Hanteru (Soramafu)

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Pairing: Soraru x Mafumafu
Genre: Fluff
Fantasy AU

"Soraru-san... what are we going to do?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru couldn't find an answer as well. "I don't know... This is way too tiring to deal with...", Soraru sighed as he ruffled his own hair. How did they even get into this situation?

Flashback (Two hours ago)
"Mafu, open the door.", Soraru called as he knocked several times. "Coming!", the younger male shouted and shortly after the door opened, revealing an albino staring at the ravenette.

Soraru mumbled a greeting before he stepped in with two mugs in his hands. "You wanted your tea with three cubes of sugar, right?", he asked and Mafumafu merely hummed before sitting back down on the floor as he waited for the other male to sit down with him.

The mage wanted Soraru to help him with some healing potion for their next quest.

Usually, he'd ask Amatsuki but he said that he was busy going shopping for supplies with Kashitaro so he decided to ask the ravenette instead because he lived with him anyway.

After they've finished they sighed out in relief as Mafumafu took out the pieces of cake, Soraru had brought for them. They were just eating their cake, talking about random things and when they finished there was a short silence before Mafumafu brought up a new topic.

"Oh, Soraru-san! Amatsuki-kun gave me a present a while ago and said it was supposed to be for me and you!", Mafumafu said as he quickly stood up to go to take the present. Soraru had a slightly bad feeling because he couldn't understand why Amatsuki would give him a present as well.

They weren't as close as him and Mafumafu or anything and it wasn't any special day to be celebrated or something. Before he could continue his thoughts though, Mafumafu came back with a big box as Mafumafu placed it down in front of him and the older male.

"I couldn't wait to open it so you better be thankful that I've waited for you!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Soraru only rolled his eyes and nodded. "Whatever. Just open it.", Soraru said and Mafumafu didn't wait another second as he ripped the paper of the present apart and lifted the top of the present.

Inside of it were a teru teru bozu and a fishcake plushy with a long white scarf was wrapped around the two of them. "Aw, that's so cute of Amatsuki-kun! Don't you think so too?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru merely nodded.

"That... was a rather pleasant surprise I guess. Now I feel bad for suspecting him.", Soraru said. Mafumafu took the card which was included as he opened it reading it aloud for them.

Dear Soraru-san and Mafu-kun, I hope you liked this small surprise of me! But this is not the whole surprise! To see the rest of it you just gotta follow these simple steps. Take the two out of the box. Chant the spell written on the card and that's all~ I hope you'll like my present~
— Amatsuki

"I really have a bad feeling about this...", Soraru muttered. "Let's not do this— Mafu?!", Soraru exclaimed when the albino took the plushies out, placing them in between them before he took the card, starting to read the spell out loud.

"Oi, stop this. I don't think this is a good idea—", Soraru was interrupted by the sudden explosion coming from the gas which filled the room. Mafumafu coughed as he suddenly felt sleepy. He looked over at Soraru who looked like he was to pass out as well and soon the two of them lost consciousness.


Mafumafu felt someone tapping him as he stirred slightly. "Hng... Five more minutes...", Mafumafu mumbled. There was a sigh before Mafumafu felt some weight on his body. He ignored it though as he continued to sleep for a few minutes.

"Wait, why would my body suddenly feel so heavy anyway?", Mafumafu asked himself as he finally opened his eyes and as soon as he did he saw a mop of raven hair in front of him. He sat up confused as the male stirred as well and the albino widened his eyes when he saw a raven-haired child at about 10 years old sitting in front of him.

He rubbed his eyes sleepily as he looked at the albino. His eyes were a light blue and his hair was less messy than the older male but if you ignored that, he looked just like the swordsman. Mafumafu thought about it for a bit before his eyes widened when he put his thoughts together.

"E-eh?! Soraru-san?! Oh, I'm so sorry! I should have listened to you instead of giving in to my curiosity!", Mafumafu apologized as tears formed in the corners of his eyes.

He hugged the small ravenette in front of him who just tilted his head in confusion before patting Mafumafu's head. The albino pulled away confused to see the child smiling reassuringly at him as if to say: "It's fine. It's not your fault." The mage couldn't help but hug him again.

"Thank you for forgiving me... I'll try to do my best so we can find a solution! Even if I'll already miss you and I could really live a few days with a nice Soraru-san than the grumpy old Soraru-san and—". "Oi, I'm out for a few minutes and here you already are insulting me.", a familiar husky voice interrupted the one-sided conversation of the albino and Mafumafu's head shot up confused as he looked to the doorframe to see the swordsman standing there annoyed.

He then looked back to the child who blinked at him innocently before he looked back and forth between the two of them. "Eh... Eh?!", Mafumafu screeched and you could hear a high-pitched voice squeaking before he whimpered.

"Oi, keep your voice down. You're scaring him.", Soraru warned and Mafumafu noticed a small child with pure white hair and red eyes hiding behind the ravenette. He peeked from behind Soraru only showing half of his face as he clutched onto the older male as if his life depended on it. Soraru ruffled his head not knowing what to do, before settling on ruffling the child's hair.

"Don't worry. He's not going to hurt you. Your friend is over there.", Soraru said as he pointed at the ravenette child sitting there quietly before he flashed a gentle smile at the albino child who immediately ran towards his friend.

"S-soraru-san, what happened? Is this the surprise, Amatsuki-kun was talking about?", Mafumafu asked and Soraru sighed before nodding. "Unfortunately, I think that that's the case. I'm seriously going to kill him the next time I see him...", Soraru muttered annoyed as Mafumafu kinda agreed with Soraru as he was pretty angry for being set into this kind of situation.

"W-well, for now we should know who you two are first. What are your names?", Mafumafu asked in a soft voice as the two children looked at him. The albino child hid behind his friend and the raven-haired boy patted him comfortingly before he decided to speak up and answer for the both of them. "My name is Hanpen... and this is Mafuteru...", he introduced them.

His voice was similar to Soraru as it was a bit ikemen-like and just as calming. But the voice wasn't as deep and husky as that of the older male but rather soft.

"I see! Well, I'm Mafumafu and that over there is Soraru-san! Don't worry! The two of us are going to take care of the two of you for the time being!", Mafumafu declared as the albino child perked up at that and revealed half of his face.

"Y-you are n-not going to g-get rid of us?", he asked with teary eyes as both Mafumafu and Soraru felt an arrow get shot through their hearts. Mafuteru's voice was like with Hanpen and Soraru similar to Mafumafu's voice. But here, you could see some differences as well.

His voice was a bit softer than Mafumafu's voice and it sounded a bit more child-like. Mafumafu got a bit closer as he carefully reached his hand out to Mafuteru before patting the head of him lightly. Mafuteru flinched a bit but didn't do anything as he merely looked at him confused.

"Of course not! I will do anything I can so I can take care of you two! Right, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked for a confirmation as he turned towards the older male who glared at him for making such a declaration.

He didn't really intend to take care of children but when he looked at the two children in front of them he knew that he'd feel bad if he said no so instead he nodded. "There is no need to worry. I think there was a room which wasn't used for anything... We can just clean that up so you two can sleep in there. You don't mind sharing a room, do you?", Soraru asked as the children nodded.

"Well, I'll go and do that then... Mafu, can you take care of them while I clean up?", Soraru asked as the albino nodded. "Leave it to me!", the albino assured as the older male nodded before he turned to go away. Before he could exit the room though, he was stopped by a hard impact on his leg.

He turned confused to see Mafuteru standing there looking up at him. Mafumafu was only confused as well but Hanpen already knew what Mafuteru wanted to say next.

"M-mafuteru wants to h-help! A-after all, Soraru-nii-san and M-mafumafu-onii-san were kind enough to let us stay here!", Mafuteru explained as Soraru ruffled his hair not knowing what to do. "There will be a lot of heavy work, you know? And there is so much dust in case you're allergic.

I think you're better off staying here with Mafu and Hanpen. If you guys want to thank us, then think of what you want to become to help us in quests. Like I am a swordsman and Mafu is a mage so you guys can just think of something while I go clean up.", Soraru said trying to convince him but Mafuteru shook his head.

"N-no! Mafuteru still wants to help!", Mafuteru insisted as the raven-haired male looked over at the albino troubled who looked like he didn't know what to do as well. In the end, Soraru gave in as he nodded. "Fine... come with me then.", Soraru said as Mafuteru hummed happily following the older male outside.

Mafumafu looked at the two of them exiting the room before turning to Hanpen who was smiling softly at the two of them before his smile disappeared and his neutral face appeared again when he turned to look at the albino.

"What are we going to do now, onii-san?", Hanpen asked as the albino perked up when he was called. "Eh? Well, Soraru-san and Mafuteru-kun are cleaning up so how about we make something good for them to eat for after they finished?", Mafumafu asked as Hanpen nodded smiling at him.

"Alright. I hope to learn a lot from you then, onii-san.", Hanpen said as Mafumafu nodded smiling. "I look forward to spend some time with you then, Hanpen-kun! Now follow me! I will bring you to the kitchen.", the mage said before he marched outside, then smaller boy following him.


"That is way more than I remembered... Damn it, that's because Mafu just had to store all of the useless things he bought in here...", Soraru muttered before he looked down at the albino child holding his sleeve. "Well, I will be moving the boxes away and pack the things away that aren't needed.

You can just look around to see if there is anything you want to keep, alright?", Soraru said as Mafuteru nodded looking around excited. And so Soraru started to move the boxes out, throwing away all the unneeded things.

After about half an hour, he finally managed to finish cleaning almost the whole room. Mafuteru did his best as well as he carried some boxes around and cleaned the dust away.

He was currently sitting in front of one of the last boxes to see what could be kept and what should be thrown away. What caught his eye while he was doing that was a wooden bow lying in there with a few arrows. He took it out as he looked at it in curiosity. "Eh... have you taken interest in that?", Soraru asked as he crouched down next to Mafuteru who flinched surprised.

After a few seconds he nodded. "I-is that yours, Soraru-nii-san?", he asked as the swordsman nodded. "Yeah... in my childhood, I used to practice with bow and arrow a lot so I could get food without getting close to my targets.

But it soon got inefficient for me and I decided to just face them head on with my sword to complete my quests.", Soraru explained as the child nodded along. "T-that sounds nice... Mafuteru would be way too scared to get close to a m-monster...", he confessed as Soraru stated at the other silently before ruffling Mafuteru's head.

"Well, you can just practice and do something else in which you are better then. There are healers as well who help the injured people.", Soraru suggested but the albino shook his head.

"M-mafuteru wants to fight as well to help! M-mafuteru wants to learn to be useful as well!", Mafuteru exclaimed as the ravenette widened his eyes in surprise before smiling slightly as he patted the other's head. "Well... how about becoming an archer then?", Soraru suggested instead as the child looked up at the older male confused.

"An a-archer?", he asked confused as the ravenette nodded. "An archer can fight as well. But unlike swordsmen, archers stay somewhere far away and take their targets out from there.", Soraru explained as Mafuteru's eyes sparkled when he heard that. But that expression soon changed into one of worry as he looked down again.

"B-but Mafuteru doesn't think he can do it... After all, he is bad at shooting arrows and is clumsy...", Mafuteru argued as the ravenette sighed. "That's why you've got to learn it to get better. Mafu, for example messes up the whole time but he still kept going and now he became a great mage.

Don't tell him that I said that though. We don't want him to get more narcissistic, do we?", Soraru asked as Mafuteru looked at him hopeful.

"S-so... Mafuteru can become an archer?", he asked as Soraru nodded. "Yes, you can. I will even teach you if you want to.", Soraru offered and the small child looked at him excited.

"R-really?! Thank you, Soraru-nii-san!", Mafuteru thanked him. "You're welcome but... can you stop calling me that?", Soraru asked as the albino child tilted his head confused. "Why? W-was Mafuteru too i-impolite?", Mafuteru asked worried as tears were already in the corners of his eyes.

And Soraru slightly panicked as he quickly wiped the other's tears away. "That wasn't what I meant. In fact that was already too much of policy. You can just call me by my name. I'll call you Teru as well cause that is shorter.", Soraru said.

Mafuteru sniffled as he nodded. "But I can't just call you by your name...", Mafuteru mumbled but when he saw how Soraru looked at him, he decided for a compromise. "C-can I call you Sora-nii then?", Mafuteru asked unsure and the other male looked slightly surprised before he nodded patting the other's head. "I guess that is fine...", he said as Mafuteru smiled happily at the other.

"Ok! I look forward to learning a lot from you then, Sora-nii!", Mafuteru exclaimed and Soraru was surprised as this was the first time the child could say something without stuttering as he nodded smiling softly at him.

"Well, you can have this then. I'll just give them to you. You'll have to practice with this bow for now but I will go and get you a better one soon.", Soraru muttered but his idea got shot down immediately as Mafuteru shook his head.

"M-mafuteru wants to use t-this one!", he said he held the bow and arrow with its equipments close to his chest. "But they are kind of old... are you sure you don't want to have some new equipment?", Soraru asked. "T-these are things that belonged to Sora-nii and Mafuteru wants to cherish this!", Mafuteru exclaimed and the older male just widened his eyes before nodding.

"If you say so. Work hard then.", Soraru said as he ruffled the other's hair in a loving manner. He had only spent some time with this child but he already felt really fond of him like a younger sibling.

The 9-year-old child did look like Mafumafu. But unlike him, he was a lot more shy and stuttered almost every time he talked. He was very polite but he still was determined to fight.

And Soraru knew that he'd look forward to teaching Mafuteru a lot of things.


"And then you mix these ingredients together after cutting the vegetables. Wow, you're doing great, Hanpen-kun!", Mafumafu praised when he saw how good Hanpen was at handing the knife.

He originally didn't want the raven-haired boy to hold a knife but for some reason the child managed to get the knife and used it so well that Mafumafu didn't have a reason to stop him.

Mafumafu was stirring the pot with the soup in it while Hanpen was cutting the vegetables and soon after he finished he put everything it. "When did you learn everything? Where did you learn all that to know how to cook like that?", Mafumafu asked as the former fishcake shrugged.

"Hanpen... didn't know. Hanpen learnt it from you today. He watched you cut the carrots and did that with other vegetables.", Hanpen answered as Mafumafu widened his eyes.

"Hanpen-kun sure learns fast.", Mafumafu thought to himself in astonishment before he snapped out of his thoughts. "Well, let's finish this stew then! I will bake the bread now so you can continue stirring the stew?", Mafumafu asked as Hanpen nodded and took the albino's place.

Mafumafu sure to watch Hanpen while putting the finished dough into the stove in case something happened. What he didn't expect was for him to be the one to mess something up.

Mafumafu was watching Hanpen that he didn't pay attention to the stove until it was too late and he smelled something burning.

Mafumafu turned around to see the bread burning as he quickly rushed to the stove to open it and get it out and Hanpen quickly turned the heat down before he followed Mafumafu.

Mafumafu didn't notice the child standing behind him as he opened the stove.

He wanted to get the bread out but before he could, Hanpen stopped him as he handed him a towel so he wouldn't burn himself on the bread. Mafumafu thanked him as he took the towel and quickly took the bread out before he used a spell making the smoke disappear.

"Are you alright, Hanpen-kun?!", Mafumafu asked as he turned towards the younger male and kneeled down as he checked to see if the raven-haired male was alright. "Hanpen is alright. He didn't breath in any smoke.", Hanpen assured the other male as the albino sighed relieved. Hanpen stayed quiet for a while before he decided to speak up.

"Mafumafu-onii-san doesn't have to be worried about me. He watched be the whole time fearing for me to mess up, right?", Hanpen asked as Mafumafu nodded. Hanpen smiled softly as he hugged the other male. "Thank you for worrying about me...", he mumbled softly and Mafumafu felt an arrow shoot through his heart for the second time this day. He hugged back as he hummed.

"Of course! Now let's finish dinner! I'm sure Mafuteru-kun and Soraru-san are starving by the time they are finished!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Hanpen nodded and they continued cooking. In the end, he still had time to make new bread as he was more careful this time.

They were finished as they were decking the table making some small talk occasionally. "So... have you decided what you want to be yet? It's fine if you haven't decided yet though.

You still have time to think of something after all.", Mafumafu assured the other but to his surprise Hanpen nodded smiling.

"Hanpen wants to become a Healer. Teru-kun is a bit clumsy and gets himself injured a lot. Knowing him, he wants to try his best to be useful and help in quests actively. Hanpen wants to be able to heal him whenever Teru-kun gets injured.", Hanpen explained smiling fondly.

That was one thing Mafumafu noticed about Hanpen which differed from Soraru. He did look like a child version of the swordsman but his character was different. Hanpen was calm and didn't speak much. But Mafumafu could see how much Hanpen cared about Mafuteru.

He smiled more often than Soraru and he wasn't a tsundere or would tease Mafumafu. Mafumafu imagined Soraru smiling as a bright blush settled on his face when he did. He lightly slapped his face as Hanpen tilted his head confused.

Mafumafu assured him that he was fine and they continued decking the table. Soon after they finished, Soraru and Mafuteru arrived to the kitchen as they sat down. "And how did it go for you?", Soraru asked as he sat across from Mafumafu who smiled happily.

"It was nice! Hanpen-kun here told me that he wanted to become a Healer.", Mafumafu told Soraru who nodded. "Teru wants to become an Archer.", he stated as Mafumafu widened his eyes surprised before he smiled nodding.

Hanpen guessed correctly what Mafuteru wanted to be. "I see! Good luck then, Teru-kun!", Mafumafu told him as Mafuteru fiddled with his fingers nodding shyly. "T-thank you...", he mumbled. "Anyway, let's start eating! Ittadakimasu!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the others mumbled the same thing before they started eating.

Soraru and Mafumafu talked about what they did today and what they still had to do while Hanpen and Mafuteru talked about their day.

While talking to Mafumafu, Soraru glanced over to the kids as he widened his eyes surprised and stopped talking as he let his spoon fall into his bowl and Mafumafu was confused as he looked at them only for a blush to settle on his face.

Hanpen was feeding Mafuteru right now and Mafuteru would occasionally do so as well. "This tastes great, Hanpen-kun! You'd make a great husband someday!", Mafuteru exclaimed in his soft voice as Hanpen smiled in return.

"That's good. Because Hanpen wants to become Teru-kun's husband in the future so he can eat Hanpen's cooking.", Hanpen answered as a light blush crept on Mafuteru's face.

Soraru and Mafumafu could only watch them as they both cursed themselves for not being as brave as those two when it came to these kind of things. After they finished eating, they cleaned everything up before they walked to Hanpen and Mafuteru's room as Mafuteru was pulling his friend along with him excitedly while Hanpen let himself get dragged smiling softly.

Soraru and Mafumafu watched them amused as the raven-haired male opened the door for them to reveal the room in a good and clean state that Mafumafu was so surprised at how fast they worked. "How did you guys do that so quickly?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru looked at Mafuteru who shook his head before he put his finger on his mouth smiling slightly.

"That's a secret.", he answered and Mafumafu felt himself getting red when he saw Soraru saying that. "A-anyways, you guys should go to sleep. It's late already so we can continue do something tomorrow.", Mafumafu said as Hanpen and Mafuteru nodded.

Hanpen got into his bed first and Mafuteru followed him as he dove into Hanpen's arms. Mafuteru kissed the older male on the cheek and Hanpen kissed the younger male on the forehead before the two of them hugged each other and Soraru and Mafumafu stood there both blushing after they saw this.

"How can these children be so forward?!", Soraru asked himself. "I want Soraru-san to kiss me on the forehead too! I want him to cuddle with me too!", Mafumafu whined in his head.

But the two of them smiled when they saw Hanpen and Mafuteru laying there so peacefully as they both silently swore to themselves to protect those two. It was only a short time but they still wanted to continue taking care of them as they grew fond of them very quickly.

With that thought Soraru and Mafumafu smiled at each other before they exited the room as they decided they'd go and give Amatsuki a piece of their mind. The brunette would have a lot to explained and make up to them.


"How long do you think will it take until Sora-nii and Mafumafu-onii-san will realize that their feelings are mutual?", Mafuteru asked quietly as Hanpen chuckled softly.

"I don't know. I think they will take an eternity to confess so let's both do our best to help them realize it, alright?", Hanpen said as he gave Mafuteru a quick peck on the lips as the latter giggled.

"G-good night, Hanpen. Teru loves you.", Mafuteru exclaimed as the other male nodded smiling at him softly. "I love you too, Teru-kun. Good night.", he said before the two of them fell asleep.


"Ok, do you have anything else to say?", Soraru asked as he glared down at the brunette who was sitting on the floor. Amatsuki didn't know what to say as he looked at Mafumafu for help who had his arms crossed and pouted.

"I get that you wanted to do something nice but you know that we don't want that! I mean, I love Hanpen-kun and Teru-kun but that was too unexpected!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Amatsuki tried his best to find something to say.

Soraru noticed that the brunette wouldn't say anything useful anymore as he cracked his knuckles.

"Well, I gave you the chance to defend yourself so now you will have to take the consequences for doing this to us.", Soraru said as Amatsuki gulped when he saw Soraru's expression. He rarely saw Soraru smile but this smile was one he never wanted to see again.

"Mafu.", Soraru said as the mage understood and took his staff out smiling at his friend. "Don't worry, Amatsuki-kun~ It will only hurt a bit~", Mafumafu assured him as Amatsuki tried to convince them but it was too late as Hanpen and Mafuteru could hear a faint screaming from their room.

After that, Amatsuki learned to never offend or prank this couple ever again.

You might be wondering why I published a chapter even though I still have requests www Well, it's still the 6th anniversary of Soraru and Mafumafu in this country right now and I just found out about it yesterday so have this!

I intended to publish it some other day but I didn't have anything for this day so I wanted to at least have something ww Well, I hope you liked it~ I am still working on the requests, please forgive me www Some requests will be published tomorrow so see you guys tomorrow then~ (><)

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