The Idiot that I love (Urasaka)

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Requested by: @sakataaa
Pairing: Urata x Sakata
Genre: Fluff

I hope I managed to meet your expectations for this oneshot~ (><)

"Ura-san, what is true art?", a red-haired male asked in the middle of a summer night as the brunette just shrugged. "I don't know.", he simply stated clearly showing that he didn't want to continue talking right now but the younger male ignored that as he continued talking.

"I mean they always say that art lays in the eyes of the beholder. But there are still people who judge your art or say that your art isn't good enough.", he said as the older male just shrugged again.

"I guess they just weren't good enough then. People choose which art they like and which they don't after all.", Urata stated as Sakata hummed.

It was silent for a while and the brunette thought he could finally get some rest but unfortunately that was not the case as Sakata started speaking up after some minutes again.

"Ura-san, how do good problem solvers feel when they can't solve the problem for once?", Sakata asked as the older male groaned in annoyance.

"Maybe they get frustrated because they're not used to it?", Urata answered wondering how many questions this idiot was going to ask before he was satisfied. Apparently, he would have intended to do so the whole night.

"Ura-san, what is love? How do you define it?", Sakata asked again as the older male finally felt his patience snap. "I don't know! Can you please stop asking me these questions at 2 am on the morning?! How long do you want to continue asking such essential questions at such a time?!", Urata asked as he buried his face into the pillow.

"I've been trying to sleep for like how long now?! And why are you suddenly asking such deep questions in the middle of the night?! Can you just ask me tomorrow?", Urata asked as Sakata pouted at that. "But I can't sleep...", he mumbled. "But I can. Now go and try to sleep.", Urata said as he shifted trying to get some sleep.

He had been staying up late for a livestream which he did with Sakata an hours ago so he felt really tired. They did the livestream at a vacation house of Urata which laid a bit further away from the city but was still great nethertheless.

They streamt for 5 hours straight after all so it was only natural to be tired after that and wanting to go to sleep like any normal person.

But for some reason, Sakata was still able to be wide awake at this hour.

Urata was about to fall asleep but when he took a glance at the red-haired male and how he looked like a sad puppy he knew that he couldn't go to sleep like that.

So instead, he just sighed as he flipped his blanket off and walked to the chair to throw a jacket over his clothes.

"Wear this.", Urata said as he threw a jacket at the younger male which confused the other. He tilted his head as the brunette just sighed.

"You said you couldn't sleep, right? Then come with me.", Urata said and even though the younger male was still confused he only nodded as he put his cardigan on before following the brunette out of the room before completely leaving his house. "Where are we going, Ura-san?", Sakata asked as he fastened his steps to catch up with the other male who was surprisingly fast.

"You'll see when we get there.", Urata merely answered as he continued walking. Sakata followed him confused as he looked around, wondering where the other would take him.

From all he could see there were only the empty streets with the the street lamps flickering slightly. It was almost pitch dark and Sakata thought that the most interesting thing was the paintings of probably children on the streets as they walked.

"Ura-san, where—". "Sakata, keep quiet for a bit and close your eyes.", Urata demanded as the red-haired male looked at him still utterly confused. "Closing my eyes? But then, I won't see where I should go.", Sakata argued but still closed his eyes as told and the older male sighed as he took the other's hand.

"I'll guide you so you don't have to worry about that.", Urata assured as he started walking and Sakata stumbled clumsily while following the other male to wherever he intended to take him.

"But why are you doing that?", Sakata asked confused and the brunette just sighed. "Just follow me, ok?", Urata said as the younger male hummed and obediently followed the older male.

He decided he'd stay quiet for now and just concentrate on not falling straight on his face. After a few more seconds, he finally started to comprehend that he was holding hands with Urata as his face turned as red as his hair.

He just hoped that his blush would calm down by the time they arrived and that Urata wouldn't notice until then. Even though, he couldn't see where he was going, he still felt secure and safe with the brunette guiding him and he just wished that this moment would last for even longer.

Unfortunately, it only lasted for a few more minutes before the older male stopped in his tracks making the redhead stumble lightly into the brunette as he wanted to open his eyes.

But he didn't want to annoy the older male even more by not listening to him as he stood there with his eyes still closed.

"Ura-san, can I open my eyes now?", Sakata asked and there was a short silence before the brunette hummed letting go of the red-haired male's hand. Sakata already missed the warmth of Urata's hand not wanting to let go but he didn't say anything as he slowly opened his eyes after he got the permission to.

He blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the slight light and then widened his eyes, gasping in awe when he saw the landscape before him.

They were standing in a wide grass field which was being lighted in a comfortable green light from the fireflies which were flying around.

And above them, there was the pitch black sky which he saw a few minutes ago.

But unlike before, the sky was now being decorated in many small white stars scattered around the sky in many different structures.

While Sakata was admiring the scenery around him he didn't realize that the brunette was looking at him the whole time.

He also didn't see Urata's expression and when he turned back to look at Urata, the older male was already lying on the grass with his head on his arms which were crossed behind him.

He signaled the younger male with his eyes to lay down next to him and the redhead complied as he laid down next to the other male folding his hands together as he put them on his chest.

"This place is beautiful, Ura-san! I didn't know such a place existed and I would have never thought such a place would be so close!

I mean, just before you could only see the streets and now we are being surrounded by this!", Sakata exclaimed excited as the brunette's face pulled into a slight, almost invisible, smile.

"Well, I found this place when I wandered around in my childhood. I would come here a lot whenever I had vacation and just wanted some time for myself. It's a place which calmed me down and it's so comfortable here that you could take a good nap here.", Urata explained as the younger male giggled after hearing that.

"You almost sound like Soraru-san right now.", Sakata pointed out as the brunette scoffed in response. "Don't compare me to that old man.", he simply said making the other male giggle again. "Well, this place must be important to you then if you went here that often and only alone.", Sakata said as the brunette hummed.

"I guess... it was like a place where I could calm down and sort out my thoughts.", Urata replied. "But Ura-san... if this place was so important to you, why did you bring me here?", Sakata asked as he turned his head slightly to look at Urata. The older male wasn't looking at him right now but at the stars in the sky above them.

"You said you couldn't sleep, right? And this place is a good place to calm someone down and make them feel at ease enough to go to sleep after.", Urata explained. "Yes, but... why me? If this place was that important to you and you usually don't share this place with anyone, why would you bring me here?", Sakata asked again.

There was a short silence where the brunette just looked at the sky before he finally answered.

"You really are an idiot for not getting it.", Urata sighed as the red-haired male gasped in offense. "Eh?! How can you say that? I am not an—".

"I brought you here because you are really important to me of course.", Urata answered which silenced the younger male completely. Sakata took a few seconds to let it sink down completely before his face exploded into a bright red.

"I'm important to you?", Sakata asked softly as the brunette scratched his cheek nodding.

"Why else would I let you bother me at 2 am in the morning? Why else would I deal with you? I mean, it should have been obvious. Everyone told me I shouldn't show my feelings too much if I didn't want you to find out. But I guess I am lucky this time that I like an idiot.", Urata said and this time the redhead didn't deny it.

How long did Urata think so about him? What kind of idiot was he really when he didn't notice that. And if Urata actually thought so of him, would it be alright to ask him a selfish request?

There was a long silence after that where neither of them looked at each other or even dared to speak. After a while, Sakata decided to speak up again. "Ura-san? Can I ask you a question again?", Sakata asked and Urata sighed softly nodding.

"Is it one of those essential questions again?", Urata asked as he sat up and Sakata did so as well as he shook his head. "No... Can we... can we hold hands again?", Sakata asked averting his eyes in embarrassment so he couldn't see the expression of the older male right now.

He could hear a sigh so he thought that the brunette didn't want to. He thought that he maybe misunderstood and the brunette just meant that he was important to him as just a friend.

But before he could wallow in any more self-doubt, he felt the older's male holding his hand before he slowly intertwined them.

Sakata only blushed even more as he now stared down at the hand holding his but didn't say anything further. They sat there again for a while without saying anything and Urata was fed up with those silences as he decided to break it.

"This should be enough to at least calm you down a bit. Let's go back.", he said as he stood up and Sakata felt how their hands would slowly let go which he didn't want to.

He wanted to grab Urata's hand but it seems like the brunette had the same thought as he tightened his grip to pull the other male up, not letting go after that. "Let's go back.", Urata repeated and the younger male nodded as he followed the older male back home.

On their way back, Sakata had to close his eyes again and follow the other male back. But this time, he didn't mind at all because he just wanted to concentrate on the warmth of Urata's hand.

They didn't talk to each other while walking which was quite unusual for the two of them because usually you'd always see the two of them bickering like an old married couple.

Sakata didn't mind the silence though, because times like these were really rare for him so he decided he should enjoy it. This time though, Urata was the one to break the silence.

"Sakata, did everything we did right now help you so you can finally go to sleep?", Urata asked and Sakata decided to answer the question honestly. "No, I still don't think I'll be able to sleep.", Sakata answered and Urata just groaned.

"Seriously?! I did everything of that for this?!", Urata asked more to himself than to Sakata.

In the end, he just sighed in defeat as he nodded even though he knew, Sakata wouldn't be able to see that right now. "Well, I tried my best so don't blame me, alright?", Urata defended himself as he continued to walk.

And none of them talked as he only thing you could hear were their own footsteps every time they walked. While they were walking, Sakata thought to himself that there wasn't any need for the older male to defend himself.

After all, he could have gone to sleep even though the redhead didn't want to.

He could have just ignored him like any normal person would have done. Or at least like Urata would have done it to any other person.

But instead, he went out all of his way to bring him to his favorite place just to try to help him to get to sleep. To say that Urata was a cold-hearted person would be wrong.

The older male didn't show it but was still very kind. Even if he was being a tsundere about it sometimes. So he did feel a bit bad that it didn't help at all.

It didn't help at all because now, he would have to think about Urata all night. About how Urata said that he was important.

About how he felt so special after hearing those words. About how strong and secure Urata's hand felt even though he was shorter than him.

About how he knew, even though he was an idiot for not noticing Urata's feelings, that Urata would only act like that towards him.

He was really embarrassed for not realizing the brunette's feelings after all of the years they've been working together.

But to say that he was the only dense person would be wrong as the older male didn't look like he realized Sakata's feelings towards him as well. Mafumafu, for an example, always giggled and laughed at him whenever he accidentally showed how much he loved the older male.

And Urata would have to be really dense to not notice how much time Sakata wanted to spend with only him for such a long time.

Now that he thought about it, in those regard, both of them were just dense idiots for not realizing their feelings for each other when everyone of their friends have already managed to figure it out a long time ago.

He was so immersed in his own thoughts that he didn't notice that they've arrived already until he felt the warmth in his hand gone.

Urata must have let go to get his keys out and Sakata opened his eyes slowly to see that he was correct. They stepped into the house again as Urata made his way up back into the room and Sakata followed him closely after.

Urata laid down on his bed as Sakata only stood there still not feeling sleepy at all.

When Urata opened his eye to glance at the redhead and saw that he wasn't even laying in bed he just groaned as he stood up and demanded him to lay down silently which the younger male complied to because he didn't want the brunette to feel mad.

Sakata knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep but he felt bad for the older male as he clearly looked tired after what they did so he decided to just let him sleep in peace now.

What surprised him was that slowly after he laid down, the brunette got into the bed as well, as he covered the two of them with the blanket. Sakata blushed but he didn't push the other away as he tried his best to not be too flustered.

"Ura-san?! What are you—". "Enough questions for today. You can't sleep right?

I'll just try to help you then. When I was a child and couldn't sleep, it helped me when someone's presence was next to me so just be thankful that I'm willing to do this for you.", Urata mumbled as he started to run his hand through Sakata's hair softly and Sakata felt at ease as he cuddled closer to the older male's chest.

It was the same security he felt when Urata held his hand and he could feel how his eyes slowly got heavier as the minutes passed.

He found it somehow funny that even after Urata bothered to bring him outside to help him get to sleep, in the end, all he had to do was be by his side so Sakata could fall asleep.

Urata noticed this as he continued running his hand through the other's hair, now half-asleep and Sakata just concentrated on the steady heartbeat of the other male lulling him to sleep.

Just before he completely fell asleep, he felt something soft touch his forehead and the brunette mumbling something.

"You're such an idiot... but I still love you, Sakata.", he mumbled. The younger male didn't know wether it was already a dream or still reality.

But he was really happy as he still decided to answer back just before he would fall asleep completely. "I love you too, Ura-san."

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