Pina Colada (LuzSenra)

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Requested by: @marysa04045
Pairing: Bartender! Luz x Senra
Genre: Fluff
Double Update today~ Well, I did one and I'm tired so now I'm going to sleep~ Good night everyone~ I hope you'll enjoy this chapter~

"Thanks for coming. Please stop by again.", a light-haired male told his last customers as he bowed. "We will~", two women chirped before the waved at him and left the bar.

Luz turned away as he started to clean everything up. He was drying the last glasses before he noticed the door open with the bell ringing lightly.

"Welcome~ Soraru-san? What are you doing here today?", Luz asked. "Is there a problem with me being here today?", Soraru asked amused as Luz waved his hands shaking his head.

"No, it's just... you don't usually come on days like these because your lover is waiting at home for you.", Luz explained as the older male hummed. "Well, Mafumafu said I shouldn't come home too early today because he wanted to prepare a surprise or something so here I am.

By the way, I brought a coworker with me because he said he was feeling like he needed something good to drink so I brought him here.", Soraru explained and Luz nodded as he realized that there was someone standing slightly behind the raven-haired male.

He stepped next to the older male as he gave the light-haired male a polite smile.

"Ah, yes. Soraru-san brought me here and said he'd invite me to drink something so here I am. It's nice to meet you.", Senra introduced himself as noticed how handsome the bartender was.

"Well, it is nice to meet you as well. Just wait a bit. I am going to close the bar early today so we can just talk with each other.", Luz said as he walked away from the counter.

"You sure? What about your dear customers who are coming to see you?", Soraru asked teasingly as Luz only chuckled at that.

"You are exaggerating.", Luz said as he turned the sign around so people could see that he closed earlier for today.

"Anyways, what do you guys want?", Luz asked as he went back behind the counter while Soraru walked to the counter and sat down and Senra followed him, sitting next to the raven-haired male. "Hm... I'll take a something minty for today. You can just whatever as long as it's refreshing enough.", Soraru said and Luz nodded before turning towards the blond.

"And what would you like to have?", Luz asked and the blond flinched at him being called out as he scratched his cheek sheepishly.

"I don't really drink in bars that often so I don't know what to order.", Senra admitted as Luz only smiled in understanding.

"Alright. Shall I choose something for you then?", Luz asked as the other male nodded.

"Yes. That'd be nice. Thank you.", Senra thanked and Luz nodded before he took the different liquids mixing them together while making some small talk with them. "So, how was work today for you guys?", Luz asked.

Soraru only sighed in response as he loosened his tie before answering. "Some of my clients were so annoying today that I honestly thought about quitting.", Soraru told his friend annoyed who only laughed lightly before he turned to Senra.

"What about you? Are you working the same job as Soraru-san here?", Luz asked as Senra nodded. "I'm not really successful and  in a high position like him though.", Senra answered chuckling.

"I'm sure you are just as good as him.", Luz assured chuckling as well before he placed the cocktails before the two of them.

"Here's your Vodka Tonic.", Luz said as Soraru nodded and took a sip of the clear liquid with limes and ice cubes in it. "As expected of you. You know just what I like to drink.", Soraru complimented as Luz bowed thanking him.

In the meanwhile, Senra was staring at his drink in adoration. It was a glass with a smooth cream color and the glass was decorated with fruits with a heart drawn in the middle of it.

"That's a Pina colada. It's my personal favorite so I thought you might like it.", Luz explained and Senra only nodded as he took the glass and looked at it a bit longer before looking up at the handsome light-haired bartender.

"It looks beautiful.", Senra complimented as Luz widened his eyes before giving the other male a smile. "I'm glad then.", Luz replied as Soraru only looked at them amused while drinking his cocktail. They were just sitting and talking with each other about all kinds of things before Luz cleaned their the glasses and waited for their next order as it seemed that they'd stay for a while longer.

Luz and Senra started to get comfortable with each other rather quickly.

Soraru noticed this and he got even more amused when he saw how Luz made all the usual drinks even more unique for the blond.

"You never make the drinks look as extravagant as his here. Do I see—", before Soraru could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the ringtone of his phone as Luz sighed out on relief because he knew what Soraru was about to say.

"Sorry, I have to take this.", Soraru excused himself as Senra and Luz only nodded. Soraru took the call as the other two only looked at him curiously. "Mafu? What is it?", Soraru asked as the person on the other side was saying something.

"What the... Alright, I get it. Calm down already. I'm coming home now.", Soraru said before he hung up. "That was Mafu-kun, wasn't it? Did something happen?", Luz asked as Soraru only hummed.

"Apparently, Mafu lost a bet and now he's being forced to wear some cosplay of some sort. And now he can't get it off so I have to help him.", Soraru explained as Luz only chuckled.

"I bet that was Amatsuki who forced him to do that. Well, don't let me stop you then.", Luz said as the raven-haired male only nodded before taking some bills and placing them on the counter.

"That's too much, Soraru-san! Please take it back.", Luz said but the other male only waved it off as he stood up. "Don't worry about it. I just paid for us so Senra... make sure to use that opportunity to drink all kinds of drinks. Have fun you two.", Soraru told them before he exited the bar, leaving the two of them alone.

Luz only chuckled at how eager his friend was to leave even though he didn't show it visibly. "Was the person calling Soraru-san his girlfriend?", Senra asked as Luz shook his head while he started to make another light cocktail.

"No, his boyfriend. As you can see, Soraru-san would leave all of his friends behind for him.", Luz said chuckling as Senra joined in as well.

"You're right. I never saw him being like that.", Senra agreed. When Luz placed a new glass in front of Senra which was as beautiful as all the other ones, Senra took it smiling.

"You are really skilled at this. How long have you been working here?", Senra asked as the light-haired male thought about it for a few seconds before answering.

"I guess I have been working here for about 6 years.", Luz answered as the blond widened his eyes impressed.

"That is quite a long time. No wonder why you're so good at this.", Senra said chuckling. "It doesn't really take too long to become good at this. I'm sure you will do great as well when you do it sometime.", Luz told him smiling.

"But enough about me. What is it like being a businessman? I'm sure you are way more successful than me.", Luz exclaimed chuckling as Senra waved his hands around shaking his head.

"Ah, you are overestimating me. I don't think I am successful like you in life. Especially when we're talking about women.

You seem like you are very popular with them.", Senra muttered the last part before realizing what he just said as his face heated up.

"Ah! I'm sorry!", he apologized as Luz only laughed lightly holding his hand up to his mouth. "How cute.", he muttered unconsciously as Senra heard it and his blush worsened as he took his drink and took a big gulp of his drink as he felt his mind getting fuzzy.

Luz noticed that as he frowned slightly. "Are you alright, Senra-san? I don't think it is a really good idea to drink so much at the same time because this one is a bit stronger.", Luz warned as the blond shook his head.

"I'll be fine... I would like to order this one next.", Senra said as he pointed at the menu and Luz looked at it before nodding and making it.

After all, he wasn't one to decline any request of his customer. Especially from a cute blond customer like Senra.

But he soon found to regret his decision.


"Luz-san... it's too hot in here...", Senra complained as the light-haired male frowned when he saw in what state the blond was right now.

The shorter male was laying his head on the counter right now as he faced the light-haired male and played with the straw in his glass.

"Well, I think that's because of all of the alcohol that you drank. I will clean everything up and bring you home, alright?", Luz suggested as he started cleaning up already.

But the blond didn't seem to like that as he shook his head and pouted cutely.

"I don't want to go home yet. That means that I can't stay with Luz-san, right? If so, I'd rather keep drinking so I can continue staying with you for a bit longer...", Senra mumbled as Luz blushed slightly when he heard that but coughed as he continued cleaning up. "Well, I feel honored that you seem to see me as a good friend already.

But please let me get you home so you can rest. I'm sure you still have work tomorrow.", Luz reasoned. "But... I don't want you to leave me...", Senra whispered as his face was red and Luz didn't know if it was from all of the alcohol or because of something else.

Luz decided that he'd try to assure the blond first before he could convince him to take the other home. "I won't. So will you come with me now so I can take you home?", Luz asked as Senra stayed silent for a moment before nodding.

"Alright...", he accepted and Luz smiled gratefully as Senra stood up. But the blond lost his footing as Luz panicked but reacted quickly by pulling him by the arm. "Senra-san... are you even able to stand?", Luz asked as Senra stayed silent for a while before he shook his head.

"...Are you living far away from here?", Luz asked as Senra mumbled something again and Luz had to listen closely to understand the blond.

"I have to go to the train station to go back to my apartment....", Senra answered as Luz sighed. It would take a long time to get Senra back to his home and there was a risk of the blond falling asleep while they did walk to his home and that they wouldn't even get there until tomorrow.

So in the end, Luz decided to do the only thing that made the most sense to him at the moment.

"Is it alright with you if you stay the night here then? I live directly above this bar so this building is mine but if you don't want to it's fine too.

I just think it'd be more wiser. Are you ok with that?", Luz asked as Senra immediately perked up and nodded.

After Luz saw the blond agreeing, he walked to him before he helped the other male walk up the stairs. He put an arm around the other's waist and put Senra's arm over his shoulder before he went upstairs. Senra didn't know why but he wished to stay like this forever.

He felt strange but comfortable being held like this. So he couldn't help but whine when the other male let him go to put him down on the bed.

His tie and jacket were already gone as he had taken them off after a few glasses. "Luz-san? Where are you going? Don't leave me...", he pleaded as Luz who was about to leave the room, only turned back giving the other a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon. I just need to change my clothes.", Luz assured the blond who only blushed and nodded as he waited for the other to come back.

Luz soon entered the room, his bartender uniform now exchanged with some pants and a black shirt. "Haven't you gone to sleep yet?", he asked as the blond shook his head.

"I wanted to make sure that you'd actually come back...", Senra said as the light-haired male chuckled as he nodded and walked over to the other male and laid down with him.

"Well, now I'm here aren't I? Let's go to sleep~", he said as he pulled the other closer who only blushed at Luz's action.

"I didn't know you were this bold... are you usually like this as well?", Senra asked and Luz thought about it for a while before he decided to answer truthfully. "I don't. You're the first one actually.", Luz answered scratching his cheek.

Senra felt his blush worsen when he heard that as he buried his face into the other's chest making the other chuckle slightly.

They both felt the other's body heat and Senra could smell the faint scent of the different kinds of cocktails. It was made him feel even more drunk than he was but it was pleasant though as the blond wished to stay like that and not let go.

The light-haired male chuckled when he noticed that the grip around him tightened.

He just met Senra today but he quickly grew fond of him already. "You should go to sleep now, Senra-san. Don't worry, I'm not going to go anywhere.", Luz assured the blond and Senra pouted but nodded as he snuggled closer.

"Good Night then, Luz-san.", Senra said and the light-haired male hummed in response. "Good Night, Senra-san.", he whispered.

Luz guessed that Senra would barely remember anything from today and that he had a lot to explain to the other male.

But for now, he decided to just enjoy the feeling of having Senra laying next to him.


The next morning, Senra blinked sleepily from the sun shining through the windows. He wanted to move and was confused when he couldn't really move. He got even more confused when he noticed two arms wrapped around his waist.

And he felt like jumping out of the bed when he slightly turned his head to see the light-haired bartender from yesterday behind him.

A blush immediately appeared on his face as he remembered everything that happened yesterday and what he said and he was so embarrassed as he buried his face into his hands.

He noticed that Luz didn't wake up from all of that yet and he decided that he should just leave to not bother the other male any further than he did already. So he stood up, put his clothes back on and left the room quietly after leaving a note.


One hour later, Luz stirred in his sleep and noticed that it was slightly colder than before.

He then opened his eyes to see that the blond wasn't there anymore.

Confused he sat up as he blinked and ruffled his hair sleepily before he checked the time to see that it would be soon time to open his shop again. He stood up as he sighed a bit dissatisfied.

He was prepared to wake up to explain Senra what had happened last night. But he didn't expect the blond to leave even before that and he cursed himself for not noticing the other leaving.

When he reached for his clothes, he saw a piece of paper on top of it. He lifted it up and guessed that it must have been Senra who left the message as it wasn't his handwriting.

Dear Luz-san,
I'm sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for letting me stay the night here. I'm also sorry for saying all of those things yesterday. I left because I didn't want to disturb you any longer. But I am really sorry and I really want to repay you for your kindness so I will leave me phone number here so you can call me when you thought of something I can do to repay you.

— Senra


Luz couldn't help but crack a smile when he read that note as he immediately took his phone and saved Senra's number. He then decided that he'd send a message to the other to assure him that everything was fine.

Luz: Hello, this is Luz. I just wanted to tell you that everything was fine and that you don't have to worry about it. You're still very welcome to visit this bar at any time
Senra: Ah, good morning Luz! Thanks again for yesterday! And thanks for saying that... if you really don't mind then... may I come to the bar later after work again?
Luz: Of course~ I will see you later then~

After Luz sent that message he put his phone down as a smile grew on his face.

He stretched a bit as he walked down to his bar feeling a bit more motivated than usually.

He couldn't wait to see the blond later as he looked forward for this day.

"Now, let's work hard today then~"

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