Danganronpa Part 12 (Various Ships)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Urata x Sakata, Shima x Senra, Kashitaro x Amatsuki, Luz x Nqrse, Araki x Nqrse, Eve x Sou, 96Neko, Lon, Neru

Danganronpa AU
Oof, one more trial and such to go until this series will finally come to an end ww If this is done, I will start a series that you can choose from my suggestions by voting, alright~? Anyways, as always, I hope you and enjoy and no proofreading as always ww


Sitting on in the room of a certain ravenette, Mafumafu stared at the dark leathered book in front of him. He looked at it for some more minutes before he decided to open it to see what the raven-haired male could have written in there in the past few weeks. Taking a deep breath, Mafumafu carefully opened the book and peeked inside.

Day 1
I have woken up in a strange school called Sakuragaoka Academy. Apparently, Ultimate students would attend this school. Waking up in a weird school, having a bear tell you that you have to betray some weird people you've never met before in exchange for your survival.

I accepted. But even so, I felt the need to be on their side. Even if I don't know any of them. That one person... Mafumafu was it? He looks strangely familiar. Though I doubt that I actually know him cause his appearance is unique which wouldn't just slip out of my mind.

Even so... why does he remind me of someone I know? This won't be some weird diary so I will stop here and just put important information in here instead. This bear... he is incredibly annoying but he seems capable of things.

In case I will actually forget... I will write everything down. So this might sound stupid but alright.

My name is Soraru. I'm the Ultimate Analyzer. And I will use my abilities and advantages to the fullest to get out of this killing game.

Day 5
I met up with the mastermind of this game. It doesn't surprise me that it is them. They explained me about the situation of this game and what I had to do. No exposing them. No breaking the rules even if I was working for them.

Monitoring the people. Seems easy enough for me. I would state the mastermind's name but that would probably be a violation of the rules in some ways so I won't say their name and avoid talking about them too much.

Day 6
The first victim, Lon the Ultimate Dressmaker died, killed by the Ultimate Barista Eve. Honestly, I knew that both of them would die sooner later. People who are so trusting and have a strong sense of belief won't survive in this kind of game.

Lon for example decided to come and just talk to someone as suspicious as me. It is wrong of her to trust me. Because I would have backstabbed her in the end if she found out.

Still... after losing them, it somehow felt weird. As if my heart just got torn away something important. I should stop with this useless emotional talk.

Nqrse suddenly started to call me "Aniki" after me simply proving my innocence. But I guess I should just be happy that he doesn't suspect me for now. Neru... he is straight up weird. Being all clingy despite me clearly showing my disinterest.

That bear forced me to wear this bracelet. Something about NG Code poisoning. If I ever do lose my memories and read this, just be careful to not break your rules. They are stated in your Monopad.

Day 9
Mafu started befriending Sou, the Ultimate Novelist. They got along which makes sense as Sou needs people who comfort him while Mafu wants to do his best to comfort people. For now, I will also try to get along with Sou. Gaining trust is important when people like that shortie want to blame me again.

Day 28
Me and Neru found a secret room to find a clue of how to get the Red String of Fate off. It's not that difficult to get in. Use some pins and just get the door open. If someone can pick the door it is possible. The room doesn't only contain information about the red string of fate but of this school as well. I will sneak in sooner or later when I have the opportunity to.

Day 37
Ohh~ Looks like I found a secret diary of mine~ My head hurts but who cares as long as I can spend more time with Mafu~ Ah... my head really hurts a lot lol Guess I will go take a nap until he comes then UwU

Day 38
Looks like some things happened while I had the despair disease. I can't remember what happened but alright. Nothing important to be noted for now

Day 42
Mafu has been avoiding me ever since I exposed Sou. Can I blame him for doing that though? It was my fault for instantly accusing him. It's just that Sou was the only possible solution ever since the beginning. And being me, I did the first thing that came to me.

Seeing that it hurt Mafu though to such an extent that he can't look me into the eyes... it hurts for some reason. Nqrse came to talk to me, telling me that he found out that I was the traitor. Still, he decided to trust me.

That is really surprising but I'm thankful for that. It's nice knowing that there is someone who can trust me despite knowing the truth. Maybe there is still some hope in humanity

Day 48
It finally happened. Nqrse just ended his life and I helped him cover up the truth... Even so, I know that everyone will find the truth. And after that... Monokuma will kill me for breaking his rules and not being on his side. I am prepared.

I will face my fate head on. But still... I wish I could make up with you.

Mafu... you are reading this, right?

I'm sorry. Sorry for letting this conflict happen. Sorry for letting this conflict take our time together. Sorry for betraying you guys. Sorry for forgetting you and our memories together. And sorry for not being able to end the killing game together with you. But even if I am not by your side anymore, I know that you can do this.

Find the mastermind pulling the strings of this game. Find the secrets of this school. Find the mistakes and holes of our memories.

I know you can do it. You are the great and oh so wonderful musician who I fell in love with after all. With the help of everyone... find the mastermind and end this cruel game that they have started.

After that, there were no other words written anywhere anymore as Mafumafu tried to wipe his continuous tears away with the back of his hands. He stood up as he walked up to the desk which was organized and only had some things lying there. But nothing out of ordinary.

Now that Mafumafu took a closer look at the room, it looked strangely empty as if no one had lived here for the past few weeks.

"Soraru-san... I miss you already. You have been helping me through everything the past few weeks and even before that you were always by my side... I don't know what to do without you... I don't even want to do anything without you. Even so... I will do it. I will end this killing game just as you said. So watch me, Soraru-san? I will end this.", Mafumafu promised.

Taking one last look at everything, Mafumafu wiped his last tears away before stepping out of the room and walked to the dining hall where he knew that the others were there.

And stepping inside the dining hall, he was proved to be right as the remaining students looked at the albino surprised and worried.

"Mafu-kun, are you alright?! Do you need me to bring you anything? You can stay in your room today if you want, I will bring you your food later!", Amatsuki assured him.

"Mafudon, do you want me to search for more of those teru teru bozu plushies that you always carry around on your belt? I will even try to make one if I can't find any!", Sakata said. They all started throwing questions at him which startled the albino before he waved his arms around.

"I-I'm fine! Don't worry about me!", Mafumafu told them as they still looked at him unconvinced. "You sure? You have been in Soraru's room for a few days now. I always declare how much I like him but I know that it must have been the worst for you.", Neru said, his expression lacking his usual cheerfulness.

"We all were hurt in some way. And... I know now that we have to put an end to all of this... So, I want to uncover the secrets of this school and find the mastermind who did this to us!", Mafumafu declared as they all looked at him shocked.

"Finding... the mastermind?", Urata asked as the younger male nodded. "Yes... after thinking a lot, I think that we can definitely find them now! And with the help of Soraru's notebook we are going to be able to end this killing game! But... I know that I can't do this alone... So... will you guys help me?", Mafumafu asked as he looked at the other Ultimates who had stayed silent.

It was Amatsuki who spoke up first. "Of course! You are our friend after all and helped us find the culprit so many times! This is the least I could do as a repayment!", Amatsuki exclaimed as Sakata nodded in agreement. "Friends help each other out so I will do so as well!", he declared.

"Even when you guys found out that I lied about my talent as the Ultimate Voice Actor... you still decided to treat me as a normal person despite my background... So I guess I will cooperate with you for this as a thanks. You better be grateful.", Urata said crossing his arms.

"Like they already said, you have to help a friend when they need help! Also, that's what my beloved ikemen would have done in this situation as well so I shall do my best to help you!", Neru told the albino.

"Soraru and Nqrse... they both sacrificed their lives to get us one step closer to the end. So I will also do my best and help you as much as I can. Like Amatsuki-kun said, this is the least I could do for you.", Kashitaro told the albino as he gave him a smile. "Everyone...", Mafumafu only looked at the others smiling brightly at them.

"What is going on here?", a high-pitched voice asked as they all turned around to see the familiar monochrome bear standing in front of them. "We are not going to play your game anymore. We are not going to kill each other anymore. Our hope will never lose against the despair you give us!", Mafumafu exclaimed.

"...You really think so? Hope winning against despair? Do you really think you can do that?", Monokuma asked as the albino didn't let that faze him. "I don't think so. I know so. So... let's have a final class trial! We will uncover the truth and reveal everything so that there is no other option than letting us go!", Mafumafu declared.

"A final class trial? You are requesting a class trial~? Interesting! Very interesting indeed! Very well then! Let's have a final class trial! If you find the whole truth of this school you win! But if you lose... you better accept your punishment!", Monokuma warned them.

"Punishment?!", Amatsuki screeched. "You wanna back down~?", Monokuma asked as they all looked at each other before shaking their heads. "I can understand that. But if we do have a final class trial, you should allow us to investigate everywhere. That is only fair.", Kashitaro said as the bear nodded.

"Of course~ For the final class trial, you are allowed to investigate everywhere you can get in~ Well, I will go to let you guys investigate now~ Let us meet each other in the trial court for the final trial~", Monokuma exclaimed before he disappeared.

"Well... what should we even investigate?", Urata asked as they all looked at the albino after he asked that. "E-eh? Um.... I would want to investigate some places... So how about we split up to investigate?", Mafumafu asked as they nodded. "We're fine with doing so. Where do you want to investigate?", Kashitaro asked.

"Soraru-san's research lab.... the room where Neru and Soraru-san went to for the Red String of Fate... and the library I guess... I want to learn about the history about this school and more.", Mafumafu explained. "Alright... How about you and Neru head to that room now because he knows where it is while we are going to check the other rooms and some more. Is that alright with you?", Kashitaro asked as Mafumafu nodded.

"Yes. Thanks everyone! Let's do our best!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the others smiled at him. "Yeah, let's do this!"


"So this is the room where you two were in?", Mafumafu asked as he looked at the door in front of him. "Yup~ Let's go inside~", Neru said as he pushed the doorknob down, only for the door to stay like this.

"Eh? It's locked again?!", he asked shocked as he still tried to open the door several times. "Ehhhh? Even though we made sure not to lock it!", Neru complained as he rattled on the door.

"God, you are so loud? Can't you investigate a bit quieter?", a brunet asked as they looked at Urata who was walking to their direction.

"We're sorry. We just couldn't open this door so Neru-san got confused because he thought that it wasn't locked.", Mafumafu explained as the brunet hummed. "Step aside for a bit.", he said as they both stepped away, seeing that Urata pulled the black pins out of his hair.

He then bended down a bit as he started to work on something while the other two looked at him as he was doing so. And a few minutes after that, something clicked as Urata stepped back and the door opened. They both stared at him in awe as they both clapped.

"L-let's just go inside.", Urata told them in slight embarrassment as he opened the door wider and walked inside first before Neru and Mafumafu followed him, stepping inside as well. Entering the room, they saw many different kind of shelves with different folders. There were also many monitors hanging on the wall.

The three of them looked at each other before they started to look around the room. Urata and Neru headed straight to the folders while Mafumafu decided to check the monitors. Getting closer to the monitors, Mafumafu noticed that they were cameras as he could see the different rooms of the school, seeing the others investigating.

"Does this mean that the mastermind was monitoring us from here?", Mafumafu asked to himself. He was deep in thoughts as he looked at the monitors and yelped when he felt his hand getting in contact with something hot which then hit the floor. "Oi, you alright?", Urata asked as he and Neru walked over to the albino who nodded.

"Yes, I'm fine! I just touched something hot.", Mafumafu told them as they all looked at the floor to see that it was some food. Mafumafu kneeled down confused as he took a closer look at it, tilting his head when he realized that it was some cup noodles. "Cup noodles?", Mafumafu asked as he took the spilled cup and put it back on the table, careful not to burn himself again.

"Anyways~ We checked the files and most of them were private information about us and such~ Nothing really significant but we haven't checked everything yet so who knows what else they have about us.", Neru said.

"Besides our personal information, they also have information about our family or people related to us as well.", Urata added as Mafumafu nodded. "I see... I will help searching through the folders then!", Mafumafu exclaimed and ran to the shelves but was stopped by the other two.

Confused, he looked at them as they only gave him a smile. "We can do it by ourselves here, don't worry. You go and investigate somewhere else in case the time runs out.", Urata said as Neru hummed in agreement. "Yeah, leave it to us!", Neru exclaimed as Mafumafu was surprised but smiled at them thankfully as he nodded.

"Thanks! I'll leave it to you guys then! I'll go then but good luck to you guys!", Mafumafu told them. "Good luck to you as well!", he heard them shouting at him as he quickly waved at them before running out of the room, making his way to his next destination which was the library.

Taking some breaths to calm down, the albino opened the door, spotting two brunets standing there with stacks of books scattered on the table. They looked up though when they heard the door opening, waving the albino over to them.

"Good timing, Mafu-kun! We just found all the books which you could find interesting!", Amatsuki said as Mafumafu walked over to them. "The history... of Sakuragaoka Academy?", Mafumafu asked as Kashitaro nodded.

"Those are some books that are related to Sakuragaoka Academy. It might help us get some clues.", Kashitaro said as Mafumafu nodded as he took the book the older brunet was holding out to him, mumbling a quick thanks before opening the book.

Sakuragaoka Academy. A prestigious school which has been standing for almost 20 years. The school was opened for Ultimates to attend the school, giving the students a guarantee for a good future. Having a good status, this school of course had a lot of graduating students who now have a successful life. Over 2000 students have attended this school, all of them graduating and bringing hope to the world with their talents.

Mafumafu continued flipping through the book before it ended with the lists of the students of this school. Mafumafu quickly skimmed through the unfamiliar names before closing the book again.

He then glanced at the many books that were still there as Amatsuki noticed that and gave him an assuring smile.

"We will read them through for you and search for more information!", Amatsuki assured him as the albino widened his eyes. "But isn't that a lot?", Mafumafu asked as the brunet waved it off.

"Maybe... But me and Kashitaro-san will be able to handle this! You go where you need to investigate! We can share our information later!", Amatsuki exclaimed as Kashitaro nodded in agreement. Mafumafu nodded as he decided to trust them to find as much as they could.

"Alright! Good luck to you two then! See you later!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Amatsuki and Kashitaro both smiled at him and wished him good luck before the albino dashed out of the library, running to the next place he wanted to research. After looking it up on his Monopad, he finally found it. Soraru's research lab.

He didn't know why he felt the need to but his heart told him to do so, so he decided to listen to it and investigate there as well.

When he reached the Ultimate Analyzer's research lab, he looked at the wooden door for a minute before taking a deep breath and opening the door which was surprisingly open.

Usually, the doors would have to be closed unless student of that lab had already opened the door and left it unlocked or if someone else broke inside.

Stepping inside, he noticed a redhead standing there as he looked at the door when he heard it opening. "Ah, Mafudon! I was waiting for you!", Sakata exclaimed as Mafumafu walked towards the other male confused. "Sakatan? How did you get in here?", Mafumafu asked as he looked at the room while walking.

The room looked like some detective office honestly with many files and books in a shelf and everything being in a rather old-fashioned style. "Huh? Ah, the door was open so I walked in!", Sakata explained.

"More importantly, look at this! You have to see this! It shocked me when I saw it!", Sakata told him as he clicked some things on a computer, making Mafumafu look at him curiously. "Ah... it's not working?! Wait a bit, Mafudon! I just need to show you what I just saw!", Sakata told him as he continued typing some things.

Mafumafu took that time to look around in the room. It really did look like a detective's office to him. Mafumafu then spotted a wooden clock with gears hanging on it as he looked at it curiously.

"It is 4:53 pm already... We have been investigating for two hours already... We have to investigate quickly before Monokuma calls us. Who knows when that will be— Huh?", Mafumafu snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed something particular about the clock.

"It's... going anti clockwise?", Mafumafu mumbled to himself. (A/N: That instrumental part at the beginning is so great, it's my ringtone ww So whenever someone calls me: Heartattack)

He walked closer to the clock and noticed a switch on which he clicked. And as soon as he did, the hands of the clock starting going faster backwards. And Mafumafu only watched it doing so until both of the hands stood on the twelve of the clock.

And when it did, a card fell from the wooden box as Mafumafu walked to it and carefully picked it up.

Escaping from this school is useless. There is no exit after all. Graduating is the only choice. Even if it is not the answer you want. The people outside who are watching us suffer in here are the true monsters of this game. We aren't marionettes. We aren't people who will let themselves be controlled. I don't care about hope or despair. As long as we can get out of here with everyone.

The card wasn't signed but the date showed that it had been some months ago which was some time before they woke up in this school. Mafumafu looked at the card again and thought that the handwriting looked familiar.

Before he could think about it more though, Sakata called his name. "Mafudon, it worked! Here here!", the redhead exclaimed as he waved the albino over who walked to the other male.

The screen flickered a bit before it showed an older male sitting with his back faced towards them and someone sitting across to him. And Mafumafu gasped when he recognized that person as a familiar raven-haired male. "Alright. Then if you agree, please say so.", the elderly male said.

The ravenette didn't look pleased and looked rather dissatisfied but nodded before speaking up.

"I, Soraru, the Ultimate Analyzer, am going to participate in xxxx's killing game. I know the conditions and consequences for participating and am going to accept any role I am given.", the ravenette said before the video was cut off and showed a familiar blond female, now sitting where the ravenette from before was.

"Alright. Then if you agree, please say so.", the elderly male said again as the blonde nodded. "I, Lon, the Ultimate Dressmaker, am going to participate in xxxx's killing game. I know the conditions and consequences for participating and am going to accept any role I am given.", she said. After that the video cut off once again to a familiar brunet who was now sitting there on the chair where the others were sitting before.

"Alright. Then if you agree, please say so.", the elderly male repeated his words. "I, Amatsuki, the Ultimate Pastry Chef, am going to participate in xxxx's killing game. I know the conditions and consequences for participating and am going to accept any role I am given.", the brunet repeated the same words which Soraru and Lon had spoken.

And after that, the video ended as the DVD was thrown out of the player. Sakata took it out as he placed it on the table before standing up as Mafumafu was still standing there shocked, staring at the now black screen.

"This DVD only contained this but I was really shocked when I saw this!", Sakata exclaimed. "Soraru-san... Lon-san... and Amatsuki-kun... they all agreed to participate in this killing game?", Mafumafu asked.

Before Sakata could even answer, the screens of the monitors switched on as a familiar monochrome bear showed himself on the screen.

"So~ I think I have you enough time! So please head to the trial court now! Same place as always! I will look forward to seeing you~", Monokuma chirped before the screens switched off again. Mafumafu and Sakata looked at each other before walking to the cage-looking building where the others were already.

They smiled when they saw the two of them arriving as they stopped talking to each other. "There you are Mafu-chan! Ready to end this?", Neru asked him. "Of course!", he nodded. "We are finally going to end this for sure... No one will have to suffer anymore!", Amatsuki exclaimed.

"Soraru... Nqrse... Everyone... We won't let their sacrifices be in vain.", Kashitaro said. "We will show them what they get for messing with us.", Urata added. "We will get out of here with everyone!", Sakata declared.

"Yes! Let's uncover the truth and end this killing game!", Mafumafu exclaimed. And with those thoughts, they stepped into the elevator for the last time, none of them saying anything as the gates closed before the elevator descended.

And when the elevator came to a halt, the gates opened as the all too familiar trial court showed itself with Monokuma sitting on his usual podium. "Welcome back my beloved students! I welcome you to this wonderful last trial! Go to your usual places!", Monokuma instructed them as they did as told. Standing there, Mafumafu looked at everyone who was still alive.

Those were the remaining survivors who have managed to get through this killing game until now.

"Sakata, the Ultimate Kendo Artist. Despite being clumsy and an idiot, he still manages to be cheerful and brighten our day.

Urata, the Ultimate Hitman. He had to hide his talent at first because of his background which made him cautious of everyone in order to keep his secret. But after finding out the truth, he could finally open up to us.

Kashitaro, the Ultimate Historian. Even when he was always suspected, he still thought rationally and put others before himself.

Amatsuki, the Ultimate Pastry Chef. He is positive and always tries to help everyone in his own way, waking up early so he can make a food for everyone. And being worried when someone feels unwell. Not hesitating to help people.

Neru, the Ultimate Composer. Even with his strong liking towards Soraru-san, he still managed to be friendly to everyone and help in trials, showing me his kindness when I was down. And showing his hidden thoughtfulness for everyone.

Soraru-san, are you watching me now?

These are the people who survived with me up till now. And I will make sure that all of us will get out of here alive! I will uncover the truth and end this killing game for you and everyone!", Mafumafu thought to himself as he opened his eyes again, his face showing determination.

And with that, the curtains rose again as the final class trial began.

Remaining Students: 6

We are slowly reaching the end of this series~ Probably one or two more chapters and this will be done~ It depends on if I will cut the trial off if it is too long or not ww Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter despite it being long again! If you have any ideas on who the mastermind could be then please say so~ I will go to sleep now so Oyasuminyasai~

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