One Cup of Coffee to win your Heart Part 5 (Soramafu & Urasaka)

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Pairings: Soraru (Barista) x Mafumafu (University Student), Urata (Barista) x Sakata (University Student)
Genre: Fluff

Café au
It is time everyone ww For drunk Soraru to appear on this stage www Anyways, here we go~ Hope you guys will enjoy and no proofreading as always ww Also, sorry if it doesn't make sense for some reason www


Sakata was someone who always went with his own pace. Mafumafu knew that as he had always been a victim of it as he was the redhead's closest friend ever since high school. But this time for sure, he decided that he would definitely get his revenge once he gets back.

"Stupid Sakatan... I didn't even get to prepare myself properly... And I look weird in these clothes too...", Mafumafu thought as he looked down on himself. He was wearing a big white oversized sweater with some black leggings as he frowned dissatisfied.

They did look nice but he didn't like the clothes on him. Sighing, the albino decided to not pay any more attention to this now as he quickly walked faster until he reached the familiar white building as he opened the door, noticing some things as he stepped inside.

The first thing he noticed, was that the usual light coffee scent was replaced with some alcoholic scent instead as the albino felt as if he was in a bar rather than in a coffee shop.

The second thing he noticed, was that a familiar ravenette and brunet sat at a table, both of them looking up when they heard the door open. Urata's annoyed face turned into relief as he stood up abruptly, rushing to the albino as he patted the younger male's shoulder as a greeting.

"Thanks for coming on such a short notice. I really have to go now but thank you very much.", Urata said and before Mafumafu could even ask what the situation even was, the older male had already rushed out of the café, locking the door behind him, leaving the younger male back with the raven-haired male as he was utterly confused.

"Soraru-san? Do you need help with something? Sakatan just suddenly told me that Urata-san had to go somewhere which is why I needed to stay with you?", Mafumafu explained as he walked closer to the ravenette who only looked at him before flashing him a smile which made the younger male blush.

"Oh, I don't know why Urata felt the need for someone to come but now that you're here to help, I do need help with something~", he said cheerfully as the albino questioned himself why the raven-haired male suddenly acted like a different person until he noticed an almost empty glass with a big ice in it which was melting slowly right now.

"Soraru-san... are you drunk?", Mafumafu asked as the older male blinked a few times before shaking his head. "Don't worry, I'm not.", he assured the younger male before motioning to the seat in front of him. Mafumafu did as told but he knew didn't believe Soraru any word when he saw the light red tinting his face.

As soon as he sat down, the older male's face lightened up as he flashed the albino a smile again which made the younger male's face heat up even more after he saw that. And he swore to god that he would die at that very night if this went on.

"A-anyways, you said you need my help with something?", Mafumafu asked as he tried to stay calm. All he had to do, was make sure that Soraru was alright and didn't cause any trouble. At least, that's what he thought.

"Oh, right. I needed a partner for something. Would you mind being mine?", Soraru asked as the albino felt his blush worsen at that sentence but nodded nevertheless.

"W-what do I need to do?", Mafumafu asked as the raven-haired male thought about it for a bit before speaking up, his smile never leaving his face.

"Do you like magic?", Soraru asked out of nowhere, ignoring the albino's question. "E-eh? Magic? I guess I do?", Mafumafu answered, confused as to why the ravenette had suddenly asked him that.

The older male's smile got even brighter if possible as the albino felt like he would die in the next few minutes. "Want to see some magic then?", the older male asked which surprised the younger male who nodded nevertheless. "Eh? Sure.", Mafumafu answered as the raven-haired male hummed happily before he widened his eyes.

"Oh, forgive my rudeness. Would you like something to drink?", Soraru asked as the younger male shook his head. "N-no, I'm fine.", Mafumafu assured the older male who only nodded.

"D-do you want me to show me your magic trick now?", the younger male asked as the ravenette smiled again before nodding as he looked at the table before he pulled a deck of cards out and shuffled the cards before spread them and held them out to the albino.

"Take one.", Soraru urged him as the younger male complied and chose one of the cards.

"Is he going to tell me what my card is? I never knew that Soraru-san could do magic.", Mafumafu thought. "Now show me your card.", Soraru said as the albino made a confused noise but did as told as he flipped over the card, showing him the Queen of Hearts. "The Queen of Hearts huh? It suits you.", Soraru said with a smile and Mafumafu didn't even know why it affected him, but it did.

Soraru only shuffled through the cards again before picking one himself as he turned the card around to show the albino his card. "It's the Ace of Spades.", Soraru said as he showed the younger male the card as if he needed to prove it to him.

"Now fold your card two times.", the older male instructed as the albino did as told and folded it, seeing that Soraru did the same.

"Now bite it.", Soraru told the younger male who only looked at him in utter confusion. "Maybe Soraru-san is really that drunk after all...", Mafumafu thought as the older male looked at him expectantly. And the albino couldn't do anything else as to comply as he hesitantly bit onto the edge of his folded card as Soraru nodded satisfied.

"Now I will bite on my card as well. Look into my eyes and silently count to 20.", Soraru explained as the younger male nodded slowly, watching the ravenette lift his card to his lips before biting onto it and then focusing his gaze on the albino.

Mafumafu only bit tightly on his card as he felt his blush darken even more if that was even possible. He started to count the twenty seconds after Soraru signaled him to do so as he felt the intense stare, making him want to shrink back.

But he just couldn't back away because it felt as if the older male was keeping him in place with his eyes. Oh, those blue eyes that reminded Mafumafu of the sky. Now he wouldn't be able to think of anything else other than the raven-haired barista whenever he would look at the sky.

Trying to not let himself get distracted, the younger male bit onto the card tightly as he continued counting until he reached 20, signaling the ravenette that he had counted until 20. And as soon as he did, the ravenette nodded as he pulled away and took the card out of his mouth. "Good job.", Soraru praised the younger male with a smile.

"Well, now you might wonder what I did, right? Open your card to see.", Soraru said as Mafumafu nodded and unfolded his card to reveal the Ace of Spades as the albino looked at it in shock before looking at the older male for an explanation who only smiled as he unfolded his card to reveal the Queen of Hearts that Mafumafu had at the very beginning.

"Looks like I stole your heart.", Soraru said with a smile as he held the cards up to his lips and Mafumafu really felt like he was going to die from heat right then and there.

Soraru noticed that the younger male was flustered as he chuckled in amusement before handing the albino the cards. "Here. You can take these home as a souvenir to remember this moment~", Soraru told him as he winked.

"Th-thank you... B-but how did you do that?", Mafumafu asked while trying to calm his blush. "Well, I can't tell you that, can I? After all, a magician never reveals his secret...", Soraru said lowering his voice as he winked at the albino.

"Th-then... will you tell me how long you've been doing this?", Mafumafu asked as the older male thought about it for a bit before answering.

"Hmm.... I guess I have been doing this for a bit. The owner of this shop taught me~ I guess I really did have a lot of time and because I didn't know what to do, I had to try a lot of things~", Soraru answered, laughing lightly.

"Eh? What have you been doing then before becoming a barista?", Mafumafu asked as the older male pondered about it, leaning his cheek on his left hand.

"Hm... Besides coffee art, I also did play a lot of games, did karate, sang in a band as the vocalist and played the guitar... and I picked up magic when I was with the owner who taught me this.

After all, I have to have something up my sleeves so the children won't be scared of me for the expressionless face I usually have on me~", Soraru explained laughing as he pointed at his face while Mafumafu only sat there surprised, looking at the man in front of him.

"And... I guess I also took an interest in flowers...", Soraru trailed off.

And as if to demonstrate something that he said, Soraru reached his hand towards the albino, grazing his cheek slightly as Mafumafu's pale face, which had just returned back to normal, flared up again as the younger male only sat there without moving as he waited for the raven-haired male's next moves.

Soraru's hand lingered there for a bit longer before he reached behind the younger male and then quickly pulled back as Mafumafu could only stare at the older male's right hand in awe which held a white rose with a short stem.

"For you.", Soraru said with a smile as the younger male reached out to it carefully and held it up to his hair with a sheepish smile.

"D-does it suit me?", Mafumafu asked nervously as he looked at the older male bashfully to see that he was looking expressionless which the younger male normally didn't mind.

But in this case, he was worried as he wondered if he did something wrong.

"It does suit you but...", Soraru trailed off as he took the flower back and sat back up straight as he took his left hand, letting it hover over the rose for a second before taking it back off again to reveal a red rose instead of a white one as Mafumafu could only stare at it in disbelief, looking at the ravenette who guided the flower back to his hair and adjusted it so it would stay before leaning back to take a good look at the younger male.

Mafumafu shuffled around nervously as he looked everywhere besides the raven-haired male until he heard the older male chuckle and looked up to see the barista smile at him.

"I knew it. Red suits you a lot. I like it on you.", Soraru complimented as he leaned his cheek on his left hand again, taking his other hand to take a strand of the younger male's white hair as Mafumafu was too flustered to do anything other than staying still.

"A-anyway, it's getting late, isn't it, Soraru-san? I think you should go to sleep soon.", Mafumafu advised as the older male let go of the albino's hair and only hummed slightly.

"I guess so...", the older male agreed as he placed his hand over the younger male's whose face was now so red, it rivaled Sakata's hair. "S-soraru-san? W-what are you doing?", Mafumafu asked as he covered the lower half of his face with his sleeve in an attempt to hide his blush.

Soraru only ignored him as he happily hummed a light tune while moving their hands in a way that ended with their hands being intertwined. "S-soraru-san?! E-eh? Um... Let's get you to your room?", Mafumafu asked as the raven-haired male hummed and stood up, the younger male following suit. The albino looked at their hands, waiting for Soraru to let go.

But the older male just continued on smiling as he only held tighter onto the younger male's hand before leading him to the door connecting the front of the café and the back where either Soraru or Urata always disappeared whenever they wanted to take a break.

Soraru opened the door as he pulled the albino inside before closing the door again as the younger male only stared at the room in awe. Just like the front café, this room was also almost only made out of wood as he could distinguish the light coffee scent again instead of the alcoholic one that he had been surrounded with for the last few hours.

There was a long rectangular wooden desk in the middle of the room as many kinds of coffee beans and such were sprawled on it as Mafumafu could already picture them having worked a lot with them.

Before the albino could look at the room more closely though, the older male had already pulled him further into the room before they arrived at another door which Soraru opened to reveal some space before there were some stairs leading up as Soraru pulled the younger male with him, walking the stairs up.

They continued walking in silence as Mafumafu tried not to think too much of the warmth he got from his left hand that was being held by the older male. And soon, they arrived at the second floor as Soraru let go, making Mafumafu secretly wish for the same warmth as before to come back. The ravenette turned around to the albino before bowing in a joking manner before he spoke up.

"Welcome to the secret second floor of ours~ Now follow me so I can show you where to sleep.", Soraru said as the younger male giggled and nodded before following the older male down the hallway until they reached the end as the ravenette opened the door right to him, standing there as he motioned for Mafumafu to go in first which he did. Stepping inside, Mafumafu could see that, just like the whole coffee shop, this room was also mostly made out of wood.

There was a bed standing on the right sight of the room as a table stood in front of the window in the back and a close standing opposite from the bed. Other than that, there were countless of books stacked in different shells and an acoustic guitar standing against the wall.

The guitar standing out the most to Mafumafu, he walked up to it as he picked it up and looked at it in curiosity. "Did you continue playing after quitting the band, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as he strummed the guitar lightly.

"I stopped. This was just a present from my friends which they saved money for so they could give it to me. It ended up staying with me for a longer time though...", Soraru explained while he was taking off his apron and threw it on to the next chair.

Being too lazy to change into anything comfortable right now, Soraru merely unbuttoned some of the buttons of his shirt before flopping himself down on his bed and lying there for a minute as he watched the younger male in amusement who continued on admiring the guitar.

"Getting attached to my guitar, huh?", Soraru asked jokingly as the albino blushed and quickly set it down again, softly apologizing which made the older male chuckle.

"That's fine and all but do you mind coming here for a bit? I think I have a headache...", the older male muttered as Mafumafu nodded as he immediately rushed to the ravenette with a worried expression.

"Are you alright, Soraru-san? Do you need me to bring you water?", the younger male asked and he reached out to the older male in worry as Soraru took this chance to take the albino by the wrist and pull him down with him.

Mafumafu only let out a surprised shriek as he closed his eyes on instinct, opening them again after a minute only to find himself lying next to the older male, his face being buried inside the ravenette's chest. It took him another whole minute until he finally realized what just happened as for the nth time this night, his face exploded into a dark red.

"S-soraru-san? P-please let go.", Mafumafu pleaded softly as he tried to pull away which only resulted in him getting pulled more into the hug as the ravenette buried his face into the albino's hair,
making the younger male's face get even darker.

"You're warm and I like hugging you so stay?", Soraru asked even though it sounded like the older male wouldn't let go anyway even if Mafumafu declined. The albino laid still, not doing anything as he only put his hands on the other male's chest. "Now go to sleep so you can wake up early enough tomorrow~", Soraru told him as the albino only nodded before hesitantly closing his eyes.

"G-good night, Soraru-san.", Mafumafu said as the older male hummed contently as he pulled the younger male closer which made the albino smell the scent of alcohol.

But under that he could make out the coffee scent mixed with some light lavender and he decided that he loved this kind of scent from now on.

"Mhm, good night, Mafumafu.", Soraru said before his breathing evened out, signaling the albino that he was asleep. His grip slowly loosened as Mafumafu could now go if he tried.

But instead, the albino blushed, ashamed of himself, and merely snuggled closer as Soraru responded by tightening his grip again.

Despite Mafumafu being nervous and flustered about sleeping in the arms of his crush, he felt strangely secure and at ease at the same time.

It was so odd. He guessed that Soraru is and would always be the only one who could make him feel this way.

And so, with the warmth the albino received from the raven-haired male and with the security he felt by being held in Soraru's arms, Mafumafu's eyes slowly grew heavier as he slowly fell into a deep slumber, drifting off into his dreams, hoping to meet the older male there again.

Fooo, another chapter done! So, to explain why I suddenly made that magic scene ww I really love magic and was watching a lot of magicians so I suddenly got the inspiration to write a scene like this with a magic trick www

Also, if you think Soraru acted almost like he always did, I tried to not make him like the despair disease Soraru but just a Soraru who is smiling the whole time ww Anyways, that's all I wanted to say~ Hope you guys enjoyed and see you in the next chapter! Oyasuminyasai~

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