Danganronpa Part 10 (Various Ships)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Urata x Sakata, Shima x Senra, Kashitaro x Amatsuki, Luz x Nqrse, Araki x Nqrse, Eve x Sou, 96Neko, Lon, Neru

Danganronpa AU
And so, the story continues with Mafumafu and Soraru in a slight conflict~ Will they make up or not? www Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy~ You guys know how this works by now ww No proofreading for this series and such www


"So what did you guys come here for?", Mafumafu asked as he sat back on the bed. Amatsuki stood close by while Neru made himself comfortable on a chair. "Well, like we said, we wanted to talk~", Neru chirped as Amatsuki nodded before looking at the albino as he gave him a small smile.

"We thought that you might need some company after everything just happened. And because we knew that Soraru-san would probably not be the best choice, both of us were the ones who decided to come and maybe talk to you a bit.", Amatsuki explained to the albino who merely nodded.

There was a short awkward silence as no one said anything until it was Neru who spoke up again. "Do you hate Soraru-san for what he did?", he asked as the albino widened his eyes and shook his head immediately.

"I-I would never hate Soraru-san!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the brown-haired male hummed. "Well, then you better tell him because he sure looked like he misunderstood your actions.", Neru said as the albino looked down in guilt.

"I-it wasn't that...", Mafumafu mumbled as Amatsuki decided that he should defend the other male. "Well, we can't blame him, can we? After all, Sou-kun just...", Amatsuki trailed off as he looked away, not wanting to finish that sentence.

"But he clearly didn't want to be with Soraru-san. Is that because he wasn't on your side and was the one who started accusing Sou, your friend?", Neru asked as the albino flinched at that as the brown-haired male was right.

They could feel the atmosphere thickening and Mafumafu tried to defend himself but was soon stopped by Amatsuki who spoke up first.

"Now now, we came here to console him. Not to accuse him. Anyways, Sou-kun gave you something, didn't he?", Amatsuki asked as Mafumafu tilted his head but nodded. "He gave me his dorm keys... why?", Mafumafu asked as the brunet gave him a small smile.

"Well, I was wondering if you would go into his room or not.", Amatsuki said as the albino hesitated before shaking his head.

"I... would feel bad to invade his privacy.", Mafumafu said as Neru sighed. "If he actually cared about his privacy, he wouldn't have given you his keys, duh! So go in there and do what you need to do!", Neru exclaimed as Mafumafu thought about it for a few minutes before nodding.

"Alright... I will do that then...", Mafumafu said and Amatsuki noticed some hesitation in the albino's words as he gave him a smile.

"Do you want us to come with you? We could just stand close to the door so you can look through his room in peace.", Amatsuki suggested as the albino widened his eyes. "You would do that?", he asked as the other male nodded.

"Of course! You helped us so often in the class trial so this is the least we could do!", Amatsuki told him as Mafumafu scratched his cheek, looking away sheepishly.

"I don't really do much... I am just doing my best to help a bit... The one who actually does the work is Soraru-san.", Mafumafu told them as the brunet shook his head. "You are doing a lot of work as well so take some credit!", Amatsuki encouraged him which made Mafumafu smile a little.

"I see... Well, thank you for thinking so.", he said as the brunet only nodded returning the smile. "Well, should we go into Sou's room now or are we going to stay here forever?", Neru asked in a joking tone as the other two only laughed.

"I'm sorry. Can we wait a bit until we go there actually? I need some time and prepare myself before going in there.", Mafumafu told them as they nodded. "Well, take as much time as you need~ We'll come back tomorrow and let you have some time for yourself then~", Neru said as Amatsuki nodded in agreement.

"I'll bring over some food later if you don't want to leave your room.", Amatsuki said as the albino nodded at that. "That would be nice. Thanks you two.", Mafumafu told them as they only smiled at him. "No problem! Just go at your own pace! We will wait!", Neru said before the two of them left the room, leaving the albino behind.

As soon as they left the room, Mafumafu threw himself back into his bed as he buried his face into his pillow. He felt bad for worrying both Neru and Amatsuki and being in a conflict with Soraru. He didn't hate Soraru by any means.

After all, the ravenette did what he needed to, to survive. But it still bothered the albino that Soraru didn't hesitate to accuse the Ultimate Novelist. And he didn't know why, but he couldn't bring himself to face the older male yet.

Mafumafu felt so tired of everything. So tired of life. But he knew that he had to continue on living for everyone.

And so, the albino decided that he would sleep for now, falling into a deep slumber.


The next few days, Neru and Amatsuki visited his dorms quite often to give the albino some company. Sakata would come over once in a while as well to ask if the albino was alright. But mostly, it would be Amatsuki and Neru. Mafumafu wondered why the two of them would do that.

But he decided not to ask as he simply gave them his gratitude. They also informed him about how the others were doing. How Soraru was doing. And Mafumafu felt bad when he heard that the ravenette started avoiding most people unless they came to talk to him. Which were Nqrse, Neru and sometimes Kashitaro.

Mafumafu wanted to be there for Soraru as well. But he just couldn't bring himself to meet the ravenette yet. So he decided to stay in his room for now. Today was no different as well and Mafumafu knew that it was Neru and Amatsuki again before he even opened the door.

"Hi hi~ It's us again~", Neru chirped as Mafumafu gave them a smile. "Are you ready to go to Sou's dorm today or do you still need some time~?", Neru asked as Amatsuki gave the brown-haired male a warning glare.

"Don't push him or you won't get a dessert tonight.", Amatsuki warned as the other male whined. "Nooo, I'll stop so please give me some of your cake again~", Neru pleaded as Amatsuki only sighed before looking at the albino in worry who gave them an assuring smile.

"It's fine... I think that I am ready to go there now.", Mafumafu told them as they nodded before they exited the albino's dorm to head to the blond male's dorm instead. Mafumafu closed the door behind him as he was the last one to go out before they walked to a room next to his.

Standing in front of the dorm, Mafumafu hesitated for a bit as he took a deep breath before he put the keys in and opened the door. When he did, a neat room was revealed to them. The whole room was cleaned up and looked like no one had lived there for the past few weeks.

Only thing that showed that there was actually a person who inhabited this room, was the desk standing on the corner of the room. Mafumafu walked towards it as he looked at the wooden table covered in papers and open books.

The one thing that stood out to him the most was a package laying in the middle of the table with two letters on top of it which had his and Soraru's name imprinted on it.

He took the letter with his name on it as he glanced behind him to see that Amatsuki and Neru were standing there, talking to each other quietly to give the albino some private space which was very much appreciated.

Mafumafu then turned back to the table as he looked at the letter for one more minute before picking up the package first and unpacking it, revealing a book with a red hard cover.

"Finding the Hope in the Despair". Those words were imprinted on the front cover as Mafumafu flipped through the book curiously to see that it was all hand written.

He decided that he would read it later and focused his attention on the letter again before carefully opening it to see a neat and familiar handwriting of someone he grew to like dearly.

Dear Mafumafu-san,
if you are reading this, it must be that something must have happened which resulted in me passing away. If you are asking if I predicted my death.... I did not.

I wrote this letter just in case because you never know what might happen in this killing game.

If the worst case scenario does happen and I do die... Then I am apologizing for this as I cannot help you and Soraru-san to find an exit anymore. Since this killing game started and Eve-san passed away... I have been feeling so much despair.

But because you and Soraru-san were there for me, I could continue on living. And I want to thank you for that. Thank you. I can't tell you how grateful I am for everything you two did for me.

So I decided to thank you in my own way. Ever since everything that happened, I have started to write my pain and experience into a book.

And I just hope that I can finish it for you two to read. If I do finish it, I will do my best to find some courage to give it to the two of you so I hope you will read it and maybe get some hope like you gave to me! (><)

Well, I don't want to take any more of your time so let me tell you some last words before I stop.

Thank you. Thank you for giving me hope. Thank you for being my friends. Thank you for being by my side and helping me through this.

Let's end this killing game together once and for all.

— Sou

Big drops of tears rolled down the albino's cheek, some of them falling on the letter as Mafumafu gripped the letter and hugged it close to his chest. "Yes... Don't worry, Sou-kun... This time for sure... I will end this killing game for sure.", Mafumafu promised, his voice merely a faint whisper.

He thought back on all the fun times he, Sou and Soraru had together, making his sobbing even worse as he tried to breath evenly. A hand on his shoulder, snapped him out of his thoughts as he looked up confused, to see a brown-haired male standing there with a small smile.

"Hey. You alright?", he asked which surprised Mafumafu as he didn't think that Neru out of all people would look so serious and caring right now. Especially towards him. After all, the brown-haired male seemed like he would only care about Soraru's well-being and nothing else.

"I-I'm fine.", Mafumafu assured him as the other brunet walked to them and frowned. "You don't need to lie. We know that you must be devastated after what happened with Sou-kun. You don't need to say that you are fine.", Amatsuki said as the albino felt like tearing up and breaking down for one second. But instead, his last tears rolled down as he gave them a thankful smile.

"Thank you. But I think I'm fine now. Thanks for coming here with me.", Mafumafu thanked them as the two of them nodded in return.

"It's the least we could do.", Amatsuki said as Neru nodded grinning.

"Anything so you and my beloved ikemen can make up again~", he chirped which got him a slap on the back of his head by the brunet.

"Owie.... Why did you do that Amatsuki-chan~?", Neru whined as Amatsuki huffed and crossed his arms. "For your inconsiderate words towards Mafu-kun. Also, don't call me that.", Amatsuki said as the brown-haired male pouted a bit before they suddenly heard some soft giggling, looking at the albino surprised that it was him.

"I'm sorry. It's just that you two look so close already. Just like old friends.", Mafumafu told them as the two of them looked at each other before smiling. "Well, maybe we were in our last lives~ Right, Amatsuki-chan~?", Neru asked as the brunet rolled his eyes but still smiled nonetheless.

"Yeah maybe, you wonderful person with a Soraru complex. What do you even like about him?", Amatsuki asked as Neru grinned brightly.

"You want to know? I'll tell you~ Well, first his looks! Did you even properly look at him?! His dark fluffy-looking like hair... his pale skin... his blue eyes which look like they could pierce through you and discover all of your secrets. And then his character~ So cool and mysterious~

Looking cold at first but is actually gentle and kind (A/N: Not to you though)

A tsundere. An ikemen. A dream—". "We get it, you like Soraru-san! God, I didn't ask for this long speech about how great he is.", Amatsuki sighed as Mafumafu giggled.

"He seems to really like Soraru-san a lot. Soraru-san even wears a bracelet that Neru-san had gifted him. Despite him complaining, he still wears it though.", Mafumafu said as the brunet widened his eyes in slight surprise.

"What really? Wow, Neru must have annoyed Soraru-san a lot to wear this or Soraru-san must have really taken a liking to it.", Amatsuki said as the albino nodded smiling.

"It makes me think that— Neru-san, are you alright?", Mafumafu asked when he noticed that the brown-haired male didn't smile anymore but frowned instead.

"Bracelet? What are you talking about?", the brown-haired male asked as the albino tilted his head. "The silver bracelet that Soraru-san is always wearing on his left wrist.", Mafumafu said in hopes to remind the brown-haired male.

"But I... never gave him anything like that.", Neru said.

There was a short silence of confusion as they all thought about that for a minute. "Wait... you didn't? Then who—"

"All the Ultimate Students! Please assemble in the gymnasium!", Monokuma announced as they felt the mood falling right after that.

"...Let's go to the gym for now. I don't want to know what will happen if we don't show up.", Amatsuki told them as they nodded in agreement and walked to the gym like they were told to.

When they arrived, everyone else was already there. Urata. Sakata. Kashitaro. Nqrse. And Soraru. Mafumafu looked at the raven-haired male who was listening to the pink-haired male talking right now, nodding to the younger male's words.

Soraru then suddenly looked up as the albino was startled and looked away. He then looked back up after a bit, feeling horrible when he saw the slightly hurt expression in the other male's face.

But before he could even say anything else, Soraru already looked away from the albino again as he went back to his conversation with Nqrse.

"And I think we should do this to find a way to—", Mafumafu then looked away from them completely as he looked down instead. Amatsuki and Neru only patted the albino's back in a comforting matter as Mafumafu gave them a thankful smile. The usual high-pitched voice spoke up again.

"Welcome back here~ As you guys can already guess, I called you here for the next motive~", Monokuma said.

"Screw you and your motives!", Urata exclaimed as he looked ready to punch the robotic bear of not for the redhead holding him by his sleeve.

"Upupupupu! You sure that you don't want this motive? After all... it has something to do with your memories~", Monokuma chirped.

"Our memories? What do you mean?", Sakata asked confused.

"Well... all of you guys are standing here worrying about getting out and such. But... is no one going to point out about the fact that you don't know anything about the last two years of your life~?", Monokuma asked as they all froze.

"The last two years of our life? Don't mess with me! As if I would forget that!", Urata exclaimed.

"Well, if you are so sure about that... fine~ I'm just telling you that you don't have them and that I can give them back to you~ Only catch is... that you have to kill someone in the next 24 hours~ You know, like always lol", Monokuma said as Amatsuki glared at the monochrome bear.

"There is no way that anyone would kill over something like this where we won't even know the guarantee out of all of this.", Amatsuki said.

"Yes yes, your usual talk about working together on ending this killing game and all. I get it I get it. Let's just see who is right in the end~ Until then, have a nice day~", Monokuma told them before he disappeared. There was a short silence before Soraru turned around and left the room with Nqrse following closely after.

Soon after, Urata left as well as Sakata noticed this and followed the brunet. Mafumafu felt hurt when he realized that Soraru just left without saying anything. But he knew he didn't have a right to feel hurt. Not when he was the one who avoided the ravenette this whole time. Kashitaro noticed this as he gave the albino a small smile.

"Don't worry about it. Soraru-san hasn't been feeling well but it's not your fault.", Kashitaro told the younger male who merely nodded before thanking him quietly. "It's fine. Well, I'll be taking my leave then. I am just going to be in my research lab if you need me.", Kashitaro told them before he exited the gym, leaving Amatsuki, Neru and Mafumafu back alone.

"Don't you want to follow Kashitaro-san, Amatsuki-kun? And don't you want to go to Soraru-san, Neru-san?", Mafumafu asked as the two looked at each other before back at the albino and giving him a smile. "No, we'll stay with you!", Amatsuki said as Neru nodded in agreement. "Don't worry about us~", he chirped.

"Let's go and do something besides just staying in your room, you little shut-in!", Amatsuki said as he took the albino's left wrist as Neru took the right wrist before the two of them started pulling the red-eyed male in case he wanted to escape and go back to his room again.

"E-eh? Ehhhh?", Mafumafu only let out a confused noise before he was being pulled out of the gym. And so, for the rest of the day, Mafumafu spend his free time with Amatsuki and Neru, doing many different things. From cooking to singing karaoke together or just talking together.

Spending time with those two, made Mafumafu cheer up as, for a few hours, he could feel normal again. And just like that, the day ended for them.


"Good morning everyone~ It's 7 am which means that nighttime is officially over! Let's all have a nice day~", Monokuma announced before the screen switched off again.

Mafumafu groggily opened his eyes as he stood up and changed into his uniform before brushing his teeth and stepping out of his dorm. When he entered the dining hall, Amatsuki was there already, placing some food in front of the people who were already sitting there.

When the brunet saw Mafumafu, he gave him a smile as he set a plate in front of the albino who thanked him.

Shortly after, the door was slammed open as a brown-haired male declared his arrival.

"Good Morning World! Neru is here!", he exclaimed as they only rolled his eyes or chuckled, already used to it as the brown-haired male then seated himself in front of the albino grinning as Mafumafu gave him a smile in return.

Amatsuki and Kashitaro sat next to them as well as they started talking with each other as Sakata and Urata would sometimes say something as well before talking to each other again.

It was Soraru and Nqrse who were the first ones to go as they only stood up and put their plates away before leaving the dining hall.

"What's wrong with them?", Urata asked as he rolled his eyes before finishing his food.

"You are just like them sometimes though~", Sakata said as the brunet glared at him which made him apologize after that. Urata only sighed before he stood up as well as Sakata was startled but followed suit. "Well, I'll go now. Thanks for the food.", he said as Amatsuki nodding smiling before the two of them left as well.

"I am finished as well. So I will be in my research lab again. What will you three be doing?", Kashitaro asked.

"We wanted to go to Neru-san's research lab today to make some music together and eat some of Amatsuki-kun's sweets while we are at it.", Mafumafu answered as the brunet nodded.

"I see. I wanted to ask if anyone wanted to join me but please have fun. Maybe I will come over later.", Kashitaro told them as they gave him a smile. "Thanks for the food, Amatsuki-kun. It was delicious as always.", Kashitaro said smiling as Amatsuki blushed but nodded as he lightly waved at the brunet who then exited the room.

He then noticed Mafumafu and Neru looking at him and blushed even more when they grinned at him. "Does someone have a crush~?", Neru asked as Mafumafu's grin grew slightly wider while Amatsuki's blush got worse.

"Sh-shut up! Let's just go now!", Amatsuki said as he stood up before putting the plates into the sink to wash them later. They only laughed before following him outside.

The next few hours, they spent their time with each other, just talking and having fun. Just making some music. Having some small talk. Eating some sweets. It was nice.

And so, the 24 hours almost ended as they looked at each other and smiled.

"Only five more minutes.", Amatsuki said as the two of them nodded. They waited and waited until the five minutes passed. The monitors switched on showing Monokuma.

"Hello, my beloved students~! I just wanted to announce that the 24 hours have passed! Anyways, have a nice day~", Monokuma said before the screen switched off again.

They all smiled widely as they looked at each other and got into a group hug. "We did it! I knew we could!", Amatsuki exclaimed.

"Yeah, cause we're great!", Neru cheered as Mafumafu giggled and was about to say something as well.

But a loud scream stopped him as the happy mood immediately dropped and they could only glance at each other worried for a second before running to the source of the voice, ending up outside of the cage building.

They all only looked at it confused before hearing two people talking as they ran behind of the building to see Urata and Sakata standing there terrified. And when they followed their gaze, their faces also morphed into shock and terror.

The wall was cracked so badly and deep as the water from the waterfall was flowing onto the body laying there in the wall. Blood running down his cheeks. A rope tied around his neck.

Cuts all over his body. Looking at the victim terrified, Mafumafu could only stare at the body in horror as his name slipped out of his mouth.


"Upupupupu! A body has been discovered! Better investigate now before the class trial starts! This killing game will go on and on!", Monokuma laughed as he appeared.

"Wow, he is in such a sorry state! Well, anyways, have fun investigating~", Monokuma said before he walked away again. There were some footsteps before Kashitaro and Soraru appeared.

"We heard the scream. Is everything alright— Ah... Nqrse?", Kashitaro asked as Soraru stood there silently, his face twisting into that of sadness and hurt when he saw Nqrse.

"Why Nqrse? He didn't do anything wrong, did he?", Sakata asked as he tried to stop his sobbing. "He didn't. That's why we have to do anything we can to avenge him and find the culprit who did this.", Kashitaro said as Neru nodded.

"Nqrse-chan didn't deserve this... So let's find the culprit!", he exclaimed as they nodded before deciding to investigate, taking their Monopads out first.

Victim: Nqrse (Ultimate Model)
Time of death: 3 pm
External Wounds:
- Head wound
- Several cuts on the body
- Rope mark on neck and wrists

Mafumafu carefully stepped closer to the pink-haired male to see that the blood came from his eyes. He then noticed a white hard-looking thing on the floor as he lifted it confused.

"What is that?", he asked to himself as Amatsuki looked at him and then at the object as well.

"It looks like it is some kind of broken piece from a vase or something.", Amatsuki said as the albino tilted his head before looking at the piece again. For now, he decided to investigate other things further. "I wonder though what Nqrse was doing here... I mean there is nothing here to do and a really strange place to meet someone.", Amatsuki said as Mafumafu nodded in agreement.

There was really nothing here besides the boring grass. He couldn't think of a reason why Nqrse would spend his time here. They continued investigating before they finally finished as Monokuma appeared again.

"Ahem! Grew bored of waiting~ So please come into the trial court so we can start the class trial!", Monokuma announced as they were about to go.

All of them turned back confused though when they saw Soraru walking to the pink-haired male's body instead of inside the cage building.

And they were even more shocked when they saw Soraru lifting Nqrse out of the wall and placing him on the grass instead. "What are you doing?! Are you trying to get rid of the evidence?", Urata asked as Soraru only glared at him.

"I waited for you guys to finish investigating and you guys are finished anyways so there is no use of me trying to tamper anything. So just let me do this.", Soraru said and Urata would have argued back if not for the fact that he noticed how aggravated and tired the ravenette looked.

Soraru ignored them as he started to tie of the rope around Nqrse's neck and wiping the blood stains on his cheek away as everyone only watched him in complete silence.

"You fought hard and did well. I will make sure that this killing game will end once and for all.", Soraru told the pink-haired male quietly before standing up and ignoring the others as he walked past them.

Mafumafu felt as if he was just stabbed in the heart by the ravenette's cold attitude but swallowed his pain down as he turned to walk into the trial court as well.

Everyone walked into the elevator as the gates closed behind them before they descended.

No one said anything as they waited for the elevator to bring them to their destination as the elevator soon stopped and opened its gates again for the students.

"Welcome back Welcome back~ I've been waiting for you guys! Please go to your respective places as always!", Monokuma instructed them as they did as told, Mafumafu standing on his usual spot.

"Now then! Let the class trial begin!", Monokuma exclaimed as Mafumafu closed his eyes, thinking back through everything that he knew about the pink-haired male.

"Nqrse... the Ultimate Model. He had always wanted to end this killing game the most after he lost two of his important people. He was always determined to escape but was still friendly to everyone despite everything... We will find the killer and avenge him. And after that, we will end this killing game once and for all!", Mafumafu declared in his mind before opening his eyes again, ready to face this situation head on.

And with that, the curtains opened once again as a new class trial started.

Remaining Students: 7

Yatta~! I finished a new chapter~ Anyways, I hope you guys liked the chapter~ It is a bit longer than I thought but I still hope that you enjoyed it~ Now then, I shall go to sleep now and all so Oyasuminyasai~

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