Happy Valentines Day~ (Soramafu)

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So... I haven't really prepared anything special for Valentine's Day www I originally wanted to do a special soulmate au chapter for today but the time wasn't enough for that www I'll just publish it some time later then~ But I didn't want to do nothing for Valentines and there are certain people *cough* Mafumafu *cough* who wanted to give chocolates to their beloved ones so... have this short chapter~

Pairing: Soraru x Mafumafu
Genre: Fluff
The Ones Within AU

"Soraru-san! Open the door!", an albino shouted as he knocked on the door of the ravenette's house. After they got out of the island, Soraru lived with his siblings and worked a few part-time jobs to help his siblings.

Shima offered to give him the money but Soraru refused it saying he'd take care of his siblings to make up for the time he couldn't be there for them. Later he found a job as a barista in a small café where he now worked regularly because the manager was strangely fond of him.

With the money he earned he could pay for his siblings to go to school along with the money he would sometimes get from streaming. Luckily, he didn't have to pay for the house as it belonged to him and was already paid and that is where they were living right now.

Right now, Soraru was home alone though as his siblings had to go to school.

And Mafumafu didn't have to worry about them interrupting them because they said they'd go out with some friends today. His siblings liked him a lot so that was a good thing.

Mafumafu knew that he could have some precious alone time with Soraru today. There was some shuffling before the door opened revealing a raven-haired male looking as tired as always.

"...What is it? Why are you here so early in the morning?", Soraru asked as he yawned and Mafumafu blushed as he suddenly felt nervous. He fiddled with his fingers as the older male noticed this and sighed before stepping aside.

"It must be cold outside. Come in.", he simply said as the albino smiled happily stepping inside of the house and heading straight towards the living room. "Is tea fine for you?", Soraru asked as he headed to the kitchen to make them some tea and Mafumafu hummed as he sat down on the couch placing the paper bag he had with him beside him.

Soon Soraru came back with tea for the two of them. "So? What did you come over for? Did you want to stream a game with me?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu smiled happily.

"Ah! That'd sound great! That's not what I came over for today though.", Mafumafu said as Soraru tilted his head confused. "Why did you come so early then? You usually never wake up this early. Especially when it's on cold days like these.", Soraru said.

As expected of Soraru to remember things like these and notice them.

"Yeah... but today is important... So I made sure to wake up early!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Soraru could only raise his eyebrows confused and Mafumafu could only cry innerly though for Soraru being such a dense person and noticing that today was Valentines Day.

"Did something bad happen? Are you alright?", Soraru asked worried as he leaned forwards closer to Mafumafu who leaned back waving his hands around. "A-ah, that's not it!", Mafumafu assured as he scrambled to hide the paper bag behind him. "Ok then, what did you come here for then?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu's blush returned.

"W-well, today is Valentine's Day so...", Mafumafu trailed off before deciding to just give it to him. "I made you some chocolates for you!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he pushed the box of chocolates he made into Soraru's chest and Soraru finally realized what day it was today.

"Ah... is that so? Thanks.", he simply said in his usual monotone voice and Mafumafu couldn't believe how Soraru was so unaffected while here he was getting all worked up.

He looked up ready to give the older male a piece of his mind but he stopped himself when he saw Soraru's expression.

Soraru was covering his lower face with his hand, his ears red and Mafumafu felt his blush worsen as he simply looked down.

Soraru looked at the box Mafumafu just gave him and guessed that he must have worked a long time on it. It was a light pink, squared box with a white ribbon tied around it and Soraru took a last look at it before he untied the ribbon and opened the box to reveal a line of heart-shaped chocolates.

"I'll try one then...", he said as he picked one up and Mafumafu only nodded as he stared at Soraru in anticipation.

He watched as Soraru took the chocolates and bit half of it before chewing it. Mafumafu could already feel his heart beating faster as he waited for Soraru's reaction and he wanted to sigh in relief when he saw Soraru smiling.

"You tried your best, right?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu nodded smiling. He already waited for the older male's praising.

"I can see that you've worked a long time on this.", Soraru started and Mafumafu nodded at each of his words as he could already imagine how this would go. He already dreamt of getting all the affection he wanted today.

"But why the hell did you put so much salt into this?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu's smile fell and he could only look at the other male confused. "Eh? What do you mean?", Mafumafu asked confused. He made sure that the chocolates would taste good even forcing Amatsuki to test all of his chocolates. All of them.

Soraru took the same piece of chocolate he just ate and urged Mafumafu to open his mouth which the albino did blushing.

He started to chew on the chocolate but as soon as he did he felt like spitting it out again. He coughed several times and quickly took the cup of tea to get it down. He figured that the chocolates he packed must have been some of his failed ones that he accidentally took.

"I-I'm so sorry, Soraru-san! I must have accidentally put some of my failed attempts in as well! I will throw them right away!", Mafumafu said as he was about to take the box but Soraru just put it out of his reach before he took another piece of chocolate and plopped it into his mouth.

"Soraru-san?! What are you doing?! Don't force yourself!", Mafumafu said and reached to grab the box again but Soraru's words interrupted him. "These ones are sweet.", Soraru said as he smiled slightly and Mafumafu gave a confused noise.

"You must have mixed the bad and good ones in it. I saw that the chocolates looked slightly different. These ones look a bit different than the others you see.", Soraru said as he pointed at them so Mafumafu could compare them.

Mafumafu looked at them and indeed, when he squeezed his eyes he could make out a slight difference. "Ah, that was the one with salt Soraru-san!", Mafumafu warned when he saw which kind Soraru took who just ate it without changing his expression. "Who said that I didn't like it though?", Soraru asked as he continued to eat every chocolate which was inside the box.

"B-but some of them were inedible... How could you eat them?", Mafumafu asked as he looked down in slight shame. He looked up confused when he felt Soraru pat his head.

"I can eat them because you made them especially for me.", Soraru answered as Mafumafu's heart suddenly felt all warm. "Soraru-san, did you ever get valentines chocolate before?", Mafumafu asked trying to change the subject.

"Hm? I did.", Soraru answered as Mafumafu's heart fell. "A-ah, is that so? You must have been happy then—". "I didn't accept any of them.", Soraru interrupted Mafumafu who widened his eyes. "You didn't?", he asked and Soraru nodded as he concentrated on the chocolates in front of him and ate another piece.

And Mafumafu couldn't help but feel special when he heard that. "W-well, I am the first one then! What an honor~", Mafumafu said and Soraru only hummed as he put the box down.

"You should feel honored. Especially next month.", Soraru said as Mafumafu tilted his head confused and Soraru sighed as he flicked Mafumafu's forehead. "14th of March. Is all I will tell you.", Soraru said and Mafumafu was still confused as Soraru sighed before shrugging it off.

"Do you want to stream with me something then?", Soraru asked and Mafumafu nodded happily as they spent the rest of the day gaming.

Mafumafu had a lot of fun and he didn't mind spending his time with Soraru like this. After all, he could spend some precious alone time with him. And that's all that matters.

"I will be going now then, Soraru-san.", Mafumafu said in the late afternoon as he stood at the entrance and Soraru nodded and they said their goodbyes. Mafumafu was walking home satisfied from the day as he hummed happily.

He then remembered Soraru's words as he thought about them again. "I wonder what Soraru-san meant... What is so special about the 14th of March.... Ah!", the albino exclaimed as he stopped in his tracks when it dawned him.

"Don't tell me he meant... White Day?!", Mafumafu exclaimed as his face exploded into a blush again. He held his face in embarrassment when he finally got it wondering how long it took him to realize that. "Ah, Soraru-san is going to give me something back on White Day....

Is he really going to? Hah...", Mafumafu sighed out as he tried to calm down a bit. He then giggled a bit when he thought about this day.

Even with all the mistakes he made, Soraru still ate all of his chocolates.

Now that he thought about it, Soraru was just as incapable of cooking and baking as he was. With that thought he giggled once again as he looked up to the sky which reminded him of Soraru. "White day... I'm looking forward to it!"

So that was the short valentine themed chapter I quickly wrote www I hope you liked it~
Also for Valentines let's do some valentine themed questions~ Feel free to answer them if you're comfortable with answering them www

Do you guys like chocolate?
I do like it but I don't really eat it that often ww

What's your favorite type of chocolate?
I like the "normal" chocolate the most but I do like to eat the sweet-bitter chocolate with ice cream sometimes www

Did you give anyone chocolates or receive any chocolates this year?
I didn't get or receive any chocolates but that's fine www

Which anime character/utaite would you want to be your valentine?
For me, it'd be Der Buchmacher from the manga Boku to Senpai no Tekken Kousai~ I love that character and I don't know how he is called in English cause I read it in my language ww Anyway, he's so cool! If you ever want to read the manga, you can read it on the internet! It's already completed with 19 chapters and is from the same author who wrote The Ones Within~ It's about a girl who falls in love with criminals and the protagonist uses this as an advantage to find the criminals and catch them because he hates the danger and violence unlike her~ If you want to read it, you should! I really love Der Buchmacher~ I know that his name was Shiori but I don't know his full name www Anyway, you should read it cause it's great!

Or... Houtarou Oreki from Hyouka~ He looks cool! He is cool! He is smart and he can solve mysteries! There's not much to say about him now except that he is one of the best protagonists and anime characters!

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