Top 10 Utaites~ (Yes, it changed cause of quarantine UwU)

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Soo.... I got tagged by Gratsu791 ww Thanks for tagging me~ I know I did this before but hear me out ww Cause of quarantine, I got a lot of time to spare and so, I listened to more music and that ended up making me change my perspective www So... let's do this again~

10. Luz

Ok, I know he was my 4th place before and all ww And I am sorry for all the Luz fans that he went down ww I still like him and all but I don't listen to him that actively anymore and listened to other Utaites instead so this happened ww Anyways, he deserves to be in the Top 10 ok www Like, he sounds so cool when he sings but then he is all shy and quiet when he interacts with others www So yeah ww

9. Jel

Oh, look at this ww Someone new in my list ww 9th place is the wonderful Entertainer of Sutopuri~ I mean, he is just too funny with all of his videos so it just makes sense to like him www Sings good, is funny, that is Jel for you ww Let's all give him an applause before moving on to the next Utaite~! *claps* UwU

8. Root

On the 8th we have Root from Sutopuri~ Why he got higher up? Love his voice ww It is soft and such and listening to it more often made me realize that it is truly soothing ww Oh, and I love his image of a black hearted psychopath that sutopuri gives him www Like, you think he is all innocent at first and then everyone from Sutopuri just says how mean he actually is so www

7. Kashitaro Ito

7th place is our Kashitaro Ito! The wonderful fox-masked man! He actually got higher up cause I really really loved his Hyakka Ryouran that Licht suggested to me www His voice is really nice and it is soothing as well which is one of the reasons why I like him ww I actually really like soothing voices and this is why I like his voice as well!

It is kind of warm and gives me the feeling as if it were a spring day or a warm autumn day! It may sound weird but he really gives me these feelings ww It really is shame that he isn't that active though but I shall stay positive and look forward to the time when he will upload a new song or cover~

6. Mafumafu

Ok, don't kill me ww Yes, I'm sorry that Mafumafu is 6th place. It's not like I like him less now ww It's actually that I grew to like listening to him more ever since quarantine started ww Listened to his songs and realized that he truly is talented in composing and that his voice is great ww

The only reason why he is 6th is because I grew to like the other Utaites even more cause I just listened to more songs of them which made me realize how great they are I'm my opinion www

Anyways, let's all give Mafumafu a hug and tell him to better take care of himself!

Oof, halfway through ww Are you still here? If you are then prove it and leave a comment right here www Ok, joking, I'll shut up ww Anyways, let's go to the fifth place~

5. Colon

The screaming gamer Utaite who seriously makes me laugh whenever I watch his gameplays ww Like, it is just too funny to see his reactions or how he screams in his streams and such ww Or when Riinu decides to pull a prank on him and call him the whole time, I really liked his reactions www His singing voice is also really nice and is very different from when he talks ww

I will never forget what I thought of his voice the first time ww I was like: What is wrong with his voice? Is he alright? Does he need water? www Well, I still grew to like that so it's fine and well ww Anyways, next Utaite~

4. 96Neko

96Neko is so cool and funny in my opinion ww She is cool and her voice is soothing when I listen to her sing~ But she is so funny when she is not singing and I really like her~ She is one of my first Utaites that I have listened to and after listening to her even more, I realized how much I actually liked listening to her singing ww

Also, her newest cover with Amatsuki? I think it had Kaibutsu in the title? Well, I really like that song www Like, listen to it guys www Listen to it ww (Warning: Mikoto is suggesting a song again)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This one ww Like it's great so listen to it www Yes, I am suggesting a song again ww You guys know me already so forgive me www

Welp, now we have reached the Top 3 Utaites of mine~ Do you think it totally changed or not~? Well, you will see if you are actually still here ww Guys comment to— I shall shut up www

3. Eve

This mushroom-haired male here convinced me to put him in third place and shot up so many ranks www Listening to his songs made me think again that he indeed is an incredible composer~ Like did you listen to his newest song? It just can't get out of my head! www

Take this www

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Like generally his songs ww Whenever I listen to one of his original songs... they just stay in my head ww They won't go out even if I want to www

Eve's music style is really my taste so it'd make sense ww It is calm yet it is not too calm so you want to fall asleep ww Those kind of songs? Well, I really like those kinds of songs like Eve's and I wish I could compose in his style ww And when I realized that, he just suddenly was in place three in my ranking www

2. Amatsuki

Amatsuki ww Wonderful Amatsuki stayed the second place of my ranking www I mean, his songs and covers all sounded great! And I love how he can sing cute & cheerful songs and cool & rocky songs at the same time www He is just this really wonderful non-shut-in Utaite who you really want to listen to! He just brightens up your day with those shoujo kinda songs www He really reminds me of a protagonist of some sort of manga www

And finally we reach the first place of my top 10 Utaite ranking www Are you still here? Well, either way, let me tell you who it is ww You will be so surprised, I just know it www Like, you will be so shocked by who it is! You won't expect it www It is~

1. Soraru

Who would have guessed?? www It is Soraru wwwww I bet you guys didn't guess that huh www I mean, it's not like I totally annoy the heck out of everyone about it UwU Anyways.... I'm sorry for what will happen now ww


Soraru is really great with his soothing, deep voice. His voice can sing me to sleep. His original character looks so cool with his black hair and blue eyes. He is kind and is someone who strive to be like a bit. The covers or songs of him vary from cool to soothing which I love. He doesn't really write many songs.

But when he does, they are really good and give me hope. Especially, when I know what the lyrics are like. And the way I compose is a bit like his songs so I think he heavily inspires me to make songs.

I am very thankful to have come to known Soraru as an Utaite. Thanks to him, my life became a lot more colorful and I... I am starting to rant so let me end this here ww

Time to tag five people www
There you go, I am sorry for tagging you ww

Anyways, this is my new list of top 10 Utaite~ You think this is the ending? Well, no ww

I want to know something from you guys as well so if you are comfortable enough to do so, please tell me if anything has changed for you as well in your Top 10 Utaite list~

1. Has your Top 10 Utaite list changed like for me or did it stay the same?

2. What are your current Top 5 Utaite songs you like to listen to~?
Mine are:
- Kaibutsu-san (Amatsuki & 96Neko)
- How to devour life (Eve)
- Pretender (Mafumafu)
- Bocca Della Verita (Soraru)
- Dusk, Mistaken for a Dream (After the Rain)

3. Who is your favorite Utaite? (That is if you are too lazy to answer question one ww)

Anyways, this was all~ If you did stay until the end, thank you ww I will go to sleep now and work on the Danganronpa chapter soon so please be patient until then~ Sayonyara~

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