An Idiot's Confession (SakaShima)

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Requested by: @Li-Kimchi
Pairing: Sakata x Shima
Genre: Fluff

Sakata stared at Shima as he smiled down at the older male. "Are you ready to lose, Mashi?", Sakata asked as the purple-haired male smirked back at him while Senra and Urata just sat there.

One being amused and one being utterly annoyed by what they saw. "I am prepared to win this! I hope you are prepared to lose this cause I know I'll win!", the purple-haired male said.

"Huh... We'll see about that then... Rock! Paper Scissors!", Sakata yelled as they both threw their hands up to see that the two of them had paper. Urata groaned as he threw his head onto the table and Senra only laughed lightly when the two of them continued.

"You've been doing that for twenty minutes straight! How the hell are you even doing it that you throw the same thing every single time?!", Urata asked annoyed.

"At least they look like they have fun.", Senra said trying to calm the brunette down who crossed his arms. "Yeah, but we decided to meet up for work and we aren't getting anything done!

Also, it's stupid to do this for twenty minutes straight when you just want to do this to see who gets the freaking last cookie on the table!", Urata exclaimed annoyed as Senra only laughed more at the fact that the other two were actually playing the game just for that.

Sakata and Shima continued playing, throwing the same thing every single time as Urata decided he had enough and slammed his hands on the table. "That's it! If you two are going to continue this and don't concentrate on work, I will go home!", Urata declared as he took his bag and walked away.

Senra only chuckled when he saw how Urata stomped away angrily as he took his bag as well. "I'm going to calm him down then and try to convince him to meet up with us tomorrow.

Just guys can continue doing whatever you want now. Just be concentrated tomorrow please or Urata will get upset again.", Senra said as he stood up as well taking his bag before following the brunette outside. "See you tomorrow then.", Senra said before he exited the room.

Shima and Sakata nodded and thanked him as they watched them leave before they looked at each other challenging. They played for a while a bit longer before Sakata stopped sighing. "Nee, Mashi~ Let's play another game cause we aren't getting any result.", Sakata stated whining slightly as Shima nodded putting his hand down.

"You're right. You know what? Now that I think about it, we could just share the cookie.", Shima stated as Sakata's eyes widened before he nodded. "Alright then~ Let's share it!", Sakata exclaimed as he took the cookie and broke it in half, eating it as he muttered something about the cookie crumbling so much, before holding the other half towards Shima smiling brightly.

"There you go~ Open your mouth for me~", Sakata urged as the purple-haired male blushed slightly. "You do know that I can eat it by myself, right?", Shima reminded the other as Sakata nodded but only got closer instead as Shima leaned back before he couldn't anymore, because of the cushion on the couch. "Yeah, but it crumbles a lot so as your great soulmate, I am going to feed you now~

So be a good person and accept my kindness~", Sakata chirped as he only leaned closer and Shima hesitated for a bit longer before giving up and opening his mouth bashfully.

"A-Ah....", he said as Sakata hummed satisfied and out the cookie into his mouth before pulling away and Shima sighed out in relief when he finally had some space again. "Anyway, Urata-san and Senra went home already and we'll probably have the day off so would you rather go on a date or stay home?", Sakata asked.

Yes, Shima and Sakata were already dating which is why they were living together.

Urata was honestly cringing every time he saw the two of them doing something lovey dovey in public as he would always yell at them to do it in private or at least not in front of him.

Senra would always just watch them amused whenever they would unconsciously show affection in public but he didn't seem to mind as he never told them to stop. Now you might be wondering how the two of them got together.

Truth is that the confession wasn't planned at all. Sakata and Shima would only laugh about it, now when they thought back about it.

They were sitting in the empty classroom after their classes ended as they were waiting for Senra and Urata to finish helping the teacher as they wanted to hang out afterwards and that is when it happened. Sakata chuckled when he thought back about it and Shima tilted his head silently asking the other male what he was laughing about.

Sakata noticed this as he just smiled at the other. "I was just thinking about when I confessed to you back in high school.", Sakata explained as Shima understood as he blushed before he smiled as well. "I didn't expect you to confess to me on that day honestly.", Shima said as Sakata chuckled.

"You know that no one did.", Sakata said as the purple-haired male hummed before he noticed the redhead opening his arms as the older male chuckled before he dove into the other's arm, laying his head on the younger's chest as he could hear the other's steady heartbeat.

They both stayed silent for a bit as the two of them thought back on that day.


"They are taking so long~ Let's just go without them, Shima-kun~", Sakata whined as Shima chuckled at the childishness of the other male. "Just wait a bit longer. They are probably going to finish soon.", Shima assured him as Sakata slumped onto his desk tiredly.

Shima was sitting in front of him now as he was leaning his arms against the back of the chair which was faced towards Sakata.

"But even if they are just helping the teacher out with something, that takes way too long~ Do you think they secretly left us to go on some date or something like that?", Sakata asked jokingly. "Well, I could expect that from them.

Especially from Uratan. But I guess Senra would message us when that would happen.", Shima told him as Sakata nodded.

"But a date, huh... I wonder what that would be like...", Sakata muttered as he turned his head to look out of the window. The sun was slowly setting and if Senra and Urata wouldn't arrive in the next hour, the sun would go down by that time.

Shima felt his heart clench slightly when he heard that. But he knew Sakata couldn't see him right now so he decided it was enough to just talk cheerfully. "Hm~ Is there someone you want to go on a date on?", Shima asked as Sakata hummed as an answer which hurt the purple-haired male even more.

"What kind of person are they?", Shima asked curiously as Sakata thought about it for a while before answering.

"He is a funny and kind person who is really cute in my opinion. I like how he is shorter than me even though he is older than me because it is just one of the things that make him cute.

I like how we always joke around and I know that it'd be fun spending time with him everyday!", Sakata described the person cheerfully as Shima hummed in response feeling as if his heart was just pierced with an arrow.

"A guy, huh? I guess he is talking about Uratan... I mean, he fits the description perfectly.", Shima thought smiling painfully. "I see~ Good luck then! I'm rooting for you so do your best to conquer him!", Shima said as Sakata nodded.

"Yes! Thanks~ I really hope that Shima-kun will accept my feelings when I finally get the courage to confess to him someday! I love him so much after all!", Sakata exclaimed as Shima hummed once again and there was a short silence before the purple-haired male comprehended what the red-haired male just said.

"Hah?", Shima exclaimed flustered and Sakata looked up confused to realize that he forgot that he was talking to the older male and just accidentally confessed his love to him.

Sakata immediately sat up as he looked away scratching his cheek awkwardly. "I'm sorry...", Sakata muttered an apology as Shima looked at the redhead confused.

"What are you apologizing for?", Shima asked until he realized that Sakata must have said the wrong name accidentally. He was an idiot after all, so it wouldn't surprise him.

"Ah, you don't have to apologize for accidentally saying the wrong—". "I'm sorry for confessing to you like this. I was planning to make it a bit more romantic.", Sakata admitted as Shima sat there with his mouth agape.

"Eh? So you actually wanted to confess to me and not to Uratan?", Shima asked surprised as the latter tilted his head confused.

"Urata-san? Why would I confess to him? The description doesn't match him as much as it matches you~ I mean, I guess Urata-san's height and his tsundere character can be cute but it's not as cute as you are~", Sakata exclaimed cheerfully as Shima felt his face heat up even more than it already was.

"No way! So you actually like me?!", Shima asked in disbelief as Sakata frowned at that. "Yes... is that bad? Do you not like me back? Or is it because I confessed to you like this?", Sakata asked as he slowly sneaked his hands towards Shima's before intertwining their hands as Shima felt like he would actually explode at any second.

Shima didn't even dare to look into Sakata's eyes as he knew he would probably die from the heat he was feeling right now.

"Shima-kun...", Sakata called the other male out as Shima knew that the younger male wanted Shima to look at the other male. So in the end, he reluctantly looked up only to regret his decision because Sakata's face was so close.

"Shima-kun, I'm sorry that this turned out like this. I will say it again and this time, I'll tell this to you directly.", Sakata said as he took a breathe before he looked at Shima and the older male thought that this was the most serious look Sakata ever gave him. "Shima-kun... I like you.

No, I love you.", Sakata confessed as Shima forgot to breath when he heard that again and knew that it was directed to him.

"I love how warm your voice sounds whenever you talk to me. I love how you're shorter than me and are the perfect size to hug. I love how your hand fits perfectly into mine. I love how your eyes are a beautiful shade of purple.

I love how you always laugh with me whenever I do something instead of scolding me. I love everything about you! So... will you accept my feelings and go out with me?", Sakata asked as Shima was still so surprised as he wondered if this was a dream.

He wondered if Sakata was actually saying that to him right now or if he would wake up the next minute just to realize that it wasn't reality. But when he felt the warmth of Sakata's hand he knew that it wasn't a dream as he finally snapped out of it smiling as he nodded.

He had to laugh though when he saw how nervous Sakata looked right now which was hilarious for Shima who had never seen Sakata Look This nervous before.

"Stop looking so nervous, Sakata. Of course I will accept your feelings, you idiot.", Shima said as he squeezed Sakata's hands back and the younger male's expression lightened you immediately as he flashed the older male a bright smile.

"Really?! Thank you! I love you, Shima-kun~", Sakata exclaimed as he leaned in closer. "I-I love you too.", Shima responded as he noticed how Sakata got closer and closer. Shima closed his eyes as he knew what Sakata would do next.

They both leaned in closer and their lips almost met but they both jerked away from each other when the door opened and they both looked towards the door to see Urata and Senra standing there.

"Sorry to keep you waiting... Oi, are you both having a fever or something?", Urata asked after he saw them with their red faces. Senra looked at them confused as well before he put everything together and just chuckled.

"See? I told you that Mashi would accept your feelings, Sakata.", Senra told the redhead who nodded. "Mhm~ Aren't I lucky?", Sakata asked as Senra nodded and Shima blushed while Urata just stood there confused.

"Huh? What is going on?", Urata asked clearly expecting an explanation and Sakata looked at Senra who only nodded. "Urata, let's go to that new cafe I found today~ It's my treat.", Senra assured the other as he took Urata's hand and pulled him towards the door.

"Hah? What about Mashi and Sakata?", Urata asked as he was being dragged outside by Senra. "They have something else to do so let's spend some time together. Just the two of us~", Senra chirped as Urata felt a light blush creep on his face before he was completely pulled out of the classroom, leaving Sakata and Shima alone in there again.

Shima laughed awkwardly as he took his bag and stood up. "Well, let's go home.", Shima said and Sakata nodded as he took his bag before taking the purple-haired male's hand and pulling the other into a kiss. "That was something like my reward for confessing~", Sakata chirped winking as Shima's face heated up.

"Let's go home then~", Sakata said as Shima could only nod and follow the red-haired male outside. At that moment he truly felt like he was the happiest person alive.


"Hah... that was so embarrassing for me. I completely forgot that I was talking to you and just talked to you about you.", Sakata said sighing as Shima only chuckled amused at that.

"Well, in the end, it still worked out, didn't it?", Shima asked as the other male only hummed in response. There was a short comfortable silence before Sakata decided to speak up again. "Hey, Mashi. Did you ever regret accepting my confession?", Sakata asked as Shima's head shot up immediately as he shook his head.

"Of course not. Why would you think so?", Shima asked as he took Sakata's face to take a better look at him. "Well... I'm really annoying sometimes, aren't I? Forget it.

It's stupid anyway.", Sakata said laughing it off but Shima knew that it bothered him as he kissed the other gently before flashing him a grin.

"Don't worry! We are both annoying anyway so we're a perfect match!", Shima exclaimed as Sakata looked surprised for second before laughing.

"You're right. Thanks, Mashi~ You always know what to tell me so I feel better~", Sakata told the other who only grinned wider in response. "Of course! After all, I am something like your soulmate. Just like you said sometime ago!", Shima reminded him as Sakata nodded.

"Yes! We're soulmates! You really get me, Mashi~ That's why I love you so much!", Sakata exclaimed. "I love you so much as well!", Shima responded as Sakata smiled brightly.

"That's great! I want to stay together with you, see how everyone gets older and grow old together! So let's stay together forever, ok?", Sakata asked as Shima chuckled and nodded.

"Of course! It'll be a promise then! Let's stay together forever!"

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