The Years I thought about you Part 2 (Soramafu)

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Pairing: Vampire!Soraru x Mage!Mafumafu
Fantasy AU
Collabed with: Gaming_Crystal3099

It took a longer time for the new Mafumafu to be born. It happened 300 years later, and Soraru believed he had broken the curse after 100 hundred years of not seeing Mafumafu. He still lived in his house, despite it being the 21st century.

Mafumafu was 27 years old now. He had his favorite job in the world, which was singing. He never thought he'd make it this far in his life. However, he felt incomplete despite his happy life.

This feeling is what led him to a forest far away from his home. He decided to go on a walk in the forest a few miles away from the hotel he was staying at for tour. He followed his gut feeling and made his way through the forest, knowing that he was searching for something, but not knowing what.

Over the three hundred years, Soraru found out about the internet which gave him more entertainment. He now owned some electronic things and once in a while he would sing some songs. Most of his time was still spent in his garden though, where he was now as well.

Every once in a while he had to think of the albino, feeling the guilt coming back every time he did. After all, he was kind of at fault for not being able to save the other.

Today he was in his garden as well, as he was tending his flowers. Over the long time, he decided to make bigger space for his garden so he planted a lot of flowers. He decided to plant only white flowers as in his way to apologize to the albino. And now, he was watering some white roses, happy to see that they were growing healthily.

Mafumafu walked around and saw something in the distance. He walked over to it, somehow knowing it'd lead him to the thing he was looking for. As he gets closer he sees many flowers, but they were all white.

"Ooh~! Flowers!", Mafumafu says, picking one of the white flowers.

Soraru walked closer to Mafumafu without knowing that he was there and he was about to water the other flowers as well until he noticed the albino and he was so shocked this time that he let his watering can fall down.

Mafumafu's head whipped towards the sound of something falling and saw a really handsome male with blue hair. Mafumafu blushes and realizes he must be on private property.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't realize this was private property!", Mafumafu apologizes, his heart thumping loudly in his ears.

Soraru then snapped out of his thoughts as he picked the watering can up and shook his head. "It's fine. You didn't do it on purpose after all.", Soraru assured.

"These flowers are lovely, by the way. Did you plant them all on your own?" Mafumafu asks the male.

Soraru looked at the flowers as he nodding. "Yeah, I did. They are really beautiful, aren't they?", Soraru said smiling softly.

"Ah, my name is Mafumafu by the way!" MafuMafu introduces and bows at the male.

Soraru looked back at the albino before nodding. "My name is Soraru.", he introduced himself as well. This was just like all the times before when Soraru met the albino. Only that this time, he wanted to change fate. He thought about Mafumafu's words and the curse a lot in all these hundreds of years and someday he came to the conclusion what he could maybe do to end this cruel curse of Mafumafu.

"I don't know if you have time now but would you maybe like to have some tea with me sometime?", Soraru asked the albino.

"Oh! I'm free right now! Unfortunately, I'm leaving tomorrow morning on a plane back home, but we can exchange phone numbers afterwords to talk! If you want to that is..." Mafumafu tells him sheepishly.

Soraru merely nodded. "Well, if you have time now, then you can stay a bit to have some tea with me now.", Soraru said as he looked at the albino as if to ask him if he wanted to come in.

Mafumafu nods and follows Soraru inside to his house.

Soraru apologized for the entrance hall when they entered. He never repaired it as he found it to be a waste of time and knew no one would visit anyway. "Anyway, sit down. I'll make you some tea.", Soraru said.

Mafumafu nods as he looked at the damage of the lovely house. He felt bad, like he was the one that caused it, even though he knew he didn't.

Soraru made the two of them some tea before he returned with two cups, placing them down in front of Mafumafu before sitting across of him. Just like he did three hundred years ago. He decided that it wouldn't be a good idea to tell him that he's a vampire now because in this time that wasn't really believable anymore so he didn't. Instead he decided he should just talk to the albino a bit just to see how he was now.

"So... Mafumafu-san, what are you doing here if you have to go back home tomorrow?", Soraru asked.

"I... Don't know..." Mafumafu admitted. "I just felt like I had to come here. You get that feeling, right? When you know you're missing something in your life, but don't know what?"

Soraru widened his eyes when he heard that but he merely nodded. "I guess... and what did you come here for at all? I mean this town. You are from another one, aren't you?", Soraru asked.

"Mhm. I'm here on tour!" Mafumafu tells him.

"A tour? Are you a star or something?", Soraru asked as he tilted his head.

"I'm a singer!" Mafumafu tells him, rubbing the back of his neck. "Though, not a very good one..."

Soraru shook his head as he gave the other an encouraging smile. "You must be pretty good if you can go on tour. Have more confidence.", Soraru said.

"Ah! Thank you, Soraru-san!" MafuMafu thanks him. "May I ask about the burned ceiling?"

Soraru flinched before nodding. "What about it?", Soraru asked.

"It's just that, it looks like it burned a long time ago. And it'd be weird if you didn't get it repaired for a long while. You know?" Mafumafu tells him.

Soraru wanted to tell him that he was not going to do that but he merely nodded instead after a while. "I will get it repaired sometime.", Soraru lied.

"I see," Mafumafu says. "How long have you lived here? Doesn't it get lonely being in the middle of no where by yourself?"

Soraru laughed at the question lightly. He thought about it for a bit before shrugging. "I... honestly don't know. But that's how I lived until now so I'm pretty much used to it.", Soraru explained.

"Well... Don't you wish you had a friend?" MafuMafu asks.

Soraru thought about that question once again before he shrugged again. "I don't know. I used to answer that question with no because friends leave you someday right? It would hurt too much... but now I can only answer you with I don't know.", Soraru replied smiling tiredly.

"Well..." Mafumafu begins, fumbling his thumbs. "How about we become friends. I don't have very many, a lot of people don't like me. I can't blame them. But, I can promise to be the best friend I can for you!"

Soraru widened his eyes again as he was almost about to decline. He thought that the albino would only get hurt and would die being around him. But when he saw how nervous the albino was and when he realized that he could hurt the other's feelings because of his selfish thoughts he changed his mind.

He nodded smiling softly at the other. "I don't understand why people wouldn't want to be your friend. From what I can see, you are a kind person. I don't see any problem with being your friend.", Soraru answered.

"So we're friends now?!" Mafumafu asks excitedly, really happy that the other wanted to be his friend after hundreds of years. Wait, hundreds of years? He just met this person? Oh well, Mafumafu just shoved his thoughts aside.

Soraru nodded, a bit surprised by the other's happiness on becoming friends with him. "Yes, we are. I hope we'll have more time to spend together in the future.", Soraru stated as he wished to god that this would actually happen without Mafumafu dying.

Mafumafu blinks, his world suddenly spinning. He didn't know why though. He felt the cushion of the couch underneath his body as his vision faded to black.

Soraru immediately panicked as he stood up and ran towards the albino shaking him lightly. "Oi, Mafumafu! What happened?! You alright?! Mafumafu!", Soraru said as he started to shake Mafumafu even more.

Mafumafu woke up in a dark room. He looked around to see four other versions of himself. "Huh?!"

"Hi!", One of him said. He was wearing a cloak and a had a staff. "I'm you! The first you, that is. You see, I cursed myself and Soraru-san."

"What do you mean?", Mafumafu asks him.

"Here, let me explain the curse. Hundreds of years ago, I stumbled upon Soraru-san's mansion while escaping angry townspeople accusing me of being a witch. I then met Soraru-san, who refused to have friends. I got so angry and then bam! Cursed!", The original Mafumafu explains. "Basically, the curse was that I'd always be reborn and he will always meet my reincarnation. They will always die until he's made a friend. And now, he's made a friend! You! Now, you just have to live today. Trust me, the universe will fo everything it can to kill you. Don't die. And if you're dying just tell Soraru-san to b-"

Before Mafumafu can hear the end of his statement, he woke up to see Soraru's face close to his as he tries to wake him up.

Soraru looked at Mafumafu and showed the other a face of relief that he was alright. And before he knew it some tears dropped on to Mafumafu's face. "Thank goodness, you're alive!", Soraru said as his knees gave in and he slowly sunk to the ground, kneeling besides Mafumafu.

"I wouldn't have known what to do if you would have died.", Soraru said as he looked down not even realizing that he was crying.

"I have to survive throughout the day.", Mafumafu tells him. "I have all my memories back, from when we met a few hundred years ago. And I'm really sorry about my last life where I died!"

"It's fine... it's not like you chose to do that after all. You can't control wether you want to die or not.", Soraru assured him.

"Anyways, so the first me and I spoke and basically, the universe is going to try and kill me. So I have to survive the rest of the day while the universe trues to kill me because of the curse. There are two ways to end the curse. Either I die or I live today. And I really don't feel like dying knowing this is my last chance to live.", Mafumafu explains to him.

Soraru only nodded as he tried to understand everything. "If that's the case, then I'll just have to protect you until the end of the day then. I'll promise to save you this time.", Soraru promised as he was determined to save the albino.

MafuMafu smiles at him. "Thank you! I really appreciate it! Thank you for everything you've done for me!"

Soraru only shook his head as he smiled. "I didn't really do anything to make you thank me. All I did was to make the first you do something stupid which resulted in you suffering the whole time.", Soraru pointed out.

"It's not your fault though because clearly, you didn't do anything. I can't believe that this curse went on for so long though.", Soraru said.

"I know right? I can't believe that it took me so long to be reborn though. Three hundred years is a long time.", Mafumafu tells him. "But, the first me was trying to tell me something. He said that if I was dying he needed you to do something, but I woke up before I knew what."

"Ha? Great... that could have been something so important...", Soraru said as he ruffled his own hair. "Do you think there's a chance for you to speak with him again? Or do you have a guess of what he could have said? Or did he say something important? Like maybe a key word?", Soraru asked.

"All he said before I woke up was b. That's it." Mafumafu tells him. "I don't know what it could be about though."

"That's it? Ugh, the original you is really stupid sometimes. Now that I think about it, he was the only one who acted a bit different than all of you guys after him.", Soraru said when he thought back about it.

"I still don't get the curse though... He didn't seem like he was cursed to me when I first met him... and he was the only one who didn't die because of something that happened... He just collapsed.", Soraru mumbled to himself before he remembered that Mafumafu was sitting there.

"Ah, sorry for spacing out. Your life must be so bad now because someone cursed you.", Soraru said smiling sympathetically.

"He did," Mafumafu tells him. "The first me was the one who placed the curse. The curse costed him his life."

Soraru sat there trying to process those two sentence before he shouted out confused. "Ha?! He did that curse and died just because of that? Seriously, how stupid must he be to do that?! And only because I said that I didn't want to make friends at that time! That is so stupid!", he exclaimed as he started to complain about the mage.

"But it guilt you into being more open," Mafumafu pointed out.

"Yeah, but he could have tried to find a different way other than to curse me! He basically forced me to let him stay after all. And maybe...", Soraru looked away as he scratched his cheek.

"Maybe we could have become friends afterwards...", he mumbled in slight embarrassment.

"Eh.... He was a bit extra. But, still! He did what he wanted to do!", Mafumafu tells him.

"Of course you'd take his side. You are him after all. Even if you are just his reincarnation.", Soraru said rolling his eyes.

Mafumafu chuckles at that. "That's true!"

"Anyway, I think we should stay together until the day is over and after that you can go home.", Soraru said as he walked back to the couch sitting down.

"You should come with me.", Mafumafu tells him. "We're friends! We should be close together!"

"Ok, I never had a friend before but I don't think it's required for friends to be so close together. We can still be friends even if I live here after all. Also... I can't just leave my flowers here. I was with them for hundreds of years already after all.", Soraru explained.

Mafumafu frowns. "Then... I'll move in here! And then I'll have the house fixed!", Mafumafu decides.

Soraru raised an eyebrow confused. "What about your home and your tour and such things. You also have your family and some friends who are waiting for you, right?", Soraru remidned him.

"Also, I don't think your family will be delighted to find out that you'll move into a person's house you just met today.", Soraru pointed out.

"I'm 27.", Mafumafu laughs. "I can make my own decisions. Beside, my family is dead. And my tour finished! I'll just bring my things over!"

"Eh.... you seriously want to move in? I could have become a serial killer for all you know.", Soraru said.

"I don't believe so! I mean, you care about me!", Mafumafu tells him. "If you didn't, you wouldn't want to protect me!"

"I'm still a vampire who drinks blood once in a while though. The third you should know that probably. I was on my way to get food.", Soraru said as he thought back on it.

"You are seriously too good for this world. People might take advantage of you if they see that you're too kind.", Soraru pointed out.

"Then you'll protect me, right?", Mafumafu asks him, giving him a charming smile. "I'm forever in your care."

"Forever is a long term. You already lived about one fourth of your life.", Soraru said looking away to hide his blush which appeared when he saw the smile of the albino.

"Ah, that's true. Then, the rest of my short existence!", Mafumafu tells him.

Soraru rolled his eyes as he nodded. "I guess I can take care of you for a few decades.", Soraru said.

"If I live that long.", Mafumafu tells him. "I may not even survive today."

Soraru's face turned serious again as he nodded. "Well, you'll have to bear with me for a bit longer then.", Soraru said as he drunk the remaining of his tea.

Suddenly a person came down from the burnt hole from the second floor, carrying a sword and armor.

"AHHHH!!", Mafumafu screams in surprise.

Soraru quickly pushed Mafumafu behind him before he kicked the person down holding them down with his foot as he bended a bit down to take a close look at the person.

The person was really no one important. Just a male with black hair who seemed to be an old timey knight of sorts.

Soraru clicked his tongue as he quickly killed him by stepping on his neck strongly before turning back to Mafumafu. "Are you alright?", he asked as he stepped closer to make sure Mafumafu wasn't injured.

Mafumafu nods. "I'm fine. Thank you!", Mafumafu thanks him.

"Good. How the hell did he get into this house though? Is this part of the curse?", Soraru asked more to himself. "Ah, I know that he wanted to help me with a curse and all but he really didn't think this through.", Soraru stated as he started to ruffle his own hair in slight annoyance.

MafuMafu hugs Soraru from behind. "I really don't like this curse..."

Soraru could only sigh as he patted Mafumafu's hands consolingly because the albino's head was buried in his back. "I don't like it either but...", Soraru pulled away as he turned around to ruffle Mafumafu's head.

"After you survived this, we can hang out and do whatever you want to. Just like friends do.", Soraru said softly.

Mafumafu's eyes twinkle in delight. "Really? Whatever I want?"

"Sure. So do your best to survive this, alright?", Soraru said as he patted Mafumafu's head one more time before pulling his hand away.

"Alrighty! I'll hold you to your word though, so don't you dare back down after this!", Mafumafu chuckles evilly. "We're gonna have so much fun!"

"Oi, I did say we could do whatever you want but I'm not in the mood to get tortured.", Soraru said as he wondered if he should regret his words. But he thought that it's good that Mafumafu at least got more determination to stay alive.

Mafumafu just gives him a big smile. "But I am~! After all, you let me die four times before now! Lets hope you don't fail me again!", MafuMafu jokes and pinches Soraru's cheek.

"Whose fault was it to begin with that he got into this situation?", Soraru asked as he grumbled slightly when the other pinched his cheek.

"Yours~!" Mafumafu tells him.

Then they heard heavy thumps come from upstairs. "Um... You wouldn't happen to have gotten a pet at all, right?" Mafumafu asks.

Soraru shook his head as his face turned dark. "Unfortunately for you, I never once owned one.", Soraru answered. He already a really bad feeling about this.

"So that means there are people in here, probably here to kill me if I had to take a guess." Mafumafu says.

Soraru nodded sighing. "You wouldn't have a weapon with you per chance, right?", Soraru asked.

Mafumafu shakes his head. "No. And I do know magic due to my new memories, but I don't have a staff."

"A staff, huh?", Soraru thought about it before taking Mafumafu by his hand and pulling him towards another room. "I guess I can give you one. It should be still there.", Soraru said as he opened the door which was filled with four different kind of flowers and four closed coffins.

"Eh? What is this?" Mafumafu asks Soraru as he had followed him in.

"It's you. I mean the reincarnations. They all died in front of me and because I felt like it was my fault, I decided to respect their death so they could rest in peace.", Soraru explained as he walked to the coffin of the first Mafumafu.

He didn't open the coffin though as he reached towards the wall behind it where the staff hung. "I'll be borrowing this. It's your fault that we're in this mess anyway so you won't have any right to complain.", Soraru said as he took the staff before handing it over to Mafumafu.

"Thank you." Mafumafu thanks him and takes it. "Just give me a bit to remember some spells and then I'll need you to help me get some objects."

Soraru nodded as he stayed silent to let the albino remember his spell.

"We should get a protection spell. So we're gonna need something very strong and hard to break. A lot of it," Mafumafu tells him. "Strong and hard to break things will also help us in offense!"

Soraru nodded as he thought about it. "Something hard to break, huh.... I can't think of anything. Everything I have is fragile... I do have books. But those aren't really hard.", Soraru said as he took his bang while he tried to think of something.

"I mean like concrete or bricks." Mafumafu deadpans.

"Can't you just summon them or something like that?", Soraru asked.

"Not how my magic works," Mafumafu tells him. "You still haven't learnt how it works."

"Well, I'm sorry. You never really told me anything about how it works after all.", Soraru accused as he rolled his eyes.

"My magic works of equal exchange. I need objects of equal value to my spell." Mafumafu explains.

"Well, alright. I'd love to give you some objects but I don't want to leave you here alone so we'd either have to get out of here or you'll have to take what's in this room.", Soraru said.

"There isn't anything useful here, we'll have to leave. But it's dangerous out there." Mafumafu tells him.

"Guess, I'll just have to protect you then.", Soraru said as he walked ahead and put his hand on the door handle. "Ready to go?", Soraru asked as he turned to look at Mafumafu.

Mafumafu nods and grabs the back of Soraru's shirt. "Please protect me."

Soraru merely hummed as he opened the door waiting for Mafumafu to get out before he closed the door again. "There should be a room which has a lot piano there. Is that a good enough object for you or should we search somewhere else?", Soraru asked as he pulled Mafumafu down with him.

"If that's the best thing you've got then, it'll have to do." Mafumafu tells him.

Soraru nodded as he headed to the hall before turning left and opening the door to reveal a room with a white piano in the middle of a room which was illuminated by the moon light as most of the walls were made out of glass. "There are some furnitures and drawers in the other room if it's easier for you to use or if you need more objects.", Soraru informed.

"Do you like this piano? I think it looks lovely." MafuMafu tells him, looking at the piano.

"That is not important right now. Just use it to finish those things off.", Soraru said.

Mafumafu nods and starts muttering something. He staff starts to glow and words starts flowing out. The words wrap around the piano and then the piano gets absorbed into the staff.

Soraru just watched as he whistled impressed. "You seem to know some things. Impressive for someone who just got their memories back.", Soraru praised.

"Thanks. But we need more objects if we want to have a strong enough barrier." Mafumafu tells him. "Lead me to the next room."

Soraru nodded as he walked ahead to the door heading to the next room as he opened the door to reveal many furnitures.

"We are going to have to buy a lot of things after this all." Mafumafu says. He begins to do the same thing with his staff and soon all the furniture in absorbed into the staff.

Then a loud crash echoes from the floor above and Mafumafu covers his head in fear.

Soraru, who rushed to Mafumafu's side as soon as he heard that, only patted the other's head reassuringly. "It's fine. You're save.", Soraru assured the younger male.

Mafumafu nods. "I think we should head to another room. The safest room you have here." Mafumafu whispers. "And we need to be quieter. We don't want them to find us."

Soraru nodded as he thought a bit about it before thinking that his room should be the safest one. He chose that one for that purpose after all in case there were vampire hunters who tried to kill him while he was sleeping.

He pulled Mafumafu towards his room and closed the door after the two of them got in. "I guess this is the safest room.", Soraru told Mafumafu quietly.

Mafumafu nods in understanding and then kneels on the floor. "I'm going to start enchanting the spell. Do not interrupt me or let them interrupt me either. Ok?"

"Alright. Just... try to make it fast, ok?", Soraru said as he stepped back to give Mafumafu some space and stepped closer to the door in case someone would try to come in.

Mafumafu nods and lays his staff in both of his out in front of him and starts chanting. The staff glows and words flow out and attach themselves to the walls, door, and the ceiling above them.

Soraru just stood still as he watched everything interested, not forgetting to pay attention to the door.

Soon, Mafumafu stopped chanting. "There. It's far from impenetrable or hard to break, but should hold for the time being. But if worse comes to worse, I don't think I can protect us."

Soraru nodded as he sat down leaning against the wall. "That's fine enough. How much longer until the day ends?", Soraru asked.

Mafumafu brings out his phone and checks. "Seven more hours." Mafumafu tells him and sits next to Soraru, resting his head on the other's shoulder.

Soraru flinched as he semi-glared at the other male. "Oi, what are you doing? If you are this tired then just go sleep on the bed over there.", Soraru told Mafumafu.

"No, I want to be with Soraru-san." Mafumafu says. "You don't mind, right?"

"I don't mind being with you but... you can also be with me without being so close right?", Soraru asked as he put a hand up and looked away.

"Please?" Mafumafu gives him puppy dog eyes. "Just for a little bit?"

Soraru stayed silent for a bit longer before sighing and nodding. "If that makes you happy...", Soraru mumbled as he just stayed still leaning his arm on one of his legs which he pulled towards his chest while the other laid there straight.

Mafumafu lays his head back down on to Soraru's shoulder and closes his eyes. "Thank you for everything..."

"It's too early to thank me...", Soraru whispered as he only looked out of the window across of him.

"Even if I don't live, thank you for wanting me around. Though, bury me in garden with a bunch of flowers. Ok?" Mafumafu tells him.

"Stop that. You make it sound like you already expect to die at the end of the day. That hasn't changed at all.", Soraru said sighed.

Mafumafu laughs a bit. "Just telling you for good measure. Can I ask you if something of I do live though?"

"What is it?", Soraru asked as he turned to look at the younger male.

"Go on a date with me?" Mafumafu asks.

Soraru took a few seconds to process that before his normal face fell and his face turned red. "Ha?! Why would you want that? You only met me a few times.", Soraru pointed out.

"And? Is there a problem with that? You are sweet and trying to save my life. It's like those sitcom dramas." Mafumafu tells him.

"I am literally just doing the one thing that is logical to do. Didn't you say something like wanting to become best friends with me or something? You sure that you didn't mix those feelings up?", Soraru asked.

"I want to be your friend if you want. But I'd like to be more too. Even if I'll die soon anyways. At least you had a little fun." Mafumafu says.

"Ugh, stop it! You are always talking as if you are predicting you'll die!", Soraru groaned as he buried his face in his hands. He ruffled his own hair in frustration before nodding. "Fine. If you survive this we can go on a date or whatever!", Soraru accepted.

"Yay! But I mean, I will die. I'm mortal. What seems like a short time for you is most of my life time." Mafumafu tells him.

Soraru sighed nodding. "I know... I really wonder if this was the right thing to do. But like you said in your first life, I got to enjoy my life even if just for a bit.", Soraru said laughing lightly. "Even though, I still don't get that feeling but I guess he's somehow right.", Soraru said.

Mafumafu smiles and closes his eyes again, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Soraru smiled softly as well when he saw that Mafumafu fell asleep. He looked at the albino for a while before he looked away again. He decided he should enjoy the short time he had with Mafumafu.

Honestly, he was not sure if this was the right thing to do. Mafumafu wanted to go on a date with Soraru but he was immortal while Mafumafu was mortal. Mafumafu would continue aging while Soraru would stay like this. He wasn't sure if Mafumafu would be happy like this so he thought that when the right time would come, he had to let Mafumafu go. He should just enjoy the time he had with the other male now. That is if he survived.

Soraru just chuckled humorlessly. This one human managed to change his own perspective and now he could possible just leave him. God sure was cruel to him.

During their peaceful time, there is banging at the door, as someone tries to enter from the outside. The noise wakes Mafumafu up as he looks at the door in fear.

Soraru frowned as he stood up and pulled Mafumafu with him and stood in front of him. "Stay behind me.", Soraru instructed.

Mafumafu nods and stays behind Soraru. Suddenly, there was banging from the window and Mafumafu could count at least eight people outside of it.

"Soraru-san...." Mafumafu sniffles. "I really don't know about this..."

Soraru noticed that Mafumafu was about to cry and turned around putting his hands on the other's shoulder. "We are going to try our best, alright? And I will do my best to protect you so don't give up that quickly.", Soraru said.

Mafumafu nods and holds his staff close to him. "I really won't be too much help, but I'll do everything I can to stay alive. Just be safe too, ok?"

"Ok. Let's do this then.", Soraru said as the door opened and Soraru charged at the first person knocking him down.

The window smashes open and the people flood in holding swords. Mafumafu gulps before bringing his staff up in a defensive position, ready to defend himself.

Soraru used in fast speed as he tried his best to protect Mafumafu while defeating the people who tried to attack him. But it proved to be difficult without any weapons.

Three men charged at Mafumafu. Mafumafu was able to hold the three of them off with his staff, using it like a sword in a way.

Soraru nodded in approval as he did his best to knock the other men down. He fought them while looking at Mafumafu once in a while to check it he's alright.

Mafumafu felt more relaxed once he hit one of the men hard enough on the head and knocked him out. The other to men were now charging at him with full force and he did his best to deflect them.

Soraru rushed over to Mafumafu to help him as he kicked them down. "Are you still ok?", Soraru asked to make sure the other was alright.

Mafumafu nods, "I'm fi-"

Just as Mafumafu was talking, the man he thought he knocked unconscious got back up and stabbed him in the back, the sword sticking out the front of his chest. He looks at Soraru in despair and falls to his knees.

Soraru widened his eyes in terror. He quickly knocked the man down and the rest of the people who charged towards him before he kneeled down next to Mafumafu. "Oi! You can't die now! You got it?! We are going to get you treated!", Soraru shouted.

"Soraru..."Mafumafu says, then coughing up some blood. "I'm.... sorry..."

"Stop! Stop apologizing every time! Try to live, dammit!", Soraru shouted as he tears streamt down his face.

"Soraru-san, you are such an idiot." A voice behind Soraru says.

"Huh?", Soraru asked as he looked behind himself to the source of the voice.

There, was a boy wearing a cloak with white hair and red eyes. "Hey, it is me! The first Mafu!"

Soraru just stood there baffled as he didn't even know what to say. "I can see that. You were the one that caused all of this.", Soraru said frowning.

"Yeah, and I'm gonna be the one who makes sure you get a happy ending." Original Mafumafu retorts.

"Mafumafu is literally going to die here in front of me. What a great ending.", Soraru said sarcastically.

Original Mafumafu sighs. "Soraru-san, do you know what you are?"

"I'm an immortal vampire who drinks blood.", Soraru said as if he repeated that a hundred of times already.

"Do you know how vampires are made?" Mafumafu #1 asks.

"Huh? How they're made? Never read of that. I was born as one so I wouldn't know. I was also never interested in doing that.", Soraru answered.

Mafumafu #1 sighs again. "You bite them and insert your blood into their veins. Then, boom! An immortal vampire!"

"Great! And now you expect to turn him into a vampire? You do know that he could hate his life afterwards? The life of a vampire can be so boring. Especially to people like you and him who can't stand the boredom.", Soraru said.

"So you'd rather him die?" Mafumafu #1 asks. "But it's your choice to save him. He's about to die anyways. Looks like you'll have to start digging up the ground in the garden for him." With that, the first Mafumafu leaves to let Soraru make his choice.

"Oi, wait!", Soraru said but it was too late as the other already left. Soraru sighed as he quickly thought everything in his mind. Either he had to turn him into a vampire, making Mafumafu immortal or he'd have to dig up his garden after Mafumafu would have died.

Soraru sighed out as he ruffled his hair in frustration when he chose his decision. "Sorry, but I really don't want to see you die again and have to bury you again! And I really don't want to destroy my garden knowing that you are there, every time I water my flowers!", Soraru argued.

"And I don't want to lose you...", is what Soraru thought but he didn't say it as he just pulled Mafumafu towards him. He pushed the strands of hair away that were in his way before he opened his mouth, revealing his fangs.

And the next second he lowered his head to Mafumafu's neck and bit him before he started to insert his own blood into Mafumafu.

Mafumafu feels a slight pricking in his neck, but he didn't bother opening his eyes. He couldn't. He was too weak and numb to do anything anymore. And he felt so bad about having to leave Soraru all alone again.

Soraru stayed still for a while as he concentrated on giving his blood to Mafumafu. After he finished, he pulled away wiping the slight blood stains away before he carried Mafumafu towards his bed and laid him down.

He looked at his watch to see that the day was over. Mafumafu was save. That is if he would survive this. With that thought Soraru pulled a chair next to the bed and sat down as he decided he'd wait for Mafumafu to wake up.

Mafumafu had stayed in deep slumber for a week straight. Never once did he show a sign of being alive. Just unmoving and limp.

Soraru slowly gave up on Mafumafu being alive. He couldn't bear to bury Mafumafu under the earth that early though as he just cleaned the room up and covered the whole room full of flowers so he could partly fulfill his wish. He couldn't bury him under his garden so he decided to make a small garden in the bedroom instead.

Three more weeks passed, nothing came from Mafumafu. He seemed dead. There was no telling about if it worked or not as vampires don't have heartbeats and neither did Mafumafu.

Soraru only sighed as he gave up completely. He decided he'd go to the room one more time before he would never step into it again. He pulled the chair out as he sat next to Mafumafu.

"It's been three weeks and you still haven't waken up. I guess I failed to save you this time as well... and this was my last chance so I apologize for this. I'd love to blame the mage for this but in the end it was my fault... I am sorry.", Soraru apologized.

He could feel tears welling up in his eyes but he blinked them away. "I can't bring myself to bury you under my garden. Sorry. I hope this is fine to you as well. This hurts and I really wish it wouldn't hurt so much.", Soraru said as he stayed silent. Of course there was no answer as he continued to speak.

"But even so, I was happy to have met you and I want to thank you for being my first and last friend. It was an honor to have met you. Goodbye.", Soraru said as he stood up and left the room.

A month passes by, Soraru was unable to bring himself to go to the room anymore. So when Mafumafu finally opened his eyes, he was in a dark room all by himself.

He sits up and takes a look around the room to see beautiful flowers blooming around him. He then gets out of the bed and inspects the place. It looked like Soraru's room, the place where the fight went down. But what was he still doing here?

He opens the door and walks out, hoping to find someone, specifically Soraru.

Soraru was in the garden as he was arranging some flowers as a decoration inside the mansion. He decided that he wanted to decorate the room where he placed a new piano. So he chose flowers which he now turned into some decoration so the room wouldn't be with just a piano.

Mafumafu finds himself at the door of the garden watching Soraru pick flowers with a smile on his face. "Hey, Soraru-san!"

Soraru froze widening his eye as he turned around to see the albino standing there as if he just woke up from a nap. Soraru rubbed his eyes sighing. "Great. This is what I get for not sleeping for weeks. Now I'm having hallucinations. I'll make sure to go to sleep later.", Soraru told himself.

"Weeks? What are you talking about?" Mafumafu asks worriedly making his way over to the other male. "Have I been asleep for that long? The last thing I remember is getting stabbed!"

Mafumafu crouches down next to Soraru and cups the other make's face with his hands, looking him in the eyes with a worried expression.

Soraru flinched when he noticed the other taking his face. And that was the moment when he realized that it was truly Mafumafu standing in front of him and not just some hallucination.

He then laughed relieved as he took Mafumafu's hands and looked down on the floor. "This is really stupid. I don't even know if I should be happy. Next thing I know you'll disappear.", Soraru said as he continued chuckling, thinking he actually lost his mind.

Mafumafu smiles at him. "I promise I won't leave you ever again. Never ever." Mafumafu leans in and presses a kiss against Soraru's lips. "Ok?"

Mafumafu smiles and tackles Soraru to the ground happily. "I guess we can live happily now."

Soraru laughed lightly as he hugged Mafumafu's was it nodding. "Yeah and I guess this time we will actually stay together forever now that you're immortal as well.", Soraru stated.

Mafumafu nods. "I figured because I was still alive. Now shut up and let me enjoy this."

Soraru just chuckled as he nodded laying his head down on the soft grass as well. He looked up at the sky while hugging the albino. "If this is a dream, I'd rather want to sleep forever.", Soraru joked before he smiled softly at the albino. Finally, the albino wouldn't leave him ever again and he looked forward to spend his life together with Mafumafu until the end of eternity.


"What do you mean I've been asleep for two months! What will my precious fans and friends think?! Oh god!" Mafumafu shouts at Soraru as he scrambles off of him to get to his phone.

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