Happiness (Soramafu & Urasaka)

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Pairing: Soraru x Mafumafu (Main pairing), Urata x Sakata (Side pairing)
Genre: Slighty Psychological

High School AU
I got inspired to write this because of a song and I decided that I wanted to write sth cause of this UwU Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy~ I will come back to the other series again after this oneshot I'm sorry www


"Hey, let's go on a double date!", a redhead suggested as his other friends only looked at him in disbelief. "Are you serious? Don't you have to study for your exam cause you failed it? We have no time for something as stupid as dates, Sakata!", a brunet shouted annoyed as he hit the younger male with his math book.

"Ehhh? Why not?", Sakata whined which only earned him another smack on the head.

"Urata-san is so mean! Mafudon! Soraru-san! Help me!", he shouted, looking at the albino and raven-haired male who didn't really pay any attention to him. "Ah, sorry, Sakatan. Me and Soraru-san have to work on our part-time job today.", Mafumafu apologized as he gave the red-haired male an apologetic smile.

"Ehh? Again?", the red-haired male asked as he looked at them in disbelief.

"You guys have been working on that job for almost every week!", Sakata complained. "Well unlike you, they actually do something with their lives.", Urata said which caused the younger male to gasp before the two of them started their usual bickering again.

Soraru, who had been looking on his phone this entire time, sighed before he stood up with his bag slung over his shoulder.

"Mafu, we have to go now before we come too late.", Soraru told him as the albino nodded and quickly stood up, putting his bag over his shoulder as well. "We will be going then. See you two tomorrow.", Mafumafu told them with a smile. Soraru only muttered a quick goodbye as well before the two of them left, leaving Urata and Sakata behind.

There was a short silence before the redhead spoke up. "They're always so busy... We can't even hang out that much anymore...", the red-haired male said as he looked down and Urata could basically see the dog ears of the younger male drooping.

Seeing that made the older male sigh as he flicked the younger male's forehead.

"Owie! What was that for, Urata-san?", Sakata asked as he held the spot where the brunet had just flicked him.

"Stop whining! How about this? I don't wanna do this but it can't be helped... I will help you with your studies and you focus! And if we finish early, we can play games or hang out or whatever, alright?", Urata suggested and as soon as he did, Sakata had already thrown himself into the older male's arms. "Thank you, Urata-san! You're the best!", Sakata exclaimed.

"Ok, I get it! Now get off me!", Urata demanded which was ignored by the younger male.

In the end, he just sighed as he let the red-haired male hug him, smiling slightly as he knew that the younger male wouldn't be able to see him.

And even with all the complaining about studying, Urata knew that as long as the two of them could be together, they would be happy.


"Welcome back, Soraru-sama and Mafumafu-sama. Please follow me to your room. As always, your payment will be handed over to you by the end of the day.", a woman said as she walked ahead with both the albino and the raven-haired male following her down the white hallways.

They walked past the glass walls which showed what people were doing inside as neither of them felt any interest in that though and just followed the woman, ignoring the people talking to each other. They soon arrived at the first door as the woman stopped motioning for Soraru to go inside.

He was about to go inside until he felt someone tugging on his sleeve lightly. The raven-haired male looked back not surprised to see that it was the younger male who did this.

Mafumafu didn't say anything as he only looked down and Soraru only smiled slightly as he intertwined their hands.

"Don't look like that, we'll see each other in a few hours again. See you later, Mafu.", Soraru said as the younger male nodded. "See you later, Soraru-san.", Mafumafu replied.

And with that, his grip on the older male's sleeve loosened which allowed the raven-haired to step inside the room.

The doors closed behind him as the albino was now standing alone with the woman who waited for him to follow her.

Mafumafu only gripped his bag tighter before he silently followed her, continuing to make his way down the hallway.

And soon, they had arrived in front of the room that he was supposed to go in. The woman opened the door as the albino took in a deep breath before stepping inside the dim-lighted room.

"Please put this on and do as the instructions say and continue until the doors unlock again.", the woman said as the albino merely nodded, knowing what to do as he put his bag down and put the heart rate monitor onto his wrist which looked like a digital watch before he sat down on the beanbag which laid in front of a television.

As soon as he sat down, the screen lighted up as a monotone robotic voice spoke up.

"Welcome back, Mafumafu-san. Please make yourself comfortable before taking the controller in front of you and start the game. Remember, if you win this game and find the cheat code, we will grant you eternal happiness. And if you want to quit, you know what to do.", it said as Mafumafu did as told and grabbed the game console which laid on the table in front of him along with some other things. He clicked a few things starting a game.

"Please click the buttons on the controller for the game and repeat after us. Let's start with the easiest difficulty.", the voice said before a music started playing, signaling the albino that the game had started.

[Difficulty: Easy]


"Wait, you were supposed to press up"

Mafumafu screamed when he felt an electric shock going through his body because he had clicked the wrong button at the easiest level already as he gripped tighter onto the controller, not wanting to make a mistake again. The difficulty got higher up though as soon as he made a mistake, not letting him get used to the first difficulty.

[Difficulty: Normal]

→↓↑→→↓→→↑↑↓↓← Rotate, one lap

→↓↑→→↓→→↑↑↓↓ Rotate backwards, one lap

The more correct buttons he clicked, the more the bar on the side filled up. He knew that he only had to click enough buttons until the bar was full so that he could get his happiness and finish for today. The game continued on as Mafumafu had to do as told before another voice started talking.

Unlike the monotone voice of the machine, this voice was high-pitched and cheerful.

"Hi hi~ Welcome back! How are you? Hope you are fine! Anyways, how's school? Did you remember to do your homework?

Did you remember to pay attention in class? Did you do well in the exams?", it asked all while Mafumafu was playing the game.

He knew that he didn't have to answer as it wasn't required for him to do so, so he decided to ignore the voice and just continue on playing to not make a mistake. But the other voice was so loud that the albino wasn't able to ignore it.

[Difficulty: Hard]

→↓↑→AXYR↑↑↓↓← Rotate, one lap

Mafumafu clicked furiously on the buttons of his controller as the word captions "Looks matter." Showed on the screen.


"Wait, what? Don't mess this up", the computer warned him as the albino only nodded, doing his best to concentrate. But it was difficult with both the squeaky voice and the loud music blasting through his ears.

"Isn't it asking too much to deal with school and work? Your assignments are piling up while you're doing this right? It feels unreasonable. All these negative emotions left overflowing.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!", the high-pitched voice said as Mafumafu could feel his headache getting worse by every minute.

He looked at the bar in the screen to see that it was filled for about a bit more than a half. The voice stopped talking for a while as the albino felt thankful for that, quickly smashing as many buttons as he could to raise his score. Before he could fill up his bar and finish the game though, the voice started talking to him again.

"Hey, hey, everything's fine! You still got gas in the tank?", it asked as his gaze was focused on the screen which screamed the words.


"Truth is, there are harder combinations coming up
You still got this, right?"


"Overtime, repairing stuff, Business trips, long hours. By they way, if you don't get this done, I'll be... VERY DISAPPOINTED!!!"

[Difficulty: Insane]

The captions on the screen now changed at a drastic speed as it was almost impossible for Mafumafu to follow them if it were not for the fact that he was used to this and used to the fear of the pain he'd have to suffer because of failing.

But the annoying voice which only got louder by every minute, started talking to him, reminding him of the stress he had to suffer outside of school because his parents made him think of it every day which made this situation worse for him.

It was also because of his parents that he had to work this job to get them their money.

The only reason why he managed to keep doing this job was because he had met Soraru who was also forced to work in this labor.

He could only hope that the raven-haired male had it better than him right now.

"Overtime, repairing stuff, business trips, long hours, homework, questions, tests, graduation thesis, requests, duties, assignments, responsibilities, billing dates, due dates, deadlines, all tomorrow. Extracurriculars, matches, practice, victory, meetings, negotiations, business dinner, agreements, college, employment, career change, interviews."

"I had high hopes."

"Underclassmen, upperclassmen, teacher, boss"

"I just want respect"

"Friends, colleagues, romantic partner"

"Fatigue, anxiety, no questions asked"

Select, Start, ABYL

"Press up and down simultaneously", it said as Mafumafu did as told before he realized that it didn't work, looking down on the controller in distress as he screamed in agony when he felt an electric shock.

"B-but I clicked on the right buttons!", Mafumafu thought as he looked at the screen which explained what just happened.


The albino continued getting shocked as he was forced to continue clicking the buttons even when it was broken until it started working again. The rules told him that even when the controller broke, he'd have to continue playing until it worked again.

And so, Mafumafu continued smashing the buttons while tears streamt down his eyes as the high-pitched voice started talking again from the background.

"Isn't it asking too much to deal with school and work? My assignments are piling up. It feels unreasonable. All these negative emotions left overflowing. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

After that, the voice finally stopped talking as the only thing he could hear was the loud music.

And Mafumafu widened his eyes when he realized that the bar was almost filled up as he couldn't help but laugh happily through his tears, feeling his heartbeat go up when he saw that it was the final few minutes until he was finally done.

[Final Verse]


The bar filled up and he let out a cry of happiness as he let his controller fall, a bright smile spreading on his face. The madness he felt while playing this was a millions times more than the happiness he had gained in the bar.

But he didn't as long as he could get out of here again. His happiness that he had felt after finally finishing this... it all fell immediately along with his smile as soon as he saw the next words displayed on the screen.


A loud, agonized scream resonated through the room as the albino sunk down on his knees, crying as he gripped his hair.

He looked at the table in front of him where a gun was laying before holding it against his head.

"I'm sorry, I give up... I can't handle the expectations anymore. This is too much."

[Apparently there's a cheat code to Happiness]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


[This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Oh, you're back, Soraru-sama! Please do take a seat then~", a voice chirped as the raven-haired male hesitated before sitting down on a chair with a small table in front of him which had a gun on it as well. Soraru didn't take it though as his wrists and legs being secured on the chair arms before a person in a lab coat entered the room, stepping behind Soraru.

"Ok, you know the drill! Watch the video and show me your motivation! You can go home just right after this~", she assured him. After that, the speaker switched off as the big screen in front of him switched on, showing a blonde woman.

"Hi hi~ Here I am! Come now, I'll explain it for you! About all those things that worry you, those problems you're thinking about~

ALL OF IT, I'll explain it for you~ Ahem! So~ Um... being happy... it's your duty! Are you happy? You know it's your duty, right?

Are you happy, Soraru-san~?", she asked as the raven-haired male gritted his teeth before nodding even though he wasn't.

He knew there would be bad consequences if he said no after the first time he did it. He wouldn't make that mistake ever again. "...Yes, I am.", he responded before he screamed when he felt a needle being inserted in his arm.

"Whoops~! Wrong answer~ I could clearly see that you were lying~ No lying into my face~", she chirped.

"Anyways, we, the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee, your happiness is our wish, and we'll support you! Being happy is your duty! Being happy is your duty! Being happy is your duty! Are you happy? You know it's your duty, right?

Are you happy, Soraru-san~?", she asked him once again as the raven-haired male tried to ignore the burning pain spreading through his whole body as he nodded.

"Y-yeah, I am!", Soraru answered but it didn't satisfy the blonde female as she only sighed. And the next thing Soraru knew, another needle pierced through his skin as he screamed again, feeling the pain doubling.

"Wow, you really like to lie to me, huh~? Come on! Answer me with more enthusiasm! Being happy is your duty! Being happy is your duty! Being happy is your duty! Are you happy? IT'S YOUR DUTY! Therefore, we hope you'll be at ease and do your duty! Your happiness is our happiness~

Are you happy? It's your duty, ok? Are you doing your duty? If you aren't content...

Hanging, decapitation, firing squad, boiling, drowning, electrocution!

Burning, buried alive, poisioning, stoning, dismemberment, crucifixion~ Pick whichever~", she chirped as another needle was once again being inserted into the raven-haired male as he could only scream again, feeling as if he was going through all kinds of deaths one after another.

"So tell me, Soraru-san~ Are you happy~?", she asked as he nodded several times.

"I am~ I am very happy~", Soraru exclaimed with a wide smile as there was a short silence before the woman clapped. "Great~ Come now, you should be only full of happiness! Worries and dissatisfaction, you don't have any, right?", she asked as the older male nodded in response.

"Of course not~ No matter what happens, I am always happy~", he answered.

"What's happening... this is not how I would answer... this is not me... Who is answering this then?", Soraru asked himself as the blonde woman only laughed happily when she heard his response.

"How scary, it really is scary! You are so happy, it's scary!", she mocked as the raven-haired male only smirked at her in response.

"Are you truly happy~?", she asked as Soraru decided that he's had enough and really didn't want to continue falling into this pit of darkness where he didn't know what his true self was anymore.

So in the end, he shook his head and struggled in his chair. "No, how the hell could I be happy in this kind of situation?! Get me the hell out of here!", Soraru shouted before he felt another needle being inserted into him.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't quite hear what you said, Soraru-san~ Sorry, let me repeat my question~ Are you truly happy~?", she asked again as he nodded. "Of course I am~ Being happy is everyone's duty after all~", Soraru chirped but from the inside he shouted at himself to stop this.

"No! This isn't what I want to say! Why can't I speak my mind anymore?!", Soraru thought to himself as he panicked, trying to protest and scream to stop this experiment.

Never had he ever lost control over himself in these experiments. Never had the chemical substance worked for him before and managed to take control over him. Soraru didn't want to accept that today would be the day where the amount of dose finally worked on him.

"Anyways, we, the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee, your happiness is our wish, and we'll support you! Being happy is your duty! Being happy is your duty! Being happy is your duty! Are you happy? You know it's your duty, right?

Are you happy, Soraru-san~?", the blonde female asked him for the nth time this day. "Of course I am, Kuro~ Everyday is a happy day for me and I am always happy whenever I come back here~", Soraru answered with a smile.

"Shut up! Stop spouting lies! I would love nothing more than to stop this forever if it weren't for the fact that Mafu is still here!", Soraru thought to himself as he tried to shout those words out, only to feel the numbness in his mouth hindering him.

"Oh~! I am also happy to see you here everyday, Soraru-san~", Kuro said grinning. "Shut up! I hate being here and being forced to take this drug to brainwash me!", Soraru shouted out, everyone surprised that he was still able to say it.

The man behind him was about to inject him again but Kuro stopped him with a hand motion before speaking. "Well, Soraru-san~ I'm impressed~ As a reward, there will be no more injections anymore for today~ But we will continue on~

The end is coming soon so let me tell you that being happy is your duty! Being happy is your duty! Being happy is your duty! Are you happy? You know it's your duty, right? It's your duty!

You know that, right? It's your duty, being happy is your duty! It's your duty! You know that, right? It's your duty! If you're not content...", Kuro trailed off as Soraru's wrists and legs got freed. "Die~", she finished her sentence as he immediately grabbed the gun in front of him and held it against his head.

"Before I end up losing myself... I'd rather want to end this now while I still have half of my sanity."


An albino stepped into the waiting room where a familiar raven-haired male sat. As soon as their eyes met, Mafumafu let himself fall into the older male's arms who immediately wrapped his arms around the younger male.

"I got the money. Let's go home.", Soraru said as the younger male merely nodded in response, taking the raven-haired male's hand, intertwining them before they headed home.

They were both tired and exhausted from today as they wanted nothing more than to just fall asleep in each other's arms.

They stepped out of the labor as the moonlight shone upon then, the two of them not saying anything as they headed back home. In the end, neither of them could pull the trigger.

Because they didn't want to risk leaving each other alone.

Even after all of the suffering they experienced. Even after all the pain that they had to go through every time they came there. Even after all the madness and insanity they felt whenever they had to do those experiments over and over again.

They decided that living was still worth as long as their significant other was with them.

And even with all the pain, insanity, madness and suffering that they had to go through, Soraru and Mafumafu knew that as long as the two of them could be together, they would be happy.

Ok, first of all, I'm sorry for writing this ww I've been listening to "Apparently there's a cheat code to happiness" in nightcore version this whole day ww I have known it for a while now but then found it again today and all of a sudden, I kinda listened to it the whole time? ww And it slowly got over to me and I wanted to write about this so here I am ww Anyways, again sorry, hope you still enjoyed it~ And Sayonyara~

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