Danganronpa Part 3 (Various Ships)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Urata x Sakata, Shima x Senra, Kashitaro x Amatsuki, Luz x Nqrse, Araki x Nqrse, Eve x Sou, 96Neko, Lon, Neru

Danganronpa AU
Stupid me doing this when I should work on other things ww But I just have the motivation now to do this so please forgive me? Also... the class trial may or may not be weird cause I'm not the best at such things www Anyways, I hope you'll like it~


"Now then, let me give you a simple explanation of this class trial! During the trial, you will share your information and search for 'whodunnit'! Vote correctly and only the blackened will be punished! But if you pick the wrong one~ I will—".

"Give everyone some bubble tea as a reward for trying?", Kuro asked. "Give us some memes as a consolation?", Neru asked at the same time. "What?! No! What is wrong with you two?", Monokuma asked as the others thought so as well.

"Ahem! Anyways! If you pick the wrong person! I will punish everyone besides the blackened! And that person gets to graduate from this Ultimate Academy!", Monokuma said as he finished his explanation. "Why are we even doing this? I think we all know who the culprit is.", Nqrse said as he looked at Soraru who stayed silent before sighing. "I didn't kill her. I—".

"And I have superpowers.", Nqrse retorted. "I know that Soraru-san might seem suspicious right now. But I think we should look over all of the evidence to see who actually did it, shouldn't we?", Eve said as the pink-haired male frowned but sighed.

"You guys do your thing then. The outcome will still be the same after all.", Nqrse said as he leaned against his podium.

"How do we start then?", Luz asked as Mafumafu started to speak up to answer. "Well, how about seeing if Soraru is or isn't the culprit first?", Mafumafu suggested as the others nodded. "But how will we do that?", Shima asked.

"Here here! I can start!", Neru said lifting his hand as they all looked at the brown-haired male confused. "Don't worry, I'll clear your name~ And after that you have some things to explain! Anyways, we all saw Soraru-san's weapon laying on the floor, right? But how should we know if that was the actual murder weapon?", Neru asked.

"Any evidence that will back up your statement?", Araki asked. "Yes~ I worked hard to prove the innocence of my handsome ikemen after all~", Neru chirped as Soraru rolled his eyes.

"Neru-san is right though! There is something that seems odd for the murder weapon being the dagger! And that is the stab wound in her head!", Mafumafu exclaimed.

"If you look at the Monokuma file again, it clearly states that the victim has a thin stab wound in the head.", Mafumafu said as he pulled his Monopad out before showing it to the others.

Victim: Lon (Ultimate Dressmaker)
Time of Death: 11 pm
Cause of Death: Thin Stab wound in the head
External Wounds:
- Wound on the Head
- Stab wound on the left hand

"And? The dagger is thin, isn't it?", Nqrse asked as the albino shook his head. "The dagger here may be thin but the head wound only had about a radius of about one centimeter. A dagger would leave a much larger damage.", Mafumafu explained.

"And why would you know that, Mafu-kun?", Nqrse asked. "Because he actually investigated unlike someone here.", Eve answered as the pink-haired pressed his lips tightly together but didn't say anything to that. "I agree with, Mafu-chan~ The murder weapon must have been something thinner in general... and the blackened got rid of it of course.", Neru said.

"That's nice and all. But it still doesn't make Soraru-san less suspicious. He could have attacked Lon with a different weapon and then accidentally dropped his weapon at the crime scene after panicking.", Nqrse argued. "Well, that's true but! I'm sure that there is more evidence that Soraru-san is innocent!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the pink-haired male crossed his arms.

"Is that so? Then please tell all of us about it then.", Nqrse said as the albino couldn't answer. "I guessed so. If no one has any other arguments, this case is closed—". "I have plenty of arguments.", Soraru spoke up as the pink-haired male raised an eyebrow. "You are the suspect so—".

"So I get the right to defend myself at least. I have some things which speak against me being the culprit and I want to say them. If you still doubt me after that I won't deny anything anymore.", Soraru said as Nqrse stayed silent before nodding.

"Thanks. Well, you all might be thinking that I was the one who killed Lon. But look at the time of the murder. It was at 11 pm.", Soraru said. "And? What about it? Are you telling me that you couldn't have killed her because of the nighttime?", Nqrse asked not convinced at all.

"Of course not. After all, the rules only say that at nighttime we're not allowed to go into the pool and some other areas. Going out of the dorm is still allowed and such. But I couldn't kill her because I wasn't alone.", Soraru said as they gasped while someone giggled. "That's right~ I was with him at that time~", Kuro chirped. "Then why didn't you say so before?!", Urata asked annoyed.

"Well... I wanted to see if Soraru-san's blank expression would change or not. But it didn't happen!", Kuro complained as Soraru sighed. "Our lives are on the line and you only care about this.", he said as the blonde female laughed.

"Fufufu! Well, I am the Ultimate Entertainer but I like to get entertained too~ You could have cleared your name faster too though if you would have just spoken up earlier.", Kuro added as Soraru shrugged. "They were all arguing and such and Nqrse here didn't really let me speak.", he said.

"Ah! You and Kuro-san made an appointment to play games with each other, right?", Mafumafu asked as Kuro nodded. "Yes yes~ Mafu-kun here saw me going over to Soraru-san's dorm.", Kuro said. "Wait, until when were you guys playing?", Senra asked. "...I think it was a bit before 11 pm~ Like... five minutes or so~", Kuro answered.

"Soraru-san got tired so he said I should get out of his room~ Nice, nice~", Kuro stated sarcastically. "Wait, that still doesn't make you innocent though! If you left before 11 pm, you still had enough time to commit the murder.", Nqrse argued.

"Do you really think I could have killed Lon in five minutes? I mean, evidence can be taken care of after that because 11 pm is the time of death and all but... Do you really think, I could have found a weapon, walked over to Lon's dorm and killed her in five minutes?", Soraru asked. "Yes, I think so. Because I don't think that the Monokuma file states the exact time of death.", Nqrse said.

"Monokuma, is that true or not?", Eve asked. "Hm~ well, it's not that exact! Minus or plus two or three minutes.", Monokuma answered. "So it's not exact—". "Nqrse. I know that having eight minutes or something to kill someone sounds possible to you. But there is also the possibility that any of you guys could have killed her.

With an even wider spectrum of time. So let me explain why the weapon was there and then we can continue discussing, alright?", Soraru said as Nqrse merely nodded. "The reason why the weapon was there was... because I gave Lon my weapon that day.", Soraru confessed. There was a short silence before everyone shouted out in shock. "What do you mean with that?!", Araki asked.

"Yesterday, Lon came to talk to me after we got our first motive. We talked a bit with each other before the topic of self defense came up."


"Self defense, huh? Maybe I should learn one or two things just in case. Even though I don't want to believe that anyone would just come and kill me.", a blonde female said as the raven-haired only hummed. "Lon, do you trust everyone here?", he asked as the girl nodded. "Yes, at least I want to.", she said as he hummed.

"I see... Alright, Lon. I want you to take my hand.", Soraru said as Lon was confused but did as told. As soon as she did, she felt herself get pushed down on the grass as a dagger was held against her throat. "What would you do if I would say that I'd kill you now?", he asked as the blonde was too shocked to be able to say anything.

Next thing she knew, the ravenette already pulled away again. "This is why you should be more careful. You don't know who will betray you.", Soraru said as she nodded. "Yes... thank you, Soraru-san... I'll try to be more careful and try to find something to defend myself with as well...", Lon thanked him. There was a short silence before Soraru silently handed her the dagger.

"Take it. You need it more than me.", Soraru told her as she shook her head. "Ah, it's fine! Each of us got a weapon so why would you give me yours?", she asked. "I'm sure not everyone got weapons they can deal with. This is simple and easy to use that even you can handle it.", Soraru said as she hesitantly took it and looked at it for a while before giving the raven-haired male a hug.

"Thank you.", she whispered as he only hummed. None of them said anything anymore as they both just appreciated the fact that someone was there, sharing each others pain.


"S-so that's what happened?", Sou asked as Soraru hummed. "How do we know that you are—". "Ah, so that's why! And here I thought I had to ask if you were in love with her or something!", Neru exclaimed as the others looked at the brown-haired male in confusion.

"Well, yesterday, when Soraru-san told me to go away, I decided to just calm down in the school yard. Soon though, Soraru-san came with Lon and I just couldn't leave them alone! Someone had to protect them after all!", Neru exclaimed as Sou sweat-dropped.

"That's... stalking.", Sou said. "No no, it was watching over them! Anyways, I was a bit far away so I couldn't see much but I noticed Soraru pushing her to the ground and then her hugging him so I thought this was some kind of confession! Turns out it wasn't that after all~", Neru said sighing out in relief. "I... never would have thought I'd say this but thanks for stalking me.", Soraru told Neru who only gave him a smile.

"Always for you~", he chirped. "Does that mean that Soraru-san is in the clear now?", Sakata asked as the raven-haired male shook his head.

"No, I could have still done this. After all, like Nqrse already said, I had some few minutes to kill her. Even if the possibility is slim.", Soraru said as Nqrse looked at the older male in confusion.

"Why would you say that? Do you want to be suspicious?", Nqrse asked as the older male shook his head. "Why would I want that? I'm just telling you guys the facts. My goal was it to stop you guys from suspecting me as the main suspect. And now I'm tired. So I'll let you guys handle this until I have something important to say.", Soraru said as Nqrse clenched his fists and looked down.

Everyone was worried the pink-haired male would start arguing again. "A...". "A?", Mafumafu repeated confused.

"Aniki! Soraru-aniki!", Nqrse exclaimed with sparkles in his eyes as the raven-haired male looked dumbfounded at the younger male. "...Hah?"

"That was so cool! You destroyed my arguments! You looked so cool doing that! So allow me to call you Soraru-aniki!", Nqrse exclaimed.

"I... can't deal with this... go back to ignoring me...", Soraru said. "Anyways, now that we talked about this, we're back to square one... What should we do next?", Luz asked.

"Well... how about asking everyone for their alibis? Like seeing what they did at that time to see if they could have done it or not?", Eve suggested as Mafumafu nodded in agreement.

"I was about to say that too! Anyways, I think both me and Sakata have an alibi.", Mafumafu said as the others looked at them. "Why— Oh... is it because you two had this weird sleepover together?", Urata asked as Sakata pouted. "It wasn't weird!", he denied.

"Sakata came over to my dorm shortly before the nighttime announcement which was at 10 pm. And after that none of us left our room anymore.", Mafumafu said as he finished explaining. "And you're sure that none of you guys left the room?", Urata asked. "Eh? What do you mean with that?", Mafumafu asked tilting his head.

"If one of you fell asleep, the other one could have woken up and exited the room to commit the murder. Then he could have come back and laid back down while the other one was still asleep and have an alibi.", Urata said as Sakata gasped. "Why do you have to think so negative?!", Sakata asked as he pouted. "Did one of you fall asleep?", Senra asked as Sakata was about to answer but Mafumafu decided to interrupt him.

"No, we talked for some time together before going to sleep.", Mafumafu said as the redhead looked at at the albino confused. Both of them didn't leave the room. That's what each of them knew. But they both fell asleep after a bit so they didn't talk to each other at all. Of course that would make them suspicious. Sakata looked at the albino who gave him a pleading look before he smiled nodding.

"Y-Yup! We talked about a lot of things together! Me and Mafudon had a nice time together!", Sakata exclaimed as the albino was thankful for the redhead trusting him.

"I see... So Sakata and Mafumafu-san both have an alibi... Kuro and Soraru are both a bit suspicious as they had time to kill her. But the possibility of them doing that is pretty slim because killing someone in about five minutes is close to impossible. Anyone else have anything to add?", Eve asked.

"Well... I couldn't sleep so I wasn't in my dorm until after midnight... But Kashitaro-san, Luz-kun, Eve-kun and Sou-kun were with me for a bit! Kashitaro-san and Luz-kun even stayed with me until after midnight to help me so we all should have an alibi!", Amatsuki exclaimed as the mentioned people smiled at being defended by the brunet.

"So Kashitaro-san and Luz-san stayed with you until after midnight and Sou-kun and Eve-san left earlier... Could you tell us the exact times?", Mafumafu asked as the brunet nodded.

"I started baking after dinner which was about at 7 pm... Kashitaro-san stayed with me as well as Luz-kun, Sou-kun and Eve-kun... Sou-kun and Eve-kun left two hours later though which was about at 9 pm then. If that's how I remember it correctly.", Amatsuki said as he looked at the said people who nodded in agreement with him.

"Yes, which means that Kashitaro-san, Amatsuki-san and Luz-san all have alibis because they were together during the time. Me and Sou-kun were walking around and spending time together until 10 pm and after that we went to our dorms.", Eve said as Senra hummed.

"That means that you guys could have done it... Well, same goes about the same for me, Shima-kun and Urata-san. We were spending time together at the casino which we found and were there until Monokuma came and told us to finally go back to our dorms because it was really late.

Sakata was with us in the beginning but stormed off after arguing with Urata-san and losing his chips.", Senra explained. "How long were you guys even playing?", Araki asked as all three of them averted their eyes.

"I can answer that for you! They were playing until 1 freaking am! I noticed that they were still playing after all that time and had to tell them to finally go to sleep!", Monokuma complained.

"Well, what can we do when we just win so much money!", Shima said as Urata scoffed. "Shut up, you're annoying...", Urata said and everyone expected Shima to argue back like he always did. Instead he only laughed as he patted Urata's back as they were standing next to each other.

"Now now, Uratan! We all know that you enjoyed yourself yesterday, you tsundere!", Shima said laughing as Urata slapped his hand away. "Shut up! What the hell are you calling me even?", Urata asked annoyed.

"So... Urata-san, Shima-san, Sakatan, Senra-san, Luz-san, Kashitaro-san and me have a tight alibi... Soraru-san, Kuro-san, Eve-san and Sou-kun don't have the best alibis but aren't necessarily suspicious... What about the rest?", Mafumafu asked as he looked at his classmates as Neru decided to speak up.

"I was just in my room going through the student files~ Really nice to learn more about you guys~", Neru chirped. "Wait, what do the student files contain?", Urata asked as Neru tilted his head. "Hm~ Things like your birthday, height, body sizes, likes, dislikes and blood types~", Neru said as they all looked at him as if they expected him to add another sentence.

"By the way, I finally got to learn more about Soraru-san~", he chirped. And there it was.

"And what about Araki and Nqrse?", Soraru asked as the pink-haired male perked up at his name being mentioned. "Me, aniki? I was with Araki~ Mafu-kun and Sakata weren't the only ones who had a sleepover together~ I went to Araki's room and we talked about stuff.", Nqrse said as Araki nodded.

"So we both have a tight alibi as well.", Araki said. "You two seem like such good friends! You get along so well!", Sakata exclaimed smiling as Nqrse nodded. "Yes~ We're childhood friends so that's why~", Nqrse explained.

"I see... That means the suspects are Soraru-san, Kuro-san, Eve-san, Sou-kun and Neru-san...", Mafumafu said as Sakata smiled. "You're doing a great job, Mafu-kun!", he encouraged the albino who gave the other male a thankful smile but it turned into a frown again as he thought of what could be discussed next to find another clue.

"I wonder though... why did she have a stab wound on her left hand...", Kuro spoke up as Mafumafu thought about it. The stab wound in her hand was about the same size as the one in her head... The dagger that Lon-san got to defend herself from Soraru... The slight blood on the blade...

"I think I've got it!", Mafumafu thought before he spoke up. "The stab wound was also from the culprit who probably had to do this because Lon-san was defending herself... If someone knocked on her door and the suddenly started to attack her then of course she'd want to defend herself!

So because Soraru-san gave her a weapon, she used that to defend herself. The culprit then stabbed her hand so her grip would get loose before attacking her... And that's how she ended up like that.", Mafumafu said as Neru nodded happily.

"So smart, Mafu-chan~ Now we just have to find the person who possesses such a weapon which would fit~ And~ Since all of us got individual weapons from Monokuma in the beginning... Let's hope to find the one fitting our description~ Now everyone! Show the weapons you've got!", Neru demanded. "Oi, that also includes you.", Urata reminded the brown-haired male who laughed but nodded as he pulled out a gun.

"I got this here~ Has a lot of disadvantages if you would ask me! But maybe I'll get your heart with it~", he said. "Gross.", Soraru, Araki and Urata said at the same time.

"What about the others?", Mafumafu asked as Kuro pulled out some shuriken. "Got these things here~ Although I used most of them up as a replacement for darts~", Kuro said laughing sheepishly as Luz sweat-dropped.

"Why would you do that?", he asked. "Tsk tsk tsk~ Luz-chan, you never know how annoying it can be to walk to the other side of the room to retrieve the darts!", Kuro explained as they only sweat-dropped before turning their attention to Sou and Eve who still had to reveal their weapons.

"I-i'll go next then.", Sou said as he pulled out a small bottle containing a liquid. "I... got poison...", Sou said as he looked at it in dissatisfaction.

"If none of them had a weapon which fit then... it must be...", Mafumafu trailed off as he looked at the mushroom-haired male who gave them an apologetic smile before pulling out his weapon. They all stared at him in horror as they waited for his next words to come.

Eve showed them his weapon before he gave them a slightly troubled smile.

"I'm so sorry for disappointing you but I'm also not the culprit.", Eve said as he showed them a long rope that he got.

"Eh? But if you also got a weapon which doesn't fit the description then... who is the culprit?", Mafumafu asked feeling lost. "Eh?! Are we back to square one?!", Sakata asked shocked.

"All that discussing was for nothing and we don't even have anything else to talk about!", Urata reminded them as Sou was close to tears. "A-are we all going to die here?", he asked terrified as he trembled.

Eve only took the blond's hand as he gave it a light squeeze to calm the younger male down.

They all talked all at once as Mafumafu desperately tried to search for more evidence and clues they could have to find the culprit. But no matter how hard he thought, he just couldn't think of anything else. "No way... I can't think of anything else to talk about... I can't find any more clues... Are we really going to die?", Mafumafu asked himself as he gripped the podium in front of him tightly.

"Nqrse.", Soraru called the pink-haired male who looked at the ravenette confused. "Yes?", the younger male asked. "I don't know what happened to that great memory of yours but I hope that it'll actually work now.", Soraru started as the other male tilted his head confused.

"Of course it works! I would never forget anything I already saw! Araki knows this!", Nqrse exclaimed proudly as he put his hands on his hips.

"Yeah... this guy is pretty useless but his memory is decent.", Araki nodded as the pink-haired male gasped offended. "I'm not useless!", Nqrse said as Soraru nodded. "I believe you that. If you tell me this right now: Is any of them lying about their weapon being what they showed?", Soraru asked as there was a short silence before the whole class started to break into chaos again.

"One of them is lying?! Are you serious?", Shima asked shocked. "Well, I guess there is that possibility~ But that Soraru-san is even suspecting me...", Neru smiled sighing as he shrugged. Soraru ignored them as he looked at the pink-haired male who scanned everything before his smile turned into a frown. "There is someone... who actually lied to us this whole time...", Nqrse said as everyone went silent. "Who is it?", Soraru asked.

There was another short silence which felt painfully long.

"It's... Eve-san.", Nqrse declared and there was another silence before everything broke into a chaos again.

"Eve-san?! No, it can't be! He was the one who helped us the whole time, wasn't he?! He was one of the first ones to defend Soraru-san!", Sou exclaimed. "T-that's right! He also helped us to investigate and to get through this class trial as well!", Luz agreed. "There is no way Eve-san would do this!", Sakata exclaimed.

"But Nqrse said so, didn't he? He lied about his weapon.", Urata said. "How can you always just say it like that! Do you know what it feels like to be accused like this?!", Sakata asked as tears streamt down his face. "That is none of your business!", Urata scowled. "None of my business? This is the business of everyone here!", Sakata argued.

"As always, nothing makes sense of what you say...", Urata muttered. Mafumafu felt all of the voices crashing against each other as his head started to hurt and he couldn't even think clearly anymore. "Why are you—".

"That's enough. You guys are arguing back and forth. But let's hear what Eve has to say first.", Soraru told them as they all turned towards Eve who stayed silent throughout the whole thing. "Eve-san, now you can defend yourself just like Soraru-san did!", Sou told the mushroom-haired male who stayed silent and looked down.

"Eve-san? Did you hear me? Soraru-san returned the favor and now you can prove your innocence as well! You can tell them the truth!", Sou exclaimed and Eve nodded as he gave Sou a smile.

"I will, Sou-kun. Just give me a minute please.", the older male said as he squeezed the younger male's hand a last time before he pulled his hand away and took a breath before looking up at everyone with a smile.

"I'm sorry for lying to everyone. Nqrse is not wrong... I did lie about my weapon...", the mushroom-haired male said.

"But?", Sou asked waiting for an explanation as Eve only shook his head though.

"No but... I was the one who killed Lon...", Eve confessed as he looked down no daring to meet anyone's eyes. "...So you were the one who killed Lon?! Why?!", Nqrse asked as he was about to jump out of his seat and run over to Eve.

But Araki put a hand on the pink-haired male's shoulder shaking his head. So Nqrse only clenched his fists as he bit his lip.

"You just killed her and then pretended to be the good guy! Who the heck attacks someone so aggressively for no good reason?!", Urata asked. Eve didn't say anything as he only looked away in guilt. "Say something!", Urata shouted. "Stop it! Can you blame, Eve-san?! Those motive videos were terrifying! He did it because of his important people!", Sakata defended him.

"And that gives you a reason to kill?! You really are an idiot if you think that that's okay!", Urata shouted. "Stop putting out your anger on Sakata!", Senra decided to defend the redhead.

"Putting my anger out on him?! I'm trying to put the truth into that thick skull of his!", Urata shouted. "You could try and explain it nicer instead of being like that! You are always like this when—"

"Please stop fighting!", Eve shouted as everyone got quiet again. "I'll explain everything... but before that... Mafumafu-san... will you end this?", Eve asked as he looked at the albino who was still speechless. "...W-what?", he asked.

"I... saw how you guys were in this class trial and since the beginning I thought that if anyone could end this killing game, it'd be you... so please end this.", Eve pleaded as the albino wiped his tears away before nodding. "Alright, I'll do it!", Mafumafu exclaimed.


"It all began some time ago when Monokuma gave us the first motive. Everyone was so shaken up. Of course they'd be... their important people were in danger. And seeing that this was the motive, the culprit must have wanted to get out to make sure their beloved people were save. At the very beginning, Monokuma gave each of us individual weapons. With a motive and a murder weapon, the culprit had their murder set.

They only had to find their victim and I can imagine that Lon-san would be the perfect target. Physically weaker than the others. Trusting. The blackened waited until it was nighttime, spending his time with Amatsuki-kun, Kashitaro-san, Luz-san and Sou-kun at first before excusing himself with Sou-kun. After they parted ways with Sou-kun, they decided that it was time to carry out their plan.

Lon-san probably opened the door without suspecting much. And that was her mistake.

The culprit attacked her immediately, trying to take her life. What they didn't know was that she had gotten Soraru-san's dagger who gave it to her a few hours ago. Unfortunately, she still couldn't save herself with it as the culprit stabbed her with their weapon one time in the hand so she couldn't fight anymore before they ended her life by ramming their weapon into her head.

Knowing that the murder weapon would make Soraru-san suspicious, they only picked up the murder weapon before leaving the dorm before going back to his own dorm, only having to act shocked like everyone else the next day...

And that's the whole story... The culprit of this case is Eve, the Ultimate Barista.", Mafumafu declared as he ended his argument.


"N-no way... so it was actually Eve-san who killed her?", Sou asked terrified. Before any of them could say anything else, Monokuma spoke up. "I'd love to talk more. But let's do it after the voting! Who is the culprit? Will you vote for the right person? Or the wrong one~?", Monokuma asked.

"Please vote with the tablet in front of you!", he said. After everyone voted, a roulette showed in front of them as it started to spin, getting faster until it stopped at Eve's picture before a lot of coins fell out. "Congratulations! You got it right! The one who killed Lon, the Ultimate Dressmaker... was the Ultimate Barista, Eve!", Monokuma exclaimed.

"Why... why did you have to do this, Eve-san?!", Sou asked as he threw himself into the other's chest, countless of tears streaming down his face. "Mafumafu-san did a great job solving this case... Everyone else was also really good. I'm glad you found out it was me.", Eve said as he smiled at everyone who only cried or looked away.

"There is only one thing you got wrong... I didn't kill her because of my beloved people... I really love my coworkers at the cafe... they are like my family after all and I did consider doing it... but I didn't in the end...", Eve said. "Then why did you do it?", Luz asked. Eve gave them another troubled smile before answering.

"The truth is that I heard someone having a conversation with Monokuma that night after I parted ways with Sou-kun... I couldn't make out their voice but it seemed like they were making plans with each other.

I... hid and waited to see who would be the next person to come back and it was... Lon.", Eve said as everyone was shocked. "Lon? Was she working with Monokuma?", Mafumafu asked as Eve but his lip and shook his head.

"If she was, it would have made a difference already... My mind wasn't working correctly... I thought that if I killed her, this killing game would be over... but that was just me overthinking things... even when I attacked her, she only defended herself. She never called for help.

And when I realized that it wasn't Lon... it was already too late."


A mushroom-haired male stared down at the corpse as he let a pair of scissors fall down. "D-did I do this? O-oh god... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...", he apologized several times as he started crying.


"I regret for what I've done... and I would have confessed either way but... I thought I shouldn't let this go to waste so I decided to let this class trial be held... because that way at least you guys could get used to class trials and see your strengths and weaknesses.

If I would die anyway, I want to be of use at least. Of some use... and for just a little bit longer... I wanted to be treated as normal... and not as a murderer... I'm so sorry.", the mushroom-haired male apologized as he bowed.

"S-so you killed because you thought this would end the killing game and got the wrong person?", Urata asked shocked as Eve didn't look him into the eyes but nodded. "I'm really sorry—"

"Stop apologizing! It's my fault for leaving too early! I should have stayed a bit longer with you and this wouldn't have happened!", Sou shouted burying his face into the older male's chest.

"Please don't blame yourself... it's not your fault.", Eve told him. "Sou... We have only known each other for a short while but I still enjoyed spending it with you. If we would have spent even more time together, my feelings towards you would have grown even more. So thanks... thanks for becoming my friend. And please survive...", Eve said smiling as he gently let go of the hug while Sou clutched to the older male tightly not wanting to let go.

"N-no... Please don't leave me...", Sou begged as he hiccuped so much. "I'm sorry for saying all of that about you...", Urata apologized as Eve shook his head saying that it was fine before he turned towards the albino.

"I'm sorry... Mafumafu-san... I'm sorry to you as well. I was the one who broke your wish the first. But if it's still ok of me to ask for this then please... end this killing game... so that no one has to go through what we had to again.", Eve said as he finally got Sou to let go.

"Everyone... please do your best to survive. I hope that in my next life... we can all become friends together.", Eve said smiling as they all started crying as well. "Now, if you have finally finished talking we can finally get to the punishment!", Monokuma announced.

"P-punishment? Y-you mean—". "The execution? Yeah, what else?", Monokuma asked. "Please don't kill him I—". "Now then, I've prepared a special punishment for the Ultimate Barista~ It's... Punishment time!", Monokuma exclaimed before he took a hammer and hit a red button.

Eve, the Ultimate Barista has been found guilty
Time for his punishment

Some music started as Sou tried to run to Eve to save him. But before he could even reach him, a chain appeared as it was put around Eve's neck pulling him away from the blond male.

The next thing they knew, Eve was in a small cafe as some Monokuma's prepared some coffee, putting some sugar into a large cup of hot coffee. Eve was hovering above it as he was struggling for air, kicking his feet around.

He was finally let go to get some air only to fall into the hot coffee which burned his skin. He desperately tried to get out as the pain was increasing. But every time he tried to get out a Monokuma pushed him back into the cup with his spoon.

The mushroom-haired male felt the hot liquid burning him inside and out as he could find no way to breath until his body finally started struggling. And so, the Ultimate Barista's life ended.


"N-nooooooo!", Sou screamed as he sunk to his knees starting to cry. Mafumafu felt like someone just took the last piece of his sanity. "No... is this actually real?", Mafumafu heard Soraru saying. This whole killing game was so messed up that even the most calm people were distressed.

"This is.. sick... you are a psychopath!", Urata shouted at Monokuma who only laughed. "Well, this is a killing game after all! If you don't like it then feel free to end your life~ Anyways, I'm tired so I'll go to sleep now~ But see you guys tomorrow with new energy again~", Monokuma said.

"We won't play your game anymore! No one would after this!", Amatsuki exclaimed. "That's what they all say. But in the end, they still kill anyway~ We'll see soon who's right here.", Monokuma said before he disappeared, leaving the Ultimates alone in the trial room.


A knock could be heard as Mafumafu weakly stood up from his bed and went to open the door. After Monokuma had left, everyone was mentally tired of this that they decided to go back to their dorm to calm themselves down.

Mafumafu already felt this bad. But the one who had it the worst must have been Sou who was participating close to Eve. Mafumafu wondered how he would feel if one of his closer friends would have died. He thought that he would be close to suicide. When he opened the door, he looked up confused to see Soraru standing there.

"Mafu, can I come in?", Soraru asked as the albino was confused but nodded as he let the raven-haired male inside. They both sat on the bed as Mafumafu was about to ask what Soraru was doing here. But before he could even ask, the older male already spoke up.

"Thanks. For defending me and believing in me throughout the whole class trial.", Soraru told the albino who was surprised but gave him a weak smile. "You don't have to thank me. I just did what is natural after all.", Mafumafu assured him as Soraru shook his head.

"Not anyone could just believe a suspect like that... Usually, I think this would be stupid. I still think it is. But in a way it is admirable. Just like when you were the first one to speak up after that bear told us about the killing game... You kind of were our savior there. You were strong.", Soraru said.

"Y-you are exaggerating... I just said some words... I didn't do much at all.", Mafumafu denied. "No, you did. You were strong. Helped the ones at a disadvantage. And did a great job solving this case so...", Soraru trailed off and Mafumafu looked at the older male confused to see him opening his arms before pulling the albino's head to the other's chest and running a hand though his hair.

"It's alright to cry now. You did well.", Soraru whispered. And with those words, Mafumafu broke down as large tears rolled down his cheeks, all of his emotions overflowing all at once.

"I couldn't save them! Neither Lon-san nor Eve-san! It hurts! I want to save people but I can't! I just wanted to... I just wanted to become friends with everyone and get out of here!", Mafumafu cried as he continued on blaming himself while Soraru muttered some consoling words until the albino fell asleep from exhaustion.

It hurt. It hurt so much. The feeling of losing your friends. The feeling of losing someone you just talked to a bit ago. The feeling of not being able to do anything about it.

Mafumafu hated it. He hated this killing game. And he wanted nothing more than to just end his life to not have to live through this misery. But instead, he decided to carry on with his life.

For Lon. For Eve. For everyone. And he would do his best to end this killing game no matter how painful it would be.

Remaining Students: 14

It's almost 2 am... What am I doing with my life ww Oh, right. Writing this chapter ww I'm sorry for it being so long. Anyways, that was a long chapter ww Again, I'm sorry for it being so long but I hope you guys liked this chapter! I'm looking forward to see if there are any reactions on this and to see how you guys liked this! Oyasuminyasai~!

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