Echo (Mafunaru)

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Requested by: @Nishiru_Chan
Pairing: Nqrse x Mafumafu
Collabed with: Gaming_Crystal3099
Thanks for collabing with me, Crystal-chan~ Please read her oneshot book as well to see more collabs between us~ Also, don't mind the title, I didn't know what to choose www

Nqrse was sitting on the couch at Mafumafu's house. The two of them had planned to do a collab today with each other, for the first time ever. They were going to be doing a cover of "Echo" which Nqrse was excited for. He was just waiting for Mafumafu to finish getting ready.

"A-ah, Nqrse-san, I finished setting everything up so we can start now if you're ready.", Mafumafu said as he stepped out of his room and walked into the living room. He was a bit nervous as this was the first time the two of them did a collab together but he still looked forward to it.

Nqrse smiles and gets off the couch. "Yay~! This'll be so much fun! Aren't you excited for this collab! Stop looking so nervous!"

"A-ah, I'm sorry. I look forward to this collab as well, Nqrse-san! Let's start then!", Mafumafu said cheerfully.

Nqrse nods and follows Mafumafu to the recording room. "I'm ready to start whenever you are."

Mafumafu closed the door before he turned to look at the pink-haired male smiling. "Do you want to start first or should I start?", Mafumafu asked.

"Well aren't you doing the singing parts while I rap?" Nqrse chuckles in amusement.

"Y-yes! I-I'll just started the music then and we can see how it works from there. I'm sorry in advance for my English pronunciation though.", Mafumafu giggled lightly as he walked to the other side of the room to switch the music on.

"Don't worry too much about it! It'll sound great, I know it!" Nqrse encourages him.

Mafumafu giggled when he heard that feeling a bit more encouraged as he nodded. "If you say so, then it's got to be great. I'll do my best!", he exclaimed before he switched the music on.

The music started and Mafumafu took a deep breath before he started to sing. "The clock stopped ticking forever ago. How long have I been up? I don't know.", Mafumafu started singing his part.

Mafumafu kept singing until it was Nqrse's turn to come in. Nqrse starts rapping and seemed happy while doing so.

"Just keep it burning, talking to see a new fail. Because my words are like a grayscale," Nqrse raps.

Mafumafu slowly felt less nervous as he too started having a lot of fun while singing and soon they reached the last chorus as the albino gave it his all.

"What the hell's going on? Can someone tell me please? Why I'm switching faster than the channels on TV?", he continued singing until his last sentence. "The Echo in the mirror.", he sang and then the instrumental part came before the song ended.

Nqrse brings his hand up for Mafumafu to high-five him. "Go us! You were great by the way! Why did you underestimate yourself?"

Mafumafu smiled bashfully as he high-fived the other male. "Thank you for thinking so. But your rapping was even better, Nqrse-san! It was so cool! You were so cool!", Mafumafu exclaimed.

"Thanks! This was such a fun collab! We should collab more!" Nqrse says. "But your singing was better and you can't convince me otherwise!"

A light blush crept on his face as a smile appeared on his face. "You think so? Thank you, Nqrse-san!", Mafumafu thanked smiling happily. "And I agree, we should definitely collab some other time again!", Mafumafu said.

Nqrse gets a great idea and hands Mafumafu his phone. "Give me your number so we can contact each other! That way we can hang out and stuff!"

Mafumafu nodded excitedly as he clumsily took out his phone, handing it over to the pink-haired male.

Nqrse takes Mafumafu's phone and gives him his own. Nqrse punches in the digits to his phone number and hands it back to Mafumafu.

"Thank you very much for doing a collab with me! I'll cut everything together and contact you again so you can listen to it one more time.", Mafumafu told the rapper as he bowed politely.

Nqrse bows back with a smile. "Alrighty! Have a good day! Thank you for having me over!"

"Thank you for being here! I'll see you soon again then!", Mafumafu said smiling as he guided the pink-haired male to the door.

The pink haired male leaves while waving. He leaves the building, and heads to his own home.

Mafumafu hummed happily as he walked back to his room and worked on finishing the song. When he finished, he listened to it one more time before he decided to send it to Nqrse. He then put his phone down as he walked to the bath while he was waiting for an answer.

Nqrse receives the text and puts his headphones on before listening to the song. After he was done, he smiles and texts Mafumafu that he loves it.

Mafumafu, who just came back from the bath, read the text and smiled happily before he replied, saying that he was glad and that Nqrse did a great job.

Nqrse responds with saying that Mafumafu was even better.

At that Mafumafu blushed slightly. He just looked at the message before he wrote a message asking if Nqrse wanted to just hang out with him sometime. He hesitated once again before sending the message.

Nqrse looks back at his phone when he hears it go off again. He reads the text and answers back with a yes.

Mafumafu giggled happily when he read that message as they started to make some plans for where they should meet and hang out. In the end, they just decided to meet at a café.

They planned to hang out the next day, as it was late today. Nqrse bid him a good night before turning his phone off and heading to bed himself.

Mafumafu decided to go to bed as well. As he lied down he thought about today and how he enjoyed the pink-haired male's company even though they just actually interacted today. Thinking about how cool the other male was when he rapped, Mafumafu blushed when he noticed how often he had thought about Nqrse today.

He lightly slapped his cheeks as he forced himself to go to sleep even though that would be difficult. Even so, he still looked forward to the next day.

The next day, Nqrse woke up and did his normal morning routine. He showered, got dressed, and ate breakfast. He checked his phone for any new texts from Mafumafu, but saw none. He quickly texted him a good morning, before continuing on his day.

Mafumafu woke up yawning as he looked at the clock. He checked his phone to see that Nqrse texted him a good morning as he texted him back and asked him when they wanted to meet today. He then put his phone down as he started to get ready for the day as well.

Nqrse texts him back that he's free around noon if Mafumafu wants to meet up then.

Mafumafu replied yes and because he was too lazy to go out he asked Nqrse if they wanted to meet up at his house.

Nqrse agreed and said he'd be over in a few hours. Nqrse smiles and then gets prepared to meet with his new friend.

Mafumafu smiled happily when he read that as he changed his clothes and cleaned up the house before he sat down and just checked his Twitter while waiting for the time to pass by.

A few hours later, Nqrse appears at Mafumafu's front door. He knocks on the door and patiently waits for the other to answer it.

When Mafumafu heard a knock, he quickly scrambled towards the door. He almost tripped but fortunately he managed to open the door without hurting himself. "H-hello, Nqrse-san! Come in!", Mafumafu said as he stepped aside for the pink-haired male.

Nqrse smiles and goes inside. "Hey, Mafu-san! How are ya?"

"I'm fine! And how are you, Nqrse-san?", Mafumafu asked as he could feel his heart beating faster already.

"I'm great! So what do you wanna do?" Nqrse asks him as he sits down on the couch.

Only then did Mafumafu realize that he didn't make any plans for the day at all because he invited Nqrse over on a whim and was so excited that he hadn't thought of that. So in the end, the albino stood there as he started to play with his hands. "Well, um...", Mafumafu started as he cursed himself for messing up and probably looking like a fool.

"Wanna watch a movie and then play games?" Nqrse suggests, looking at Mafumafu with amusement.

"A-ah, sure!", Mafumafu said in slight embarrassment as he told Nqrse to follow him further into the house. "What do you want to drink, Nqrse-san?", Mafumafu asked.

"Water is fine," Nqrse answers back politely as he follows Mafumafu. "Your house is beautiful now that I have a chance to admire it."

"Thank you.", Mafumafu thanked giggling when he heard that. "You can head to the living room and choose a DVD first while I bring you some water.", Mafumafu said as he headed to the kitchen.

Nqrse nods and heads back to the living room. He looks through the dvds and chooses one of his liking. He then patiently waits for Mafumafu to return.

Mafumafu made himself some tea before coming back to the living room with a glass of water and the tea. "What did you choose?", Mafumafu asked curiously as he sat down.

Nqrse hands him the dvd. "It's called Clue. I absolutely adore this murder mystery movie! It was hilarious!"

"M-murder Mystery?", Mafumafu asked before he smiled politely. "If you say that it is good then it must be.", Mafumafu said as he put the DVD in before sitting back down in the couch.

"It is!" Nqrse says. "If you don't want to watch it, I understand. I can pick something else if you'd like."

"Ah, no, it's fine!", Mafumafu assured as he waved his hands around. There was no way, he would tell the other, that he's scared of horror movies. He didn't want to seem like a coward after all.

So Nqrse puts the movie in and they watch it. While watching it, Mafumafu finds out murder mysteries are not actually horror movies, and the movie was very hilarious, as it was a comedy too.

"The movie was just as great as you said, Nqrse-san!", Mafumafu stated giggling when he thought back of the movie. "You have a good taste!", he complimented.

"I know," Nqrse says flipping his hair back with his hand. "It's my favorite movie ever."

"Then I'm glad I got to watch it with you.", Mafumafu stated smiling softly. "Anyway, do you want to play some games now?", Mafumafu asked.

"Sure! What do you want to play?" Nqrse agrees.

"Um... we could just play snipper clips. Soraru-san and I played it before and it was kinda nice.", Mafumafu suggested.

"Sure! Sounds fun!" Nqrse says again. "Are we teaming or against each other?"

"We are a team and just have to complete some levels.", Mafumafu explained as he set the video game up. "It's somehow relaxing to play so I thought it'd be nice.", Mafumafu said.

"Awesome!" Nqrse says and claps his hands happily. "Then, lets do our best!"

Mafumafu hummed in agreement and so they started playing. It was nice and the two had a lot of fun before ending the game after an hour. And before they knew it, it was already dark outside.

"Ah! I guess I should go now," Nqrse says when he notices the sky outside. "It was a lot of fun! Hopefully we can hang out again!"

"Y-yes! See you again!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he waved at the pink-haired male happily.

Nqrse hesitates before walking over to Mafumafu. He pecks the older's cheek before running away out the door waving as he does so. "Bye!"

Mafumafu held his cheek trying to comprehend what just happened before a bright blush appeared on his face. "Eh?!", Mafumafu exclaimed shocked as he rushed back into his house hoping Nqrse didn't hear that. He held his face in embarrassments as he slided down the door.

Nqrse arrives at his house a bit later and collapses onto his book while covering his face in embarrassment. "Why did I do that?!"

After Mafumafu recovered from his blush, he just smiled happily touching his cheek where Nqrse kissed him before. He had a lot of fun today and even after he just spent a short time with the pink-haired male, it was enough for him to know that he was indeed in love with Nqrse. He guessed that it started after he had first listened to the pink-haired male rapping.

When that realization hit him he smiled softly. "Guess I will have to do my best to pursue you then, Nqrse-san...", Mafumafu thought as he looked forward to the time he'd spent with Nqrse in the future.

The next morning, Nqrse was just laying on his bed, the bottom half of his face covered by a pillow, as he scrolls through his phone. He decided he'd let Mafumafu text him first, as Nqrse was too scared he just ruined their friendship forever.

When Mafumafu woke up he decided to text the pink-haired male because of their collab first, saying that he uploaded it already.

Nqrse responded with an ok, and that was it.

Mafumafu frowned at the short answer before he thought about asking Nqrse to hang out again. He shook that thought off though as he didn't want to be annoying. So in the end he just decided to do some work.

Nqrse decided to go out and just hang out with his friend, Reol.

"So then I pecked his cheek and ran. And he texted me this morning about our video being uploaded and then I replied with, k! Like what was I thinking!" Nqrse tells Reol while the two were out in town walking.

Reol merely rolled her eyes. "You're worrying way too much! Just try to act as if it was normal to you or something like that.", Reol suggested.

"But it's not! And I like him! Like, like like him! And I want to kiss him more!" Nqrse exclaims.

Reol widened her eyes before laughing while holding her stomach. "So that's it! If that's it then you just have to confess to him!", Reol told him.

"I'm surprised though... I mean, didn't you just actually talked to each other some days ago?", Reol asked.

"I know! But when I saw him, it was like love at first sight! And have you heard his voice?! He sounds like an angel!" Nqrse gushes.

"I get it, I get it. You're so in love with him.", Reol replied as she noticed a dress she liked. "Look at that dress! Doesn't it look cute?", Reol asked as she got distracted.

Nqrse looks at the dress and whistles. "Hell yeah! Go try it on!" Nqrse now also gets distracted by the pretty dress.

"I will!", she said as she ran to the shop and tried the dress on. "How does it look on me?", she asked.

"Great!" Nqrse compliments and claps. "You should buy it!"

"You think so? I'll buy it then— Wait, weren't we just talking about your love life?", Reol asked.

"Oh yeaaaaah," Nqrse says, realizing they got off topic.

"Well, all I can say is that you have to act quickly before someone else asks Mafumafu-san out~", she said while humming happily because she got a new dress.

"But we met only a few days ago! What if he thinks I'm weird?!" Nqrse asks her. "What if he hates me! He hasn't texted me today other than to tell me our song was uploaded! He probably hates me!"

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you just because you did that. I mean, he's a nice person, isn't he?", Reol argued.

"Of course he is! He's a literal angel!" Nqrse tells her. "But I kissed him! After a few days of knowing each other! He has to be weirded out!"

"Oh, come on! It was just a kiss on the cheek!", Reol pointed out. "You haven't even talked to him after that so you wouldn't know if he's weirded out or not.", Reol said.

"He probably is," Nqrse tells her. "Think about it, someone you met a few days ago kisses your cheek. How would you feel?"

"Depends on how much I took a liking on that person in that amount of time. If it was someone like Kradness then I wouldn't mind~", Reol answered.

"When are you going to confess to him? I swear he likes you. The two of you act like a married couple anyhow," Nqrse tells her, smirking.

"We are not!", Reol denied with a bright blush. She then coughed to regain her composure. "Anyways, this is about you and not me today. If you don't want to confess immediately, you could just ask to meet up with him and find out what he thinks about you and if the day goes well, you can try and confess.", Reol suggested.

"Mmmmm," Nqrse hums, unsure. "I don't know... I'm too nervous to do that!"

"You don't have to confess if you don't want to. But try to talk to him sometime again before you'll end up like this again.", Reol said.

"Hnnnn, fine! I'll talk to him tomorrow. Hopefully he doesn't think too much about it...." Nqrse mumbles to himself.

"I'm sure it'll be fine~ Anyway, I've got to go now but tell me how it went!", Reol said as she gave Nqrse a quick hug before going away.

"Will do!" He calls out to her. Then, he heads back home. He debates texting Mafumafu then, but decides not to.

The next day, Mafumafu woke up to see that the pink-haired male hadn't messaged him at all. He guessed that it was probably because Nqrse had other friends to hang out as well so he decided not to disturb him.

When Nqrse woke up, he does the morning routine Author #2 mentioned earlier. He then grabs his phone and texts Mafumafu, asking if he wanted to hang out.

When Mafumafu read the text he agreed asking where and when they should meet up.

Nqrse responds with a cafe name and around noonish also asking if that was what Mafumafu wanted.

Mafumafu replied that it was fine and so he got ready for the afternoon.

Nqrse was already ready, so he just chilled until it was time to head out. An by chill, Author #2 means Nqrse thought about every possible thing that could go wrong.

In the afternoon, Mafumafu only hummed happily when he noticed it was time and headed to the café as he stepped in looking to see if Nqrse was already there.

Nqrse, was there, and he was sweating buckets mentally. He sees Mafumafu walking towards him and smiles. "Hey Mafu-san!"

"Hello, Nqrse-san! How are you?", Mafumafu asked smiling as he sat down.

"I'm good! And you?" Nqrse asks.

"I'm good as well. Especially after you wanted to hang out with me! It surprised me because I didn't think that you'd want to spend your time with me...", Mafumafu smiled sheepishly as he scratched his cheek.

"Eh? Really?" Nqrse asks in surprise. "I thought you wouldn't want to hang out with me anymore!"

"Why would I not want to hang out with you, Nqrse-san?", Mafumafu asked tilting his head confused. "You are such a great and kind person after all! Who wouldn't want to spend time with you?", the albino asked giggling.

Nqrse blushes and looks away while scratching the back of his neck. "I thought you'd be weirded out because I kissed you on the cheek."

Mafumafu blushed when he remembered that but he shook his head. "It's fine. Luz-kun does that casually as well so you're not the only one.", the albino assured. He left the part out that Nqrse made his heart race when he did that though.

Nqrse's face goes blank. "Oh...." Suddenly the atmosphere got tense and uncomfortable.

Mafumafu noticed this as he looked at the pink-haired male confused. "Eh? Is something wrong?", he asked worriedly.

"Nope! Nothing!" Nqrse fakes a smile. He had no right to be jealous. Absolutely none.

"Let's order some food then! I'm so hungry!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he took the menu.

Nqrse nods as he also looks through the menu. "What are you going to get?"

"Hmm... I think I'll get the strawberry parfait and some tea~", Mafumafu said as he put down the menu. "Have you decided yet, Nqrse-san?", he asked.

"Hm... Coffee and a chocolate chip cookie," Nqrse decides on.

"Ok, then we can order~", Mafumafu said as he waved the waitress over and said his order.

Nqrse gives her his order too. She leaves to get their food and Nqrse turns back to Mafumafu. "Soo.. What do ya wanna talk about?"

"Eh? Um... how was your day? Did you do something fun today or yesterday?", Mafumafu asked before cursing at himself in his mind for being so bad at striking conversations.

"Oh! I hung out with my friend, Reol," Nqrse tells him. "How about you?"

"I just worked on some songs.", Mafumafu replied.

"That's nice!" Nqrse says. "So... after this, wanna um... go to the park?"

"Eh? S-sure!", Mafumafu agreed, happy that the other male still wanted to spend time with him even though the albino was so awkward.

"Awesome!" Nqrse smiles widely. "We are gonna have a ton of fun, hopefully! What is your favorite part of the park?"

"I guess I like to look the trees because it's fun to see them change over the seasons and it makes the park look so different every time I go!", Mafumafu exclaimed enthusiastically before he calmed down again. "What about you?", he asked.

"The swings. It's just nice to swing and go super high and then jump off!" Nqrse answers.

"Yeah, that's nice too! I remember when Ama-chan and me tried to push Soraru-san as high as we could because we wanted to scare him.", Mafumafu giggled when he remembered that.

"Oh? Soraru-san? Isn't he scared of heights?" Nqrse laughs a bit.

"Yes! His scared expression is so funny so we just had to do that!", Mafumafu said laughing.

Nqrse laughs more. "I want to do that to him too! Seems like fun!"

"We should definitely do that sometime then! Though Soraru-san won't be too happy.", Mafumafu said but he still grinned mischievously.

"Eh, it's worth it," Nqrse says. "At least we're getting satisfied."

"You get me! I already really like you now, Nqrse-san~", Mafumafu stated smiling happily. "Ah, the food's here!", Mafumafu said as the food was placed down in front of them. "Ittadakimasu~", he said before digging in.

"Itradakimasu!" Nqrse repeats, his face a bit flushed from Mafumafu previous comment. He starts digging into his food too.

After they ate, Mafumafu called over the waitress as he payed for the two of them before he stood up. "Shall we go to the park now, Nqrse-san?", Mafumafu asked.

"Yup! Lets go!" Nqrse says. He grabs his hand as they walk out. "Also thanks for paying. I can pay you back if you want me to!"

"No, it's fine. I wanted to do that as after all!", Mafumafu said smiling but he blushed slightly when he noticed the other holding his hand.

"Then, thanks again! I'll treat you next time!" Nqrse promises. "Now, on to the park!"

"Ok!", Mafumafu said as he followed the other male being pulled along by the pink-haired male and soon they arrived at the park.

"Yeah! Swings!" Nqrse exclaims, letting go of Mafumafu's hand and running over to them.

Mafumafu chuckled as he followed the other male to the swings sitting down on the one next to him.

"Yeah! Swings swings!" Nqrse childishly says and starts swinging.

After seeing the pink-haired male so happy Mafumafu started to swing around as well laughing happily as well as he felt the soft wind on his face. "Yay~", he exclaimed.

"Are you having fun?" Nqrse asks in a loud voice, as his swing all but launched him into the air and back down.

"I am~", Mafumafu answered happily. After a while he stopped as he smiled softly at Nqrse. "Thanks for inviting me out today!", he said.

"I'm glad!" Nqrse tells him, before slowing down, but not stopping.

Mafumafu then just smiled softly as he looked at the sun which was slowly setting. "Should we go home for the day?", Mafumafu asked.

"Sure!" Nqrse says before jumping off the swing.

Mafumafu stood up as he started walking ahead. "Should I accompany you to your house?", Mafumafu asked.

"Sure! Lets go!" Nqrse agrees and grabs Mafumafu's hand. "Horray!"

"H-horray!", Mafumafu cheered along trying to ignore the fact that the pink-haired male held his hand again.

They make their way to Nqrse's house. "This date was fun!"

"D-date?!", Mafumafu exclaimed shocked as a dark blush settled on his face.

"Ah! I meant day! Sorry! I mixed up the words!" Nqrse says, his face flushed.

"I-it's fine. Mistakes happen!", Mafumafu assured as he looked away scratching his cheek.

"Mhm..." Nqrse also looks away in embarrassment. "Unless you want it to be..." Nqrse mumbles under his breath.

Mafumafu wondered if he just heard right. "U-um, did I just hear correctly, Nqrse-san?", he asked unsure.

"Hear what?" Nqrse asks, pretending to be oblivious. "Are you hearing voices now?"

Mafumafu knew that Nqrse wouldn't repeat what he said so he decided to try his luck and hope that he heard right. "Well, I kinda saw this as a date but if you didn't then... would you like to go on one with me sometime?", Mafumafu asked as he looked at Nqrse.

"YES!" Nqrse answers loudly and immediately, head snapping to look at Mafumafu. "Uh- I mean, yup! I'd love to do that!"

"Great. I'll text you sometime so we can make some new plans then."? Mafumafu said chuckling. He hesitated for a second before he leaned down and pecked Nqrse quickly. "Bye, Nqrse-san! I'll text you later!", he said as he turned away to run to his home.

Nqrse's face flushed a deeper red than before as he nods dumbly. He then snaps out of it and enters his house. He runs into his room, jumps onto his bed and screams into a pillow like an excited school girl. Which is probably how he looked.

Mafumafu blushed brightly on his way home thinking that what he did was so embarrassing. But after a while he just smiled softly, happy that he did that as he looked forward to the time he will spend with Nqrse in the future.

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