Danganronpa Part 8 (Various Ships)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Urata x Sakata, Shima x Senra, Kashitaro x Amatsuki, Luz x Nqrse, Araki x Nqrse, Eve x Sou, 96Neko, Lon, Neru

Danganronpa AU
Wow, I do update this regularly ww If this continues on, I will have finished this series before this school year ends ww Are you still here to read this? Are you? Are you? Either way thanks for reading until now ww I hope you enjoy~ Also no proofreading as always ww


Once again, a lot of weeks have passed. The students were trying to stay sane by spending time with the people they were close to. And soon, they got to return to the most normal state they could be in, in that kind of situation.

Today should have been just like any other day for them. It should have been.

But it seemed their peaceful days would soon again, come to an end.

"Say... aren't we missing some people?", Urata asked as he looked at the almost empty dining hall. Mafumafu frowned as well as he looked at the table, seeing that some people were missing.

To be exact, those were Amatsuki, Sou, Nqrse and Soraru. Mafumafu and Neru had both tried to wake Sou and Soraru up. But neither of them responded as they only stayed in their room.

They thought that there might be a possibility that they went ahead first. Yet neither of them were there when they arrived.

Nqrse was always one of the people to move at his pace so it wasn't surprising. But it was very surprising to see that Amatsuki was absent, seeing that he was always the first one to arrive.

"L-let's see if they're alright!", Luz said as he jumped out of his seat, the others following suit as they automatically split up, Mafumafu and Neru going to Soraru's dorm. "Soraru-san? Soraru-san are you in there?!", Mafumafu asked as he constantly knocked on the door. "My beautiful ikemen? Will you open the door for us?", Neru asked.

They continued to do so until the door opened revealing Soraru in his usual school uniform. But they were surprised to see the uniform put on messily, his tie hanging loose, his blouse not buttoned completely as he hummed at them.

"Eh? Ah, Soraru-san, you were late so we were worried! You have bed hair again... wait let me fix it!", Mafumafu said as he reached up to fix it.

But his hand was stopped by the ravenette as he felt a force pushing him.

And the next thing he knew, his back was against the wall with the raven-haired male standing right in front of him, dangerously close.

Both Neru and Mafumafu were so surprised that they didn't know what to say as the albino could only stutter out some words. "E-eh? S-s-soraru-san?! W-what? Eh?", Mafumafu stuttered out flustered as the raven-haired male only chuckled which shocked them once again.

"You're so cute~ Acting like a housewife and waking me up every day~", Soraru said as the albino's face now exploded into a very dark red.

"H-housewife? W-what are you talking about?", he asked. "Exactly what I said~ You are just too pure and angelic... it makes me want to change that~", Soraru said as he leaned in closer and Mafumafu didn't know what to do as he only closed his eyes.

All Mafumafu could hear though was the ravenette making a sound of pain as he felt the grip on him get loose. Confused, the albino opened his eyes to see the older male crouching on the floor as he held his side in pain. A familiar brunet stood there unfazed as a redhead was startled.

"U-urata-san, you didn't have to kick him!", the redhead stuttered as the shorter male merely clicked his tongue. "He disgusted me and got too close to Mafu so why not?", Urata asked as Mafumafu frowned and crouched down as well in worry.

"Are you alright, Soraru-san?", the younger male asked as the older male muttered some words which the albino didn't understand. "What?"

"I said that I'm fine~ Now that you are here with me~ And I—", before Soraru even got to say anything more, Urata kicked his back as the older male winced slightly before getting up.

"Now now, Urata~ Would you please stop kicking me~? That sour expression doesn't suit your face~", he chirped as the shorter male felt aggravated and was about to kick some sense into the raven-haired male until he was held back by the redhead who hugged him. "No more violence, Urata-san!", Sakata exclaimed as Neru now got closer as well, tilting his head.

"Something is wrong with him, we all know that but what has suddenly got into my beloved ikemen?", Neru asked as the ravenette heard this and looked at the brown-haired male with a neutral expression before flashing him a smile.

"Now now, don't be so gloomy, you cutie~ The cheerful expression suits you more so let's all be happy, shall we~?", Soraru asked as everyone looked at the raven-haired male for a good second before chaos broke out.

"D-did you get brainwashed?! Or why are you suddenly so nice to, Neru-san?!", Sakata asked. "I was surprised that you were like that to me already but to Neru? That is a whole new other level.", Urata said as he looked at the brown-haired male who started trembling.

"Neru-san?", Mafumafu asked, tilting his head. "M-my beloved ikemen called me a cutie and complimented me?", he asked as the ravenette smiled and walked to the other male.

"Are you alright?", he asked as the brown-haired male stepped back.

"Don't get closer to me! Y-you're not my beautiful ikemen! Impostor! Traitor! This is a nightmare... I want the one with the cold personality back who was hard to approach to!", Neru wailed before he turned and ran away, leaving the others back.

"...Is he a masochist or something?", Urata asked as Sakata tilted his head. "What is a masochist?", he asked as the brunet shook his head. "No need to know that, idiot.", Urata merely replied.

"Anyways, something is clearly wrong with this guy. Oi, you. What happened to you?", Urata asked as the ravenette perked up.

"Me? Nothing happened to me~ Anyways... if you have time, Mafu... wanna go on a date with me~? It'll be fun~", Soraru said turning to the albino again who was startled.

"Eh? Soraru-san, are you really sure that you are alright?", Mafumafu asked as the older male tilted his head. "Of course I am~ so... let's go... on... a... date...", Soraru said before he collapsed, making Mafumafu, Sakata and Urata flinch from the loud thud. It took them a minute until they fully grasped what just happened before they reacted as the albino panicked and crouched back down.

"Soraru-san? Soraru-san?!", Mafumafu exclaimed trying to wake the older male up. "Oi... what the hell is happening?", Urata asked before they heard someone shouting something.

"G-get away from me! Please don't kill me!", a familiar voice said. The usual soft tone was exchanged with a now filled with fear. "Please, we just want to help you and—". "N-no! No, don't come closer!", he shouted.


"Are you trying to pick a fight with me? If you even try to kill me I will make you regret it!", someone screeched as someone else tried to calm him down. "Amatsuki-kun, no one wants to kill you. Please calm down—".

"Don't come closer or I will fight you!", he shouted as there could be heard some people talking with each other.

"What is... happening?", Mafumafu asked himself as they all looked at each other in confusion and helplessness.

"Upupupupu~! Seems like some students here are acting... strangely~ Seems like they caught a fever! But do not worry! Just bring them to the infirmary and Monokuma shall explain everything!", Monokuma exclaimed.

Mafumafu looked at the raven-haired male who was breathing unevenly and now that he looked more closely, he noticed the red hue and how the ravenette eyes were clouded.

"Soraru-san... let's get you to the infirmary...", Mafumafu said as the raven-haired male looked at the albino and nodded.

"If you say so I will *cough* cause it's you~", Soraru coughed as Mafumafu blushed while Sakata averted his eyes in slight embarrassment and Urata looked like he was ready to throw up.

"A-anyways, let's bring him to the infirmary now to see what is wrong with him...", Mafumafu said as they nodded before helping the raven-haired to get to the infirmary.

He just hoped that everything would be fine. And that Soraru would be fine.


"Despair Disease?! What even is that?!", Urata asked as the monochrome bear yawned in boredom. "Huh? Basically, it's a reaaaally annoying disease where you get a high fever, along with various other symptoms that are full of despair!", Monokuma explained as they looked at him in disbelief.

"There is an actual disease like that? And this is why they are acting like this?", Kashitaro asked as he looked at the three people laying there.

"Yup yup! It works like a normal fever more or less! Just with more despair and that most people almost can't move at all cause of it! It is contagious just like a fever and can be healed like a fever~!", Monokuma exclaimed.

"Anyways, I'm done here so you guys have fun~!", the bear chirped before he disappeared, leaving the Ultimates back in the infirmary. There was a short silence before it was Kashitaro who broke it.

"For now... we should bring them into different rooms. It is better this way for them not to get infected. And then... we should split up into groups of taking care of them and such.", Kashitaro told them as they nodded.

"What groups would be the best?", Sakata asked as they all looked at the masked brunet who was startled for being the one who should choose before he thought about it and told them the groups.

"Ok... is this alright?", Kashitaro asked them as he showed them his Monopads with the groups.

(I did it like this so it'll be more clear ww)

Amatsuki: Kashitaro, Sakata
Soraru: Mafumafu, Neru, Nqrse
Sou: Mafumafu, Sakata
All Rounders: Luz, Urata

The group looked at the Monopad confused as the brunet decided to explain it to them.

"I'm sorry if it is a bit confusing. To explain this, I thought that it would be wiser to make it like this.", Kashitaro said.

"I chose people who I think are fitting to take care of the people. Amatsuki-kun is angry at most people right now so I thought me and Sakata should change shifts to take care of him because he might feel a bit more comfortable with us.

Soraru's character changed and it isn't that bad so I just chose three people for him who seemed like they can handle him right now.

Sou-kun is pretty terrified right now so I thought putting people like Mafumafu-kun and Sakata would be better because he seemed like he'd get along with them more than us.

I would have chosen Soraru as well but he seems like he needs some time to himself now.", Kashitaro explained as Luz tilted his head.

"What about me and Urata-san? What does all rounder mean?", Luz asked.

"Well, you guys basically don't really interact much with the sick people. It's to avoid to get infected. You are doing help like making the food and getting the things needed.

I know it might be a lot to ask for you two to do so for some time but I hope you're fine with it.", Kashitaro said as the two of them nodded.

"I'm fine with this.", Urata said as Luz nodded in agreement. "Yes! If I can help in any way, I will do so!", Luz said as the brunet smiled at them thankfully.

"I'm glad then. Well, we just have to split up the shifts for the people taking care of the infected ones then. I'd say that we just split up the time of the day in half for the groups with two people in a way that everyone can still get some sleep and—".

"Uh, sorry but... can I be in charge of someone else? Or be an all rounder as well?", Neru asked as Kashitaro widened his eyes in slight surprise. "Eh? You are in charge of Soraru, you know that, right?", Kashitaro asked as Neru nodded.

"Yeah... can I change that?", Neru asked as the brunet was still a bit surprised but merely nodded. "Then... you can be an all rounder as well. The less people getting possibly infected the better.", Kashitaro said as Neru nodded.

"Any reason why Neru suddenly wants to change shifts even though he was so obsessed with aniki?", Nqrse asked as Urata shrugged. "Just his masochistic side missing that guy ignoring him I guess.", Urata explained as the pink-haired male hummed as if he understood it.

"Anyways, let's get the infected ones to different rooms then.", Kashitaro said as they nodded and moved to do so.

And so, they started their best to heal the victims of the despair disease back to normal.


"Anything else you need, Sou-kun?", Mafumafu asked the blond male who laid there. "C-can you stay?", Sou asked the albino as the other male felt and arrow get shot through his heart.

He felt as if he had a little brother who just asked him to stay. And he really wanted to continue staying here if not for the fact that he was worried about the raven-haired male as well.

"I'll come back tomorrow again. Sakatan will come now and take care of you.", Mafumafu informed the younger male who only nodded. Luckily, Sakata had spent a good amount of time with Sou to gain at least some trust of the blond male.

The door opened as the redhead stepped inside with a tray of food from the all rounder group as he gave them a smile. "Hello~ I'm here with the food for Sou-kun!", Sakata exclaimed as they nodded and Mafumafu stood up.

"See you tomorrow then, Sou-kun!", Mafumafu said as they nodded and waved at the albino before Mafumafu exited the room. He walked to the kitchen first where Luz handed him a tray of food before going back to what he was doing.

Mafumafu thought that they must be working a lot if it was this hectic already and wished them luck before he walked towards the room where the raven-haired male stayed in. When he opened the door, he saw Nqrse standing there laughing.

"Uwah, so you thought of me like that this whole time, aniki? I'm flattered~", Nqrse chirped as the raven-haired male returned it with a cheeky smile. "Well, of course~ Your beauty is just too much, no wonder that you are the Ultimate Model~", Soraru said as the pink-haired male could only laugh again in response.

They then noticed Mafumafu walking in as Soraru flashed him a grin which made Mafumafu blush as it was too rare and out of character for the ravenette to do so. Nqrse only chuckled in amusement as he excused himself before exiting the room.

"I'll go and see if I can maybe help Luz or something so bayonara~", Nqrse said before he closed the door behind him, leaving Mafumafu and Soraru behind. "So you are the one taking care of me now, huh~? That's nice because you are still my favorite out of everyone here~", Soraru said making the younger male blush as he sat down and placed the tray of porridge in front of the older male after helping him sit up.

"A-anyways, I brought you some porridge that Luz-kun made for you.", Mafumafu told him as the ravenette nodded and stared at it without saying anything. "Is something wrong, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked tilting his head as the older male looked at the albino and gave him a smile.

"Feed me?", he asked even though it sounded more like a demand rather than a request. "E-eh?! Can't you eat by yourself?!", Mafumafu asked as his face flared up into a bright red.

"Won't you help this poor patient here?", Soraru merely asked and Mafumafu being himself couldn't decline as, in the end, he picked up the spoon and scooped some of the porridge into the spoon and blowed on it a few times before holding it up.

"H-here... Say ahh~", Mafumafu said as the older male complied and opened his mouth. They continued this for a while until the porridge was gone. They then continued talking for a bit as Mafumafu gave the older male some company before he looked at the clock to see that nighttime would begin soon.

"Well, I'll go now, Soraru-san. Please get some good rest.", Mafumafu said. "Eh, you'll leave already? Don't you want to stay here with me?", Soraru asked. "Eh? There is nowhere for me to sleep though...", Mafumafu mumbled as the older male chuckled.

"You can just sleep with me, you know?", Soraru suggested as the albino's face exploded into a dark red. "E-eh? A-ah— Umm...", Mafumafu stuttered as he fumbled with his fingers.

"I can't because of me possibly getting infected so no!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Soraru opened his mouth to say something else.

But the albino was faster than him as he quickly muttered a good night before he rushed out of the room, leaving the ravenette back in the infirmary room.

And so, the first day ended without any other incident.


"Good Morning, Luz-kun.", Mafumafu greeted the light-haired male who offered him a smile. "Good Morning, Mafu-kun. Are you here for Sou-kun's breakfast?", Luz asked as the albino nodded.

"Alright, wait a bit then.", the taller male told him before he walked into the kitchen and soon returned with a tray with some food which he handed the other male who noticed that there was too much food for one person.

"You need to eat as well too, Mafu-kun, so please eat it with Sou-kun.", Luz told him as the albino nodded understanding before giving him a smile.

"I see... Thanks for thinking for me as well, Luz-kun!", Mafumafu thanked the light-haired male who scratched his cheek sheepishly but returned the smile nethertheless.

"It's no problem. Now go to Sou-kun so you can have your breakfast.", Luz said as the albino nodded and bowed before turning to exit the dining hall. As he did, he saw Nqrse from the corner of his eyes, walking up to the light-haired male as he started to talk to him happily, chatting with the taller male who had a light pink hue as he talked to the pink-haired male.

Smiling to himself, Mafumafu walked to the room where Sou stayed in to see that he was sitting up and writing things into a small notebook. When the blond male heard the door opening, he looked up with a wary look before it softened when he realized that it was Mafumafu.

"Good Morning, Sou-kun!", the albino exclaimed as the younger male nodded. "G-good Morning, Mafumafu-san.", the blond greeted as the other male sat down with the tray.

"How was your day with Sakatan yesterday?", Mafumafu asked as the younger male proceeded to tell the albino about his day. Luckily, Sou was more or less like always if you ignored the fact that he was terrified of many things.

And besides the few flinches of when the albino got too close, everything was fine.

It was time for Mafumafu to go over to Soraru to see how he was. He just bid farewell to the blond male as he walked to the ravenette's room when, suddenly, he heard a crash and then a slight scream as he flinched before he quickly ran into the room to see Soraru laying on the floor with Nqrse kneeling beside him.

"Aniki, stop trying to walk around! This is getting worse!", Nqrse scolded the ravenette who only took in some breathe of air before he talked again. "Must... go... to see m...", before he could even finish his sentence, he collapsed making both Mafumafu and Nqrse panic.

"Aniki/Soraru-san?!", they both exclaimed as some other students came rushing in. "What happened?! Is everything alright?", Luz asked worried before they spotted the ravenette on the floor. Before anyone could act any further, a monochrome bear suddenly appeared.

"Oh~ Looks like suspicious non-talent guy here doesn't have a good tolerance towards the fever!", Monokuma said. "Do something about it!", Urata demanded as the bear only tilted his head.

"Huh? Why? Ah, Look! He is regaining consciousness!", Monokuma pointed out as they looked at the raven-haired male to see that it was true. Not caring about the possible flirty character coming out again, the albino ran to Soraru and crouched down.

"Soraru-san? Soraru-san, are you alright?!", Mafumafu asked and there was a short silence before the ravenette suddenly jumped up startling everyone. "Yes yes, I'm fine~ As long as everyone here is happy, I shall be alright!", Soraru exclaimed as Neru, who was standing in the doorway, couldn't take it anymore.

"M-my beautiful ikemen... Where are you? Who are you? What did you do to him?! Give him back!", he exclaimed crying before he ran away startling everyone. "S-soraru-san? Is everything alright with you?", Luz asked carefully as the older male tilted his head and nodded.

"Of course~ So let's be all happy, alright? Being happy is your duty after all...", Soraru said as he looked down for a second before his flirty, cheerful smile was exchanged with that of something else. "Being happy is our duty?", Luz asked as the ravenette nodded.

"Yes~ Being happy is your duty~ Being happy is your duty~ Are you happy? Well, you better be~", Soraru said as they all looked at the ravenette in shock.

(Yes, this is from The Happiness and peace of mind committee. Yes, I did it again. Yes, I'm sorry for wanting to include it in this story. Yes, I'm suggesting it again UwU)

The ravenette was smiling, yet the smile sent a shiver down their spine. And his eyes. His eyes were dark with swirls visible as they got even more worried than they already were.

"S-soraru-san? How about you lay down?", Mafumafu suggested as the ravenette stood up instead. "I can't yet... I have to see if everyone is happy~ Cause if not then...", Soraru's breathing got heavier as he looked like he had troubles breathing until he collapsed again.

"What the hell... Shouldn't he get better rather than becoming like this?!", Urata asked Monokuma who merely shrugged.

"Some students react to the disease more than others! This loser here is just too weak and all to that! Even writer boy and housewife handled it better than him! Anyways, you better help him~ One fact that I forgot to tell ya is that dying is also a possibility of the despair disease! Oh, forgetful me~", Monokuma said as everyone looked at him in terror in disbelief.

"D-dying? Are you freaking serious?!", Urata asked. "Yeah... I guess there is a medicine in my laboratory... But I'll only give it to ya if someone will kill~ But we all know you guys will deny it and such so lemme just go now and good luck on healing them yourselves~", Monokuma said before he disappeared.

"For now... let's get him to bed and such...", Urata said as they all nodded and dragged Soraru to his bed which was in fact, very difficult as the ravenette was struggling despite him clearly having struggles breathing.

And if not for Urata being there, threatening him with a weapon, Soraru would probably have ran out of the room to see if everyone was happy.

Nighttime came and Mafumafu decided he'd stay. This continued one for a few days as the disease worsened for everyone for some reason, Soraru looking like he was close to death, until it started to improve again.

Again, it was nighttime as Mafumafu had stayed like the last few days. Soraru was sleeping now as the albino held the older male's hand. For some reason, it hurt Mafumafu a lot to see Soraru like this. But he didn't know why.

"Please god... if you exist then please... make Soraru-san normal and healthy again...", Mafumafu prayed. "If Soraru-san's health won't improve by tomorrow then I... I will—"

"What do you mean, making me normal and healthy again?", a familiar hoarse voice asked as the albino looked down surprised. Yes, Soraru spoke again which shouldn't be surprising. But his way of speaking sounded like the usual way.

"S-soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as the ravenette raised an eyebrow in response. "H-how are you feeling?", the albino asked.

"How am I feeling? Tired... I guess. Also my head hurts.", Soraru said as he sat up. "Do you want everyone to be happy? Do you feel like flirting with someone? Do you like Neru-san?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru was confused as heck with these types of questions.

"Uh... I don't know. Why the heck would I want to do that? No.", Soraru answered each of them as the albino's face lightened up and the next thing the older male knew, Mafumafu threw himself into the other's chest, hugging his torso.

"Soraru-san is back! Soraru-san is back!", Mafumafu exclaimed happily as Soraru was utterly confused and was about to pull away until he noticed the albino shaking and hugging him tighter. "O-oi, you alright?", Soraru asked when he suddenly heard some sobbing.

"Mhm, I'm fine now.", Mafumafu told him as there was a short silence before Soraru started to run a hand through the albino's hair and pull him into the bed as well.

"Want to tell me what happened?", Soraru asked. And it sounded gentle yet just like Soraru himself that the younger male couldn't help but sob louder. And so, Mafumafu explained everything to Soraru who only hummed occasionally as he patted the albino's head.

"A-and I thought you'd die and—". "But I didn't because you guys took care of me, right? It's fine now. Sorry. And thanks.", Soraru said as the younger male merely hummed in response.

"You didn't sleep enough because of all of that, right? Go to sleep now.", Soraru said as he lifted Mafumafu's face to see his eyes swollen and dark bags just under them.

"B-but Soraru-san—". "Soraru-san is fine now, alright? So sleep. So we can help the others recover tomorrow if we have to.", Soraru told him as the albino reluctantly nodded before snuggling closer to the older male.

Soraru merely put his arms around Mafumafu, not saying anything anymore.

With the warmth and Soraru's arms around him, Mafumafu could finally get a good rest for the first time in a while.


Soraru and Mafumafu laying in each other's arms as both of them were asleep, looking like a couple.

A loud thud was what disturbed that peaceful silence as both of them woke up and sat up confused to see Sou standing there blushing as he started stuttering.

"O-oh, I'm sorry for disturbing you and all... I just got better from my fever is what Sakata-san told me so I came here to see if Soraru-san was alright and...", Sou trailed off as he started scrambling to pick up his book which was what caused the sound. Mafumafu's face flared up as well as he waved his arms around.

"T-this is not what it looks like!", he said as Sou must have overheard him and continued speaking. "I-it's fine... We are friends after all so I was rooting for the two of you since the beginning. I-I wondered when one of you would finally confess a-and I'm really happy for you guys!", Sou exclaimed smiling happily.

"Sou.", Soraru called out to the blond who tilted his head. "We're not together.", he merely said as the blond took some seconds to get it until his face exploded into a dark red.

"I-i'm so sorry for assuming this! I was just so happy to see the two of you like this so I—", a loud scream interrupted them as they looked at each other for a good second before running to the source of the scream.

The scream came from one of the unoccupied infirmary rooms as they opened the door.

"It can't be, right? Yes, no one would die now! No one..."

When they stepped inside, a scene more surprising than they could ever imagine unfolded. There were bottles with pills scattered all over the floor.

The shelf was broken as the shards laid on the floor along with some broken pieces of wood and blood. The blankets and pillow of the bed was all ripped with its contents scattered around the bed.

And in the middle of that destroyed bed, laid a light-haired male who looked like he had been stabbed countless of times.

"Upupupupu! A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, a class trial will be held!", Monokuma announced.

"N-no way... Luz-kun is the one who had to die? W-why him?", Mafumafu asked. The light-haired male had helped them a lot in the past, doing even more than he was asked to just so he could help.

And now, that same person, laid there, his dream of becoming a bartender no longer achievable. "Why.... Why did you have to leave?! You were the only one here that I could trust! You were the only one who cared enough for me to offer so much time from yourself for someone like me!"

"The only one who could keep me sane in here!"

"You said you wouldn't leave me!", Nqrse shouted as he grabbed his hair tightly. "Nqrse, calm down.", Soraru said as he pulled the pink-haired male away from Luz by his shoulders.

"I can't... I can't!", Nqrse screamed as he trashed around with Soraru pulling the pink-haired male despite that.

"I'll try to calm him down... Sorry but please investigate without us this time.", Soraru said as he disappeared with the pink-haired male.

Soon after, the others came inside as they were just as shocked as them. "N-no way... Luz?", Urata asked surprised.

"W-what?! Luz-kun?!", Amatsuki exclaimed. After a while, Mafumafu reluctantly walked to the light-haired male with Sou following him close behind, checking the Monopad.

Victim: Luz (Ultimate Bartender)
Cause of Death: Stabbing
Murder Weapon: Scalpel
External Wounds:
- Stab wound on the right eye
- Stab wounds on torso and shoulder
- Scratches on the arms

They started investigating as Sou spotted the murder weapon just laying there carelessly on the ground which was the scalpel.

"Mafumafu-san, the murder weapon is there in case you need to see it.", Sou pointed out as the albino nodded and thanked the younger male before investigating the body.

"That guy... he was killed pretty brutally, wasn't he?", Urata asked as he looked at the light-haired male before putting some bandages around the face. "So that this way... maybe he can rest a bit more peacefully.", Urata explained when he saw their confused faces.

They nodded before they continued investigating until Monokuma announced that it was time for the class trial. "So... I'm bored so everyone go to the trial court! Same place as always!", Monokuma exclaimed as they headed their way towards the cage like building like last every time where the others were already waiting.

The waterfall opened like it always did as they entered the elevator which closed its doors as soon as everyone entered.

And so, the elevator descended once again with no one saying anything.

Soon, the elevator came to a halt as the door opened, revealing the usual trial court with nine unoccupied podiums standing there.

"Welcome back to this magnificent trial court of mine! You know what to do!", Monokuma said as Mafumafu went to his podium next to Luz and Senra who were both deceased.

"Luz the Ultimate Bartender... he was someone close to Nqrse-san and did his best to help everyone in every way possible. In this class trial, we will definitely find the killer of him to avenge him!", Mafumafu thought determined.

With these thoughts, a new class trial had started.

Remaining Students: 9

I can see that the Utaites are slowly but surely decreasing. I loved writing about this motive and all but I'm sorry that it got so long. Anyways, I hope you guys still liked this chapter nethertheless. Please do tell if you know who the culprit is and see you in the next chapter. Sayonyara~

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