My Yandere Boyfriend (Mafusora)

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Requested by: @Annaaaaa_21
Pairing: Yandere!Mafumafu x Soraru

Soraru sighed as he finished his work. He looked at his watch and saw that he was going to be late for ten minutes for the date he agreed to go on with Mafumafu.

The ravenette sighed as he quickly packed his things before he walked over to the younger's apartment and when he rang the bell, the door immediately opened to reveal the white-haired male standing there.

He narrowed his eyes as he pulled the ravenette into the house. "Soraru-san... you are late... You didn't think about cheating, did you?", Mafumafu asked as his eyes looked empty but Soraru only sighed as he took the taller's hand and pulled him down to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I was working, Mafumafu. You know that I'd never cheat on you.", the shorter male reminded him as Mafumafu thought about it before nodding, smiling brightly again.

"You're right~ After all, I already know how much Soraru-san loves me~", Mafumafu chirped as Soraru blushed and lightly punched the taller's arm. "Shut up... let's just go to that date you wanted us to go...", Soraru muttered as Mafumafu chuckled nodding before he took his bag and Soraru's hand. "You're right~ Let's go then~", Mafumafu chirped as he lead the ravenette outside.

They arrived at a cafe which was apparently really popular at the moment. As soon as they entered, Mafumafu noticed how all the girls and even some boys were staring at Soraru.

At his boyfriend. At his property. The white-haired male noticed that the raven-haired didn't even notice that as he was only staring at his phone.

Mafumafu glared at the girls before he took Soraru and pulled him somewhere where there would be less people. They sat down at a table on the corner of the cafe and looked at the menu.

"What are you going to take, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru looked at the menu before answering. "Some tea with a piece of matcha cake... what about you?", Soraru asked as he looked up at the younger male.

"I am going to take some tea as well... with some chocolate cake~", Mafumafu exclaimed as a waitress soon came by and stood in front of them. "What can I get you?", she asked as she completely ignored the white-haired male and only looked at Soraru who didn't even notice how she was interested in him.

"Two teas please and a piece of chocolate cake and a piece of matcha cake.", Soraru ordered as he put the menu down just for him to notice her getting too close to him for his taste.

"Um... that will be all then.", Soraru said as the waitress nodded smiling.

"Alright~ I'll be back with the order right away~", she chirped before walking away. Soraru noticed that Mafumafu was glaring at the waitress as he took Mafumafu's hand in worry.

"Hey... are you alright?", Soraru asked as he frowned in worry and Mafumafu felt all of his anger disappear at once after he saw the ravenette like that. He looked so cute worrying about him like that. But he'd rather have Soraru smiling than frowning like that so he only nodded and gave the other male a smile.

"Of course I am~ Because I'm with you~", Mafumafu reasoned as Soraru blushed and pulled his hand away before he looked away.

"I-idiot... don't just say things like that so easily... it's embarrassing...", Soraru muttered and Mafumafu only chuckled when he saw that Soraru's tsundere side has appeared once again.

"Soraru-san is a tsundere~", Mafumafu exclaimed as the raven-haired male's blush brightened as he glared at the younger male which didn't have any effect at all on him.

"I am not a tsundere! If I am a tsundere then you are a yandere!", Soraru exclaimed making sure that his voice was still quiet enough though.

Mafumafu only hummed as he reached to poke Soraru's cheek. "I guess I am a yandere~ Now you just have to accept what kind of tsundere you are~", Mafumafu chirped as Soraru lightly pushed Mafumafu's hand away.

"You aren't even denying that you're a yandere?", Soraru asked but before Mafumafu could answer that, the waitress came back with their order. She placed the things down, making sure to get as close to Soraru as she could.

"Thanks.", Soraru merely thanked her as she nodded.

"No problem~ I will be over there if you need anything else~", she told him as she winked at him and blew a kiss at the ravenette who didn't even glance at her anymore and just focused on the cake. Mafumafu noticed how dissatisfied she was at the lack of attention she got as he gave her a winning grin as she just rolled his eyes and glared at him before walking off.

God, Mafumafu was just so grateful that his boyfriend was so dense at a time like this.

He looked at Soraru who had already started to eat his cake and Mafumafu was so thankful that he had brought the older male here despite all of those annoying girls staring at him.

Because right now, Soraru was making the cutest expression eating that cake.

He had his eyes closed as he savored the cake chewing on it before his eyes widened and he put a hand in front of his mouth while chewing as he was surprised on how good it tasted.

"Soraru-san is so kawaii~", Mafumafu thought to himself as he snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed that Soraru was talking to him.

"Mafumafu, this is really great! You have to try it!", Soraru exclaimed in his usual volume as he pushed his plate towards the taller male.

"Sure!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he saw the waitress and some other female customers staring at them as he had an idea.

"Will Soraru-san feed me?", Mafumafu asked as the ravenette's face brightened up when he heard that. "W-what? Are you that incapable of feeding yourself?", Soraru asked blushing as the younger male only nodded.

"Yes~ So Soraru-san has to feed me~ Or do you not want to?", Mafumafu asked as he looked at Soraru with his puppy eyes as he knew the older male was weak when he did that.

Soraru only gulped before he sighed nodding. He took his fork as he took a piece of cake before holding it towards the other male.

"Here you go... say a-ah...", Soraru told the other as Mafumafu did exactly that making sure to look at Soraru so he could remember this moment.

"Ah~", Mafumafu said before Soraru fed him and the white-haired male chewed on it before smiling. "It tastes good just as you said, Soraru-san~", Mafumafu chirped as Soraru nodded before going back to eating his cake.

The younger male looked at the females as he gave him a look as if to tell them that they should back off now, but they clearly didn't look like they would give up as Mafumafu only clicked his tongue before he took his fork and took a piece of cake from his cake before holding it towards Soraru who only looked at him in confusion.

"You should try mine as well, Soraru-san~ It tastes great~", Mafumafu urged as he put his fork closer to the ravenette who only leaned back a bit. "You know that I don't like chocolate, Mafumafu...", Soraru reminded the younger male who flinched when he noticed that.

"Ah, you're right... I'm really sorry, Soraru-san... I'm really a failure for forgetting something as simple as that, huh?", Mafumafu muttered as he looked away as Soraru felt slight guilt building up when he saw that. Mafumafu was about to pull away when Soraru grabbed his wrist as Mafumafu looked at the ravenette confused.

The shorter male only blushed as he let go. "B-but it still looks delicious so I'd like to try some...", Soraru muttered embarrassed as Mafumafu's expression immediately brightened up and he smiled happily knowing that he successfully guilt-tripped the other male.

"Alright~ Open your mouth then, Soraru-san~", Mafumafu urged as Soraru did as told and the white-haired male fed him a big piece of cake before he looked at the other male in anticipation. "And? How does it taste like?", Mafumafu asked curiously as Soraru chewed before nodding.

"It does taste good for a chocolate cake.", Soraru answered as the younger male hummed satisfied. "Really? That makes me glad then~", Mafumafu told him as Soraru only nodded and they continued eating. The rest of the afternoon they spent in the cafe, just talking to each other about their work and such things.

Mafumafu tried his best to enjoy his time with Soraru but it proved to be difficult as every girl still looked at the ravenette with their dirty eyes.

But good thing for him, he could drive most of them off after threatening them with his glare and holding his fork up that he used for eating the cake. He did so every time, the ravenette looked away though as he didn't want him to notice.

Mafumafu thought that the worse one out of all of them though, ought to be the waitress which served them since the beginning.

No matter how many times, he glared at her or threatened her with his fork, she just wouldn't back up and would always come towards their table, trying to flirt with his Soraru.

Mafumafu finally had enough so he waved the waitress over to pay so they could finally go back home. Soraru was about to pay but his hand was stopped by the waitress who shook her head and placed her hand over Soraru's.

"This will be on the house~", she said winking as he only stared at her confused. "Eh? Why?", Soraru asked confused and the waitress was about to answer when Mafumafu slammed the his hands on the table. "Not paying would be impolite so I will pay~", Mafumafu insisted as the waitress only clicked her tongue ignoring Mafumafu which made him boil with anger.

She then looked back at the ravenette who only watched the two of them confused. As he stood up he handed her the money.

"Thanks for your kindness but we can't just not pay so please take the money.", Soraru insisted and the waitress only looked at the money in Soraru's hands before using that chance to grasp them as she looked at Soraru smiling and the raven-haired male only looked at her utterly confused.

"You truly are a kind person~ If you want to... do you maybe want to grab lunch sometime? I will give you my number and then we can—".

"I'm sorry, but we have to get going now~", Mafumafu said as he tried his best to keep on smiling. He was only doing this because Soraru asked him to do his best to act normal in public. And because he was a good boyfriend he accepted after Soraru asked him so cutely.

The waitress still tried to ignore him as she continued to try to get Soraru to go out with her. But Mafumafu had enough as he forcefully pulled Soraru away from the waitress as the ravenette only looked up at the white-haired male still confused. "Mafumafu?", Soraru asked tilting his head and Mafumafu wondered how Soraru could be so dense to not notice that this waitress was clearly trying to steal the raven-haired male away from him.

Not that he would allow that to happen though. "Soraru-san, can you wait outside for me?", Mafumafu asked smiling and Soraru could see that something was wrong so he only nodded.

"Make sure to pay her though...", Soraru muttered as Mafumafu nodded. "Don't worry~ I'll make sure to pay her back for everything she's done today~", Mafumafu assured and Soraru only nodded as he bowed at the waitress.

"Eh? You don't want to leave right now, do you? Didn't you seem interested in me as well? You looked at me the whole time while you were eating with him!", she pointed out as Soraru looked at her now slightly annoyed.

"I didn't? I mean, what can I do if you were standing in front of the painting the whole time I was watching?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu had to hold it in to not laugh when he saw how all of her confidence slowly faded away.

"Well, I'll be waiting outside then, Mafumafu.", Soraru informed the younger male before he walked out of the cafe as Mafumafu only stared at the waitress who was holding her hand out as if to grasp the ravenette.

Mafumafu saw that Soraru left now as he turned towards the waitress.

"So, what do you have to say in your defense for trying to flirt with someone else's property?", Mafumafu asked glaring at her as she only glared back. "Well, I think that I am way better suited for him than you! Do you know how many people are standing in line to even get to talk to me?!

I think he will realize that I am way better for him when he just spends enough time with me!", she shouted as Mafumafu looked like he was about to break into despair when he heard that.

The waitress wanted to smile in triumph until she felt a hand around her neck and soon she was being lifted into the air.

"Listen. I am going to be nice now so all I will do is squeezing your neck a bit.", Mafumafu said calmly as the female only struggled to breath while the other customers watched in terror.

"If you even try to speak with him again then I will make sure that you wish you were never alive. So if you value your life you better never even look at him again. Got it?", Mafumafu asked as he looked at her and the woman quickly nodded.

The white-haired male then let her go and she fell to the ground coughing as she tried to regain her breath. "The same goes to everyone else in here, alright?", Mafumafu asked staring at the customers coldly as they all nodded being too scared of the white-haired male.

"Good. Then I'll be going now.", Mafumafu said as he turned around before he remembered something and turned back as the waitress flinched.

"Oh... I almost forgot. Here is your money.", Mafumafu said as he dropped the money on the floor where she was trembling.

"And don't forget what I said... if you don't want to live with the consequences that is.", Mafumafu said before he left the cafe.

When he opened the door, he saw the raven-haired male leaning against the wall, waiting for him as he quickly took Soraru's hand and pulled him with him by force. The shorter male was startled but still followed Mafumafu anyway.

"Mafumafu? Did something happen? I heard some loud voices so I got worried.", Soraru said as the white-haired male didn't answer at first.

"Just some small argument.", Mafumafu answered curtly and Soraru frowned as he pulled Mafumafu's hand as strong as he could to signal the other to stop walking.

Mafumafu just stood still as Soraru walked in front of him and cupped the other's face.

"Your face looks really sour... did she say something to you?", Soraru asked and there was another silence before the taller male spoke up again. "...She told me that she would be better than you and that you would realize that if you would spend more time with her.

But I won't allow that. Soraru-san can't love anyone but me.", Mafumafu said as he stared in front of him but not into the ravenette's eyes.

Soraru could see that the other male was really angry right now as he sighed before he lightly pulled him down and kissed him.

Mafumafu was surprised before he put his arms around the other's waist to pull him closer wanting more. After a few minutes, Soraru pulled back because he needed to breath as he blushed.

"Do you know who I love now?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu nodded. "Yes... I'm guessing you only love me?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru nodded.

"Of course. I love you. Only you.", Soraru stated as Mafumafu took Soraru's hands which held his face. "Even if I am a possessive yandere?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru nodded.

"Even if you are a possessive yandere.", Soraru confirmed as Mafumafu's mood slowly rose again and he nodded. There was a short silence again before Mafumafu spoke up.

"Soraru-san... can you stay over tonight?", Mafumafu asked and Soraru blushed before he nodded. "Just for today then...", Soraru agreed nodding as Mafumafu was now like usually again. "Yay~ Let's go home then, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu exclaimed before he took Soraru's hand and they walked to his house together.

They started talking a bit again like they usually did and Mafumafu felt how he enjoyed their conversations. How Soraru would act towards him. How cute he would be.

And how he accepted that he was a yandere and still acted like he usually did.

There were so many things Mafumafu could say that he loved about Soraru. Because he loved him really much. Soraru was his light.

His happiness. His only will to live. Not having him around would mean that his life wouldn't have any meaning anymore.

So Mafumafu would never allow him to go.

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