Danganronpa Part 2 (Various Ships)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Urata x Sakata, Shima x Senra, Kashitaro x Amatsuki, Luz x Nqrse, Araki x Nqrse, Eve x Sou, 96Neko, Lon, Neru

Danganronpa AU
I think this is a good point to tell you guys that all the victims and blackeneds will be randomized by me ww I decided to say this cause some people were scared of Mafumafu being Kaede or Soraru being Rantaro so let me tell you that that's not the case ww I'm sorry ahead for not proofreading, for this being such a long chapter and for this again not being the next part of No Game no Life T ^ T Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter!


It has been a few weeks ever since Monokuma had told them about this whole killing game. They had desperately tried to search for an exit. But only to no avail. In the end, they gave up as they decided to search for an exit at a slower pace and try to see if they could survive in this school.

Food and a place to sleep were no problem. The food would get restocked and each of them had their own dorm with a bathroom connected to it. They also got something called a Monopad which contained a messenger app, a map and the student files. They even got some different kind of weapons and a tool kit. Honestly, the situation could have been worse.

They all started to spend some time with each other, growing more closer to each other as they soon became friends. Well, the relationship between Soraru and Neru was questionable but Mafumafu guessed that they still got along.

Today was like the other days. Being awoken by the morning announcement. Going over to Soraru's dorm where Neru was trying to wake the older male up. Being the one who knocks on the door and then being the one who is actually allowed to wake the ravenette up.

For some strange reason, the raven-haired male decided to put his trust into the albino. And for an unknown reason, Mafumafu felt all warm in his chest, knowing that he was treated slightly more special than the others.

"Soraru-san! We have to get to the dining hall soon for breakfast.", Mafumafu said while Neru was trying to get the older male out of the room. Soon, a shuffling could be heard before the door opened to reveal a tired ravenette in his school uniform which, unlike the others, didn't give any hint about what kind of talent he'd have.

"Good morning, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu greeted him smiling as the older male muttered a small good morning as well. "Ah! Soraru-san, you still have bed hair.", Mafumafu pointed out giggling as he started to fix Soraru's hair who only stood there sleepily, not doing anything.

"Good morning, Soraru-san~", Neru chirped as the older male muttered one back. This encouraged Neru to give the older male a hug but when he jumped in, Soraru dodged that as he stepped aside. "Anyways, let's go into the dining hall.", Soraru said as he walked ahead and Mafumafu only giggled as he followed him.

Neru rushed to catch up to them as well as they walked to the dining hall where the others were waiting for them. As always, they were one of the later ones as Amatsuki was already setting the food on the table. He may have been the Ultimate Pastry Chef. But he was still a great cook as they al crowned Amatsuki as the mother of this group which the brunet denied.

But they all knew it was true in their hearts. "You guys are late again! The food will get cold if you get here so late every time!", Amatsuki scolded the as Neru nodded. "Yes~ We will, mom~", Neru said as the brunet turned red.

"I'm not your mother! I—". "Good morning everyone~ I hope you slept well~ Please assemble on the video recording room as soon as you're finished with breakfast! I'll see you there~", a familiar high-pitched voice announced as their mood immediately sunk down.

"W-what do you think he'll do?", Sou asked as he trembled slightly. "Who knows... I guess we'll have to see what it is later.", Urata answered grimly. They all ate their food in silence, some not even eating anymore because they've lost their appetite before they started to head to the video recording room like Monokuma instructed them to.

As soon as they stepped inside, the giant screen in front of the whole computers started to light up as they could see the familiar monochrome bear. "Finally! I've gotten bored waiting for you!", Monokuma complained as Shima frowned. "What do you want from us?", he asked.

"Now now, let's be patient~ Anyways, it's been a few weeks and no one has killed anyone yet! And I am growing impatient! So~ Today I shall give you your first motive~ Please sit down and watch the video for yourself~ I shall wait for a good result! Puhuhuhu~", Monokuma laughed before the screen turned off leaving only the Ultimates back. "What should we do?", Senra asked.

"I think we should just leave it. No way am I going to do what that bear says!", Urata said as Soraru rolled his eyes. "And that's where you're wrong. Wouldn't it be more logical to watch them? If we don't, Monokuma will probably just come back and find an uncomfortable way to force us.", Soraru argued as Urata grew annoyed and got aggravated. Before they could start to fight though, Mafumafu and Sakata stepped in to stop them.

"Please don't fight!", they both exclaimed. "I don't really want to watch them but... I agree with Soraru-san. We don't know what ways Monokuma will use to force us so we should watch them.", Eve said as the rest of the group reluctantly agreed before they sat down in front of the computers.

Mafumafu sat down as he saw a CD with his name written on it. He took a deep breath before he put it into the computer which switched on immediately. And the next thing he knew, he saw three familiar people in front of him. "Mafumafu! Have you arrived at Sakuragaoka yet? We are so proud of you for getting so far and we will cheer you on!", his father said as his mother nodded.

"Yes! Once you can get out because of vacation, I will make you my special ramen again!", she said. "Mafu, it may be hard but hang in there! Onii-san will buy you some McDonalds when you come back home!", another white-haired make exclaimed as Mafumafu felt himself almost tearing up. "Father... Mother... Onii-san...", he whispered happily. He stared at the for a bit until the screen suddenly seemed to lag.

Mafumafu stared at it confused as the screen turned black before switching on again. And the albino felt his breath stop for a moment, his eyes widening when he saw the same room as before messed up and his family members no where to be seen, as the music still played in the background.

"W-what?", Mafumafu asked terrified. The next thing he knew, the screen turned black with some last words lingering there.

"Want to know what happened to them? Graduate from this Academy."

Mafumafu stood up immediately terrified and scared. He then looked at the others who looked just as scared as him or even worse. "What the hell is this?!", Kuro exclaimed as she slammed her hands on the table. "T-this is just too much...", Sou sobbed as Eve went over to pat his back.

Everyone talked over each other as their voices started to fill his mind. The albino couldn't take it anymore as he exited the room and ran. He ran where his feet would let him be carried. And soon he found himself in the school yard. The cherry blossoms were falling off gently which Mafumafu would have usually found to be comforting. But now, even that didn't help as he sat on the stairs pulling his knees up to his chest.

"W-why does this have to happen?", Mafumafu asked to himself as the tears now started rolling off his cheeks. He continued on sobbing softly until he heard some footsteps getting closer. And he looked up, surprised to see someone who usually has never spoken to him before.

The blonde female gave him a small smile before she sat down next to the albino. "Lon-san? Why are you here?", Mafumafu asked confused as the female pulled her legs up to her chest as well. "I saw how everyone was disturbed from what they saw. And while everyone got comforted by someone, no one went after you. So I thought you might need someone as well.", Lon explained as Mafumafu tilted his head confused.

"But... we barely know each other.", Mafumafu said as the blonde hummed.

"I guess you're right. But... that doesn't mean that we can't change that, right? Honestly, I admire how you were the first one to speak up at that time.", Lon confessed as Mafumafu was confused before he understood what she meant.

"A-ah, that was nothing! I just didn't want the others to feel too bad and spoke my mind without thinking.", Mafumafu said scratching his cheek. "No... you gave each of us some hope... When all of us started to doubt each other, you spoke up with your own beliefs. That's something you can be proud of.", Lon said smiling slightly as she closed her eyes. Mafumafu widened his eyes before he nodding thanking her.

Lon noticed this as she merely smiled before she started searching for something making the albino confused. "If you'd like, please take this.", Lon said as she held out a small teru teru bozu plushy small enough that he could hold it with one palm.

"Eh? I can't possibly just take a present.", Mafumafu said troubled as she only shook her head and gave it to him. "Please. I want you to have it.", she said as the albino looked at the keychain she gave him before nodding.

"Thanks, Lon-san!", he said wiping the tears in the corner of his eyes away. Lon smiled again him in return before she stood up.

"Looks like you are feeling somehow fine again. Let's not believe this video, alright? There is no proof that our beloved people are actually home after all! So let's keep on hoping!", she encouraged the albino who nodded.

"Mhm! Thanks! Where are you going now, Lon-san?", Mafumafu asked as the blonde female gave him a slight smile. "I guess to Soraru-san. Even though I don't think that he would want to talk to me, I at least want to try and help.", she said as Mafumafu nodded.

"But why Soraru-san? Didn't Neru-san maybe go after him?", Mafumafu asked as Lon nodded. "He tried. But Soraru-san didn't want to talk to anyone.", Lon said. "Then I'll come with you!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the blonde only shook her head. "I'm sorry, Mafumafu-san. But I think you are the person he would want to see the least.", Lon said sadly as the albino frowned. "W-why? I'm his friend.", Mafumafu argued as Lon nodded.

"It's because you are close to him that he wouldn't want you to show you his weak side. This is just a hunch but I think that Soraru-san would rather have you rely on him instead of worrying about him. Talking to someone you barely talk to... that might be better for Soraru-san...", Lon said as Mafumafu stayed silent.

"I'll see you later then, Mafumafu-san.", Lon said as she waved at him lightly before going away. Mafumafu didn't know what to do next so he decided he'd just see if there was someone who needed his help with something. He was walking into the dining hall when he saw a familiar brunet standing there, making a cake.

He then noticed Mafumafu coming in as he peeked up, giving the albino a smile.

"Ah, Mafu-kun! Great timing! Do you want to try some of my pastries and tell me how they taste?", Amatsuki asked as Mafumafu thought about it for a while before nodding. "I'd love to!", he exclaimed before walking up to the brunet who cut a piece of his cake and gave it to the other male.

Mafumafu picked up the fork before trying some of it, his eyes immediately brightening up when he did. "W-wow, that is the best cake I've ever eaten!", the albino exclaimed as he continued eating. Amatsuki put his hands on his hips smiling proudly. "Right?! I knew you'd get it!", he said.

"Why did you suddenly decide to make cake though?", Mafumafu asked confused as the brunet's mood shifted down immediately making the albino apologize. "A-ah, it's fine! It's just that...

I want to try and calm myself down after what happened earlier. And maybe I can cheer everyone just a bit up with some cake...", Amatsuki explained as he gazed down at the pastries laying in front of them. "That's a great thought, Amatsuki-kun! I wish I could do something to help everyone too!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the brunet smiled.

"Then do you want to help me?", he asked as the albino hesitated. "But I'm not as good as you...", Mafumafu argued as the brunet shook his head. "That doesn't matter.

The thing that matters is the thought. So... would you like to help me to cheer the others up?", Amatsuki asked as Mafumafu nodded. "I'd love to!", Mafumafu said as he spent the rest of the day, making pastries with the brunet.

"Uwah, we ended up making a lot!", Mafumafu sighed out as he looked at all the pastries in front of him. The door opened as some students stepped inside. "Wow, you guys made a lot!", Sakata exclaimed as he walked closer, inspecting all of the pastries in front of them.

"We made them for everyone! So please eat some!", Amatsuki said as everyone sat down. Mafumafu noted that there were some students missing. Soraru, Lon, Urata, Araki, Eve and Sou.

"Neru-san, do you know where Soraru-san is?", Mafumafu asked as the brown-haired male smiled and sighed. "I lost sight of him. So I decided to let that handsome ikemen have some time alone~", Neru said and Mafumafu frowned slightly but decided to go over to Soraru's dorm later.

"Please eat up then~", Amatsuki said as they nodded before they started eating.

And for a little while, they could forget about what happened.


"Soraru-san? Are you in there?", Mafumafu asked as he knocked the door. There was no answer as he knocked again. Again, no one answered the door. Mafumafu sighed as he was about to give up when a voice startled him.

"What are you doing?", a familiar voice asked as the albino turned around to see the raven-haired male standing there. "S-soraru-san?! What are you doing here?", Mafumafu asked.

"What am I doing here? Going back to my dorm.", Soraru answered. "That's not what I meant! I thought you were in your room already.", Mafumafu said as Soraru he shrugged.

"Lon came to talk to me about things so I decided to spare some time with her. After that I still needed some time alone though so I just spent some time in the school library.", Soraru explained as he unlocked his room.

"Anything you needed from me?", Soraru asked as he turned back to Mafumafu. "E-eh? I... just wanted to ask you if you were alright... I heard that you stormed off so quickly after the motive...", Mafumafu explained as he fumbled with his fingers. He could hear the raven-haired male sighing before his hair was being ruffled.

"Don't worry about it. I just needed some time to calm myself down and think through this logically.", Soraru assured him as he then scratched his cheek and looked away. "But... thanks for worrying about me...", he thanked as Mafumafu was slightly surprised but nodded smiling.

"Of course! I'll go back to my room then!", Mafumafu said as he walked back to his room. On his way back, he saw Kuro walking as he got confused. "Oh! Good evening, Mafu-chan~", she greeted him as Mafumafu greeted her back.

"Good evening, Kuro-san. Are you heading somewhere? This is not the way to your dorm after all.", the albino pointed out as she nodded happily. "Yup~ I'll go to Soraru-san's room~ I wanna play some games with him so I brought these!", she exclaimed as she lifted the bags full of snacks and games up. "Wanna come with me? We can play Splatoon together!", Kuro exclaimed.

Mafumafu wanted to accept at first but at the mention of Splatoon, he decided against it as he shook his head in the end. "I'm fine but thanks for offering this. I hope you guys have fun.", Mafumafu said as he bowed.

"Alright~ If you ever change your mind you should just come and see how I destroy him at this!", Kuro cheered grinning before she walked past the albino. Mafumafu walked back into his dorm and as he stepped in, he could see the ravenette opening the door and letting Kuro inside.

The albino closed his door as he threw himself on to the bed as he buried himself into the sheets. Now that he was all alone, the reality of the situation hit him again as he could feel tears welling up again. "Dear god... if you really do exist then... please... help us to get out of here...", Mafumafu pleaded quietly to himself.

A sudden knock on his door, snapped him out of his thoughts as he stood up confused and opened the door, not expecting to see a familiar redhead standing there. "Sakata-san? Is there something you need?", Mafumafu asked confused, noting the pillow in the other male's arms.

"M-mafudon, I know that it's weird being asked this and all... especially in this situation... but is it alright with you if I can sleep over for tonight?", the redhead asked. Both of them knew why Sakata wouldn't ask other people.

They would instantly reject him because even if everyone didn't want to show it, they still doubted each other. Mafumafu guessed that he should probably think like that too

. But seeing the redhead looking so helpless, he decided to let him in. "Thank you! I'm really glad that you are doing this despite everything!", Sakata thanked the albino several times before he stepped in. They both laid down as Mafumafu then switched the lights off closing his eyes.

"Good night, Sakata-san.", he said. "You can call me Sakatan! That's what my friends used to call me!", the redhead told the albino who nodded. "Then... good night, Sakatan.", Mafumafu said as the other male hummed satisfied.

"Yes! Good night, Mafudon!", he said. And for the first time since forever, Mafumafu didn't have nightmares.


"Ah! You guys coming together is pretty rare, huh?", Amatsuki asked when he saw how Neru, Soraru and Mafumafu stepped inside with Sakata. "We had a sleepover time together~", Sakata chirped as Urata only rolled his eyes. "Childish.", he muttered as the redhead gasped.

"It's not! Mafudon is way nicer than you!", he exclaimed as the brunet glared at the younger male. "As if I'd care!", he snapped as Senra smiled sheepishly trying to calm them down.

"Now now, let's not fight against each other, alright?", Senra told them as the both huffed before looking away from each other. Shima only sighed as he put an arm around Senra. "Let's just ignore them and spend our free time together later~", Shima chirped as Senra blushed slightly.

"Ew.", Urata merely said as Shima glared at the brunet. "Stop saying that! I'm sure in a few days, you'll start flirting with Sakatan like crazy.", Shima said as Urata's face grew red from both embarrassment and anger.

"Who would flirt with an idiot like him?!", Urata asked and they were about to start arguing again if not for Senra and Sakata stopping them.

They started eating breakfast even if not everyone was here yet. Soon, the other students started to enter the dining hall. But one student didn't come. And even after everyone finished their breakfast, they still didn't come.

It was when they finished, that someone finally decided to speak up. "Everyone... has anyone of you seen Lon today?", Kashitaro asked as no one said anything, meaning that no one saw her.

"I-i'll search for her!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he stood up. "Wait. I'll search for her too.", Soraru said as he stood up as well. "I'm gonna come too!", Neru exclaimed. "Let's all search for her.", Amatsuki said as the others agreed with him.

They all exited the dining hall as they searched all around. Mafumafu decided to go to her dorm as some people followed him. He knocked a few times. "Lon-san? Are you in there?", Mafumafu asked as no answer came.

"Lon-san?", Mafumafu asked as he knocked again, no answer coming again. "Let's just break down this door.", Urata said but sighed when he saw the disapproving faces of the others.

"Fine... I'll just do this then...", Urata muttered as he pulled out some pins attached to his clothes as he used them to open the door. "Don't give me that look. It's an emergency, isn't it?", Urata asked as he opened the door as all of them looked terrified at the scene in front of them.

The room was messy. But that was the thing they were the least worried about right now.

The room had small bits of blood scattered around the room. And in the middle of the floor laid the lifeless body of the Ultimate Dressmaker as Mafumafu felt his face go pale.

"L-lon-san?", Mafumafu called out waiting for a response which would never come again.

"Puhuhuhu! A body has been discovered! Please use this time to investigate everything! After a certain amount of time, the class will be held!", Monokuma announced.

"Oi... who did this to her?!", Urata asked. "Lon-san!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he ran to her side. "W-wake up, Lon-san... It's late already...", Mafumafu said as his voice started to waver. "Mafu...", Soraru trailed off.

"Soraru-san, help me wake her up... I-I wanted to give her some cake that I and Amatsuki-kun made... A-as a thanks for giving me this teru teru bozu plushy...", Mafumafu stuttered.

"Maybe she feels bad! Let's get her to the infirmary too—". "Mafu. Stop it.", Soraru said as he pulled the albino away from the lifeless body of the blonde female. "Mafu, get this into your head. She's dead.", Soraru stated as Mafumafu's broken smile morphed into despair before he started screaming.

The scream showed the other ultimates where the crime scene was as they all made sounds of terror and despair when they saw this.

Some of them looked shocked. Some of them started crying. Some of them started to get angry at Monokuma. But everyone knew that they couldn't do anything about this as they could only do their best to find the person who did this to the Ultimate Dressmaker. All of a sudden, all of their Monopad's started to ping as they all pulled it out to see that they got notified.

They opened the file to see a picture of Lon and some information standing besides that.

Victim: Lon (Ultimate Dressmaker)
Time of Death: 11 pm
Cause of Death: Thin Stab wound in the head
External Wounds:
- Wound on the Head
- Stab wound on the left hand

"What is this...", Mafumafu asked confused as Monokuma suddenly appeared in front of him. "Let me explain that! This is the Monokuma file which will explain you some simple things about the victim! Aren't I nice to give you one?", Monokuma asked as Araki rolled his eyes.

"Very nice.", he said sarcastically. "One question though!", Neru said as he looked up. "Hm? What is it student of mine who has some weird Soraru complex?", Monokuma asked.

"I won't deny that one~ But what I want to ask is which weapon they used to do all of this.", Neru said. "I can't tell you guys everything, do I? That would spoil everything! I will give you some hints but you still have to investigate! I'll look forward to see you in the class trial then~", Monokuma chirped before he disappeared.

"Ok, I think we should investigate her body now even if none of us want to do that... I think Lon would want us to find the person who did this to her.", Nqrse said as he stepped closer to the body to investigate it, carefully lifting her head to see the head wound.

When he gently lifted her up, something fell of her and all of their attention shifted to the dagger which fell of the ground.

Nqrse got confused as he picked the slightly blood-stained weapon up and widened his eyes when he realized something. "Is something wrong?", Sakata asked as the others got confused as well.

Nqrse's face turned into fury as he gently laid Lon down before he stood up and walked to someone as he looked up at the person with pure disgust.

"You were the one who did it, didn't you?! Soraru-san!", Nqrse exclaimed. "...What are you talking about?", he asked.

"Don't play dumb with me! Every single one of us got a weapon in the very beginning! I am very proud of my memories so I know that you are the only one who got this type of dagger!", Nqrse shouted. "N-no way... So Soraru-san did this?", Sou asked. "We don't know for sure, do we?", Eve asked. "I didn't kill her.", Soraru merely said.

"Then tell me, is this yours?", Nqrse asked as the raven-haired male said nothing. "I thought so. I don't even need to investigate anymore. I know who it is anyway so I'll go ahead into the trial room. But before I go, let me tell you that I think you are the lowest scum to kill someone.", Nqrse spat out before he exited the room.

There was a short silence before it was Araki who spoke up. "I'll go and follow him to calm him down.", he merely said before exiting as well. "...Well, should we investigate further then?", Eve asked after a while.

"Why? Is there any point after we saw the murder weapon which belongs to Soraru literally laying there?", Urata asked as Eve only gave him a smile. "Just because Soraru-san seems suspicious doesn't mean that he is the culprit. I think we should at least give him a chance to defend himself before we come to a conclusion.", Eve said which surprised the others before Luz stepped up and nodded.

"I-I agree! I think that we should investigate further to see if we can find any more clues!", Luz said as Mafumafu nodded.

"I want to believe that it wasn't Soraru-san until the very end! So let's do our best to find more clues!", Mafumafu exclaimed as some of the ultimates agreed before those students continued investigating.

In the end, they didn't find much more as they finished the last investigations. "Ahem! All students, please assemble in the trial court! It is in the school yard, the building at the very end!", Monokuma instructed them as they headed their way towards the place, seeing a cage like building standing there as they entered.

Nqrse and Araki were already standing there as the pink-haired male who clicked his tongue when he saw the raven-haired male.

"I don't know why we are even doing this when it's clearly Soraru-san who did this.", Nqrse scoffed as the older male stayed silent.

"It might not be Soraru-san who did this though! We have to believe in him until the very end!", Mafumafu exclaimed.

"Mafu-kun, I really like you but please shut up.", Nqrse told him as Mafumafu was about to argue again. But he was stopped by Soraru who put a hand on the other's shoulder and shook his head. "It's no use arguing here.

We should do it in the trial.", Soraru said as a high-pitched voice talked in. "Mr. Suspect is right! Stop wasting time and get into the elevator!", Monokuma said and before they could even question where the heck that was, the waterfall opened, revealing an elevator which opened for them.

They all stayed silent before they entered the elevator which closed its doors as soon as everyone entered. And with that, the elevator descended. No one said anything while that happened.

Soon the elevator came to a halt as the door opened again, revealing a large room with sixteen podiums standing there. "Welcome to this beautiful court of mine! Please go the podium with your name on it!", Monokuma instructed them as they did as told. When Mafumafu was about to step out of the elevator Soraru stopped him as he leaned down to whisper something to the albino.

"Be careful of who to trust. Even if they seem nice to you.", he warned. And before Mafumafu could ask more about it, Soraru already pulled back already as he headed to his own podium.

Mafumafu followed suit soon after, finding himself standing next to Luz and Senra. Soraru was clearly the suspect right now. And what Soraru told him, confused him. But he wanted to believe in Soraru no matter what. And he would prove the ravenette's innocence in this class trial.

"I will show everyone that Soraru-san wasn't the one who killed Lon-san.", Mafumafu thought as he closed his eyes to go over the evidence one last time. Lon, the Ultimate Dressmaker... they haven't talked much to each other. But even so, Mafumafu could see her kindness.

The albino looked at the teru teru bozu plushy before he attached it to his belt, letting it dangle there on his waist.

"Lon-san... don't worry, I will find the one who did this to you and find a way to end this killing game!" And with that, the class trial started.

Remaining Students: 15

A very long chapter finally finished~ I hope you guys liked it even if it probably had lots of mistakes cause I was too lazy to proofread it ww Any idea on who the blackened could be? If not, want to make a random guess? www Anyways, this was all ww Sayonyara~!

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