No matter what you are Part 3 (Soramafu & Naruluz)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Nqrse x Luz

Monster AU
Hm... what to say what to say? ww So... I saw that it might have been a bit unclear of who belongs to which race so let me put this here ww

Mafumafu - Zombie
Soraru - Mummy
Urata - Ghost
Sakata - Werewolf
Amatsuki - Warlock
Kashitaro - Fox Demon
Nqrse - Incubus
Luz - Vampire
Eve - Mummy
Sou- Elf

Anyways, no proofreading and I hope you guys enjoy~ ww


There was one thing in this world that Nqrse found more fascinating than anything else. And that was a certain light-haired male who managed to peak his interest. Now you might wonder what it was that the pink-haired male was so fascinated about. Well, to explain it, it was because—

"Ah! Luz~", the incubus chirped before running up to the light-haired male and throwing himself into the taller male's arms.

The said male was surprised as he caught the pink-haired male nevertheless before he realized that it was Nqrse and sighed.

"Nqrse-san, could you please stop doing that without a warning every time?", Luz asked as the younger male merely gave him a grin in response. "Hm... I don't want to! Your startled face is nice!", the pink-haired male exclaimed as the light-haired male could only sigh at that.

"Why do you even talk to me every time you see me? There are many more vampires out there who would love to spend time with you, Nqrse-san.", Luz reminded the pink-haired male who only hummed before speaking up again.

"Well, you're unique!", Nqrse exclaimed as the light-haired male flinched slightly.

"...How am I unique?", Luz asked as the pink-haired male thought about it for a second before answering. Why Luz was unique in Nqrse's eyes? It was because there was one thing about Luz that was different from all the vampires of even other races. And that was the fact that the pink-haired male's spells didn't work on the light-haired male.

Nqrse was an incubus. And one trait of his race was that he was able to put spells on the other races.

But the first time when he had stepped inside the classroom for the first day of school, despite everyone being mesmerized by the pink-haired male, the light-haired male was the only one who didn't look at him the way the others did.

From that day on, Nqrse had grown curious, wanting to know more about the other male and learning more about him. But he didn't really feel any need to tell Luz about that. After all, it would be no fun to just say it, would it?

"Hm... that's a secret~", Nqrse answered as the taller male only looked at him before sighing. "Of course... what else should I expect from Nqrse-san.", Luz said as he walked towards the classroom for their classes as Nqrse pouted before following him, having the same classes as the vampire.

"What is that supposed to mean~? Anyways! Do you want to hang out with me after school today?", the pink-haired male asked as he noticed the light-haired male slowing his pace for him.

"I'm sorry, Nqrse-san, today is a bit inconvenient.", Luz told the pink-haired male who frowned. "Again?! You told me the same thing yesterday! And the day before! And the day before that!", the pink-haired male reminded the other male who only gave him an apologetic smile.

"I have something to do today but if you still want to spend your time with me tomorrow we can do that.", Luz said, trying to cheer the younger male up as he quickly greeted someone who just greeted him, offering him a small smile.

"Ehh~ Why can't it be today?", Nqrse asked with a pout as the light-haired male could only give him a wry smile. "I'm sorry but I really can't today. You can just spend some time with one of your friends instead.", Luz said.

"But I want to spend some time with you!", the younger male whined as the light-haired male blushed slightly as they entered the classroom.

"I really don't get why it had to be me... I mean there is really nothing special about me.", Luz muttered as he scratched his cheek walking to his seat. "Like I said, it's cause you're unique! You're special, alright?", Nqrse replied but not adding any explanation to it as always as the taller male could only laugh sheepishly at that.

"I see... Well, even so, I'm still busy today. So let's hang out some other time alright?", Luz said as he sat down and the pink-haired male could do nothing else but comply as he nodded and sat down in his seat which was next to Luz's.

Nqrse was about to open his mouth so they could talk about what to do tomorrow when they would hang out. But before he could even start talking about it, the door had already opened and their teacher stepped inside.

And so, Nqrse could do nothing but wait for the lesson to end before discussing anything further with the light-haired male.

The lesson pulled itself as the pink-haired male only lazily scribbled down some notes not really paying any attention to the teacher.

Instead, he was wondering who he could hang out with today instead of Luz. The first person he thought of was Soraru as the raven-haired male and him were childhood friends.

But then Nqrse remembered how the older male had gotten busy ever since he had been chosen as a supporter by the new transfer student.

Just a few days ago, he had rejected his offer of hanging out because he had to help the albino with classes or something because the two of them had the same class together.

He then thought who else he could maybe hang out with. But after going through every possible person, he realized that they were either busy or just not worth his time as he could only sign to himself when he noticed that.

In the end, classes were over as Nqrse noticed that he had no one to hang out with which would make his afternoon utterly boring.

He noticed the light-haired male next to him packing his things away before standing up as the pink-haired male looked at him confused for a second before realizing that Luz still had to do something.

"Well, I'll be seeing you tomorrow in classes then, Nqrse-san!", Luz said as he quickly ruffled the pink-haired male's hair which surprised the latter. Luz usually didn't do it unless the pink-haired male would feel down.

Did the disappointment show on his face that much? Who was he even kidding? Nqrse had showed his disappointed openly the whole time so it was no wonder that Luz had noticed.

Being so much in his thoughts, he hadn't responded with anything as Luz had already stormed out of the classroom looking like he was in a rush.

What even was so important for the light-haired vampire to be busy for such a long time?

If it was only one day, Nqrse could have dismissed it with it being homework. But this has been going on for a week already.

And the more the pink-haired male thought about it, the more he became curious and worried until he finally couldn't keep it anymore as he stood up, deciding that he'd follow the light-haired male to see what it was.

Could you really blame Nqrse? The incubus was a curious person who had grown extremely interested in the light-haired vampire who seemed to have something to hide.

After all, every time he asked the light-haired male what he had to do, the older male would only avoid answering or change the topic.

Quickly packing his things, the pink-haired male ran out of the classroom, ignoring the people trying to talk to him as he looked around the hallways to find the other male, spotting the light-haired male walking towards the dorms.

It was not difficult to find Luz as he was pretty tall and stood out with his appearance.

Nqrse didn't waste any of his time as he quickly made his way through the crowd, making sure to not bump into anyone as he kept a safe distance so Luz wouldn't notice him.

After making sure that the light-haired male wouldn't find him, he hid behind a wall seeing the light-haired male entering his dorm.

Nqrse was about to go to the room and see if he could hear anything to give him another clue.

But before he could, a girl walked there first, at least Nqrse thought she was a girl, holding a paper bag in her arms as she knocked on the same door where the light-haired male had just stepped through, waiting for a bit before they could hear the vampire answering that the door was unlocked.

The female didn't say anything as she only opened the door and entered the room, the door closing behind her.

"...A girl? Are they doing what I think they are? If so, my impression of Luz was entirely wrong...", Nqrse thought to himself as he made sure that no one would come before walking up to the door, putting his ear gently against the door as he was trying to hear the conversation, only being able to make some parts of the conversation between them.

"Hey hey, Luz, it's me again~", the person chirped as the pink-haired male as still wondering if they were a girl or a boy. He really didn't care about the gender at this point though but more about the relationship between the two of them.

"Thanks for coming today as well, Kuro-san... Um... do you have the ...... here?", Luz asked. "Of course I have it~ I mean, who do you think I am?", Kuro asked. "Ah, of course... Thanks for bringing me this today as always then...", Luz told her as Nqrse could hear some rustling.

There was a short silence before the pink-haired male could hear the two of them having a quiet conversation with each other, not being able to make out what they were talking about.

"Ouch! Kuro-san, can't you be a bit more gentle?", Luz asked which only made the blonde giggle and the pink-haired male wanted nothing more than to break that door down right now.

Nqrse didn't know how long they talked but after a while he could hear them talking to each other again a bit louder, realizing that the person called Kuro was about to go.

Nqrse quickly got away from the door as he hid somewhere, making sure that Kuro wouldn't be able to spot him once she exited the room.

"Well, I'll be going then~ See you again~!", Kuro chirped before the door opened and she stepped outside. "Yes. See you again, Kuro-san.

Thanks again for today.", Luz told the blonde who only hummed before closing the door and walking away. Nqrse sighed out in relief when he realized that before he heard some loud rustling again before he could hear the light-haired male talking to himself.

"Hah... I really don't want to do this... But I guess I have to... My father would be disappointed in me if he found out about this...", Luz said as Nqrse didn't know what he was thinking about.

But all he could think about it was that Luz and that Kuro must have done something which lead to some consequences which were so bad that his father would be disappointed in him.

The pink-haired male finally had enough of this and wanted answers as he quickly jumped out of his hiding place, running to the door as he pushed the door handle door down, opening the door, knowing that it would still be unlocked as no one had locked the door ever since Kuro had arrived.

Nqrse slammed the door open, making the light-haired male jump as he stopped what he was doing, widening his eyes when he realized that it was the pink-haired male.

They looked at each other in shock for a good minute, Nqrse analyzing the things in front of Luz. It wasn't what he was expecting at all.

A blood bag was lying in front of the taller male connecting to his arm with a string. Neither of them said anything before it was Luz who snapped out of it first, looking at the pink-haired male with a nervous smile.

"Um... Nqrse-san, may I know why you are suddenly here barging into my room?", Luz asked which made the pink-haired male snap out of his trance as well.

"Well, I was wondering what you were wondering all this time because you've been ditching me a lot lately! And then I saw some person walking into your room and such and was wondering what the hell was happening!

It's not like I expected it to turn out like this but either way it's your fault for making me worry, alright?", Nqrse explained, putting the blame onto the taller male who only looked at the pink-haired male startled before hesitantly nodding.

"Alright? Well... you must have been talking about Kuro-san. She is a cat demon and my acquaintance who usually always gets me these blood bags that I need. She is specialized for this so she comes around every once in a while to give me more.", Luz explained as Nqrse only nodded along, trying to understand the situation.

"I see... Wait... why do you even need blood bags? Just drink blood from other people like every other vampire does.", Nqrse told the taller male who only gave him a troubled smile in response.

"Um... that's the problem... how do I say this? I can't drink blood directly from people. I'm only half vampire. Unlike, full blood vampires who can drink blood from everyone, half vampires can drink only blood from a person they've made a contract with and I don't like to do that so I rather resolve to blood bags.", Luz explained as he held his blood bag up as if to prove that.

"Wait... what?! That's the first time I'm hearing of this!", Nqrse exclaimed surprised as he walked closer. "W-well, I intended to keep it a secret... After all, I'd rather not get made fun of other people in my race for this.", the taller male explained with a small smile.

"I see... So if you are only half vampire, what is your other half?", the pink-haired male asked tilting his head. "Um... well, I guess my other half is a human?", Luz answered as he scratched his cheek sheepishly. It took Nqrse a second before he realized what the other male just said.

"Human?! We have someone who is actually half human in this academy?!", Nqrse exclaimed shocked as the older male immediately shushed him trying to make him be quieter.

"Nqrse-san, please refrain your from talking about this so loudly. I'd rather not have people find out about this.", Luz said with a frown as the pink-haired male muttered an apology.

"But half human huh... Now it makes sense why my spells never worked on you!", Nqrse exclaimed as his face lightened up, finally understanding everything. He had read books about all the races already for his assignments and such.

And he had learned about the humans who neither gave nor received orders. And now after finding out that Luz was actually a half blood, it finally started to make sense why the light-haired male was never affected by anything.

"What spells?", the taller male asked confused as Nqrse merely ignored him and continued talking. "Half-blooded vampire who had the blood of a human within him though huh...? That sounds interesting~ Hey, Luz!", Nqrse called out to taller male as he quickly walked closer, taking the light-haired male's hands in his who only jumped slightly, being startled.

"You said that you had tk needed someone to make a contract with you to drink blood easier instead of using blood bags, right? How about forming a contract with me then?", the pink-haired male asked enthusiastically as Luz could only stare at him in shock before laughing sheepishly.

"Nqrse-san, this is a decision which you should really rethink. There aren't really any perks for forming a contract with me.", Luz said as the shorter male only grinned.

"Well, I don't really care about that! All I want in return is learn more about you and your race and everything! Hang out with me and such in return for my blood! Good deal, isn't it?", the younger male asked as he flashed the taller male a toothy grin who only looked at him in slight disbelief, his smile still remaining.

"I don't think you understand what this would mean for you, Nqrse-san.", Luz said as he was about to explain the situation again in hopes that the pink-haired incubus would understand.

But before he could, Nqrse only leaned in closer, climbing on the bed as he ignored the older male's personal space.

"No no, I think I do get it! And let me just tell you that I don't mind having to give you blood! As long as I get to learn more about you and your race! So form a contract with me, Luz~? Please~", Nqrse pleaded as Luz could only gulp, realizing how close the two of them were.

He didn't know why but for some reason he felt like he couldn't refuse the pink-haired male. And so, Luz could do nothing else but accept as Nqrse smiled brightly, getting off as he started to hop around happily.

And Luz could only wonder if this was a mistake or one of the best decisions in his life. He wondered how this would go on and why Nqrse was so set on forming a contract with him.

He could have just told Luz to tell him everything and he'd do that.

Instead he insisted on forming a contract and Luz was confused as to why Nqrse would do that. He had a lot of questions in his head at the moment and didn't know how this would go on.

But there was one thing that he knew for sure. Forming a contract with Nqrse would surely be an interesting experience.

Ok, and this was a whole Naruluz chapter for you guys~ Hope you guys enjoyed it~! I'm gonna go to sleep now ww I really wanted to publish a new chapter as an compensation for quitting a story and such ww Plus, I haven't been updating in a bit www Anyways, I will be heading to sleep now so Oyasuminyasai~ Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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