Danganronpa Part 7 (Various Ships)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Urata x Sakata, Shima x Senra, Kashitaro x Amatsuki, Luz x Nqrse, Araki x Nqrse, Eve x Sou, 96Neko, Lon, Neru

Danganronpa AU
Soo... Some of you were surprised be me killing both Shima and Senra last time instead of one of them ww And it was maybe a bit tad sad that a ship died but ww I already knew since the beginning that both of them would die so why not make them an official couple before that would happen ww Anyways, this case is not as difficult as the other ones and pretty easy so it'll be short I guess but have fun reading! As always no proofreading~


"Hah... Now then.... let me give you a simple explanation of this class trial.... During the trial, you will share your information and search for 'whodunnit'.... Vote correctly and only the blackened will be punished... But if you pick the wrong one~

I will punish everyone besides the blackened.... And that person gets to graduate from this Ultimate Academy.... ", Monokuma said bored as he finished his explanation.

"Wow, you sure got no motivation for this.", Neru pointed out as Monokuma made some mocking noises. "Well duh! Let's just get this over with so I can go back to watching this nice anime series I started.", Monokuma told them.

"Why... why did both Mashi and Senra have to die?! Wasn't even one person enough?", Sakata asked with tears in his eyes. "We don't know. That's why we have to find out through this class trial. Anyone want to start this?", Urata asked as he looked at the remaining students. It was Neru who lifted his hand to speak up first.

"Well, before we start discussing about the murder and such, I wanted to know... Why did the culprit not take an advantage of the perk of the red string of fate?", Neru asked smiling as Kashitaro hummed. "I thought it was suspicious as well...

I thought of reasons as to why he would keep quiet but... the only reason I could think of is wanting to have another class trial or being afraid of speaking up.", the brunet said as everyone else hummed.

"I am confused about this so let me ask. We just had to kill our soulmate or whatever, confess and then we could go?", Urata asked as Monokuma hummed. "That's right! That's all you had to do~", Monokuma agreed as the brunet nodded.

"Well, everyone show your Monopad then.", Urata told them as he took his own out.

"Eh? Why?", Sakata asked confused but took his Monopad anyway. "We could see who our soulmates are in the Monopad to know our target. We can see who the soulmates of Shima and Senra were after everyone revealed their soulmate.", Urata said while typing something on his Monopad.

"I had suspicious no talent guy over there.", Urata said as he showed everyone his Monopad as a prove where it was written who his soulmate was.

"Oi, you're no better with your talent, shortie. But he's right. Do I have to show you guys my Monopad or can I just leave it at this?", Soraru asked as he pulled out his Monopad anyway to show everyone that he got Urata.

"I wish I was soulmates with my beloved ikemen! God!", Neru whined as he pulled his Monopad out to show his "soulmate".

"Well, I got Nqrse-chan~", the brown-haired male exclaimed as the pink-haired male hummed in confirmation. "Neru and me were soulmates~", Nqrse chirped as the two of them gave each other flirty looks which was returned back by some light laughter or disgusted sounds.

"Oh come on! At least we match more than Urata and Soraru-san~", Neru told them as everyone hummed in agreement. "Well, for once I agree with you.", Soraru said as Urata rolled his eyes and crossed his arms but nodded.

"I hate to agree with you two but agreed. Who would want to be the soulmate of this emotionless guy here?", Urata asked as Soraru rolled his eyes in return. "I'd hate to have an annoying tsundere shortie like you to be my soulmate so the feelings are returned.", Soraru said as Urata felt a tick mark appear on his head.

"Oi, I'm not short you—". "Ok, you guys can talk about this later. How about we continue for now?", Luz spoke up as he typed some things before showing his Monopad to everyone.

"I got Sakata-kun as my soulmate.", Luz said as Sakata only nodded quietly in response. Everyone felt their face turn into pity when they saw how much this affected the red-haired male.

"Well... Kashitaro-san and me were soulmates... I decided to tell him and the two of us knew already that we were.", Amatsuki told them as the older brunet nodded in agreement.

"Yes, me and Amatsuki-kun told each other... Anyways... that just leaves Mafumafu-kun and Sou-kun. Do you guys have each other?", Kashitaro asked as Mafumafu and Sou looked at each other. "Honestly... we haven't even seen who we have yet.", Mafumafu confessed as he laughed sheepishly as Soraru sighed when he heard that.

"Well, I guess that is fine too.", Soraru said as the albino pulled out his Monopad and clicked to see his "soulmate", widening his eyes when he saw the name of a certain blond male standing there.

"I... have Senra.", Mafumafu told them as there was a silence before Sou scrambled to look at his Monopad to see that he had Shima. "S-so you two had Shima and Senra as your "soulmates"?", Luz asked as the two of them felt helpless.

"No, we didn't kill them, really! We just knew about it now!", Mafumafu assured them as Urata narrowed his eyes. "But... you two were together right? It would be easy for you guys to kill them and then hide it so you guys could have easily done it. Logically, the suspects are clearly you guys right now so—".

"I'm sorry to interrupt you and all but... Mafu-kun and Sou-kun could have easily escaped this already if they were actually the culprits... Remember? The perk of the Red string of fate was that you would just have to confess to your crime after killing your "soulmate" and then you could leave without any class trial or execution.

Yet here Mafu-kun and Sou-kun are standing. And it would have been really obvious to kill Shima-kun and Senra-kun who are their soulmates together... Also, I think Shima-san and Senra-san could have both defended themselves better than Sou-kun and Mafu-kun if they would have attacked with something as simple as a knife. I'm sorry if what I said didn't make any sense...", Luz apologized as he scratched his cheek sheepishly.

"No, you did well! I'm honestly impressed that you finally spoke up! You usually stay quiet most of the time!", Nqrse told the light-haired male who only gave the pink-haired male a sheepish smile.

"A-ah, it's nothing... I just wanted to be more useful to everyone so I decided I'd say something to for once.", Luz explained to them as the pink-haired male flashed him a bright smile.

"Well, that's a great way of thinking! You've got my respect!", Nqrse said as the light-haired male blushed and averted his gaze nodding.

"Well, Luz's explanation may have been a bit confusing but we got it more or less. Unless they are total idiots, they probably haven't done this because this is way too obvious. Also, they could have just confessed as Luz had already said.", Soraru agreed as the light-haired male smiled while Urata only clicked his tongue, not arguing about it any further.

"Well, if you guys are so convinced of that I won't say anything more. For now.", the brunet told them as Sou nodded.

"Well... now that we've told everyone about who is whose soulmate, should we continue with the bodies states and such?", the blond male asked as the others hummed in agreement. "Well, let's take a look at the Monokuma file."

First Victim: Senra (Ultimate Artist)
Cause of Death: Red String of Fate
Time of Death: 4:33 pm

Second Victim: Shima (Ultimate Soldier)
Cause of Death: Blood Loss
Murder Weapon: Knife
Time of Death: 4:39 pm

"Senra-san died by the motive while Shima-san was being stabbed and died out of blood loss. Both of them had blood on their hands and chest or neck but nowhere else. The time difference was not that far apart.", Mafumafu said.

"Hm... I see... Um, may I ask a question?", Kashitaro asked looking at Monokuma. "Huh? Sure, spit it out.", Monokuma said as the brunet nodded before opening his mouth to ask his question.

"Is the culprit still allowed to confess and escape even when he didn't kill with the motive but with another weapon? Because from what I saw, Senra was clearly killed by the motive while Shima was stabbed.", Kashitaro said.

"Well, yeah I guess... As long as you kill your soulmate, it doesn't matter how you do it... The red string of fate was just to give you an easier chance to kill your victim and to make sure you guys could be punished in case no one would kill in the next 24 hours...", Monokuma explained as the masked man only hummed.

"I see... I just wanted to know. Thanks.", Kashitaro told him and Mafumafu was about to continue speaking until someone else spoke up.

"Sorry sorry, Mafu-chan~ But I have a small question as well before we continue~", Neru chirped as the albino nodded. "Ah, it's fine. Go ahead and ask them.", the white-haired male said as the brown-haired male nodded.

"I wonder... the body discovery announcement. We only got one and I wasn't sure if it would be for both bodies or for one~ And if the second one is true then which one?", Neru asked as he closed his eyes and did a thinking pose.

"Huh? I only did it for the first body cause I was too lazy for the second one... It is useless anyway...", Monokuma sighed.

"Why do you sound so unmotivated?!", Amatsuki asked as the monochrome bear answered that with a sigh once again. "Whatcha mean? I'm motivated... really really motivated...", Monokuma argued. But his voice told them otherwise.

Nethertheless, they decided to continue without paying any mind to their headmaster. "Why did you want to know, Neru-san?", Mafumafu asked.

"Well... I just wanted to know~ Anyways, listen to this alright~? Monokuma just said that the body discovery announcement only applied to the first body right? And we all know that a body discovery announcement is announced after three people have found the body~

We were all gathered in the dining hall when the announcement happened! And the announcement still happened despite only Sakata-chan and Uratan discovering Senra's body... Which means... that Shima must have been one of the first three people to discover the body!", Neru exclaimed as everyone stayed silent after he said that.

"Ufufu! What are you going to say about this, my beautiful ikemen? Haven't I done a great job?", Neru asked as he puffed his chest out in pride. "You... we all knew that already.", Soraru said as the brown-haired male froze. "Eh?"

"You freaking idiot! Don't just declare something so obvious and make it sound like you just found out something so incredible! We thought you had an actual clue!", Urata shouted at the other male who started laughing awkwardly.

"Wow, really? Ahaha.... that is... embarrassing...", Neru admitted as Nqrse laughed. "Oh my god this is golden!", the pink-haired male exclaimed as he continued laughing.

"Someone please tell me you recorded this cause wow!", Nqrse exclaimed as he wiped his tears away. "W-well, Neru-san did say the truth and all, didn't he?", Sou said trying to cheer the brown-haired male up.

"Well, despite the fact that it could also be the culprit, Shima and then me and Sakata who discovered Senra's body.", Urata said as Neru looked down. "Uwah, I'm so embarrassed right now help me~!", he exclaimed as the light-haired laughed sheepishly.

"He was right though because all of us were with our respective partners, weren't they?", Luz asked as everyone hummed.

"Now that you say it, you're right.", Amatsuki agreed as Urata shrugged. "That is if there aren't two culprits working together.", he said.

"Guys I hate to say this but we haven't really come any further, have we? After all this discussing, we still haven't found any suspects nor any true innocent people. After all, there is also the possibility of someone killing them because of the time pressure and not wanting them to die, no matter who that person is.

And because Shima was a witness, the culprit had to kill him too.", Urata told them.

"Well... that sounds like a possibility but... wouldn't it have been difficult to catch Shima-san off guard and then killing him if he had witnessed the crime? After all, he was the Ultimate Soldier.", Mafumafu said. "Not a normal person.

But someone with experience could have done it.", Soraru said and Urata clicked his tongue as his expression darkened.

"Oi... are you trying to put the blame onto me?", Urata asked as the raven-haired male rolled his eyes. "I'm just stating a possibility like you always do for some of the others here.", Soraru told him as the brunet bit his lip not being able to argue against that. "He wasn't able to do it...

I was with him this whole time...", Sakata defended the brunet weakly.

"If there are two culprits working together, then covering for each other is plausible. And having the Ultimate Hitman and the Ultimate Kendo Artist working together makes it possible to stand a chance against the Ultimate Soldier.", Soraru said as the redhead widened his eyes.

"W-we didn't kill them! I promise!", Sakata exclaimed as the raven-haired male stayed unfazed. "Then give me evidence that you didn't do it.", he said. Sakata only bit his lip as he looked down, trying to think of something before Neru spoke up. "Now now, before we jump to any more conclusions how about we talk about the weird state of Shima?", Neru asked as Luz tilted his head.

"The weird state? His body didn't have any wounds beside the stab wound in his chest, right?", Luz asked as the brown-haired male nodded.

"Exactly~ Isn't it kind of weird that there wasn't any other wound if he was attacked? The last two cases with Lon and Araki, both of them struggled which was showed even more with the external wounds. But... when we saw Shima... there was only one wound~ And I can't help but think that it is slightly weird~ After all, if someone would attack the Ultimate Soldier, he would definitely try to defend himself~ Besides for Senra maybe!

But he died beforehand already so...", Neru said as Urata narrowed his eyes. "What are you trying to say?", he asked as the brown-haired male merely gave him a smile.

"I'm saying that I think Shima committed suicide.", he said as everyone stayed quiet for a good second until they all broke into chaos.

"Suicide?! Really? Why would he even do that?! He had no reason to!", Sakata exclaimed as the brown-haired male tilted his head.

"We had a 24 hour time limit... everyone could have died... Senra could have died... I think he had plenty reasons to kill.", Neru told Sakata who flinched. "B-but Senra died before Shima right? And—".

"And one more fact I wanna say is that the knife was a survival knife~ Who Else beside they Ultimate Soldier would keep such a knife with themselves~?", Neru asked as Nqrse hummed.

"Well, he did get one at the beginning of our stay here.", the pink-haired male agreed as Neru smiled satisfied that his theory got further proven. Sakata was about to say something else before Soraru interrupted him.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you guys. But I don't know how much time we still have. As much as I'd like to discuss Shima's murder, we have to find the blackened of Senra first.", Soraru told them as Kashitaro hummed.

"I guess we should do that then... Does anyone have any idea? I am quite lost.", the brunet said as the raven-haired male nodded.

"Well, I have a possibility... It is quite easy though so maybe that's why none of us found the answer.", Soraru said as Mafumafu tilted his head confused. "Anyone ever thought of double suicide?", Soraru asked them as Urata frowned.

"Are you telling me that both of them committed suicide?", he asked as the raven-haired male shrugged. "Well, it's a possibility. If we believe everyone here now and none of you guys worked together to kill them, then the only possible people are Shima and Senra themselves.", Soraru said.

"I'm sorry... this is a really bad thought of mine but isn't there a possibility that Shima-san killed Senra-san before ending himself?", Luz asked as Soraru nodded. "I thought about that at first too... But while investigating, we saw both of them having blood on their hands.

Double suicide seemed more plausible in my opinion. Well, that's just a theory of mine. Wether you want to take it or not is your choice.", Soraru said yawning. "W-why though... why would both of them commit suicide?!", Sakata asked.

"...The 24 hour limit... Maybe they didn't want everyone to have to die in here just like that. And that's why... they sacrificed themselves.", Mafumafu said as the redhead trembled gripping his podium. "Why did both of them have to die though?! This is just too cruel!", Sakata exclaimed as new tears appeared on the corner of his eyes.

"I... kind of get it...", Luz spoke up as the redhead looked at the light-haired male in shock. "Eh?"

"Shima-san and Senra-san were close right? If Senra-san decided to sacrifice himself for everyone here... Shima-san must have felt devastated. He suddenly lost the love of his life... continuing with his life... I can imagine that it would have been too much for him.", Luz said smiling sadly as the others couldn't really refute.

"S-so this is it? Both of them committed suicide to make sure we wouldn't die because of the motive?", Sakata asked sobbing.

"Well... it's the only result I can think of... I can't think of anything else other than that...", Amatsuki said as Soraru nodded.

"If it is so confusing, we should conclude everything. Mafu, it's your turn.", Soraru said as Mafumafu looked at the older male startled before nodding. "The truth of this case... this it it!"


"How the murder of this case was started... It was when Monokuma gave us our third motive. The Red String of Fate.

Not only did he give us that motive, but he even threatened to kill us all with it if no one would commit a crime in the next 24 hours. Not wanting to lose anyone, we decided to search for an exit to escape the next day, splitting up into groups consisting of two people.

At around 4:30 pm, we all wanted to meet up again. But apparently, some of us didn't have any plans to meet us again. The first culprit who was also the victim must have not wanted everyone to have to die which is why, while the investigation was going on, he used the motive to end his own life.

Seeing that, the second victim must have chosen to end his life as well as he took the custom weapon, Monokuma gave us at the beginning and stabbed himself before laying down next to his lover to spend the last moments of his life next to him.

In the meanwhile, none of us found any clue but Neru-san and Soraru-san. but before any of them could even tell us what they have found out, a body discovery announcement turned on.

It must have been triggered because Urata-san and Sakatan saw the body with Shima seeing it beforehand. But even after two people have been murdered, no one confessed to go because the "blackeneds" of this case were already dead.

And after further investigation, this was the most plausible solution we could think of.

Senra... the Ultimate Artist... and Shima the Ultimate Soldier... They were both the blackeneds and victims of this case!"


"You done? Please vote for who you think the first culprit is... Will you choose the right person? Or the dreadfully wrong one...?", Monokuma asked with the same lack of motivation he had in the beginning. They all voted as the roulette started spinning, getting faster until it got slower and then finally stopped at Senra's picture.

"Congrats... you've got it right and hah... This is the most boring trial I've ever did... no execution... no execution!", the monochrome bear complained as Urata clicked his tongue.

"Shut up and leave us alone.", he said as Monokuma would have rolled his eyes if he could. "Jeez, I guess I'll go then! We're done anyway so do your grieving alone or something! See ya later suckers!", Monokuma told them before he disappeared. There was a short silence before the redhead choked on his own sobs.

It made sense. After all, Sakata did spend a lot of time with the two of them besides Urata in the past few weeks.

"So... it's true? They both committed suicide?", Sakata asked, his voice almost ending in a whisper. "Honestly... I'm relieved that it was none of us here... I know it is a bad thought but I can't help it...", Amatsuki admitted and he looked down in shame as Kashitaro smiled in a sympathetic manner. "We all are. It's fine.", he assured the brunet who only nodded.

"....Shima and Senra didn't deserve that... they didn't deserve that!", Sakata exclaimed crying before he ran out of the trial room, leaving the others behind. They were all startled as Urata sighed ruffling his own hair in frustration.

"I'll go see if that idiot will be alright.", the brunet told them before he ran to follow the redhead. There was a gloomy atmosphere even though no execution was today. And no one said anything until Luz was the first one to speak up.

"E-everyone! Let's not give up hope yet! We have to work together to find a way out of here!", he exclaimed as everyone looked at him surprised before the pink-haired male smiled and nodded agreement.

"Luz is right! Let's do our best to win against Monokuma!", Nqrse exclaimed as everyone nodded.

"Yes, let's not give up just yet!"

"We are going to find a way to escape!"

"We won't lose against a weird robotic bear!"

When Mafumafu heard all that, the hope showed on his face as well as he nodded.

"Yes! Let's all work together to end this killing game!", Mafumafu exclaimed.

And so, another class trial had ended.

Yaaay~ I did it ww I finished a chapter before midnight even ww No all nighter for this class trial~ No publishing at 2 am for this class trial ww I am proud of myself honestly ww I'm sorry if the class trial didn't make any sense this time ww The answer might have been obvious~ Too obvious ww So I decided to let everyone discuss about many things and yay we have, again, ended at 4000 words www

Also, congrats on saving the said person for this trial at least ww originally, there was supposed to be a blackened but~ You guys reached 90% in that one quiz so.... I saved him www Wanna know who the supposed to be culprit was? *drumroll* The supposed to be blackened of this case should have been.... Our dear Ultimate Hitman, Urata~ But you guys saved him by reaching enough points~ So he is safe for this trial at least www Anyways~

Despite everything, I hope that you guys still enjoyed this chapter and that you guys will continue this series until the end ww That will be all for now~ Sayonyara~!

Or so you thought huh ww Well, surprise~ I thought it'd be boring for this trial to have no execution and such so~ Have a small scene at the end before this chapter actually ends~

"What are you doing here?", a monochrome bear asked as a person entered a room.


"Huh? You want to know the secret of the outside world? Sorry, but no telling you even if you are working under me!", Monokuma exclaimed.


"Who cares about that now? You want your reward? Do your job!", Monokuma said.


"Blah blah blah! I don't care what you want to say! Now go away or I'll make the next motive come faster for everyone."

The person didn't say anything anymore as he merely nodded before exiting the room again, making sure that no one saw him.


A light-haired male walked through the school yard before he noticed a pink-haired male walking out of the school with a grim and worried look.

That expression quickly changed though when the pink-haired male spotted the light-haired male, giving him his usual cheeky smile.

"Oh, Luz~ Wanna hang out with me~?", he asked as the taller male nodded.

"Sure!", he agreed as Nqrse flashed him another smile at that as the light-haired male frowned slightly though when he noticed that the smile seemed slightly different.

"Nqrse-san... is everything alright?", Luz asked as the latter gave him a surprised expression before it quickly turned back to his usual grin.

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be? I'm... fine... So let's go and hang out now! After all, spending time together with you is so much fun~"

And comforting cause you're the only one left keeping me sane in this hellhole.

Remaining Students: 10

Looks like we have a traitor in this school~ Anyways, I hope you liked this small scene at the end~ This time for real: Sayonyara~!

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