One Cup of Coffee to win your Heart Part 6 (Soramafu & Urasaka)

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Pairings: Soraru (Barista) x Mafumafu (University Student), Urata (Barista) x Sakata (University Student)
Genre: Fluff

Café au
We all got to see drunk Soraru last chapter ww But what happens the next day huh ww Well, let's see it~ Also no proofreading as always ww


To say that Soraru was shocked when he woke up was an understatement. Feeling some more warmth than usually had confused the ravenette. And for some reason, he could move less than usually, wondering if the bed suddenly shrunk. His head also hurt a lot as Soraru only groaned.

"Ugh, damn, I shouldn't have drunk too much even with Kuro urging me to...", Soraru complained in his head before opening his eyes sleepily. What he didn't expect to see when he woke up was a mop of white hair buried in his chest.

Blinking a few times, Soraru moved a bit as the white mop started moving making some sleepy sounds but nothing else.

And as it shifted, Soraru could make out a face before realizing what it was. It took Soraru a minute until he finally realized in what situation he was in right now as he felt his face heating up before he slightly panicked innerly.

"Mafumafu? What is he doing here?! And why is he sleeping here? Wait, did we—", Soraru cut himself off as he pulled the blankets slightly down to see that he was still wearing the same clothes as he did yesterday, sighing out in relief.

"Why the hell is he here though... All I remember is me drinking and then someone coming over to deal with me... And—", before Soraru could think more about the day before he felt the albino stirring before he slowly woke up as he looked up confused to see the older male.

It also took him a bit before he remembered what happened as his face exploded into a dark red as he squeaked, pushing himself away from the raven-haired male which resulted in him falling off the bed. "Hya!", the albino exclaimed when he fell.

"Mafumafu?", Soraru called out, worried for the younger male as he got off the bed to help the albino up. "A-ah, no need to help me, Soraru-san!", the younger male assured him as he tried to stand up but slipped again as he tried to grip something which would help him gain balance again which just happened to be Soraru.

Unfortunately, the raven-haired male didn't expect this as he also lost balance before falling forward with Mafumafu, the two of them screaming slightly as they did.

The older male reacted quick enough though as he slammed his hands on the floor so he wouldn't suffocate the poor albino underneath him. Soraru groaned before he looked down on the younger male to see if he was alright.

"You alright? Does anything hurt?", Soraru asked, looking at the albino whose face was bright red. "E-Eh? I-I'm fine!", Mafumafu assured the older male. There was a short silence as neither of them said anything before it was the albino who spoke up.

"U-um, Soraru-san? Don't you want to get off?", Mafumafu asked, his voice timid as the raven-haired male only hummed in response.

"I should probably do that huh...", he said as he still didn't make any attempts to get off though which ended up with the two of them looking into each other's eyes. And the older male couldn't help but let his gaze trail off to the albino's lips.

They looked soft and it made the older male want to take the younger male right then and there. Mafumafu noticed where the older male was looking as his blush darkened.

"S-soraru-san?", he called out the older male, though his voice was merely above a whisper. "...Yes?", the ravenette asked.

"A-am I imagining it or are you getting closer?", the albino asked as there was a short pause before the raven-haired male answered.

"...I wonder.", Soraru responded. Was it the headache that caused him to act this weirdly? Was it the alcohol from the day before? Was it his sleepiness that got to him? Or was this all just a dream which made him act like this? Soraru didn't know but he couldn't care less.

And Mafumafu didn't do anything as he laid still, letting the ravenette do what he wanted to do as he waited in anticipation.

A loud thud ripped them out of their trance as the door was slammed open to reveal an annoyed brunet in his usual uniform.

"Why the hell are you so loud in the morning, Soraru?! You...", Urata stopped talking when he saw the two lying in front of him, looking at them with a blank expression as they also stayed still, too shocked to do anything.

It was Urata who made the first move as he pulled out his phone and snapped a picture before putting it away again as both Soraru's and Mafumafu's face flared up when they realized what the brunet just did. "I left breakfast downstairs and will take the morning shift as always. You guys have fun with what you're doing~", Urata said before he closed the door behind him again.

Soraru immediately got up after that as he straightened his clothes before reaching his hand out to the albino who took it before he was getting pulled up.

"Anyways, there is a bathroom down this hallway on the right. You can freshen up before going downstairs and have breakfast.", Soraru informed the younger male who merely waved his hands.

"A-ah, it's fine! I wouldn't want to bother you!", Mafumafu said as the ravenette shook his head. "From what I recall, you took care of me while I was drunk so this is the least we could do to repay you. Thank you for going through this just because Sakata asked you to.", Soraru thanked the albino as he bowed slightly.

"I-it's really nothing to thank me for! A-anyways, I will go make myself a bit more presentable before coming downstairs then.", Mafumafu said as the older male nodded in response.

The albino then left the room as he searched for the bathroom, finding it just like where Soraru told him to. He quickly washed his face, splashed the cold water on it to cool himself down and combed through his hair to make it look presentable before taking a last look at his reflection, nodding before he left the bathroom again and walked down.

Soraru was standing at another table as he was brewing some coffee at the moment, not noticing the albino at first.

Mafumafu looked at the table to see a basket of fresh bread, a plate of ham, salami and cheese and some jars filled with different kind of jams.

Upon walking closer, Soraru turned around because he heard some footsteps as he motioned for the albino to sit down before placing a mug of coffee in front of the younger male.

"If you need more sugar, just tell me. I already put in two cubes of sugar though because I figured that you liked it sweeter.", Soraru informed the albino who nodded thanking the older male before they started eating in silence. No one said anything until they were halfway finished with the food.

"It's 8 am already huh...", Soraru muttered when he looked at the clock hanging on the wall. "E-eh, do you have to do something? I can go if you want to!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the older male shook his head.

"No, I just thought that you might want to go soon in case you have classes.", Soraru told the younger male as the albino wondered how considerate this man could be.

"A-ah, don't worry about it, Soraru-san! My classes are canceled for this week so I have time... I am pretty much not doing anything besides writing music.", Mafumafu admitted as he scratched his cheek sheepishly. "I see...", Soraru said as the albino tilted his head confused.

"Is something wrong, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked. "You said you were free, right?", the raven-haired asked to make sure. "Eh? Yes.", Mafumafu answered nodding.

"...I have some business to attend to in town. Buying more ingredients and such. And there is a small music store which has some antiques that might interest you.

Want to go there with me?", Soraru asked as it took a whole minute for the albino to understand what happened before he widened his eyes and a blush settled on his face. "Eh?"


The sound of a bell resonated through the room as the door opened and a familiar red-haired male stepped inside the coffee shop with a bright smile. "Welcome to Haru no Sakura.", a brunet greeted him as he bowed surprising the younger male as the older male never greeted him this way ever since the first time he was here.

Nevertheless, he continued to smile happily as he walked up to the counter to place his usual order. "I'd like one—".

"One caramel macchiato with extra cream, extra caramel, extra syrup, additional chocolate sauce, chocolate sprinkles, double caramel, more whipped cream and a lot of chocolate powder on the cream.", Urata said as he went to make the order without any other complaint, startling the redhead.

"Eh? Yes...", Sakata said nodding. He soon got his order as he was about to take out his wallet and pay the older male before he was stopped. "No need to. This one is on the house.", Urata explained as the redhead looked at him confused.

"Eh? Why?", the redhead asked tilting his head as the older male flinched before sighing and scratching his cheek, looking away.

"Well... thanks to you bringing someone who took care of Soraru, I could go and help my friend... I really had to go and you helped me out so... take this as me thanking you...", Urata explained with a small blush as the younger male blinked a few times before a bright smile settled on his face.

"Thank you for this then, Urata-san! I will make sure to remember this moment forever!", Sakata exclaimed as the older male clicked his tongue. "That's weird so don't.", the older male said as the younger male only laughed lightly in response.

"Is Mafudon still here? He stayed the night here, right?", Sakata asked as a grin appeared on Urata's face as soon as the red-haired male mentioned that. "Yeah... and thanks to that I finally got new blackmail material again~

So thanks a lot~", Urata thanked them younger male again who was surprised by how the brunet's attitude changed.

"Ehh.... What happened?", Sakata asked curiously as the brunet looked at him as if he wondered if he should say it or not before showing the redhead his phone, showing a picture of Soraru hovering above Mafumafu. "Ehh?! W-what happened?!", Sakata asked shocked as he leaned on closer to take a good look at the picture.

"Ahaha... if Ama-chan sees this, Mafudon will...", Sakata only trailed off as the brunet raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"Well, I also got this here thanks to you.", Urata said as he turned his phone back to him, searching for the picture before he turned it back to the younger male, showing a picture of the albino and ravenette lying in a bed together, sleeping peacefully.

Sakata looked at it for a second before his face turned red as he shouted out in surprise.

"What happened to the Mafudon who always was afraid to even get closer than one meter to people?! Ah, I habe to tell Ama-chan this! Uwah, but if I do that then Mafudon will get a good scolding from him and I just know he will get me back for this...", Sakata mumbled to himself as he ruffled his own hair in frustration.

"Well, you can use it as blackmail material if you need to~ I would be even willing to send it to you~", Urata said grinning as he waved his phone back and forth.

"I would never blackmail Mafudon, Urata-san! After all, unlike Ama-chan and Mafudon, I am no natural psychopath!", Sakata exclaimed.

"But please still send it to me, I need something to tease Mafudon about if he decides to pull some pranks on me.", the redhead said.

"You're probably just as bad as them but I always welcome chaos between friends so I will still send it to you.", Urata said as he tapped some things on his phone before humming and putting it away. "Done.", he said as the younger male grinned.

"Thanks, Urata-san! Ah, I have to go now before I get scolded for coming late! See you tomorrow, Urata-san!", Sakata said as he ran to the door, ready to spring to his class until he was stopped by getting called by the brunet.

"Wait!", Urata said as the younger male turned around as he looked at the older male in confusion and curiosity.

"What is it, Urata-san?", Sakata asked as the brunet scratched his cheek, averting his gaze which made the red-haired male even more curious. "Well, um... I told you that I went to my friend that needed my help, right?", Urata asked as the younger male nodded in response, waiting for the older male to continue explaining.

"Well... for some reason, he decided to thank me now for everything and all... so he gave me these tickets for an amusement park. And because I kinda needed to thank you and you look like someone who enjoys those kinds of things, I thought that we could go together if you'd want to...", Urata trailed off as he snapped when he saw the redhead not responding and just standing there in awe.

"I can just ask someone else to take them if you don't want them though!", Urata shouted suddenly annoyed which snapped the red-haired male out of his daze. "E-eh?! No! I would love to go to the amusement park!", Sakata exclaimed.

"G-good.", the brunet said as he looked away again as the redhead nodded smiling.

"When is it?", Sakata asked. "Huh? Well, we can go whenever honestly but if you want to see the special attractions they have on that day, it will be this Saturday.", Urata answered as the younger male hummed, thinking about it before nodding.

"I see! Let's go there this Saturday then! We can discuss more details over the phone!", Sakata exclaimed as the older nodded.

"Mhm, oh, you should probably go soon and get your scolding.", the brown-haired barista said as the redhead tilted his head confused, looking up at the clock confused when he saw the older male pointing at it, his face growing pale when he saw that he was going to be late.

"Ahh! Help! Ahh! I-I'll get going then! Talk to you later, Urata-san!", Sakata said, waving at the brunet quickly before rushing out of the café, leaving Urata back alone at the front store.

There was a short minute of silence before a light laughter filled that silence, ringing throughout the café. "He really is an idiot.

God, I have to tease him more, it's amusing~", Urata chirped, an image of the redhead's troubled face crossing through his mind which caused the brunet to snicker again before a picture of the red-haired male smiling brightly, suddenly crossed his mind as the brown-haired male stopped laughing as he unconsciously smiled softly.

"Cute~", Urata said to himself before he realized what he just said and blushed as he slammed the counter in front of him in embarrassment.

"What am I even saying?! He's not cute. He's just a moron! A stupid, idiotic, dog-like moron!", Urata shouted, trying to calm himself down.

It was at that point when he suddenly remembered the conversation between his two female friends about love.


"Love is a truly wonderful thing, right? Like you can't help but think about them and want to spend more time with them~ And whenever they are close to you, you get all nervous and feel all weird and tingly~ Hah... I wish I could experience it someday...", a blonde female said as a short blonde grinned and hugged her friend.

"Well, until then you have us! And if you won't experience it, it's fine too~ We can all just form a club of singles!", she exclaimed as her friend laughed lightly.

"Oi, don't pull us into this.", a raven-haired male said as a brunet rolled his eyes. "I mean, it's not like you will get a girlfriend anyway, Soraru. You are way to picky and just reject everyone so you can just die old alone, old man.", the brunet said which got him a glare from the male.

"First, I'm only one year older than you and second, at least I am taller than you and can reach the highest shelves.", Soraru said which aggravated the shorter male. "I swear I will find more blackmail and then you will regret saying this to me.", Urata grumbled as the two of them started bickering again until they hear a light laughter again, turning around to the blonde female who only gave them a soft smile before speaking up again.

"Well, I hope that all of us will someday find our special someone who can make us feel this way.", she said as the other blonde female squealed before hugging the other female.

"Lon-chan is just such a precious angel~! I want to find someone like you in my life!", she chirped as the other female giggled, hugging her friend back. "Me too! I'm sure we will all find someone! Someday for sure!", she exclaimed as everyone else hummed in agreement before they continued walking back home.

The sun setting behind them as their laughter rang throughout the whole place.


Urata covered the lower half of his face with the back of his hand, trying to stop his blush.

"Damn it... there is no way... there is no way that I would fall for this idiot... My type is a cute girl who is good at cooking and funny... Not this sugar loving idiot! So why won't he get out of my damn head?!", Urata asked himself as he ruffled his hair.

A few more minutes passed before his phone suddenly vibrated, the older male recognizing that it was the red-haired male who had messaged him.

Sakata: Got scolded and am now standing out of the classroom as a punishment (';ω;') But at least I get to talk to Urata-san later so I am happy! (๑>◡<๑) Ah! Gotta go now before someone takes my phone away! See you later!

Reading this message, Urata only groaned as he crouched down, covering his face with both of his hands. "I can't believe it... No way... and with this idiot too...", Urata muttered to himself as he only muttered some more inaudible words to himself.

Urata denied it heartily, called the younger male an idiot and insulting him to hide that fact.

But in the end, the brown-haired male couldn't escape the one and only truth that there was.

That stupid, idiotic, dog-like moron that he always insulted, was the only one who could have ever made him feel this way and he also was the brown-haired barista's very first love.

And another chapter done~ This time it was evenly split up so that each ship would be evenly in here~ Anyways, next chapters will be about their "dates" ww Looking forward for write it ww I will go sleep, now that I'm finally done so Oyasuminyasai~

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