No matter what you are (Soramafu & Naruluz)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Nqrse x Luz
Genre: No specific one really

Monster AU
So this was heavily inspired by this one otome game I once played in the past ww Have you guys ever heard of Ephemeral? It's almost a bit like a crossover but besides the beginning (this chapter) I won't make the plot the same cause such things are a pain ww Anyways, as you can see, the main pairings from this series are Soramafu and Naruluz~ Why Naruluz as the second one? Cause Galaxy-nyan likes it so why not ww There may be some other mentions of other ships but who knows ww Anyways, Hope you guys enjoy~


"What does love feel like? Is it sweet? Bitter? Cold? Warm? That's something I've always been wondering about. But every time when I asked that to my grandmother she would always tell me that I didn't need to know that. Hey... do you know what love feels like?"

"Mafumafu-kun?", a voice called out to the albino who snapped out of his thoughts when his name was being called.

"E-eh? Ah, I'm sorry, Genki-sensei.", the student apologized bowing as the adult only smiled in understanding before speaking up.

"It's fine. I'm sure you're feeling nervous because it's your first day at school here. You did come from the protected part of the town after all. Not only that but you are going to transfer at an unusual time too so you have every right to be nervous.", Genki assured him. And he was right.

Mafumafu was very nervous. From today on out, he would be a student attending Kurogasaki Academy, a school where all kinds of races would be in. Genki sensed the nervousness of the albino as he laughed lightly at that.

"You don't have to be that scared. Everyone here has a unique character but they are all nice so I'm sure you'll get along with them. You might get a lot of comments because of your race but our school law states that race discrimination is prohibited. You don't have to worry and can just enjoy your school time here.", the teacher said as the albino could only nod in response, trying not to show his confusion too much.

"You don't know about race discrimination? Want me to explain?", he asked as Mafumafu apologized but nodded.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. I know about your situation after all. Let's see... how to explain... Do you know about the Races of the Darkness? In this school there are rules which determine your ranking by your races. As an example... what is your race?", Genki asked as the albino was slightly startled before answering.

"I am... a zombie...", Mafumafu answered looking down as his teacher only nodded.

"I see... Well the rank of the zombies are the lowest in the Races of the Darkness. The ones with the highest ranks are the mermaids and mermen. Second highest are the vampires.

Demons, devils, incubus and succubus are under those two races but are the ones with higher ranks than most races.

There are so many different races that I can't tell you all of their rankings now or it will take some time. But either way, the rankings are meaningless on our school campus.

That's because, like I told you before, race discrimination is prohibited in this school. The race of our headmaster from this school is the Invisible Man which is one of the lower rankings.", the teacher told Mafumafu who tilted his head.

"Invisible Man?", the albino repeated confused. "Like the name already says, they have the ability to turn themselves invisible. You will be able to feel the differences by the atmosphere they give so you won't have to remember them.", Genki explained. Hearing that didn't help the albino very much as he was still very confused.

Mafumafu had heard things like that for the first time so it was no surprise. How would he even be able to feel the differences?

Genki noticed that his student was utterly confused as he laughed lightly at that.

"Well, it might be a bit difficult to explain that with words. Would you want me to show you what I mean?", he asked as the zombie thought about it for a bit before nodding.

Genki gently placed his hand onto the other male's shoulders as Mafumafu only looked at him confused, wondering what his teacher would do. His teacher only closed his eyes before speaking up again to demonstrate the albino what he meant.

"Don't move.", he demanded and as soon as he did Mafumafu widened his eyes as he felt his body feel heavier. So heavy as if his body were made out of stone making the albino unable to move.

"W-what is... happening? My body... I can't move...", the albino realized when he did try to move. "Do you hear me? You're not allowed to move. That's an order.", Genki repeated.

He didn't have to really. Mafumafu has already been unable to move after his first command. Genki's words. His gaze. And even the slightest movements made the albino's body stay still as he could feel the fear overtake him.

"I... can't even move my finger. W-what is this...? I'm scared...", Mafumafu thought. But before he could continue to feel any more of his fears, a loud sound resonated through the hallway because Genki had just clapped.

Mafumafu widened his eyes as he suddenly felt his body being able to move again. "That was it. You couldn't move anything, right?", Genki asked as the albino nodded.

"What... just happened?", he asked curiously as he tried to stand straight, Genki noticing that as he held out his hand to help his student.

"That's what I meant when I told you about being able to feel. Scary, isn't it?", he asked as the albino nodded once again.

"My rank is higher than yours being from the race of Frankenstein which is why you can't defy my commands.

Usually, we use those commands to order people of those with a lower rank than ourselves. But like I said, race discrimination is prohibited here so no need to worry about that. If someone does use it against you, you can tell me and I will talk to them.", Genki assured the zombie.

"Ah, yes... I will do that then...", Mafumafu said nodding. "Great. Let's go to your classroom then. It's just the room to the left here.", Genki said as he motioned for the zombie to follow him.

Despite being a zombie, Mafumafu didn't show any signs of being one at least from appearance. The only thing that showed a hint of his race was the scar around his neck.

Mafumafu finally realized in what kind of complicated situation he just got himself into but decided to not let himself get pulled down just because of that. Because he finally managed to get his dream to come true.

He wondered if his grandmother was worried about him right now.

"Hey grandmother... Why did you always hate it so much to go outside?"


"I've always been wondering what the world outside is like... It always seemed so interesting!", an albino exclaimed.

"But every time when I ask her about it, she always tells me to not think too much about it and just forget it.", he continued with a small pout. The witch who looked like she was in her forties let out a snort when she heard that as she only continued making her potion.

"You're still going on about that?", she asked as she stirred the contents in her pot with a big wooden spoon. "After breaking the rules and getting out of the part of your town to come to me you just want to complain about this again and bore me with this? Every single day... Aren't you getting bored of doing that?", the short-haired witch asked sighing.

"But I'm so curious, Rain-san! I want to know what the outside world really looks like and not just be in this town for the rest of my life! Rain-san, did you know that there is a grand Highschool only a few towns away from here?

They say that all kinds of races attend as students there and are all studying hardly without any discrimination towards the students!", the albino exclaimed excitedly as the older woman nodded with a small smile.

"Ah, you must be talking about Kurogasaki Academy.", the brown-haired woman said as the young zombie widened his eyes before standing up, slamming his hands on the table.

"You know about Kurogasaki Academy, Rain-san?!", Mafumafu asked shocked. "Well... I had my graduation there a long time ago.", she explained as the albino only pouted, sitting back down as he let out a sigh.

"How unfair... I want to go there too... How do I apply myself for the school?", Mafumafu asked curiously as the witch only scoffed, going back to stirring the pot and putting some other things in it while mixing.

"Only people who are chosen by the school, are allowed to go there. How can a nobody like you expect to qualify as one of their students? Not only are you a zombie with a low rank but you have no connections to get yourself into Kurogasaki either. It's close to impossible for you to get in there.", Rain told him.

"Ehh... Even if it is close to impossible, isn't there any way for me to get in? Can't you use your magic to get me in? Oh, if you need something as a sacrifice, I can offer you my heart! It's not like I need it to survive anyway.", Mafumafu suggested as the witch only sighed hearing that.

"What a stupid child you are... You won't be able to heal your wounds without your heart. Your young and beautiful looks is all thanks to your heart. Enjoy your short life a bit more.", Rain told him as the albino pondered about something, about to speak up again but Rain was faster than him.

"Besides, your heart wouldn't be enough anyway.", she said as Mafumafu tilted his head confused. "Why not? You once told me in the past that you turned a mermaid into a human in exchange for her voice. So why can you take the voice of a mermaid but not the heart of a zombie?", Mafumafu asked.

"Hah... You really are too naive. Mermaids have the highest rank in the Races of the Darkness. You can't just compare yourself to them. The voice of a mermaid has a great value but what kind of value do you have? Please stop talking about this when you know nothing.", she told him.

"Please don't call me naive and stupid... I already know that I don't know anything. Which is why I want to go to school to change that!", Mafumafu exclaimed determined as the witch only sighed for the nth time this day.

"How often do I have to tell you that it's not possible... Remember that you zombies only have a value as long as you guys are young and beautiful. As long as you're young, your beauty can even compare to the mermaids whose beauty is almost seen as god-like.

But as soon as you grow older you will rot like a dying flower. I don't think someone like you can qualify to go to a school like that.", she said.

"You're so mean, Rain-san! And about what you said before, it's not true. I'm just a normal zombie is all. I think it's because I am the only zombie you have seen but there are many more zombies in my town who are even more beautiful than me!", Mafumafu exclaimed.

"Not even my grandmother ever told me that I was beautiful or cute. Maybe she never thought that I was?", the albino asked as he tilted his head. Rain only looked at the albino troubled before saying what she thought.

"I think that was exactly because you are cute that she never told you that.", Rain said as the albino only looked at her confused. "What? What do you mean with that?", he asked.

"Nothing. Anyways, the moon will soon set down so you should head home now before it gets darker and your family starts worrying about where you are.", Rain reminded the albino flinched and nodded. "You're right! I'll go then! I'll be back tomorrow, Rain-san!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he waved at her making her frown.

"There is no reason for you to come back. Now off you go!", she said, waving him away making the albino giggle. Despite her harsh words, he knew that she only worried about him and cared about his well-being.

He flashed her a last smile before exiting the small cottage and making his way back home through the woods, hoping that he wouldn't get back too late or his grandmother would scold him.

The Zombie's town where he lived laid just next to the Witches Forest so he didn't have to go walk for too long before he got back.

In their town there was a rule that zombies weren't allowed to exit it without permission.

But Mafumafu didn't really care much about that rule as he only wanted to have at least some more places he could go to, always making sure that he wouldn't get caught.

He walked for a few more minutes before he spotted the familiar gap where he could walk through to get back to the Zombie's town as he quickly walked to it and jumped through the gap.

When he did though, his leg got tangled with one of the vines on the ground as he tripped and fell onto the ground on the other side.

Wincing, he got back up, checking to see if he had any wounds, sighing when he realized that he had a small scratch on his leg. "If grandmother finds out about this, she will scold me a lot...", Mafumafu mumbled to himself.

"Ah, Mafumafu?", Someone called out to him as he turned to see that it was an elderly woman from her neighborhood. "Ah, g-good evening, madame.", he greeted her as he bowed.

"Good evening! What are you doing here on the edge of this town?", she asked him as he tried to dodge the question as best as he could.

"N-nothing much. And what are you doing here?", Mafumafu asked as the woman's face turned into a frown after that. "Well, it happened again... Another fire.", she said as the albino frowned as well upon hearing that.

"A-another one?", the albino asked in disbelief. "This time it was Mizutani's household. I was about to go and inform the president about this.", she said as Mafumafu looked down, clutching his shirt.

"I can't believe it... Mizutani just got together with her husband and the two of them were so happy together so why?", the albino asked to himself in his mind. Mafumafu quickly bowed to her, thanking her before he quickly headed back home.

Upon seeing the building which had a lot of vines around the whole house, Mafumafu quickly opened the door before stepping inside, declaring that he was home before running into the living room where his grandmother was already waiting for him. "You are late.", she merely told him as he shuffled around, muttering a quick apology.

Just like always, his grandmother wore her usual coat which covered her whole body and the lower part of her face, her black gloves and her hat which she had pulled down to cover her upper face.

Mafumafu was about to tell her a quick excuse but his grandmother was faster as she spoke up first. "It's no use trying to think of an excuse. You were at that witch's house again, weren't you?", she asked as the albino flinched when he realized that she had known this whole time.

"Please don't go there again from now on. The body of a zombie is very fragile and I can't even imagine what would happen if you would injure yourself heavily. If your wounds are too heavy, there might be a chance that you will never become healthy again.", she reminded him as the albino only looked down in shame.

"I-I know... I'm sorry...", Mafumafu merely apologized, standing in a way to hide his wound. If his grandmother would see this, there is no doubt that he wouldn't be allowed to get out of the house anymore. "B-but can't we talk about this later? D-don't you have guests?", Mafumafu asked.

"Guests? What are you talking about, we have no guests today.", she told him as the albino looked confused at him. "Eh? I was sure that I felt someone's presence here...", the albino thought to himself. "Anyways, more importantly, have you taken your medicine already?", she asked him as the albino nodded.

"Of course! I took one before I went out of the house. I had to take them ever since I was young so it's basically my routine! I know that it prevents infection so I won't forget it, don't worry!", Mafumafu assured his grandmother who only looked at him before sighing and nodding.

"Ah! More importantly, did you hear about the Mizutani household? They died in a fire...

Even though they were just happily taking a walk some time ago... Why is everyone so scared of getting older? Not only the Mizutani household but the Shirogane pair also took their lives just some time ago, right?", Mafumafu asked his grandmother.

"...You don't have to think about that too much.", she told him as the albino looked at her confused. "Why? Mother and Father had also taken their lives when they were young.

I don't remember much because I was young but is it that bad to decay? Why did you do so then?", Mafumafu asked as his grandmother flinched before raising her voice.

"Mafumafu! I told you that you didn't have to know.", she said as he only looked down, gripping his shirt. "You always tell me that... But why am I not allowed to know?", Mafumafu thought to himself. Every time he wanted to ask about it, no one ever told him the truth.

In this town, people who are as old as his grandmother were rare.

He never understood why so many zombies decided to take their lives. And the reason why zombies lived so secluded and away from other people was also a mystery to him.

"Grandmother... I don't want to be naive or unknown to things anymore! I want to understand things! There's this school called Kurogasaki Academy where students go and learn without any race discrimination! So I—"

"No, Mafumafu, you are not going to go there. And that's final.", his grandmother told him. "B-but—". "Mafumafu, please.", she said, her voice sounding tired and Mafumafu knew that the conversation was over with that.

"Just go to sleep. The moon will set soon so you should head to bed.", she told him as the albino merely nodded and went to his room. Mafumafu knew that his attempts were in vain.

No one would help him to fulfill his dream and he would have to accept to live in this town until the end of his life.

That is what he had told himself. But a few days later, a register formulary was sent to his house.


The chattering of the students could be heard from outside the classroom as the teacher gave the albino an encouraging smile who smiled back. He opened the door as the students stopped talking, looking at the albino surprised when he stepped inside. "Is... that the new student?", one person asked.

"He's so beautiful... what's his race? He isn't a mermaid, right?", another girl asked. "What else could he possibly be other than that? He's too beautiful.", a female student said.

"Everyone be quiet! Mafumafu-kun, please introduce yourself.", Genki told the albino who nodded. "Ah, y-yes. My name is Mafumafu and I'm a zombie. I hope we can all get along.", the albino said before bowing.

There was a short silence before someone spoke up shocked. "Wait... did he just say that he was a zombie? That has to be a joke, right? Don't zombies look more rotten and ugly?", someone asked.

The albino could feel how the atmosphere had changed drastically as the students started to talk to one another.

"Why is someone like him allowed to go to our school? Isn't a zombie one of the lowest ranks? He must have paid with his body to get in here.", a girl said. "How disgusting! Not only is he in one of the lower ranks but he is dirty as well.", a guy said, pulling a grimace.

"I'm clearly not welcome here... Genki-sensei said that there was no discrimination here but this is clearly discrimination... right?"

Just when the albino was about to cry, a loud thud resonating through the room as everyone directed their attention towards where the sound came from. Someone had just slammed their hands on the table as they stood up, looking at their classmates in disappointment.

"Guys, let him be! You should be ashamed for your behavior at this age!", the brunet shouted. The person who had just defended him wore a cloak with a big hat on his head.

"B-but Amatsuki-kun... he's a zombie.", one of the students argued. "What about it?", the brunet asked crossing his arms. "According to the school regulations, race discrimination is prohibited.", another brunet said as Amatsuki's eyes lightened up and nodded in agreement.

"That's what I wanted to say too, Kashitaro-san!", the younger male exclaimed. "I don't care what you are but just keep talking and wrap this up already. I don't really care for an introduction of some person.", a short brunet said, looking annoyed by everything.

"Urata-san, how often do I have to tell you that it's not nice to talk like that?", a redhead asked, Mafumafu immediately noticing the animal ears on his head and a tail swaying. "Shut up! I don't need to listen to you, you idiot!", he exclaimed.

"So mean! Soraru-san, you agree with me, right?", the redhead asked as he turned to look at a raven-haired male who only stayed silent and looked out of the window sleepily.

Mafumafu noticed that the raven-haired male had a lot of bandages around his body as his arms, his neck and his right eye was covered in them.

"Uwah, don't ignore me!", the redhead cried as Genki finally had enough and clapped his hand, demanding everyone to be quiet as everyone calmed down a bit.

"So to make one thing clear. Just like Kashitaro said, race discrimination is prohibited here so you should rethink your behavior if you want to graduate from here, alright?", Genki asked them as the students stayed silent.

"Well, Mafumafu-kun, is there anything else you'd like to say?", Genki asked as he turned towards the albino who snapped out of his thoughts.

"U-um, I hope we will all have a great year together.", Mafumafu said before bowing again as, this time, the students clapped politely making the albino feel relieved.

"Well, now that that's done, we should decide for a supporter for Mafumafu-kun.", the teacher said as the albino looked at him confused.

"Kurogasaki Academy is very grand and has some dangerous places which you should avoid. For strong people it would be no problem but for a weak zombie like you, a supporter would be a great help. Not only a supporter but a partner who will help you through this year so you can enjoy your stay here.", Genki explained.

"Hai hai~ I'd like to volunteer for that~", a pink-haired male said as he stood up. "What do you think, Mafu-kun?", he asked as he turned to the albino who only looked at him confused. "I have a high rank with my race as an incubus so I should be able to help you out~", he chirped.

"Nqrse-kun... I don't think that would be a good idea...", the teacher said as the other male only pouted. "Eh, why~? It's not like I will do anything bad to him~ I would rather do bad things to bad people and make them regret for what they did~", Nqrse said as he narrowed his eyes when looking at the other students who only looked away as if to escape from his gaze.

"Even so, I don't think it's a good idea. Also, you seem to always get distracted and cling onto Luz-kun so I am worried that Mafumafu-kun might end up walking around lost because you left him.", Genki said sighing as Nqrse pouted but sat back down and nodded.

"Anyways... if we would talk about suitable people, I'd recommend someone like... Amatsuki-kun? What about you?", Genki asked as the brunet grinned. "Well, I wouldn't mind helping him out!", the brunet said.

"Eh... But aren't you busy with the committees that you are in?", the redhead asked with a small frown. "Sakata-kun is right about that... then how about you instead, Sakata?", Genki suggested as the redhead only pointed at himself surprised.

"Me? Well, I wouldn't mind to help...", the redhead said. "In the end, he will somehow mess up and get both of them into trouble being the idiot that he is. Even I would be a better fit.", Urata mocked. "Urata-san, why do you always have to be so mean to me?!", the younger male asked.

"Well then... how about Kashitaro?", Genki asked. "Hm? I would love to but...", the brunet trailed off with a troubled smile as Amatsuki decided to finish that sentence for him.

"He gets lost around the school campus himself so I always have to help him!", the brunet said sighing as he fox-masked male only chuckled sheepishly in response.

"Soraru-kun also seems like a good choice. He is a mummy but he never really talked that much with people here and almost sleeps in every class. You might be a good influence on him.", Genki said chuckling lightly as the raven-haired male only stayed silent.

"But in the end, it's your choice. So, who would you want to partner up with?", the teacher asked as Mafumafu thought about it for a bit before giving his answer.

"Um... then I choose... Soraru-san?", the albino said even though he sounded unsure of himself. Upon hearing his name, Soraru lifted his head from the table as he looked at the albino in surprise and disbelief, not saying anything though.

"It's decided then. Take good care of him, Soraru-kun.", Genki said as Soraru didn't respond. "U-um... It's nice to meet you, Soraru-san.", Mafumafu said as Soraru only sighed in response.

"Why did you have to choose me when there were so many other people to choose from... What a pain...", the older male muttered, making the albino wonder if he had made the right choice in choosing him. "Well, now that you have a partner, you have nothing to stop you from enjoying your school life here. Hope you enjoy it here!", Genki exclaimed as Mafumafu nodded before clutching his shirt.

His new life on this school would finally begin. He was a bit afraid of how it would be like but it was his choice to attend this school despite his grandmother's protests so he wasn't allowed to complain.

Thinking about his grandmother, made him remember the last conversation those two had before he had left to go to Kurogasaki Academy.

"Mafumafu... you can't... you're not allowed to...", the wind was partly blending out the sentences from his grandmother as the albino looked at the figure of her slowly distancing.

"What did you say, grandmother?", the albino asked.

"Please Mafumafu... I beg of you...", she said as Mafumafu looked at her, trying to make out what she said through the wind which was so strong that her hat was being blown away, revealing her face.

The head of a skeleton was looking back at him as she continued talking, Mafumafu being able to understand what she said despite of the wind making it difficult.

"Please... don't let anyone into your heart... You can't make the same mistake like me... You're not allowed to... fall in love..."

And that was the first chapter of the new series~ I hope you guys enjoyed this despite there not being that much ship moments right now ww It will come later so yeah www Someone asked me to continue the Seven days with you series and I promise I will come back to that once I've finished this series ww Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! See you in the next one and sayonyara~

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