the younger male had left quickly after saying that because Soraru just knew how much he'd regret telling Mafumafu that he would have been welcome to stay for as long as he liked.

And Mikoto has once again finished a chapter yay~ Thanks for everyone who has read until the end of this chapter as well! I hope you guys liked it! I will be going to sleep soon so Oyasuminyasai~

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