Getting older (SoraNaru)

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Requested by: -Raaan_
Pairing: Soraru x Nqrse (Platonic)
Genre: Fluff
High School AU

"And that was it... I think that was enough studying for today.", Soraru said before he closed his textbook and put it away and Nqrse sighed out as he stretched before putting his school things away as well. "We did it, Soraru-aniki!

Thanks for helping me! I think I am going to be able to ace that test now!", Nqrse exclaimed as the older male merely hummed.

"It's going to be late now so do you want to stay over?", Soraru asked when he looked outside the window to see that the sun has already set down by now. They had studied for a long time after all. Nqrse only grinned in mischief as he went closer to the ravenette.

"Eh~ Does aniki want to stay with me for even longer?", Nqrse asked teasingly as Soraru only rolled his eyes in amusement as he shook his head. "You can go home for all I care. I know I'll be fine on my own.", Soraru told him as Nqrse whined and clung onto the older male.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry~ Can I stay over please?", Nqrse asked as the raven-haired male nodded. "Fine. Be thankful that I am feeling generous right now. By the way, stop calling me aniki...

Anyways, you can go take a bath now. I will go after you.", Soraru told him as Nqrse nodded before he stood up.

"Um, can I borrow some clothes?", Nqrse asked and Soraru nodded as he stood up.

"I have some clothes my younger sister bought for me but I didn't want to wear it cause... it's not really my taste. I think you'll like it though.", Soraru said as he walked to his room to get it while Nqrse waited for him.

The older male soon came back and the pink-haired male now understood why Soraru didn't want to wear it. It was a light blue hoodie with cat ears.

The younger male giggled as he took the hoodie and the pants. "I don't get why you wouldn't want to wear it~", Nqrse exclaimed sarcastically as Soraru only rolled his eyes again.

"I know, right? Cause it's totally my taste.", Soraru said, his voice still dripping in sarcasm.

"Now go so I can finally take a bath as well.", Soraru urged as he pushed the pink-haired male into the bathroom. Nqrse put his clothes into the basket before he started taking a bath.

He saw many different bottles of shampoo and such as he grinned to himself before he decided he'd take a long nice bath.

After about more than half an hour, the pink-haired male exited the bathroom as Soraru looked at the younger male in annoyance.

"Finally. What took you so long?", Soraru asked as Nqrse giggled. "Well, you have so many different kinds of shampoos and such in the bathroom that I just had to try them~", Nqrse answered and Soraru only looked at the younger male in disbelief.

"Seriously? And you couldn't have just left them alone? They are just shampoos and such you know?", Soraru reminded the younger male who nodded. "Yes... I wonder why you need so much anyway? What are you?

A rich japanese anime girl from a manga?", Nqrse asked teasingly as Soraru only grumbled and told him to shut his mouth.

"Continue this and I will throw you out on the streets.", Soraru threatened as Nqrse decided to play along. "Please not~ I'm too frail to survive it outside~", Nqrse said dramatically as Soraru only sighed and stood up from the couch where he was waiting for the other male to finish.

"Whatever. I will go and take a shower now and we can see what to do afterwards.", Soraru said and the younger male nodded before he noticed something and called Soraru back.

"Soraru-san, hold on a second.", Nqrse told him seriously as the raven-haired male halted confused. "What is it? What are you doing?", Soraru asked startled when the shorter male suddenly pulled him down so that his head was facing the pink-haired male. "Ok, Soraru-san, how do I tell you this?", Nqrse asked more to himself when he confirmed what he saw and Soraru pulled away confused.

"Tell me what?", he asked as Nqrse put both his hands on Soraru's shoulders before he looked into Soraru's eyes seriously.

"...You have a white hair.", Nqrse confessed as Soraru's pale face visibly paled even more.

"Eh? Are you actually serious?", Soraru asked as the pink-haired male nodded and took his phone out as took a picture of it before handing his phone over to Soraru who only widened his eyes when he saw that. "No way... am I actually aging that fast? I'm not even old.", Soraru exclaimed as he took Nqrse by his shoulders who was surprised by how hard the raven-haired male took that right now.

"Woah, calm down, Soraru-san. It's just a white hair—". "Are you telling me that it's normal for me to have a white hair at the age of 18?", Soraru asked him as Nqrse shrugged.

"I mean... it can be? You are one of the oldest friends I know and what is so bad about having one white hair?", Nqrse asked as Soraru shook him again. "You don't get it, do you?", Soraru asked. "I had been trying my best so my hair wouldn't turn white so easily.

So why is this happening?", Soraru asked and Nqrse wondered how long this would be going on. "Calm down, Soraru-san. You don't want your hair to turn white from stress, do you?", Nqrse asked and at that Soraru stopped.

"Wait... my hair can turn white when I have stress?", Soraru asked as Nqrse nodded wondering if Soraru's head could even think logically at the moment after studying so much.

So he hit Soraru's head as the raven-haired male let go of the younger male to hold his head. "Oi... what was that for?", Soraru asked annoyed while the pink-haired male only crossed his arms.

"You are overreacting, Soraru-san. Just calm down. It's not like you are going to be less good-looking or less ikemen just because of one white hair!

As long as it doesn't get more you'll be fine.", Nqrse told him as Soraru only nodded even though he was frowning. "I guess I'll be fine...", Soraru muttered as Nqrse nodded satisfied when he saw that his friend calmed down.

"Seriously... you are so mature around Our friends and classmates but you act like this in front of me.", Nqrse pointed out as Soraru only crossed his arms and rolled his eyes for the nth time this day.

"Well, I am sorry for being like that.", Soraru apologized even though both of them knew, he didn't actually mean it. "Anyways, I will go and take a bath now so you can—

What are you doing now again?", Soraru asked annoyed when he noticed that the younger male pulled his head down again.

"If you are going to tell me that you found another white hair then I am seriously going to consider to—". "That's not it... Soraru-san, did you perhaps do something today which might have gotten something white into your hair?

Like white paint... powder or something like that?", Nqrse asked and Soraru raised an eyebrow confused.

"Well... I baked something today in class and... don't tell me that it's flour that got into my hair?", Soraru asked and Nqrse only nodded as he sighed. "All of that drama where Soraru-san was like that just for it being flour while you were baking?", Nqrse asked.

"You were the one who brought it up... So it was kinda your fault as well.", Soraru argued. They both started arguing about who was at fault here before Nqrse finally had enough.

"Ugh, just go and take a shower! Even if we have the weekend tomorrow you should go now so we don't waste the whole night here in the hallway!", Nqrse exclaimed before he pushed the older male into the bathroom and walked away.

Soraru only grumbled before he silently took his clothes off taking a shower.

After he finished, he walked to his room with a towel hanging around his neck because his hair was still wet from when he was washing his hair.

Nqrse who was laying on Soraru's bed as if it was his own and read through a manga which was Soraru's looked up.

"There you are~ I was so bored waiting for you.", Nqrse complained as Soraru looked at the younger male. "Are you serious? I took a shower for about fifteen minutes while you spent more than half an hour using all of my supplies in the bathroom.", Soraru argued as Nqrse sat up.

"Well yeah, but I need this for my beauty.", the pink-haired male countered as Soraru only nodded sighing. "I give up... Anyways, it got way too late so let's just go to sleep.

I will get the futon out for you so wait a bit.", Soraru said as Nqrse crossed his legs.

"Nah, I'm fine with sleeping on your bed. It's comfy~", Nqrse said as he flopped back on Soraru's bed. "You are unbelievable...", Soraru muttered tiredly as he rubbed his temples but got the futon out nethertheless.

"I am way too tired to argue with you now though so I am going to sleep on the futon just this once. Don't think that you can do this every time you are sleeping over though.", Soraru reminded.

"Eh~? Don't you want to sleep in the bed next to me?", Nqrse asked teasingly and Soraru only scoffed in response as he laid down on the futon and put his blanket over him.

"No, thank you. I prefer getting some peaceful sleep instead of someone hogging the blanket all the time.", Soraru replied as Nqrse pouted when he heard that. "I am not hogging the blanket! But fine~ It's your loss.", Nqrse told the raven-haired male who only hummed.

There was a long silence as you could hear the occasional shuffling. The light moonlight was shining through the window, lightening the room up a bit making the place comfortable to sleep at.

But Nqrse couldn't sleep for some reason even though he tried his best to fall asleep.

Soraru almost fell asleep when he suddenly heard Nqrse speak up.

"Soraru-san?", the pink-haired male called out as the older male only hummed in response to signal that he was indeed listening.

"Do you think we are going to be able to stay friends even after we graduate from high school?", Nqrse asked as Soraru turned around so he was facing the pink-haired male as they looked at each other. "What's with that sudden question?", Soraru questioned as there was a short silence before the younger male spoke up again.

"Well, we are joking with each other and spending time with each other now. But what will happen when we are going to grow up?

You are going to graduate from school next year while I still have two more years to go before I can graduate...", Nqrse pointed out.

Soraru decided he should stay quiet and let the pink-haired male finish speaking before he would answer the younger male.

"When you graduated from middle school and I was still in middle school it was fine because we could still see each other outside from school.

But now it's different. You are going to go to a university in Tokyo to study games or what?", Nqrse complained and Soraru was about to tell him that it wouldn't be just studying about games but he decided that now wasn't the time.

"If that happens, we can't just meet each other anymore to just hang out... So I wondered if we would stay friends even after we don't live close to each other anymore.", Nqrse said and when Soraru noticed that the pink-haired male had finished talking, he started to speak.

"Nqrse... do you think that we are good friends?", Soraru asked and Nqrse immediately nodded. "Of course!", Nqrse immediately answered as Soraru hummed nodding.

"Then everything is going to be fine then.", Soraru assured the pink-haired male.

"Why?", Nqrse asked confused.

"If we are such good friends, we are going to be able to stay in contact.

And when you graduate you have more time to spend time with me if you find some work which gives you that much freedom. And even if not, we will somehow manage.

And besides...", Soraru started as the pink-haired male looked at the older male questioning waiting for him to finish his sentence.

"Getting rid of each other is close to impossible at this point. You are stuck with being my friend for a long time.", Soraru told him smiling lightly as Nqrse could feel tears welling up in his eyes and he was happy that it was dark at the moment so that Soraru wouldn't see it.

He was happy that the ravenette thought so and he really hoped that he was right.

"I guess that's the case~ Well, I'm tired now after talking about serious things so let's go to sleep~", Nqrse exclaimed as Soraru hummed amused.

"Sure. Good night, Nqrse.", Soraru said and Nqrse hummed. "Good Night, Soraru-san~", Nqrse said before the two of them fell asleep.

Nqrse has been worried about them driving apart after Soraru would graduate for a while now and he was scared for the graduation day to come.

But Soraru's words comforted the pink-haired male as he now wanted to believe him.

And he did. He believed that, even after Soraru graduated, the two of them would still be able to stay friends.


"And that was our livestream. Thanks for joining us and see you guys next time.", Soraru said before he switched the game off and Nqrse sighed out as he stretched before putting his controller down.

"Nice game, Soraru-aniki!", Nqrse exclaimed as the older male nodded and looked out of the window to see that it was already dark.

"It's already late now so do you want to stay over?", Soraru asked as Nqrse hummed.

"Eh~ Sure~ How nice of you~", Nqrse said and Soraru stood up and put a futon out for himself. He already got used to the younger male taking his bed every time he slept over at his place so he expected the pink-haired male to get on his bed like he always did since high school.

Instead, the younger male pulled out another futon before laying next to the raven-haired who looked at the other in confusion.

"I just feel like sleeping on the floor for once~", Nqrse answered Soraru's unsaid question and the older male only hummed as he closed his eyes ready to go to sleep.

"Soraru-san?", Nqrse called out as the ravenette opened his eyes and hummed in response.

He learned that the younger male would talk like this when something was up. But to the older's surprise that wasn't the case this time.

"We did stay good friends even after graduation. Just like you said.", Nqrse simply said and Soraru widened his eyes as he remembered that day when he told Nqrse that.

He then smiled softly as he closed his eyes again. "Yes. You didn't have to worry at all as you can see. Everything is just like in the past. Just that this time, you won't have to worry about that anymore.", Soraru said and Nqrse hummed.

Nqrse was happy.

That Soraru was right. That they stayed friends even now when they became adults.

That they had the same job and both became Utaites and that they would hang out as often as in the past. That everything stayed just the same.

And he was so grateful that he had believed Soraru's words.

"We are going to stay friends for a long time as well. After all, getting rid of each other is near impossible now.", Soraru repeated his words from years ago as Nqrse hummed in agreement.

Soraru was right in the past.

And this time as well, he was going to believe Soraru's words as well... that they were going to be good friends even as time would continue on.

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