Danganronpa Part 11 (Various Ships)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Urata x Sakata, Shima x Senra, Kashitaro x Amatsuki, Luz x Nqrse, Araki x Nqrse, Eve x Sou, 96Neko, Lon, Neru

Danganronpa AU
And once again, we've reached a new trial ww This is the most boring fifth class trial in the Danganronpa history but please do enjoy it ww As always, no proofreading for this series and hope you enjoy the chapter~ Also this might not make sense so I am sorry if this is the case ww


"Now then, let me give you a simple explanation of this class trial! During the trial, you will share your information and search for 'whodunnit'! Vote correctly and only the blackened will be punished! But if you pick the wrong one~

I will punish everyone besides the blackened! And that person gets to graduate from this Ultimate Academy!", Monokuma said as he finished his explanation.

"Yeah, we get it already so shut up.", Urata said. "Sheesh! Looks like someone is salty today. But I will stop talking for now so you can discuss this case!", Monokuma said.

"I think we all know who the most suspicious person here is.", Urata started. "Are you going to say that it is me now?", Soraru asked as he looked at the brunet in disinterest.

"Well, you spent most of your time with Nqrse. He was basically with you all the time. It is the most logical answer.", Urata said as the ravenette sighed. "I wasn't with him all the time.

But of course you will not believe me that when I say it, right?", Soraru asked as the brunet clapped sarcastically. "Wow, congrats! How would you have ever guessed that?", Urata asked, his voice filled with sarcasm.

"H-how about we go over each other's alibis first?", Sakata suggested as the brunet glanced at the redhead quickly before sighing and answering.

"Me and Sakata hung out during the time of the murder. None of us really left so we have an alibi.", Urata started as the younger male nodded in agreement. "Well, me, Mafu-kun and Neru-san were hanging out together since morning.

So we couldn't have done it either.", Amatsuki told them as the brown-haired male and albino nodded in agreement. "I was in my research lab the whole time. I know that it does seem suspicious right now. But I promise that I am not the blackened.", Kashitaro promised them.

"I spent time with Nqrse in the library. Though he said that he would leave for the day at around 2 pm. I know I sound really suspicious. But I didn't kill him.", Soraru told them as the brunet rolled his eyes. "You are clearly the most suspicious one here. You—". "Anyways, instead of listening to the angry shortie, let's look over the Monokuma file again and see how this will go on.", Soraru said.

"Oi, you—".

Victim: Nqrse (Ultimate Model)
Time of death: 3 pm
External Wounds:
- Head wound
- Several cuts on the body
- Rope mark on neck and wrists

"Nqrse had many wounds all around his body. Head wound. Cut wounds and rope marks.", Soraru started. "The Monokuma file didn't state what the cause of death nor the murder weapon though.", Mafumafu added as the ravenette nodded in agreement.

"Ah! Me and Mafu-kun found a white shard laying there though! Maybe that was the murder weapon! After all, it had tints of red if you look at it closely.", Amatsuki said.

"Eh? Really?", Mafumafu asked as the brunet nodded and took the shard, holding it up and pointing at it before handing it over to the albino who squinted his eyes slightly to see that there was indeed some red painted on it.

"There is... wow, I didn't even notice.", Mafumafu said as the brunet puffed his chest out in pride. "Well, I guess you could say that despite how I look like, I am pretty observant~", Amatsuki told them. "Eh? Then that must be blood from injuring Nqrse-san, right?", Sakata asked as the albino perked up at that. "No, that's wrong!", Mafumafu shouted. (A/N: Can't believe, I've never used that sentence this whole time while I did this series)

"E-eh? But other than blood... I can't think of anything else.", the red-haired male said. "It makes sense to think so. But if it were blood then the color wouldn't be a bright red anymore. Dried blood has another color than how we saw it...", Mafumafu said as the raven-haired male nodded.

"I agree. Also, if that object was used to injure Nqrse, it would have had a lot of more blood other than this bit of color.", Soraru said. "Then what would you say it is, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as the older male glanced at him for a second before answering. "Paint.", Soraru simply said as they looked at him confused.

"Why would you think so?", Sakata asked as the older male shrugged. "That is the only thing I could think of. If you guys want to refute it then say something.", Soraru merely said. "I see... but why would there be paint on it? Did the culprit need it for something?", Amatsuki asked.

"I don't think Soraru-san meant it like that.", Mafumafu said as the ravenette nodded. "It was there all along.", he said. "It was there... all along?", Amatsuki repeated confused.

"Stop talking in mysteries and just tell us.", Urata demanded, annoyed by the way the ravenette was talking. Soraru merely ignored the brunet and continued talking.

"That piece of white shard with red paint... I am sure that it belongs to the culprit. It must have been something that belongs to the culprit... and there is one person here who possesses something that matches this shard. Mafu, you know what it is.", Soraru said as he looked at the albino.

"Eh? I do?", Mafumafu asked as the raven-haired male nodded. The albino was confused but nodded as he closed his eyes to be able to think what it might have been and who it might have belong to. And after thinking about it for a bit, he widened his eyes. "Did it belong to... Kashitaro-san?", Mafumafu asked as he looked at the ravenette for confirmation who nodded.

"What?! Why would you think that a weird white piece of shard belongs to Kashitaro-san?!", Amatsuki asked. Soraru ignored the brunet who started to get angry as he looked at the albino instead. "You guessed right.

The others must be confused so why won't you tell them what it is.", Soraru said and Mafumafu merely nodded before answering. "It must have been... a piece of Kashitaro-san's mask.", Mafumafu said as Amatsuki looked at him in disbelief.

"W-what are you talking about, Mafu-kun? He is wearing it right now, isn't he? How can it be a piece of his mask when he is wearing it right now?", Amatsuki asked.

"That may be true but the school has a warehouse with a lot of different things. I am sure that there must have been a mask somewhere that he could use in case his old one gets broken.", Soraru said. "N-no... he didn't do it right? Kashitaro-san, you didn't do it, right?", Amatsuki asked as he looked at the masked man who had been silent throughout this whole conversation.

"I didn't do it.", Kashitaro assured the brunet with a smile who smiled in relief.

"That's nice and all to know. Now just give us some evidence so we can actually believe you.", Urata said as he crossed his arms, waiting. Kashitaro couldn't answer though as he had his lips shut right with a blank expression on his face. ''You can't answer?'', Urata asked raising his eyebrow as Kashitaro still didn't answer but only stood there with his lips sealed tightly.

''Kashitaro-san? You... didn't do it, right?'', Amatsuki asked, fear laced in his voice. The masked male only stood there not saying anything as Soraru sighed. ''I don't think that we will get anything out of him for now. Let's just resume our discussion.'', Soraru said as Mafumafu hesitated before nodding in agreement.

''I think the important thing that we should do, is find the cause of death of this case.'', Mafumafu said as the ravenette nodded in agreement.

''There were a lot of wounds there... there is a high possibility that Nqrse died by the head wound.'', Soraru said. ''By the head wound?'', Sakata repeated confused. ''Well, from what we saw, all the wounds were cut wounds which weren't enough for him to bleed out, ropes tied around his neck and wrists and a head wound. The most plausible answer would be the head wound honestly.'', Soraru said.

''Soraru-san, you said that all of the wounds were cut wounds, the ropes and the head wound... but what about the blood that ran down his cheeks. That must have been something as well, right?'', Mafumafu asked as the older male hesitated before nodding. ''I guess... I must have forgotten.'', Soraru said. ''Oi, you better take this seriously.'', Urata warned the ravenette who crossed his arms, lifting his head up a bit which resulted in him looking down on the other male.

''Well, I am contributing something into this discussion unlike someone who only knows how to accuse other people without any proper evidence but not giving any useful information for anything else.'', Soraru said which ticked the brunet off.

''You want to repeat that?'', Urata asked, his voice sounding threatening as the others started to worry that the hitman would soon jump from his seat to strangle the raven-haired male.

''Now now, let's calm down, shall we~?'', Neru asked as he gave them a smile. ''How about we stop accusing people or dissing each other for now and continue the discussion for a bit~ Like Mafu-chan said, there was blood running down Nqrse's cheek. So how about thinking of what might have caused this.'', Neru suggested as Sakata tilted his head before speaking up.

''Wasn't it because of poison? Like isn't poison the only thing that can make him end up like that?'', Sakata asked as it was silent for a second before it was Urata spoke up first.

''No way... you actually said something which was not total nonsense?'', he asked shocked as he looked at the redhead in disbelief.

''Eh?! How mean! It's not like I am that stupid! You are exaggerating!'', Sakata exclaimed as the brunet raised an eyebrow and looked at the redhead in a judging manner.

''Am I, Sakata? Am I? You followed me around for the past few weeks and forced me to spend time with you. I got to learn more about you wether I wanted it or not.

And you want to tell me that hitting yourself with your own bamboo sword, stumbling over your own feet (A/N: that is me), not being able to get into your own uniform and having me to help you, almost shooting me with one of the guns in the research lab, doesn't show that you are a complete idiot?'', Urata asked as he looked at the younger male whose face had turned into the same color as his hair.

''I already apologized for everything, didn't I?'', the redhead whined as the brunet only rolled his eyes. ''Apologizing doesn't change the fact that you are an utter idiot, not knowing how to walk normally. Like, I can't even count how many times you stumbled and almost fell if I hadn't stood there.'', the older male said as Neru tilted his head.

''Wait, so he basically fell into your arms?'', the brown-haired male asked. And as soon as he did so, both Urata's and Sakata's face turned red as they didn't look into Neru's eyes. ''Oh~ If he fell so often, is there any chance that you two kis—''.

''Anyways, let's resume the discussion! We have to find the culprit, don't we?'', Urata asked as Mafumafu nodded.

''Sakatan was right with the blood in Nqrse-san's eyes being caused by poison... And I am sure that it must have been the cause of death... after all, all the other wounds were only external wounds.

They have never been stated to be the cause of death while the poison was never stated to begin with though. So I think that—''

''I'm sorry but let me refute that.'', Soraru interrupted him as the albino looked at the ravenette startled. ''Sorry to interrupt your theory but let me just say that you are wrong.'', Soraru said. ''I am wrong? How?'', Mafumafu asked confused.

''You said that Nqrse must have died of poison because it wasn't stated as an external injury. But what if it just wasn't stated because it was not considered as an external injury but an internal injury because of it being poison.'', the older male explained. ''But... when we saw Nqrse-san, we clearly saw the blood, right? How wouldn't that count as an external thing?'', Mafumafu asked.

''Because poison doesn't count as that. The only way how it makes sense, is that he must have been poisoned to not being able to defend himself before striking him in the head.'', Soraru told him.

''Allow me to cut through your words!'', Mafumafu shouted. (A/N: All these references that I am only doing now what is wrong with me)

''And how would I be wrong? This is the only possible answer.'', Soraru said as the albino flinched at the sharpness of the older male's voice.

''I-I'm not saying that your theory is wrong... It's just that I just can't accept the fact that poisoning is not a possiblity as the cause of death.'', Mafumafu defended himself as the ravenette hummed. ''You do know that forcing someone to drink poison is not easy, right? Hitting him on the head would have been much easier.'', Soraru said as the albino went silent for a while after hearing that.

''Now that Soraru-san is saying this... poisoning someone must be difficult unless you are tricking them into drinking it... And even then... Nqrse-san, looked like he wouldn't trust anyone that easily... Anyone besides...'', Mafumafu snapped out of his thoughts when someone spoke up again and looked up to see that it was Amatsuki.

''I'm sorry for interrupting you guys while you were discussing all of this but... all this time, I have been confused. Why were there so many different kind of wounds? I know that some injuries can come by having a struggle... but if you guys are right with the poison... in any case, the rope and cut injuries wouldn't have been needed, right?'', Amatuski asked as Neru nodded in agreement.

''I thought of that too! Wasn't it to hide the true cause of death though? Doing that would make it more difficult for us to find the culprit.'', Neru said as the brunet nodded in agreement. ''Something that I have also been asking is why Nqrse died behind the trial court. I mean, it is a really weird place if you wanted to meet up with someone, right?'', Sakata asked as Mafumafu nodded.

''I have been asked that myself too... There was nothing there so— Ah!'', Amatsuki exclaimed as everyone looked at him confused. ''There was nothing there... that means there were no cameras as well...'', the brunet told them. ''How would that help though? Does it really make a difference?'', Sakata asked tilting his head.

''The only difference it would make is that Monokuma wouldn't be able to see the murder occur... Huh?'', Mafumafu wondered as everyone looked at him.

''Does Monokuma even know who killed Nqrse-san?'', the albino asked as they all stayed silent before looking at the monochrome bear. ''Huh? Of course I do! Even if there are no cameras, there are still ways on how I can find out who the blackened is~ It took me a lot of work and such but I know who it is in the end~'', Monokuma chirped.

''Eh, really? How did you find out?'', Sakata asked. ''Hm? Through my wonderful helper!'', Monokuma exclaimed. ''Your helper? Don't tell me there are actually more people hiding here who work for you and stalk all of us.'', Urata said as Monokuma shook his head. ''Nope! You guys are the only people in this whole school along with me!'', Monokuma told them as there was a short silence before they broke into chaos. ''Someone in here works for you?!'', Amatsuki screeched.

''Who is it?'', Neru asked tilting his head. ''Who it is? It is your one and only beloved ikemen!'', Monokuma exclaimed.

''S-soraru-san?'', Mafumafu asked in disbelief as he looked at the raven-haired male who looked down in distress. (A/N: Who would have thought? The obvious answer was the right answer. Ok, I'll shut up now)

''Hey, Soraru-san. Monokuma is wrong, isn't he?'', Neru asked, for once, being shocked as well. ''Oi... don't tell me that he is right!'', Urata exclaimed. ''Does that mean that you killed Nqrse as well?! Being a traitor isn't enough for you?!'', Urata shouted at the older male who didn't dare to look at any of them.

''Is that why... you suddenly started arguing against Mafudon all of a sudden?'', Sakata asked. ''Soraru-san... it wasn't you... right? You didn't-''. ''You're right. I was the one who killed Nqrse.'', Soraru confessed as they stood there utterly shocked as they didn't know what to say.

''W-what?'', Mafumafu asked. ''I was the one who killed Nqrse. I asked him to meet up with me in a secluded place, poisoned him just like you said and then... I started destroying the wall and started to add injuries so it would hide the true cause of death. And finally, I broke a piece of a mask which looks like Kashitaro's mask to frame him for this murder. I did all of that so I could get my memories back that I have lost ever since the beginning.'', Soraru told them.

''So you decided to betray his trust by killing him? That makes you even worse than me!'', Urata exclaimed. ''You can't trust anyone in this killing game. I thought I made that clear. It was his fault for trusting me.'', Soraru replied.

''You mother—'' ''Soraru-san! You are lying right? Please... please tell me that you are lying!'', Mafumafu exclaimed as he tried to smile. ''...What if I'm not? Are you going to try and defend me nonetheless? Are you going to try and believe in me until the very end? Just like you did with Sou?'', Soraru asked, his voice cold as ice.

''I-I know that it wasn't right of me to lie to myself and want to defend Sou-kun even though he was the blackened... And I know I shouldn't have blamed you for only trying to find the blackened... But I just can't believe that you killed Nqrse-san! You guys were friends! Why would you kill him?!'', Mafumafu asked.

''Because he found out that I was the traitor of this group.'', Soraru answered. ''W-what...?'' ''He found out before the fourth motive. So I had to take him out before anything else could happen. It was that simple of a reason. I didn't think that that bear would reveal it later so that was my fault.'', Soraru told him. ''So... all this time you have been working for Monokuma?'', Sakata asked.

''Yes. He told me that I had to work for him in return for my survival. If I worked for him, he would ensure me that I would survive.'', Soraru answered. ''I killed Nqrse. That is the undeniable truth.'', the raven-haired male said.

''N-no... No! I can't accept that! Soraru-san wouldn't kill Nqrse-san!'', Mafumafu exclaimed. And for the first time, Soraru's face morphed into one mixture of desparation and anger.

''You... you just can't accept the truth, can you? I killed Nqrse! And there is no other answer! You should know by now that there have been so many betrayals! Yet here you are still wanting to believe in me! What sorry excuse do you want to give me this time? That I am your friend? That I helped you through the class trials? That I was one of the only people you could trust?

Stop it with your lame reasonings already! The world consists of betrayals and lies. Humans only act nice for their own benifits. I did so as well. Befriending you to not seem too suspicious. Acting nice so you would put your trust in me and defend me when I am in a tight situation.

If you still want to believe in me after finding out that I was the traitor and monitored you guys... then you are better off somewhere else. This isn't some kind of beautiful story where you can reach the happy ending if you believe in people.

This is reality. A place where you have to dirty your hands if you want to survive. So get it through your thick skull already.'', Soraru said as Mafumafu looked down clenching his fists tightly as he bit his lip in an attempt to not cry.

''So this is it...? Soraru-san killed Nqrse-san to conceal his identity as the traitor? If I am not allowed to trust Soraru-san... is there even anyone I can trust here? I-''

''That's enough. I have been watching this in silence and didn't say anything because you asked me to, Soraru. But this is getting out of hand. You are not only hurting him but yourself as well. So... just stop it.'', someone said as they all turned their heads to who said it to see that it was Kashitaro.

''What are you talking about?'', Soraru asked, his face still having a sour expression.

Kashitaro ignored the ravenette though as he looked at the albino who looked at him with a despairing look. ''Mafumafu-kun... Just like Soraru said, you shouldn't close your eyes in front of the truth. But... even after everything that happened... I want to believe in Soraru as well.

So... open your eyes. Open your eyes and look at the whole case. If you do so... I believe that you can grasp the truth.'', Kashitaro encouraged the albino. ''But... no one else besides Soraru-san could have done it, right? He said so himself...'', Mafumafu argued. ''Nqrse didn't trust anyone besides Luz and Araki in the end when he found out that Soraru was the traitor. Why would he take the poison from him then?'', Kashitaro as the albino looked at the older male in confusion.

''Think about it for a bit. I am sure you will be able to come to a conclusion when you think about it more.'', Kashitaro said as Mafumafu nodded and decided to think about it.

''Soraru-san... despite being the traitor, I don't want to believe that you actually killed Nqrse-san... Being the traitor... you still were kind to me and helped me out despite of that... I... really don't want to believe it. So I will fight for the truth and show you some arguments that even you can't refute!'', Mafumafu exclaimed determined.

''But... isn't he the traitor? I really like you and you are a great friend of mine but I don't think I can believe Soraru-san...'', Amatsuki said. ''Yeah. He even admitted it himself. That he was the killer.'', Urata added. ''What if... despite knowing that Soraru-san is the traitor... Nqrse-san still decided to trust him. To trust him that he wouldn't kill him.'', Mafumafu started.

''Eh? Why would you think so?'', Sakata asked tilting his head. ''Isn't it weird how Nqrse never once mentioned anything against Soraru-san even after finding out the truth. How he never acted any different towards him and even wanted to spend some time with him and worried about him... That made me think that he still had some trust in Soraru-san.'', Mafumafu said.

''Which is why he took the poison without a second thought.'', Soraru told the albino. ''If that is all you wanted to say then stop it.'', Soraru said.

''I'm not done. Kashitaro-san looks like he knows something and promised not to say anything. He didn't even say anything when you clearly tried to frame him. So there must have been a reason why he still didn't say anything despite all of that.'', the albino said.

''If you say trust on more time then-'' ''It's because he must have seen the truth. He must have been at the crime scene. And whatever he saw... must have convinced him to take your side and keep his mouth shut.'', Mafumafu said.

Soraru only stared at him in disbelief as the albino decided to look at the Ultimate Historian instead though who gave him a smile.

''You are completely right. I knew that you could do it. You can think of other possibilities that no one else here could see. You have a unique mind unlike others... so use it to end this case. And... to end Soraru's regrets.'', Kashitaro said.

''Then tell me this: If I didn't kill Nqrse. Who was it? Don't tell me, you want to pin the blame onto someone else. Onto Kashitaro.'', Soraru said. ''W-what?'', Mafumafu asked confused.

''Other than me, the only person who could have done it is him.''

''No, that's wrong!'', Mafumafu shouted. ''There is one other person... who could have done this despite you and Kashitaro-san...'', the albino said. ''And who would that be?'', Soraru asked. ''...Nqrse-san.'', Mafumafu answered after a while as they all looked at him in shock.

''Are you kidding me? How would he even do that himself? You can't tell me that he poisoned himself and then did this injuries to himself.'', Urata said as the albino shook his head.

''For once, I agree with Urata. There is no way, he could have done all of that himself. He would have died or fainted from doing so.'', Soraru said but Mafumafu only shook his head. ''There is a way... And this time for sure, I will keep my eyes open and give you the undeniable truth!''


''This case all started with the new motive. And this was probably what triggered this crime. The culprit of this case, Nqrse, who wanted to end this killing game, decided to end his life as a sacrifice. To not let Monokuma know though, he decided that someone should help him make the murder more confusing. And that person was no one else other than Soraru-san.

Telling him about his plan... I'm sure Soraru-san was reluctant to help.

But even so, he decided to do so which is why this crime scene was possible. After searching for a place where the cameras couldn't see them, the culprit decided to drink the poison before leaving the rest up to Soraru-san... entrusting him with his life and the future of everyone else.

While they were having this conversation, Kashitaro-san must have caught them right after Nqrse-san drank the poison.

Or else, he would have probably tried to stop them already. Soraru-san must have explained everything to Kashitaro-san which is why he didn't say anything and decided to trust Soraru-san.

And so, Soraru-san decided to pretend to be the culprit even though the actual blackened was already dead... Isn't that right, Soraru-san?''


''...That sounds so ridiculous and I wonder how you even got that right.'', the raven-haired male said as Kashitaro only sighed while Amatsuki widened his eyes. ''So... Mafu-kun was right?! Then why did you hide the truth? Are you that sadistic?'', Amatuski asked.

''Now you can discuss that but first the voting! Who is the culprit who did it? Will you choose the right one? Or the dreadfully wrong one~?'', Monokuma asked as they all started voting. The wheel started spinning, gradually getting faster until it got slower and then finally stopped at the picture of the pink-haired male.

''Congratulations! You've got it right! The blackened of this case who killed Nqrse, the Ultimate Model, is none other than he himself!'', Monokuma congratulated them.

''I... am an idiot and will admit that now... So please explain! Explain why Nqrse suddenly decided to kill himself and do all of this!'', Sakata pleaded as Soraru glanced at him before sighing and nodding. ''I guess I can explain you guys that.

Everything must have been confusing despite finding the culprit. It all started a few days after Mafu started avoiding me. Nqrse had already told me that he knew about my identity but still decided to trust me. And when we got the new motive, he was set on following through his plan.''


''Stop talking about this nonsense already. We are not going to let you die.'', Soraru told the pink-haired male who was sitting next to him. ''But... if I die we can get two years worth of memories back. You said that the memories were needed to end this killing game. And if I kill myself, we can get one step closer to ending it.'', Nqrse said.

''If anyone should die, shouldn't you suggest me rather than yourself? After all, I am the traitor.'', the older male reminded the other male.

''Yet you still help us out and tried to get more information on escaping. Let's see the truth. You are the traitor and accepted being one so you could find some information from the other side, right? Being a traitor makes it much easier to gain more information.'', Nqrse said.

''You are correct. The special rights that I got, made it possible for me and Neru to access the room where we found the clue on how to get rid of the Red String of Fate. You are surprisingly sharp.'', Soraru said as the pink-haired male flashed him a grin. ''Of course~ This model here can do some other things other than looking gorgeous~'', Nqrse chirped as Soraru rolled his eyes but smiled nethertheless.

''So... will you tell me how you became the traitor?'', Nqrse asked as the older male looked at him confused. ''Well, I deserve to know, don't I?'', he asked as Soraru waited for a bit longer before sighing once again but nodding.

''I basically got told about it when I woke up here. I was surprised to see Mafu laying there unconscious. And before he woke up, that bear appeared and told me that I would have to work for him. He explained the situation about the killing game and all and I know I should have refused. But... I realized that if I accepted, I could have the possibility to gain some more rights in exchange for less freedom and the possibility of people finding out. I accepted.

For the sole reason of weighing down the pros and cons. It's not like I would have gotten much of a choice anyway so I decided to make the best out of it.'', Soraru explained.

''Wow... you handled the situation much better than I would have! As expected of you aniki!'', Nqrse exclaimed as Soraru smiled slightly when he saw that. ''You really are intelligent huh...

Despite not knowing your talent you still manage to get things done... This is why I have to be the one to die... So end this killing game for me and everyone and make me the last person who will have to die...'', Nqrse said.

''I know my talent. I just decided not to tell anyone.'', Soraru said casually as the younger male looked at him in shock.

''Wait what?!'', he screeched. ''Quiet or Monokuma will come.'', the older male warned as the pink-haired male apologized. '

'Allow me to reintroduce myself then. My name is Soraru. The Ultimate XXX who will help you get through this plan.''


''On the day where we planned to do the plan, Kashitaro walked in on to us. So we decided to explain it to him. There wasn't much of a reason why we hid it. We knew that Monokuma would find out sooner or later.

But for all of the suffering that he let us go through, we thought, he deserved to at least get this. And... I wanted you to find out the truth, Mafu.

I wanted you to prepare yourself for whatever might come. That you would face the truth no matter how painful it would be. That was my goal.'', Soraru explained.

''So you did all of that mystery solving just so Mafu-kun would face the truth? Just for him and ticking off Monokuma?'', Urata asked as Soraru nodded. ''I don't expect any of you guys to forgive me. Even after everything, I am still the traitor who worked for Monokuma.

That is the undeniable truth.'', Soraru told them before he bowed down. ''I am sorry for never saying anything and then acting selfish in this class trial.'', he apologized as there was a short silence before it was Kashitaro who spoke up first.

''Soraru... you are really smart so I guessed that you would have known that we'd forgive you. You couldn't have done anything about it and solved this in the best way possible after all.'', Kashitaro said as Soraru got back up looking confused.

''H-he is right! In the end, you still helped us! And we are all grateful for that.'', Sakata exclaimed. ''I hate to say this... but I'm sorry for saying you're worse than me... You clearly handeled the situation in a good way...'', Urata apologized.

''Even if you did frame Kashitaro-san and gave me a heart attack... I am still impressed by what you did! So I will forgive you!'', Amatsuki said.

''My beautiful ikemen... today as well you showed how incredible you are and how kind you truly are deep in your heart... I shall follow you until the very end and help to end this killing game!'', Neru exclaimed. Mafumafu walked up to the ravenette as he took his hands in his before smiling up at the older male.

''Soraru-san... it must have been hard for you... having to keep quiet about being the traitor and working for Monokuma but risking so much to help us! And using this class trial to help me... it showed me that you are truly kind and that it was right to follow my heart... I will face the truth from now on and so we can end this killing game for sure!'', Mafumafu exclaimed as Soraru looked shocked before a smile formed on his face.

''That's good then. Let's make sure that no sacrifices will go to vain and end this hell.'', Soraru said as Mafumafu smiled and wiped his tears away happily. This time for sure, they would end this killing game and—

''Ahem! Sorry for interrupting this conversation you guys have! But there is still something that has to be done!'', Monokuma said. ''Yeah. Give us our memories back now.'', Urata demanded as Monokuma nodded.

''Yes, that too. But we still have to finish the punishment, don't we~?'', Monokuma asked as they all looked at him confused.

''What are you talking about? There is no blackened this time.'', Amatsuki said. ''Yes, but... there is someone who broke the school rules~ Our dear Soraru here broke his school rules!'', Monokuma said as Mafumafu's smile disappeared and was exchanged with a terrified expression.

And it got worse when he saw that Soraru pulled his hands away from the albino.

''As the traitor, Soraru had some special rules in addition! Do not betray the mastermind. Don't cause any troubles. Rules like that! He broke all of them! And for that he will have to pay! I haven't prepared any fancy punishment but I guess I have to do it this way then.

It's... punishment time!'', Monokuma exclaimed as he clicked onto a remote.

And as soon as he did, Mafumafu ran up to the ravenette to prevent him from getting pulled away. He grasped the other male's hands and looked at the older male, his face morphing into the one of despair, when he saw Soraru coughing up blood and gasping as half of his face turned purplish and his left eye cried blood instead of tears.

Mafumafu was following where Soraru was looking to see that the bracelet was blinking. And that is when it clicked for Mafumafu.

The bracelet wasn't from Neru but from Monokuma who used this bracelet to restrict the ravenette just in case he did something. And this was the cost Soraru had to pay for betraying Monokuma and taking their side.

''S-soraru-san!'', Mafumafu exclaimed crying as he did his best to get the bracelet off the older male, to no avail. Nethertheless, Mafumafu desperately tried to get it off as he pulled on it and tried to hit on it to get it off, never stopping as he got more hysteric if not for Soraru prying his hand away and forcing Mafumafu to look at him.

''S-stop. It's no use. It's too late.'', Soraru said as the younger male shook his head.

''No! I won't give up! You can't just go, Soraru-san! We have to end this killing game together, don't we?!'', Mafumafu shouted.

''Y-yeah... But I can't be part of that together anymore. I said that you guys shouldn't make that these sacrifices will go to vain, right? End this killing game so no one else will have to die.'', Soraru said, his voice breathy as he shakingly reached into his jacket and pulled out a notebook with a leather cover as he forced it into Mafumafu's hand. ''Take this. And end it.'', Soraru told the albino whose face was covered in tears.

''S-soraru-san, you can't do this to me! I can't do this without you... P-please don't leave me.'', Mafumafu pleaded sobbing hardly as Soraru took all of his strength to not die right now.

He gently cupped the albino's cheek as he leaned his forehead onto the other male's.

''I'm sorry... for having to make you get through this, Mafu. But everything will be fine... With everyone... Find the mastermind... and end this killing game... I know you can do it... '', Soraru said as Mafumafu shook his head rapidly.

''I know you can. Because you are my hope and my light who helped me get through this. No wonder I have fallen for you.'', Soraru confessed, chuckling weakly. ''I-I love you, Soraru-san! I love you! So please! Please don't leave me alone!'', Mafumafu begged, crying uncontrollibly.

Soraru leaned in as he pressed his lips lightly onto the other male before pulling away again.

''I love you too. I'm sorry for not being able to be by your side until the end. But... I believe in you just like you did in me. I will believe that you can end this... So end this... killing game... once and for all... this time... for real...'', Soraru said and before Mafumafu could say anything else, the raven-haired male collapsed in his arms.

Mafumafu took some time to comprehend everything before he started to freak out.

''Urgh... Ngh... Soraru-saaaan!'', Mafumafu shouted, wailing as he hugged the older male close to him, feeling the body heat slowly leaving him.

''You are a fucking psychopath! Go to fucking hell!'', Urata shouted at the bear who only laughed. ''Puhuhuhu! That is what he gets for defying me! Now, that that is gone, time to give you your memories back! Here you go!'', Monokuma said as he pointed a flashlight towards them before switching the lights on, making a flash of memories going through their heads.


"Ahh, I'm so nervous! Meeting so many ultimate students after going to Hope's Peak.... I wonder if I can fit in...", an albino mumbled to himself nervously.

"Oi, you have been standing here for a while? Are you going in or are you going to stay here forever?", someone asked him as he turned around to see a raven-haired male standing there.

"A-ah, I'm sorry.", Mafumafu apologized as he stepped aside. The other male didn't go inside but merely stayed there though, looking at the other male in slight worry. "You alright?", he asked as the albino was surprised but nodded.

"Y-yes. Just a bit nervous.", Mafumafu said as the other male nodded in understanding. "I see... You are new here too huh? Want to walk to the entrance ceremony together?", he offered as the younger male was surprised but nodded.

"Sure, I'd love to...", he trailed off as the other male understood and answered. "Soraru. My name is Soraru.", he said. "Soraru-san! My name is Mafumafu and I'm the Ultimate Musician! It's a pleasure to meet you!"


"Mafumafu-san, you look tired. Are you alright?", a mushroom-haired male asked as the albino nodded. "Ah, yes. Just stayed up late working on a song which Neru-san helped me with!", the albino assured him as the other male smiled.

"Well, have some coffee then to wake you up.", the barista said as he placed a cup in front of the albino who took it smiling gratefully. "Thanks, Eve-san! Your coffee is the best!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the other male smiled and thanked him.

Next thing he knew, someone leaned onto him from behind and placed their chin on his head.

"Coffee from Eve?", he asked as the younger male smiled and nodded as he took the cup and held it to the older male who took it casually and sipped from it. "Ew, stop acting all lovey dovey in front of me.", a brunet gagged as the ravenette rolled his eyes.

"At least, we managed to get into a relationship with him unlike you and Sakata who are still going all blushing when you accidentally brush hands.", he said as he hugged the albino while Urata started blushing. "Wha—".

"What are you guys talking about?", a redhead asked as he entered the classroom. "Nothing! Shut up you idiot!", Urata shouted at the younger male. "Ehhh?", he asked shocked as everyone just laughed. This was just their daily life before everything started.


"H-how could I forget that?", Amatsuki asked as he clutched his head. "No way, did I forget this...", Urata said as he looked down in shock. "...All the people we've been losing... they were our friends that we've known for two years?", Sakata asked in disbelief as he sobbed softly.

"Yup! You guys forgot all of your memories together! Forgot that you guys were classmates! Forgot that you guys were friends! Sad sad!", Monokuma said faking to wipe his tears away. "You shut up and leave us alone. Get out of here you piece of wasted metal.", Neru demanded as he gritted his teeth.

"Fine! I will let you guys cry and such then! See you later~", Monokuma said before he left.

"Soraru-san... how could I forget? How could I have forgotten our memories together?", Mafumafu asked as tears continually streamt down his face.

"This is too much for me, Soraru-san... I can't do this without you... I love you so much it hurts...", Mafumafu whispered through his sobbing as he looked at the ravenette who looked like he was sleeping.

He then thought back on the Soraru's last words.

"So end this... killing game... once and for all... this time... for real..."

"I will... It hurts. I don't want to. I want to follow you so I can escape from this hell and be with you... But I will do this. For you. For everyone. I will end this killing game... Once and for all. This time... for real."

Remaining Students: 6

Wow, over 7000 words for this one chapter. I wrote like 1000 some other days and over 6000 today. I don't know why I made this so long but it ended up like this after I decided that you guys deserved to get the newest chapter as fast as possible. I hope you guys still liked to read it despite it being so long. I feel tired and guilty for killing Soraru off but alright. Didn't know writing a chapter could make me feel this way ww Anyways, it is time for me to sleep soon so see you in the next chapter. Oyasuminyasai

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