Danganronpa Part 4 (Various Ships)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Urata x Sakata, Shima x Senra, Kashitaro x Amatsuki, Luz x Nqrse, Araki x Nqrse, Eve x Sou, 96Neko, Lon, Neru

Danganronpa AU
So... there will be the second motive here and let me tell you this ww How are you guys so good at investigating?? Last time, I gave you like little hints not expecting actual deductions and you guys come with your detective minds www So I am curious to see what you guys will say to this case ww More clues can be discovered next chapter~


A faint knock could be heard as Mafumafu stood up confused. He looked at the wand clock to see that it was 6:45 am, meaning that it was just a bit before the morning announcement would come.

He opened the door seeing a raven-haired male standing there. "Soraru-san? What are you doing here?", Mafumafu asked confused.

It was rare for Soraru to wake up early and they always had to draw him out of his room so it was surprising to see him.

"I woke up earlier and couldn't sleep anymore. So I decided to come here and wake you up.", Soraru explained as the albino nodded. "I see! Give me a few minutes to get ready then!", Mafumafu said as the raven-haired male nodded.

"I'll wait for you outside then.", Soraru said as he was about to go but was stopped by the younger male. "Ah, it's fine! You can just wait here while I get ready in the bathroom!", Mafumafu told the older male who nodded before he sat down on the chair while the younger male ran into the bathroom to change his clothes.

He then ran back outside where Soraru was still sitting, scrolling through his Monopad in boredom. The ravenette looked up sleepily before he stood up. "You finished?", he asked as the albino merely nodded following the older male to exit the room. They walked past the dorms as the albino stopped making the other male stop as well.

"Is something wrong?", Soraru asked the younger male. "Well... Shouldn't we wake up Neru-san? He is usually always in front of your dorm to wait for you so he would probably be worried if the two of us would suddenly not be there.", Mafumafu explained as the older male hummed.

"I want to have some peaceful time so forget that thought. Now let's go before he can see us.", Soraru said as he started walking again while the albino fastened his steps to catch up to the dining hall.

When they entered, they were the first ones besides Amatsuki and Kashitaro who were already there. The two of them were talking with each other, Kashitaro drinking some coffee while Amatsuki was finishing the last preparations for breakfast.

When the door opened, both of them looked at the people entering, surprised to see Soraru being one of them. "The Soraru is one of the first ones?!", Amatsuki exclaimed as Soraru only gave him a semi-glare.

"All of you guys are making such a big deal out of this...", Soraru muttered as he sat down, the albino taking a seat across from the ravenette. Kashitaro only chuckled as he finished his coffee while Amatsuki balanced a few plates, placing them in front of the ones who were already here.

"Do you need any help, Amatsuki-kun? I can always help you, you know?", Kashitaro assured the brunet who shook his head. "It's fine! This is about all I can do for everyone so let me do this!", Amatsuki insisted.

After the class trial, everyone tried to find their own ways to cope and to help others. For Amatsuki it was baking and making food for everyone so no one said anything against it as they just thanked him. Soraru and Mafumafu started eating the food Amatsuki made.

Well, at least they wanted to. But before they could, the door slammed open as a brown-haired male stood there panting heavily, trying to regain his breath. There was a short silence as Mafumafu looked back and forth between the brown-haired male and the ravenette who were staring at each other for a bit before the silence was interrupted by the older male who clicked his tongue.

"Tch.", he said looking annoyed. "What are you clicking your tongue for, young man?!", Neru asked dramatically as he rushed over to the raven-haired male. "I thought something happened to you and got worried and this is my thanks?! That's it! You'll spend the day with me today to make up for what you've done!", Neru exclaimed as he grabbed the older male who looked at him in distaste.

"I don't want to. Leave me alone.", Soraru told the brown-haired male who gave him a smile. "You don't get a choice in this!", Neru said as he pulled Soraru out of the room who looked at the others. "Save me.", he mouthed at them as Mafumafu stood up to help them.

But Neru was faster as the two of them disappeared leaving the other three back in the dining hall. "...Let's just hope that it'll be alright.", Amatsuki said. "Anyways, start eating or the food will become cold!", Amatsuki told them as Kashitaro and Mafumafu nodded and started eating while more people slowly arrived.

They finished eating as Mafumafu wondered who he should hang out with today. Before he could think more about it though, a redhead approached him as he gave Mafumafu a smile.

"Good Morning, Mafudon!", he exclaimed cheerfully as the albino returned the smile. "Good Morning to you too, Sakatan.", he greeted. "Mafudon, Mafudon. Do you want to spend some time with me today? I found my ultimate lab and want to take a look at it with someone!", the redhead explained as Mafumafu thought about it for a second before nodding.

"Sure! I'll go with you!", Mafumafu agreed before the two of them exited the dining hall. For some reason, the albino felt a cold shiver going down his spine when he left with Sakata. But he decided to ignore it as he exited the room and followed Sakata as they soon reached a dojo. Curiously, the albino walked in, amazed by all the equipment.

"Doesn't this look amazing?!", the redhead exclaimed as the albino nodded in agreement. "Alright! Let's change then!", Sakata exclaimed as he pulled Mafumafu into the changing room.

And everything went so fast that the albino didn't manage to comprehend what was happening until he was changed and stood there with a bamboo sword that he guessed was used for kendo.

"Eh? Ehhh?! Sakatan, I don't know anything about kendo!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the other male gave him a reassuring smile. "It's going to be fine!", he assured but started to wield his sword as Mafumafu panicked and dodged.

"Sakatan... How about we do something else instead?", the albino suggested which was ignored by the other male. "It'll be fun! Now use your sword properly and hit me!", the redhead exclaimed before he wielded his sword again. "Sakatan no! Bad Sakatan! Stop it!", Mafumafu shouted.

"I spent time with Sakatan doing kendo which was a lot different than what I saw. Unfortunately, only one of us seemed to have a lot of fun doing kendo."

"I had a lot of fun, Mafudon! Let's do it again sometime soon!"


"Hm... I still have some time until dinner... Who should I spend time with?", Mafumafu asked himself as he spotted a blond male sitting on a bench staring at the sakura trees.

"Sou-kun? He looks down... Well, of course. Even if a weeks passed it still hurts to lose someone beloved. Should I ask him to spend some time with me?", Mafumafu thought before walking up to the blond male who looked up when he noticed someone walking up to him.

"Hello, Sou-kun!", Mafumafu greeted as the younger male gave him a polite nod.

"Good evening, Mafumafu-san. Is there anything you need from me?", the blond male asked as the albino nodded. "Would you like to spend some time with me?", Mafumafu asked as the younger male widened his eyes surprised before hesitantly nodding.

"Great! Anywhere you want to go?", the albino asked as the younger male thought about it for a bit before standing up and walking away as Mafumafu got confused but followed the younger male.

There was a silence as no one said anything as Mafumafu thought that this was way different from when he spent his time with Sakata.

They soon arrived in front of a door as Sou pushed it open to reveal a room filled with shelves full of different kinds of books.

"The library? Ah, you're a novelist after all, right?", Mafumafu asked as Sou nodded. "Yes... I like to be here sometimes because I love to read.", Sou explained as the albino nodded.

"Do you like to read, Mafumafu-san?", Sou asked as the albino decided to be honest and shake his head. "No, I usually don't read. But... I would like to read one of your books! If you are the Ultimate Novelist then your books must be amazing!", Mafumafu exclaimed which in return caused the blond to blush.

"Th-they're not that good but... if you do want to read one of my book then...", Sou trailed off as he walked to a shelf and looked at the different covers before pulling out a book.

"Then I would recommend this one... It's a romance novel... I usually don't write romance but many people said they'd liked it so—".

"Sou-kun, I'd love to read this one but which one is the one you like the most? I want to read the one you want me to read and not the one that other people like the most.", Mafumafu said as the younger male widened his eyes surprised before nodding as he reached towards a book close by before holding it in front of his face.

"Th-then I hope you'll like this one... It's fantasy and such but I hope you'll still like it...", Sou said as Mafumafu took the book smiling.

"I'm sure I will! Thanks Sou-kun!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Sou looked at him surprised before returning the smile and the albino felt as if they had become closer friends.

"I spent some time with Sou-kun in the library together! I think we both had a lot of fun together."

"Thanks for spending your time with me, Mafumafu-san. I'll look forward to know your thoughts on my book.", Sou said before they realized it was time for dinner.

They walked to the dining hall together where Mafumafu spotted Soraru and smiled as he walked to the raven-haired male.

He saw that Sou smiled sadly as he was about to go so he pulled Sou along with him as the younger male was surprised but followed him.

"Soraru-san! Me and Sou-kun became closer friends than before and... Soraru-san... are you alright?", Mafumafu asked when he noticed how dead inside the older male looked like.

"No. Don't ask me why. Also, save me next time when Neru forces me to spend time with him.", Soraru added as the two younger males looked at him in worry. The door was slammed open as a brown-haired male walked in, his smile widening when he saw Soraru who immediately stood up slamming his hands on the table.

"I'll skip dinner.", he only muttered. "But you already skipped breakfast!", Amatsuki exclaimed as the raven-haired male ignored him and ran to the door to escape. And so Soraru left the room.

"Neru... what the hell did you do?", Araki asked as the brown-haired male winked at the redhead.

"It's. A. Secret~", he said as Araki looked at him in disgust. "Gross. Don't spend time with him, Nqrse.", Araki warned the pink-haired male who shrugged. "He looks fun so I'll still spend time with him.", Nqrse said as Neru smiled brightly.

"Aw, thanks~ I love you, Nqrse-chan~", Neru chirped as the other male winked back at him. "Love you too~", he said as Araki gagged.

They all continued eating, Mafumafu talking with Sou, until they finished and the brunet walked over to the albino.

"Mafu-kun, can you bring these to Soraru-san later?", Amatsuki asked after they finished eating as he handed the albino some onigiri. "I can do that! But wouldn't it be better if you would give it to him?", Mafumafu asked as the brunet shook his head. "I think he'd be happier if you gave it to him. Trust me.", Amatsuki told him as the albino was confused but nodded.

He bid farewell to Sou who would go to the library again. "See you tomorrow then, Mafumafu-san.", Sou told him as Mafumafu smiled at him before he headed to the ravenette's dorm. He knocked a few times as he could hear some shuffling before the door opened to reveal Soraru.

"Mafu? What are you doing here?", Soraru asked as the albino held up the plate of onigiri. "These are for you! Amatsuki-kun got worried so be thankful he made these for you before you starve!", Mafumafu said as Soraru only nodded before taking the onigiri.

Mafumafu noticed that something was off about the older male as he decided to ask about both of it. "Soraru-san, since when did you wear a bracelet?", Mafumafu asked as the older male didn't seem like someone who would wear that. The older male only sighed annoyed as he ruffled his head.

"This? That guy forced me to wear this because he wanted me to have something to think of him all the time.", Soraru explained. Though he seemed less annoyed and more distracted.

Mafumafu only giggled in response as he held a hand in front of his mouth.

"Seems like you two get along.", the albino said as Soraru hummed instead of becoming annoyed which made Mafumafu worried.

"But that's only a minor thing I noticed. What I wanted to ask is if something happened. You seem like you are in a bad mood... An even worse mood than before. Did something happen?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru's expression darkened before he opened his mouth to answer.

The next words that came out of the ravenette's mouth made Mafumafu's worried expression turn into terror as he felt like all of his happiness today shatter.

"I just got back into my room and got this tablet from that bear... I think it's the next motive."


"What do you mean it's a new motive?! Is that psychopath craving for killing so fast?!", Urata asked as he slammed his hands on the table. After what Soraru told Mafumafu yesterday, he rushed back to his room to see what it was. It was a tablet and as soon as he touched it, the screen lightened up and Mafumafu felt like throwing up when he watched the video.


"Mafumafu, the Ultimate Musician! He has a loving family! He is always cheerful and so full of hope! But... who knows the truth about his past? You see, Mafumafu here was bullied in the past! So much that he even did self harm!

But he always hid it because he was ashamed of it! The wounds have healed but the memories stay~ Burying his past away, Mafumafu thought that he could forget about it but guess what!

In the next 24 hours your secret will be revealed to the whole outside world! Puhuhuhuhu! Don't want me to do it? Graduate from this school!"


Mafumafu still felt the bitter taste in his mouth whenever he thought back on it. He clenched his fists as he looked down. At no cost did Mafumafu want people to find about him self-harming.

He didn't want to risk losing his friends because of this. But he didn't want to kill anyone because of this. And he hoped that no one else would either because of this. "What should we do?", Luz asked as Kashitaro decided to speak up.

"I think we should tell each other our secrets right now. There is no use killing each other because of this. And I think we can feel more at ease if everyone would just tell their secret.", Kashitaro suggested as some students looked away or averted their gaze.

Mafumafu was being one of them and Soraru noticed this as he was about to speak up. But Urata beat him to it as he clicked his tongue.

"I am not going to tell my secret to you guys! Like hell I will to people I don't even trust. You will just use this against me or something!", Urata exclaimed. "Urata-san, this is probably the best way!", Sakata intervened as Urata groaned when he noticed that it was the redhead.

"You again?! You just have to argue with me every time!", he exclaimed as Sakata was about to say something but Urata was faster as he spoke out his thoughts.

"You think Kashitaro is right?! Then go ahead and be the first one to tell us your secret! I'm sure it is something stupid and meaningless like you tripping over your own feet the whole time in the past.", Urata said as Sakata looked down and hesitated as Shima and Senra felt bad and stood up.

"Urata, you didn't have to be so mean. Sakata only wanted to resolve this peacefully just like Kashitaro.", Senra said as Urata crossed his arms. "Well, then he can surely tell us his secret if he so wants is to get along.", Urata said as he looked at the redhead who looked down gripping his sweater. "I thought so. You just—".

"My biggest competition... The one I'm known for... The one that everyone would think of when the Ultimate Kendo Artist is mentioned.... It was sabotaged by my friend so I would be the one winning!", Sakata exclaimed as everyone in the room grew silent while Sakata only gripped his sweater tightly looking down in shame.

"They tampered with the food so that my opponent would have stomachache and lose... And I... didn't say anything because I didn't want to expose them, winning because of a cheat.", Sakata confessed. "...You really are an idiot.", Urata said as Sakata looked at the brunet, ready to shout at him until he saw the bitter face on the older male's face.

"Not everyone can be so courageous like you and tell everyone their secret. After all, humans always hide something. And I'm no different.", Urata said bitterly before he rushed out of the room leaving the others back.

"That... was my fault. I'm sorry for suggesting something so insensitive.", Kashitaro apologized as he bowed. "It's fine. You just wanted to help, Kashitaro-san...", Sakata told him. "No, I shouldn't have done that. Please let me tell you my secret in exchange for what I did.", Kashitaro said.

"It's not as bad as Sakata's secret but I possess an ancient sword which  shouldn't even be in my possession as it is illegal.", Kashitaro confessed as Luz frowned. "Why do you have that then?", Luz asked as the brunet gave him a troubled smile.

"I bought it from someone without knowing that until it was too late.", Kashitaro explained as Luz nodded. "I'll go next! I—".

"It's nice that you guys are telling all of us this but I think there are some people in here who don't necessarily want to reveal their secret~", Kuro chirped as Senra nodded.

"I'm sorry to say this when everyone seemed so eager to trust each other but I'd rather keep this secret to myself.", Senra told them. "Honestly, either way our secrets will somehow be revealed so who cares~ Will it actually make a difference?", Neru asked. "No one should be forced to say it.", Shima agreed. "Anyways, this is over. I will go. Mafu, you come with me.", Soraru said as the albino tilted his head confused.

"Why?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru clicked his tongue. "Just do it. It's better this way.", Soraru said before he noticed someone looking slightly disappointed. "Sou can come with us if he wants to. You guys became friends after all.", Soraru said as the blond male was surprised.

"M-may I accompany you two?", Sou asked as Soraru nodded. "Sure. You're less annoying than that guy and I also respect you.", Soraru said as Sou tilted his head confused. "Your books. I enjoy reading them so I was surprised to see the actual author being here in this school.", Soraru said as Sou's eyes sparkled.

"W-which one did you read?", he asked. "The tale of the Big bad wolf. It is my favorite.", Soraru said as Sou was surprised. "You read that one? It was one of my less popular ones...", Sou muttered as Soraru hummed. "Really underrated. It was a good one and I enjoyed it.", Soraru simply said.

"Anyways, I'll go now so feel free to join me and Mafu.", Soraru said as Sou smiled brightly for the first time since a while. "I shall do so then!", Sou said as the three of them exited the room.

Sou's smile was so bright that everyone didn't know what to say for a while. And when they noticed that the others already left it was too late as Neru gasped.

"Wait, don't leave!", he said as he ran after them. He lost them in the end though.


"Eh?! So you wrote so many books already?!", Mafumafu asked shocked as Sou nodded bashfully. They were currently in the library sitting on the floor as it was more comfortable there. "Y-yes... It's nothing impressive though...", Sou told them as Mafumafu shook his head.

"No, it has to be! I also already finished your book! It was so great that it was like I was pulled into another world!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Sou blushed. "Th-thank you very much...", Sou said.

"Yes! I even looked at the library for more books of yours! But... when I looked I don't recall seeing one named The Tale of the Big Bad Wolf...", Mafumafu said.

"W-well, that's because it was a book that had been published when I was still pretty much unknown... So I was really surprised to hear Soraru-san saying that he has read it...", Sou said as Mafumafu widened his eyes.

"No way! Soraru-san, are you that big of a fan of Sou-kun?!", he asked as Soraru scratched his cheek. "I guess I just stumbled upon them and started reading them and before I knew it, I was finding for them author to read more books.", Soraru explained as Sou giggled happily.

"That makes me happy. Thank you.", Sou said before they started to talk more about everything. First about Sou's books and his career before switching over to Mafumafu's music career and the fact that he loved to sing.

Never did they ever talk about Soraru once as the older male had successfully avoided that topic. "Ah, it's late already! We should go back now, shouldn't we?", Sou asked when he looked at the watch. It was 8 pm. Meaning that in one hour, all their secrets would be revealed. Unless...

A loud scream resonated through the whole school as Mafumafu, Sou and Soraru flinched. Shortly after, the monitor switched on as they could see Monokuma there laughing.

"Upupupupu! A body has been discovered! Please assemble in the research lab! It's on the second floor, the door at the very end~", Monokuma announced.

They all rushed to the second floor as they opened the door to see everyone there already. And they could only look at the scene in terror.

The agent looking like research lab was slightly dark being lighted by some lights as it was filled with tables full of weapons which were laying distorted.

The walls was full of holes and scratches.

There were different pools of blood in different places. And in the middle of the whole room laid the Ultimate Make Up Artist.

He laid on the floor, eyes shot wide open, blood leaping of his head. And next to him there was Nqrse kneeling as he held Araki's one hand in his. "Who did this to you... Who the hell of you guys did this to him?!", Nqrse asked as he looked at the others, fury in his eyes.

"Whoever did this to him will pay! I will make sure you will pay! For doing this to Araki!", Nqrse exclaimed as he looked at everyone, tears streaming down his face. Soraru was the first one to approach the pink-haired male as he kneeled down.

"I know it's hard. But let's be rational and investigate this calmly. Don't let your emotions get to you while this happens.

Investigate. And then avenge Araki. I'll help to investigate as well.", Soraru said. Nqrse clenched his fists as he looked down. "How do I know if I can trust you?", Nqrse asked.

"I have an alibi. I was with Mafu and Sou. You know I asked them to come with me. So let's investigate, alright?", Soraru said as Nqrse bit his lips and nodded. "Thank you, Soraru-aniki...", he said as Soraru only nodded.

"No need to thank me. Anyways, now that you've calmed down a bit, let's investigate.", Soraru said as the others nodded. Sou looked scared as Mafumafu gave him a pitied smile.

"Sou-kun, do you want to investigate together? We can look for clues together. You know you can trust me!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Sou gave the albino a thankful smile.

"Thank you. I shall do so then.", he said accepting the offer. Mafumafu nodded before he pulled out his Monopad.

Victim: Araki (Ultimate Make Up Artist)
Cause of Death: Shot in the head
Murder Weapon: Gun
External Wounds:
- Broken hand and wrist
- Several non vital shots

Mafumafu walked up to the body as he felt Sou slightly hesitating as he gave the blond an assuring smile. "You can wait here while I investigate the body, alright?", Mafumafu asked as Sou nodded. "I'm sorry...", he muttered as the albino shook his head. "It's fine! Anyways, I'll be right back!", he said as he walked to the others where Soraru and Nqrse were currently investigating.

"Have you found anything standing out besides what the Monopad gave us?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru nodded.

"Next to him was this tablet which is the motive video but... it's broken so we don't know whose it was. Nqrse and I will go check up if there are any clues in Araki's room just in case. Can I ask you to investigate here?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu nodded. "Leave it to me! I'll do my best!", Mafumafu said as Soraru nodded.

"Thanks.", Soraru said before standing up as Nqrse took Araki's hand a last time and sniffled as he forced himself to smile.

"Don't worry, Araki, I'll find your killer and make sure they get what they deserve! Soraru-aniki will help me so watch us alright? And after that, you better apologize for leaving before I could get the chance to tell you how much I love you... You stupid idiot...", Nqrse said as he wiped his tears away and stood up.

"I'll solve this so watch me! Watch me and see how I solve this! Watch me how I end this killing game! Because I will do everything I can to do so! Without murdering anyone else!", Nqrse declared before he exited the room with Soraru following him.

"A-Ah, I'll go with them.", Luz said following them as the others decided to stay and investigate here. Mafumafu decided to stay as well and kneeled down to investigate a bit, surprised when he saw Sou kneeling down next to him with a determined look. "Sou-kun? What are you doing?", Mafumafu asked. "Nqrse-san is trying his best to find the culprit so I will to! I want to be able to help as well!", Sou exclaimed as Mafumafu was slightly surprised before smiling.

"Let's do our best then, Sou-kun!", Mafumafu said before they started investigating. After further investigation, they found some clues.

Like the different types of guns, daggers and even bombs laying around. What stood out to them was the simple kitchen knife though which looked like it didn't belong here.

Soon they finished as Monokuma's announcement rang throughout the room.

"Ahem! All students, please assemble in the trial court! It is in the school yard, the building at the very end!", Monokuma instructed them as they headed their way towards the same cage like building like last time where the others were already waiting.

The waterfall opened like it did last time as they entered the elevator which closed its doors as soon as everyone entered.

And with that, the elevator descended once again, a long silence engulfing then. Soon the elevator came to a halt as the door opened again, revealing the large room with thirteen unoccupied podiums standing there.

"Welcome back to this beautiful place! Please go the podium with your usual podiums!", Monokuma instructed them as they did as told. Mafumafu went to his podium next to Luz and Senra.

"Araki, the Ultimate Make up artist... He hasn't done anything wrong, yet he was murdered... He was Nqrse's dear friend and love who had lost his life today... Together with the help of Soraru-san... Nqrse-san... Sou-kun... everyone... I will make sure to find the killer of this case no matter what!", Mafumafu thought.

And so another class trial started.

Remaining Students: 13

And so another chapter ends! What did you think of it? Was it too long? www I hope you guys still liked it despite there being possible mistakes because of me not proofreading it again ww Anyways, any thoughts on who the culprit could be? No right? www Not enough clues right? www But more clues will come up next chapter so I hope you'll read it as well! I'll go to sleep soon but wanted to publish this before that ww Oyasuminyasai~!

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