No Game no Life (Soramafu)

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Pairing: Soraru x Mafumafu
No Game no Life AU

I'm sorry in advance for the mistakes~ I did proofread this but my mind wasn't there while I did this www I was in a No Game no Life mode for some reason so I decided to make this oneshot yesterday and finished it today www I hope you'll still enjoy it though! Question: Have you watched No Game no Life? www

"How could they have won against everyone all at once?! They even dodged my strongest attack! How?!", a blond male asked.

"Against everyone? They must have used a cheat, Anku.", another blond male responded as he looked at the other male who shook his head.

"No... I checked and they haven't used any cheats at all! In fact, I was the one who cheated and still didn't win...", Anku said as he clenched his fists. "Eh? They won even against you? Who are they?", his friend asked.

"I don't know. Their username is always left blank so everyone just calls them The Blank. It's unknown who it is and any information about them is unknown... Having seen through my cheat and defeating me...", Anku muttered and his blond friend felt worried as he was about to console the other male. But he was startled and pulled his hand away when his friend jumped all of a sudden.

"They are so smart! I'm sure they must be someone really cool in real life!"


Two shut-ins sat in a small dark room, the only light there being was the light of the computers surrounding them as they clicked as fast as they could onto the mouses in their hands to control two characters each before they stopped playing, leaning back. "Hah... we somehow won...", a raven-haired male sighed.

"Yes! We are so great!", an albino exclaimed as the older male only glanced down from his seat to see the younger male sitting on the floor to play. "Mafu, can you please not control the mouses with your feet?", he asked in slight annoyance as the albino ignored him and continued to do so.

"We are still winning so who cares?", Mafumafu said giggling as he reached towards the pack of onigiri and took one before holding his hand up so the older male could get one too.

"Do you want one?", Mafumafu asked as he started munching on his onigiri. "Since when were you one to eat something so healthy?", the ravenette asked as he glanced at the food in front of him.

"How mean~ We all need healthy food once in a while, Soraru-san~", Mafumafu chirped as the older male only hummed. "Anyways, what time is it?", he asked as the albino looked at the clock.

"Um... 8 am! So it's still in the middle of the night.", Mafumafu answered him as Soraru hummed. "What day is it?", Soraru asked as the younger male only gave him a teasing smile.

"Does it really matter to a shut-in like you?", the albino asked. "Oi, don't get too cocky. And of course it matters. I want to be able to clear all of the events available... I guess I'll go to sleep for a while though so here you go.", Soraru said as he stood up from his chair and lifted Mafumafu up before he sat the albino down on his place and pushed his mouses into the younger male's hands.

"Eh? Soraru-san? What are you doing?", Mafumafu asked confused as he was tilting his head. "Just what I said. I'll take a nap so good luck.", Soraru said giving Mafumafu a quick kiss on the forehead making the albino blush but panic after that.

"Eh?! You're not telling me to control four different characters all by myself, do you?!", the albino asked as the ravenette ignored him and just muttered a good night before laying down and falling asleep.

"Soraru-san?! There's no way I can do this alone— Ah! Ohhhh! Let's do this!", the albino exclaimed as he started to play the characters all at once.


The world is chaotic, unreasonable and unfair. It has no meaning at all. It is the wish of those who realize this, who refuse to accept it. A wish that the world would be at least a bit interesting. That's what an urban legend is. Then... let me try to help you out. And for the time being... for the sake of this form... this is what I'll write:

Have you ever heard of a rumor like this?


"Y-yatta!", Mafumafu exclaimed in relief as he slumped down. The older male woke up as he rubbed his eyes and looked at the albino.

"Eh... you won? Good job.", Soraru praised the younger male who only pouted. "It was still difficult though! If I wasn't such a legend at this, we would have lost!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the older male just hummed and the albino was about to say something more before he was interrupted by a loud ping resonating through the room.

"A mail?", Mafumafu asked as he went to the mailbox. "Maybe it's for you.", Soraru said as the albino froze.

"For me? From whom?", the albino asked. "Your friends?", Soraru replied and there was a short silence before Mafumafu started laughing.

"Uwah, why do I have the feeling that Soraru-san is mocking me with his sarcastic attitude again?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru clicked on the mail before his expression turned into a slight frown.

To: "          "
From: Unknown

Have you two lovebirds ever felt as if you were born into the wrong world?

"How does this person know that we are together? And what should we do?", Mafumafu asked as the raven-haired male frowned.

"I don't know... Are they trying to bargain us?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu opened the mail on the computer as he stared at it for a while as well before he spoke up. "Well... it could be fun to see how this goes~", Mafumafu said as he moved the mouse to click on the link. The screen soon changed as a chessboard stated back at Mafumafu. Soraru looked at it with him for a second before yawning.

"Well, I'll go back to sleep...", he said as he turned away but was held back by the albino who sneaked his arms around the other's torso. "Wait, wait, wait! I really can't do this alone now! You know I can't play chess!", the albino exclaimed.

"But I'm tired...", Soraru muttered as the younger male pouted. "Please Soraru-san? I'll find ways to get you the new Dragon Quest game earlier.", Mafumafu told him and the older male flinched as the albino knew that he had taken the bait.

"Fine... stand up and I'll do it.", Soraru said as Mafumafu nodded as he stood up while the raven-haired male sat down.

Soraru made the first move because he was on the white side as he was concentrated on the game while Mafumafu looked at Soraru before turning his focus at the game as well.

They both were silent as neither of them dared to speak up. After all when it came to games, both of them were dead serious.

"Chess. A game for two players, a strategy and a perfect information game. Luck has no part in it. Theoretically, there is a perfect solution that will never lose. But... that is only if you understand the 10*120 possible states of the board."

When Mafumafu once asked how Soraru was able to picture that in his head, Soraru merely shrugged saying that it wasn't anything impressive.

"Impressive? It's really not. After all... chess is just like Tic Tac Toe.". Mafumafu thought that the raven-haired male just wanted to sound cool. But after seeing the older male beating a program made to win against gamemasters, he knew that the older male was indeed amazing.

Soraru was the best chess player he ever knew. So Mafumafu was sure that the raven-haired male would be able to win this too.

"Ah.", both of them exclaimed when they saw the other player making the next move. "Soraru-san... did you see that too?", Mafumafu asked as the said male merely nodded.

"Yes... I thought that I was playing against a robot the whole time but... it seems that that's not the case. What do you think?", Soraru asked as he looked at the albino.

"Well... programs always use the best methods to win which is why you were able to win so often. But.... that thing used a bad move on purpose to lure you in... They are a human.", Mafumafu declared as the older male nodded before he looked at the albino and waved him over as the younger male understood and sat on the chair as well after Soraru made some space for him.

Mafumafu immediately leaned back against Soraru's chest as he put his hand over Soraru's while Soraru took his free hand to wrap it arms Mafumafu's waist.

"I know that you can do this, Soraru-san. Don't worry. I'll tell you when they try to lure you in. Because the two of us... we make The Blank together!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he quickly glanced at the older male to flash him a smile. "You're right... The two of us form the Blank together... Then...", Soraru started as he gave Mafumafu a slight smirk. "Let's see if there is anyone who can beat us."


Soraru and Mafumafu both stared tiredly and exhausted at the screen as the words "Congratulations" were displayed there. "Checkmate! You are the winner!", the computer said as both of them slumped down.

"That was... the longest chess game I've ever played.", Soraru sighed as Mafumafu only hummed in agreement.

"Uwah, I can't believe we finally won! That was so hard... Were they really human?", Mafumafu asked. Before Soraru could reply in any way though, the same ping tone as before appeared again as both of them looked at each other confused before Soraru leaned slightly forward to open the mail.

To: " "
From: Unknown

Congratulations. I see that you are really good at games. If you are that good then... The world must be a tough place for you to live, huh?

Soraru and Mafumafu both froze as their mood both shifted down. "What?"

What do you think about your world? Is it fun? Is it easy to live in?

"What do we think? This world has no exact rules or goals... yet there are over 7 billion players who play like they want to. If you lose too much or win too much, you'll get penalities.", Soraru muttered bitterly as Mafumafu clenched his fists.


"Uwah, what's with that white hair and red eyes? You look like a freak! Better leave this world before more monsters can be created."


"Don't get ahead of yourself just because you are a bit smart. In the end, you are just a tool."


"In this world, there are no parameters and no way to know the genre... This world is just... a crappy game."

To: " "
From: Unknown

If there was a world where simple games decided everything... a world on a board, where the rules and goals were clear, what would you think about that?

They read the message as Soraru leaned slightly forward to type in an answer as Mafumafu only leaned back, finding some comfort in it as he tried to forget his past for now.

"If there actually was a world like that, then we were born into the wrong world.", Soraru typed and as soon as he sent the email, all of their screens turned off before starting to lack, startling them. "Soraru-san...", Mafumafu called out scared as he walked to the older male who wrapped his arms around him protectively.

"I think so too!", a voice exclaimed shocking the two of them as they looked at their main screen where two arms suddenly started to extent towards the two gamers.

"You guys were definitely born into the wrong world! So I'll let you guys be reborn! In the world... you should have been born in!", they exclaimed as Soraru and Mafumafu only looked at their dark room starting to split itself.

The next thing they knew, their room was gone as if you had just opened a folded dice and Soraru and Mafumafu were over 10.000 meters high above the ground, their surroundings not resembling any place they have seen before besides in fantasy games. "Welcome to my world!", they exclaimed as Mafumafu and Soraru didn't look at the person but at their surroundings instead.

"What is this?!", both of them shouted. It looked like some kind of RPG game as the colors of this world were so bright, it almost hurt.

"This is the ideal world you've always dreamed of! The world on a game board: Disboard!", they said as Soraru and Mafumafu looked to the side to see a blond person with childish clothes flying there. Or more like falling.

"Everything in this world is decided by simple games~ People's lives... even national borders!", they exclaimed. "Who... are you?", Mafumafu finally decided to ask as he patted Soraru's arm, knowing full well that the older male was innerly dying right now because of the height.

"Me? I'm Kuroneko, also Kuro! I'm a girl by the way, lol. And I am the god of this world! I live over there~", she said as she pointed at a large king chess piece laying far away.

(I'm sorry for choosing Kuro despite you two suggesting me Sakata and Amatsuki but I felt like it would be unfair to choose one character after you two suggested different people)

''You're god?'', Mafumafu asked confused as the blonde woman only nodded cheerfully.

''This is not the time for introductions! How do we stop this?'', Soraru asked as his face showed pure terror. But Kuro merely ignored them as she held out her hands.

''In this world, everything is decided by ten pledges. One: All murder, war and robbery is forbidden in this world.'', she explained. ''Hah? What are you talking about?'', Soraru asked.

"Two: All conflict in this world will be resolved through games.

Three: In games, each player will bet something that they agree is of equal value.

Four: As long as it doesn't go against number three, what they bet and the rules of the game will not be questioned.

Five: The challenged party has the right to decide the rules of the game.

Six: Any bets made in accordance with the pledges must be upheld.

Seven: Conflicts between groups will be conducted by designated representatives with absolute authority.

Eight: Being caught cheating during a game is grounds for an instant loss.

Nine: In the name of God, the previous rules may never be changed.'', Kuro stated.

''I said this was not the time for this you stupid god!'', Soraru shouted at her as Mafumafu only clung to Soraru as if his life depended on it.

''The ground is getting closer! We are going to die!'', he shouted. ''Soraru-san!'', Mafumafu exclaimed as the ravenette responded by hugging the albino close and turning around so Soraru would meet the ground without the younger male.

Fortunately for them, it didn't hurt like they thought it would be and they were still alive. They hovered one centimeter above the ground before they fell as both of the shut-ins had their eyes widen open from the shock before.

''And Ten: Let's all have fun and play games together!'', Kuro exclaimed as she looked down on them. She then pulled away as Soraru quickly sat up to stop her but was too late as they could only hear the voice of Kuro.

''I look forward to seeing you again. I don't think it'll be long.'', she said before she was completely gone. ''Soraru-san... where are we?'', Mafumafu asked as he stood up as Soraru did the same. They looked in front of them, analyzing the scenery.

Planets floating way too close for their taste. Everywhere just hills and mountains instead of the usual buildings. Large chess pieces standing around as if they were attractions. And now a dragon was flying around.

''I honestly don't know... Mafu... I've always thought that life was an impossible game. A game for masochists... But this goes too far...'', Soraru said as Mafumafu felt tears of tiredness overflowing. ''What is going on?'', the albino asked confused. ''Life is such a crappy game...''


''Smartphones... Tablets... Laptop... Battery and a solar charger... and cables...'', Soraru counted as Mafumafu looked at his phone, absently nodding. ''Is that everything we have?'', the albino asked as Soraru nodded.

''Well, after everything that happened, this is better than nothing.'', the older male said as the younger male nodded in agreement.

A lot has happened in that one day they came here. Falling from the sky after defeating the god of games in a round of chess.

Having to deal with thieves through games and gaining some things.

Wandering a long way until getting into a small village where a pub where they could rent a room for the two of them after challenging one of the people there by cheating.

Seeing a small match of two people playing for the throne of whatever place.

They had done a lot, yes.

And now, they were in a small room with one bed, having a small window next to it. ''I can't get a signal...'', Mafumafu mumbled as Soraru rolled his eyes and ruffled the other's hair.

''Well, that is to be expected. This is a true fantasy world, isn't it?'', Soraru asked as he looked out of the window as Mafumafu walked to the bed and sat beside the ravenette to watch the scenery with him. ''The way she was cheating... She was so annoying.'', Soraru said annoyed.

''You were cheating too, Soraru-san.'', Mafumafu pointed out jokingly but they both knew what Soraru meant.

There was a short silence as the two of them only took those few minutes to calm down and take everything in that happened today.

Mafumafu was leaning against Soraru's chest, listening to the older male's heartbeat as the ravenette only put his arms around the younger male and ran a hand through the other's hair while looking out of the window.

''Hey Mafu...'', Soraru called out as the albino hummed sleepily.

''Usually, in stories, when the protagonists end up in another world... they always try their best to find a way back home, don't they?'', Soraru asked as there was no answer because the albino felt his eyes growing heavier.

''Why would they try to do that?'', Soraru asked bitterly as he noticed that Mafumafu didn't respond and looked down to see the albino sound asleep, making the ravenette sigh before smiling fondly.

''I... think so too...'', Mafumafu mumbled half-asleep as the raven-haired male smiled at that and only brushed the bangs out of the albino's face to give him a kiss on the forehead.

''It's decided then...'', Soraru whispered as he took his phone out to see the ten pledges noted there.

He then started to type in their first goal ''Finding a safe place to stay.'' as he sighed to himself, knowing that it would be difficult with the circumstances they were in.

They had a small amount of money that they got from a game that they could use. But it would be gone in just a matter of time.

They didn't have any people they knew who could help them out and they couldn't let anyone find out that they were from another world as well. Frankly, they knew that this was going to be tiring.

But... in this world, they could do the thing they wanted to do the most. Playing games.

No one would judge them. There were clear goals and rules. Of course it would be difficult to adjust to this lifestyle.

But Soraru and Mafumafu knew that as long as they had each other, they'd be fine.

With that thought, Soraru put on a rare smirk, showing pure recklessness, as he looked forward to all of the adventures him and Mafumafu were going to have. And with that, he declared the beginning of everything.

''Now... let the games begin.''

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