There's always a Reason (SoraUra)

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Requested by: @Lunizaelyna
Pairing: Soraru x Urata
University AU

Urata groaned when he noticed his roommate still sitting by his desk typing on his computer. What even was he doing at a time like this? It was 3 am for gods sake!

"Soraru, go to sleep damn it...", Urata mumbled as he buried his face into the pillow his words being muffled by it.

"I will soon.", the other male muttered as he continued typing on his computer not averting his gaze. "What are you even doing at a time like this?! Your typing distracts me and I can't go to sleep! And you are doing this almost every night!", Urata complained as Soraru stopped momentarily. "I have to do some important assignments.", Soraru merely answered as Urata scoffed at the answer.

Honestly, he couldn't believe it as he thought that the ravenette just played games all night and used his assignments as an excuse to stay up. But could you really blame him?

After all, every time Urata saw his roommate on day, he would always lay on the bed sleeping or just scribbling things inside some notebook. And according to Soraru's classmates, the ravenette wouldn't even have to study and would still get great marks. And the older male was always seen either reading books or looking at his phone or laptop in his free time in school.

How should he believe him then, when he told him that he was actually studying and not gaming? "And you're doing them every night at this hour? Honestly, what kind of student are you if you can't even finish your own assignments before your deadline?", Urata asked clearly not believing him as it was Soraru's turn to scoff.

"I'm basically just like all the other students. If you don't want to keep seeing me work every night, you can just go to the principals office to ask to change roommates.", Soraru argued as the brunette hesitated before huffing.

The two of them never really actually talked. And when they did, it was always some short conversation where they argued about something so Urata wasn't especially fond of the ravenette.

"Well, I would if I could. But I am not one to go to the principal every time I don't like something.", Urata said as Soraru rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, sure.", he said as Urata sat up a bit now that he was awake anyway and couldn't go back to sleep. "Well, now that you woke me up, you can just tell me what your assignment is about.

Maybe I can help you so you can finally go to sleep and I can sleep in peace as well.", Urata told the other who just hummed.

"I don't think you can help me. After all, you are not even studying the same major as me.", Soraru answered and just then did Urata realize that he didn't even know what major Soraru studied while Soraru apparently knew.

Soraru seemed to have noticed that the brunette didn't know as he decided to answer him.

"My major is medicine. And I highly doubt that someone taking literature as their major can help me with this.", Soraru said mockingly as Urata huffed. "Well, we won't know that until we try.", Urata argued as he took a look at the computer to see many different diagrams which he wasn't familiar with at all.

He studied literature so he was used to having long texts and not these. Soraru glanced at Urata holding back a laughter when he saw how his expression looked like.

"Lost all that confidence you had before?", Soraru asked as the younger male glared at him not wanting to back down so quickly as he pulled a chair to him sitting down next to the ravenette.

"No. You are going to explain me what your assignment is about and what you have to do so I can help.", Urata told the other determined as Soraru widened his eyes before he stayed quiet for a bit. Urata wondered what the other male was thinking about and why he looked like he had to think too much about his task.

But he guessed that Soraru just lacked too much sleep that he couldn't do something as simple as remembering what his homework was.

"...The assignment is basically something like a what if scenario. They give you a situation about a patient and you have to think of the cause of the reason the patient is in that state, what kind of situation they are in and what you can do to help them.", Soraru explained as he took his mouse and started clicking some things before the screen showed a file.

"In my case, patient X coughs a lot, sometimes even coughing blood. They don't have enough breath when they are doing their all day activities.

A loss of appetite and hoarseness or wheezing were also some signs of the disease I have to find out.", Soraru said as Urata listened to the other intently nodding.

"In the end, I assumed that the patient suffers from lung cancer and that the patient has to take surgery. Now I only have to write how I would proceed by doing that and what I have to be careful of and what not to do.", Soraru told Urata as he proceeded to explain him on how he would do something, careful to leave the very detailed things out.

"You look like you know a lot. I'm impressed. I didn't expect so much from someone like you.", Urata complimented as Soraru rolled his eyes in response. "Thank you.", Soraru said sarcastically. "Well, I don't need your help.

As you can see, I can handle myself and this assignment perfectly fine.", Soraru assured the other before he teared his gaze away from the brunette and looked back at the screen.

"You can go to sleep now or whatever. I'll try to type a bit quieter so you can sleep. It'll be no problem if I write it on paper anyway. So go get your sleep.", Soraru said and Urata stayed silent for a while before he stood up and walked away.

Soraru assumed that the brunette went to sleep as he continued working. He was surprised though as a mug of coffee was placed next to him as he looked up to see the brunette standing there.

"If I can't help you with the assignment then I can at least try to help you to not die while doing this.", Urata said as a light smile played on Soraru's face. "Eh... since when did you care?", Soraru asked amused and Urata realized what he just said as he blushed and looked away.

"Don't get the wrong idea and get all high and mighty. I am just doing this so I can finally get some sleep at night and so you won't disturb me.", Urata clarified. "Sure. Whatever you say.", Soraru said rolling his eyes as Urata crossed his arms.

"Well, I can't sleep anyway so I will just stay up and do some studying as well. Tell me when you need help.", Urata said as he took a book and before sitting next to Soraru who smiled for a bit.

"I don't need your help. But I guess I won't mind some company.", Soraru stated as Urata hummed before concentrating on his book.

"Hey, I'm not one for silences so mind telling me about anything?", Urata asked after some minutes of silence. Soraru stayed silent for a bit before sighing and nodding.

"I guess I can talk a bit while working.", the ravenette agreed as Urata nodded satisfied. And for the first time in the whole semester, those two finally got to actually talk with each other.


"Oi, Soraru! How long are you going to take?!", a brunette called annoyed as the older male quickly packed his things before following the shorter male outside sighing.

"I'm coming... can you please not rush me?", the older male asked as Urata rolled his eyes.

"Well, I was not the one who wanted to go to Kyoto in vacation for whatever reason.", Urata exclaimed as Soraru crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "And I was not the one who forced you to come with me. You basically just said that you would come along.", Soraru said as the brunette felt a blush creep on his face as he lightly punched the other male.

"Shut up...", Urata muttered as Soraru felt like he won this round of their bickering and just hummed as he walked ahead.

"Anyway, I don't want to be late so let's get going.", Soraru said as he walked ahead and Urata quickly followed him with his own bag. They soon arrived at the train station and as soon they arrived they sat inside putting their bags next to their seat as they sat down across from each other.

Soraru immediately took out his phone as Urata rolled his eyes when he saw how his friend was like this. In the last few months, the two of them started to get surprisingly along even though they did bicker a lot and their friends would always laugh at them for being like that.

Urata snapped out of his thoughts as he glanced at the bag next to Soraru. It was big and Urata wondered why the hell he would need so much. "Oi, Soraru. You know we are going to walk for bit so why did you bring so much stuff with you?", Urata asked as Soraru gave him a glance before looking back on his phone.

"You never know when you need anything. Trust me, I am speaking from experience.", Soraru answered as Urata raised an eyebrow confused. "What the hell are you talking about? We are just taking a trip, aren't we?", Urata asked confused as Soraru nodded.

"Yeah, and we could get injured or sick or anything like that. I want to be prepared at all cases so nothing bad will happen again.", Soraru explained as Urata still didn't understand. "You... are talking as if you had a bad experience. Did something happen?", Urata asked as Soraru stayed silent for a while before looking at the brunette.

"Say... do you care about me?", Soraru asked as Urata blushed shaking his head. "The hell are you talking about?! No!", Urata answered and Soraru stayed silent for a few seconds before he nodded and looked out of the window.

"Alright, then I won't tell you. I am not obligated to tell my past story to someone who doesn't care about me.", Soraru answered and Urata was baffled when he noticed how distanced Soraru was suddenly acting.

For some reason, he felt his heart clench as he quickly stood up and grabbed the other's sleeve making the older male look at him. Urata couldn't even look into the ravenette's eyes but he decided that he would set his pride down just for today and answer him honestly.

"I do care about you... Cause we are friends and such... I thought you'd get it even if I didn't tell you...", Urata mumbled and when he didn't hear an answer, he looked at Soraru nervously to see the ravenette smiling softly at him which surprised his as the older male would usually never smile at him like that. "I know. I just wanted to make sure by hearing it from you.", Soraru said as Urata realized what just happened and slapped Soraru's head before sitting back down embarrassed.

"Violent as always I see... Anyways, since you look like you really want to know, I'll just go ahead and tell you then.", Soraru said as Urata nodded.

"As you can see, I am a bit too careful for going to a trip. And you guessed correctly, that I had bad experiences from it. You see, I have a little sister who is slightly clumsy. She has a bit of a weak heath and always relies on me.

In the past, she got lost a lot and injured herself. Now imagine just being a young child searching for your little sister and finding her laying on the floor coughing up blood and being injured at the time. Not knowing what to do and only being able to stand there helplessly as adults would come to handle things.

I hate being useless and not being able to do anything. So just in case, if something happens... I want to be prepared for everything.", Soraru told Urata in a casual tone as if he just talked about his pets. To other people, it might seem that Soraru didn't care.

But Urata could see how much it took from Soraru to tell Urata about it and he appreciated for the ravenette to trust him that much to tell him that.

"But your sister is save now, isn't she? Isn't that the most important thing in the end?", Urata asked as Soraru shrugged. "I guess... She's in the hospital because of her weak health right now and those doctors do nothing good enough so she will just rot in the hospital if that goes on.", Soraru scoffed as he thought about it.

"That's why I decided to take medicine as a major doing some research here and there about her. Thinking what I could do while resting my eyes a bit. Studying to see what I can do to help her. Trying to talk to her once in a while so she won't be lonely.", Soraru explained and Urata could understand so many more things now after Soraru told him that.

The times where he thought Soraru was sleeping... he was actually thinking of his sister. The times where Soraru states his phone... he probably texted his sister and asked her how she is. The times he thought Soraru was gaming... he would be studying for his sister. And that "assignment" he did in the past was probably, actually some research for his sister that he did.

Soraru did everything with a reason and after a few months of being his roommate, he could finally understand what kind of person the ravenette was. The person in front of him... he did everything with a reason. Or at least he thought so as Urata looked at Soraru who was looking at him.

When Soraru at first refused to tell him about his past, that was a way to make Urata confirm Soraru about their friendship and make him feel sure about that. Urata wasn't sure though as he decided to make sure of it. "Why are we going to Kyoto anyway?", Urata asked.

"...We are going to research some herbes and see if they can be used for something.", Soraru answered as Urata confirmed his theory. Soraru did everything for a reason.

His actions may look normal or casual but he did everything for something. And for the first time, Urata saw him in a new light as he felt the need to be by Soraru's side.

Soraru looked like he would overwork himself if no one was there to tell him to go to sleep like Urata did in the past few months. He looked like he needed someone to help him emotionally. And who could help him more than Urata who did those things for some time already?

There was a short silence where neither of them said anything before the brunette decided to speak up. "I see... then you better not slack of with your work then to help your sister. Be a reliable brother and not some lazy person.", Urata told him and and amused smile played on Soraru's face.

"Of course. I was planning to do so anyway.", Soraru answered as there was a short silence once again which was broken by Soraru this time.

"You are making sure that I wouldn't slack off anyway.", Soraru said and both of them knew that Soraru never slacked off for things like these but that Soraru meant to say that Urata was the one taking care of him the whole time so he didn't have to worry. "Of course.

Wouldn't want your sister to find out how lazy you are, do we?", Urata asked teasingly as Soraru rolled his eyes. Soraru knew that Urata cared about him which is why he even bothered to stay up with him some nights.

Urata knew what kind of person Soraru actually was which was unlike the rumors of his classmates. They both knew each other and knew what the other meant even though they didn't say it so they didn't tell each other any sweet words or anything knowing that the other would understand their true feelings behind those harsh and teasing words.

Soraru knew that Urata cared about him and that he considered him as a friend. Urata knew that Soraru cared about him as well, which is why he always tried to help him discreetly with his studies.

They both knew that they'd stay together for a long time. So none of them didn't say anything after that. They didn't need to anyway.

Soraru felt a hand grasp his as he looked up slightly surprised to see the brunette holding his hand and looking away. The ravenette smiled softly as he returned the gesture and the two of them didn't speak for the rest of the ride.

A comfortable silence sat around them as the two of them looked at the scenery passing by.

No words were needed as the two already knew their feelings for each other.

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