No matter what you are Part 2 (Soramafu & Naruluz)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Nqrse x Luz

Monster AU
Second chapter of this series, Mikoto has already no idea how this should go on ww Oh well, she will just write and see how it turns out and hopes it will be alright ww No proofreading and same thing as always ww Anyways, hope you enjoy~


The sound of footsteps filled the seemingly empty hallways as the only ones being there were the raven-haired male and the albino. Mafumafu walked slightly behind the older male who only spoke up when he had to.

"This is the teacher's office so if you need to talk to one of them, you can go there.", the mummy said as he let the albino take a look at it for a minute before he walked ahead again, making the younger male snap out of his thoughts to quickly follow him.

The awkward silence got even longer as the zombie soon found it too unbearable that he decided to speak up.

"U-um, so Soraru-san is a mummy, right?", the albino asked as he immediately hit his tongue in regret after that when he realized how stupid the question must have been.

Nevertheless, he was surprised by Soraru who merely hummed in response, not making any fun of it. Soraru didn't add anything else to that though as he merely pointed to the room left to him.

"This is the infirmary. Just go here if you injured yourself. They have pretty much everything you need.", Soraru informed the albino who only nodded in response.

After making sure that Mafumafu had registered what he said, the older male had already started walking again without any other word. The younger male soon understood why the raven-haired male seemed to not have many friends here as he was still determined to start some small conversation with the older male though despite that.

"So how is it like being a mummy? Can you tell me more about yourself? May I ask you questions?", the albino asked as the raven-haired mummy only sighed. "Aren't you already asking questions? I don't like talking about myself but if you have any questions towards my race, I can answer them I guess.", Soraru said.

"Then... What is under those bandages?", Mafumafu asked curiously. "My bandages?", the raven-haired male asked as he reached to touch the bandage covering his right eye before letting his bandaged arm sink down again.

"Here I thought you'd maybe ask more interesting questions than this. Isn't it basic knowledge to know what's under a mummy's bandage?", Soraru scoffed as the albino played with his fingers nervously as he gave the older male a sheepish smile.

"I... have always been living secluded so I pretty much don't know anything about the races... But I'm determined to learn more about them so I can understand them better!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the older male looked at him for a second before nodding. "Alright. Then our next stop might help you with that goal.", Soraru said as the albino looked at him confused.

Instead of answering, the raven-haired male opened the door to reveal a large room filled with many different kinds of books.

Mafumafu could only stare at it in awe as he had never seen a place which contained so many different kinds of books before.

"Follow me.", Soraru instructed the younger male which snapped the albino out of his daze and made him follow the older male.

They walked through the different kinds of shelves until they reached the corner at the far back of the library as Soraru didn't look much at the books while Mafumafu was looking around in curiosity. "Ah, here it is.", Soraru said as he pulled out a book with a red hardcover.

The words "Races of Darkness" were engraved in cursive golden letters as the albino only stared at the book in confusion and curiosity. Soraru noticed that as he decided to explain.

"This book has the basic information about all the races with the rankings in it too.", the raven-haired male said as Mafumafu wondered why the older male would do this.

Before he could ask anything else, the book was being held towards him as the albino only looked up at the older male who only had his usual expressionless face, moving the book slightly up and down as Mafumafu realized that Soraru wanted him to take it.

So after staring at it for a bit longer, the albino carefully reached his hands out as he took the book and quietly thanked the older male who only nodded. "Anyways, the tour is done now so I will lead you to your dorm.", Soraru told the other male as a yawn escaped his mouth, making the raven-haired male lift his arm to cover his mouth.

As he did so, Mafumafu saw the bandages which were tied around the older male's arm, hanging loosely at the end as the albino remembered that he still didn't get an answer to his previous question.

He knew that he could just read it in the book later but his curiosity made him want to know it now and the albino didn't find any harm in asking at least. "By the way, Soraru-san. You never answered my question. What is under the bandages of a mummy?", Mafumafu asked as he tilted his head to look at the older male who had already walked towards the exit of the library again.

"...Can't you just search it up later or something?", Soraru asked as the younger male pouted slightly. "Well, asking you is faster, isn't it?", the albino asked back as the older male stayed silent for a while, only walking ahead as the zombie followed him. The silence was so long that Mafumafu thought that the raven-haired male had decided to ignore him.

Just when he was about to speak up again though, Soraru had already spoken up first to answer. "Do you want see so for yourself?", Soraru asked as the albino looked at the older male confused.

When he realized that the raven-haired male was waiting for an answer, the albino quickly nodded as Soraru hummed before walking towards the infirmary and opened the door.

As soon as the two of them stepped inside, a mushroom-haired male who was tending the wounds of a blond male looked up as he looked at them confused.

Mafumafu looked at the two of them and analyzed them quickly in an attempt to possibly find out their races by their appearance.

The blond male who was sitting on one of the white beds in the infirmary had no features on him which revealed his race besides the fact that his ears seemed longer than everyone else's.

The mushroom-haired male though, who was sitting on a chair in front of the blond male, had a lot of bandages covered around his arms though they were a bit less than Soraru's.

Only parts of his arms were covered by the white bandages. His face had a bit more bandages than the raven-haired male's though as they were placed over the bridge of his nose, secured tightly around his head. It was as clear as the moonlight that the boy in front of him was also a mummy just like the raven-haired male.

"Soraru-san? What are you doing here? You can't take one of the beds just to take a nap, you know?", the mushroom-haired male reminded him as Soraru shook his head.

"I'm not here because of that. This guy here wanted to know what's under the bandages of a mummy so I decided to let you show him.", Soraru explained as the mushroom-haired male looked at the albino in curiosity. "Who is that? I don't think I've ever seen you here on this campus before.", the mummy said as the albino was slightly nervous, not knowing how he should introduce himself after the negative reaction that he got last time.

Soraru noticed that as he decided that he would just introduce them so that it would be faster.

"This is Mafumafu. He's a zombie. Mafumafu, this is Eve. He's in charge of the infirmary when the school nurse is away. As you can see he's a mummy. And that guy sitting there is Sou. He's a elf.", Soraru introduced them as the albino looked at the older male in distress before looking at the the mushroom-haired male who only gave him a polite smile before bowing.

"It's nice to meet you, Mafumafu-san. I've never met a zombie before so it's my first time meeting one.", Eve said as the albino was surprised but relieved as he quickly bowed as well.

"I-it's nice to meet you too, Eve-san!", the albino exclaimed. "And it's nice to meet you too, Sou-kun!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he looked at the blond male who was startled at being called out but nodded as he gave the albino a small, bashful smile. Eve only smiled for a bit longer before he turned towards Soraru with a slight frown.

"Soraru-san, do you really think it's okay to show him? I mean, I don't want him to throw up or something like that.", Eve said. "Well, ask him. He wanted to know.", Soraru said as he pointed at the younger male standing besides him.

"Mafumafu-san, do you really want to see? I mean, you can just read it up on a book, you know? You even seem to have the information book of the races already.", Eve pointed out.

The mushroom-haired male was right but the albino got even more curious after all of this talk as he only nodded in response.

Soraru had already looked away from them as he turned to look at the night sky outside instead where the moon was shining in it's full brightness. Eve only sighed before having his usual soft smile again as he looked at the male sitting on the bed.

"Sou-kun, you can look away. After all, this won't be any pleasing sight to see. I wouldn't want you to faint.", Eve warned the younger male who only gave the mushroom-haired male an assuring smile.

"I-it's fine. I was scared at first but now I know that, as long as it's Eve-san, it'll be fine.", Sou said as the older male widened his eyes in slight surprise before nodding as he averted his gaze in order to not have to look into the younger male's eyes.

"Alright, I will show it to you then.", Eve said as he took one of the bandages on his arm and started to skillfully take it off to reveal his skin underneath. Mafumafu had already expected that it wouldn't be the most beautiful thing he would see.

But even so, the sight of the rotten flesh in front of him which looked like it would fall off made the albino force himself not to throw up right then and there. His stomach turned upside down as he could feel his consciousness slowly slipping away, not being able to look at it for any longer. And before he knew it, everything went black.


The warmth of something soft was what the albino felt as soon as he regained consciousness again. Confused, he opened his eyes to see that he was in a room which was painted in a dark red and had dark wooden floors.

There were some furnitures which matched the room and it took Mafumafu a few minutes before he realized that he must be in his dorm.

"Why am I here? Wasn't I in the infirmary just a bit ago?", the albino asked himself as he slowly got up from his bed.

He looked around his room before his eyes slowly stopped at the wooden table where a familiar book was lying with a small paper on top of it.

Mafumafu only tilted his head confused as he picked up the book and the note on it before going back to the bed as he sat down on it.

A neat handwriting was on the piece of paper as the albino wondered who wrote it.

You collapsed so I brought you to your dorm. I'll be here tomorrow at 8 am to pick you up so we can go to the dining hall for breakfast. If you feel hungry, the dining hall is just under this floor.

See you tomorrow

Mafumafu hummed as he decided to just go lie in bed now and read a bit through the book before going to sleep. He didn't feel hungry so he decided that he could just go eat tomorrow.

With that, the albino quickly got under the covers, making himself comfortable before taking the book again, admiring it for a second before opening it and looking through it.

There were many types of monsters and a lot of information about them. But he decided that he would go and read about the ones that he got to know today.

After thinking about it for a bit, the albino decided that he would like to learn more about mummies despite what he just saw. He skimmed through the texts until finding one about mummies.

Mummies live for around 900 years until their bodies completely rot and have to be completely covered in bandages. They usually live in more colder regions and because the temperature lets their skin last longer. After their death, mummies usually get burned before family members keep those as a memorial. Their rank in the Races of Darkness are in the slightly higher ranks.

Mafumafu continued reading everything the book had to offer about mummies before he decided to read about other races as well, not feeling the need to read about his race as he knew pretty much everything about it already.

He continued reading about werewolves, vampires, invisible men, warlocks/witches, ghosts, fox demons, devils and many more.

He was about to go to sleep and continue reading tomorrow when he got the time to until one race caught his attention.

At the end of the book, the word "Mermaid/Mermen" were printed on the page as Mafumafu remembered how his classmates had mistaken him for one before he told them about him being a zombie. Being as curious as he is, he decided to read into it further before going to sleep.

Mermaids are said to be the most beautiful creatures in the world of monsters. They are powerful and can live on the land for a few weeks before having to get into salt water. Their rank is the highest of the Races of Darkness and orders don't work on them. Mermen are said to be rare as they are weak at the beginning of birth and only a certain amount survive through childhood. Most mermen get murdered by the opposite gender of the same race as their beauty are said to exceed those of mermaids. The compatibility of them are low.

Reading that made Mafumafu wonder why that race couldn't get along with each other. After all, people from the same race should get along and shouldn't let their pride and obsession of being the most beautiful hinder them.

A yawn escaped the albino's mouth as he realized just how late it was already. Not wanting to be completely sleep-deprived the next day, the zombie decided that he should get some sleep now.

And with that, Mafumafu put his book away before lying down, making himself comfortable as he could feel the drowsiness slowly take over him until he finally fell asleep.


A loud knock resonated through the room, waking Mafumafu up as he blinked a few times confused before hearing the same knock repeat again.

Finally registering that someone wanted to get in, the albino got out of his bed and rushed to open the door, immediately greeted by the sight of a familiar raven-haired mummy.

"A-ah, Good morning, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu greeted the older male who only sighed when he noticed the albino's appearance.

"By the looks of it, you just woke up, didn't you?", the raven-haired male asked as the younger male nodded, looking at the other male confused who only sighed again before answering.

"If you want to have breakfast, you should get ready in ten minutes. Sensei said I should help you choose classes later so the two of us are dismissed from classes for today.", Soraru informed as Mafumafu nodded quickly before excusing himself and rushing back into his room, putting on a new uniform which was in the closet before quickly brushing his teeth and brushing his hair.

After checking if he was presentable for a last time, the zombie quickly headed back outside where Soraru was waiting for him.

The older male only eyed the albino quickly, nodding in approval before pushing himself away from the wall he was leaning on, silently telling the younger male to follow him.

They didn't have to walk for too long only heading down the stairs and then down the hallways before a slightly bigger door was in front of them which Soraru opened. He motioned for the albino to go in first before following him inside.

As soon as they stepped in, they were greeted by an grand, empty room with many tables, each letting around four people sit there.

"You can order any food you want which stands on the menu there. You already paid for everything when you got accepted into this school so no need to pay.", Soraru informed the albino as he pointed at the large blackboard above the counter where the cooks were standing.

After making sure that Mafumafu understood what he said, the mummy walked to the counter, placing his order. The albino quickly followed him as he skimmed through the menu before choosing as well. Taking both of their trays, they walked to a random table as they sat down across from each other. There was a short silence as they only concentrated on eating before Mafumafu remembered something, deciding to ask.

"Um, Soraru-san? You mentioned something about choosing classes earlier, right?", Mafumafu asked tilting his head as the older male looked up from his food, chewing slowly before nodding.

"Yeah... basically our school has som extra classes you have to take besides the main ones which teach you about everything.

Those classes can be chosen though so just pick the one you think is the most interesting.", Soraru told the albino as he rummaged through his pockets before pulling out a folded paper, unfolding it before handing it over to Mafumafu who took it and read through his options.

1. The lifestyle of humans and how to blend in humanity
2. How to survive in different economies
3. How Mermaids got to the top of the Races of Darkness
4. Learning about every world, the races live in

Mafumafu thought that all of those seemed interesting as he still had a lot of things to learn. But the one that stood out to him the most was the first one as he had never heard of these so-called humans before.

"Um, Soraru-san. What are humans? And what's humanity?", the albino asked as the raven-haired male only looked at him in disbelief before he understood and his expression turned back to his usual one.

"Oh, right. You have like little to no knowledge about anything and humans don't belong into the Races of Darkness...

Basically, they are creatures with no significant abilities like us. But because they are not in the Races of Darkness, they are immune to our orders. They neither make any nor receive any.

They live less and age faster than us though, already dying in under 100 years.", Soraru informed the younger male who listened to the raven-haired male intently.

"I see! What was it about blending in into humanity though?", Mafumafu asked as the older male sighed. "Those humans are pretty paranoid and such. Think that we might kill them or something and titled people like us as monsters. You should see what they think of us. Really weird.", the older male answered.

"Hm... I see... You seem to know a lot about humans, Soraru-san!", the younger male said as the other male merely shrugged.

"Well, I only repeated from what I learned in classes.", Soraru replied. "Oh, so you're taking the classes about humans? I was thinking about taking that class! Humans sound interesting!", the albino exclaimed as the older male only looked at the younger male surprised.

"You did? Why? Usually people always want to learn about mermaids whenever a class like that can be chosen. Humans are like the least liked subject.", the older male explained.

"Well, I think it's interesting! They weren't in the book I read so learning more about them sounds like a great opportunity! And Soraru-san made it seem like it's interesting so even more of a reason!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he stood up as Soraru could only stare at the younger male in surprise.

He was about to respond before the door suddenly opened and two students walked inside, Mafumafu noting that they were his classmates. Upon spotting them, they stopped their conversation as they only looked at the albino in disgust.

"Oh, it's the zombie. What did you even do to get in here?", the first student asked as the other student only sneered in response.

"I bet he sold his body to get some connections to apply for this school!", they said as the two of them laughed, making the albino look down as he clutched his shirt, trying his best not to cry. "I-I didn't! I got invited here by the principal...", Mafumafu explained.

"Yeah, right! The principal almost never shows himself anymore. People say that he even already disappeared and lost his existence.", the second student retorted.

"It's no use trying to think of such petty excuses. Better leave this school now before you regret it.", the other person said, looking at their nails. Mafumafu only clutched his shirt tighter and Soraru, who had been watching this until now, had enough as he only sighed before speaking up.

"Oi, you two. Just kindly shut up.", the raven-haired male said as the first male only looked at him, crossing his arms.

"And what will you do about it if we don't, Soraru? We're only stating the truth.", he said.

"Yeah. I mean, how else would he have gotten in here besides selling his body? He must be lying about the principal inviting him because he is said to have lost his presence already.", the other male said. "And again with believing the rumors... Come back to me when you have actual evidence.", Soraru told them.

"Well, even if the principal is still here, that low rank must be lying. After all, he's only a zombie so—"

"Shut your trashy mouth and leave him alone.", Soraru said looking down on them and as soon as he did, his blue eyes lightened up, making the two males freeze on spot.

Mafumafu had looked up again, being confused as to why his classmates suddenly stopped talking, trying to figure out what just happened. He looked over to Soraru, surprised to see his eyes suddenly taking on a brighter color.

Despite being imitated, they still tried to defend their actions as they spoke up again. "B-but we were only telling him the truth! He is a low—"

"I said shut the hell up and leave him alone. Don't you understand? This is an order.", Soraru told them, his voice as cold as ice and that's when Mafumafu finally understood that the older male was using commands to use them against the two which was usually not allowed in the school rules. But then again, they broke them first.

Everyone only stood there on spot, not saying anything as they were afraid to interrupt the raven-haired male.

"Leave him alone. And I won't make you guys regret coming to this school. Got it?", he asked as the two of them quickly nodded before rushing away, leaving only Soraru and Mafumafu behind.

There was a short silence before the albino let out some choked sobs, making the older male snap his head to him surprised.

"Wha... I apologize if I scared you... You can ask sensei to change the supporter for you.", Soraru told the younger male who merely shook his head.

"Th-that's not it... Thank you, Soraru-san... for helping me.", Mafumafu said as he looked at the raven-haired male with a thankful smile.

The raven-haired mummy only looked at the albino in shock as people would usually try to keep their distance from him because of either fear or simple dislike. But the albino not feeling either and even thanking him was something new to the raven-haired male. Soraru only looked away as he stood up with his tray, startling the albino.

"S-soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked confused as the older male didn't say anything and only silently walked to put his tray away, the albino following him as he frowned.

"Follow me.", Soraru merely said before walking to the exit as the younger male complied, following him, worried that he might have said something to offend the raven-haired male.

"W-where are we going, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked cautiously not wanting to make the other male mad.

"...To the teacher's office. You need to sign in for humanomics so I'm bringing you there.

We're going to be together in every class now so I'll help you out.", Soraru explained as the younger male only looked at him confused before he understood as a smile settled on his face and he walked slightly faster to catch up to the older male, for the first time walking beside him instead of trailing slightly behind.

Despite complaining, the raven-haired male supported the albino and even defended him from his classmates who discriminated him. And so, the albino decided to show his gratitude as he flashed the older male a bright smile.

"Soraru-san, thanks a lot for everything! I hope we'll have a nice school year together!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the raven-haired male looked at him slightly startled, not expecting to hear that now.

But even so, the older male couldn't help but feel the need to reply properly to it as a small smile formed on his face before he answered the albino.

"I hope we'll have a nice school year together as well, Mafumafu-san."

And we reached the end of the chapter once again~ Did everything even make sense? I don't know, I feel sleepy like Hanpen cause my HP is almost empty ww Gotta recover it with the power of Mafuteru UwU For the Naruluz shippers, don't worry, they'll appear in the next chapter ww But for now, I shall go to sleep and recover my HP www Hope you guys liked the chapter~ Oyasuminyasai~

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