One Cup of Coffee to win your Heart Part 7 (Soramafu & Urasaka)

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Pairings: Soraru (Barista) x Mafumafu (University Student), Urata (Barista) x Sakata (University Student)
Genre: Fluff

Café au
Date date haya haya haya haya date date haya haya date~ Date date haya haya haya haya date date haya haya darling~ Now who gets which song reference this is ww I really don't know what note to put at the beginning anymore ww Anyways, enjoy the chapter~ No proofreading again ww


The chattering of the people filled the town as an albino and a raven-haired male walked through the town next to each other.

It was a warm and sunny day, the sky being as blue as ever as if it wanted to make this a wonderful day for the two of them.

Honestly, Mafumafu had never been that much in the town before as he was usually always holed up in his dorm only going outside whenever his friends dragged him outside.

The albino had to admit that it was kind of nice being here for once but couldn't help but feel slightly nervous because he wasn't used to be in a crowd of people. And it soon got worse when he slowly lost his sight of Soraru as he was making sure to not bump into people.

Soon he couldn't see the raven-haired male in front of him anymore as his panic increased and he sped up, to try and find him again. "S-soraru-san? Where are you? Soraru-sa—"

"Yes yes, I'm here.", the older male said as the albino felt himself getting pulled back by the wrist lightly and looked behind to see the raven-haired male panting slightly as he crouched down slightly to catch his breath.

"You could have waited for me, you know? You just started walking so quickly all of a sudden.", Soraru explained as the albino looked down in embarrassment as he mumbled an apology.

"It's fine. Let's just get going.", Soraru said as he was about to let go which panicked the younger male. Mafumafu felt nervous all the time ever since they started walking through this town.

But being close to the older male like this, made the albino feel at ease. So he did the thing that made the most sense to him at that time and grabbed the raven-haired male's hand with both of his hands, startling the older male.

"Anything wrong?", he asked as Mafumafu realized what he just did, stuttering some words before finally forming a whole sentence. "U-um, I-I'm sorry... I feel a bit nervous being here with so many people a-and holding your hand calmed me down... I-I'm so sorry!", Mafumafu apologized as he let go again, only for the older male to pull his hand again, startling the younger male.

"S-soraru-san?", the albino asked, looking at the raven-haired male in confusion.

"You felt nervous, right? If something like this calms you down, then I will be willing to help. After all, it was kind of my fault for inviting you to go with me.", Soraru said. "I-it's fine! I-I think I can handle this!", Mafumafu assured the older male who looked like he didn't believe him.

"If you could have handled it, you wouldn't have looked so panicked while walking here, right? Let's just go before we are here forever.", Soraru said before he walked ahead, pulling the albino with him. Mafumafu only followed him, close behind the older male as he looked at their hands, a light blush covering his face.

This was the second time that the two of them were holding hands now. The first time was in the cafe where Soraru got drunk and the second time was today. Thinking about this, Mafumafu's blush worsened as he decided to concentrate on something else to calm himself down.

The raven-haired male was looking ahead, making sure that they wouldn't bump into people, occasionally greeting some people back who greeted him before concentrating on walking ahead again. All the while, neither of the two talked to each other.

But Mafumafu didn't mind as the silence didn't necessarily make him feel uncomfortable. Soon, the amount of people finally decreased as they got to a more secluded area of the town.

After a few more minutes, they arrived in front of a small store, reminding the albino a bit of the coffee shop that Urata and Soraru worked in. Soraru gently opened the door, pulling the albino inside before the door closed behind them.

As soon as he stepped inside, someone spotted them as they got behind the counter and gave them a smile. And as soon as Mafumafu saw her giving a smile to Soraru, he suddenly felt as if those two were in a relationship.

They somehow even looked like a good match in his eyes. Before Mafumafu could drown himself in his own self doubt, she spoke up as the albino got confused when the voice was way lower than he expected it to be.

"Aniki! Welcome again!", they exclaimed as Mafumafu's face showed visible confusion. Soraru noticed this while the person only looked at the albino in curiosity.

"Are~ Aniki brought someone with him for the first time? Who is this?", they asked as they swayed back and forth as Soraru sighed before deciding to introduce them to each other.

"This is Mafumafu. A customer from our café. Mafumafu, this is Nqrse. An underclassman of mine in high school who is working at this store which sells coffee beans, tea leaves and such.", Soraru explained as the albino nodded in response.

The raven-haired male noticed that Mafumafu was still confused about something as he decided to answer his silent question.

"Nqrse is a guy.", the ravenette said as the pink-haired male grinned in response as he spun one time before bowing.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mafumafu-san! Aniki never brings anyone over usually so this is new~", Nqrse chirped laughing as the older male only gave him a glare, silently telling him to shut up as the pink-haired only rolled his eyes in a playful manner before calming down a bit.

"So what do you need from here today~?", the pink-haired male asked. "We are running out of coffee beans so I am here to buy some new ones. Just give me the usual ones.", Soraru answered.

"Ehh~ You need coffee beans again? Did you use them to test some new coffees again?", Nqrse asked as he walked up from behind his counter and walked to one of the shelves, looking at them before picking out some sacks, placing them on the table. "These just arrived this morning~

By the way, Mafumafu-san, you can look around here and see if you like anything~ This might take a bit~", the pink-haired male informed them as Soraru nodded.

"You can see if you like anything.", Soraru said as the albino nodded before looking around the store. There were many shelves with a lot of different kinds of things like tea bags, tea leaves, coffee beans, utensils you needed to make either tea or coffee and a lot more.

Mafumafu did like coffee but he loved tea as well as he decided to explore the tea section more, taking interest in the colorful paper bags filled with different kinds of tea leaves.

The light scent made its way to him as the albino breathed it in delighted. He had a hard time to choose but in the end, he took a pink bag of berry tea as he looked at the contents for one last time before heading back to the counter where Soraru and Nqrse were already done, the pink-haired male putting some small sacks of coffee into a box.

They saw Mafumafu coming over with the paper bag as Soraru took the bag.

"Is that what you want to buy?", Soraru asked as the albino nodded in response. "Mhm! I love tea too so I thought about buying this because I haven't seen these kinds of teas around here yet! I will make sure to come here again to buy and try more!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the pink-haired male smiled brightly in response.

"You're always welcome to come back! It's a nice change to have people like you coming too! Anyways, this will all be 3500 yen~", Nqrse chirped as he turned towards Soraru who pulled out his wallet and paid.

"How much is the tea?", Mafumafu asked as he pulled out his wallet as well, only to be stopped by both Nqrse and Soraru.

"You don't need to. Aniki/I already paid.", they both said in unison as the albino looked at them surprised before his expression turned troubled. "Eh?! I can't let you pay for me, Soraru-san!

You already let me have your coffee and cake for free and let me have breakfast at your place! I couldn't possibly let you pay this as well!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Nqrse was slightly surprised hearing this before it soon turned into a mischievous smirk.

"Eh~ So Aniki did all of that? For precious little Mafumafu-san here~?", he asked in a teasing manner as the raven-haired male only glared at him again before taking the box and the paper bag, handing the bag over to Mafumafu before heading to the door. "We're going then. Have a nice day.", Soraru said as the albino couldn't do anything other than follow the older male.

"Yes yes~ Well, I hope to see you guys again soon! Bye bye~", Nqrse said as he waved at them cheerfully, the albino waving back while Soraru merely walked out of the shop.

"S-soraru-san...", Mafumafu called out to the older male who hummed in response. "Please let me pay you back!", the albino said as Soraru only shook his head. "I already said that you didn't need to, right? It's fine.", the raven-haired male said as the albino still didn't let himself be convinced.

"I feel guilty about you just paying these things for me or giving me things for free!", Mafumafu exclaimed. "Then... there is something that I do want to have.", the raven-haired barista said after a while. "Really? Tell me then!", the younger male exclaimed. "You said you compose songs and sing, right? I want to hear you sing one of them for me sometime.", Soraru answered as the albino looked at the older male surprised.

"Eh? B-but I don't sing that well and my songs aren't that good... I don't think they'd be another to pay back for what you gave to me.", Mafumafu said as the older male only shook his head in response. "That's all I want honestly.

I don't really have anything I want and I don't really need you to pay me back. Also, I really want to know how you sing.

So would you be so kind and fulfill this request of mine?", the raven-haired male asked as the albino looked down in slight embarrassment before he nodded. "I-if Soraru-san really wants to then I will sing for you sometime and send you some songs maybe...", Mafumafu said as the other male hummed satisfied.

"Great. Just send me one if you have one done then.", Soraru said as the albino nodded. "Let's go to the music store next then.

There is a nice one close to this store here.", the older male explained to the younger male as he walked ahead again with the albino following close after him. "I wonder though... why does Soraru-san want to go to the music store? Does he have any business there?", Mafumafu asked curiously as the older male shook his head.

"Not really.", he answered as the albino tilted his head confused in response. "Then why are we going there?", Mafumafu asked as the raven-haired male stayed silent for a bit before answering.

"Because you like music, don't you? So I thought you might like it there.", Soraru explained which shocked the younger male.

Soraru only continued walking, not noticing how much his words had affected the younger male while the albino felt a blush form on his face.

This man in front of him had done so much for him already despite them only having known each other for a short amount of time.

Soraru was so kind to him despite them only having spent a small amount of time together. Mafumafu was reminded of his feelings again as he looked down on his paper bag of tea with a small smile, remembering what had just happened.

"Ah... I really do love Soraru-san...", Mafumafu thought to himself.

Suddenly, the raven-haired male stopped walking which caused the albino to bump into his back. Mafumafu looked at the older male confused as the raven-haired male turned around with a small blush on his face.

"...Did you just?", Soraru asked not finishing the question as the albino was still confused for a bit before he realized that he must have said his sentence aloud as his face grew red as well.

And at that moment, Mafumafu realized that he might have made the biggest mistake of his life and ruined their relationship in only one minute.


"Urata-san! Let's go to this roller coaster again!"

"Urata-san, let's go to this ride next!"

"Urata-san, I wanna try this out!"

"Urata-san! Let's go to the carousel next! It looks fun and I—", before the redhead could say anything more, the brunet had already interrupted him annoyed.

"Oh, hell no! I am not going to go on a freaking carousel with you! That is for children and we are basically adults now!", Urata reminded the younger male who looked at the older male with wide eyes. "B-but Urata-san! It is a carousel! It has horses! Horses!", the younger male exclaimed as the brunet covered his ears.

"Stop shouting!", he shouted. "But you are shouting too, Urata-san!", Sakata argued as the older male flinched. "Shut up! Anyways, I'm tired from you dragging me around everywhere! We're going to take a break now! I'm hungry!", Urata said as he walked ahead, the red-haired male trailing closely behind the older male.

They soon arrived at a McDonalds that was in the amusement park as they sat down on a table, standing in front of the store.

"Wait here. I'll go buy something. Anything you want?", Urata asked as he looked at the brunet, thinking for a bit before answering.

"Hm... then... I want a double cheeseburger! And... how about we share some fries?", Sakata asked as the brunet agreed before walking inside. The redhead happily hummed a small tune to himself while waiting for the older male to come back as he was having a lot of fun and couldn't wait for the brunet to come back as he swung his legs.

Soon, the brunet came back with a tray as he placed it down in the middle of the table before sitting down. He gave Sakata the burger, some fries and a coke as the redhead smiled.

"Thanks! How much was it?", Sakata asked as he attempted to pull out his wallet.

But the older male only stopped him which confused the younger male.

"Nah, you don't have to. This is for the blackmail material you got me.", Urata said as the redhead only smiled before nodding. "Alright! Thank you, Urata-san! I will make sure to treat you to some food sometime too!", Sakata exclaimed.

"Like I said—". "Anyways, thanks for the food!", the younger male shouted as he started eating. Urata only sighed before starting to eat his food as well, taking his burger out of the wrapper before biting into it. They started eating as the two of them had some light conversation while doing so.

"And then—", Sakata cut himself off as he stared behind the brunet surprised.

Urata was confused as he looked behind him to see what the redhead was staring at so intently before his eyes widened as well.

A purple-haired male and a blond male were walking through the amusement park, hands intertwined as they talked to each other happily. "Mashi/Senra-kun?!", they both exclaimed shocked before looking at each other.

"Wait, you know that blond guy that is having this date with Mashi?", Urata asked as the younger male nodded. "Yes... he's my friend. Wait, so the guy Senra-kun always talked about and such was your friend? Mashi?", Sakata asked.

"Yeah... his name is actually Shima but Mashi is the nickname I have for him. But more importantly... our friends just walked through this amusement park, going on a date... Do you know what that means?", Urata asked as he looked at the redhead who tilted his head.

"That we can be happy and think it's funny that there is such a coincidence?", Sakata asked. "Well, maybe that too. But what I mean is... we are going to follow them and find some potential blackmail~", Urata chirped as he stood up.

"Eh?! Urata-san, what's with you and blackmail all the time?", the redhead asked sweat-dropping. "Sakata, there is always a need for blackmail~ Especially when your friend is freaking annoying!", Urata said gritting his teeth as he was about to go and follow them.

But he was stopped by the younger male who caught his hand with both of his hands. "H-how about we let them have their date in peace? After all, he was the one who gave you the free tickets, right?", Sakata reminded the older male, trying to convince the brunet to not do this.

Urata wanted to pull his hand out of the younger male's grip to go to them.

They were still close to them and haven't spotted them yet so there was still some time. But after he looked at the redhead's face, wide big eyes staring at him in a pleading manner, the older male felt his face heat up as he only sighed in the end.

He only pulled his phone out as he quickly snapped a picture of Shima and Senra before putting it away. "I guess this will suffice... Anyways, we should go before they see us. I don't feel like talking to them now.", Urata said as he walked away as Sakata laughed and quickly followed the other male.

They walked around the amusement park, trying out some new rides, doing many kinds of attractions, visiting some shows that were there for the day. They also played a lot of games which could be played at the booths where Urata won Sakata a dog plushie.

But don't get Urata wrong. He didn't do it because he wanted to give something to Sakata. He did it because he just wanted to get away from the booth after Sakata had tried to get that plushie for numerous times.

And so, their day almost came to an end as the sun was setting down, Urata and Sakata walking next to each other, the younger male hugging his plushie happily to himself, having something to remember this day.

"Thanks for taking me here today, Urata-san! I had a lot of fun today!", Sakata exclaimed. "No problem. But the day is not over yet. There is one more attraction that they had today.", Urata said as Sakata tilted his head confused.

"Really? What is it?", the redhead asked as he followed the brunet, the older male not saying anything until they reached their last destination which was a grand ferry wheel.

"A ferry wheel? Isn't it usually couples who would go in here together?", Sakata asked himself as he was about to ask Urata who already walked ahead to stand in line.

Even though this was an attraction, most people had already left because they were probably really exhausted, so Urata and Sakata didn't have to wait too long before they could get into their wagon. The doors closed with a small click before they ascended.

The two of them were sitting across from each other as Sakata only placed his hands on the glass panel looking at the town under him in excitement. "Look, Urata-san! I think I can see your coffee shop from here!", Sakata exclaimed as the brunet only hummed, looking out of the window as well to see where the redhead was pointing at.

"Oh, you're right.", Urata merely said as the younger male hummed before pointing at a building close to the café.

"Look look! This is the where me and Mafudon live! It's really close to your coffee shop!", Sakata said. They soon arrived at the very top and just as they arrived at the highest point, the wagon stopped as the red-haired male looked at the brunet confused. "Eh? Why did it stop?", Sakata asked before his face grew pale.

"Oh no... did we get stuck in here?!", he asked as Urata covered his ears in reflex. "No, calm down you idiot! This is just the attraction that they did. Just wait and see.", Urata told the younger male who stopped panicking and nodded.

"Eh? Alright?", Sakata said as he looked out of the window after the brunet signaling him to, noticing that the sun had disappeared already as the lights of the buildings were switched on which showed them a beautiful new sight.

Sakata only stared at it in awe as he felt Urata shifting closer as well to get a better look at the scenery under them. There was a short silence as neither of them said anything, only enjoying the sight in front of them.

And before they knew it, they could hear some small sounds which gradually grew louder as Sakata looked at the brunet confused who told him to shift his attention outside again which the redhead did.

And when he did, his eyes widened in surprise when he suddenly saw some small lights flying up to the sky which exploded there as they bloomed, showing the two of them many colorful flowers which were also called fireworks.

"They're beautiful...", Sakata said quietly as he continued watching them, not noticing the glance that he got from Urata before he answered. "Yeah... they are.", the brunet agreed before the two of them continued to watch them together.

The many colorful fireworks continued to show up on the sky as neither of them said anything and simply adored them. Both of them got lost in their thought before a simple thought suddenly crossed their minds. Feeling the need to say it, they both spoke up at the same time.

"Hey/Um!", they stopped as they looked at each other in slight confusion. "You can go first, Urata-san!", Sakata exclaimed as the brunet scratched his head and shook his head.

"You go first.", the brunet argued as the redhead shook his head. "No no it's fine! Urata-san should go first!", Sakata insisted.

"Ugh, you're so annoying! Just spit it out already!", Urata shouted.

They continued arguing as the fireworks still lightened you in front of them.

Finally, the last firework was set into the sky as Urata had enough and decided to speak up first. And it seemed that Sakata had the same thought as he spoke up as well.

"Sakata, you stupid idiot, I—/Urata-san, you know? I—", the last few fireworks reached the sky exploding there as many beautiful flowers bloomed, their words being drowned as if it was to make sure that only the two of them would be able to hear each other despite them being alone.

And with that, without minding anything else besides each other, Urata and Sakata both finished their sentence in unison as the last firework was set into the sky, a large red and green flower blooming.

"I think I have fallen for you!"

Confession scenes are not my strong points I think ww Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter~ I am happy I got to finish this chapter ww Anyways, Oyasuminyasai~

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