Working hard is fine as long as I'm with you (Soramafu)

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Pairing: Soraru x Mafumafu
Genre: Fluff

Fantasy au
Double update ww So... this was written together with MellowMelodyMoon ! Well... it wasn't supposed to be a story at first ww We just rp-ed and then it kinda turned out like this ww We both thought that it could have been a nice oneshot so here it is ww I had a lot of fun rping with you Mellow! And I'm slightly surprised but happy that our rp turned into a story~ Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy~


A raven-haired male knocked on a wooden door as he sighed when he heard no response. He waited for one more minute before deciding to speak up, hoping his partner would hear him.

"Mafu? Wake up.", the ravenette called out to the younger male.

Hearing the noise from his door, the albino turned his body towards the other way as he only groaned, clearly not wanting to get up.

"Just a little more time~ I'm tired.." The albino responded.

Soraru soon had enough of this as he merely sighed before opening the door and letting himself in, walking over to the younger male.

"Mafu, we have some things to do so wake up now. You're not the only one who's tired.", Soraru said as he slightly shook the other male.

"Okay, Okay... I'll be getting up now." Mafu said as he slowly started sitting up as he rubbed his eyes. 

"I'll be out there in a few minutes." He said with a smile, despite still wanting to sleep.

"Great. I will be waiting downstairs and make us breakfast then.", Soraru said ruffling Mafu's hair before going to the kitchen.

Happily getting up from his bed, the albino then started to look for his clothing before  starting to change. Soon after getting his things from his drawer, he opened the door and went downstairs as he let out a smile.

"Finally completely awake?", Soraru asked as he put the food on the table, having already started some time ago. He got them some tea as he placed it down as well before sitting down.


Sitting down on his chair, he looked at the food before looking up at the ravennette, "It looks really good Soraru-san! You always seem to make the best food at whatever time!" He said as he picked up the silverware before taking a bit of the food into his mouth. "Just as I expected, it tastes amazing as ever!"

"You're exaggerating...", Soraru said as he scratched his cheek in slight embarrassment as he looked away before picking up his form to start eating as well. "But I'm glad if you like it. Eat up and then let's go outside, alright?"

"Alright~" While quietly eating yet a little quickly, the albino felt excited for today. He wondered what things they had to do this time. After finishing his food, he smiled, "Thank you for the meal Soraru-san! It was really good!"

"Though Soraru-san needs to stop being such a tusndere sometimes~" He teased while letting out a small laugh.

"Oi, I'm not a tsundere.", Soraru said slightly annoyed as he pinched the albino's cheek. He did so for a bit longer before deciding to let go after sighing.

"Well, if you're done just get everything you need and let's go, alright?", Soraru said as he stood up and took their plates to wash them.

Rubbing his cheek a bit from the older pinching him, he gave a nod, "Alright then! Just give me a few moments." He said, standing up from the chair before walking towards his room to get his things.

And after making sure he had everything including his staff, he went back downstairs to meet up with his partner, "Alright, I'm ready now!"

"Good. Let's go then.", Soraru said as he adjusted the sword on his belt, deciding to just go with his casual clothes today instead of his usual armor he always wore.

Checking if he had everything for a last time, he opened the door, waiting for the younger male to step outside before following him, closing the door behind him as they headed out.

While walking along he trail with his partner, Mafu turned his head to look at the ravennette, "I wonder what things we'll have to do today. Especially for any quests we might have!" He said as he held onto his staff.

"What do you think Soraru-san?"

"Hm... Well, I heard that there were many slimes on a field today that need to be removed cause they're annoying.

I really hope that that quest is still free because I really want to have a quest that isn't exhausting for once.", Soraru said sighing. "But let's just see what there is and choose one that isn't too much work."

"Alright then, but now that you mention it, I hope it's free too! And maybe if we finish early today, we can do something fun!"

"Mhm, maybe.", Soraru said nodding as he smiled a bit before they arrived at the board with the quests, the older male sighing in relief when he saw that the quest he wanted, was still available as he took the paper.

"Great, it's free. Shall we go and finish this and get the reward then?", Soraru asked as he turned to the albino.

"Yep! Let's do it!" Mafu said with an energetic tone as he wanted to show the older male that he was ready.

The swordsman nodded in response before they headed off to the field, seeing a wide green grass field filled with lots of slimes as soon as they arrived.

Soraru only pulled his sword out as he looked at Mafu. "Are you ready to do this quickly?"

Giving a confident smile, the albino have a nod, "Yep! Let's do this!" The albino said in response as he theld onto his staff in hand.

Soraru ran to some of the slimes as he sliced them with his sword, successfully hitting them before they disappeared, doing so repeatedly for a while before he looked at Mafu to see how he was doing.

Focusing while using his staff, Mafu quickly started casting spells around the slimes that were around the small area near him. Making sure to get each one to be sure they disappeared while doing so.

After making sure that the albino was fine on his own, Soraru continued to slice down some more slimes as the two of them did so for one hour before they managed to eliminate most of the slimes, leaving only a few left.

"You alright over there Soraru-san?" The albino called out as he still proceeded to eliminate the slimes, but also wanting to know how his partner was doing.

"I'm tired and want to get this finished already.", Soraru said sighing as he swung his sword, swiftly finishing more slimes off. "How about you? Doing fine?"

"I'm doing pretty okay!" The albino responded, though not really wanting to admit he was getting tired from the all the spell casting. "Though we only have a few more, so we should be able to finish really soon!"

"Yeah... let's get this finished, get our reward and then go do something more relaxing.", Soraru said. "But make sure to take a break if you need it, alright?"

"I will, don't worry!" He said, casting more spells at the slimes he saw that were a little far from them. Wanting to make sure had gotten each one. But he then turned to look at the ravennette as he smiled, "But make sure to take your break too Soraru-san!"

Soraru was surprised as he blushed slightly before turning away to slash some more slimes to distract himself. "I will.", he said before concentrating on eliminating the rest of the slimes.

After the amount of eliminating slimes, the albino made sure to look around seeing that there was finally no more left. He let out a sigh of exhaustion as he turned to his partner with his usual smile, "W-We finished!"

"Finally... I was starting to feel like dying.", Soraru said as he crouched down to get some breath. "Let's get our reward and then not return here anymore. I've had enough of this place for now.", Soraru said before standing up again.

Letting out a little laugh, Mafu gave a nod before letting the the male catch his breath. Soon after seeing his partner was okay, Mafu then started following close behind the swordsman.

They walked to a small bar close to the board where the quests were as Soraru quickly got the rewards for their quest before they exited it again.

"Hah... finally done. Anything you want to do before going back home?", Soraru asked as he looked at the albino.

"Can we look at the shops close by? There was one I really wanted to go visit!"

"Eh? Sure. Which shop is it?", Soraru asked curiously.

"It's the one with where they sell all sorts of things like crystals, books, and potions! The one shop that has a red roof on it that's nearby." The albino explained.

"Oh, I see. Well, let's go there then.", Soraru said as he walked ahead again, making sure that the younger male was still with him before they arrived at a small shop which fit the albino's description.

Having a bright smile on his face, Mafu looked around as soon as they entered the small shop. He was clearly happy to see the different items he had wanted to check out. "Soraru-san look!"

The raven-haired swordsman only raised his eyebrow as he walked over to the albino to see what the younger male wanted to show him.

Pointing at the small crystals he smiled as he picked up one of them with a blue sapphire color. "Aren't they pretty?"

"Eh... I guess they look nice.", Soraru said as he took a closer look at them. "This one looks nice too though, doesn't it?", the older male asked as he picked one crystal up with a magenta red-like color.

"You're right! That one is really nice too!" He responded as he admired the color in the crystal. He then looked back at the crystal he had in his hand before looking up at the older male, "This one kind of reminds me of Soraru-san."He said with a little laugh.

The swordsman felt his face warming up a bit when he heard that as he took a bit before he answered. "W-what? Don't say such embarrassing things.", Soraru said as he flicked Mafu's forehead.

Laughing a little, he let out a smile, "Soraru-san is such a tsundere~" He teased as he still held onto the small blue crystal in his hand.

"Am not! Now just get the things you need to buy and let's go back home.", Soraru said as he crossed his arms.

Smiling to himself, he decided to keep the small blue crystal and a few books for him to study back home. Even so, he made sure he saw everything before returning to his partner, "I already choose the things I wanted! I'll go ahead and pay now." The albino said with a smile.

Soraru watched the albino walk to the counter as the person working there was telling the prize of the items.

Before the younger male could pay though, Soraru had already taken out some coins as he placed them on the counter which the worker took before handing them the items.

After receiving the items he had wanted, Mafu turned to look at the ravennette after they had left outside the shop. "Soraru-san, why did you pay? You didn't have to!" The albino said in a slightly panicked tone.

"I didn't have to but I did it anyway so deal with it.", Soraru merely replied as they headed back to their home. "Just take it as a reward for working hard in the quest today."

"Alright then... But still, I'm really grateful, so thank you so much!" Mafu said with a smile as he happily held the bag with the items inside.

Soraru only looked away as he nodded in response before responding. "No need to thank me. It was basically just you working for it.", he said as they soon arrived back at their home.

As they entered inside the house Mafu went ahead and placed the books in the shelves of his room along with a spot for the blue tiny crystal. Seeing everything was organized neatly, he went back downstairs to his partner in more comfortable clothing.

Soraru had already placed his sword away in his room as he was now sitting on their coach, sighing out happily that they could finally rest for today.

This was a lot more work than he thought it would be. But at least they got a good amount of rewards so it was worth it.

Smiling at his partner being relaxed, Mafu went along and sat next to Soraru, "You seem really happy being back home huh?"  The albino said with a smile.

"Yeah, finally some peace. Those slimes were slowly but definitely making me mad as time passed. I really felt like just going home. Well, at least we finished it.", Soraru said sighing again before he turned to look at Mafu.

"And you? Everything alright? If you are exhausted you should go get some rest now. We can take the day off tomorrow for our hard work today.", the raven-haired male told the younger male.

"I do feel a little tired. But I also wanted to some time to relax with you!" Mafu said to the swordsman next to him.

"Hah... you do know that we still have a lot of time to spend with each other to relax, you know? If you are tired, you should sleep.", Soraru said smiling lightly as he ruffled the albino's hair.

Feeling his cheeks heat up a little from the older male smiling and ruffling his hair, the albino stood up trying to hide his face from turning the other way, "A-Alright then, goodnight then Soraru-san!"

"Yes, good night, Mafu. Good work today.", Soraru said as the small smile still remained for a bit longer before he yawned. "I guess I will go to sleep soon as well."

While walking upstairs to his room, Mafu opened his door gently before closing it behind him. Letting out a sigh, he started getting ready for bed while also making sure all the supplies in his room were ready if ever needed.

While finally getting in his bed, he couldn't help but look at the blue crystal from across the the room and smile before feeling himself drift away into slumber.

Soraru headed back up to his room as well as he laid down on the bed, making himself comfortable as he thought of the day he had spent together with Mafumafu today.

It was tiring doing this quest for almost the whole day. But he never once hated any moment of it as he could spend his time with the albino.

The fatigue slowly overcame him from their hard work as his eyes grew heavier. And soon, he fell asleep as he looked forward to spending their day off together with Mafumafu tomorrow as well.

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