The Ones Within (Side Story)

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So... here's the first side story of the Naka no Hito Genome Book of mine~ As requested by @afuifa it will be Sutopuri's time on the island! I'm sorry that it took me so long to write this! Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy it~

"Satomi-kun!", a voice called as the said pink-haired male turned to see a blue-haired male sprinting towards him. "What is it, Colon?", the older male asked and the younger male panted when he reached the other.

"Neko said that we'd do a new stage so I came here to call you.", Colon explained and the other male merely nodded, following the shorter male to the cafeteria. To explain the situation they were in, Satomi woke up in a weird island after playing a game called The Ones Within.

The person he woke up with was Colon and after that they got told by a woman with a cat mask that they had to reach 100 Million views to get out of here by playing games. She threatened them to lock them alone into a White Room if they refused to participate but something she didn't know was that this group didn't feel like resisting.

They complied almost immediately after they understood the situation and now they were playing stages hoping to reach the 100 million views soon. Right now, they reached about half of their goal and they continued trying to see the positive things. They worked hard to get out of here even if there wasn't the guarantee that they'd get out alive.

"Did Neko say anything about the next stage?", Satomi asked. He really hoped that it was something interesting. Colon merely huffed when he noticed what Satomi wanted.

"According to Neko it's not some survival horror stage this time. Don't even hope to play another stage like that! I seriously thought I was gonna die when I was chased after by that man in that "haunted house"! I didn't expect that they'd actually try to kill us!", Colon exclaimed as Satomi merely chuckled. "Well, in the end we got out and that's all that matters, isn't it?", Satomi asked as Colon mumbled in agreement.

They soon arrived where the others were already waiting for them. "There you are! What took you so long?", Riinu asked as he crossed his arms. "You guys took so long~ I wonder why~", Jel said wiggling his eyebrows as Colon made some noises of disgust. "Ew, we aren't Riinu and Root who flirt every minute.", Colon exclaimed and Jel laughed nodding at that.

"Well, you're right about that.", he agreed and the said people blushed when they heard that. "Colon-kun, do you want to have a nice talk with me after this stage?", Root asked smiling as Colon gulped. "I'd rather not...", he said as he hid behind Satomi. "Now, now. Let's not fight. After all, we have a stage to do.", a purple-haired male stepped in as the orange-haired male hummed in agreement.

"Leave it to the mother of the group to handle this.", Jel said as the other male only laughed. "I'm not your mother.", Nanamori denied. They all started talking about anything before the door was opened and a woman stepped inside.

"Cheerful as always I see~ Are you guys ready for your next stage?", Neko asked as they nodded. "I hope it's not a horror stage or something... can't we just do a nice simulation game?", Riinu asked as Root and Colon agreed. "Eh? I thought you liked horror survival games like Satomi, Colon-chan!", Neko exclaimed.

"I do! If they aren't actually chasing me! Also, I am pretty sure that I play other games other than just survival horror!", Colon said as everyone laughed. "Let's just let Neko-san explain us the stage.", Nanamori then said as the female thanked the purple-haired male.

"Well, to assure you one thing, we're not going to do a survival horror or anything horror-like this time~ The Stage this time is a virtual reality~ Stage 5: Life in a Fairytale World! The goal is that every streamer gets out of the world!", Neko explained while she leader them to a room with many capsules. "Please go lay down. As soon as you are we will put you to sleep. And I will explain things further in the virtual reality!

Any questions until now?", she asked as everyone laid there. "Yes, I—". "Good, then let's start!", she said as she clicked on a button and soon everyone fell asleep. "Ugh, my head hurts...", Colon whined as he opened his eyes to see him in a dark room with three doors in front of him, each having a picture on them.

"Ah, you finally woke up, Colon!", a familiar voice said and Colon looked to see Jel sitting next to him and Root was sitting a bit further away. "Where are we?", Root asked as Jel shrugged. "W-wait, where are the others?! Are we the only ones here?", Colon asked nervously and was about to freak out until Jel patted his shoulders.

"Now, now. Calm down. I'm sure they're fine. Let's just try to do what we have to do~", Jel said and the other two nodded. "What wise words here~", a female voice chirped and suddenly a cat landed in front of them. "Ah! A talking cat!", Colon exclaimed and Root just shook his head.

"No, that's Neko-san. Can you explain us where we are and what we have to do?", Root asked as the cat nodded. "Of course~ Did your parents ever tell you some fairy tales in the past?", Neko asked and they nodded as she hummed satisfied.

"That's good! Less to explain then! So, as you can see there are three doors in front of you. Each of you will choose one door which will bring you to a world. In this case you three will be the protagonists so your goal is to reach the Happy Ending of your story.

While doing that you have to find a way to get out with the help of your partner. Now, please choose a door before I proceed to explain.", Neko told them and they all just took any door as they then looked at the cat who nodded.

"Good. I will give you one item which you can use however you want to help you. The item you'll get depends on the door you chose. But no backing out anymore~", Neko sung as three items magically appeared in front of them.

Root got a gun, Jel got a bottle with a liquid in it which had the label medicine on it and Colon got a glass shoe. When Colon noticed this, he turned towards Neko annoyed.

"Why do I get a shoe while the two of them get medicine or a weapon?!", Colon asked as Neko only snickered. "Well, you chose that door so you have to live with that~ Anyway, there's no time to waste! Good luck~", Neko wished them before she disappeared. "W-what should we do now?", Colon asked looking at Jel and Root for help but they were already opening the door.

"E-eh? Jel-kun?! Root?!", he called out but they just smiled at him. "Well, good luck, Colon-kun~", Root said smiling but Colon could see that he was enjoying the fact that the blue-haired male had this disadvantage. "See you guys later~", Jel said as he disappeared through the door and Colon could only pout unsatisfied as he stepped through the door, hoping that everything would go fine.


Riinu sighed as he walked around. He just woke up with Nanamori and Satomi where Neko explained them the rules. How should he even find his Happy End? After stepping through the door he was in a forest and now he got lost.

And for some reason the scent of everything was much stronger than before. "Ah, what should I do?! How am supposed to find any clue about getting out of here when everything I can see are only trees and flowers?!", Riinu asked himself before he noticed a person. When he looked a bit closer he could make out a blonde male and he smiled relieved when he noticed that it was his friend, Root.

But for some reason he wore a red cape instead of his usual uniform. He called out to the other who turned to look at him and Riinu ran towards the blonde on happiness.

"Good thing I saw you! I was lost but now that you're here, we can finally get out of here!", Riinu said but Root only slapped his hand away as he gave Riinu a dark smile. "You're right. Good thing that we've met now. That way, I don't have to search for you anymore.", Root said as he jumped on Riinu and next thing he knew he fell on the grass as all the flowers flew around from the impact.

Riinu wanted to say something but next thing he knew a gun was being held at his forehead. "Now, Ookami-san, unlike the story, I am not stupid to just go and pick flowers. I am different so if you don't want to die right now then you will have to listen to my orders.", Root told the other and that's when Riinu finally understood.

This stage was based on fairy tales and according to the setting, Root was Little Red Riding Hood. And from how the blonde was talking, he would have to be the wolf and Root didn't realize that it was him. No wonder why he didn't trust him. So if he wanted to get out of here, the first thing he needed to do is to convince Root that he was Riinu. That is if he didn't want to die right then and there.


"Eh? You're Naa-kun? Why should I believe you?", Jel asked as he looked at the person wearing a black cloak in front of him. "Can't you recognize me by my voice?", Nanamori asked as the orange-haired male shook his head.

"You do know that you sound like a woman, right? And you won't even show me your face! Just put the hood down!", Jel said but the purple-haired male shook his head as he pulled his hood further down. "...I was forbidden to do that.

The only thing that I was told was that I had to give you this apple as a cure for the poison you would drink.", he explained as the other male raised an eyebrow. "Poison? I was given some medicine that I drunk before just in case~

And are you really telling me that this suspicious looking apple would be a cure?", Jel asked laughing as he pointed at the shiny red apple. Nanamori sighed at the distrust of the other male. But could you really blame Jel? He looked so suspicious right now. His voice sounded different according to Jel. He couldn't show his face.

And now he offered the other this red apple which just looked like it was poisoned. "I know how this looks like but... don't you think that I'd try to be less suspicious if I would try to poison you and not look like some creepy person?", Nanamori asked and Jel laughed nodding.

"I guess... But you can convince me better than that, don't you? Give me some good arguments here!", Jel demanded laughing and the purple-haired male could only sigh as he knew that this would take some time.


Satomi sighed leaning against a tree as he rested for a bit. After they were told that their job was to reach the happy ending, he got even more confused after he arrived in this world.

According to his door, his fairy tale would have to be Cinderella but... in that tale, it was Cinderella and the prince who got the happy ending.

So he decided to search for the princess but in the end he realized that his role wasn't the prince but the fairy godmother. The person who was supposed to help. How the hell would he find his happy ending then?! After giving it some thought, he decided that his happy ending would be helping the girl to get to the ball.

So he went to search for her but all he found were trees and the item which should help him, didn't help him at all. He walked around again and was about to give up when he spotted a glass shoe on the floor. He picked it up confused before a voice called out to him.

"Ah, that's my shoe!", a high voice called out and Satomi turned around to see Colon... in a dress and running around barefooted. "What... the... hell?", Satomi asked as he backed up slightly. Colon ran towards him and when he noticed it was Satomi he stood there shocked and embarrassed.

"Satomi-kun?! What are you doing here?!", Colon asked. "Why the hell are you wearing a dress?!", Satomi asked as he burst out in laughter after he recovered from the shock.

"It's not like I chose to wear this! I was dressed like this when I arrived here and I was forced to walk in these glass shoes and now I've lost it... or not because you have it.", Colon said as Satomi looked at the blue-haired male's feet to see them bruised and he could even make out some blood as he looked closer.

"Hey, you alright?", he then asked and Colon hummed confused until he noticed what Satomi meant. "Ah, that. Yeah, it hurts but not as much as it did before.", Colon waved off.

"Anyway, let's go find my other shoe cause I'm sure we need that to get out of here— Hey! What are you doing?!", Colon screeched when he was suddenly lifted in the air by Satomi.

"Well, if I let you keep walking like this it won't end well. So just let me carry you, Cinderella~", Satomi teased winking at his friend who just rolled his eyes bit let him be carried nethertheless.

"Disgusting.", Colon mumbled as he looked away. It was embarrassing being carried like this. But Colon thought it was still nice to have a thoughtful friend like Satomi.


"Oh, you guys are back already?", Neko asked surprised when she looked at the group in front of her. They just looked at her exhausted as she could only laugh when she saw that. "That's not funny! I-I thought I'd die!", Riinu shouted as he looked Root accusingly who smiled apologetic.

"I thought you wanted to kill me so I just defended myself.", Root argued. "Yeah, but you pointed a gun at me and after I convinced you that I was Riinu... I swear you muttered something like: Aw, but I wanted to shoot this at someone!

I seriously thought you'd shoot me despite knowing it was me!", Riinu whined as Root apologized and took Riinu's hands. "I'm sorry. I would never shoot at you. If it was Colon or Jel then I'd probably have shot them but it was you so I would never.", he promised and Riinu smiled hopefully.

"Really? I-I never thought that you'd say that...", Riinu said and you could feel the shoujo anime aura around them. "Is no one going to say something about the fact that he'd actually think about shooting me and Jel?!", Colon asked shocked as Jel nodded in agreement.

"How mean~ Root favors Riinu over us~", Jel whined feigning hurt as Riinu started blushing. "E-eh?", the red-haired male stuttered and the blonde smiled at Jel.

"What are you talking about, Jel-kun? I love all of you equally.", Root said and all of them could feel a shiver running down their spines except Riinu who didn't get it as he continued on normally.

"What about you guys?", he asked tilting his head as Colon crossed his arms while Satomi laughed at that. "You can't believe what happened. Our Colon here actually wore a—".

"Don't you dare tell them!", the shorter male said as he rushed towards the older male clamping his hand over the other's mouth. A blush coated his face from embarrassment.

"Well, it was fine for me except for the fact that Jel almost died because he refused to eat my apple which would heal him.", Nanamori pointed out sighing as Jel laughed as he put an arm around the other's shoulder.

"But you didn't give up for my sake~ What a great friend you are~", Jel chirped. "Wait, you almost died like Riinu?!", Colon asked shocked and Satomi used that chance to pull away smirking.

"Well, at least you guys didn't have to wear a dress like Colon here. I wish I could have taken a picture~", Satomi said as Colon's blush returned and he hit the back of the pink-haired male repeatedly. "Wow, you wore a dress?", Root asked as Colon could hear him muttering about a wasted opportunity to gain blackmail material.

"It's not like I wanted to! And it didn't make it better when you carried me around the whole time!", Colon complained and Satomi rolled his eyes. "Either that or you'd have to walk on your bruised feet. You should be thankful.", Satomi said.

"Well, we can all be happy that we didn't have to see Root-kun and Riinu-kun possibly acting like a couple.", Jel joked as everyone except Satomi and Colon could feel a dark aura.

Satomi and Colon were too busy bickering so they didn't notice. "Eh? Root-kun, don't try to kill him!", Riinu said as he hugged the blonde who was smiling with his hands stretched out to the orange-haired male. "I won't, don't worry.", the male assured but no one believed him as they all started bickering again.

Neko who watched them smiled slightly as she spoke in a loud enough voice for them to hear them. "It sounds like you did a lot of things.

Did you have fun?", she asked and they all stopped as they thought about it for a while before everyone smiled nodding. "Yes, we did!", they all shouted and Neko was truly happy that she was in charge of the people of this district.

Even though most people hated the gamemasters and all of the gamers hated her before, these streamers were so weird, treating her more like a senior than a gamemaster and she was truly thankful for them doing that because she could finally have more fun on this island.

She felt as if she got some of her lost childhood back and on that day, she promised herself that she'd save them and get them out of here in case something would ever happen.

"Well, that's great~ I'll go back now because I have to do some work. You guys will get some days off so have fun and do what you guys want as long as you don't break the rules~", she said before going and they all said goodbye before going to their room to rest for the day.


Root yawned as he woke up. He did his usual morning routine before heading to the cafeteria where the others were already waiting. He took some food as he sat down in front of Riinu who smiled at him. "Good morning, Root-kun!", Riinu greeted as Root greeted him back.

They all talked to each other like always as they talked about the previous stages or about the possible future stages until the floor suddenly started shaking. They looked at each other confused as they stood up and looked out of the window to see the island somehow breaking down.

"What's happening?!", Colon exclaimed shocked as Nanamori tried to calm him down while Satomi and Jel wanted to go out to see what's going on. But before they could exit the room, the door slid open revealing an unfamiliar woman standing there in a suit. "Who are you?", Satomi asked narrowing his eyes as the woman remained unfazed.

"My name is Reol. I am a gamemaster from another district and I am here because of Neko.", she introduced herself as Root looked at her confused. "You're here because of Neko-san? Why?", he asked as the woman looked at the blonde.

"I will explain you more once we get in the car but I'll tell you one thing so you know how serious this is. If you don't want to die right here on this island then we have to get out of here now."

To be continued

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