One Cup of Coffee to win your Heart Part 8 (Soramafu & Urasaka)

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Pairings: Soraru (Barista) x Mafumafu (University Student), Urata (Barista) x Sakata (University Student)
Genre: Fluff

Café au
Urata and Sakata both confessed to each other. Mafumafu accidentally confessed to Soraru. Soraru is confused. Mikoto is also confused. No proofreading? Mikoto maybe being slightly light-headed when she wrote this which is why it might not make sense? Let's go!


It had been a week ever since that day. Despite confessing to each other, Sakata and Urata were still acting like usually with each other except for some occasional hand holding and blushing here and there. The two of them may have confessed to each other but they were still too nervous to do something like kissing as they had never done it before and didn't want to take it too fast.

Even so, the two of them were content with what they had at the moment as they decided to enjoy this for now. Their relationship got closer as they were now together.

This was the exact opposite of what happened to Soraru and Mafumafu after the albino's accidental confession. After the younger male had accidentally confessed to the raven-haired male, Mafumafu had quickly apologized before running off, leaving the raven-haired barista back alone.

After that, the albino hadn't come to the coffee shop anymore, making the ravenette question if everything was alright.

He was wondering if the albino was alright. And after remembering, that they had exchanged phone numbers, the ravenette decided to send the younger male a message, asking if he was alright before asking him what the albino meant when he suddenly confessed to the older male.

Mafumafu had only responded with several apologies but didn't explain anything further as Soraru was only left confused. This continued on until even Urata and Sakata noticed that something was wrong with their friend. And in the end, Urata had enough of this.

"Ugh, he is so annoying. The last few days he had only been staring into space and messed up the coffees! Yesterday, he spilled his coffee on me! He was lucky that it was cooled down already... I would have killed him if it was hot coffee I swear!", Urata shouted as he made Sakata's usual order. "Mafudon had also been acting ever since that day. Poor him feeling insecure after he conf— ah!", Sakata clasped a hand over his mouth as the brunet narrowed his eyes.

"What?", Urata asked as the redhead only smiled nervously as he took his drink, trying to avoid the question. "Ahh, look at the time! I have to get going before I arrive late for my lesson!", Sakata said as he tried to get away.

Unfortunately for him, Urata caught him by his wrist as he pulled him back, a smile on his face which scared the younger male.

"Sa-ka-ta~ You know something that I don't, right~?", Urata asked as the younger male shifted around nervously. "U-um... Well, nothing important really.", Sakata assured the older male who didn't believe any of his words.

"Eh~ Sakata~ You sure that that's the case~? Well, I can't force you but... Sakata, if you won't tell me then... I will have to give you bitter black coffee instead of your usual order~", Urata told the red-haired male who only froze on spot as soon as he heard that.

"O-only bitter black coffee?", Sakata asked as the brunet nodded with a smile. "Everyday~", he said which shocked the redhead even more. "Everyday only bitter black coffee... I'm sorry, Mafudon!", Sakata apologized.

Urata realized that he managed to convince the red-haired male as he slowly let go and crossed his arms instead, waiting for the younger male to explain. Sakata thought about how he should say it for a minute before deciding to just say it directly. "Well... about why they are acting so strangely... It might have been because on that day when we went to the amusement park, Mafudon kind of confessed to Soraru-san on accident?", Sakata answered as the brunet looked at him surprised.

"Wait what?! Mafumafu confessed to him?! What was his answer?", Urata asked. "Well... he didn't get to answer... Mafudon kind of ran away after that and now he is probably avoiding Soraru-san.", the redhead explained as he scratched his cheek while the older male only groaned after hearing that. "Seriously?! God, those two sound like a pain to deal with!", Urata complained as he glanced at the clock, noticing the time before sighing.

"You should actually get going now to not come late to your classes. Once you get home, talk to Mafumafu about this. I will go and talk to Soraru so that I won't get any more coffee on me.", Urata said sighing as Sakata laughed lightly but nodded. "I will then! Good luck with talking to Soraru-san then, Urata-san!", Sakata exclaimed as the older male only hummed in response.

"Yes yes. Now get going or you'll be late.", he said as he waved at the younger male to go away. Sakata only smiled in response as he nodded, making sure he had everything before walking to the door. "Talk to you later then, Urata-san! Love you!", the red-haired male exclaimed before running outside as the brunet was left behind surprised.

A blush crept on his face as Urata silently cursed to himself. "Stupid idiot... Don't beat me to it and say it first today...", Urata mumbled before he decided to try and calm himself down, doing some work as he unconsciously did so with a smile.

And for some reason, he got the motivation to work hard today.


Later that day, Sakata ran back to his shared dorm with Mafumafu as he quickly got out his keys before opening the door and stepping inside. As soon as he got into the room, he noticed that all the lights were switched off.

And when he looked to Mafumafu's side of the room, he spotted a pile of blankets around his roommate who had his headphones on to block out any other sounds besides the sounds of his laptop at which he was staring intently, typing some things. The volume of the sound was so loud that Sakata could even hear it from where he was standing.

The redhead got worried as he switched the light on as the albino flinched as soon as he did. Sakata then walked up to the other male before pulling the blankets down and pulling the headphones off the albino's head.

"Sakataaaan, give it baack....", Mafumafu whined as he reached for his headphones only for the red-haired male to step away.

"Mafudon, you have been sitting like that ever since this morning! Did you even move from that spot?", the redhead asked as the albino stayed quiet which gave him his answer.

"What have you even been doing? As far as I know, you have a break now, don't you? The music department doesn't demand any more songs for this month, right?", Sakata asked and tilted his head as the albino nodded.

"They don't... but...", Mafumafu trailed off as the red-haired male waited for the other male to continue. After a few more seconds of silence, Sakata realized that he wouldn't get an answer. So instead he put the headphones in his head.

"Can I listen to it?", the red-haired male asked. The two of them had been friends for quite some time already so Sakata knew that Mafumafu was someone who would always write his feelings into songs whenever he had them pent up for too long or whenever the feelings were too strong.

So the red-haired male figured that if he just listened to the song, which the albino wrote, he would understand more.

Mafumafu only mumbled something to himself before reluctantly nodding as he adjusted his laptop on his lap before clicking on the play button.

There were a few seconds of silence before Sakata could hear a familiar high-pitched voice singing softly along with some instrumentals as the redhead was slightly surprised when hearing that because Mafumafu was usually one to write a lot of depressed, intense songs or cheerful, happy songs about cats.

This song though was calm and soothing unlike the other ones as Sakata decided to pay close attention to the lyrics. (A/N: Song from above ww Here's the link if you wanna read them online for some reason ww夢花火-yume-hanabi-dream-fireworks.html)


If the wind blows at the command of a dream,
I will sing without any destination of dream fireworks, towards the other side of the sky...

I've always, always been dreaming and finally, finally found you

The path we'd walked on somehow feels too wide
Holding a photo of you, I sleep by myself

If the wind blows at the command of a dream, I will sing without any destination
Could you, within this transient world, please smile for me?

I've always, always been searching for you and finally, finally found you

Dressed in yukata in the summer night, we frolicked on the way home
We say good-bye, and then the distance between our hands becomes infinite

I like you, I'll like no one but you
The day we both ascertained that fact is already...
Will these dream fireworks, towards the other side of the sky, disappear?

Each time we say good-bye, I feel like I'll never be able to see you again
This voice will cross through time and reach you, right?

Hey, hey, I've always liked...

If the wind blows at the command of a dream, I will sing without any destination
This voice, cross through the moonlit night and reach, hey

Once more, just once more, I want to be able to say I'm happy to you
Once more, just once more, I just want to meet you

I like you, I'll like no one but you
The day we both ascertained that fact is already...
Will these dream fireworks, leave me behind and

Hey, hey...


The song finished as Sakata slowly put the headphones down looking at the albino who wasn't looking him in the eyes. "This song... you wrote it while thinking of Soraru-san, didn't you?", Sakata asked as the other male merely nodded.

The lyrics may not have been exactly what the albino had experienced as the scenario was different but even so, Sakata could see that it was about Mafumafu's love for Soraru.

"You... really love him a lot, don't you?", the red-haired male asked even though it was more like a statement rather than a question. Mafumafu didn't say anything at first, only burying his face into his knees as he pulled his legs closer to his chest. For a short moment, neither of them said anything before the albino was the one who spoke up.

"I do... But now I messed up and was so stupid to actually confess to him on accident... He must think that I'm weird now... Now he probably thinks it's awkward to talk to me but still forces himself to ask if I'm alright because he is just that kind... I'd rather not let him do that for someone like me...", the albino said as he felt tears forming on the corners of his eyes.

Before he could start crying though, he felt two hands gripping his shoulders as he was turned towards the other male, looking up confused.

"Don't say that when you haven't even let Soraru-san talk to you properly yet! I'm sure he is worried about you! Urata-san even told me how much he was out of it than usually!

So before the two of you had a conversation about this with each other, I won't let you give up just like that, Mafudon!", Sakata exclaimed as the other male only widened his eyes and looked at the red-haired male surprised.

"B-but...". "No but! Tomorrow you'll go talk to him, alright? And if he does reject you, Urata-san will punch him for you and I will buy you lots of ice cream and those teru teru bozu dolls that you have a collection of!", Sakata exclaimed as the albino looked at his friend surprised before giggling.

"Thanks Sakatan! I will try to talk to him tomorrow then...", Mafumafu said as the redhead smiled in response. "That's the spirit! Well, I have to finish my assignment now but just say if you need me!", Sakata told the albino before he went to his desk to do his homework. Mafumafu only smiled to himself as he nodded.

"Ok... you can do this Mafumafu! Sakatan already encouraged you and you have nothing to lose anymore! Let's do it as quick as taking a bandage off tomorrow!", Mafumafu told himself, determined to finally end this awkwardness.


"Soraru? He said he'd be gone for today. Said that he had something to do.", the brunet explained to them as Sakata and Urata only looked at Mafumafu who hung his head low and looked like he was dying inside.

Seeing that, Urata merely sighed as he ruffled his own hair before speaking up. "Jeez, it's not like he's gone forever. You can just come back tomorrow or message him if you need to.", the older male said as Mafumafu nodded.

"Y-you're right. I'll do that then. I'll be going then!", the albino said as he quickly exited the café, leaving Sakata and Urata back alone.

There was a short silence before it was the red-haired male who broke it. "Do you think those two will be fine again soon?", Sakata asked, some worry laced in his words.

The older male noticed that as he merely sighed and ruffled the younger male's head, confusing the redhead. "Urata-san?", the red-haired male asked confused as he looked up slight because his head was being pressed down.

"Those two will be fine. Don't worry too much. If it's the two of them, they'll probably manage.", the brunet said as the younger male stayed silent for a bit before humming.

The older male let his hand stay there for a bit longer before he pulled away as Sakata's surprised expression soon turned into a soft smile. "The usual?", Urata asked as he went to make the younger male's daily order.

Sakata merely nodded with a bright smile before he answered. "Yes!", the redhead confirmed. Urata was right. There was no need to worry.

Seeing the situation from an outsiders perspective and seeing how both Soraru and Mafumafu were acting, Sakata knew that they'd clear up this situation soon enough.


"This is Soraru. Unfortunately, I can't answer your call now because I'm busy or simply don't want to deal with you. Just leave a message after the tone.", a voice of a familiar raven-haired male said as Mafumafu merely sighed before hearing the tone as he decided to leave a message.

"U-um, Soraru-san? It's me, Mafumafu. I just wanted to apologize for avoiding you... Could you call me back when you receive this and have time?", the albino asked before he hung up sighing once again. He looked at all of the messages he had sent to the older male which were left unanswered and weren't even read.

Maybe Soraru just grew that tired of him and didn't want to deal with him anymore. Mafumafu couldn't blame the older male if that was the case.

After all, he decided to avoid the raven-haired male despite all of the kindness that the older male showed to him.

The albino sighed for the nth time this day as he decided that he would take a small walk to calm himself down and then head back to his dorm. Walking through the small park which laid close to the school campus, Mafumafu breathed in the fresh air as his gaze unconsciously turned to the sky.

Oh, the sky that would always force his mind to think of a certain raven-haired barista. It was already difficult for Mafumafu to try and think of something else but the sky just had to make it even more difficult for him.

And the fact that today, the sky was painted in a light blue filled with white clouds, didn't make it any better for the albino as the blue color would always remind Mafumafu of the blue eyes of the older male.

Those cold yet gentle blue eyes which looked like they could uncover all of the albino's secret. Mafumafu shook his head in an attempt to get the older male off his mind as he decided to look elsewhere other than the sky.

He decided to focus on the path in front of him to think of something else but it seemed that god didn't want to let him think of something else other than Soraru because as soon as he looked away from the sky, he spotted a raven-haired male sitting on a bench as he was reading a book.

Upon noticing a figure nearing him, Soraru looked up, widening his eyes slightly when he saw that it was the younger male approaching him. Mafumafu shuffled a bit nervously as he gave the older male a sheepish smile before waving at him a bit.

"H-hello, Soraru-san.", the albino greeted as the raven hummed as a greeting in response before there was an awkward silence.

The older male only looked at the younger male, waiting for him to say something while the albino only shuffled around nervously, trying to think of how to start this conversation. In the end, he decided to just straight up apologize.

"U-um! I'm really sorry!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he bowed down, making the raven-haired male look at him in confusion. "...What are you apologizing for?", he asked. "Well... even though you decided to be so kind to me and ask me how I was doing, all I did was respond coldly and then avoid you...", Mafumafu explained.

"Huh... Well, no need to apologize, I don't feel offended by it or anything.", Soraru assured as the younger male gulped once before deciding to ask the question which bothered him a bit since he had exited the coffee shop.

"Then... why didn't you respond to my calls and messages?", the albino asked softly. "Your calls and messages?", is all the raven-haired male said as Mafumafu decided to explain further.

"W-well, this morning I came to the café to apologize to you. But Urata-san said that you would take the day off so I decided to write you some messages... But you didn't read them so I tried to call you... but you didn't answer that either... So I thought that... you had enough of me...", the albino said as he tried his best not to cry right then and there. He didn't want to cause the raven-haired male more trouble.

Soraru opened his mouth to say something but before he could, Mafumafu had already started talking again. "B-but I still wanted to apologize to you at least! So for everything, I'm sorry and thank you!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he bowed.

There was a short silence again before it was Soraru who spoke up again. "Hey, Mafumafu. Lift your head up. I really don't need your apology. If anything, I should apologize to you for worrying you so much I guess.", Soraru said as the albino lifted his head confused, about to argue but the older male beat him to it.

"I didn't avoid you. I guess it was just my bad luck that you couldn't reach me.", Soraru said as he trailed off and scratched his cheek, the younger male growing more confused as he waited for the older male to explain.

Noticing this, the raven-haired male sighed as he took some time to compose himself before he answered Mafumafu's unsaid question.

"This morning... I kind of let my phone fall into the sink and it got damaged...

I couldn't switch it on anymore and because I kind of need my phone for things, I decided to tell Urata that I'd go to get it repaired. Urata had enough of me spacing off so he said that I should just take the day off and clear my head.", Soraru explained as the albino looked at him hopeful.

"Then... you didn't avoid me but just couldn't because your phone fell into the sink?", Mafumafu asked as the raven-haired male nodded in response. "A-and you're not angry at me because I avoided you?", the albino asked.

"Of course I wouldn't be. I mean you didn't do it because you hated me or anything but because you were just a nervous wreck.", Soraru said as Mafumafu wondered what he did to deserve this much kindness from the raven-haired male.

The albino smiled before he laughed softly as he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes away which came from the relief that he felt.

"I-I'm glad then...", Mafumafu said as the older male hummed in response, a small smile on his face. Seeing that, Mafumafu knew that under no circumstances did he want to stay away from Soraru. So he decided to do anything if he could at least stay with him.

"S-soraru-san... about my confession on that day... please forget about it! I'm fine with you not returning my feelings so can we continue to spend time together like this too? Can I come over to the coffee shop again?", Mafumafu asked as the older male looked at him surprised before he nodded.

"Of course. There is no one forbidding you to come over and I enjoy spending time with you as well so I don't mind.", Soraru said as the albino smiled in relief. "Great! Thanks, Soraru-san! I will be going back to my dorm then so see you again!", Mafumafu said as he quickly bowed before he turned to leave.

Before he could though, he felt himself getting pulled back by his wrist.

And when he turned around, he felt a soft pair of lips meeting his own. The albino's eyes widened in shock as he only stood there in surprise, not being able to do anything before he felt the older male pulling away again, only to lean close to his ear to mutter something.

"By the way, I will accept that small, slip up confession of yours.", Soraru muttered before pulling away as it took the albino a minute before his face exploded into a dark shade of red.

Before he could even say anything, Soraru completely pulled away before picking up his book. "Payback for avoiding me.", he merely said, sticking out his tongue.

So Soraru was offended by it after all!

Mafumafu wanted to say something but before he could Soraru had already bid his farewell before turning around already walking running off as he only shouted something over his shoulder.

"Well, gotta go now and finish some things so talk to you later. Oh, and send me one of your songs already. I want to know what you sing like.", Soraru said before he had already sprinted off, leaving Mafumafu behind.

The albino held his face in embarrassment as he bit his lips and looked down in an attempt to calm himself down.

Did Soraru really just accept his confession even though he did such a poor job in confessing? He couldn't believe it.

But still it was true as Mafumafu couldn't help but smile happily when the realization hit him.

He looked forward to being able to talk to Soraru later. And he looked forward to being able to stay by Soraru's side as his partner and experience more happy moments with him and everyone.


Some light clanking sounds could be heard as some cups were placed into a cupboard. The birds chirping outside of the small shop. The rising sun shining through the window.

The light scent of coffee lingering in the café as a brunet was sweeping the floors and wiped the wooden tables clean while a ravenette was drying some cups and started to brew some coffee.

No words were exchanged as they did what they had to. Having to wake up early though because they wanted to have everything prepared, it wasn't surprising to be tired.

"Aw, are you sleepy? Did you spend the night talking to Mafumafu again~?", the brunet asked as the older male only rolled his eyes.

"Shut up and continue your work, shortie. You're not any better, talking to Sakata almost every day.", Soraru told the other male. "Shut up...", the brunet only said in response.

And after that, there was a silence again as neither of them said anything and the two of them just started to prepare the ingredients to make coffee later, Urata doing his usual task of putting the chalkboard with their menu in front of the shop before turning the sign which showed that they had opened while Soraru finished brewing the coffee.

This was a usual morning for the two baristas working in the coffee shop. It was a small slightly old-fashioned café which laid close to Shiroiyuri University.

Despite it being slightly old-fashioned, there was a decent amount of people visiting the coffee shop. Sometimes it would be some teachers who needed their coffee before going to teach the students. Sometimes it would be their acquaintances or friends who came by to visit.

And sometimes it would be some secret admirers who wished to get closer to one of the two baristas, which always ended in a failed attempt.

But there were always two customers who, without any doubt, came to the coffee shop every day. And today was not any different as they heard the door opening with the bell chiming as it did.

Two boys walked in, a redhead and an albino, as they offered them a smile. And as if on cue, both the brunet and the raven-haired barista bowed before greeting them.

"Welcome to Sakura no Haru. What would you like to order?"

Ok, I didn't intend to end this series when I started this chapter ww Not at all ww But then I thought that I wrote all I wanted so... I'm done ww I am going to start a new series ww

Sorry, that this book is turning into a series book, I will write more oneshots soon if you guys want ww I want to write more Soramafu/one other ship with maybe some other side ships on the side www I am thinking of doing a fantasy series soon but let's see ww You guys can also suggest au's and maybe I will choose it ww

I'm also sorry for not continuing the "No game no life" Soramafu story ww I just can't bring myself to write more crossovers for now so it will most likely stay a oneshot, I'm sorry T ^ T

Anyways, Sorry for ending this so abruptly, I hope you guys still liked it! See you guys in the next chapter~ Sayonyara!

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