Spirits Part 1 (Yokai Series)

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Yokai AU (Series)
Collab with: -L1GHT
Pairings: Soramafu, Urasaka, Shimasen, Kashitsuki, Evesou, Soraru & Nqrse, Nanamori & Root, Colon & Satomi

Thanks for asking me to collab with you and coming up with so many ideas for this series like the plot and the au~ I had a lot of fun doing this with you and can't wait to continue it with you UwU

Mafumafu was walking, fastening his pace a bit as he headed towards Soraru's house. They wanted to do a collab together which is why they decided to meet up at the raven-haired's house to do it. When the albino arrived, he stopped in front of the door, taking some time to collect his breath as he was just a shut-in, before he knocked on the door waiting for Soraru to open the door.

But, Soraru was actually sleeping, so he couldn't go to the door and open it. He was really tired, since he stayed up almost all night, because of work. But in fact, Soraru was some kind of yokai.. Like a male yuki onna ? He was supposed to hide it, but he was so tired that he forgot to hide his "yokai features". So now, he was wearing a blue yukata, and had a really pale skin, while a cold wind could be felt in his bedroom, because of his powers.

Mafumafu waited for a bit longer until he grew worried when the older male still didn't come to open the door. He knocked once again which went unanswered. In panic, Mafumafu pulled out the spare keys that Soraru gave him in case of emergencies and opened the door as he rushed in, immediately feeling a cold wind blowing at him as he hugged himself before running inside.

He ran further into the house as he felt his surroundings growing colder after every step before he finally arrived in the bedroom and spotted the raven-haired male sitting by his desk.

He was confused as to why the room was so cold like winter entered the room as he walked to Soraru only to see him in a kimono which confused him even more. He wondered how the older male was even able to sleep in this cold as he lightly shook the older male trying not to freeze to death. "Soraru-san? Wake up."

The blue haired's eyes opened, and he stared at the albino for some seconds, not understanding why he was here. He then remembered about the song, and mentally cursed at him for forgetting about it. But just after that, he realized that Mafumafu was seeing his yokai form, which made him panicking a little. The younger wasn't supposed to see this. "Uh...Okay, I should explain, right ?"

Mafumafu nodded as he hugged himself feeling cold. "Why is everything so cold in here? This is too abnormal to be just some air conditioning...", Mafumafu pointed out. "I'm really confused so yes, please explain everything."

The older sighed, before putting his human form again. The cold couldn't be felt anymore. He put his hand on his forehead while thinking of how he should explain the whole situation. He knew he couldn't lie, since the albino just saw him changing his form. "So... How should I explain this..?" He finally looked at the younger, before sighing again. "I am what you can call a yokai. Is it clear enough?"

Mafumafu blinked a few times trying to comprehend what Soraru had just told him before his face morphed into one of shock.

"Eh? Ehh?! You are a yokai?! Like an actual yokai?! Like a real one?!", Mafumafu asked trying to make sure that he just actually understood right when the raven-haired male just literally told him that he was a yokai.

He smirked at Mafumafu when he saw how shocked was the younger right, now. He was finding his reaction quite funny, actually. "Yup. Do I look like I'm joking right now ? I'm not the only yokai that you know, though. There are quite a lot actually.."

"Wait, there are even more yokai?! And I know some of them?! Who is, who is? And are they all just like you, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked curiously as he leaned in, wanting to know more.

He nodded. "Yes, there are some. But they are not like me. There are different kinds of yokai. I'm like a male version of a yuki onna. But, hum, i guess I should call the others to tell them to come here."

"Ehh? So it's fine for me to meet them?", Mafumafu asked happily as he thought that this situation was rather fascinating than terrifying to him. Shocking, yes. But he was not scared. After all, he knew that Soraru was not the kind of person to hurt him.

He nodded once again. "Well, yes. I mean, you won't hurt them, and I'm pretty sure they won't hurt you neither..I think."

"You think?! They're not going to hurt me, right? And if they try to, you'll help me, right?", Mafumafu asked.

"Of course I'll help you." He sighed. "I'm pretty sure Luz won't hurt you, since he is... Since he is himself."

"Ah, so Luz is one too! Well, good thing that it's him then~", Mafumafu said giggling. "And I knew I could depend on you, Soraru-san! I'll count on you then~", Mafumafu exclaimed as he hugged the other male happily who was still sitting.

He slightly blushed when he felt Mafumafu hug him, and smiled. "You do know that if you keep hugging me, I won't be able to call them, right?"

"Oh right! Sorry!", Mafumafu apologized as he pulled away to let Soraru have some room to call the others. "Go ahead then~"

He nodded, and took his phone. "Hm, you know what ? I'm too tired to call them, I will just text them. All my yokai friends, you know them, except Root and Riinu."

"Eh~ So I know all your yokai friends except two people? I wonder who that is... Hm... Is Ama-chan a yokai?", Mafumafu asked curiously while Soraru was texting his yokai friends.

He looked at Mafumafu before watching his phone again, while talking. "Nope. Amatsuki is a real human."

"Not~? Um... is Sakatan a yokai then?", Mafumafu guessed next fidgeting excited as he was really curious.

He nodded. "Yep. Sakata is an Inugami. I guess you can say he has a dog spirit inside him. I know, it fits very well with his personnality." He smirked.

Mafumafu clapped his hands as he was now laughing and nodded. "You're right! That fits him perfectly.", Mafumafu agreed as he continued laughing.

He slightly smiled when he heard the albino's laugh, before putting his phone on his desk. "Done. They probably will take some time to come here, since some of them are probably with their bands, or just because they are quite far away from here."

"I see~ Well, I don't think I can focus on work so tell me more about yourself and how it's like being a yokai until the others come!", Mafumafu suggested as he plopped himself on Soraru's bed and hugged a pillow.

"Hm.." He thought for some time, before sighing. "It's nothing special, really. You just have powers or a different form, that you have to hide, since we don't know how real humans will react if every yokai starts showing his real form, or his powers.

But sometimes, it can be fun. You can use your powers to make someone scared because he doesn't understand what's happening." He finally smirked. What a sadistic man.

Mafumafu blushed slightly when he saw Soraru smirking which was rare as the older male always had his expressionless face as a default. He tried to compose himself though as he spoke up again.

"E-eh~ I never thought that Soraru-san could be such a sadist~", Mafumafu said before he quickly changed the topic though.

"Wait, if you are a yokai, does that mean that you are older than I thought?", Mafumafu asked as he held a hand in front of his mouth feigning shock. "I-is Soraru-san actually an old man?"

He glared at the younger. "Oi. I'm not that old for a yokai."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Soraru-san~ I'm sure you are very young being only 600 years old.", Mafumafu teased giggling.

He sighed. "I'm not even 600 years old, stop exaggerating everything."

"Well, how old are you then, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as he tilted his head.

"Hm.. Almost 550 years old."

"Eh?! That is really close to 600 years though! I wasn't even that off!", Mafumafu exclaimed.

"You missed 50 years. I could say you're almost 70 years old if i use your logic." He sighed.

"Yeah, but it's different for me cause I am human and you're not!", Mafumafu pouted as he crossed his arms. "By the way, can yokais live forever or are they going to die someday?"

He thought for a while, before talking. "Depends of the yokai."

"I see... What about you then, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as he slightly frowned asking this.

He looked at the albino. "Hm.. I don't think i will be immortal. I will probably live a long time, yes, but not the eternity."

"I see... Well, you better stay with me and make music with me until the end of my short human life then~!", Mafumafu joked.

"Don't worry, I will." Oh, he was serious.

Mafumafu was surprised at how serious Soraru was and was really touched as he felt like tearing up. But instead he just blinked and nodded happily. "Good~ I will annoy you as much as I can then~!"

Soraru patted the white-haired boy's head. "Sorry, sorry."

Mafumafu blushed as Soraru did. that as he looked down to hide his face but tried not to show it. "A-anyways, when do you think are the others coming?"

"Probably soon." He sighed.

"Alright... Do you want to play some games until the others come?", Mafumafu suggested.

"Sure, why not? Splatoon? I suddenly feel the urge to see you lose."

"Eh?! You know that I'm bad at games that are moving too much...", Mafumafu mumbled. But he hated how Soraru thought that he would definitely win as he nodded. "Fine! I will win this and show you that you're not as good as you think!", Mafumafu exclaimed determined.

"If you say so." He smirked.

Mafumafu wanted to wipe that smirk off Soraru as he waited for Soraru to set up the game before he took one controller.

He finally setted the game,still smirking a little.

They started the game as Mafumafu started shooting the heck out of his shooter which he randomly chose cause he had no idea how to play splatoon. And he felt his head spinning after a few minutes as he just started pressing the buttons on the controller randomly.

He saw Mafumafu wasn't feeling really well -Of course it was a really moving game- and stopped the game. "Are you okay ?"

"I-I'm fine! I will win this!", Mafumafu said determined as he gripped the controller tightly, ready to fight for this game to win.

"Are you sure ? You know, I can give up if you're not feeling well."

"Nooo~ That would mean that you would have let me win and I don't want that~", Mafumafu whined.

He sighed. "Your health is more important, Mafu. That wouldn't be a win if you weren't feeling good, you know ?"

"Fine... Let's call it a tie then...", Mafumafu gave up pouting.

"Good, good. Thanks." He patted the other's head.

Mafumafu felt his small headache slowly fading away as a small smile settled on his face and he leaned closer to the older male's hand, humming contently.

He then heard a knock on the door. Oh, they were already here. They were quick.

Mafumafu flinched slightly because he was slightly started. "Ah, I will get the door!", Mafumafu said as he stumbled to get up and walk to the door.

«Ooh, hi Mafu-san.»

Urata looked at the albino, while Shima waved happily.

"Eh? So Uratan and Shima-san are both yokais?", Mafumafu asked surprised. "Me too, me too, Mafudon~", a redhead exclaimed as he waved as well. "Well, let's all go in first!", Mafumafu said as he stepped aside for them to come in.

Shima came in, dragging Urata. The blue-haired male just waved at the three of them.

"So basically everyone besides Senra-kun is a yokai in USSS?", Mafumafu asked curiously as he sat back down next to Soraru. "Does he know about you guys being yokais?"

"Of course not ! We agreed to keep that hidden, since we don't want Senra-kun to hate us or to be scared of us~ !" Shima explained.

"I see... Well, what type of yokais are you guys then?", Mafumafu asked curiously. "Ah, Sakatan doesn't have to answer cause Soraru-san already told me~"

Urata sighed. "I can change into a tanuki. While Shima is an inccubus." The purple-haired nodded at the shortest male's words.

Mafumafu hummed as he nodded. "I see I see~ Now I finally get why your mascot is a tanuki, Uratan~"

"Took you long enough. Aaanyways. How did you find out Soraru-san was a yokai ?"

"Oh, I just walked in while he was sleeping in his yokai form when we were supposed to meet for the next AtR song~", Mafumafu chirped.

"Woah, how dumb of you, Soraru-san~." Shima smirked, while the older shot a glare at him. "Shut up."

"Eh~ And here I always thought that I was the idiot of the group! Soraru-san, don't take that title away from me!", Sakata complained.

"You're still the dumbest person in the world, don't worry." Urata smirked.

"Ok, I don't agree with that! Mashi, you're on my side, right?!", Sakata asked as he looked at Shima expectantly.

"Eeeehh..Sorry Sakata." Shima laughed a little.

Sakata gasped in shock as he felt betrayed. "N-no way... you too, Mashi?", Sakata asked as the next thing they knew, he sat in a corner hugging his knees.

Urata sighed and came near the younger, before patting his head. "Sorry, sorry, i guess."

"U-ura-san~", Sakata whined as he turned around and hugged the brunet, burying his face into the other's stomach because he was kneeling as you could basically see a dog tail wagging happily. Urata sighed.

Mafumafu just watched them for a bit before he turned towards the other two. "By the way, how many more people are going to come?", Mafumafu asked.

"Hmm..Everyone said they could come, so...Five other persons." Soraru answered as he was looking at his phone.

"Oh~ I can't believe that I never noticed anything after such a long time, being surrounded by yokais!", Mafumafu exclaimed giggling.

"Eve is a yokai, Kashitaro is one too, aand Luz, Root and Riinu are too !" Shima smiled.

"Oh~ So Eve-kun and Kashitaro-san are also yokais... Is Kashitaro-san a fox?! I can't accept any other answer than that~", Mafumafu joked.

"Don't worry, he is a nine-tailed fox." The blue-haired male looked at the albino.

"Well, that suits him~ What about Eve-kun and Luz-kun?", Mafumafu asked curiously.

"Eve-san is a Nogitsune. Basically an evil kitsune, while Luz-san is a Baku. You can say a dream-eater." Urata explained.

"Ohhh~ What about this Riinu-san and Root-san then?", Mafumafu asked excited.

"Root is an amanojaku, soo he can reveal your darkest thoughts and makes you want to realize them right now, and Riinu is an Hainu, just a dog with wings !" Shima smiled.

"So Riinu-san is basically like an updated version of Sakatan~!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Sakata gasped and tightened the hug on Urata. "Eh?! I'm just as good as Riinu-chan!"

"Of course you are, idiot." Urata smirked.

Sakata gasped surprised before he smiled happily. "Ura-san agrees with me~ He agrees with me!"

"Yeah yeah, don't get used to it." He then noticed Shima's big smile. "Ura-san's still a tsundere." The shortest male ended up glaring at him.

"I mean... he's not wrong~", Mafumafu agreed.

"And how come you say nothing to Soraru,Mafu-san ? Is it because you prefer him ?" Urata teased.

"Eh?! That's not it! I just agreed with Shima-san!", Mafumafu defended himself with a small blush on his face. "Besides, it goes without saying that Soraru-san is also a tsundere!"

"Hey !" Soraru glared at the albino.

"Uwah, I'm sorry~", Mafumafu apologized. "But it's true and everyone knows it!"

"Just shut up.." He sighed, and heard a knock on the door, again.

"Ah, I'll get that~!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he stood up and runs to the door again to let whoever would come in.

Oh, Luz and Kashitaro were here. Luz hugged the albino. "Hi Mafu-kun !"

"Hi, Luz-kun~", Mafumafu greeted as he hugged back giggling lightly. "Hello to you too, Kashitaro-san~"

"Hello Mafumafu-san !" Kashitaro slightly smiled at Mafumafu, while Luz pulled away from the hug.

"Come in, come in~", Mafumafu told them as he walked back in where the other yokais were waiting for them.

Luz quickly came in and waved at the others, before sitting, while Kashitaro just came in. "Helloo. I see that there only Eve, Root and Riinu are missing, riight ?" Shima quickly nodded.

"We were just talking about what kind of yokais you were and such and I have been wondering... am I the only one who knows that you guys are yokais or are there more people who know?", Mafumafu asked.

"Huh.. I think you are the only one who knows that." Kashitaro said.

"Which means that Soraru-san is the only one who was too careless~", Sakata added.

"Hey ! I was tired, and I was sleeping. And we both know that if Shima and Urata were not here, Senra would've already probably guessed you were a yokai, idiot." The older sighed.

"I don't just fall asleep on a day where I was supposed to be meeting a human so I wouldn't have revealed myself! Right guys?", Sakata asked looking at the others.

"I fell asleep at 3am." Soraru mumbled, while Kashitaro laughed a little. "Sakata's not wrong, though. You made a mistake, Soraru."

"Kashitaro-san said I'm not wrong~! There is someone in here who believes me! I love you, Kashitaro-san~!", Sakata exclaimed as he leaped at the taller brunet.

"Thaanks." He patted the younger's head.

"Sakatan is just like a dog ww Wait, I guess he is actually a dog.", Mafumafu corrected himself after he said that.

"Mafu-kun probably never saw Riinu if he says that about Sakata. Riinu is muuch worse than Sakata-san." Luz laughed.

"Ehh? There is actually someone worse than Sakatan when it comes to this?", Mafumafu asked surprised. Luz nodded quickly.

"Uwah, I can't wait to meet them then~", Mafumafu chirped excitedly hopping up and down.

"Aaah, i hope Root won't be too sadistic today.." Shima said, mentally praying for this.

"Eh... is Root-san a sadist?", Mafumafu asked as he imagined the said sadist in his head, shivering slightly.

"He looks cute and is really young, but he is reeally violent." Shima then sighed after he finished talking.

"Uwah, I hope this will go alright and won't end up too chaotic...", Mafumafu said.

"It will surely end up chaotic." Soraru said.

"I think even I will end up being tired after today~", Sakata chirped.

"Good, we won't hear you that much if you're tired." Urata smirked.

"How mean, Ura-san! It almost sounds as if I'm annoying! I'm not annoying, right? Right?", Sakata asked to no one particular.

"You are." Soraru said.

"Ok, someone else besides Soraru-san. I'm not annoying, right?", Sakata asked looking away from the raven-haired male.

"You can be quite annoying sometimes,but.." Luz smiled.

"But?", Sakata repeated wanting to hear the positive side of this.

"People get attached to you really quickly because of this, and even if he denies it, Urata don't think you're annoyiiing." He smiled even more, and Urata glared at Luz.

"Aw, you don't think I'm annoying, Ura-san?", Sakata asked hopeful as he looked at the shorter brunet.

"Shut. Up. Idiot." He smacked the red-head's forehead.

"Ow! So mean, Ura-san!", Sakata whined Holding his forehead in pain. "I see... so smacking someone's forehead is the typical tsundere move...", Mafumafu said nodding. Kashitaro laughed a little.

The door rang again as Mafumafu noticed this and stood up to get the door. "Ah! Let's hope that this will be everyone then~"

"I have enough of people knocking and ringing..." Soraru sighed.

"You are not the one who gets the door every time even though this is your house, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu exclaimed.

Soraru sighed,and got up, before looking at the people at the entrance. "You sure got your time, right ? Everyone is already here."

"I'm sorry, Soraru-san. I tried to come here fast but Riinu-kun just wouldn't wake up so it took some time...", a blond male said. "But don't worry, I will handle him faster next time~", he assured Soraru as Riinu whined. "Root-kun is so mean~ I thought I was going to die or something.", Riinu exclaimed before the two of them got into the house.

Soraru sighed, while Eve laughed a little. "Sorry, I was with Sou. Anyways." He then got into the house, before sitting on the floor.

"Well... everyone is here now! But... what was the purpose of this?", Mafumafu asked as he scratched his cheek, laughing sheepishly.

"So ! We wanted to warn you,Mafu-kun ! Since you know our secret, you do know you have to keep this secret right ?"

Mafumafu nodded as he clapped his hands together. "Don't worry! You're all my friends so your secret is save with me!", Mafumafu assured them.

"I also wanted to show you that nobody changed even if you know we are all yokais. We won't hurt you. Maybe Root would say he could hurt you, but be won't. Anyways. Just wanted to make sure you wasn't scared of us." Soraru explained.

"I will believe your words then!", Mafumafu exclaimed. He looked forward to learning more about yokais and knew that this would be a life experience he'd never forget. "It's nice to meet you again! I hope we'll all get along~!"

Thanks for reading this long chapter until the end~ I hope you guys had fun reading this! By the way, the event will go on until April 10th at 23:30 CET before I'll dm the winner~! I also finished the second fairytale chapter so one more to go until I'll publish all at once! Until then... Sayonyara!

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