White Day (Soramafu)

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Ahhhhh, I forgot that it was White Day until I saw countless of fanarts for this day on twitter! So I only wrote this today but I still wanted to do something so I hope you like it~ (And about the requests... I'm still working on them! Sorry for taking so long!)

Mafumafu skipped happily over to Soraru's house as he could see the raven-haired male's house in front of him.

Today, Soraru had invited him over and him being usually the one who invited the other to hang out, he was feeling very surprised but happy when he he was invited as he immediately accepted.

As soon as he arrived, he knocked on the door and a few seconds after, the door opened to reveal the older male standing there in his casual clothes. "Morning, Mafu.", he greeted as Mafumafu nodded greeting him back.

Soraru opened the door more so Mafumafu could step inside and the albino walked in as he took his shoes off. "Did you eat breakfast already?", Soraru asked as he walked back inside as the younger male shook his head.

"No, not yet.", he answered as the other male only hummed and Mafumafu followed him to see that he was walking to the kitchen.

"Well, that's good then, because I made breakfast just now for us.", Soraru said as he placed two plates of pancakes on the table.

One was just a simple stack of pancakes with some syrup and the other one had whipped cream, different kind of fruits and there was a heart drawn with some syrup and a small message on the edge of the plate.

Mafumafu couldn't help but blush when he saw that and when he looked at Soraru, his blush only worsened. "Well, then... I'm going to bring you some orange juice then.", he said as he stood up and the albino only nodded bashfully as he took a last look at the pancakes.

They looked too great as couldn't help but take a picture first. He then took his fork and knife as he found it to be a shame to eat it.

It looked so well done that he would feel kind of bad to eat it. Soraru usually would never make something this fancy for him just like that so he wanted to savor this moment.

He wanted to know how they tasted though so he decided that he would take one last look before he would eat it.

Soraru came back with two glasses of orange juice only to see that the younger male hasn't even started yet as he smiled in amusement.

"It's not that great, Mafu so just go ahead and eat it.", Soraru told the albino. "But Soraru-san has never made this before and I want to look at it a bit more...", Mafumafu argued as the raven-haired male sighed and flicked the albino's head after he put the glasses down.

"Idiot, if you want me to make this again, I can do this again for you sometime.", Soraru assured as the other male brightened up.

"Really?! If that's the case, I'll dig in then~", Mafumafu chirped as he tried some and swooned. "Does it taste alright?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu nodded. "Mhm! I love it!

When did you learn to make this?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru shrugged. "Dunno, but I made these for my little sister when she was young. She loves sweet things so I learned to at least make pancakes for her.", Soraru answered as he started to eat his pancakes as well.

He watched Mafumafu as he frowned worried when he saw how quickly the albino actually ate the pancakes. "Mafu... eat slower. It's not like the food is going to disappear any minute or something like that.", Soraru reminded him as the other male stopped, smiling sheepishly.

"You're right. It's just that I'm so happy... but I will slow down!", Mafumafu said as Soraru nodded satisfied. Soraru then sighed again when he saw how Mafumafu was eating.

The whipped cream got on his face as Soraru wiped it away and licked it off his finger. Mafumafu tried to comprehend what just happened before his face was as red as Sakata's hair.

"Jeez... try to not make a mess. You're an adult already, aren't you?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu only nodded and continued eating, careful to not get any more cream on his face.

He wondered how Soraru could do all of that with a straight face. After they finished eating, Soraru cleaned everything up and Mafumafu waited in the living room for the other to come as well.

Soraru arrived a few minutes later as he sat down next to the albino before taking the remote control. Mafumafu thought they were going to play video games or something similar to that because that's what they usually would always do.

So he was confused when Gochiusa suddenly started. "Eh? Why are we watching Gochiusa?", Mafumafu asked.

"You always bothered me to watch it with you, didn't you? And now we're going to watch it.", Soraru explained. Now Mafumafu was happy, don't get him wrong. But he still didn't get why the ravenette was like this all of a sudden.

He always refused to watch it with him whenever he asked so he wondered why he would suddenly suggest to watch Gochiusa from his side.

And when Soraru suddenly hugged him while watching, he got worried.

"Soraru-san, are you sick? Did something happen? You can always tell me, you know?", Mafumafu asked as the raven-haired male raised his eyebrow confused. "Huh? I am fine.

But if you want me to stop, I can do so at anytime.", Soraru said as he pulled away. But as soon as Mafumafu noticed this, he closed the gap again as he hugged the other male.

"No... I like being like this...", Mafumafu admitted as he couldn't see Soraru's expression but only heard him hum.

"Let's continue watching the anime then.", Soraru said as Mafumafu nodded and they continued watching Gochiusa while being in each other's arms.


"That was nice~", Mafumafu said as he stretched a bit. They watched the whole anime and now the sun was already slowly setting. "Thanks for inviting me over, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu thanked the older male, offering him a bright smile.

"You're welcome. But Mafu, before you go, I want to give you something.", Soraru said as he stood up making the albino growing curious.

Mafumafu tilted his head confused when Soraru arrived with a blue rectangulared box with a white ribbon tied around it. And that's when Mafumafu realized something.

That today must have been a special date that he forgot. "Soraru-san?! Is today a special day?! I'm so sorry for forgetting it! I didn't buy you anything!", Mafumafu said nervously as Soraru chuckled lightly making the albino stop in his tracks.

"Relax. Today's a special day I guess. But it's not for you to give me something but for me to repay you for valentines.", he said and that's when it finally dawned for the albino.

Today was White Day.

Now that Mafumafu thought about it, Soraru did say something about giving him a present back on White Day.

"B-but you didn't need to do that... My chocolates weren't even good...", Mafumafu mumbled as Soraru interrupted him.

"Yeah, just open the present. Also, don't just speak as if I hated those chocolates. I liked them, alright?", Soraru assured him and Mafumafu was about to say something again but he stopped himself when he saw that the raven-haired male would argue and try to convince him even more if he would say something like his chocolates being bad or such again.

So the albino just took off the ribbon and opened the box to see a silver necklace with a small silver umbrella and a light clear crystal looking like a raindrop dangling there.

Mafumafu started at it in awe and he didn't want to be too emotional as he blinked his tears away. "Do you like it?", Soraru asked and Mafumafu nodded immediately. He looked at Soraru who was sighing fondly as he took the necklace and leaned forward to put it on Mafumafu.

Mafumafu held in his breath when he felt how close Soraru was. Yeah, they were together but he still felt nervous with these kinds of things. Soraru was so close that Mafumafu froze and waited for the raven-haired male to pull away.

He really wondered why he couldn't have just turned around so Soraru wouldn't have to be so close to him.

Soraru would have probably reasoned with something like that it was easier to do it this way. But the two of them didn't say anything as they knew that they both wanted to be close to each other like this.

Soraru soon pulled away though to take a look at his lover with the necklace he bought for him and smiled when he saw how the other was blushing but looked like he was still in daze.

"It suits you.", Soraru complimented as the albino thanked him sheepishly.

"I really like it... it reminds me of us. It is like it was made to represent us.", Mafumafu said as the older male hummed in response.

Mafumafu was entirely correct after all. Soraru tried to find someone who would make a necklace which would fit his descriptions.

And after searching for so long, he found one person who could do it and he was so happy to find a good present for his partner. To be honest, it was very tiring and energy consuming.

"Thank you very much, Soraru-san! I don't know how I could ever repay you for all the things you've ever done for me!", Mafumafu exclaimed smiling brightly with a light blush still covering his face. But seeing Mafumafu with such a smile, showed Soraru that it was totally worth it.

He still decided that he could at least get some reward for his hard work though as he thought of something. "Well, if you really want to repay me then...", Soraru started as he went closer to the younger male who was confused and leaned back a bit. The ravenette took the other's hand as he intertwined them and put his other hand on the other's cheek.

He took a good look at the albino and found it amusing how red the other's face was. After a few more seconds, he leaned in and pressed his lips onto the other's lips. When he pulled away, he leaned his forehead against the younger male's who looked back at him.

"For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part and there to I pledge thee my faith or pledge myself to you...

I hope that we are going to be together like this and as After the Rain for now and in the future... So will you repay me by staying together with me?", Soraru asked and Mafumafu couldn't stop his tears anymore as he nodded before he threw himself into the other burying his face into Soraru's chest.

"Yes!", Mafumafu answered as Soraru sighed relieved as he patted the younger's head.

"Happy White Day, Mafu. I hope you enjoyed this day.", Soraru simply said as Mafumafu looked up smiling still not letting go of their hug.

"Yes! Thanks for today! I love you! Happy White Day, Soraru-san!"

I'm sorry if you find some mistakes ww I wrote this in a rush because I really wanted to have something for White Day~ Cause I asked some questions on Valentines, how about doing some now as well?

Did you get/give someone back something on White day?
I didn't ww Because I didn't even celebrate valentines and no one really knows about White day here www

If you answered yes above, what did you give/get?
You can guess my answer already www

Just out of curiosity (got nothing to do with White Day ww) What is your favorite subject?
Mine is music~ It's a really nice subject because it's relaxing and music is a really nice thing~

Well, that's all today~ My best friend and I played around on picrew today and did our ocs of each other and of ourselves and now I'm just gonna put them here because why not? The ones we did of ourselves are here www

If you read this, Vic, Happy White Day~ Even though you only learned about its existence today www And Happy White Day to everyone else as well~

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