My adorable Dog (Urasaka)

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Requested by: @Freboredom
Pairing: Urata x Sakata
Genre: Fluff

A light melody could be heard throughout the room as the brunette ignored it and just shuffled burying himself more into the blankets.

The ringtone continued on for a long time though as Urata groaned before he took his phone and saw that it was Sakata who called him.

He took the call as he grumbled annoyed and decided he would give the redhead a piece of his mind and that he would remind him that it was way to early for whatever the younger male wanted to do. But before he could even start to say anything, the younger male already shouted.

"Urata-san! Please come quick! I don't know what to do and you're the only one I can ask to help me because—".

"Calm down! I will come so just sit still and try to calm down, alright?", Urata told him as there was some sniffing before he hummed. Urata felt slightly bad as he sighed.

"Listen, I'll be over soon so just wait a bit.", Urata told him before he hung up.

The brunette shuffled out of his bed and just changed quickly before getting out of his house and running to Sakata's.

While he was running, Urata thought of what could have happened and for some reason he could only think of stupid reasons as to why the red-haired male was like this.

Some useless reasons like, all of his snacks ran out or that he couldn't find his favorite plushy. So Urata didn't expect it at all when Sakata opened the door with brown ears and a brown tail on him.

Urata didn't know how to react as he just stared at the younger male who looked panicked and embarrassed.

"Are you doing some cosplay of a human dog character or what?", Urata deadpanned as the red-haired male shook his head and pulled the older male inside closing the door behind him before he walked into the living room where he sat down on the couch.

"No! I woke up like this and at first I thought that it was a dream but it was just way too realistic!", Sakata exclaimed as Urata only hummed and stared at the younger male for a few seconds before he reached up and started petting the younger male's head wanting to see if they're real.

Almost immediately after he did that, Sakata's dog tail started wagging as Urata only sat there surprised that they were actually real as he continued for a bit. After a few minutes, he stopped though as he sighed and ruffled his own hair.

"So you are telling me that you suddenly grew dog ears without knowing how it happened and not knowing what to do you decided to call me?", Urata asked as the younger male nodded.

"Yes! You always managed to help me so I was hoping that you would be able to help me out this time as well!", Sakata explained as Urata only hummed. There was a short silence before the brunette spoke up.

"Well... it can't be helped. I'm sure you'll get used to it at some point and it suits your character at least. I mean, you are just like a dog.

You are always happy whenever someone praises you and you follow me everywhere.", Urata said and Sakata only blushed.

"Eh?! I am not like a dog!", the younger male denied as Urata only raised an eyebrow at that. "But you are always happy when you get petted or when you get rewards. You are literally a dog in a human body.", Urata argued as Sakata only pouted.

"Ok, fine! I still don't want to keep these! So please help me to get rid of them, Urata-san!", Sakata pleaded as he gave Urata his puppy eyes and the older male only sighed before nodding.

"Fine! Let's see what we can do then. But you have to think as well, got it? I am not going to do all the work.", Urata said as Sakata nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes! Thank you, Urata-san!", Sakata exclaimed as he threw himself onto the the older male who blushed as he pushed the younger male away. "Let's think about a way then...", Urata said and Sakata nodded as they both stayed silent for a few minutes before the brunette stood up.

"I have an idea. Wait here for a bit.", Urata said as Sakata nodded, happy that they finally got an idea as he sat still and waited for the brunette to come back to the living room.

The older male soon returned with something but before Sakata could even ask what it was, something white was being thrown at him as he held his arms up to protect himself from it. "Urata-san, what are you doing?", Sakata whined as Urata continued throwing something at him while he started explaining.

"I'm throwing salt at you. Don't they use salt to drive the evil things out of someone as well?", Urata asked as Sakata ran away and tried to dodge the salt. "That's just in movies though and it was never thrown on people with animal ears!

Or do you see any movie where you throw salt at people who suddenly grow animal ears? Most importantly though, stop wasting my salt!", Sakata exclaimed as Urata stopped and sweat-dropped.

"You're the most worried about me wasting your salt?", Urata asked himself.

"I guess you're right... But do you have any other idea?", Urata asked as Sakata pondered about it for a while as well before Urata could see a lightbulb light up above the younger male's head as his ears stood up. "How about we search it up on the internet?", Sakata suggested as he received a hit on his head as soon as he said that as he held his head in pain and whined.

"That hurt, Urata-san!", Sakata whined. "Good. Because that's what you get for your idiocy.", Urata merely said. "Do you actually think that the internet is going to provide you any information on that? I doubt that there are people who had the same problem as you.", Urata pointed out as Sakata only mumbled something before nodding.

"Fine... but what else should we do now then?", Sakata asked. "We have no other choice then... Let's call Senra and Mashi.", Urata suggested as Sakata widened his eyes.

"Eh?! No! I don't want to!", Sakata protested as Urata crossed his arms in response.

"You don't have any good idea right? I don't either, so the best option is to ask for more help. What's so bad about it anyway? Senra and Mashi are just as close to you as I am.", Urata pointed out as Sakata's looked down as he mumbled something.

"You are more special than them though...", Sakata whispered as Urata couldn't hear him though. "What? Speak up louder so I can hear you!", Urata told the other who only flinched before waving his arms around.

"I just said that you're right! Let's call Senra-kun and Shima-kun!", Sakata said as the brunette only nodded. "Call him then.", Urata told Sakata who nodded before dialing the blond's number.

The call wasn't answered though as Sakata was confused. "Did he mute his phone?", Sakata asked confused. "Well, I wouldn't be surprised if he did... I'll try to call him though.", Urata said as he dialed the blond's number as well.

"Eh? Why? He's not going to pick up just because you are calling, right?", Sakata asked confused as the brunette didn't answer but only put the phone on loud speaker so both of them could speak.

After a few seconds, the call was answered by none other than the blond himself.

"Uratan? Why are you calling this late? Did something happen?", Senra asked as Sakata gasped while the brunette only grinned.

"Ah, Senra. You see, the idiot got himself into trouble again. He literally grew dog ears and called me over. We tried to do some things to make them disappear already but it didn't work so I was hoping to see if you could help.", Urata explained. "Dog ears? Are you kidding?", Senra asked.

"Do you think I would call you at 3 am in the morning just to prank you? You know that I think that sleep is important and that I wouldn't give it up just for something like this.", Urata reminded him as Senra only hummed.

"I guess you are right. Alright, I'll help as much as I can! Wait a minute, I'm going to wake Mashi up so we can all suffer together.", Senra said as they could hear some shuffling and then some quiet muttering before a familiar purple-haired male started to speak. "What was this about a problem late at night?", Shima asked as Sakata brightened up.

"Shima-kun! Listen, something really bad happened! I grew dog ears!", Sakata exclaimed and there was a short silence before you could hear some shuffling again.

"Eh? Are you going to sleep again, Mashi?", Senra asked and Sakata looked shocked.

"Shima, can you please stay up for a few minutes? The story is actually true and Sakata is not lying.", Urata told the purple-haired male and you could, once again, hear some shuffling before Shima started talking again.

"Well, if you say so, then that's gotta to be right, Uratan.", Shima said and Sakata looked so betrayed as Urata started laughing when he saw that.

"Why are you staying when Urata-san told you the same thing?! Senra-kun too! When I called you, you didn't even take it! But when Urata-san called you, you immediately picked up!", Sakata complained as he couldn't believe at how differently they were being treated right now.

"Well... last time you called me, it was because you wanted to know if I still had some chocolates.", Senra reasoned and Shima hummed.

"Last time you called me and told me something about an emergency, I rushed over to see that you burned your hand on water.", Shima argued and Urata only looked at Sakata with an "Are you Serious"- Look.

"That's not the topic now anyway! Let's find a solution to this!", Sakata exclaimed as the other two hummed and tried to think of something before Shima spoke up.

"Ah! I have an idea!", Shima exclaimed as the Urasaka pair perked up at that and waited for the other male to state his idea.

"How about throwing some salt at Sakatan? You know, like in those movies where—".

"No! Why are you thinking of that as well?! It's not like it's any evil spirit!", Sakata exclaimed and he could see how Urata sunk to the ground beside him and hold his stomach while laughing which made the redhead blush because he didn't see the brunette laugh that often.

"Ah, that's why I like you, Mashi.", Urata told him as Shima grinned.

"Your feelings are returned~ But Senra is still the only one I'll ever love though~", Shima said and put an arm around Senra as you could hear Senra being flustered and Urata tried not to throw up as Sakata only giggled when he noticed that.

"But seriously, do you guys have any other idea?", Urata asked as Shima and Senra stayed quiet at that. "No, but Sakata... at least they are dog ears you got. You are basically like a dog so there won't be that much of a difference, right?", Senra asked as Sakata only stood there his mouth agape.

"Yes, yes! I mean, sometimes I can even imagine them being there already~ And you can just tell your friends that those are cosplay!", Shima agreed. "Eh?! But that's—".

"Great! Now that that's solved, we'll go back to sleep now because I'm way too tired! Bye~", Shima exclaimed as Senra hummed.

Sakata was about to argue more but before he could say anything, the call ended as the red-haired male only stood there.

"Ahh! How am I going to get rid of them now?!", Sakata asked as he noticed that the brunette had exited the room before he came back.

"There is only one more way my tired brain can think of getting rid of your ears...", Urata muttered as Sakata tilted his head.

"And that would be?", Sakata asked waiting for the brunette to do something. The next thing he knew, his head was being pulled down by his ear as he could feel something around it.

He looked up panicked when he saw that the older male held a pair of scissors dangerously close to his ear. "I mean, if we would cut it off, you wouldn't have to deal with them anymore, right?", Urata asked smiling emptily as Sakata screeched.

"Eeek! No, no, no, no, no! Get that away from me! I don't wanna! I don't wanna!", Sakata protested as he flailed around and Urata pulled the scissors away as he sighed. "None of us have a better idea!

I have enough!", Urata exclaimed as Sakata felt bad for the older male.

He clearly looked tired and only then did Sakata remember how busy the older male must have been. Being an Utaite, the leader of USSS and a voice actor must be stressful.

And here he was, asking him for help.

Urata noticed that Sakata's ears drooped as he sighed before taking the redhead's hand and leading him to his room.

Sakata was confused but followed him nethertheless. When they arrived, Urata pushed the younger male down on to the bed while the younger male blushed at that.

"Go to sleep now. It's so late already so let's just try to find of a way to get rid of them tomorrow.", Urata told him and Sakata only nodded.

Urata was satisfied as he turned to walk away before he was being held back by his sleeve. "W-won't you sleep with me? I-I feel lonely sleeping alone...", Sakata mumbled as he waited for the brunette's answer.

There was a short silence before he sighed. "Scoot over.", Urata told him and the redhead immediately brightened up as he did so and waited for the brunette to join him.

Urata did and Sakata immediately wrapped his arms around the older male's torso as Urata flinched before he hesitantly hugged the other bag petting his head. And Sakata hummed happily as Urata could feel his face heat up slightly when he saw the redhead's cute expression.

"Good Night, Urata-san~", the younger male exclaimed as Urata hummed. "Night, Sakata.", Urata answered. And from the warmth they shared, Urata could slowly feel his eyes growing heavier before he fell asleep.


A few hours later, Urata woke up as he rubbed his eyes before he remembered what happened.

He looked at the younger male, smiling slightly when he saw how peaceful he looked right now. But something that surprised him was that the dog ears and tail were finally gone.

When he realized that, he shook Sakata lightly who woke up confused. "Urata-san? Good morning...", he greeted the older male.

"Yes, yes. Good morning. More importantly, I don't know what happened over the night but the dog ears are finally gone.", Urata pointed out as Sakata widened his eyes and touched his head to see that Urata was right.

He jumped towards Urata and threw his arms around the older male.

"I don't know what you did but thank you Urata-san!", Sakata exclaimed as Urata tried to explain that it wasn't him. But Sakata didn't listen to him as he only cheered. "Yay! We should use that opportunity to go outside! Let's go on a walk, Urata-san!", Sakata suggested and Urata could literally see the dog ears and tail still being there as he only sighed before nodding.

"Fine... get yourself ready and we can go out for a bit.", Urata agreed and Sakata's face brightened up even more than before as he nodded and stood up and rushed out immediately.

Watching the younger male like that made the brunette sigh fondly as he thought that Sakata was truly like a dog.

It made him tired to do all of that and he lost his precious time to sleep.

But thinking back of it, it was kind of nice. After all as the days with Sakata were never dull and boring but interesting and refreshing.

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