Danganronpa Part 5 (Various Ships)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Urata x Sakata, Shima x Senra, Kashitaro x Amatsuki, Luz x Nqrse, Araki x Nqrse, Eve x Sou, 96Neko, Lon, Neru

Danganronpa AU
The class trial has once started again ww Also, I think this is a lot of angst having a Danganronpa series so if you want me to pause it for a bit please just tell me to www Again, no proofreading, I'm sorry www Anyways please enjoy the chapter~


"Now then, let me give you a simple explanation of this class trial! During the trial, you will share your information and search for 'whodunnit'! Vote correctly and only the blackened will be punished! But if you pick the wrong one~

I will punish everyone besides the blackened! And that person gets to graduate from this Ultimate Academy!", Monokuma said as he finished his explanation.

"So... how will we start this time?", Sakata asked. "Well, how about stating everything that we know at first and then start seeing who has an alibi and who doesn't?", Mafumafu suggested as Nqrse nodded in agreement.

"I'm fine with that. Let's go over what the Monopad said again.", the pink-haired male said as he pulled it out.

Victim: Araki (Ultimate Make Up Artist)
Cause of Death: Shot in the head
Murder Weapon: Gun
External Wounds:
- Broken hand and wrist
- Several non vital shots

"According to the Monopad, Araki-san was shot in the head by a gun. This time, we know the murder weapon for sure. He also had a broken hand and wrist and several non vital shots... and the room was a mess which means that there must have been a struggle.", Mafumafu said as the pink-haired male nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, Soraru-aniki and I went into Araki's room before but we didn't find anything remarkable which could have counted as evidence.", Nqrse said as the ravenette nodded in agreement.

"A-and me and Mafumafu-san also found a kitchen knife in the research lab...", Sou added as the albino nodded giving the other male a bright smile. "That's right! Thanks for adding that, Sou-kun!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the younger male nodded timidly.

"Is it that remarkable that there was a kitchen knife in that room? I mean, that room did have a lot of weapons, didn't it?", Sakata asked as the albino nodded. "It did... but none of them fit inside the room. There were all sorts of weapons there. Guns, snipers, bombs and such. But a kitchen knife doesn't belong there.

"If we are talking about the kitchen knife then isn't that cooking addict pretty suspicious?", Urata asked as the said brunet flinched. "I didn't kill him!", Amatsuki denied as Kashitaro nodded.

"Anyone could have entered the kitchen so it wouldn't have to be Amatsuki-kun.", the older brunet said as Urata just crossed his arms. "Well, isn't he the one who always stays in the kitchen to cook his stress away though? Can you really blame me for being suspicious?", Urata asked.

"Ama-chan is not the murderer! Don't just accuse him like that!", Sakata defended the brunet who only looked at the redhead surprised. "Sakata...", he said as Urata groaned.

"It's always you who just has to argue against me... please just kindly shut up and let me finish talking.", Urata said as Sakata clenched his fists.

"I won't shut up! You are just going on and accusing people without any reason! What even gives you the right to do that? So if anyone here should shut their mouth it's you!", Sakata exclaimed as everyone looked at the redhead surprised.

Urata's face just turned into surprise, then frustration before it turned blank and he just stood there. "Fine. Talk about this by yourself then. I won't say anything anymore.", Urata said which surprised everyone.

They thought those two would start arguing again and they had to stop them. But that the brunet would just give up like that was a surprise. "A-alright, then how about going through our alibis?", Mafumafu suggested.

"Me, Sou-kun and Soraru-san were together since after the dinner. And none of us left the room so we all have a tight alibi.", Mafumafu told them as the others nodded.

"Well, I wanted to stay in the dining hall and all but then Kashitaro came to me after about thirty minutes and asked me if I wanted to accompany him to his research lab. I thought it would be a nice distraction so I followed him.", Amatsuki said.

"Thirty minutes is a good time to kill someone though, isn't it?", Senra asked as Kashitaro shook his head. "It may be but I know for sure that Amatsuki-kun didn't do it. I passed the kitchen every ten minutes and even when I didn't pass it, I was close to there.

So I know for sure that he didn't exit the dining hall.", Kashitaro said as Luz tilted his head. "Why would you pass the kitchen so many times?", the light-haired male asked confused as the brunet scratched his cheek sheepishly while fixing his fox mask again before answering.

"I... got lost. You see, I'm not really the best at finding places and in such a big school, I was pretty confused.", Kashitaro confessed as Shima frowned. "That still doesn't sound very convincing though. Even slightly suspicious.", the purple-haired male said as Kashitaro nodded.

"I can't deny that one. Well, I know that I might seem suspicious now but I'm happy that Amatsuki-kun's name is cleared now.", the tall male said as Amatsuki felt touched.

"Th-thank you, Kashitaro-san.", the brunet thanked as the other male merely gave him a smile. "That's fine. Don't worry about it.", he said.

"A kind man who is mysterious and doesn't show his face... Are you maybe an ikemen when you put that mask down? A hidden ikemen?!", Neru asked as Soraru groaned.

"Can you please concentrate on the case?", he asked as the brown-haired male gave him a smile. "I'm sorry~ Don't worry about it though, Soraru-san~ You'll always be my Number 1~", Neru chirped as the raven-haired male ignored him and continued speaking.

"Anyways, Amatsuki, me, Sou and Mafumafu have an alibi. Kashitaro seems a bit suspicious but there is no certain proof that he did it. How about the rest?", Soraru asked as he looked at the others.

"I... was in my room alone... I know it's not a good alibi but I promise I didn't kill Araki-san!", Luz said as Nqrse didn't say anything, probably spacing out. "I guess I am also suspicious because I was training in my dojo the whole time! But—".

"Nah, you're fine. We saw you training by yourself.", Shima assured the redhead who tilted his head confused. "You were training by yourself close to the place where me and Senra had a picnic. It was amusing watching you for a bit.

The best part was when you accidentally hit your own face with your kendo sword or whatever it was called.", Shima said as Senra also had to chuckle slightly at that while Sakata's face turned the same color as his hair. "Y-you saw all that? Please forget it!", Sakata told them as the purple-haired male shook his head grinning.

"It's kind of difficult to forget that... For being the Ultimate Kendo Artist you are kind of... clumsy?", Senra said, trying not to sound offending as Sakata's face turned even darker. "Anyways, Sakata is innocent is what we are trying to tell you guys.", Senra said as Mafumafu nodded.

"What about you two then?", Mafumafu asked as Shima decided to answer. "Well, me and Senra went to spend some time together~ We had a small date by the sakura trees~", Shima said as the blond male blushed in return.

"It wasn't a date... we just hung out together...", Senra said as Shima grinned. "Sure sure~ If me giving you a kiss is hanging out to you that is~", Shima chirped as Senra's blush worsened. "A-anyways, we spent time together the whole time! What about everyone else?", Senra asked as the brown-haired male lifted his hand.

"Here here~ Me and Kuro decided to go to the casino and try out some games~ We were only there for some hours though... like until 7 pm? After that we went separate ways~", Neru said as Soraru nodded. "Similar to Kashitaro then... The murder could have been between 7 pm and 8 pm then...", Soraru said as Nqrse tilted his head.

"Couldn't it have been earlier as well? Kashitaro was alone for some time and could have done it at that time as well.", Nqrse said as Mafumafu nodded. "I thought so too. But when me and Sou investigated, the blood was still fresh and all. I'm not an expert at this but I think that some blood at least would have dried already. But most of the blood still looked fresh so I assumed it must have been a bit earlier.", Mafumafu explained as the pink-haired male nodded in return.

"What were you doing during that time, Nqrse-san?", the albino asked as Nqrse bit his lip before answering. "I... was trying to talk to and calm him down but he took of his own. So I was left alone... and then I went to see what I could do... I then just laid down on a tree... A nice one giving me a view on the whole school yard.

I guess I saw Kuro and Neru walking out of the casino and Shima and Senra sitting close to the sakura trees and talking with each other...", Nqrse said. "I'm sorry to doubt you but did you see them doing anything else?

Because I can't trust you for sure when Shima and Senra told us about them being there already.", Soraru said as Nqrse nodded.

"I don't blame you for doubting me. Well... something they did right? Hm.... Ah! I guess Senra was feeding Shima some food from a bento box?", Nqrse said as they looked at Shima and Senra for confirmation, their blushes already answering the question. Soraru nodded as they were about to go on when the light-haired male spoke up.

"W-wait... you laid on a tree?", Luz asked as the pink-haired male tilted his head and nodded. "Yeah? Something wrong with that?", Nqrse asked as the taller male was about to say something but didn't in the end as he just shook his head instead.

"No...", he said as Mafumafu was about to continue talking. Before he could even speak up though, Kuro spoke up first. "I'm sorry but can I ask something before we continue~?", she asked as the albino tilted his head confused but nodded.

"Well, the whole time we've been talking about Araki's state and the alibis about everyone but this whole time I've been wondering... The Body discovery announcement was kind of weird, wasn't it?", she asked as they all looked at her confused. "What was weird about it?", Sakata asked tilting his head in confusion as she gave them a smile.

"Monokuma said something about the fact that the body was in a research lab... But... He never said whose it was~ So this whole time I've been wondering whose it was.", Kuro said.

"Wasn't it Shima-san's research lab? He is the Ultimate Soldier after all, isn't he?", Sou asked confused as the purple-haired male shook his head in response.

"It couldn't be. For one that I already found my research lab some time ago which was somewhere else and also because the weapons in there don't fit for me. I may be a soldier but I have never worked with some of these weapons.", Shima explained as everyone went silent.

Sou was the first one to speak up again. "Then... whose research lab was it?", Sakata asked confused as no one else would possible have a talent related to things like that.

"Allow me to answer that!", Monokuma told them as they all looked at him. "You know it? Then spit it out.", Soraru told him as the monochrome bear nodded. "Sure sure, I'll tell you~ But just telling you would be boring, wouldn't it? How about I show you their motive video instead?", Monokuma suggested as they hesitated.

After all, that would be an invasion of privacy. But they couldn't be considerate of that now. Not in this situation when they had to find out who the blackened was.

So in the end, they didn't stop Monokuma who only projected a video on a television which hung there. All of them were shocked when they saw a familiar brunet being shown on the screen.

"Urata, the Ultimate Voice Actor! Such a talented person who has gotten countless of roles already! So many people admire him!

So many people has he made proud! But... What is behind that facade of this young man? A good voice actor has a way to hide his true identity as well! Especially this one here! What is this secret of his you ask? Nothing much!

Just the fact that he lied about his identity!

Urata? That short guy with the short temper? Oh! You're talking about Wataru!

Ultimate Voice Actor? What are you talking about?! Someone who has so much blood of other people on his hands couldn't possibly be the Ultimate Voice Actor! Not with so much talent that he has for killing! No, he is the Ultimate Hitman!

What are his fans and admirers going to think when they find out that their idol turns to be a cold-hearted killer?!

In the next 24 hours your secret will be revealed to the whole outside world! Puhuhuhuhu! Don't want me to do it? Graduate from this school!"

The screen turned off as they all stared at it for a few seconds before they broke into a fit of chaos. "You were lying about your talent this whole time?!", Shima asked shocked. "So you were the one who killed Araki?!", Nqrse asked.

They all started asking questions while the brunet only remained silent, looking down. "So you were the one behind all of this, Wataru—".

"Don't call me by that name!", Urata shouted as they all stopped saying anything and just looked at him. "Don't you ever call me by that name.... I... am not Wataru! I'm Urata!", he exclaimed as he gripped his hair tightly. "Then... Urata-san... were you the one who killed Araki?", Mafumafu asked as the other male shook his head.

"I didn't kill him! You have to believe me!", Urata said desperately. "I do want to believe you but... after hearing all of that, I don't know if I can...", Luz said as he looked away in guilt.

"You're a murderer. You actually killed so many people already that you even gained the title of the Ultimate Hitman. How could we believe someone who kills other people without batting an eye?!", Nqrse asked as there was a silent.

Just a short one. Before a short chuckle escaped the brunet's mouth. The chuckle then turned into a small cry before Urata's frustrated expression started to change into despair.

"You think I wanted to kill all of those people?! You think I wanted to be trained to be like this?! My life was treated like nothing! I was treated like trash! Getting no food almost every day!

Trying to survive on the streets where my god damn parents left me alone! I had to endure this until I was brought to an organization which told me that I could survive if I would kill criminals!

Yeah, it could be wrong to kill! Yeah, I am a monster! But I only did that to survive! Cold-blooded?! Do you know how many nights I haven't slept because of the nightmares keeping me awake?! The guilt was eating me away!

But this is what I had to do to stay alive! All I wanted was to be a normal person! And when I was offered to become a voice actor I took that chance! The chance of becoming normal!

People treated me like a normal person! Can you blame for wanting to have a normal life?! I didn't want people to change their thoughts of me and start treating me like a lowlife again! And it was going well! Until I joined this damn school!", Urata shouted at them with fury in his eyes.

He looked at all of them, stopping at the redhead who looked at him in shock as he gave all of them a pained smile.

"All I wanted... was to be normal.", he cried out quietly as he slowly let go of his hair.

In the end, all of his hope disappeared as the light in his eyes got lost. He started to stand straight again as he didn't look at any of them.

There was no expression on his face. No anger. No sadness. Nothing. It looked like he had given up on everything.

"You guys found out. You know my true identity now. All of my hard work that I've worked for years has been shattered in one day. No one will every treat me like a normal person again. And you know what? I don't care anymore. Vote for me if you want. I don't care. Maybe then, I can finally get out of this hell.", Urata said.

There was a long silence without anyone of them saying anything before it was interrupted with a sob. "I-I'm sorry for saying all of these mean things to you... *hic* All of this time you have only been trying to save your secret and yours is way worse than mine. And you only wanted to survive and I still complained.", a redhead sobbed as the brunet looked up confused at the younger male.

"Why are you... crying? And why are you apologizing?", he asked as the other male wiped his tears away with his sleeves.

"W-well, you were trying your best to survive and all and... I thought that if I were in your situation, I would have never come this far. You only tried to survive in this world after you have been abandoned....", Sakata explained as Urata only stood there, not knowing what to say.

"You... really are an idiot... Saying that all to some killer like me.", Urata said as Sakata was about to say something but stopped himself when he saw the pained expression on the older male's face.

"That's why I couldn't stand talking to you... You didn't have anything to hide. You were bright and positive. You could make friends easily. You were like the opposite of me. And I hated that. Every time I saw you, I was reminded of how I will never be able to smile like that.

Of how I will never be able to achieve that happiness and honesty. No matter how hard I would try, I would never be normal again. Because I have done too much wrong in the past already.", Urata explained. "You can... You can! Please don't give up! Everyone deserves happiness!", Sakata declared as Urata scoffed.

"My past is already crap. I am a murderer. People like me don't deserve happiness.", Urata said. "No, you're wrong... The world was unfair to you and you could only go along with it. Everyone deserves happiness! You deserve happiness!", Sakata exclaimed as Urata widened his eyes before he looked down.

He then smiled as he looked down, feeling tears prickling on the corners of his eyes again. "You really are stupid...", he said. "I hate to interrupt this touching moment and all but how about we solve this case first?", Soraru asked as the two of them looked at the raven-haired male and nodded.

"Great. Anyways, we all started accusing Urata here of being the blackened. But how about giving him a chance to state his alibi first before going on about accusing him and such?", the ravenette asked as Urata widened his eyes.

"I didn't know that you out of all people would let me defend myself.", Urata said as Soraru rolled his eyes. "I just do what I have to, to survive. Nothing more or less.", Soraru answered as the brunet nodded. "Well, I decided that I would try to find ways to escape. After all, I didn't want to stay here any longer. So I was investigating in the school. I wasn't in the second floor at any time though.

I was only in the first floor and the floor under that to investigate and such.", Urata stated as Neru tilted his head. "And~? Did anyone see you to prove your statement?", the brown-haired male asked as Urata only shook his head.

"No... Unfortunately, no one—". "I-I did!", Sakata exclaimed as he lifted his hand and they all looked at the redhead in confusion.

"But weren't you practicing kendo in your research lab the whole time?", Mafumafu asked confused as he tilted his head. "The truth is that I needed some water after the whole training and went to the kitchen to get some! And when I did, I saw Urata-san walking by close!", Sakata exclaimed.

"Well, we didn't look at Sakata the whole time so we wouldn't know if he walked outside or not.", Shima agreed as Senra nodded. "That's good for him and all, but wouldn't you have seen Kashitaro as well if you walked by?", Nqrse asked as he narrowed his eyes.

"Eh? Ah, maybe I did see him when I walked out of the dining hall again! I was only rushing though so I didn't see that much after getting out of the dining hall.", Sakata said as they all looked at him for a good second before nodding. "Well, if Sakata says so then it has to be true.", Mafumafu said.

"I mean, he is an idiot so it would make sense if he forgot.", Shima agreed as Sakata only laughed sheepishly as he nodded.

"I'm sorry. I guess I was a bit idiotic this time for forgetting to tell you guys that. It just didn't seem that important to me at that time.", Sakata said as Sou nodded in understanding.

"Well, it happens. With all of that, that means that the only suspects who are left are Kuro-san, Neru-san and Luz-san.", Sou said. "Doesn't Luz have an alibi?", Soraru asked as Sou looked at him confused. "Does he? He was alone in his room, wasn't he?", Sou asked as Soraru nodded.

"Yeah but... Hah... I stayed quiet to let you talk but after Nqrse stated his alibi, it should have been obvious that Luz didn't kill Araki.", Soraru said as they were all confused. "Mafu, you should know why.", Soraru said as he looked at the albino who was confused but decided to think about it for a bit. He scrambled in his head through what everyone said before he gasped.

"Nqrse was sitting on a tree and could have watched over the whole school yard... So he would have spotted Luz if he would have gone out of his room... right?", Mafumafu asked as the older male nodded. "Exactly. Everyone saw Luz exiting the school building to go to his dorm. When Nqrse laid on the tree, he would have seen the whole school yard. But did you ever see Luz leaving his room?", Soraru asked as Nqrse shook his head.

"I didn't.", he said as the raven-haired male nodded. "That shows that Luz is not the blackened either.", he said. "So you knew this whole time and didn't say it? I'm sorry, I'm very grateful but why wait?", Luz asked. "Simply because we were talking about other things at that time and I only focused on that.", Soraru answered as the light-haired male sighed in defeat but nodded.

"That means... the only suspects who are here are Neru and Kuro... right?", Nqrse asked as Soraru nodded and was about to say something when Mafumafu spoke up.

"Before we talk about that... can we speak about something else first? I'm sorry but I want to clear my confusion.", the albino said as Soraru nodded. (A/N: Everyone is just like: Wrap it up already! www) "Go ahead and ask.", he said as the younger male thanked him before talking.

"Well... all this time, I was suspicious about the kitchen knife there. I mean, why would it be there? If the culprit wanted to kill Araki-san, then they would have plenty of weapons in that room.

And they could have prepared it first before ending Araki-san's life. Araki-san wouldn't have had the chance to quickly learn how to use a weapon right?", Mafumafu asked as Kashitaro spoke up. "I... have a small theory about that... But I don't know if everyone would be happy hearing that.", Kashitaro said.

"If you have something to say then say so. Anything helps.", Soraru said as the brunet nodded before speaking up.

"Well... the thing is that it is suspicious. And I have been thinking about this all this time while we were discussing so... I have been thinking... is it possible that Araki was not supposed to be the actual victim?", he asked as everyone stayed silent. "What do you mean?", Sou asked confused.

"Well, it was strange that the kitchen knife was there. Which means that someone had to take it from the kitchen. Me and Amatsuki-kun were together. And everyone was more or less away from the kitchen. The kitchen was almost always unoccupied.", Kashitaro said.

"So the culprit took the knife to kill Araki?", Amatsuki asked as the brunet shook his head. "I thought so too but... in the end I concluded that it wasn't the culprit who took the knife but... Araki.", Kashitaro said and no one said anything before Nqrse was the one to shout.

"Why would Araki take a knife?! He is the victim, remember?", Nqrse exclaimed. "He is but... Don't you think it's strange how Araki's hand was broken? And how he wasn't even once sliced but all of his wounds were merely shot wounds? If the culprit was the one with the knife then there would have been at least one cut. But all we saw were gunshots...", Kashitaro said.

"So your theory is?", Soraru asked. "My theory is that Araki took the knife from the kitchen, asked the culprit to come and meet him while they walked into a random room which happened to be one full of weapons and then tried to end the culprit's life. But his plan failed and in the end, after a lot of struggle, he ended up becoming the victim.", Kashitaro said as Nqrse shook his head.

"No... no! It can't be! Araki would never want to kill someone!", Nqrse exclaimed. "But he wanted to be alone, didn't he? And he was one of the people who didn't want to tell their secret.", Kashitaro argued. "But—". "Nqrse. Did he ever tell you his secret?", Soraru asked as the pink-haired male didn't answer before shaking his head.

"Still—". "Open your eyes and accept the fact that Araki wanted to kill someone. This game is sick and Araki has enough of it.", Soraru said as Nqrse only gripped his podium and looked down as tears streamt down his face.

"B-but... we promised each other to get out of here... Did he want to betray me?", Nqrse asked. "Nqrse-san... I don't have any evidence to back this up but... I think that because he couldn't betray you, was the thing that ended his life.", Mafumafu spoke up as they all looked at him confused.

"Maybe... while trying to kill the culprit... he thought of you and not wanting to betray you. And that thought... made him slip up and fail his plan in the end.", Mafumafu said as Nqrse broke and cried even more. "Araki!", he cried out the name as they all looked at him in pity.

Soraru sighed as his expression showed slight guilt when he looked at Nqrse.

"Nqrse, I know it might be a bit hard to ask you this right now because your focus is somewhere else but please try to focus for the last bit. Can you just answer me one question?", Soraru asked as Nqrse tried to calm himself down before nodding. "When you were sitting on that tree and saw Neru and Kuro exiting the casino... did you see who was walking where?", Soraru asked as Nqrse thought about it for a second before nodding.

"Yes... Neru was walking into the dorms while Kuro was walking into the school.", Nqrse answered as Soraru nodded. "Alright. Thank you. We have our culprit.", Soraru said as everyone looked at him in shock.

"Wait how?! And who is it?", Shima asked as Soraru's expression turned dark as he looked at the culprit pointing at them.

"It's you... Kuro, the Ultimate Entertainer.", Soraru declared as they all stood there in shock along with the suspect herself before she started laughing. "What are you talking about~? I am not the culprit~ I'm just some entertainer~", she said.

"You were on of the people who didn't want to show their motive. You were alone at the time of the murder. You were even trying to put the blame on Urata to avert any suspicions towards you. And Nqrse can testify that you were the one walking into the school. You were the only one who could have done it...", Soraru said.

Like so often already, there was a silence. No one said anything. And it stayed like that until a small laughter interrupted them which turned into an insane laugh soon after.

"What are you talking about?! Putting the blame on me or what? That is not funny at all~ You should find better ways to entertain yourself!", Kuro exclaimed. "No one else besides you could have done it.", Soraru said.

"Are you sure about that? Everyone was kind of suspicious but ended up getting an alibi somehow! Maybe you should wait and let me defend myself like you did for everyone! Lies! All of what you say are lies!", she exclaimed as Soraru sighed and looked at Mafumafu.

"She seems to not want to accept the truth... Mafu, do it. Place a final argument to show her the undeniable truth.", Soraru said as Mafumafu looked at Kuro who now looked at him.

"Try it! I'll show you how wrong you are!", she hissed as Mafumafu took a deep breath before nodding. "The truth about this case... I'll show them to everyone!"


"This case all started yesterday when we got our new motives. Kill in 24 hours or your darkest secret will be revealed the next day. Of course all of his were shocked, but we still decided to talk about this the next day. Unfortunately, it didn't go well as there was an argument.

Everyone decided to go and calm down in their own ways. The culprit decided to spend some time with Neru-san in the casino before going back into the school. The reason is unknown but when they did go there, Araki-san must have spotted them as he decided to ask if they could come with him quickly. Not suspecting anything, they followed him which was a mistake.

As soon as they went somewhere private, Araki-san charged towards them with a kitchen knife that he got himself from the dining hall. Araki-san has planned to kill someone in the time limit and the culprit was the first one to pass by.

Unfortunately for Araki-san, he missed. And that was when the culprit took their chance to grab a weapon to defend themselves. Because the culprit was inexperienced, it ended up with them missing and only hitting some non vital body parts.

While they were fighting, the culprit must have managed to get the weapon away from Araki-san by breaking his wrist so he would not be able to fight back anymore. Finally, the culprit ended everything with one last shot in the head of Araki-san which ended his life immediately...

The only one who could have possibly done that... was you, Kuro, the Ultimate Entertainer!"


"So you were the one who killed Araki...", Nqrse said. He was angry yes. But he couldn't blame Kuro because all she did was defend herself from the redhead.

"I... only defended myself... I didn't want to die... I was scared... I didn't know what to do! I didn't want my life to end! My goal was it to survive this and become the best entertainer out there! I didn't want it to end like this!", Kuro exclaimed as her usual cheerful behavior was replaced by fear and panic.

"I didn't want to die!", she shouted as they only looked at her in pity. "Please! Can't we save her? She didn't mean to!", Sakata pleaded.

"No can do! Anyways, it's time for the punishment!", Monokuma announced. "Punishment? I don't want to... I still have to escape out of here and return back! I can't die here!", Kuro shouted as tears streamt down her face.

"Now then, I've prepared a special punishment for the Ultimate Entertainer, Kuro~ It's... Punishment time!", Monokuma exclaimed before he took a hammer and hit a red button. "Noooooooo!"

Kuro, the Ultimate Entertainer has been found guilty
Time for her punishment
Kuro tried fo run away from the trial room as she sprinted towards the elevator. She spotted a door as she opened it to get out of there. When she entered though, she found herself in some sort of circus tent as she looked around to see her classmates standing behind a gate, watching her.

A big parade full of elephants and lions with Monokumas riding on them, walked around as they all showed people some magic tricks. Kuro dodged all of them as she tried to find a way out, only to be packed and carried up by some Monokumas.

She struggled and hit as hard as she could as she was carried away further. And the next thing she knew, she was thrown inside a box as only her head was shown. A Monokuma came as his assistant held many swords.

He bowed a few times before taking one and ramming it into the box like in some magic shows. Unlike it the shows though, Kuro started to scream out in agony as she struggled to get out of the box. But Monokuma continued on as he took the next swords stabbing all of them into the box while Kuro just screamed and cried in pain every time, her struggling growing weaker by every sword.

And as Monokuma took the last sword to skewer her, her head only hung low forwardly, not showing her face which would never be able to give them a smile again.

(By the way, please start the music from above now~ I'm sorry if you have to scroll a lot but I hope you'll still do it www)


"I... I can't handle this anymore! Someone get me out of here!", Amatsuki shouted as he cried and sunk to his knees while Kashitaro held him in his arms. "I am going to kill you!", Shima exclaimed in fury as he was about to jump at Monokuma before he was held back by Senra.

"Puhuhuhu! You better be careful to not hurt me! Or you'll get punished for breaking the school rules! And to your information, I only did what she deserved!", Monokuma defended himself.

"Kuro-san didn't deserve this! No one did!", Sakata cried. "Someday... I'll end you and make sure you will hate your life so much you want to die...", Urata hissed as Monokuma laughed.

"Yeah, sure! Try that! I'd love to see what a shortie like you can do! Anyways, I'm tired so I'll go to sleep now! See you soon~", he said, laughing a last time before he disappeared.

Mafumafu who was crying, wiped his tears away as he bit his lips to prevent himself from crying more. He gripped his fists tightly as he looked at Soraru who was standing there calmly as you could still see the disgust and hate in his eyes.

"Soraru-san... I don't want this anymore. No one deserves this... I just want to end this killing game. But I'm too weak to do that... I even thought about giving up. But when I saw you doing this and all... I thought that there might be a chance after all. So... will you work together with me to help me end this killing game?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru hesitated for a bit. Mafumafu couldn't blame him.

After all, no one knew who to trust in this time and situation. Nethertheless, Soraru nodded after some more seconds.

"Alright. Let's work together. I will help you with this so I'm exchange, help me try to find my Ultimate talent.", Soraru said as Mafumafu nodded in return.

"Yes... Then... let's work together to end this killing game once and for all so that no one will have to die again!"

Remaining Students: 12

This deja-vu feeling when, once again, you've stayed up until 2 am to finish a class trial chapter www Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this story despite of all of the mistakes I probably put in there because of being sleepy www I shall go to sleep now but I look forward to seeing your reactions tomorrow! Oyasuminyasai~!

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