The Years I thought about you (Soramafu)

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Pairing: Vampire!Soraru x Mage!Mafumafu
Fantasy AU
Collabed with: Gaming_Crystal3099
Once again, thanks for collabing with me~ Please check out her oneshot book as well so you can read more www

Mafumafu ran through the forest like his life depended on it, which it actually did. You see, he was currently being chased by guards and townsfolk. Why? Because he's a mage, or a witch as they like to say. And apparently witches must be killed. And honestly, Mafumafu just wasn't in the mood to die today.

As he ran, he noticed that the people stopped following him. That didn't stop him though. He wanted to create as much distance as possible. Little did he know he ran straight into a vampire's territory, and that's why the people had stopped chasing him.

His foot eventually caught onto a stick on the floor and he fell. He looked around in alarm, but heard no sounds of movement or people. He pants, trying to catch his breath from the long run as he believed he was safe for the time being.

Soraru just woke up as he stood up. He yawned slightly, as you could see his white sharp teeth while he did so, and stretched before he stood up.

He just sighed knowing that today would be a boring day as well as he walked towards his window and opened the curtains, revealing the bright full moon shining in the night sky. "Looks like I woke up at night this time...", Soraru muttered as he was about to go away until he noticed a figure close to his mansion.

He narrowed his eyes as he just hoped that this human would go away wondering why he was even here right now.

Mafumafu starts getting off the ground and looks around. He didn't see the mansion, due to it being hidden by trees, but walked in the direction of the mansion.

Soraru didn't pay any attention to the human anymore as he just decided to do his own things as he walked to the garden to maybe take a nap there because he just slept for 14 hours after all. Taking a nap for about 5 more hours wouldn't hurt, right?

He also thought that the garden was a nice place and it was probably his favorite place as he arranged the flowers himself and grew them for such a long time already.

Mafumafu steps into the clearing of trees and sees the mansion. He gasps in shock and continues towards it. It didn't bad, but definitely seemed abandoned due to all the vines growing around it. Just to be safe however, Mafumafu knocked on the door. When no one answered, like he expected, he let himself in and looked around.

"Wow..." Mafumafu says in surprise by how nice everything looked.

Soraru didn't notice anything as he slowly start to drift into a nice nap. The wind was blowing lightly, the temperature was a nicely warm and the light of the moon made everything seem gentle as well.

All those things combined with the scent of the roses made it a perfect place to relax and take a nap and Soraru made sure he would take advantage of that.

Mafumafu eventually found himself in the garden. He looked around at all flowers and smelling them. As he walked, he didn't look at the ground and tripped again; this time on a person.

"Ow!" Mafumafu whines when he hit the floor. He looks back at what he tripped on and scooted back quickly. "Deadbodydeadbodydeadbody!"

Soraru woke up confused and grumpy because someone disturbed his sleep and he was not happy at all as he sat up to look at the albino annoyed. He then recognized him as the human he saw a bit ago.

"I'm not dead. How can you even assume that?", Soraru asked annoyed. "I was just trying to sleep...", he grumbled.

"Notdeadnotdeadnotdead!" Mafumafu exclaims in even more worry now backing away from the figure more.

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about? Of course, I'm not dead. Don't just assume people are dead just because they want to take a nap. Can you please stop freaking out now?", Soraru asked rubbing his temples.

Mafumafu hyperventilates for a few seconds before calming down. He approaches the other male slowly.

"So what are you?" Mafumafu asks him.

Soraru raised an eyebrow in slight amusement as he looked straight into the other's eyes. "You're not asking who I am but what I am?", Soraru questioned back.

"Well you aren't human. My magic didn't detect you," Mafumafu tells him. "And you aren't breathing so you have to be something that is already dead, or has never lived to begin with."

"Eh... so you're not some normal, foolish, stupid human like all the other people who came here before.", Soraru exclaimed before deciding to amuse himself for a bit longer.

"Well, what do you think I am? Take a guess.", Soraru said waiting to see how the albino would respond.

"Hm..." Mafumafu went even closer to Soraru and started circling around him to study him closer. He eventually goes up to Soraru and starts touching skin and forces his mouth open.

"Ah! A vampire," Mafumafu tells him.

Soraru slapped Mafumafu's hand away as he sighed nodding. "Yeah, good job.", Soraru said sarcastically as he stepped back. "So, why are you here? Shouldn't you go back to your mage family or whatever?", Soraru asked.

"My family is dead," Mafumafu tells him simply. "They were all burnt alive."

"I see.", Soraru simply answered before he laid back down. "Well, I'm going to take a nap now so go back to where ever you come from.", Soraru said as he waved the other away.

"I can't, I'll be killed. And since I don't want to die, I'm going to stay here, ok?" Mafumafu tells him.

Soraru opened his eyes as he glared at Mafumafu shaking his head. "No? Go away. I don't need someone living here to bother me.", Soraru said.

"Too bad~! I'm your new roommate and there is nothing you can do about it~!" Mafumafu tells him and heads back into the mansion.

Soraru wasn't happy at all as he stood up and walked towards the male as he pulled him by the collar from behind. "Listen. I don't want you to be here and you are going to get out of here.", Soraru demanded.

"How are you going to make me?" Mafumafu challenges. "I'm not stupid, you know."

"Not really afraid of death, are we?", Soraru asked. "Haven't you heard of the rumors that the humans always tell each other?", Soraru asked.

"I wouldn't know any, I have no human friends. I'm only friends with a vampire," Mafumafu tells him.

"Oh, so you're friends with a vampire? I didn't know that there are more living here.", Soraru said in slight surprise.

"Well, yeah there is," Mafumafu tells him. "I thought you of all people would have known!"

"Well, I don't really go out of the mansion so I don't really know any other people.", Soraru explained. "Does he live secluded somewhere as well or is he actually living with humans?", Soraru asked curiously.

"Secluded in the middle of no where," MafuMafu answers.

"Ah, ok. What's his name?", Soraru asked tilting his head.

"His name is Luz. He lives with his mage boyfriend in the Dalien Forest. It's pretty far from here. Actual other side of the world far," Mafumafu answers.

"But you can just use magic, can't you? Just summon a portal or something like that and go to him.", Soraru suggested after hearing that. "He'll probably welcome you and won't mind having another mage around.", Soraru added afterwards.

Mafumafu sighs. "You don't know anything about mage magic.."

"Excuse me?", Soraru simply asked offended.

"Mage magic doesn't work like that. What you're thinking of is Witch and Priest/Cultist magic. Mage magic is different," Mafumafu explains.

"Then just use your mage magic to get yourself out of here in your own way.", Soraru said as he rolled his eyes.

Mafumafu shrugs, "Can't. Not how my magic works."

"You are still not going to stay here. You look like you are going to be so annoying. I don't know if I can even bear to be with you for a few more minutes.", Soraru stated as he rubbed his eyes tired already.

"Eh? I'm not annoying!" Mafumafu protests. "I'm an absolute angel."

"I don't want to have anyone here.", Soraru simply stated as he narrowed his eyes.

"Hey, don't you have to drink blood to survive?" Mafumafu asks Soraru suddenly.

"Huh? Yeah, I guess I have to once in a while. Especially when I did something tiring... and you are seriously taking much of it right now so leave. I only have a certain amount of blood left before I have to get new ones.", Soraru said grimacing slightly when he thought about it.

"Hm... Well, I have two new alternative solutions for you. One, you can use me to drink blood whenever, or I can use my magic to make it so you never have another urge to drink blood!" Mafumafu offers. "So how about it?"

"So you can actually do that with your magic but you can't do a simple teleportation spell?", Soraru asked in a slightly mock tone.

"You still don't understand how my magic works! But which one do you pick?" Mafumafu asks.

Soraru thought about things for a bit before shaking his head. "I don't trust your magic. I just met you and you could try to kill me to get this mansion to yourself. I guess you'll just have to donate some of your blood to me.", Soraru said sighing.

"Alrighty~!" Mafumafu says. "I'm gonna look around the mansion for the time being. Come find me whenever you get hungry!"

"I'll go to sleep then. Don't disturb me and just choose any room that is not occupied. Shouldn't be too difficult...", Soraru mumbled as he walked away and laid back down.

A few hours later, Mafumafu makes his way back to the garden. He looks around and stills sees Soraru sleeping there. He was still surprised that he was asleep but smiled anyways and walked towards the other. He lays down next to Soraru and closes his eyes, happily relaxing.

After a while later Soraru slightly stirred as he opened his eyes yawning tiredly. He smiled slightly at the garden in front of him before he remembered everything as soon as he looked at the albino. He sat up and clicked his tongue slightly before he stood up ready to go away.

Mafumafu's hand reached and grabbed the other's. "Leaving so soon? I've only been here for three hours waiting for you to wake up!" The albino opens his eyes and smiles at the other.

"...You have been here for three hours?", Soraru asked looking at the other surprised.

"Yup! The ground was super comfy and the garden smells nice!" Mafumafu tells him. "By the way, what's your name? We haven't actually introduced ourselves properly!"

"I guess we didn't...", the ravenette trailed off when the other mentioned it. He decided that it wouldn't hurt to tell the albino his name. "Soraru. And you?", Soraru asked the other.

"Mafumafu! Nice to meet you, Soraru-san!" Mafumafu introduces.

Soraru merely hummed at that as he pulled on his arm making Mafumafu let go. "So, Mafumafu, go ahead and leave me alone now. I am going to do my own things and you can do your own things.", Soraru explained.

"Aw! So mean Soraru-san! But ok!" Mafumafu lays back down and closes his eyes again, still smiling.

Soraru nodded as he walked away into the mansion. He originally intended to water his flowers but he decided he'd do that later as he didn't want to be bothered by the mage.

An hour later, Mafumafu got bored. He decided it was time to bother Soraru-san. He gets off the floor and goes back inside, searching for his new companion.

Soraru was in the library right now which was on another floor. He sat at his favorite place which had a nice view to the sky as he read a book at the moment.

Mafumafu enters the library and sees Soraru. He smirks and quietly makes his way to the other male.

"So what are you reading," Mafumafu says when he's next to the male.

Soraru flinched as he glared at the other male. "Just some book you don't need to know about.", Soraru answered as he scooted away.

"Soraru-san is so mean! I'm bored! Give me attention!" Mafumafu tells him, snatching the book out of Soraru's hands.

"Oi, give that back.", Soraru demanded annoyed as he reached out to take his book back.

Mafumafu throws the book somewhere in the room. "Nope~! Give me attention!"

"Be careful with those books. They are valuable...", Soraru said as he sighed. "You are so annoying. Just go explore this mansion or practice your magic or something like that.", Soraru suggested.

"No! I want attention!" Mafumafu tells him and sits down next to him.

"You are so needy... Go to your friend if you want some attention. I told you not to bother me.", Soraru said as he waved the other away.

"My friend lives on the other side of the world," Mafumafu deadpans. Mafumafu wraps his arms around Soraru's shoulders and rests his head on the closer one. "Besides, I wanna be with you right now!"

Soraru felt his pale face heat up slightly both from his annoyance and his embarrassment. "What are you doing?! Get off me!", Soraru demanded as he pushed the other off.

"So mean!" Mafumafu says as he was pushed off. He pouts and looks at him. "Why can't you just indulge me a little?"

"Because it's no use to spend time with you. You are going to die in less than one hundred years anyway.", Soraru answered as he brushed his clothes.

"And? Might as well have some fun in your life while someone's still around," Mafumafu tells him. "Even though I'll die soon, don't you think it's worth making a friend for a short period of time. Because you may not see someone after me. You should enjoy your life while you still can."

"I don't really like to get close to people or humans except for getting the blood I need. I prefer reading books and doing other things which I can enjoy alone as well. And for your information, I am immortal so I'll basically live forever unless someone kills me. Getting hurt over and over again by trying to befriend humans? That would be a mistake and I know it.", Soraru told the albino.

Mafumafu frowns. "Then you're not living. You may be immortal but you will never live."

"If that's how you want to see it fine. I can choose how I want to live. I did this for hundred of years already so I'm pretty much used to this.", Soraru said boredly.

Mafumafu's expression goes blank and he lifts up his staff. "Well, looks like I'm feeling selfless today."

Soraru only glanced at the other confused. "What do you mean? What are you doing?", he asked as he looked at the albino who lifted his staff.

Mafumafu sighs and begins to chant in a small voice. Suddenly the staff starts lighting up and unreadable encryptions flow out. The words bind the two males together as Mafu keeps chanting.

Then the words turn to a blue color and disappear. Mafumafu smiles at him as he feels his life slowly leave him.

"Don't worry. Just a little curse. I'll see you in my next life, I guess...." and with that, Mafumafu falls to the floor, never to move again.

Soraru widened his eyes in shock as he quickly moved towards Mafumafu to feel his pulse only to realize that the mage just died.

"What the hell just happened... Curse? Next life? I guess I should bury him at least...", Soraru said as he carried Mafumafu to a coffin and gently placed him inside before putting some flowers on him.

"This is why you should never befriend humans.", Soraru told Mafumafu knowing full-well that the other wouldn't hear him as he exited the room to continue his life like he always did.

Over the next 20 years, Soraru lived a relatively peaceful life. He eventually forgot about Mafumafu and his curse. That is until today.

Mafumafu was now 16 years old. His village had burned down mysteriously and he had run off. He didn't care much about the people there, they were all terrible to him anyways. But he still felt bad.

Mafumafu, though, was now lost and it was going to rain soon. He just wanted to get some shelter for a short while and that was it. Eventually, he found a mansion that definitely looked abandoned, but he knocked on the door anyways.

Soraru heard someone knock on his door as he was really confused as to why someone would be here. He figured that it must be some foolish human again as he saw that it was raining a lot.

He did need some new blood anyway so he could use this opportunity and not get out of the house. He then went to open the door and widened his eyes in shock when he saw a familiar albino standing there. "What the heck?! Did he have some brother or something?", Soraru asked.

"Huh?" Mafumafu asks in surprise by the other male's outburst. "Uh- I'm sorry! Should I leave?!"

Soraru rubbed his temples as he thought about it. He looked to see that it was raining heavily and he didn't know what suddenly happened to him but he shook his head as he stepped aside. "You can come in... until the rain is over that is.", Soraru said.

Mafumafu smiles brightly. "Thank you so much!" He shuffles inside the mansion. "My name is Mafumafu, by the way. What's your name?"

"...Soraru.", the other simply answered. He was really confused as the albino should have died 20 years ago. He even buried him so why was he standing here right now? Soraru shook it off for now as he walked away. "Stay there. I'll bring you a towel and some change of clothes.", Soraru said.

"Thank you so much!" Mafumafu thanks the male again and stays where Soraru told him to stay. While he waited, he scanned everything in the vicinity and was absolutely amazed by everything.

Soraru soon came back with a towel and a some clothes like he said as he silently handed them over to Mafumafu.

"Thank you again!" Mafumafu thanks the male and takes the clothes and towel. "Is there a bathroom I can go to to change?"

"Huh? Ah, yeah. I'll lead you there so follow me.", Soraru said as he walked ahead.

Mafumafu happily follows him. "Thank you!" Mafumafu goes into the bathroom and peels off his soaking clothes. He uses the towel to dry himself off before putting on the new clothes. He takes the wet clothes and towel with him and exits the room.

After Soraru leaded Mafumafu to the bathroom, he himself headed to the living room as he sat down on the white couch looking out of the glass doors thinking about what just happened.

"Was this the curse he was talking about or something?", Soraru asked more to himself while looking at the rain which slowly started to stop.

Mafumafu finds himself in the living room soon after and sees Soraru there. "Hey!"

Soraru turned around as he merely waved at the other lazily.

Mafumafu looked outside and noticed the rain was stopping. "Oh, I suppose I should leave soon, shouldn't I?"

"I guess... this time you have a place to go back to, huh?", Soraru mumbled the last part to himself. "Well, you can just keep those clothes with you then.", Soraru told Mafumafu.

"Thank you for eve-" Mafumafu was cut off by a knock on the door. "Oh! Looks like you have a visitor. I'll go open the door for them on my way out. Have a good day! Thank you again!"

Mafumafu walks up to the front door and opens it, only to feel pain in his stomach. He looks down, and sees a sword impaled into him. He slowly looks up at the person before his vision goes black.

"Shit, that wasn't the vampire," the person mumbles to himself.

Soraru heard this as he quickly used that chance to knock the person unconscious. "I guess you'll be my new blood donator then.", Soraru mumbled to himself.

He kicked the person down and made sure he wasn't a threat anymore before he turned towards the albino, frowning in slight worry. "Oi, you alright?!", Soraru asked as he kneeled down.

Unfortunately, he didn't have any great healing abilities so he couldn't help the other as he could just make sure Mafumafu was alive.

It was pointless anyways, Mafumafu was alive at the moment. But he'd die very soon due to blood loss and having a huge wound.

Soraru noticed this as he thought that it was his fault in some way because that person wanted to kill him and not Mafumafu. Maybe Mafumafu could have lived if he hadn't let him inside.

At that, Soraru laughed humorlessly as he pulled the sword out. "Nothing good every happens when I encounter a human. Still, you didn't deserve this. I'll make sure to honor your death a bit more this time. I'll even give you a bouquet of my favorite roses for you as an apology.", Soraru said before looking at the other human.

"And I'll have to take care of you as well I guess....", Soraru said as he carried Mafumafu while he dragged the human with him.

So, Soraru made a little funeral for the fallen human. He put him in another coffin with a bouquet of his favorite roses. He never buried the bodies.

The other human didn't get the same fate, however. Soraru had him tied up and sucked blood from him until he died. Then Soraru threw the body out, having no need for it anymore.

50 years later, Mafumafu was reborn again. He was 18 years old this time when he met Soraru. He had gone out searching for flowers in the forest when he stumbled upon Soraru's garden. He looked at the flowers in wonder and exploring it.

Soraru was watering the flowers right now while working on all kinds of things in the garden, wanting his flowers to be in the best state. He noticed someone walking towards him while he watered the flowers as he glanced up.

He widened his eyes when he saw the albino standing there as he was so baffled that he almost let his watering can fall. "What the hell are you doing here again?", he asked surprised.

"Eh?!", Mafumafu asks in surprise. "I'm sorry! I didn't realize this was private property!"

"What do you mean by again? I've never met you before. I don't think so at least...", Mafumafu tries to recall the male, but can't seem to remember him. "Sorry, I really don't know you."

Soraru rubbed his temples as he shook his head. "It's fine. You didn't know that you shouldn't go here anyway. Bad things always happen to you when you're here. This is not a good place for you to be here... so go home now.", Soraru instructed.

Mafumafu nods, even though he didn't really understand most of what Soraru said. "Yessir!"

He turns around and starts walking back the way he came here. On his journey home, he started hearing growling. He froze and looked around, but seeing nothing he sighed in relief. He turns around again but he's attacked by vicious wolf.

"AGH!", Mafumafu screams in pain as the wolf bites at his throat and pulls out the skin there. Mafumafu tries fending himself, but he is quickly overpowered by the wolf who snaps his neck, killing him effectively.

Soraru heard a loud scream as he immediately rushed to the source only to find the lifeless body of the albino lying there. He crouched down as he sighed frustrated.

"Seriously? What is wrong with you? This is already the third time you died... And now I feel like it's my fault.", Soraru said feeling a slight guilt build up. He lifted Mafumafu up before walking back to his home.

He decided he'd give the other a burial as well, having a bouquet of flowers ready. He wanted to use it as a decoration in his room but he guessed it would have another purpose now.

After that he walked back into his garden wondering what the hell god was doing to him right now. "Not only am I immortal and have to live this life but now there's this human making me feel responsible for his death. Great. Just great.", Soraru stated laughing at himself. And so, Soraru continued on with his life, the slight guilt always remaining.

Cue to 63 years later. Mafumafu's 4 reincarnation is now 21 years old. He was running through the forest, looking for somewhere to go. Like the 1st Mafumafu, he was being chased for being a witch. Which, he wasn't.

As Mafumafu ran through the forest, he bumps into Soraru, who was out looking for food. He falls backwards and looks up to Soraru with wide eyes and tears in his eyes as the sound of angry people grew closer.

Soraru widened his eyes when he saw the albino again. He heard some people and this time, he wasn't going to let the albino die just like that. This time, he was actually going to try and save the other male so he wouldn't feel this guilt any longer.

"Follow me.", Soraru simply stated as he took Mafumafu by the hand and ran towards his mansion, knowing that the humans wouldn't try to step in his territory.

Mafumafu just holds Soraru's hand tight and ran to where he was leading him. Eventually, he heard that the people had stopped following them, but that didn't seem to deter Soraru.

Once they got to the mansion, Mafumafu fell to his knees and panted heavily, not being used to run that much.

Soraru wasn't really out of breath as he just looked down at the albino to see if he was kinda alright. "Your life is really rough, huh? I don't think I could bear living like that. They were trying to kill you, didn't they?", Soraru asked.

"Huh? I mean, I guess. They think I'm a witch, which I'm not!" Mafumafu tells them. "But I guess they never liked me much because of how I look." He gestures to his hair and face. "Thank you for helping me! Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

"Don't get yourself killed.", Soraru simply answered as he crossed his arms before he kneeled down. "I guess you do have a unique look.", Soraru said as he looked at Mafumafu's eye and hair color.

"Thanks!" Mafumafu smiles at him then frowns and looks down. He had no idea what he was going to do now. He was kicked out of his village, he had no family, he had no where to go, he was going to die out in the wilderness. And he couldn't just ask the man who had saved him for any help, as he already did too much for him.

Soraru looked at Mafumafu clearly seeing how troubled he looked right now. And because he for almost 100% knew that the other was going to get himself killed outside again and would probably appear after a few decades again, he decided that he would stop this nonsense.

"You should stay here. It's not save for you outside and you don't have any friends or family you can go to, right?", Soraru asked as he stood up again. "So the best option would be to just stay here."

Mafumafu looked up at him. "Really? You don't mind?"

Soraru shook his head smiling tiredly. "I'd rather have you live here than finding out that you got killed the next day. There is enough space here anyway. In return, I want you to do me some things for me and to ask you some questions though.", Soraru stated.

"Of course!", Mafumafu smiles. "That sounds reasonable to me! I'll do anything you want me to do!"

"Agreeing to this so quickly... I don't know wether that's stupid and naive or admirable. Anyway, follow me.", Soraru said as he walked ahead into the living room.

Mafumafu gets off the floor and happily follows Soraru. He looks around the living room in wonder. "You have such a beautiful house!"

"Thanks... just sit down over there.", Soraru said pointing at the couch. He walked into the kitchen as he made some tea for Mafumafu, using some of his flower petals before going back and placing a cup in front of Mafumafu and pouring some tea in for him before he sat down across from the albino pouring himself some tea as well.

Mafumafu takes the tea gratefully and takes a sip of it. "So what did you want to have me do and ask me?"

Soraru thought about it for a while, thinking of a best way to start this conversation. "Well, first thing I want to know is... you're a mage, correct?", Soraru asked to make sure the albino was a mage in this life as well.

"A what?", Mafumafu tilts his head in confusion. "Isn't that, like a witch? I'm pretty sure I already told you I'm not a witch!"

"No, not a witch. A mage. That's something different. Wait, so you're not a mage?", Soraru asked confused.

Mafumafu shakes his head. "Nope!"

Soraru sighed as he crouched down a bit. "This is going to be a bit more difficult than I thought... Do you perhaps believe in things like mages, witches and such things?", Soraru asked.

Mafumafu nods this time. "I met a witch once!"

"Ok, do you believe in vampires then?", Soraru asked.

"Hm, well the witch said he was married to a vampire, so I guess they're real! Why? Are you a vampire?", Mafumafu jokes.

A witch married to a vampire... was it that friend Mafumafu was talking about when they first met? Then again, he said it was a mage so he wasn't too sure. Soraru then realized that he had yet to answer so he did. "Yeah, I am.", Soraru replied seriously waiting for the albino's reaction.

"Oh- wait really?", Mafumafu says in shock. "Can I see your teeth? How do they work? How is it like being a vampire?"

Soraru opened his mouth a bit revealing his fangs. "It's too bothersome to explain you how it works and it's not great being a vampire. It's actually kinda boring.", Soraru explained.

"Hm... That must suck.", Mafumafu frowns. He gets off the couch and goes over to Soraru's side. He hugs him and cuddles his neck into the crook of Soraru's neck.

Soraru flinched as he wanted to push the other away. Instead he just patted the other's back awkwardly. "It's fine. I still have my flowers and other things to keep me some company. Can you sit back please?", Soraru asked.

"Mhm!", Mafumafu hums in agreement and lets go of the other male. He sits back on the other side and takes another sip of the tea. "So, what did you want me to do while I stay here?"

"Well, on thing is that I wanted to get some more food for me today because I don't have any blood here anymore but those plans had to be canceled.", Soraru explained. "So I was hoping for you to give me some of your blood.", Soraru said.

"Go ahead.", MafuMafu lifts his head up to show his neck to Soraru.

"Huh? You are just going to give me blood? Just like that?", Soraru asked baffled.

"Sure! You saved my life. It's the least I could do!", Mafumafu laughs.

"Oh... I'll just take a bit then.", Soraru said as he walked over and bended down as he hesitantly moved his head closer to Mafumafu's neck. For some reason he worried that the albino could die if he drank too much and he pulled away, not wanting to be the one who killed the albino.

"On second thought, I'll be fine.", Soraru said while he moved away.

"Eh? Are you scared? I'm not a snowflake you know! I can handle having some blood drained from me!", Mafumafu tells him.

"I think I'll be fine for a bit longer.", Soraru assured the other as he moved back to his seat. "Let's just resume our conversation.", Soraru said.

Mafumafu furrows his brows, but says nothing about it. "Well, I guess we should introduce ourselves. My name is Mafumafu, how about you?"

"My name is Soraru. And I guess I should tell you some things so you have about the same information as me. This isn't the first time we've met. We actually met three times before. I think... I lost count of it.", Soraru told Mafumafu.

"Huh?", Mafumafu asks confused. "What do you mean?"

"It's just like I said. The first time I met you, you were a mage who was desperate to stay here in this mansion. You were chased after humans as well because they thought you were a witch. You suddenly collapsed in front of me and died that day though. The second time you got impaled by a sword and the third time you were killed by some animal.", Soraru said counting the times when he met Mafumafu.

"Wow, I sure die a lo-", Mafumafu was cut off by knocking at the door. "Oh! I'll go answer that for you!", He says as he gets off the couch.

Soraru felt a deja-vu feeling as he pulled Mafumafu back. "No. I'll go with you.", Soraru said and was about to leave before he took Mafumafu's hand. "You are going to stay behind me.", he instructed the other.

Mafumafu nods and stays behind Soraru as they went to the door. Soraru opened the door but there was no one there.

"Do you think it was an animal or something?", Mafumafu asks Soraru.

"I don't know... Make sure that you stay close to me, alright?", Soraru said as he closed the door again and walked back, being wary all the time.

A smell of smoke reaches Soraru's nose and wafts through the air. Then, Mafumafu was pointing at the ceiling which was burning.

"Fire!", Mafumafu shouts, as beams and wood starts falling down due to the fire.

Soraru cursed as he pulled Mafumafu towards him and lifted him up wanting to carry him outside. But he needed to save his mansion as well or they wouldn't have a safe place to stay.

He couldn't leave Mafumafu alone though so he decided to take him with him. "Cover your face with this. And tell me immediately, if you can't breath anymore or anything like that. I'll try to stop the fire.", Soraru said as he run around quickly to find a extinguisher.

Mafumafu takes the rag and covers his nose and mouth. Mafumafu quickly followed Soraru, not wanting to be left by himself during the fire. And he was scared. Very scared. He didn't want to die.

Then, he started remembering. Remembering his first life, the curse, everything. And that's when he realized, he was going to die and he couldn't stop it. He feels tears well up in his eyes as he accepts his fate.

Mafumafu lets go of the rag and hugs Soraru. "I'm sorry...", Mafumafu apologizes as he starts inhaling the smoke.

Soraru turned around confused as he widened his eyes realizing what was going to happen. "Don't you dare die on me right now! I really don't want to see that anymore! Where is your will to live?!", Soraru asked as he covered Mafumafu's face with his hand.

"Screw the mansion. Let's get you out of here.", Soraru said as he pulled away from the hug and picked Mafumafu up to bring him outside.

"Soraru, I'm gonna die. You can't stop it. The curse, I remember everything while on deaths bed. I'm going to die. I'm sorry.", Mafumafu tells him.

"Are you serious?! Even if that's the case, you have to try to live until the very end! Stop apologizing to me and wasting your time and try to save yourself god dammit! What is it about this curse anyway?!", Soraru asked as his composure was crumbling away.

"I was upset that you weren't properly living. He- I decided that I have to do something to make your life exciting.", Mafumafu explains.

"Huh? You don't even know me! We literally just met after you ran away from those humans trying to kill you. What's this about the curse now? Tell me already!", Soraru urged as he made his way out of the mansion.

"Not me-me. The first me. The...", Mafumafu starts to cough violently and grabs his stomach in pain. "Just save the mansion..... there's no.... hope for... me....", Mafumafu heaves and coughs.

"The first you? I am not going to go in to save the mansion when a person is literally dying in front of me! What is it about the first you? He wanted me to live properly or what? That had got nothing to do with the curse though.", Soraru stated while he was desperately trying to find a way to save Mafumafu.

Mafumafu was unable to talk anymore as smoke overpowered his lungs and he lost the ability to breathe. Despite that, he still heaved trying to get air to his lungs, but it was useless as he eventually suffocated and went limp.

Soraru realized what just happened and he bit his lip from shouting out in frustration. He ran back and put the fire down in a few minutes. The whole entrance hall was now burned but he didn't care as he walked back to the albino and picked him up wordlessly.

He then put him inside a coffin where he put some flowers on the other again before heading to the garden as he buried his face into his hands.

"What did I do to deserve this god? What did I do to have to see this one human die every single time without being able to save him? What did I do to have to bear this guilt?", Soraru asked knowing no one would answer him. After a few hours, he decided to go back in. And so, Soraru continued living his life carrying the guilt with him which got heavier day by day.

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