Danganronpa (Various Ships)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Urata x Sakata, Shima x Senra, Kashitaro x Amatsuki, Luz x Nqrse, Araki x Nqrse, Eve x Sou, 96Neko, Lon, Neru

Danganronpa AU
I'm sorry for it not being the No Game no Life part 2 ww I'll work on it sooner or later ww And I'm sorry for not doing the tag yet! www How about doing it here real quick? www Is that even allowed? www I'll just do it ww A lot of people tagged me so I'll just take the first people who tagged me, I'm so sorry! Thanks for tagging me LisaYuuki17 and Uni_SoraruMafumafu !

@everyone UwU
I won't tag any people cause I don't want to continue this tagging chaos but thanks! www Just a small note that I didn't do any proofreading for this one cause I started it today and am too lazy to proofread it www Anyways, have fun reading the chapter!


Sakuragaoka Academy. A prestigious school where you can only get in if you have true talent. Applying to join won't be possible as you can only join if scouted. Mafumafu would have never imagined to be scouted though.

Sure he would be attending high school soon and had a hobby which he was kind of good at. But being scouted because of it never occurred his mind. And now here Mafumafu was, standing in front of the train station as he hugged his parents a last time.

"We're so proud of you! Getting into Sakuragaoka, that's our Mafumafu!", his mother said as his father patted his back approvingly. "Thanks! I will do my best and text you once I get there!", the albino exclaimed before they hugged each other a last time before Mafumafu entered the train.

Through the window, he waved at his family a last time, before the train started to drive away. Mafumafu looked the scenery passing by quickly as both his excitement and his nervosity grew.

What would the school look like? What would his classmates be like?

Mafumafu thought that he was probably going to be nervous the whole journey. But he wouldn't have to feel like that any longer as a gas suddenly filled his cabin as he looked at it confused before coughing when he accidentally breathed it in.

He felt his throat drying up as he suddenly felt fatigue overtake him. And the next thing he knew, everything went black.


"Oi... you... wake up...", a voice muttered as the albino felt someone shaking him. All he did though was stir a bit but not wake up as he wanted to continue on sleeping.

"Oi!", the person shouted which startled Mafumafu as he opened his eyes and sat up to bump into the person in front of him who groaned before looking at him annoyed. "Good Morning to you as well.", he greeted the other male in front of him annoyed as he stood up again and brushed his pants.

"A-ah, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?!", Mafumafu asked as he stood up to check if the taller male was alright. While he did so, he analyzed the appearance of the other male. He had dark raven hair with a pair of blue eyes which contrasted his red eyes. The pale skin contrasted his hair and his appearance just screamed "ikemen".

"I'm ok... Just glad that you finally woke up.", he said as Mafumafu looked around confused to see that they were in a classroom.

"Eh? How did I get here? I was just in the train a while ago until... that weird gas came into my cabin... Are you my kidnapper or something?!", Mafumafu asked panicked as the ravenette only sighed annoyed and shook his head.

"Why the heck would I kidnap you? I don't even know you and it's a pain to do so...", he said yawning. "I guess my situation is the same as you. I woke up here just some minutes before you and decided to wake up.", the raven-haired explained as the albino nodded.

"I see... Thanks then! My name is Mafumafu! And I am the Ultimate Musician!", he exclaimed as he held his hand out to the other male who took it awkwardly and shook it.

"And who are you?", "...I'm Soraru.", the older male introduced himself as the albino waited for the other male continue. But it seemed like he was done. "And what kind of talent do you have?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru pulled his hand away and sighed. "I don't remember...", Soraru said as Mafumafu tilted his head confused.

"You don't... remember?", he asked. "Yeah... I remember that I was invited to this school and all. And that I stepped inside the train but... I can't remember what kind of talent I have.", Soraru explained as he then sighed.

"Sounds unbelievable and I don't expect you to believe me. I think I'll just tell everyone else that I don't have one or something.", he said as Mafumafu shook his head. "Don't worry! I'll believe you! Maybe you'll remember your talent sooner or later! After all, you must have one being invited to Sakuragaoka as well!", Mafumafu exclaimed.

The older male widened his eyes slightly surprised but nodded. "...Thanks... for believing me I guess. Let's just go and see if there are other people here.", he said as the albino nodded before they exited the room. They walked around in the school building as Mafumafu noticed that the school walls were all white with a lot of ranks on the walls as the floor was covered with grass.

They walked a bit more until they noticed a brown-haired male standing there with three other males as they talked with each other. Or more like, it looked like they were arguing with each other.

"Don't screw with me! Get me out of this place already! What kind of sick prank is this?!", the short brunet said as he grabbed the purple-haired male by the collar who tried to calm him down with the redhead as the blond male pulled the brunet away. "Can you please calm down?

We don't know how we got here as well and are just as confused as you!", the blond male told the brunet who crossed his arms. "And I should believe that? You—", the brunet stopped when he noticed Mafumafu and Soraru standing there. "Ugh, great... More people.", the brunet groaned.

"A-ah, hi. Are you guys Ultimates as well?", the redhead asked as he stepped slightly towards them as Mafumafu nodded happily.

"Yes! I'm Mafumafu, the Ultimate Musician! Who are you?", Mafumafu asked as the redhead's nervous face turned into a smile for the first time at the cheerful person in front of him.

"My name is Sakata! I'm the Ultimate Kendo Artist!", the red-haired male exclaimed as the other three shouted out in shock.

"An idiot like you is the Ultimate Kendo Artist?!", the brunet asked shocked. "I didn't know you were capable of holding that and not accidentally hit someone with it.", the blond male added.

"Yeah, you were stumbling over your own feet just some minutes ago.", the purple-haired male said as Sakata pouted.

"How mean! Maybe I will show you guys my skills sometime!", the redhead exclaimed. Mafumafu then looked at the other three as the blond male was the first one who noticed, giving the albino a polite smile before he introduced himself.

"I'm Senra. The Ultimate Artist. Pleasure to meet you.", he said as he bowed slightly as the albino bowed in return as well. "Ah! It's nice to meet you as well!", Mafumafu exclaimed.

"It's my turn then! The name's Shima! And I'm the Ultimate Soldier!", the purple-haired male exclaimed as the brunet next to him scoffed. "This is stupid. Why are we even introducing ourselves?", Urata asked as he crossed his arms.

"Don't act like a spoiled brat.", Soraru said finally deciding to speak up. What he said though, wasn't taken well by the brunet.

"Huh?! What did you say?!", he asked as he was about to storm up to the ravenette until he was held back by the blond again.

"Please calm down. This doesn't help this situation right now. How about you just introduce yourself before we go on and find a way out?", Senra suggested as the brunet stayed silent and he clicked before speaking up again. "Urata. Ultimate Voice Actor.", he introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, Urata-san!", Mafumafu exclaimed smiling as the brunet was surprised that the albino acted friendly towards him despite his rudeness from before. So he just nodded as he muttered a nice to meet you back to the albino as well. "So how about you?", Shima asked as he looked at the ravenette who perked up.

"Me?", he asked for confirmation as the brunet rolled his eyes. "Who else would he mean?", Urata asked as Soraru glared at the brunet before sighing and answering. "I'm Soraru. And I don't have any talent.", Soraru lied and Mafumafu noticed this immediately as he snapped his head towards the older male who only glanced at him.

"You... don't have a talent? Why are you even here then?", Senra asked as the older male shrugged. "That's what I'd like to know.", Soraru merely answered as Urata narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything. "I have a question. Did all of you guys also suddenly wake up here on your way to Sakuragaoka?", Mafumafu asked Sakata widened his eyes and nodded.

"Yes! In fact, all of us! So you guys were like that too?", Sakata asked as Mafumafu nodded. "Yes! Do you guys think that this is some weird way to welcome us?", Mafumafu asked as the redhead smiled and nodded. "Maybe it is!", he agreed as everyone else sighed.

"Even if this is Sakuragaoka, this would be too weird. There's no school which would do that.", Soraru said. "I don't want to say this but I agree with him.", Urata said. "Also, me and the others were searching for an exit but... we couldn't find one.", Senra told them.

"But there is a really big school yard with lots of Sakura trees so that's nice!", Shima exclaimed. Soraru merely sighed but nodded.

"Thanks. I'll go find a way out myself so you have fun doing what you were doing.", Soraru said before he turned to walk away. Mafumafu noticed this as he quickly bowed and bid farewell to them before following the raven-haired male.

"You don't have to follow me, you know? We may have woken up in the same place but you should stay with people who aren't as suspicious as me. People might suspect you for hanging out with someone who doesn't even know his own talent.", Soraru told him. "I don't care about that! I want to trust you!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the older male widened his eyes surprised before humming.

"Well, don't blame me if people start taking advantage of your kindness.", Soraru said as the younger male pouted and was about to say something, until they saw some more people standing there.

"Ah, look! There are humans walking to us!", a blond female said as Mafumafu was surprised by the large amount of piercings. As soon as she said that the others looked at them. "Oh! Are you guys perhaps Ultimates as well?", another blond girl asked as she looked at them.

"He is. I'm not an Ultimate.", Soraru answered as the others were slightly surprised. The taller brunet spoke up smiling assuring.

"I see. Well, I'm Kashitaro, the Ultimate Historian. I hope we can get along despite me wearing this.", Kashitaro said motioning towards his fox mask as they both nodded. "Of course! I'm Mafumafu! The Ultimate Musician! It's nice to meet you!", Mafumafu exclaimed.

"My turn! My turn~ My name is Kuro! And I'm the Ultimate Entertainer~ Let's all have fun together!", she chirped as the blond female next to her giggled before giving them a gentle smile.

"I'm Lon. The Ultimate Dressmaker. I agree with everyone and hope that we will all get along together as well.", the blond female introduced herself. They then looked at the other brunet who was the only one who hasn't introduce himself yet. "Ah, yes! I'm Amatsuki!

The Ultimate Pastry Chef! If you ever want to have some cake, I'm the right person to go to~", he chirped as he then looked at Soraru.

"By the way, what's your name?", he asked as Soraru gave him a confused look. "You said you didn't have a talent but you didn't give us your name~", Amatsuki said.

"I guess you're right. My name is Soraru. Anyways, let's come to the point. Did you guys also woke up here so suddenly after trying to get to Sakuragaoka?", Soraru asked as Lon flinched before nodding as her mood sunk down slightly. "Yes... I wonder what this was about... Why are we all here?", she asked as she trembled slightly.

"We all woke up here. From what you're saying, I'll assume that you did too.", Kashitaro said as Mafumafu nodded.

"Yes... Have you guys found a way out of here?", Mafumafu asked as Amatsuki shook his head. "No... unfortunately not... We will keep searching though because there has to be one!", he exclaimed determined as Soraru nodded.

"Thanks then. We'll keep searching. If we do find an exit, we'll come to tell you.", Soraru said before he turned to walk away again.

"Well, we'll see you later then!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he waved at them which was returned by them waving back before the albino ran to catch up with the older male. "I wonder how many students there are on this campus...", Mafumafu muttered as Soraru hummed.

"Who knows? We'll see sooner or later.", Soraru said before he saw a door which he pushed open. As soon as he did, a strong wind gust blew as they closed their eyes for a moment before they opened it again, stunned to see a grand school yard with only sakura trees standing there.

Mafumafu then looked up, shocked to see a glass ceiling of some sort closing over the school building with the yard, the sky still being seen as it felt like they were in some sort of cage.

They decided to walk through the school yard, hoping to find a clue on how to get out. Instead, they found some other buildings and people while they were walking. Six people were standing in the middle of the school yard talking with each other. "Oh! Hello!", a brown-haired male exclaimed as he waved at them when they walked closer.

"Hello! I'm Mafumafu, the Ultimate Musician! Are all of you guys Ultimates as well?", Mafumafu asked as the pink-haired male was about to introduce himself. But the brown-haired male beat him to it as he started speaking in a loud voice.

"I'm Neru, the Ultimate Composer! That pink-haired guy over there, yeah he's a guy, is Nqrse, the Ultimate Model! Those two are Eve and Sou. Ultimate Barista and Ultimate Novelist!

That redhead is Araki, the Ultimate Make Up Artist, despite his looks. And lastly, this tall guy here is Luz, the Ultimate Bartender!

And no it's not the same talent as Eve-kun here!", Neru introduced all of them as they all mumbled in slight distaste.

Before anyone of them could speak up though, Neru opened his mouth to talk again.

"And what is your name, you handsome ikemen?", he asked as he turned towards Soraru who was trying to catch up to this guy's pace.

"Soraru. I have no talent.", he answered as that immediately made the others frown. "Then why are you—".

"Oh~ So you are the mysterious type, huh~?", Neru asked as Soraru just looked at him in slight irritation and utter confusion.

"What the hell are you talking about?", Soraru asked.

"Well, there has to be a reason why you are here, right?! After all, you are in Sakuragaoka so you must have a talent! Maybe something you don't even know yourself! Hey! How about we both search for it together?", he asked as he walked up closer to Soraru who looked uncomfortable and stepped away.

"No, thank you.", he answered as Neru still smiled though and ignored the rejection.

"Let's spend this year happily together and find your talent alright? We can spend so much time together and get to know each other more! Don't you want to know more about me too?", he asked as Soraru was about to reject him again.

Before he could do that though, a voice interrupted them, coming from the loudspeakers. "Ahem! Dear students of Sakuragaoka Academy! Please assemble in the gym right away! I repeat! Dear students of Sakuragaoka Academy! Please assemble in the gym right away!", a high-pitched voice told them.

"...Does anyone know where the gym is?", Mafumafu asked as Neru nodded. "Yup! Just follow me~", the brown-haired male chirped as they followed him before they arrived at the gym. As soon as they opened the door, Mafumafu immediately noticed the other students they met before standing there.

And for some reason, he thought that these were everyone who would come. "Do you guys know why we were called?", Sakata asked as Urata only rolled his eyes annoyed. "Don't ask such stupid questions.", the brunet said.

Sakata pouted as he was about to deny that statement before the same high-pitched voice from before spoke up again as they could hear a microphone getting switched on.

"Ahem! Hello? Can you guys hear me?", it asked as they looked at where the source of the voice was coming from, leading them to the pult standing on the stage. As soon as they did, a robot bear jumped onto the pult, his one half being white while the other was black.

"Everyone! Welcome to this beautiful academy! Sakuragaoka!This is the private school in which you 16 Ultimates are now going to live. I'm the headmaster of this academy. You may call me Monokuma!", the bear introduced himself. "A talking plush?!", Shima exclaimed surprised as Monokuma coughed insulted.

"That's Monokuma for you! And I'm your headmaster so show more respect!", he warned the purple-haired male.

"What do you mean we'll live here? When can we go back home?", Amatsuki asked. "Hmm? You'll have to stay here forever! Unless...", Monokuma trailed off. "Unless what?", Kuro asked curiously. "There is one way to get out of here! And that is... to graduate!", Monokuma explained.

"And we can graduate how?", Urata asked annoyed. "Easy! To get out of here... you have to kill someone!", Monokuma announced. There was a short silence before the students broke into panic. "K-kill someone?!", Lon stuttered scared.

"Drowning, stabbing, poisoning, hitting, torturing, crushing, hanging, strangling or laughing someone to death... You can kill any way you want! You just have to kill without anyone finding out! After a killing has occurred, a class trial will be held!", Monokuma said.

"A class trial?", Senra asked. "Yes! A class trial! After someone has killed they will become the murderer called the blackened!

The spotless students have to investigate who the blackened is! After the investigation we will have a class trial where you can share your information with each other!

Once you're done, we'll have a voting to see if you're right or wrong! If you vote correctly then only the blackened will be punished but if you pick the wrong person~", Monokuma made a dramatic pause. "I'll punish everyone besides the blackened~ And that student gets to graduate from here!", Monokuma finished explaining.

"What do you mean by 'punishment'?", Eve asked. "Well, you'll get executed.", Monokuma answered as if it was obvious.

"Executed?!", Araki shouted. "If you murder someone then you have to take the equal punishment.", Monokuma said bored. 

"There's no way someone will kill here. I believe in everyone!", Mafumafu exclaimed. "Kill without being caught, and then survive the trial... Sounds eerily similar to the real world.", Soraru commented. "So you are saying we have to stay here until someone kills? What if nobody kills after a long amount of time?", Kashitaro asked.

He had a mask on but everyone could still see the stress."Don't worry about that! If, after a long time, no killing has occurred, then I'll give you a reason to kill~ In other words a motive!", Monokuma answered. "Well, that's enough for the opening ceremony! Let's have a fun semester together~ Puhuhuhuhu!", Monokuma laughed before he disappeared leaving the students behind.

There was a long, uncomfortable silence. No one said a word as they all looked at each other in doubt and distrust. Each of them was thinking who would be the first one to break down and kill. It would be only a matter of time until someone begins this game. And with Monokuma's motives that time would arrive even sooner.

Mafumafu clenched his fists tightly as he looked down before he got determined and set a goal for himself. "Guys! I know what Monokuma just said but... I want to believe that no one of us will kill anyone! I promise that we will all get out of here alive! No one will die in here!", he declared as the others started to nod.

"H-he's right! Let's all do our best to find a way to escape!", Sakata agreed as everyone else also agreed besides some few people who didn't say anything. Mafumafu was happy that the others shared his opinion.

And with that, he set a goal for himself. And he believed that they could do it. Mafumafu believed that everyone would get out of this alive.


Remaining Students: 16

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