He's mine (Soramafu)

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Requested by: @sanjyuuichi_
Pairing: Yandere!Soraru x Mafumafu
Genre: Fluff
High School AU

So... Requests are still closed but I felt bad for leaving this one request out so I decided to do it nethertheless www I hope you'll enjoy it!

The school bell rang as Mafumafu stood up and packed his things. "Mafudon, do you want to go to karaoke with us today?", his red-haired friend asked him as Mafumafu gave him an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, Sakatan. I have something to do today.", Mafumafu apologized as Sakata just pouted. "Eh~ Again? Let me guess, do you have another date with Soraru-san today?", Sakata asked as the albino's face flared up as soon as the ravenette was mentioned. "Oho~ I was right, wasn't I?", Sakata asked smirking as the albino just quickly swung his bag over his shoulder.

"It's not a date! We are just going to study together for the upcoming exam!", Mafumafu defended himself as the redhead gasped.

"Uwah, I almost forgot that we had one ahead of us soon!", Sakata exclaimed panicked as Mafumafu sweat-dropped. "Seriously, Sakatan? Sensei announced it today as well. What are you doing the whole time?", Mafumafu asked as the other male only laughed sheepishly as he tried to explain himself. They joked around until they noticed a ravenette leaning against the entrance, scrolling bored through his phone.

Unlike Mafumafu and Sakata who were wearing a white blouse with some brown pants and a light yellow sweater, Soraru was wearing a uniform with white pants and a blazer matching the color showing that he was from another school.

Upon noticing a presence, the raven-haired male looked up and turned to the albino who rushed towards him, ignoring the stares from the other people. "Soraru-san, you're early today!", Mafumafu exclaimed happily as the older male nodded. "Yes. The council meeting ended earlier today.", Soraru explained as the younger male only hummed in understanding.

Soraru then noticed someone else there as his slightly happy expression from before turned darkly until he noticed that it was Sakata. "Oh, it's just you. What are you doing here?", the older male asked as the redhead only gasped.

"I go to this school? And to your information, I'm Mafudon's friend and I am the one making sure that your precious lover doesn't get stolen by anyone else.", Sakata said as he put his arms on his hips proudly. "Huh... Let's go then, Mafu.", Soraru said as he let Mafumafu go and took his hand instead before walking ahead, completely ignoring the red-haired male.

"Ehh?! You'll just ignore me?!", Sakata asked as Mafumafu quickly looked back to give him an apologetic smile. "I'll see you on Monday then, Sakatan!", Mafumafu told the redhead before they left the school, leaving Sakata behind.

"Stupid Soraru-san and Mafudon always showing off... Why can't Urata-san be like this too?", Sakata asked. "What about me?", a shorter brunet asked as the redhead turned around confused and surprised when he saw Urata standing there with his bag slung over his shoulder. "Eh? Urata-san?! What are you doing here?", Sakata asked as the brunet looked at him as if he was stupid.

"I'm going into this school? And school just finished for your information. Why shouldn't I be here?", Urata asked.

"I see~ Oh, right! I'll be going to karaoke with some of my classmates! Do you want to come with us?", Sakata asked looking at Urata with hopeful eyes that the brunet couldn't help but accept.

"Fine... Let's go then.", Urata said as the redhead nodded. "Yay~ Thank you, Urata-san!", Sakata exclaimed before they went to their friends to spend the rest of the day at the karaoke place.


"Where are we going, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked curiously as the raven-haired male only pulled the albino along while walking.

"I have to buy some supplies for the student council and myself so we'll probably have to go to the shopping center before being able to go back to my place. Although I wish that we wouldn't have to go there...", Soraru muttered annoyed as Mafumafu merely giggled.

"Soraru-san just wants to laze around, doesn't he?", Mafumafu asked amused as the raven-haired male didn't answer which the younger male didn't mind. They soon arrived at the store as Mafumafu opened his mouth in slight astonishment to see so many types of papers and pens being displayed in the store. "Wow... I didn't know they'd sell so much in this kind of store.", Mafumafu mumbled as the older male nodded.

"Yeah, I guess it can be surprising. Now come so we can finish this quickly.", Soraru said and pulled the albino slightly as Mafumafu only stood still. "Soraru-san, can I stay here to look at the notebooks?", Mafumafu asked.

"Why? You know that we can do this first and then come back together.", Soraru said not really liking this idea. "Please? This way we can get back faster!", Mafumafu told him as he gave Soraru the best pleading look he could.

The older male stared back for some time, trying to not be affected by it but still lost in the end. "Fine... I'll come back in a few minutes so just stay here then.", Soraru said as the albino nodded before the raven-haired male hesitantly walked away.

Mafumafu only looked at the different types of notebooks in front of him as the albino wondered which one he should take. He stood there for a few minutes before someone walked up to him.

"Hey... You looked like you had a hard time deciding on something. Do you need some help?", a light-haired male asked as he walked towards the albino. "Huh? Ah, yes! I want to buy a notebook just to state my thoughts in it...", Mafumafu answered scratching his cheek sheepishly as the other male only nodded and looked at the notebooks before he picked up a red notebook with a hard cover as he handed it to the albino.

"These kinds of notebooks can't be bended and get less damaged so I would recommend this. I... also use those types of notebooks...", the taller male recommended as he looked down bashfully.

"I see~ Thanks for your help!", Mafumafu said smiling at the other male who only blushed and nodded. "So you use a notebook as well?", Mafumafu asked as the taller male nodded.

"Yes... I like to write my own thoughts in some as well so I usually buy some from here when it's not my shift.", he answered as the albino smiled brightly. "I see! Looks like we're the same then!", Mafumafu exclaimed happily which encouraged the light-haired male as he smiled back.

He then nervously fumbled with his hands before he took Mafumafu's hands in his.

"U-um, I'm Luz by the way... if you'd want... do you want to hang out with me after my shift is over so we can—". "Sorry, but he's busy after this.", a voice cut him off as the light-haired male's hands got pulled away and the albino was pulled into the arms of a familiar ravenette.

"Soraru-san, you have everything already?", Mafumafu asked not noticing the fury of the older male. Soraru merely nodded as he looked at Mafumafu, ignoring the light-haired male for a second. ''Have you found a notebook you want to buy?'', the older male asked as the albino nodded happily. ''Yes! Luz-san here was kind enough to recommend me this one because he used this as well.'', Mafumafu exclaimed happily as the older male's expression darkened even more which didn't go unnoticed by the light-haired male.

''I see... Well, I'd rather recommend that one over there.'', Soraru said as he picked up a blue leathered notebook while Luz and Mafumafu both looked at him confused.

''Why this one?'', Mafumafu asked as Luz nodded, feeling slightly annoyed that the ravenette wouldn't let the albino just buy the one he recommended.

''Many reasons. But if I had to choose the important ones, then for one, that this notebook wouldn't get water damaged if you'd spill anything. Because you spill a lot of things everytime. And second is that with this notebook.'', Soraru said as he picked it up and held it in front of his face.

''You can be reminded of me everytime you write in it because A, I chose it for you and B, it is in my favorite color.'', Soraru said giving the other male a smile as the albino blushed and covered his face.

''Idiot! You were supposed to be a tsundere and not so cool!'', Mafumafu exclaimed as he nodded though. ''I'll take this one then...'', Mafumafu mumbled as the older male nodded and told the albino to wait while he was going to pay.

Luz followed him, slighty disappointed because he just lost the oppurtunity to potentially spend some time with the albino and asking him out. But he remained silent as he followed Soraru to the counter to make Soraru pay for the things.

''That'll be 2500 yen then.'', Luz said as Soraru put 3000 yen onto the counter. Luz was about to give him the rest of the money back while the ravenette started to speak. ''So you were trying to flirt with Mafumafu, huh?'', the older male asked as the light-haired male looked at him confused.

''Mafumafu? Oh, you mean the albino from before? I wasn't flirting with him... Even if he made me slightly interested.'', Luz admitted blushing.

''If you know him, then could you maybe give me his number so I can—''. ''Stay away from him and never talk to him again.'', Soraru interrupted him as Luz looked up confused to see a dark aura surrounding the ravenette.

''Pardon me?'', Luz asked, not sure if he just heard right. ''I said: Stay away from him and never talk to him again. Because he is mine.'', Soraru hissed.

''Eh? Ah, was he your boyfriend? I'm so sorry!'', Luz said as he bowed. Soraru only grumbled as he only took the bag where all the materials were in as he took the rest money.

''I don't care if you're sorry as long as you won't ever talk to him again. But you seem to be genuinely sorry so I will spare you as long if you won't make any advances towards my property again. Because if you do...

I'll drown you in the ocean cause you made me this salty.'', Soraru warned before he was ready to leave.

Just as he turned around though, the door opened as a redhead and a pink-haired male came from the staff room. Nqrse saw that Luz was shaking in fear and was confused as well as Araki.

But both of them knew what must have happened when they saw Soraru standing there. ''Soraru-aniki~ What a surprise to see you here~'', Nqrse chirped as Soraru only glared at the pink-haired male who wasn't affected at all.

''If you are working here, you should have just bought the materials.'', Soraru said through clenched teeth as the younger male only giggled. ''Yeah, but I am still annoyed from the time you beat me in the midterm exams so I decided to take some of your precious time with your soulmate~'', Nqrse said smilng as Araki and Luz could feel the sparkles flying in between them.

''Do they know each other?'', Luz asked as Araki sighed and nodded.

''They are in the student council together. Soraru being the vice president and Nqrse being the secretary.

They are the top two students in their school because the student council is an idiot who somehow managed to get in through his charisma. Despite them looking like that, they are actually best friends.'', Araki explained as Luz honestly couldn't believe it when he saw the hatred between Nqrse and Soraru right now.

Before anything could escalate even more though, Mafumafu appeared next to Soraru as he frowned. ''Soraru-san, what is taking you so long?'', the albino asked as the ravenette slipped out of his thoughts and looked at Mafumafu.

''Oh~ Hello, Mafu-kun~ Looking cute as always~'', Nqrse greeted him giving him a hug as Mafumafu bashfully hugged back before turning his attention to Soraru and Luz saw how the raven-haired male was gritting his teeth looking as if he was ready to stab Nqrse.

''Are you finished?'', Mafumafu asked as the older male nodded. ''Let's go home before these idiots will ruin the rest of my day.'', Soraru said as he put an arm around Mafumafu's waist and turned around to go. ''Bye bye~ I'll see you at school again!'', Nqrse exclaimed cheering as Luz looked at the pink-haired male impressed.

''How could you stand being around him knowing that he is actually threatening to kill people for Mafumafu-san?'', Luz asked as the other male shrugged.

''I don't know. I guess you just have to get used to it and just make sure to follow Soraru's rules to not kill you~

Don't touch, Mafumafu. Don't flirt with Mafumafu. Don't talk to Mafumafu unless Soraru is around.'', Nqrse counted. ''But... didn't you break almost all of those rules?'', Luz asked.

''That is cause I am special~'', Nqrse chirped as the redhead sighed.

''That is because I am there to save him if it gets too bad. Soraru honestly was about to kill Nqrse some times but this guy here just has a bonus because they were childhood friends and because Nqrse is the one helping Soraru with stuff.'', Araki explained as Luz was worried but decided to ask anyway.

''What kind off stuff?'', he asked as Nqrse only put a finger in front of his mouth and winked. ''That is a secret~''


''Soraru-san... I thought you were going to help me study...'', Mafumafu said as the ravenette was hugging him from behind, placing marks on the poor albino who had tried to calm his blush down for some time.

''I am helping you, aren't I?'', Soraru asked which was indeed true. Being the vice president of an elite school and one of the top students, Soraru always thought that studying was important.

But seeing those eyes of someone other than him laying on Mafumafu aggrivated him to the max point.

But Soraru was still right with his words as he was still explaining everything to Mafumafu.

And the younger male would have been able to understand everything if it wasn't for the fact that Soraru was distracting him the whole time and flustering him.

''Soraru-san, can you please stop?'', Mafumafu asked embarrassed as he buried his face into his hands. ''Why?'', Soraru merely asked as he continued. ''Why?! Because you are distracting me and I can't concentrate if you do that!'', Mafumafu exclaimed as the ravenette merely hummed.

''Then... if you can't concentrate anyway, let me mark you as mine?'', Soraru asked as he flipped Mafumafu over so he was hovering over the younger male. ''E-eh?'', Mafumafu stuttered, being a blushing mess.

''Let me fill all of your thoughts with me.'', Soraru whispered into Mafumafu's ear with his husky voice sending a shiver down his spine.

Soraru didn't go too far. He did leave a lot of kiss and bite marks on the albino though. And after that, Soraru stopped going back to studying, leaving Mafumafu a blushing and confused mess as the albino couldn't concentrate on studying for the rest of the day anymore.


''Uwah, you actually failed the test, Mafudon?! Even I was able to pass it after Urata-san explained it to me.'', Sakata exclaimed surprised.

''And don't you usually always pass the test whenever you are studying with Soraru-san?'', Sakata asked as Mafumafu stayed silent.

''I couldn't study...'', Mafumafu muttered as Sakata tilted his head confused. ''Eh? But isn't Soraru-san usually totally strict with such things?'', Sakata asked confused and suddenly noticed something on the albino's neck.

''Mafudon... did some mosquitos attack you or something? Your neck is covered with marks.'', Sakata pointed out as the albino blushed brightly slapping his hand over his neck.

''This is all your fault... You are always scolding me for not wanting to study and when I want to, you suddenly attack me... Now I have to retake the test but I need your help so I have to call you after this to study again.... Stupid, Soraru-san!''

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