Danganronpa Part 6 (Various Ships)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Urata x Sakata, Shima x Senra, Kashitaro x Amatsuki, Luz x Nqrse, Araki x Nqrse, Eve x Sou, 96Neko, Lon, Neru

Danganronpa AU
I am writing this au so frequently that I think I can even finish this before this school year ends if this goes on www Anyways, I hope you guys are still here and are willing to continue reading despite me making these chapters so long that you don't feel like reading them www Also thanks Mai-san for helping me with the cause of death idea www Again no proofreading ww


A few more weeks have passed ever since the last motive and Mafumafu felt like his hopes would have been long gone if not for Soraru and Sou doing their best to research with him to find a way to end this killing game or to find any clues.

They have searched around the whole school, Soraru always going into the room first to see if it was dangerous in there before Sou and Mafumafu would come in to search for some clues.

But it was like god was laughing at them as they haven't found any single clue despite searching for such a long time.

"I'm tired... can we take a break or something?", Soraru asked after their fifth hour of researching today. Mafumafu only nodded as Sou hummed in agreement.

"How about we stop for today? We have searched for a long time already anyway!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the other two agreed.

"Okay, then let's go over to Sou-kun's dorm to hang out!", Mafumafu exclaimed as they nodded and followed the albino to the blond male's dorm. On the way there, they saw some other students walking around.

Shima and Senra were having a date. Luz was surprisingly being followed by Nqrse who clung to him as they couldn't help but smile that the pink-haired male has found someone he could trust enough to spend time with him.

Sakata was following around Urata who was trying to escape from the redhead.

Amatsuki and Kashitaro were also hanging out with each other and Neru was walking around searching for Soraru as, for today, Soraru managed to get away from the brown-haired male without having to talk to him.

Mafumafu and Sou laughed in amusement when they saw Soraru sighing out in relief as soon as they arrived in the blond male's room.

"You really seem to want to avoid, Neru-san.", Sou said as Soraru hummed. "Well, I can't keep up with his attitude and jokes. They're too much for me...", Soraru explained as he ruffled his hair while Mafumafu and Sou only laughed at that.

They were talking about things, having fun with each other as they were telling each other about what they've experienced in life.

They learned more about each other, even a bit about Soraru who decided to entrust Sou about the fact that he did indeed have a talent but only forget about it. Sou was surprised but didn't blame the older male for lying as he accepted it and wanted to help as well.

They made some joking guesses on what he could be from what he told them like the Ultimate Big brother. The Ultimate Mixing Master. The Ultimate Ikemen and such as Soraru only rolled his eyes at that. Talking to each other. Making jokes. Teasing each other. For just some hours, they could feel like they had a normal life again.

But even then, that happiness would only stay temporarily. "Everyone~ Please assemble in the gym! I have a new motive for you~", Monokuma said as the mood immediately sunk as the heaviness of anxiety got to them.

"A-another motive?", Sou asked scared as he trembled slightly as the albino patted his back in an attempt to calm him down.

"For now... I think it's best to go there before that bear personally comes for us.", Soraru said grimly as the other two hummed in agreement before following him to the gym. When they arrived, the others were already there as everyone was in the same bad mood as them.

"Finally everyone is here! Now, let me show you what everyone has been waiting for~! The third motive! The red string of fate~", Monokuma announced as everyone looked at him confused. "The red string of fate?", Sou asked unsure.

"Yes! Let me demonstrate it for you rather than explaining it!", Monokuma said and pulled a lever. The next thing they knew, some unknown has started filling the room as Urata was the first one to shout something to everyone.

"Quick! Hold your breath. That's sleeping gas!", Urata warned them but some of the students already fell unconscious dropping on the floor along with Sou. Mafumafu saw Shima trying to open the door and failing. Monokuma must have locked the door in case someone would try to escape.

Soraru saw Mafumafu holding his breath looking at him and for the first time since then he saw something in the albino's eyes again which the younger male didn't deserve to feel.

Fear. The albino walked up to the older male holding his hand before his mouth and nose.

Soraru didn't know what to do as he pulled the albino to him covering his face so that the gas wouldn't knock the younger male out while holding his own breath in.

But even then his surroundings slowly began to blur and the older male knew it would only take a certain amount of time before they would all fall asleep. Soon Soraru could feel his unconscious slip away as well as he only held the albino in his arms as a way to give him a sense of security.

Looking down on the albino who stared back up at him while circling his arms around the other male's torso made Soraru hope that Mafumafu wouldn't feel too scared.

Without any more time to think more about anything, everything went black.


"Mafu? Mafu.", a familiar voice said as the albino blinked before slowly opening his eyes.

"Soraru-san?", the albino mumbled as he sat up. His eyes darted around, looking for Sou who was laying close to Soraru who probably waited for both of them to wake up. Mafumafu wondered what had happened to them.

Nothing has changed... is what he thought. Until he spotted a thin red rope tied around the ravenette's neck. He then touched his neck to find the same rope as well and looked around to notice that everyone had it.

"Red string of fate! I don't have much time so I'mma make it short! Kill in the next 24 hours or this string will suffocate you! Find your "soulmate" and kill him and I will give you the chance to escape from this school without a class trial! How to find your soulmate?

Your Monopad states your soulmate~! As soon as someone killed, your strings will disappear from themselves~ Anyways, that's all! Looking forward to the next killing!", Monokuma exclaimed before he disappeared leaving the students behind.

There was a silence. And even then, everyone understood the situation.

Someone would kill without a doubt. And there was no way to stop it.


"...Do you guys think someone will die?", Sou asked when they were in his dorm. The blond male was clutching his fists as he looked down. Mafumafu and Soraru only looked at the younger male in pity. Mafumafu looked down as well, feeling as if the rope suddenly weighted a lot even though it wasn't heavy at all.

Both of them didn't know what to say until a hand suddenly laid on their head and ruffled their hair into a mess. "Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked confused as they both looked at the raven-haired male in confusion. The older male merely gave them a wry smile as he pushed their heads down playfully before pulling away.

"Being so negative won't do anything. The best we can do is find a way to stop this. I will make sure that Monokuma won't kill everyone just like that. Everyone's lives can't end just like that.

We still have to find a way to escape with everyone after all.", Soraru said as Mafumafu widened his eyes. He never knew that Soraru would be one to be so positive. But he decided that he liked that side of the raven-haired male.

"Y-you're right, Soraru-san! Let's hope until the very end!", Sou exclaimed as Soraru and Mafumafu nodded in agreement.

"Good. Anyways, it's late. I think we should go to sleep.", Soraru said as he stood up along with Mafumafu as they were about to leave the room. That is until Sou stopped them by speaking up.

"U-um, would it be alright with you if you stayed the night? M-more people will mean that there is a slight less possibility for someone to die, right?", Sou asked as the other two thought about it nodding.

"Alright. Mafu, you stay the night with him then.", Soraru told the albino who tilted his head. "Wouldn't it be better if we all stay here?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru shrugged.

"Well, I would have to sleep on the couch again and I had back pains from last time so I'd rather avoid it. If you two are together, Sou will be less scared and that's all we need for now.", Soraru said.

"But what about you, Soraru-san? I can also sleep on the couch if that is the only problem!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the older male shook his head. "It's fine. You two should just stay together. I'm sorry but after all of this... I think I need some time for myself.", Soraru apologized as Mafumafu put everything together.

This was exactly like when the first motive happened. The older male was trying to hide the fact again that he was also clearly shaken up by this. Last time, Mafumafu hadn't gotten the chance to help Soraru so Lon had to do this.

But this time, he wanted to do something as well. With this thought, he reached out to the ravenette, opening his mouth to call out to the older male. "Soraru-san—", but before he could even speak any further, the raven-haired male had already left the room as he closed the door behind him, leaving Sou and Mafumafu back in the room.

Mafumafu wanted to run after the raven-haired male. But before he could run after the older male, someone lightly tugged on his sleeve as he looked back to see the blond male standing there.

"I know that you want to console, Soraru-san... I do too but... I think he is needs some time alone now... I needed some as well after the first trial...", Sou whispered as he breathed in deeply as to prevent himself from crying.

Mafumafu really wanted to still go to Soraru despite everything but when he saw Sou in this state and noticed how fate just didn't want him to go to the raven-haired male, he merely swallowed down the lump in his throat as he decided to not go after Soraru. "I'm sorry for making you think about it again....", Mafumafu apologized as Sou only waved his arms around with a slightly troubled face.

"N-no, it's fine! It wasn't your fault anyway! But how about just changing the topic now? I don't want to think more about this...", Sou said as the albino nodded. "Then how about talking about one of your books?", Mafumafu suggested as Sou nodded before they both started to talk about books and more, doing their best to ignore any uncomfortable topic. They talked until late into the night, even after the nighttime announcement happened.

"I think we should go to sleep now, Sou-kun.", Mafumafu said as the younger male nodded in agreement. "Good Night then, Mafumafu-san.", Sou said. "Good Night, Sou-kun.", Mafumafu replied. There was a silent and the albino waited until he heard the steady even breathing of the younger male before he closed his eyes as well.

And soon after that, he too, fell asleep.


"Mafudon, Soraru-san, Neru-san, Sou-kun, Luz-kun, Nqrse-chan, Urata-san, Senra, Mashi, Kashitaro-san, Ama-chan and me.... Great! We are all still alive!", Sakata exclaimed after he counted if everyone was in the dining hall.

"Yeah, congratulations on seeing the obvious.", Urata said crossing his arms.

"Mean as always... But that's great! Let's find a way to stop this instead of listening to Monokuma!", Sakata exclaimed.

"Yes, I agree. I'm for splitting into small groups of people to search around.", Kashitaro suggested as they nodded in agreement. "How should we split up though?", Amatsuki asked.

"I think a group should consist of two or three. We don't have much time and it's better if there are more groups searching around.", Kashitaro explained which was understandable.

It was still morning but it would be only a matter of time until all of them would suffocate if they didn't find an exit now. It was 9 am at the moment. It would be about eight more hours until the time limit would expire. "How should the groups be then, Kashitaro?", Urata asked.

"Well, I guess it is for you guys to decide but if we don't want to waste any time, please let me suggest the groups.", Kashitaro said as everyone nodded. "Alright then... Nqrse and Luz-kun. Urata and Sakata. Mafumafu-kun and Sou-kun. Neru and Soraru. And me and Amatsuki-kun.", Kashitaro said as everyone nodded except Soraru.

"Oi... What the hell are you thinking, putting me into a group with him?", Soraru asked as Neru was already walking happily to the raven-haired male. "I'm sorry but I only chose everything right now quickly.", Kashitaro apologized.

"I refuse to do this and I—". "Now let us go and look for clues to get out of here my beautiful ikemen~", the brown-haired Male interrupted him as he hugged the ravenette's arm and dragged the older male out of the room.

"No, please don't do this to me guys.", Soraru said while he was being dragged out as everyone just gave him an apologetic look. "I hate every single one of you.", Soraru said as he was being dragged out by the other male who only smiled.

"Let us have a fun time together~", he chirped before the two of them disappeared. "Well... let's go and investigate then.", Kashitaro said as everyone nodded before they exited the dining hall.

Mafumafu and Sou decided to search for clues from places where they haven't investigated yet. And so, everyone started to search for an exit for the next hours. But no matter how much they searched, they couldn't find anything at all.

And in the end, they all sat in the dining hall, sharing little to no information with each other. "I see... so after all this time, no one found any information at all...", Kashitaro muttered as the mood in the room sunk even more.

"W-what are we going to do? Is this really going to end just like that?", Sou asked.

"Let's not give up hope yet. Urasaka, Shima and Senra, Nqrse, Luz and Soraru and Neru aren't back yet. Maybe they found some information.", Kashitaro said and as soon as he said that, the door opened with Nqrse and Luz entered the room with gloomy faces.

"From the looks of it, you haven't found anything as well?", Kashitaro asked as they shook their heads. They looked at them, feeling their hope slowly drift away until the door opened again with Neru and Soraru walking in, Soraru looking dead inside while Neru looked happy.

"Let's hang out again soon, Soraru-san~", Neru chirped as the ravenette only looked away as if the door was more interesting than anything else. "Did you guys find anything?", Kashitaro asked as Neru looked at them and blinked.

"Find anything? Ah, I guess we found out how we can get rid of the Red String of Fate~", Neru chirped as there was a short silence before everyone shouted out in shock.

"Wait, you did what?! How?", Amatsuki asked. "Long story short, we sneaked into a room to get that information~ Anyways, to get rid of the string, you just have to—"

Before Neru could even explain anything, the string suddenly started to get loose before falling off to the ground. Confused, he looked at it as the other strings also fell to the ground.

"Wait... what? What is—"

"Puhuhuhu! A body has been discovered! Please assemble in the storage room!", Monokuma announced.

Not thinking about anything else, they ran to the storage room as fast as they could as they opened the door to see Sakata standing there, his eyes wide open in terror and tears in his eyes as he was crying while Urata looked furiously at the current scene in front of everyone.

Right there on the ground laid Senra, the Ultimate Artist, his eyes closed and dried tears being visible. But what was even more disturbing was the fact that Shima laid there as well as he was hugging the blond close to him with a smile on his face.

It looked like the two of them were sleeping. In some way that was even true.

Being in a dream together where they would never wake up again.

"W-why? Why did they have to die?!", Sakata screeched as he was gripping his hair tightly. "...Two people died?", Mafumafu asked in disbelief. "Does that mean that we have to search for two culprits now?", Luz asked.

"What if only one person killed?", Amatsuki asked. "I don't know but I want to know how we have to do this...", Luz said as he looked at the couple in front of him in pity.

"Allow me to explain that!", a voice said as a screen lightened up, showing the familiar monochrome bear everyone has come to hate. "Nothing much to explain actually! It's only first come first served!", Monokuma exclaimed.

"So... we only have to find the culprit of the first victim?", Luz asked as Monokuma nodded. "You've got that right! Well, I'll let you guys investigate for a bit before the class trial will start so good luck~!", Monokuma told them and gave them his infamous laughter before the screen turned off.

"For now... let's check the Monokuma files.", Nqrse suggested as the others nodded before taking their Monopad out to see what was written in there.

First Victim: Senra (Ultimate Artist)
Cause of Death: Red String of Fate
Time of Death: 4:33 pm

Second Victim: Shima (Ultimate Soldier)
Cause of Death: Blood Loss
Murder Weapon: Knife
Time of Death: 4:39 pm

"Both causes of deaths and time of deaths are clearly stated this time...", Mafumafu noted as they nodded. Sakata was crying uncontrollably, even having troubles breathing as Urata had to try and calm him down. Finally having enough, the brunet decided to speak up.

"Oi, me and this idiot will step out for a bit. You guys investigate on your own this time.", Urata told them. They nodded as Sakata left the room with Urata guiding him out.

Amatsuki held a hand in front of his mouth, probably to prevent him from throwing up.

"I'm sorry but I can't handle this! Especially, two people. I'm sorry.", he apologized before he rushed out of the room. Kashitaro noticed this as he frowned in worry.

"I'll go see if he is alright.", he told them before he followed the younger male.

"Anyone else who needs to go? If not, the rest of us should investigate.", Soraru said as Neru shook his head. "I'm fine more or less~ Let's investigate~", the brown-haired male said as the raven-haired merely nodded before they walked to the lifeless bodies. Mafumafu took a deep breath before going to them as well as Sou did the same.

"I will go around the school building to see if there was any evidence laying close by.", Luz announced as they looked at the light-haired male in surprise. "I... want to be useful too. So I will do my best to help from now on as well. Just like everyone else.", Luz told them as he gave them a sheepish smile.

Nqrse looked surprised like everyone else before his surprise turned into happiness as he smiled and nodded. "That's the spirit! Come, I'll help you so let's investigate together!", the pink-haired male said before pulling the light-haired male out by the hand thus leaving only a few people back.

Mafumafu spotted something while carefully investigating them as he mumbled an apology before moving Shima a bit to see that the source of where his blood was, was on his chest, meaning that he was stabbed there.

"Oi, this laid close by.", Soraru said as he held up a survival knife, splattered in blood. "Senra's neck is slightly bleeding so the string suffocated him and cut him.", Neru told them as he looked at the blond's neck.

They only looked at the blond male in pity before Mafumafu moved Shima back to his original position, laying the purple-haired male's arm around the blond male.

"...They look so peaceful.", Sou whispered as he tried to hold his tears back. The others hummed in agreement as they looked at the couple in front of them. It really looked like they were only sleeping, Senra laying in Shima's arms.

Yet the undeniable truth was that the two of them were dead. Thinking about that made everyone grit their teeth as they could do nothing to change it but only to investigate to avenge them.

"So... I'm bored of waiting! All students, please assemble in the trial court! Same place as last time!", Monokuma told them as they headed their way towards the cage like building like last time where the others were already waiting.

The waterfall opened like it did the previous times time as they entered the elevator which closed its doors as soon as everyone entered.

And so, the elevator descended for the third time as no one said anything.

Soon, the elevator came to a halt as the door opened, revealing the familiar large room with ten unoccupied podiums standing there.

"Welcome back to this magnificent trial court of mine! Please go your usual podiums!", Monokuma instructed them as they did as told. Mafumafu went to his podium next to Luz and Senra's picture.

"Senra, the Ultimate Artist... he did his best along with everyone to stop this, yet he was still murdered....

And Shima, the Ultimate Soldier... he was so close to Senra and now he had to leave with him, having no chance to escape with us anymore...

With the help of everyone, we will definitely find the culprit who did this to them!", Mafumafu thought determined.

And so, the curtains opened as yet another class trial had started.

Remaining Students: 10

Foooo, I finished another one before 12 am this time wwww Let's hope that I will manage the class trial too ww Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter~ If you have any suspects then please do tell them ww That's all! See you in the next chapter and Sayonyara~!

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