One Cup of Coffee to win your Heart (Soramafu & Urasaka)

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Pairings: Soraru (Barista) x Mafumafu (University Student), Urata (Barista) x Sakata (University Student)
Genre: Fluff

Café au
So here we go~ The first chapter of the cafe au which you guys voted for! As promised, this will be fluff~ You guys seemed to be interested in cafe au's so I would recommend a manga on webtoon called Sunny Side Skies. It's really cute and made me write a scene like the first chapter cause I loved it ww Also a great thanks to mysteryjessica for helping me to find a title for this series by suggesting a lot of titles! Anyways, I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter~


Some light clanking sounds could be heard as some cups were placed into a cupboard. The birds chirping outside of the small shop. The rising sun shining through the window.

The light scent of coffee lingering in the café as a brunet was sweeping the floors and wiped the wooden tables clean while a ravenette was drying some cups and started to brew some coffee.

No words were exchanged as they did what they had to. Having to wake up early though because they wanted to have everything prepared, it wasn't surprising to be tired.

At least for a certain ravenette who was yawning sleepily, making the brunet grin at him when he saw that. "Is little Soraru-san still sleepy? Does he need to go take a nap?", the brunet asked which made the older male roll his eyes.

"Shut up and continue your work, shortie.", Soraru told the other male. "Oi, I told you to stop calling me that.", Urata warned him as the older male once again rolled his eyes, nodding.

The brunet wasn't completely satisfied but decided to let it be for now as he continued sweeping the floor. "So? What was it this time that kept you awake?", the brunet asked as there was a short pause before the other male answered.

"Eve was awake and asked me to help him with something.", Soraru explained as the shorter male hummed.

"Is that all? You didn't play any games after that?", Urata asked as the older male stayed silent which already answered the brunet's question.

"If you collapse someday because of this, I will laugh at you.", Urata said as Soraru rolled his eyes again. "Don't worry, I won't. After all, I'd rather not risk having to get helped by you.", he said as the brunet scoffed in return.

And after that, there was a silence again as neither of them said anything and the two of them just started to prepare the ingredients to make coffee later, Urata doing his usual task of putting the chalkboard with their menu in front of the shop before turning the sign which showed that they had opened while Soraru finished brewing the coffee.

This was a usual morning for the two baristas working in the coffee shop. It was a small slightly old-fashioned café which laid close to Shiroiyuri University.

Despite it being slightly old-fashioned, there was a decent amount of people visiting the coffee shop. Sometimes it would be some teachers who needed their coffee before going to teach the students. Sometimes it would be their acquaintances or friends who came by to visit.

And sometimes it would be some secret admirers who wished to get closer to one of the two baristas, which always ended in a failed attempt.

But there was one customer who, without any doubt, came to the coffee shop every day. And today was not any different as they heard the door opening with the bell chiming as it did.

And as the door opened, the regular customer stepped inside with a bright smile despite it being so early as the brunet turned to go away to escape from this situation but was promptly stopped by the raven-haired male who pulled him back by the back of his collar.

"Oi, you do it. You specialize in these kinds of drinks and I make the classical coffees so you have to do it. He always gives his orders to you anyway so it's better if you do it.

Also, his orders give me diabetes just from looking at it every day.", Soraru told the brunet who groaned and slapped the older male's hand away before walking to the counter where the redhead was already standing with his usual smile.

"Good Morning, Urata-san!", the red-haired male greeted the brunet happily who nodded in response. Sakata then leaned a bit to the left so he could face the ravenette as well before greeting the older male too. "Good morning, Soraru-san!", Sakata exclaimed cheerfully as Soraru muttered a small good morning while Urata only sighed and looked at the younger male.

"And what will it be today?", Urata asked as he took out a notepad to write down the order even though he already knew the order as the younger male always ordered the same thing every single time without a doubt.

"I'd like one caramel macchiato with extra cream, extra caramel, extra syrup, additional chocolate sauce, chocolate sprinkles, double caramel, more whipped cream and a lot of chocolate powder on the cream please!", the red-haired male stated cheerfully as Urata gave the younger male a deadpanning look but still wrote his order down.

"That is 500 yen.", Urata merely said as Sakata pulled out his wallet and placed the money on the counter. "And the name is—".

"Sakata. Yes, I know.", the brunet said as he took a cup to make the order. The red-haired male only looked at the older male in amazement as you could see the sparkles in his eyes.

"How did you know that?!", he asked as Urata rolled his eyes. "You come here every morning to order the exact same thing. What do you expect?", the brunet asked as he went to make the order. Remembering that fact, Sakata laughed sheepishly as Urata only sighed.

"Go sit somewhere and wait. I will bring you your order after I'm done.", the brunet instructed him as the younger male nodded and sat down at a table close to the counter as he watched the older male make his caramel macchiato.

Urata did everything just like Sakata ordered as Soraru only watched from his place, pulling a grimace when he looked at the drink which just looked like it would give someone diabetes after taking one sip.

The brunet finished making the order as he then took the plastic cup and placed it in front of the red-haired male who smiled happily and thanked the older male before taking the sugar container and adding more sugar into the cup as Soraru and Urata only looked at the redhead in disbelief.

The younger male paid them no attention though as he sipped on his drink before letting out a satisfied sigh. "I never really liked coffee but thanks to this, I can finally enjoy coffee as well and understand why people like it so much!

It really gives me the energy that I need for my lessons!", Sakata exclaimed.

"That doesn't even count as coffee anymore...", Soraru muttered to himself and went back to brewing his own coffee as Urata only continued to watch the younger male sipping on his drink happily.

Sakata continued to drink his coffee happily until he glanced at the clock to see that his lessons would start in a few minutes as he stood up abruptly. "Ah! I have to go now or I'll be late for class! I will come back tomorrow!", Sakata exclaimed.

"Please don't come back anymore.", Urata said as the redhead ignored him and continued speaking instead. "Have a nice day you two!", he exclaimed waving at them frantically before rushing out of the coffee shop, leaving the two baristas behind.

There was a short silence before Soraru broke it by speaking up. "...We both know that you look forward to seeing him again.", Soraru said as the brunet blushed and clicked his tongue before looking away.

"Shut up.", he muttered as Soraru complied and went to pour his coffee into a cup.

"I will go and clean some things behind. Call me when there are more customers.", the brunet said as Soraru nodded, letting Urata go into the staff room in the back to calm himself.

For the next few minutes, no customers came inside which was unsurprising because most students would be in their lesson at the moment and it would probably be like that for the next two hours until it would change.

Half an hour later though, the bell chimed again as Soraru looked up to see an albino walk in, nervously looking around with his papers in his arms before seeing the raven-haired male as he walked up to the counter and gave the older male a polite smile. Soraru only gave him a polite nod as a greeting before speaking up.

"Welcome. What would you like to order?", Soraru asked as the albino looked at the menu quickly before deciding on what to order.

"Um... I'd like to have a cappuccino and a piece of strawberry cake please.", the albino stated as the ravenette nodded. "Will you take it with you or would you like to have it here?", he asked as the younger male thought about it for a bit before answering. "I'd like to have it here then.", he said as Soraru nodded in response.

"That will be 300 yen then.", Soraru said as the albino gave him the money. "Alright. Please take a seat then. I will bring you your order when it's done.", he said as the student nodded and took a seat at a table close to a window as Soraru went to make his order.

The albino placed the papers on the table as he pulled a pen out, trying to scribble something on it before immediately crossing out what he wrote and scribbling something new which almost immediately got crossed out as well.

This repeated itself for a while as the albino bit his lip stressed until he sighed, putting his pen down in defeat and looking at his papers in distress.

The albino had to write a song for his next assignment and the deadline was going to be soon. And even though Mafumafu was used to writing songs, he would have an artist block sometimes, not knowing what to write about. Usually, he would be able to find a way to still get a song done but he just couldn't think of anything right now.

"Ngh.... Hah, what should I do?", Mafumafu asked himself frustrated as he ruffled his own hair.

He then realized that he wasn't here alone and turned to look at the counter where the barista was standing, looking at him in confusion as the albino's face turned red. And he apologized quickly before hiding his face behind his papers.

"Ah, I just made a fool out of myself... He must think I'm a weirdo now...", Mafumafu thought to himself embarrassed as his grip on the paper tightened. (A/N: Don't worry, Sakata was worse)

There were a few minutes of silence until he heard some footsteps and then some quiet sounds as the barista was probably setting down his order.

"Enjoy.", he merely said as Mafumafu muttered a small, meek "Thank you.", and he waited for the barista to go away before cautiously glancing up from behind his papers to see that the ravenette had already gone back to doing his own things, not looking at him.

After making sure that no one would watch him possibly embarrassing himself any further, he put his paper down before deciding that he would take a break now and enjoy his cake and coffee before going back to his assignment.

The albino lifted his cup and was about to take a sip until he noticed something.

Just to make sure, he put the cup back down to take a good look at it, to see that there was a small drawing made out of the froth of the coffee.

A drawing of a white cat was looking at him as it had an encouraging smile on its face. Just above it was a speech bubble which read:

"Good luck! Neko-san will cheer you on!"

And Mafumafu couldn't help but be surprised as he looked up from his cup to the barista who wasn't looking at him but was drying a cup instead.

Nevertheless, Mafumafu knew that it could have only been him because no one ever entered this café other than them.

Looking at the drawing, Mafumafu couldn't help but smile as he took his phone out to take a picture of it before putting his phone away and taking up his fork instead as he started to eat the cake which tasted great. After taking some bites from his cake, he decided to try some of the coffee, even though he felt bad for destroying the art.

But he knew it would be bad to leave it and not drink it so he slowly lifted the cup before taking a sip, his eyes lightening up when he tasted it.

Even though it might sound ridiculous, Mafumafu felt as if he could taste the feelings of the coffee when he took a sip.

It was as if he was being wrapped in a blanket and he felt comforted, drinking it. Suddenly, he felt a wave of motivation hit him as he took his pencil and quickly scribbled down the melody that just crossed his mind.

After he finished, he put the pencil down and looked at his work, humming happily when he noticed that it was a good start and that he would be able to continue working without any artist block from this point.

Glancing at the clock, he realized that his friend's lesson would soon be over and that they made an appointment to meet each other at the front gate of the university. So he stood up as he packed his things, walking to the exit.

He then remembered something though as he turned back to the raven-haired barista who looked at him when the albino spoke up, knowing that he was spoken to as they were the only people in the café.

"Thank you for the coffee! It tasted great and the drawing really encouraged me and gave me inspiration for my song! I will be back again soon!", Mafumafu exclaimed bowing as the ravenette merely nodded in response.

"We will look forward to seeing you here again. Have a nice day.", he said as the albino nodded, smiling at him.

"Have a nice day!", Mafumafu replied before exiting the coffee shop, not before waving a last time at the raven-haired male.

The bell rang again as the door was opened before closing again as Soraru waited for a bit longer before going to clean up the table.

The staff room door opened as Urata walked out of it, seeing the now empty café before his gaze wandered to the raven-haired male who was collecting the empty plate and cup on a tray.

"Was it some weird fangirl again or who came this time?", Urata asked. "Just a new customer. Some student from the music department I think.", Soraru answered as the brunet hummed.

"I see.", he merely said as there was a short silence again until Soraru spotted something on the table as he lifted the object, to see that it was the student ID card of the customer before.

"...Mafumafu?", Soraru muttered to himself, somehow thinking that the name suited the albino himself. "What did you say?", Urata asked as the ravenette glanced at the brunet for a second before turning away again.

"Nothing.", he replied as the shorter male knew that it was a lie but decided not to say anything for now. Soraru only took a last look at the Student ID card, wondering what to do with it for a bit.

In the end, he put the card into his pocket before finishing to clean up.

"That guy..., Mafumafu, said that he would come back soon, right?", Soraru asked himself as he was cleaning up.

"I guess I will keep it for now and give it back to him when he comes back. He should notice that he lost it sooner or later.", Soraru thought.

And for some reason, the ravenette looked forward to when that time would come.


"There you are, Mafudon! What took you so long?", a red-haired make asked when he saw his albino friend running towards him.

"Sorry... I was... in the coffee shop that you... recommended me and was trying... to find... a good melody for my new song...", Mafumafu explained as he was trying to catch his breath.

"Uwah, Mafudon, you alright? It looks like you ran a marathon! But I guess it's natural for you to look like that, considering that you are a professional shut-in.", Sakata said giggling as the albino shot the redhead a weak glare.

"Anyways, you said that you went to the coffee shop I recommended you, right? How did you like it?", Sakata asked curiously.

Mafumafu took a few gulps of air before he was back to normal as he answered.

"Just like you said, it was really nice there! I only met one of the two baristas that you mentioned but he was quiet but nevertheless really kind!", Mafumafu exclaimed.

"Oh? You must be talking about Soraru-san!", Sakata said as the albino tilted his head.

"Soraru-san?", Mafumafu repeated as the redhead nodded. "Yeah! The one with the raven hair and blue eyes, right?", Sakata asked to make sure as his friend nodded in response.

"That's him! He really is nice I agree! But yay~ I am happy to see that you like it there! It is my favorite café! Way less people there than that crowded popular café where Luz-kun works!", Sakata said as Mafumafu hummed in agreement.

"Sakatan... does Soraru-san work there every day? Are those two the only people working there?", Mafumafu asked as the redhead thought about it for a second before answering.

"Well, besides Urata-san and Soraru-san, there is our underclassman, Eve-kun, who sometimes works there as a part-timer. He really likes Soraru-san's coffees so he wanted to learn from him. But both Soraru-san and Urata-san work there full time.", Sakata explained as the albino nodded.

"I see...", he said as the redhead tilted his head confused but smiled nevertheless as he continued talking. "Hey hey, let's go there together sometime! If you actually wake up early and come with me, we can go there together in the mornings!", Sakata exclaimed.

And usually, the albino would have declined as he very much appreciated to get any sleep whenever he could get it. But thinking about the chance to meet the ravenette again, made the albino rethink as he, in the end, nodded in response.

"Alright. Let's go there together tomorrow then!", Mafumafu said as Sakata was surprised but nodded grinning.

"Great! Anyways, you can't believe what happened in my lesson today!", Sakata said as he started talking about it while Mafumafu listened to him. Sometimes, he couldn't help but think of the raven-haired barista though as he suddenly noticed how beautiful the blue sky was today.

"Soraru-san... His name reminds me of the sky... Eh? What are you thinking about, Mafumafu?! Stop thinking such weird thoughts!", Mafumafu scolded himself as he lightly slapped his cheeks, embarrassed.

He then thought back of the coffee art which he got from the raven-haired male today as a light blush settled on his face.

He didn't even know Soraru but still got something like this which made him really happy.

It made him think that the ravenette must be someone really kind.

And to be able to meet him tomorrow again with Sakata, Mafumafu looked forward to visiting that coffee shop once again.

And that was the first chapter of the new series~ I hope you guys enjoyed it even though there was more Soramafu than Urasaka in this chapter ww I will put more Urasaka in the next chapter instead to balance it out~ Anyways, thanks for everyone who read this! See you in the next chapter and sayonyara~

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